blob: 932582c3d4bdcf044f00f8fdf1ca68f3346208ca [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Demultiplexer for a MPEG 1 or 2 Program Stream
// Implementation
#include "MPEG1or2Demux.hh"
#include "MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream.hh"
#include "StreamParser.hh"
#include <stdlib.h>
////////// MPEGProgramStreamParser definition //////////
// An enum representing the current state of the parser:
enum MPEGParseState {
class MPEGProgramStreamParser: public StreamParser {
MPEGProgramStreamParser(MPEG1or2Demux* usingDemux, FramedSource* inputSource);
virtual ~MPEGProgramStreamParser();
unsigned char parse();
// returns the stream id of a stream for which a frame was acquired,
// or 0 if no such frame was acquired.
void setParseState(MPEGParseState parseState);
void parsePackHeader();
void parseSystemHeader();
unsigned char parsePESPacket(); // returns as does parse()
Boolean isSpecialStreamId(unsigned char stream_id) const;
// for PES packet header parsing
MPEG1or2Demux* fUsingDemux;
MPEGParseState fCurrentParseState;
////////// MPEG1or2Demux::OutputDescriptor::SavedData definition/implementation //////////
class MPEG1or2Demux::OutputDescriptor::SavedData {
SavedData(unsigned char* buf, unsigned size)
: next(NULL), data(buf), dataSize(size), numBytesUsed(0) {
virtual ~SavedData() {
delete[] data;
delete next;
SavedData* next;
unsigned char* data;
unsigned dataSize, numBytesUsed;
////////// MPEG1or2Demux implementation //////////
::MPEG1or2Demux(UsageEnvironment& env,
FramedSource* inputSource, Boolean reclaimWhenLastESDies)
: Medium(env),
fInputSource(inputSource), fMPEGversion(0),
fNextAudioStreamNumber(0), fNextVideoStreamNumber(0),
fReclaimWhenLastESDies(reclaimWhenLastESDies), fNumOutstandingESs(0),
fNumPendingReads(0), fHaveUndeliveredData(False) {
fParser = new MPEGProgramStreamParser(this, inputSource);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
fOutput[i].savedDataHead = fOutput[i].savedDataTail = NULL;
fOutput[i].isPotentiallyReadable = False;
fOutput[i].isCurrentlyActive = False;
fOutput[i].isCurrentlyAwaitingData = False;
MPEG1or2Demux::~MPEG1or2Demux() {
delete fParser;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) delete fOutput[i].savedDataHead;
MPEG1or2Demux* MPEG1or2Demux
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env,
FramedSource* inputSource, Boolean reclaimWhenLastESDies) {
// Need to add source type checking here??? #####
return new MPEG1or2Demux(env, inputSource, reclaimWhenLastESDies);
: highBit(0), remainingBits(0), extension(0), isValid(False) {
void MPEG1or2Demux
::noteElementaryStreamDeletion(MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream* /*es*/) {
if (--fNumOutstandingESs == 0 && fReclaimWhenLastESDies) {
void MPEG1or2Demux::flushInput() {
MPEG1or2Demux::newElementaryStream(u_int8_t streamIdTag) {
fOutput[streamIdTag].isPotentiallyReadable = True;
return new MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream(envir(), streamIdTag, *this);
MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream* MPEG1or2Demux::newAudioStream() {
unsigned char newAudioStreamTag = 0xC0 | (fNextAudioStreamNumber++&~0xE0);
// MPEG audio stream tags are 110x xxxx (binary)
return newElementaryStream(newAudioStreamTag);
MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream* MPEG1or2Demux::newVideoStream() {
unsigned char newVideoStreamTag = 0xE0 | (fNextVideoStreamNumber++&~0xF0);
// MPEG video stream tags are 1110 xxxx (binary)
return newElementaryStream(newVideoStreamTag);
// Appropriate one of the reserved stream id tags to mean: return raw PES packets:
#define RAW_PES 0xFC
MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream* MPEG1or2Demux::newRawPESStream() {
return newElementaryStream(RAW_PES);
void MPEG1or2Demux::registerReadInterest(u_int8_t streamIdTag,
unsigned char* to, unsigned maxSize,
FramedSource::afterGettingFunc* afterGettingFunc,
void* afterGettingClientData,
FramedSource::onCloseFunc* onCloseFunc,
void* onCloseClientData) {
struct OutputDescriptor& out = fOutput[streamIdTag];
// Make sure this stream is not already being read:
if (out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData) {
envir() << "MPEG1or2Demux::registerReadInterest(): attempt to read stream more than once!\n";
