#include "cephes_mconf.h" | |
/* A[]: Stirling's formula expansion of log gamma | |
* B[], C[]: log gamma function between 2 and 3 | |
*/ | |
#ifdef UNK | |
static double A[] = { | |
8.11614167470508450300E-4, | |
-5.95061904284301438324E-4, | |
7.93650340457716943945E-4, | |
-2.77777777730099687205E-3, | |
8.33333333333331927722E-2 | |
}; | |
static double B[] = { | |
-1.37825152569120859100E3, | |
-3.88016315134637840924E4, | |
-3.31612992738871184744E5, | |
-1.16237097492762307383E6, | |
-1.72173700820839662146E6, | |
-8.53555664245765465627E5 | |
}; | |
static double C[] = { | |
/* 1.00000000000000000000E0, */ | |
-3.51815701436523470549E2, | |
-1.70642106651881159223E4, | |
-2.20528590553854454839E5, | |
-1.13933444367982507207E6, | |
-2.53252307177582951285E6, | |
-2.01889141433532773231E6 | |
}; | |
/* log( sqrt( 2*pi ) ) */ | |
static double LS2PI = 0.91893853320467274178; | |
#define MAXLGM 2.556348e305 | |
static double LOGPI = 1.14472988584940017414; | |
#endif | |
#ifdef DEC | |
static const unsigned short A[] = { | |
0035524,0141201,0034633,0031405, | |
0135433,0176755,0126007,0045030, | |
0035520,0006371,0003342,0172730, | |
0136066,0005540,0132605,0026407, | |
0037252,0125252,0125252,0125132 | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short B[] = { | |
0142654,0044014,0077633,0035410, | |
0144027,0110641,0125335,0144760, | |
0144641,0165637,0142204,0047447, | |
0145215,0162027,0146246,0155211, | |
0145322,0026110,0010317,0110130, | |
0145120,0061472,0120300,0025363 | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short C[] = { | |
/*0040200,0000000,0000000,0000000*/ | |
0142257,0164150,0163630,0112622, | |
0143605,0050153,0156116,0135272, | |
0144527,0056045,0145642,0062332, | |
0145213,0012063,0106250,0001025, | |
0145432,0111254,0044577,0115142, | |
0145366,0071133,0050217,0005122 | |
}; | |
/* log( sqrt( 2*pi ) ) */ | |
static const unsigned short LS2P[] = {040153,037616,041445,0172645,}; | |
#define LS2PI *(double *)LS2P | |
#define MAXLGM 2.035093e36 | |
static const unsigned short LPI[4] = { | |
0040222,0103202,0043475,0006750, | |
}; | |
#define LOGPI *(double *)LPI | |
#endif | |
#ifdef IBMPC | |
static const unsigned short A[] = { | |
0x6661,0x2733,0x9850,0x3f4a, | |
0xe943,0xb580,0x7fbd,0xbf43, | |
0x5ebb,0x20dc,0x019f,0x3f4a, | |
0xa5a1,0x16b0,0xc16c,0xbf66, | |
0x554b,0x5555,0x5555,0x3fb5 | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short B[] = { | |
0x6761,0x8ff3,0x8901,0xc095, | |
0xb93e,0x355b,0xf234,0xc0e2, | |
0x89e5,0xf890,0x3d73,0xc114, | |
0xdb51,0xf994,0xbc82,0xc131, | |
0xf20b,0x0219,0x4589,0xc13a, | |
0x055e,0x5418,0x0c67,0xc12a | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short C[] = { | |
/*0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x3ff0,*/ | |
0x12b2,0x1cf3,0xfd0d,0xc075, | |
0xd757,0x7b89,0xaa0d,0xc0d0, | |
0x4c9b,0xb974,0xeb84,0xc10a, | |
0x0043,0x7195,0x6286,0xc131, | |
0xf34c,0x892f,0x5255,0xc143, | |
0xe14a,0x6a11,0xce4b,0xc13e | |
}; | |
/* log( sqrt( 2*pi ) ) */ | |
static const unsigned short LS2P[] = { | |
0xbeb5,0xc864,0x67f1,0x3fed | |
}; | |
#define LS2PI *(double *)LS2P | |
#define MAXLGM 2.556348e305 | |
