blob: 61cdf8c4915c964264fac75aec032e525bc5a0e5 [file] [log] [blame]
genidl - Generate interface defintion language listing from a
Portable Executable.
Copyright (C) 2009-2016 mingw-w64 project
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "genidl_cfg.h"
#include "genidl_typeinfo.h"
#include "genidl_typinfo.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
TI_init_typs (sTITyps *ptyp)
if (!ptyp)
return -1;
memset (ptyp, 0, sizeof (sTITyps));
return 0;
TI_dest_typs (sTITyps *ptyp)
size_t i;
int32_t j;
if (!ptyp)
return -1;
for (j=0;j<TITYP_MAX;j++)
if (ptyp->buc[j].arr != NULL)
for (i = 0; i < ptyp->buc[j].count; i++)
if (ptyp->buc[j].arr[i]->refstr)
free (ptyp->buc[j].arr[i]->refstr);
if (ptyp->buc[j].arr[i]->poststr)
free (ptyp->buc[j].arr[i]->poststr);
free (ptyp->buc[j].arr[i]);
free (ptyp->buc[j].arr);
memset (ptyp, 0, sizeof (sTITyps));
return 0;
int32_t TI_add_typ (sTITyps *ptyp, uint32_t memid, int32_t kind, int32_t refkind, uint32_t refmem,
const char *refstr, const char *name, const char *poststr)
sTITyp *t, **h;
if (TI_get_typ (ptyp, memid, kind) != NULL || kind >= TITYP_MAX)
return -1;
if (!name)
name = "";
if (!refstr)
if (!poststr)
poststr = "";
if (ptyp->buc[kind].count >= ptyp->buc[kind].max)
h = (sTITyp **) malloc (sizeof (sTITyp *) * (ptyp->buc[kind].count + 32));
if (ptyp->buc[kind].arr)
memcpy (h, ptyp->buc[kind].arr, sizeof (sTITyp*) * ptyp->buc[kind].count);
free (ptyp->buc[kind].arr);
ptyp->buc[kind].arr = h;
ptyp->buc[kind].max += 32;
t = (sTITyp *) malloc (sizeof (sTITyp) + strlen (name));
t->memid = memid;
t->kind = kind;
t->refkind = refkind;
t->refmem = refmem;
t->refstr = strdup (refstr);
t->poststr = strdup (poststr);
strcpy (t->name, name);
ptyp->buc[kind].arr[ptyp->buc[kind].count] = t;
ptyp->buc[kind].count += 1;
return 0;
sTITyp *
TI_get_typ (sTITyps *ptyp, uint32_t memid, int32_t kind)
size_t i;
if (!ptyp || kind < 0 || kind >= TITYP_MAX)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < ptyp->buc[kind].count; i++)
if (ptyp->buc[kind].arr[i]->kind == kind && ptyp->buc[kind].arr[i]->memid == memid)
return ptyp->buc[kind].arr[i];
return NULL;
static char *
ti_cat (const char *t, const char *r)
char *ret;
size_t l;
if (!t)
t = "";
if (!r)
r = "";
l = strlen (t) + strlen (r) +1;
ret = (char *) malloc (l);
strcpy (ret, t);
strcat (ret, r);
return ret;
static char *
ti_cat_freel (char *t, const char *r)
char *ret = ti_cat (t, r);
if (t)
free (t);
return ret;
static int32_t
end_isref (const char *ret)
if (!ret || *ret == 0)
return 1;
ret += strlen (ret);
if (ret[-1] == '&' || ret[-1] == '*' || ret[-1] == ']')
return 1;
return 0;
char *
TI_get_typ_name (sTITyps *ptyp, uint32_t memid, int32_t kind, const char *varName)
static const char *szKind[TITYP_MAX] = {
"Name_", "Str_", "Guid_", "TypeB_", "TypeD_", "Arr_", "Ref_", "Imp_",
"Unknown_", "CD_", "CDGuid_", "ImpR_"
sTITyp *t = TI_get_typ (ptyp, memid, kind);
char s[128];
char *ret;
if (!t)
sprintf (s, "%s%x",szKind[kind],memid);
ret = strdup (s);
else if (t->name[0] == 0)
ret = TI_get_typ_name (ptyp, t->refmem, t->refkind, "");
ret = strdup (t->name);
if (t && t->refstr != NULL && t->refstr[0] != 0)
if (!end_isref (ret))
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, " ");
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, t->refstr);
if (varName != NULL && varName[0] != 0)
char *hl = strchr (ret, '[');
char *ar = NULL;
if (hl)
ar = strdup (hl);
*hl = 0;
if (!end_isref (ret))
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, " ");