} = to; out.maxSize = maxSize;
out.fAfterGettingFunc = afterGettingFunc;
out.afterGettingClientData = afterGettingClientData;
out.fOnCloseFunc = onCloseFunc;
out.onCloseClientData = onCloseClientData;
out.isCurrentlyActive = True;
out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData = True;
// out.frameSize and out.presentationTime will be set when a frame's read
Boolean MPEG1or2Demux::useSavedData(u_int8_t streamIdTag,
unsigned char* to, unsigned maxSize,
FramedSource::afterGettingFunc* afterGettingFunc,
void* afterGettingClientData) {
struct OutputDescriptor& out = fOutput[streamIdTag];
if (out.savedDataHead == NULL) return False; // common case
unsigned totNumBytesCopied = 0;
while (maxSize > 0 && out.savedDataHead != NULL) {
OutputDescriptor::SavedData& savedData = *(out.savedDataHead);
unsigned char* from = &[savedData.numBytesUsed];
unsigned numBytesToCopy = savedData.dataSize - savedData.numBytesUsed;
if (numBytesToCopy > maxSize) numBytesToCopy = maxSize;
memmove(to, from, numBytesToCopy);
to += numBytesToCopy;
maxSize -= numBytesToCopy;
out.savedDataTotalSize -= numBytesToCopy;
totNumBytesCopied += numBytesToCopy;
savedData.numBytesUsed += numBytesToCopy;
if (savedData.numBytesUsed == savedData.dataSize) {
out.savedDataHead =;
if (out.savedDataHead == NULL) out.savedDataTail = NULL; = NULL;
delete &savedData;
out.isCurrentlyActive = True;
if (afterGettingFunc != NULL) {
struct timeval presentationTime;
presentationTime.tv_sec = 0; presentationTime.tv_usec = 0; // should fix #####
(*afterGettingFunc)(afterGettingClientData, totNumBytesCopied,
0 /* numTruncatedBytes */, presentationTime,
0 /* durationInMicroseconds ?????#####*/);
return True;
void MPEG1or2Demux
::continueReadProcessing(void* clientData,
unsigned char* /*ptr*/, unsigned /*size*/,
struct timeval /*presentationTime*/) {
MPEG1or2Demux* demux = (MPEG1or2Demux*)clientData;
void MPEG1or2Demux::continueReadProcessing() {
while (fNumPendingReads > 0) {
unsigned char acquiredStreamIdTag = fParser->parse();
if (acquiredStreamIdTag != 0) {
// We were able to acquire a frame from the input.
struct OutputDescriptor& newOut = fOutput[acquiredStreamIdTag];
newOut.isCurrentlyAwaitingData = False;
// indicates that we can be read again
// (This needs to be set before the 'after getting' call below,
// in case it tries to read another frame)
// Call our own 'after getting' function. Because we're not a 'leaf'
// source, we can call this directly, without risking infinite recursion.
if (newOut.fAfterGettingFunc != NULL) {
newOut.frameSize, 0 /* numTruncatedBytes */,
0 /* durationInMicroseconds ?????#####*/);
} else {
// We were unable to parse a complete frame from the input, because:
// - we had to read more data from the source stream, or
// - we found a frame for a stream that was being read, but whose
// reader is not ready to get the frame right now, or
// - the source stream has ended.
void MPEG1or2Demux::getNextFrame(u_int8_t streamIdTag,
unsigned char* to, unsigned maxSize,
FramedSource::afterGettingFunc* afterGettingFunc,
void* afterGettingClientData,
FramedSource::onCloseFunc* onCloseFunc,
void* onCloseClientData) {
// First, check whether we have saved data for this stream id:
if (useSavedData(streamIdTag, to, maxSize,
afterGettingFunc, afterGettingClientData)) {
// Then save the parameters of the specified stream id:
registerReadInterest(streamIdTag, to, maxSize,
afterGettingFunc, afterGettingClientData,
onCloseFunc, onCloseClientData);
// Next, if we're the only currently pending read, continue looking for data:
if (fNumPendingReads == 1 || fHaveUndeliveredData) {
fHaveUndeliveredData = 0;
} // otherwise the continued read processing has already been taken care of
void MPEG1or2Demux::stopGettingFrames(u_int8_t streamIdTag) {
struct OutputDescriptor& out = fOutput[streamIdTag];
if (out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData && fNumPendingReads > 0) --fNumPendingReads;
out.isCurrentlyActive = out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData = False;
void MPEG1or2Demux::handleClosure(void* clientData) {
MPEG1or2Demux* demux = (MPEG1or2Demux*)clientData;
demux->fNumPendingReads = 0;
// Tell all pending readers that our source has closed.
