| The Advance Guide to |
| Building the Mingw-w64 x86_64-w64-mingw32 cross-compiler |
| |
| == About this document == |
| |
| This document describes more advanced methods in building the mingw-w64 |
| cross compiler. It also includes details about the toolchain |
| dependencies and relevant options that can be passed to the GCC |
| configure. |
| |
| The commands are run under a MSYS/MinGW setup unless specified otherwise. |
| |
| == Targeted audience == |
| |
| This document assumes readers are familiar with the UNIX Command Line |
| and building the GNU toolchain in general, but would want a more fine |
| grained control over the capabilities of the cross compiler. |
| |
| For a basic guide on building the mingw-w64 toolchain, please refer to |
| "mingw-w64-howto-build.txt". |
| |
| == Version changes == |
| |
| Date / Version / Author |
| 2009-10-09 1.0 Jonathan Yong <jon_y[a]users.sourceforge.com> |
| |
| == Table of Contents == |
| |
| * Some Basic Info about mingw-w64 [SBSCINF] |
| * Host Support Libraries [HOSTLIB] |
| * The GNU MP Bignum Library [BGMPLIB] |
| * Multiprecision [BMPCLIB] |
| * The Parma Polyhedra Library [BPPLLIB] |
| * The Clunky Loop Generator (PPL port) [BCLGLIB] |
| * Libelf [BELFLIB] |
| * Target Support Libraries [TGTSPLB] |
| * pthreads-win32 [PTHRW32] |
| * Building the Multilib Cross MinGW-w64 GCC the |
| lazy way(With ADA support and libgomp) [LAZYW64] |
| * ADA Bootstrap Phase [ADABOOT] |
| * MinGW-w64 cross Binutils [CRSBINU] |
| * Install mingw-w64 Headers [MGW64HD] |
| * Setup Symlinks [SETSYML] |
| * Build Core GCC [BCORGCC] |
| * Build the mingw-w64 CRT [BMGWCRT] |
| * Build libgcc [BLIBGCC] |
| * Build pthreads [BPTHR32] |
| * Continue the build [CTNTBLD] |
| |
| You can search the keys (i.e. [BMPCLIB]) to jump to that section. |
| |
| == Some Basic Info about MinGW-w64 == [SBSCINF] |
| |
| MinGW-w64 began as a fork of mingw.org MinGW to support 64bit windows as |
| a target. |
| |
| Canonical Triplet info: |
| mingw.org MinGW: i686-pc-mingw32 |
| mingw-w64 64bit: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (obsolete triplet) |
| x86_64-w64-mingw32 (preferred triplet) |
| mingw-w64 32bit: i686-pc-mingw32 (mingw.org compatibility mode) |
| i686-w64-mingw32 (preferred triplet) |
| |
| == Host Support Libraries == [HOSTLIB] |
| |
| These libraries are used by GCC on the "host" side. It means that these |
| should be built for the system that will run the newly built GCC. |
| |
| === The GNU MP Bignum Library (GMP) === [BGMPLIB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://gmplib.org/> |
| Depends on: None |
| Depended by: MPC, MPFR, PPL, CLooG |
| GCC dependency type: Hard (GCC won't build without it) |
| |
| GMP is primarily written in C and assembly, but it comes with C++ bindings. |
| The asm part is selected by the $host_cpu detected by configure. If your |
| platform is not detected properly, you can use --host=none-none-none to |
| disable asm optimizations. Be sure to set the correct CC, CXX, NM, RANLIB |
| and AR variables. |
| |
| The C++ bindings are not built by default, but it is required by PPL. To fix |
| this, use "--enable-cxx" and "CPPFLAGS=-fexceptions". PPL needs the |
| -fexceptions part to throw exceptions properly, but it is not strictly |
| required. |
| |
| On Windows hosts, only static or shared builds can be used at a time, but not |
| both. This is reasoned by the incompatible header set used by static/shared |
| builds. If you do use static builds, you should build any libs that depend on |
| it as static to prevent accidentally exporting GMP symbols in other dlls. |
| |
| === MPFR === [BMPFRLB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://www.mpfr.org/> |
| Depends on: GMP |
| Depended by: None |
| GCC dependency type: Hard (GCC won't build without it) |
| |
| MPFR isn't particularly fussy about configure options, so the usual: |
| ./configure |
| make |
| make install |
| is fine. |
| |
| === Multiprecision (MPC) === [BMPCLIB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://www.multiprecision.org/> |
| Depends on: GMP |
| Depended by: None |
| GCC dependency type: Soft (GCC can build without it) |
| |
| MPC isn't particularly fussy about configure options, so the usual: |
| ./configure |
| make |
| make install |
| is fine. |
| |
| === The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) === [BPPLLIB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/> |