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, varName);
if (ar)
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, ar);
free (ar);
if (t && t->poststr != NULL && t->poststr[0] != 0)
if (!end_isref (ret) && t->poststr[0] != '[')
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, " ");
ret = ti_cat_freel (ret, t->poststr);
return ret;
TI2_import_name (sTITyps *nptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
struct sMSFTNamePrologue {
int32_t res1;
int32_t res2;
#ifdef __GNUC__
union {
unsigned char v[4];
uint16_t us[2];
#ifdef __GNUC__
union {
unsigned char *dta;
struct sMSFTNamePrologue *p;
} v;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!len)
return 0;
while ((off + 12) <= len)
uint32_t memid = off;
unsigned char l;
char *name;
v.dta = &dta[off];
l = v.p->v[0];
name = (char *) malloc (l + 1);
if (!name)
return -1;
if (l != 0)
memcpy (name, &dta[off + 12], l);
name[l] = 0;
if (TI_add_typ (nptr,memid,TITYP_NAME, 0,0,"", name, "") < 0)
return -1;
free (name);
off = (12 + off + (uint32_t) l + 3) & ~3;
return 0;
TI2_import_string (sTITyps *sptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
uint32_t off = 0;
union {
unsigned char *dta;
unsigned short *len;
} v;
if (!len)
return 0;
while ((off + 2) <= len)
char *h;
v.dta = &dta[off];
h = (char *) malloc (v.len[0] + 1);
memcpy (h, &dta[off + 2], v.len[0]);
if (TI_add_typ (sptr, off, TITYP_STR, 0, 0, "", h, "") < 0)
return -1;
free (h);
off += 2 + (uint32_t) v.len[0];
off = (off + 3) & ~3;
return 0;
TI2_import_guid (sTITyps *gptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t length)
struct sGuidTab {
uint32_t data1;
uint16_t data2[2];
unsigned char data3[8];
int32_t res1;
int32_t res2; /* Forwarder GUID */
char str[260];
uint32_t off = 0;
union {
unsigned char *d;
struct sGuidTab *g;
} v;
if (!length)
return -1;
while ((off + 24) <= length)
v.d = &dta[off];
sprintf (str ,"\"%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\"",
v.g->data1, v.g->data2[0], v.g->data2[1],
TI_add_typ (gptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_GUIDS, 0, 0, "", str, "");
off += 24;
return 0;
TI2_import_typinfo_names (sTITyps *tptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t length)
char name_unk[32];
char prefix_unk[32];
char *h;
char *name;
const char *prefix;
sMSFT_TypeInfoBase *t = (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase *) dta;
int32_t i;
int32_t free_name;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!length)
return 0;
i = 0;
while ((off + sizeof (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase)) <= length)
free_name = 1;
name = TI_get_typ_name (tptr, (uint32_t) t[i].NameOffset, TITYP_NAME,"");
prefix = "";
if (!name)
free_name = 0;
sprintf (name_unk,"Name_%0x", t[i].NameOffset);
name = &name_unk[0];
switch (t[i].typekind & 0xf)
case TKIND_ENUM: prefix = "enum "; break;
case TKIND_RECORD: prefix = "struct "; break;
case TKIND_MODULE: prefix = "module "; break;
case TKIND_INTERFACE: prefix = "interface "; break;
case TKIND_DISPATCH: prefix = "dispinterface "; break;
case TKIND_COCLASS: prefix = "coclass "; break;
case TKIND_ALIAS: break;
case TKIND_UNION: prefix = "union "; break;
prefix = &prefix_unk[0];
sprintf (prefix_unk, "TK_%u ", t[i].typekind&0xf);
h = (char *) malloc (strlen (prefix) + strlen (name) + 1);
sprintf (h, "%s%s", prefix, name);
TI_add_typ (tptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES, 0,0, "", h, "");
free (h);
if (free_name)
free (name);
off += sizeof (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase);
return 0;
char *