// Note that we need to make a copy of our readers' close functions
// (etc.) before we start calling any of them, in case one of them
// ends up deleting this.
struct {
FramedSource::onCloseFunc* fOnCloseFunc;
void* onCloseClientData;
} savedPending[256];
unsigned i, numPending = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
struct OutputDescriptor& out = demux->fOutput[i];
if (out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData) {
if (out.fOnCloseFunc != NULL) {
savedPending[numPending].fOnCloseFunc = out.fOnCloseFunc;
savedPending[numPending].onCloseClientData = out.onCloseClientData;
delete out.savedDataHead; out.savedDataHead = out.savedDataTail = NULL;
out.savedDataTotalSize = 0;
out.isPotentiallyReadable = out.isCurrentlyActive = out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData
= False;
for (i = 0; i < numPending; ++i) {
////////// MPEGProgramStreamParser implementation //////////
#include <string.h>
MPEGProgramStreamParser::MPEGProgramStreamParser(MPEG1or2Demux* usingDemux,
FramedSource* inputSource)
: StreamParser(inputSource, MPEG1or2Demux::handleClosure, usingDemux,
&MPEG1or2Demux::continueReadProcessing, usingDemux),
fUsingDemux(usingDemux), fCurrentParseState(PARSING_PACK_HEADER) {
MPEGProgramStreamParser::~MPEGProgramStreamParser() {
void MPEGProgramStreamParser::setParseState(MPEGParseState parseState) {
fCurrentParseState = parseState;
unsigned char MPEGProgramStreamParser::parse() {
unsigned char acquiredStreamTagId = 0;
try {
do {
switch (fCurrentParseState) {
acquiredStreamTagId = parsePESPacket();
} while(acquiredStreamTagId == 0);
return acquiredStreamTagId;
} catch (int /*e*/) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "MPEGProgramStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not* an error)\n");
return 0; // the parsing got interrupted
#define PACK_START_CODE 0x000001BA
#define PACKET_START_CODE_PREFIX 0x00000100
static inline Boolean isPacketStartCode(unsigned code) {
void MPEGProgramStreamParser::parsePackHeader() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parsing pack header\n"); fflush(stderr);
unsigned first4Bytes;
while (1) {
first4Bytes = test4Bytes();
// We're supposed to have a pack header here, but check also for
// a system header or a PES packet, just in case:
if (first4Bytes == PACK_START_CODE) {
} else if (first4Bytes == SYSTEM_HEADER_START_CODE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "found system header instead of pack header\n");
} else if (isPacketStartCode(first4Bytes)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "found packet start code 0x%02x instead of pack header\n", first4Bytes);
setParseState(PARSING_PACK_HEADER); // ensures we progress over bad data
if ((first4Bytes&0xFF) > 1) { // a system code definitely doesn't start here
} else {
// The size of the pack header differs depending on whether it's
// MPEG-1 or MPEG-2. The next byte tells us this:
unsigned char nextByte = get1Byte();
MPEG1or2Demux::SCR& scr = fUsingDemux->fLastSeenSCR; // alias
if ((nextByte&0xF0) == 0x20) { // MPEG-1
fUsingDemux->fMPEGversion = 1;
scr.highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
scr.remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
scr.remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
scr.remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
scr.extension = 0;
scr.isValid = True;
fprintf(stderr, "pack hdr system_clock_reference_base: 0x%x",
fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", scr.remainingBits);
} else if ((nextByte&0xC0) == 0x40) { // MPEG-2
fUsingDemux->fMPEGversion = 2;
scr.highBit = (nextByte&0x20)>>5;
scr.remainingBits = (nextByte&0x18)<<27;
scr.remainingBits |= (nextByte&0x03)<<28;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
scr.remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFF80000)>>4;
scr.remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0003FFF8)>>3;
scr.extension = (next4Bytes&0x00000003)<<7;
next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
scr.extension |= (next4Bytes&0xFE000000)>>25;
scr.isValid = True;
fprintf(stderr, "pack hdr system_clock_reference_base: 0x%x",
fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", scr.remainingBits);
fprintf(stderr, "pack hdr system_clock_reference_extension: 0x%03x\n",
unsigned char pack_stuffing_length = getBits(3);
} else { // unknown
fUsingDemux->envir() << "StreamParser::parsePack() saw strange byte following pack_start_code\n";