| Depends on: GMP |
| Depended by: PPL |
| GCC dependency type: None (GCC does not use it directly) |
| |
| PPL requires that GMP be built with C++ bindings (--enable-cxx) and |
| -fexceptions (to allow exceptions to be thrown across GMP). |
| |
| === The Clunky Loop Generator (PPL port) === [BCLGLIB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://repo.or.cz/w/cloog-ppl.git> |
| Depends on: GMP, PPL |
| Depended by: None |
| GCC dependency type: Soft (GCC can build without it) |
| CLooG isn't particularly fussy about configure options, so the usual: |
| ./configure |
| make |
| make install |
| is fine. |
| |
| === Libelf === [BELFLIB] |
| |
| Homepage: <http://www.mr511.de/software/english.html> |
| Depends on: None |
| Depended by: None |
| GCC dependency type: Soft (Required for GCC lto support) |
| Libelf isn't particularly fussy about configure options, so the usual: |
| ./configure |
| make |
| make install |
| is fine. |
| |
| == Target Support Libraries == [TGTSPLB] |
| |
| Target support libraries are for use with mingw-w64 itself. It should not |
| be used by the host directly. Hence the target libs will need to be compiled |
| with a compiler targeting mingw-w64. |
| |
| === pthreads-win32 === [PTHRW32] |
| Homepage: <http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/> |
| Depends on: None |
| Depended by: None |
| GCC dependency type: Soft (Required for GCC libgomp support) |
| |
| Download instructions: |
| cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sourceware.org:/cvs/pthreads-win32 login |
| {enter ``anoncvs'' for the password} |
| cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sourceware.org:/cvs/pthreads-win32 checkout pthreads |
| |
| Patch: <http://sourceware.org/ml/pthreads-win32/2009/msg00030/w64sup.patch> |
| |
| Note: pthreads-win32 does not come with a autotools based build system. It |
| uses a Makefile "GNUmakefile" to build the pthreads dll. |
| |
| Note: To allow win64 support, apply the patch from the mailing list. |
| |
| General Build and install instructions: |
| Step 1) type "make clean GC CROSS=x86_64-w64-mingw32-" |
| Note: The CROSS variable specifies your win64/win32 toolchain |
| triplet prefix. |
| Step 2) copy pthreadGC2.dll to your path |
| Step 3) Install the lib by copying pthreadGC2 as libpthread.a to |
| your GCC libdir |
| Step 4) Copy pthread.h, sched.h and semaphore.h to the GCC include dir |
| Step 5) Edit the pthread.h in your include dir and change the following |
| section from: |
| ======================================================================= |
| #include "config.h" |
| #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ |
| ======================================================================= |
| to: |
| ======================================================================= |
| /* #if HAVE_CONFIG_H */ |
| #include "pconfig.h" |
| /* #endif HAVE_CONFIG_H */ |
| ======================================================================= |
| This is needed to prevent conflicts with other autotools based packages |
| that actually use "config.h" for options. |
| Step 6) Copy the pthread-win32 config.h to your include dir as pconfig.h |
| |
| 32bit build instructions (mutilib 64bit default GCC) |
| * Edit the GNUmakefile, and change: |
| ======================================================================= |
| AR = $(CROSS)ar |
| DLLTOOL = $(CROSS)dlltool |
| CC = $(CROSS)gcc |
| CXX = $(CROSS)g++ |
| RANLIB = $(CROSS)ranlib |
| RC = $(CROSS)windres |
| ======================================================================= |
| to |
| ======================================================================= |
| AR = $(CROSS)ar |
| DLLTOOL = $(CROSS)dlltool -m i386 |
| CC = $(CROSS)gcc -m32 |
| CXX = $(CROSS)g++ -m32 |
| RANLIB = $(CROSS)ranlib |
| RC = $(CROSS)windres -F pe-i386 |
| ======================================================================= |
| * Next, follow the General Build and install instructions |
| |
| == Building the Multilib Cross MinGW-w64 GCC the lazy way == |
| (With ADA support and libgomp) [LAZYW64] |
| |
| Its a lazy method because it involves building GCC with all enabled |
| front ends only once, without restarting the cross GCC build. |
| |
| First of all, your host compiler (usually "gcc") must support ADA. |