getTypeBOrImpRef (sTITyps *dptr, uint32_t off, const char *var)
if (off == (uint32_t) -1)
return NULL;
if ((off&1) != 0)
return TI_get_typ_name (dptr, off & ~1U,TITYP_IMPREF, var);
return TI_get_typ_name (dptr, off, TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES, var);
TI2_import_typedesc (sTITyps *dptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
sMSFT_TypeDesc *p;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!len)
return -1;
while ((off + 7) < len)
p = (sMSFT_TypeDesc *) &dta[off];
switch ((p->kind))
case 26: /* VT_PTR */
if ((p->vt & 0x80000000) != 0)
const char *name;
name = decode_VT_name_tmp (((uint32_t) (p->vt)) & 0xffff);
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF, TITYP_UNKNOWN,
(uint32_t) p->oArrayD & 0xffff,
((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "*" : ""), &name[0], "");
if ((p->oTypeB & 1) != 0)
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_IMPREF, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB & 0xfffffffe,
((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "*" : ""), "", "");
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_DEREF, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB,
((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "*" : ""), "", "");
case 27: /* SAFEARRAY */
if ((p->vt & 0x80000000) != 0)
const char *name;
name = decode_VT_name_tmp (((uint32_t) (p->vt)) & 0xffff);
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF, TITYP_UNKNOWN,
(uint32_t) p->oArrayD & 0xffff,
"", &name[0], ((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "[]" : ""));
if ((p->oTypeB & 1) != 0)
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_IMPREF, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB & 0xfffffffe,
"", "", ((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "[]" : ""));
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_DEREF, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB,
"", "", ((p->flag & 0x7fff) != 0x7ffe ? "[]" : ""));
case 28: /* VT_CARRAY */
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF, TITYP_ARRAY,
(uint32_t) p->oArrayD & 0xffff, "", "", "");
case 29: /* VT_USERDEFINED */
if ((p->vt & 0x80000000) != 0)
const char *name;
name = decode_VT_name_tmp (((uint32_t) (p->vt)) & 0xffff);
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF, TITYP_UNKNOWN,
(uint32_t) p->oArrayD & 0xffff,
"", &name[0], "");
if ((p->oTypeB & 1) != 0)
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_IMPREF, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB & 0xfffffffe,
"", "", "");
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF,
TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES, (uint32_t) p->oTypeB,
"", "", "");
const char *name;
const char *prefix = "";
name = decode_VT_name_tmp (((uint32_t) (p->vt)) & 0xffff);
if ((p->flag & 0xf000) == 0x4000)
prefix = "*";
TI_add_typ (dptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_DEREF, TITYP_UNKNOWN,
(uint32_t) p->oArrayD, prefix, &name[0], "");
off += 8;
return 0;
TI2_import_customdata (sTITyps *dptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t length)
sMSFT_CustomData *p;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!length)
return 0;
while (off < length)
uint32_t soff = off;
char *s;
s = NULL;
p = (sMSFT_CustomData *) &dta[off];
off += getVT_data (dptr, p->vt, p->dta, &s);
TI_add_typ (dptr,soff,TITYP_CUSTOMDATA,0,0,"",s,"");
if(s) free (s);
off = (off + 3) & ~3;
//fprintf (fp, "\n");
return 0;
getVT_data (sTITyps *dptr, uint32_t vt, unsigned char *dta, char **ret)