// Check for a System Header next:
void MPEGProgramStreamParser::parseSystemHeader() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parsing system header\n"); fflush(stderr);
unsigned next4Bytes = test4Bytes();
if (next4Bytes != SYSTEM_HEADER_START_CODE) {
// The system header was optional. Look for a PES Packet instead:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "saw system_header_start_code\n"); fflush(stderr);
skipBytes(4); // we've already seen the system_header_start_code
unsigned short remaining_header_length = get2Bytes();
// According to the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 specs, "remaining_header_length" should be
// at least 6 bytes. Check this now:
if (remaining_header_length < 6) {
fUsingDemux->envir() << "StreamParser::parseSystemHeader(): saw strange header_length: "
<< remaining_header_length << " < 6\n";
// Check for a PES Packet next:
#define private_stream_1 0xBD
#define private_stream_2 0xBF
// A test for stream ids that are exempt from normal PES packet header parsing
Boolean MPEGProgramStreamParser
::isSpecialStreamId(unsigned char stream_id) const {
if (stream_id == RAW_PES) return True; // hack
if (fUsingDemux->fMPEGversion == 1) {
return stream_id == private_stream_2;
} else { // assume MPEG-2
if (stream_id <= private_stream_2) {
return stream_id != private_stream_1;
} else if ((stream_id&0xF0) == 0xF0) {
unsigned char lower4Bits = stream_id&0x0F;
return lower4Bits <= 2 || lower4Bits == 0x8 || lower4Bits == 0xF;
} else {
return False;
unsigned char MPEGProgramStreamParser::parsePESPacket() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parsing PES packet\n"); fflush(stderr);
unsigned next4Bytes = test4Bytes();
if (!isPacketStartCode(next4Bytes)) {
// The PES Packet was optional. Look for a Pack Header instead:
return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "saw packet_start_code_prefix\n"); fflush(stderr);
skipBytes(3); // we've already seen the packet_start_code_prefix
unsigned char stream_id = get1Byte();
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG_TIMESTAMPS)
unsigned char streamNum = stream_id;
char const* streamTypeStr;
if ((stream_id&0xE0) == 0xC0) {
streamTypeStr = "audio";
streamNum = stream_id&~0xE0;
} else if ((stream_id&0xF0) == 0xE0) {
streamTypeStr = "video";
streamNum = stream_id&~0xF0;
} else if (stream_id == 0xbc) {
streamTypeStr = "reserved";
} else if (stream_id == 0xbd) {
streamTypeStr = "private_1";
} else if (stream_id == 0xbe) {
streamTypeStr = "padding";
} else if (stream_id == 0xbf) {
streamTypeStr = "private_2";
} else {
streamTypeStr = "unknown";
#ifdef DEBUG
static unsigned frameCount = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "%d, saw %s stream: 0x%02x\n", frameCount, streamTypeStr, streamNum); fflush(stderr);
unsigned short PES_packet_length = get2Bytes();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "PES_packet_length: %d\n", PES_packet_length); fflush(stderr);
// Parse over the rest of the header, until we get to the packet data itself.
// This varies depending upon the MPEG version:
if (fUsingDemux->fOutput[RAW_PES].isPotentiallyReadable) {
// Hack: We've been asked to return raw PES packets, for every stream:
stream_id = RAW_PES;
unsigned savedParserOffset = curOffset();
unsigned char pts_highBit = 0;
unsigned pts_remainingBits = 0;
unsigned char dts_highBit = 0;
unsigned dts_remainingBits = 0;
if (fUsingDemux->fMPEGversion == 1) {
if (!isSpecialStreamId(stream_id)) {
unsigned char nextByte;
while ((nextByte = get1Byte()) == 0xFF) { // stuffing_byte
if ((nextByte&0xC0) == 0x40) { // '01'
nextByte = get1Byte();
if ((nextByte&0xF0) == 0x20) { // '0010'
pts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
pts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
} else if ((nextByte&0xF0) == 0x30) { // '0011'
pts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
pts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
nextByte = get1Byte();
dts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
dts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
dts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
dts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
} else { // assume MPEG-2
if (!isSpecialStreamId(stream_id)) {
// Fields in the next 3 bytes determine the size of the rest:
unsigned next3Bytes = getBits(24);
unsigned char PTS_DTS_flags = (next3Bytes&0x00C000)>>14;
#ifdef undef
unsigned char ESCR_flag = (next3Bytes&0x002000)>>13;