| If your platform does not have GNAT binaries, use the binaries from: |
| <https://libre.adacore.com/libre/download/> |
| |
| If you do not want ADA support, or confident about your host ADA support, |
| you can skip the ADA bootstrap phase. |
| |
| === ADA Bootstrap Phase === [ADABOOT] |
| |
| Bootstrapping ADA is needed if ADA is to be supported by the mingw-w64 |
| cross GCC. |
| |
| To begin bootstrap ADA, you must grab the GCC source that will be used |
| for the mingw-w64 cross GCC, so that the ADA support is as close as |
| possible with the target GCC version. |
| |
| Use the source to build a native compiler for your host machine. You must |
| enable at least C, ADA, and C++ support. It is advisable to prefix |
| (i.e. using --prefix=/opt/test) the entire native bootstrap toolchain |
| in order to avoid overwriting the compiler provided by your host system. |
| You should also build a prefixed native Binutils for use with the new |
| bootstrap compiler. |
| |
| Remember to build GCC OUTSIDE its source directory, NOT inside it and |
| certainly NOT in a sub-directory. |
| |
| === MinGW-w64 cross Binutils === [CRSBINU] |
| |
| The official method to build the mingw-w64 toolchain is to set --prefix |
| and --with-sysroot to the same directory to allow the toolchain to be |
| relocatable. To make Multilib support possible, you need to use |
| "--enable-targets=x86_64-w64-mingw32,i686-w64-mingw32". |
| |
| An example configure line for Binutils is: |
| ../path/to/binutils/configure --prefix=<prefix> --with-sysroot=<prefix> \ |
| --enable-targets=x86_64-w64-mingw32,i686-w64-mingw32 \ |
| --host=<build triplet> --build=<build triplet> \ |
| --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 |
| |
| === Install mingw-w64 Headers === [MGW64HD] |
| |
| When you checkout the svn trunk from the mingw-w64 developer repository, there |
| should be a directory called mingw-w64-headers. Install it with: |
| ../path/to/mingw-w64-headers/configure --prefix=<prefix> \ |
| --with-sdks=none --build=<host triplet> --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 |
| make install |
| |
| To view the available sdks, use --help. The prefix should be similar to the |
| prefix used for cross Binutils. Although the mingw-w64 cross GCC is not |
| installed yet, configure will not fail it as it only checks the --host option. |
| It is important to set the --host option correctly, failing to do so will |
| cause the cross GCC to fail to find the expected system headers. |
| |
| === Setup Symlinks === [SETSYML] |
| |
| Your install root for the mingw-w64 cross toolchain should contain the |
| following directories. Create the directories if missing. It is easier |
| to use "ln -s" softlinks to link directories than to copy them over. |
| |
| <root>/x86_64-w64-mingw32 |
| <root>/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include [headers previously installed here] |
| <root>/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib |
| <root>/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib32 |
| <root>/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib64 [link to neighbor lib] |
| <root>/mingw [link to x86_64-w64-mingw32] |
| <root>/mingw/include |
| <root>/mingw/lib |
| <root>/mingw/lib32 |
| <root>/mingw/lib64 [link to neighbor lib] |
| |
| On Windows, you can use "ntfs link" <http://elsdoerfer.name/=ntfslink> |
| to create "junction points" to link directories. These junction points |
| are transparent to user mode applications such as GCC. |
| |
| Make sure the "mingw" directory mirrors "x86_64-w64-mingw32" exactly. Ditto |
| for "lib64" and "lib" |
| |
| === Build Core GCC === [BCORGCC] |
| |
| GCC can be configured in many ways, the following is an example that worked. |
| Make sure to add your cross Binutils binaries to your $PATH before continuing. |
| |
| If you did use the ADA compiler from adacore to produce a bootstrap ADA |
| compiler, make sure to add the prefix in such a way that it is found |
| before your default host compiler. |
| (i.e. export PATH=/opt/adaboot/bin:$PATH:/mingw64/path/bin) |
| |
| Some of the configure options do not sound possible with a stage-1 cross, |
| but be assured that it has been tested. |
| |
| Remember to build GCC OUTSIDE its source directory, NOT inside it and certainly |
| NOT in a sub-directory. |
| |
| Example: |