char s[4096];
size_t b, l, sz;
if (dptr)
sz = 0;
l = getVT_size (vt, dta,&b);
dta += b - 2;
if (l == 0xffffffff)
if (vt == 8)
sprintf (s, "L\"\"");
else {
fprintf (stderr, "vt: 0x%x with size of -1!!!\n", vt);
sprintf (s, "vt:0x%x_zero", vt);
if (ret)
*ret = strdup (s);
return b;
sz = l;
s[0] = 0;
switch (vt) {
case 16: /* VT_I1 */ sprintf (s,"(char) %d", *((char *) dta)); break;
case 17: /* VT_UI1 */ sprintf (s,"(unsigned char) %u", *((unsigned char *) dta)); break;
case 18: /* VT_UI2 */ sprintf (s,"(USHORT) %u", *((uint16_t *) dta)); break;
case 23: /* VT_UINT */
case 19: /* VT_UI4 */ sprintf (s,"(UINT) %uU", *((uint32_t *) dta)); break;
case 20: /* VT_I8 */
#ifdef _WIN32
sprintf (s,"(LONGLONG) %I64dLL", *((int64_t *) dta)); break;
sprintf (s,"(LONGLONG) %lldLL", *((int64_t *) dta)); break;
case 21: /* VT_UI8 */
#ifdef _WIN32
sprintf (s,"(ULONGLONG) %I64uULL", *((uint64_t *) dta)); break;
sprintf (s,"(ULONGLONG) %lluULL", *((uint64_t *) dta)); break;
case 10: /* VT_ERROR */ sprintf (s, " = (SCODE) %dL", *((int32_t *) dta)); break;
case 11: /* VT_BOOL */ sprintf (s,"(WINBOOL) %d", *((int16_t *) dta)); break;
case 2: /* VT_I2 */ sprintf (s,"(short) %d", *((int16_t *) dta)); break;
case 22: /* VT_INT */
case 3: /* VT_I4 */ sprintf (s,"(int) %d", *((int32_t *) dta)); break;
case 4: /* VT_R4 */ sprintf (s,"(float) %f", *((float *) dta)); break;
case 5: /* VT_R8 */ sprintf (s,"(double) %g", *((double *) dta)); break;
case 6: /* VT_CY */
#ifdef _WIN32
sprintf (s,"(CY) %I64dLL", *((int64_t *) dta)); break;
sprintf (s,"(CY) %lldLL", *((int64_t *) dta)); break;
case 8: /* VT_BSTR */
sprintf (s,"L\"");
while (sz>0 && sz < 4094)
if (strlen (s) >= 4080)
fprintf (stderr, "String too big (%lu)\n", (unsigned long) l);
if (*dta >= 0x20 && *dta <= 0x7f)
sprintf (&s[strlen(s)], "%c", *dta);
sprintf (&s[strlen(s)],"\\%03o", *dta);
dta++; --sz;
sprintf (&s[strlen(s)],"\"");
case 25: /* VT_HRESULT */
case 26: /* VT_PTR */
sprintf (s,"(HRESULT) 0x%x", *((int32_t *) dta)); break;
sprintf (s, "(%s) with %u size", decode_VT_name_tmp (vt), (uint32_t) l);
if (ret)
*ret = strdup (s);
return l + b;
getVT_size (uint32_t vt, unsigned char *dta, size_t *basesz)
size_t ret = 0;
size_t bsz = 2;
switch (vt&0xfff) {
case 0: /* VT_EMPTY */ break;
case 1: /* VT_NULL */ break;
case 2: /* VT_I2 */ ret = 2; break;
case 3: /* VT_I4 */ ret = 4; break;
case 4: /* VT_R4 */ ret = 4; break;
case 5: /* VT_R8 */ ret = 8; break;
case 6: /* VT_CY */ ret = 16; break;
case 7: /* VT_DATE */ ret = 16; break;
case 8: /* VT_BSTR */ ret = 0; bsz += 4; break;
case 9: /* VT_DISPATCH */ ret = 4; break;
case 10: /* VT_ERROR */ ret = 4; break;
case 11: /* VT_BOOL */ ret = 2; break;
case 12: /* VT_VARIANT */ ret = 0; break;
case 13: /* VT_UNKNOWN */ ret = 4; break;
case 14: /* VT_DECIMAL */ ret = 16; break;
case 16: /* VT_I1 */ ret = 1; break;
case 17: /* VT_UI1 */ ret = 1; break;
case 18: /* VT_UI2 */ ret = 2; break;
case 19: /* VT_UI4 */ ret = 4; break;
case 20: /* VT_I8 */ ret = 8; break;
case 21: /* VT_UI8 */ ret = 8; break;
case 22: /* VT_INT */ ret = 4; break;
case 23: /* VT_UINT */ ret = 4; break;
case 24: /* VT_VOID */ ret = 0; break;
case 25: /* VT_HRESULT */ ret = 4; break;
case 26: /* VT_PTR */ ret = 4; break;
case 27: /* VT_SAFEARRAY */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 28: /* VT_CARRAY */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 29: /* VT_USERDEFINED */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 30: /* VT_LPSTR */ ret = 4; break;
case 31: /* VT_LPWSTR */ ret = 4; break;