unsigned char ES_rate_flag = (next3Bytes&0x001000)>>12;
unsigned char DSM_trick_mode_flag = (next3Bytes&0x000800)>>11;
unsigned char PES_header_data_length = (next3Bytes&0x0000FF);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "PES_header_data_length: 0x%02x\n", PES_header_data_length); fflush(stderr);
if (PTS_DTS_flags == 0x2 && PES_header_data_length >= 5) {
unsigned char nextByte = get1Byte();
pts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
pts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
} else if (PTS_DTS_flags == 0x3 && PES_header_data_length >= 10) {
unsigned char nextByte = get1Byte();
pts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
pts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
unsigned next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
pts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
nextByte = get1Byte();
dts_highBit = (nextByte&0x08)>>3;
dts_remainingBits = (nextByte&0x06)<<29;
next4Bytes = get4Bytes();
dts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0xFFFE0000)>>2;
dts_remainingBits |= (next4Bytes&0x0000FFFE)>>1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s stream, ", streamTypeStr);
fprintf(stderr, "packet presentation_time_stamp: 0x%x", pts_highBit);
fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", pts_remainingBits);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tpacket decoding_time_stamp: 0x%x", dts_highBit);
fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", dts_remainingBits);
// The rest of the packet will be the "PES_packet_data_byte"s
// Make sure that "PES_packet_length" was consistent with where we are now:
unsigned char acquiredStreamIdTag = 0;
unsigned currentParserOffset = curOffset();
unsigned bytesSkipped = currentParserOffset - savedParserOffset;
if (stream_id == RAW_PES) {
restoreSavedParserState(); // so we deliver from the beginning of the PES packet
PES_packet_length += 6; // to include the whole of the PES packet
bytesSkipped = 0;
if (PES_packet_length < bytesSkipped) {
fUsingDemux->envir() << "StreamParser::parsePESPacket(): saw inconsistent PES_packet_length "
<< PES_packet_length << " < "
<< bytesSkipped << "\n";
} else {
PES_packet_length -= bytesSkipped;
#ifdef DEBUG
unsigned next4Bytes = test4Bytes();
// Check whether our using source is interested in this stream type.
// If so, deliver the frame to him:
MPEG1or2Demux::OutputDescriptor_t& out = fUsingDemux->fOutput[stream_id];
if (out.isCurrentlyAwaitingData) {
unsigned numBytesToCopy;
if (PES_packet_length > out.maxSize) {
fUsingDemux->envir() << "MPEGProgramStreamParser::parsePESPacket() error: PES_packet_length ("
<< PES_packet_length
<< ") exceeds max frame size asked for ("
<< out.maxSize << ")\n";
numBytesToCopy = out.maxSize;
} else {
numBytesToCopy = PES_packet_length;
getBytes(, numBytesToCopy);
out.frameSize = numBytesToCopy;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d bytes of PES_packet_data (out.maxSize: %d); first 4 bytes: 0x%08x\n", frameCount, numBytesToCopy, out.maxSize, next4Bytes); fflush(stderr);
// set out.presentationTime later #####
acquiredStreamIdTag = stream_id;
PES_packet_length -= numBytesToCopy;
} else if (out.isCurrentlyActive) {
// Someone has been reading this stream, but isn't right now.
// We can't deliver this frame until he asks for it, so punt for now.
// The next time he asks for a frame, he'll get it.
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%d, currently undeliverable PES data; first 4 bytes: 0x%08x - currently undeliverable!\n", frameCount, next4Bytes); fflush(stderr);
restoreSavedParserState(); // so we read from the beginning next time
fUsingDemux->fHaveUndeliveredData = True;
} else if (out.isPotentiallyReadable &&
out.savedDataTotalSize + PES_packet_length < 1000000 /*limit*/) {
// Someone is interested in this stream, but hasn't begun reading it yet.
// Save this data, so that the reader will get it when he later asks for it.
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[PES_packet_length];
getBytes(buf, PES_packet_length);
MPEG1or2Demux::OutputDescriptor::SavedData* savedData
= new MPEG1or2Demux::OutputDescriptor::SavedData(buf, PES_packet_length);
if (out.savedDataHead == NULL) {
out.savedDataHead = out.savedDataTail = savedData;
} else {
out.savedDataTail->next = savedData;
out.savedDataTail = savedData;
out.savedDataTotalSize += PES_packet_length;
PES_packet_length = 0;
// Check for another PES Packet next:
#ifdef DEBUG
return acquiredStreamIdTag;