| cpp_quote("/**") |
| cpp_quote(" * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.") |
| cpp_quote(" * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.") |
| cpp_quote(" */") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("#ifndef __ActivAut_h") |
| cpp_quote("#define __ActivAut_h") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| |
| #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS |
| import "ocidl.idl"; |
| import "oleidl.idl"; |
| import "oaidl.idl"; |
| #endif |
| |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("#ifndef _NO_AUTHOR_GUIDS") |
| cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CATID_ActiveScriptAuthor, 0xaee2a92, 0xbcbb, 0x11d0, 0x8c, 0x72, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xc2, 0xb0, 0x85);") |
| cpp_quote("#endif") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD fasaPreferInternalHandler = 1;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD fasaSupportInternalHandler = 2;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD fasaCaseSensitive = 4;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_NOLIST = 0;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_MEMBERLIST = 1;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_ENUMLIST = 2;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_PARAMTIP = 4;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_GLOBALLIST = 8;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_ENUM_TRIGGER = 1;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_MEMBER_TRIGGER = 2;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_PARAM_TRIGGER = 3;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SCRIPT_CMPL_COMMIT = 4;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD GETATTRTYPE_NORMAL = 0;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD GETATTRTYPE_DEPSCAN = 1;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD GETATTRFLAG_THIS = 0x100;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD GETATTRFLAG_HUMANTEXT = 0x8000;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SOURCETEXT_ATTR_IDENTIFIER = 0x100;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SOURCETEXT_ATTR_MEMBERLOOKUP = 0x200;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SOURCETEXT_ATTR_THIS = 0x400;") |
| cpp_quote("const DWORD SOURCETEXT_ATTR_HUMANTEXT = 0x8000;") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| |
| interface IActiveScriptAuthor; |
| interface IScriptNode; |
| interface IScriptEntry; |
| interface IScriptScriptlet; |
| |
| |
| [uuid (0aee2a94-BCBB-11d0-8c72-00c04fc2b085), pointer_default (unique)] |
| interface IScriptNode : IUnknown { |
| HRESULT Alive (void); |
| HRESULT Delete (void); |
| HRESULT GetParent ([out] IScriptNode **ppsnParent); |
| HRESULT GetIndexInParent ([out] ULONG *pisn); |
| HRESULT GetCookie ([out] DWORD *pdwCookie); |
| HRESULT GetNumberOfChildren ([out] ULONG *pcsn); |
| HRESULT GetChild ([in] ULONG isn,[out] IScriptNode **ppsn); |
| HRESULT GetLanguage ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT CreateChildEntry ([in] ULONG isn,[in] DWORD dwCookie,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[out] IScriptEntry **ppse); |
| HRESULT CreateChildHandler ([in] LPCOLESTR pszDefaultName,[in, size_is (cpszNames)] LPCOLESTR *prgpszNames,[in] ULONG cpszNames,[in] LPCOLESTR pszEvent,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] ITypeInfo *ptiSignature,[in] ULONG iMethodSignature,[in] ULONG isn,[in] DWORD dwCookie,[out] IScriptEntry **ppse); |
| } |
| |
| [uuid (0aee2a95-BCBB-11d0-8c72-00c04fc2b085), pointer_default (unique)] |
| interface IScriptEntry : IScriptNode { |
| HRESULT GetText ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetText ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetBody ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetBody ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetName ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetName ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetItemName ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetItemName ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetSignature ([out] ITypeInfo **ppti,[out] ULONG *piMethod); |
| HRESULT SetSignature ([in] ITypeInfo *pti,[in] ULONG iMethod); |
| HRESULT GetRange ([out] ULONG *pichMin,[out] ULONG *pcch); |
| } |
| |
| [uuid (0aee2a96-BCBB-11d0-8c72-00c04fc2b085), pointer_default (unique)] |
| interface IScriptScriptlet : IScriptEntry { |
| HRESULT GetSubItemName ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetSubItemName ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetEventName ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetEventName ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| HRESULT GetSimpleEventName ([out] BSTR *pbstr); |
| HRESULT SetSimpleEventName ([in] LPCOLESTR psz); |
| } |
| [uuid (9c109da0-7006-11d1-B36C-00a0c911e8b2), pointer_default (unique)] |
| interface IActiveScriptAuthor : IUnknown { |
| HRESULT AddNamedItem ([in] LPCOLESTR pszName,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] IDispatch *pdisp); |
| HRESULT AddScriptlet ([in] LPCOLESTR pszDefaultName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] LPCOLESTR pszItemName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszSubItemName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszEventName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] DWORD dwCookie,[in] DWORD dwFlags); |
| HRESULT ParseScriptText ([in] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] LPCOLESTR pszItemName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] DWORD dwCookie,[in] DWORD dwFlags); |
| HRESULT GetScriptTextAttributes ([in, size_is (cch)] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] ULONG cch,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in, out, size_is (cch)] SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR *pattr); |
| HRESULT GetScriptletTextAttributes ([in, size_is (cch)] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] ULONG cch,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in, out, size_is (cch)] SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR *pattr); |
| HRESULT GetRoot ([out] IScriptNode **ppsp); |
| HRESULT GetLanguageFlags ([out] DWORD *pgrfasa); |
| HRESULT GetEventHandler ([in] IDispatch *pdisp,[in] LPCOLESTR pszItem,[in] LPCOLESTR pszSubItem,[in] LPCOLESTR pszEvent,[out] IScriptEntry **ppse); |
| HRESULT RemoveNamedItem ([in] LPCOLESTR pszName); |
| HRESULT AddTypeLib ([in] REFGUID rguidTypeLib,[in] DWORD dwMajor,[in] DWORD dwMinor,[in] DWORD dwFlags); |
| HRESULT RemoveTypeLib ([in] REFGUID rguidTypeLib,[in] DWORD dwMajor,[in] DWORD dwMinor); |
| HRESULT GetChars ([in] DWORD fRequestedList,[out] BSTR *pbstrChars); |
| HRESULT GetInfoFromContext ([in] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] ULONG cchCode,[in] ULONG ichCurrentPosition,[in] DWORD dwListTypesRequested,[out] DWORD *pdwListTypesProvided,[out] ULONG *pichListAnchorPosition,[out] ULONG *pichFuncAnchorPosition,[out] MEMBERID *pmemid,[out] LONG *piCurrentParameter,[out] IUnknown **ppunk); |
| |
| HRESULT IsCommitChar ([in] OLECHAR ch,[out] BOOL *pfcommit); |
| } |
| |
| [uuid (7e2d4b70-BD9A-11d0-9336-00a0c90dcaa9), pointer_default (unique)] |
| interface IActiveScriptAuthorProcedure : IUnknown { |
| HRESULT ParseProcedureText ([in] LPCOLESTR pszCode,[in] LPCOLESTR pszFormalParams,[in] LPCOLESTR pszProcedureName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszItemName,[in] LPCOLESTR pszDelimiter,[in] DWORD dwCookie,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] IDispatch *pdispFor); |
| } |
| |
| cpp_quote("#endif") |
| cpp_quote("") |
| cpp_quote("#endif") |