case 36: /* VT_RECORD */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 37: /* VT_INT_PTR */ ret = 4; break;
case 38: /* VT_UINT_PTR */ ret = 4; break;
case 64: /* VT_FILETIME */ ret = 8; break;
case 65: /* VT_BLOB */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 66: /* VT_STREAM */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 67: /* VT_STORAGE */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 68: /* VT_STREAMED_OBJECT */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 69: /* VT_STORED_OBJECT */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 70: /* VT_BLOB_OBJECT */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 71: /* VT_CF*/ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 72: /* VT_CLSID */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 73: /* VT_VERSIONED_STREAM */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
case 0xfff: /* VT_BSTR_BLOB */ ret = 0; bsz+=4; break;
ret = 0; break;
if (bsz>2)
ret = *((uint32_t *) dta);
if (basesz)
*basesz = bsz;
return ret;
const char *
decode_VT_name_tmp (uint16_t vt)
static char str[128];
const char *name = "???";
switch ((vt&0xfff))
case 0: /* VT_EMPTY */ name = "EMPTY"; break;
case 1: /* VT_NULL */ name = "NULL"; break;
case 2: /* VT_I2 */ name = "short"; break;
case 3: /* VT_I4 */ name = "long"; break;
case 4: /* VT_R4 */ name = "float"; break;
case 5: /* VT_R8 */ name = "double"; break;
case 6: /* VT_CY */ name = "CY"; break;
case 7: /* VT_DATE */ name = "DATE"; break;
case 8: /* VT_BSTR */ name = "BSTR"; break;
case 9: /* VT_DISPATCH */ name = "IDispatch *"; break;
case 10: /* VT_ERROR */ name = "SCODE"; break;
case 11: /* VT_BOOL */ name = "WINBOOL"; break;
case 12: /* VT_VARIANT */ name = "VARIANT"; break;
case 13: /* VT_UNKNOWN */ name = "IUnknown *"; break;
case 14: /* VT_DECIMAL */ name = "DECIMAL"; break;
case 16: /* VT_I1 */ name = "CHAR"; break;
case 17: /* VT_UI1 */ name = "UCHAR"; break;
case 18: /* VT_UI2 */ name = "USHORT"; break;
case 19: /* VT_UI4 */ name = "UINT"; break;
case 20: /* VT_I8 */ name = "LONGLONG"; break;
case 21: /* VT_UI8 */ name = "ULONGLONG"; break;
case 22: /* VT_INT */ name = "int"; break;
case 23: /* VT_UINT */ name = "unsigned int"; break;
case 24: /* VT_VOID */ name = "void"; break;
case 25: /* VT_HRESULT */ name = "HRESULT"; break;
case 26: /* VT_PTR */ name = "PTR"; break;
case 27: /* VT_SAFEARRAY */ name = "SAFEARRAY"; break;
case 28: /* VT_CARRAY */ name = "CARRAY"; break;
case 29: /* VT_USERDEFINED */ name = "USERDEFINED"; break;
case 30: /* VT_LPSTR */ name = "LPSTR"; break;
case 31: /* VT_LPWSTR */ name = "LPWSTR"; break;
case 36: /* VT_RECORD */ name = "RECORD"; break;
case 37: /* VT_INT_PTR */ name = "INT_PTR"; break;
case 38: /* VT_UINT_PTR */ name = "UINT_PTR"; break;
case 64: /* VT_FILETIME */ name = "FILETIME"; break;
case 65: /* VT_BLOB */ name = "BLOB"; break;
case 66: /* VT_STREAM */ name = "STREAM"; break;
case 67: /* VT_STORAGE */ name = "STORAGE"; break;
case 68: /* VT_STREAMED_OBJECT */ name = "STREAMED_OBJECT"; break;
case 69: /* VT_STORED_OBJECT */ name = "STORED_OBJECT"; break;
case 70: /* VT_BLOB_OBJECT */ name = "BLOB_OBJECT"; break;
case 71: /* VT_CF*/ name = "CF"; break;
case 72: /* VT_CLSID */ name = "CLSID"; break;
case 73: /* VT_VERSIONED_STREAM */ name = "VERSIONED_STREAM"; break;
case 0xfff: /* VT_BSTR_BLOB */ name = "BSTR_BLOB"; break;
sprintf (str, "VT_%08x", vt & 0xfff);
name = &str[0];
if ((vt & 0xf000) == 0x4000)
strcat (str, " *");
return name;
char *
