blob: b2e6733fb4f2be980df49100980cdc492bd9b4b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* rwlock7.c
* Hammer on a bunch of rwlocks to test robustness and fairness.
* Printed stats should be roughly even for each thread.
#include "test.h"
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <stdlib.h>
#define THREADS 5
#define DATASIZE 7
#define ITERATIONS 1000000
* Keep statistics for each thread.
typedef struct thread_tag {
int thread_num;
pthread_t thread_id;
int updates;
int reads;
int changed;
int seed;
} thread_t;
* Read-write lock and shared data
typedef struct data_tag {
pthread_rwlock_t lock;
int data;
int updates;
} data_t;
static thread_t threads[THREADS];
static data_t data[DATASIZE];
* Thread start routine that uses read-write locks
void *thread_routine (void *arg)
thread_t *self = (thread_t*)arg;
int iteration;
int element = 0;
int seed = self->seed;
int interval = 1 + rand_r (&seed) % 71;
self->changed = 0;
for (iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++)
if (iteration % (ITERATIONS / 10) == 0)
* Each "self->interval" iterations, perform an
* update operation (write lock instead of read
* lock).
if ((iteration % interval) == 0)
pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&data[element].lock);
data[element].data = self->thread_num;
interval = 1 + rand_r (&seed) % 71;
pthread_rwlock_unlock (&data[element].lock);
} else {
* Look at the current data element to see whether
* the current thread last updated it. Count the
* times, to report later.
pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&data[element].lock);
if (data[element].data != self->thread_num)
interval = 1 + self->changed % 71;
pthread_rwlock_unlock (&data[element].lock);
element = (element + 1) % DATASIZE;
return NULL;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int count;
int data_count;
int thread_updates = 0;
int data_updates = 0;
int seed = 1;
struct _timeb currSysTime1;
struct _timeb currSysTime2;
* Initialize the shared data.
for (data_count = 0; data_count < DATASIZE; data_count++)
data[data_count].data = 0;
data[data_count].updates = 0;
assert(pthread_rwlock_init (&data[data_count].lock, NULL) == 0);
* Create THREADS threads to access shared data.
for (count = 0; count < THREADS; count++)
threads[count].thread_num = count;
threads[count].updates = 0;
threads[count].reads = 0;
threads[count].seed = 1 + rand_r (&seed) % 71;
assert(pthread_create (&threads[count].thread_id,
NULL, thread_routine, (void*)&threads[count]) == 0);
* Wait for all threads to complete, and collect
* statistics.
for (count = 0; count < THREADS; count++)
assert(pthread_join (threads[count].thread_id, NULL) == 0);
for (count = 0; count < THREADS; count++)
if (threads[count].changed > 0)
printf ("Thread %d found changed elements %d times\n",
count, threads[count].changed);
for (count = 0; count < THREADS; count++)
thread_updates += threads[count].updates;
printf ("%02d: seed %d, updates %d, reads %d\n",
count, threads[count].seed,
threads[count].updates, threads[count].reads);
* Collect statistics for the data.
for (data_count = 0; data_count < DATASIZE; data_count++)
data_updates += data[data_count].updates;
printf ("data %02d: value %d, %d updates\n",
data_count, data[data_count].data, data[data_count].updates);
assert(pthread_rwlock_destroy (&data[data_count].lock) == 0);
printf ("%d thread updates, %d data updates\n",
thread_updates, data_updates);
printf( "\nstart: %ld/%d, stop: %ld/%d, duration:%ld\n",
(currSysTime2.time*1000+currSysTime2.millitm) -
return 0;