static const unsigned short LPI[4] = { | |
0xa1bd,0x48e7,0x50d0,0x3ff2, | |
}; | |
#define LOGPI *(double *)LPI | |
#endif | |
#ifdef MIEEE | |
static const unsigned short A[] = { | |
0x3f4a,0x9850,0x2733,0x6661, | |
0xbf43,0x7fbd,0xb580,0xe943, | |
0x3f4a,0x019f,0x20dc,0x5ebb, | |
0xbf66,0xc16c,0x16b0,0xa5a1, | |
0x3fb5,0x5555,0x5555,0x554b | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short B[] = { | |
0xc095,0x8901,0x8ff3,0x6761, | |
0xc0e2,0xf234,0x355b,0xb93e, | |
0xc114,0x3d73,0xf890,0x89e5, | |
0xc131,0xbc82,0xf994,0xdb51, | |
0xc13a,0x4589,0x0219,0xf20b, | |
0xc12a,0x0c67,0x5418,0x055e | |
}; | |
static const unsigned short C[] = { | |
0xc075,0xfd0d,0x1cf3,0x12b2, | |
0xc0d0,0xaa0d,0x7b89,0xd757, | |
0xc10a,0xeb84,0xb974,0x4c9b, | |
0xc131,0x6286,0x7195,0x0043, | |
0xc143,0x5255,0x892f,0xf34c, | |
0xc13e,0xce4b,0x6a11,0xe14a | |
}; | |
/* log( sqrt( 2*pi ) ) */ | |
static const unsigned short LS2P[] = { | |
0x3fed,0x67f1,0xc864,0xbeb5 | |
}; | |
#define LS2PI *(double *)LS2P | |
#define MAXLGM 2.556348e305 | |
static unsigned short LPI[4] = { | |
0x3ff2,0x50d0,0x48e7,0xa1bd, | |
}; | |
#define LOGPI *(double *)LPI | |
#endif | |
/* Logarithm of gamma function */ | |
/* Reentrant version */ | |
double __lgamma_r(double x, int* sgngam) | |
{ | |
double p, q, u, w, z; | |
int i; | |
*sgngam = 1; | |
#ifdef NANS | |
if( isnan(x) ) | |
return(x); | |
#endif | |
#ifdef INFINITIES | |
if( !isfinite(x) ) | |
return(INFINITY); | |
#endif | |
if( x < -34.0 ) | |
{ | |
q = -x; | |
w = __lgamma_r(q, sgngam); /* note this modifies sgngam! */ | |
p = floor(q); | |
if( p == q ) | |
{ | |
lgsing: | |
mtherr( "lgam", SING ); | |
#ifdef INFINITIES | |
return (INFINITY); | |
#else | |
return (MAXNUM); | |
#endif | |
} | |
i = p; | |
if( (i & 1) == 0 ) | |
*sgngam = -1; | |
else | |
*sgngam = 1; | |
z = q - p; | |
if( z > 0.5 ) | |
{ | |
p += 1.0; | |
z = p - q; | |
} | |
z = q * sin( PI * z ); | |
if( z == 0.0 ) | |
goto lgsing; | |
/* z = log(PI) - log( z ) - w;*/ | |
z = LOGPI - log( z ) - w; | |
return( z ); | |
} | |
if( x < 13.0 ) | |
{ | |
z = 1.0; | |
p = 0.0; | |
u = x; | |
while( u >= 3.0 ) | |
{ | |
p -= 1.0; | |
u = x + p; | |
z *= u; | |
} | |
while( u < 2.0 ) | |
{ | |
if( u == 0.0 ) | |
goto lgsing; | |
z /= u; | |
p += 1.0; | |
u = x + p; | |
} | |
if( z < 0.0 ) | |
{ | |
*sgngam = -1; | |
z = -z; | |
} | |
else | |
*sgngam = 1; | |
if( u == 2.0 ) | |
return( log(z) ); | |
p -= 2.0; | |
x = x + p; | |
p = x * polevl( x, B, 5 ) / p1evl( x, C, 6); | |
return( log(z) + p ); | |
} | |
if( x > MAXLGM ) | |
{ | |
mtherr( "lgamma", OVERFLOW ); | |
#ifdef INFINITIES | |
return( *sgngam * INFINITY ); | |
#else | |
return( *sgngam * MAXNUM ); | |
#endif | |
} | |
q = ( x - 0.5 ) * log(x) - x + LS2PI; | |
if( x > 1.0e8 ) | |
return( q ); | |
p = 1.0/(x*x); | |
if( x >= 1000.0 ) | |
q += (( 7.9365079365079365079365e-4 * p | |
- 2.7777777777777777777778e-3) *p | |
+ 0.0833333333333333333333) / x; | |
else | |
q += polevl( p, A, 4 ) / x; | |
return( q ); | |
} | |
/* This is the C99 version */ | |
double lgamma(double x) | |
{ | |
int local_sgngam=0; | |
return (__lgamma_r(x, &local_sgngam)); | |
} |