| ../gcc-trunk/configure --{host,build}=<build triplet> \ |
| --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-multilib --enable-64bit \ |
| --{prefix,with-sysroot}=<prefix> --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs \ |
| --enable-shared --with-dwarf --enable-fully-dynamic-string \ |
| --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --enable-libgomp \ |
| --enable-libssp --enable-lto --with-host-libstdcxx="-lstdc++ -lsupc++" \ |
| --with-{gmp,mpfr,mpc,cloog,ppl,libelf}=<host dir> |
| |
| Explanation: |
| --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs |
| Installs libgcc/libstdc++ and other target support libraries in such a |
| way that multiple GCC installs can coexist simultaneously. |
| |
| --enable-shared |
| Builds shared support libraries |
| |
| --with-dwarf |
| Use Dwarf debugging format by default |
| |
| --enable-fully-dynamic-string |
| Enable dynamic std::string class to work around lazy initialization. |
| |
| --enable-libgomp |
| Enable OpenMP support, it is not enabled by default on MinGW platforms. |
| Requires pthreads-win32 (target) installed. |
| |
| --enable-libssp |
| Enable Stack Smash Protection, a buffer overrun detector. |
| |
| --with-host-libstdcxx |
| Lists down the C++ support libraries to link with. This is useful |
| when using static PPL and CLooG. |
| |
| --enable-lto |
| Enable Link-Time Optimization. Requires libelf (host) installed. |
| |
| --with-{gmp,mpfr,mpc,cloog,ppl,libelf}=<host dir> |
| Tells GCC where the host support libraries are installed to. |
| (i.e. search <host dir>/include & <host dir>/lib) |
| |
| Use "make all-gcc" to build the standalone GCC compiler without target |
| support libs. Install it with "make install-gcc". |
| |
| Remember, this is a standalone gcc, it won't actually be able to link |
| executables, but it is already suitable to compile the CRT. |
| |
| Do not delete the GCC build directory, we can continue later. |
| |
| === Build the mingw-w64 CRT === [BMGWCRT] |
| |
| When you checkout the svn trunk from the mingw-w64 developer repository, there |
| should be a directory called mingw-w64-crt. |
| Example configure: |
| ../path/to/crt/configure --prefix=<prefix> --enable-lib32 \ |
| --enable-lib64 --build=<build triplet> --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 |
| |
| Explanation: |
| --enable-lib32 |
| If you enabled multilib support in x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc, this will build |
| 32bit libs for use with win32 programming. For $host_cpu i686-w64-mingw32, |
| it is enabled by default. |
| |
| --enable-lib64 |
| Enable building 64bit libs for use with win64 programming. For $host_cpu |
| x86_64-w64-mingw32, it is enabled by default. |
| |
| If you used symlinks or ntfs junction points to link the "lib*" directories, |
| you should be fine. If you manually copied x86_64-w64-mingw32 to mingw, you |
| must copy the "lib*" directories so that "lib64" mirrors "lib" and |
| "lib32" in "mingw" mirrors "x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib32" |
| |
| === Build libgcc === [BLIBGCC] |
| |
| Reenter the build directory used earlier in [BCORGCC], and issue |
| "make all-target-libgcc", then "make install-target-libgcc". |
| |
| This will install libgcc. As of writing, there is a minor bug when |
| --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs is used, libgcc_s.a is |
| installed incorrectly. |
| |
| Move it from: |
| <prefix>/lib/gcc/<arch>/lib32/libgcc_s.a to |
| <prefix>/lib/gcc/<arch>/<version>/32/libgcc_s.a |
| and |
| <prefix>/lib/gcc/<arch>/lib64/libgcc_s.a to |
| <prefix>/lib/gcc/<arch>/<version>/libgcc_s.a |
| |
| The libgcc dll is also clobbered during install, search the build |
| directory for the dll and install it to separate directories as you |
| see fit. Make sure 32bit apps only see the 32bit variant, same for |
| 64bit apps. |
| |
| === Build pthreads === [BPTHR32] |
| |
| pthread-win32 is required for libgomp to work. Now that the CRT and |
| libgcc is installed, we can proceed with building the pthread dll. |
| |
| Please refer to the pthreads-win32 section [PTHRW32] for instructions. |
| Make sure to build for both win32 and win64 variants. |
| |
| === Continue the build === [CTNTBLD] |
| |
| Reenter the build directory used earlier in [BCORGCC] and continue |
| the build with "make". Finally, install with "make install". |
| |