blob: fdf4edddf96434c38a51b971c4eb708b8c030be7 [file] [log] [blame]
Using the test suite for winpthreads
This test suite is originally designed for testing compliance: it just says when the tests pass without any further information.
Because this is inconvenient for work in progress, the behaviour has been modified to show more information for debugging while keeping the changes minimal
(for syncing purposes)
1. Enter the winpthreads dir:
$ cd winpthreads
2. Build the winpthreads lib
$ make
3. Make a copy for the test-suite:
$ cp libpthread.a libpthreadGC2.a
4. Enter the test-suite dir:
$ cd tests
5. (optional) Clean:
$ make clean
6. Build the suite. This will also run the tests. A few might crash so you have to click a dialog away.
The tool "runall.exe" will also be built.
$ make GC-static
To log both the compile results and the asserts:
$ make GC-static 2> compile-errors.log
7. Now you have a bunch of .exe and maybe some .pass files. Remove the .pass files. They don't contain much useful yet.
$ rm *.pass
8. Re-run the tests in debugging mode. Again some crash dialogs maybe.
runall will skip files with already an .pass or .fail output.
$ runall .
9. Now 3 types of files will be generated for each source (.c) file (runall excludes itself):
The stderr output with the asserts will be logged to corresponding .fail
and .pass files.
- .pass : the test has passed (exited with 0).
- .fail : the test has failed (exited with != 0).
- .x : no .exe found. Probably the compile has failed.
Note that when a test crashes, a .fail output will be generated, even without failed asserts.
Module testing:
Sometimes you want to test, debug and modify a single test, say once2.c:
1. Copy test.h to the debug test dir:
$ cp test.h ../test
2. Copy the file to the debug test dir:
$ cp once2.c ../test
3. Enter the debug test dir:
$ cd ../test
4. Build and run it:
$ make once2.exe
$ ./once2.exe
These work, but you have to compile them by hand like this:
$ make benchlib.o
$ make benchtest1.exe
$ make benchtest2.exe
$ make benchtest3.exe
$ make benchtest4.exe
$ make benchtest5.exe