TI_getVTorDref (sTITyps *ptyp,uint32_t vt, const char *varName, int beBase)
char *name;
if ((vt & 0x80000000)!=0)
name = strdup (decode_VT_name_tmp (vt));
if (varName != NULL && varName[0] != 0)
name = ti_cat_freel (name, " ");
name = ti_cat_freel (name, varName);
else if ((vt&1)!=0)
name = TI_get_typ_name (ptyp, vt & ~1, TITYP_IMPREF, varName);
else if ((vt&3)!=0)
name = TI_get_typ_name (ptyp, vt, TITYP_UNKNOWN, varName);
if (!beBase)
name = TI_get_typ_name (ptyp, vt, TITYP_DEREF, varName);
name = TI_get_typ_name (ptyp, vt, TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES, varName);
return name;
TI2_import_importlibs (sTITyps *iptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
sMSFT_ImpFiles *p;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!len)
return 0;
while ((off + 13) < len)
char *h;
unsigned short l;
p = (sMSFT_ImpFiles *) &dta[off];
l = (p->flag >> 2);
h = (char *) malloc (l + 1);
memcpy (h, &dta[off + 14], l);
h[l] = 0;
genidl_strlwr (h);
TI_add_typ (iptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_IMP, 0,0,"",h,"");
off = (off + 14 + l + 3) & ~3;
return 0;
TI2_import_ref (sTITyps *gptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
sMSFT_RefTab *p;
uint32_t off = 0;
if (!len)
return 0;
while ((off + 15) < len)
char *h;
p = (sMSFT_RefTab *) & dta[off];
h = getTypeBOrImpRef (gptr, (uint32_t) p->oData1, "");
TI_add_typ (gptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_REF, p->data2, p->oNextRef,"",h,"");
free (h);
off += sizeof (sMSFT_RefTab);
return 0;
TI2_import_array (sTITyps *gptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
char postfix[256];
uint32_t off = 0;
sMSFT_ArrayDesc *p;
if (!len)
return 0;
while ((off + 7) < len)
uint32_t num_dims;
uint32_t size;
char *name = NULL;
uint32_t i;
p = (sMSFT_ArrayDesc *) &dta[off];
if ((p->vt & 0x80000000) != 0)
name = strdup (decode_VT_name_tmp (p->vt));
num_dims = p->count;
size = p->size;
if (!size)
size = (num_dims * 2 * 4);
postfix[0] = 0;
for (i=0;i < num_dims; i++)
sprintf (&postfix[strlen (postfix)], "[%u]", p->vt_offset[i*2]);
TI_add_typ (gptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_ARRAY, TITYP_DEREF, (uint32_t) p->vt,"",
(name ? name : ""), postfix);
off += 8 + size;
off +=3; off &= ~3;
return 0;
TI2_import_importref (sTITyps *gptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t length)
MSFT_ImpInfo *p;
uint32_t off = 0;
char *idstr;
char *iname;
if (!length)
return 0;
while ((off + 11) < length)
const char *str;
char s[128];
p = (MSFT_ImpInfo *) &dta[off];
iname = TI_get_typ_name (gptr, (uint32_t) p->oImpFile, TITYP_IMP, "");
if ((p->flags & 1) == 0)
sprintf (s, "TypeB_%x", p->oGuid);
char *ni = TI_get_typ_name (gptr, (uint32_t) p->oGuid & ~1, TITYP_GUIDS, "");
if (ni)
strcpy (s, ni + 1);
if (strrchr (s, '\"') != NULL)
*strrchr (s, '\"')=0;
free (ni);
sprintf (s, "Guid_%x", p->oGuid);
str = genidl_find_type (iname, &s[0]);
/*if (!str)
sprintf (s, "Name_%x", p->oGuid);
str = genidl_find_type (iname, &s[0]);
if (str)
TI_add_typ (gptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_IMPREF, 0,0, "", str, "");
idstr = (char *) malloc (strlen (s) + strlen (iname) + 2 + 10);
sprintf (idstr, "%s_%s_%02x_%x", iname, s, p->flags, p->tkind);
fprintf (stderr, "Type %s count: 0x%x tkind:0x%x not found\n", idstr, p->count, p->tkind);
TI_add_typ (gptr, (uint32_t) off, TITYP_IMPREF, 0,0, "", idstr, "");
free (idstr);
if (iname)
free (iname);
off += 12;
return 0;
TI2_import_customdataguid (sTITyps *gptr, unsigned char *dta, uint32_t len)
if (gptr || dta || len)
return 0;
return 0;