| ; |
| ; Definition file of msvcr120_app.dll |
| ; Automatic generated by gendef |
| ; written by Kai Tietz 2008 |
| ; |
| LIBRARY "msvcr120_app.dll" |
| |
| #include "msvcrt-common.def.in" |
| |
| ??0?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAE@P6AXXZ@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@QAE@P6AXXZ@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAA@IZZ |
| ??0SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAE@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_Cancellation_beacon@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_Context@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PAVContext@2@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_Interruption_exception@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_Interruption_exception@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_NonReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_ReentrantLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_Scheduler@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PAVScheduler@2@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_Scoped_lock@_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV123@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_Scoped_lock@_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV123@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_SpinLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@ACJ@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PAV_CancellationTokenState@12@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@PAV_CancellationTokenState@12@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0_Timer@details@Concurrency@@IAE@I_N@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ??0__non_rtti_object@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0__non_rtti_object@std@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_cast@std@@AAE@PBQBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_cast@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_cast@std@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_target@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_target@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0bad_typeid@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0bad_typeid@std@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0context_self_unblock@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0context_self_unblock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0context_unblock_unbalanced@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0context_unblock_unbalanced@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0default_scheduler_exists@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0default_scheduler_exists@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0event@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABQBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0exception@std@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0improper_scheduler_reference@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0improper_scheduler_reference@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_link_target@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_link_target@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_multiple_scheduling@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_multiple_scheduling@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_operation@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_operation@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_oversubscribe_operation@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_oversubscribe_operation@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0message_not_found@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0message_not_found@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0missing_wait@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0missing_wait@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0nested_scheduler_missing_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0nested_scheduler_missing_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0operation_timed_out@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0operation_timed_out@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0scheduler_not_attached@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0scheduler_not_attached@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@J@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@PBDJ@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ??0scheduler_worker_creation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@J@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0scheduler_worker_creation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@PBDJ@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ??0scoped_lock@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV12@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0scoped_lock@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV12@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0scoped_lock_read@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@AAV12@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0task_canceled@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0task_canceled@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??0unsupported_os@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??0unsupported_os@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_Cancellation_beacon@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_NonReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_Scoped_lock@_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_Scoped_lock@_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_SpinLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1_Timer@details@Concurrency@@MAE@XZ |
| ??1__non_rtti_object@std@@UAE@XZ |
| ??1bad_cast@std@@UAE@XZ |
| ??1bad_typeid@std@@UAE@XZ |
| ??1critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1event@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1exception@std@@UAE@XZ |
| ??1reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1scoped_lock@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1scoped_lock@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1scoped_lock_read@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ |
| ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ |
| ??2@YAPAXI@Z |
| ??3@YAXPAX@Z |
| ??4?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAEAAV012@ABV012@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@QAEAAV012@ABV012@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4__non_rtti_object@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4bad_cast@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4bad_typeid@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??4exception@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??8type_info@@QBE_NABV0@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??9type_info@@QBE_NABV0@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ??_7__non_rtti_object@std@@6B@ DATA |
| ??_7bad_cast@std@@6B@ DATA |
| ??_7bad_typeid@std@@6B@ DATA |
| ??_7exception@std@@6B@ DATA |
| ??_F?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_F?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_F_Context@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_F_Scheduler@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_Fbad_cast@std@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_Fbad_typeid@std@@QAEXXZ |
| ??_U@YAPAXI@Z |
| ??_V@YAXPAX@Z |
| ?Alloc@Concurrency@@YAPAXI@Z |
| ?Block@Context@Concurrency@@SAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?CaptureCallstack@platform@details@Concurrency@@YAIPAPAXII@Z |
| ?Create@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAXABVSchedulerPolicy@2@@Z ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?Create@Scheduler@Concurrency@@SAPAV12@ABVSchedulerPolicy@2@@Z |
| ?CreateResourceManager@Concurrency@@YAPAUIResourceManager@1@XZ |
| ?CreateScheduleGroup@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAPAVScheduleGroup@2@AAVlocation@2@@Z |
| ?CreateScheduleGroup@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAPAVScheduleGroup@2@XZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?CurrentContext@Context@Concurrency@@SAPAV12@XZ |
| ?Detach@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAXXZ |
| ?DisableTracing@Concurrency@@YAJXZ |
| ?EnableTracing@Concurrency@@YAJXZ |
| ?Free@Concurrency@@YAXPAX@Z |
| ?Get@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAPAVScheduler@2@XZ |
| ?GetCurrentThreadId@platform@details@Concurrency@@YAJXZ ; Check!!! forwards to GetCurrentThreadId in api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll (ordinal 16) |
| ?GetExecutionContextId@Concurrency@@YAIXZ |
| ?GetNumberOfVirtualProcessors@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?GetOSVersion@Concurrency@@YA?AW4OSVersion@IResourceManager@1@XZ |
| ?GetPolicy@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SA?AVSchedulerPolicy@2@XZ |
| ?GetPolicyValue@SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QBEIW4PolicyElementKey@2@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?GetProcessorCount@Concurrency@@YAIXZ |
| ?GetProcessorNodeCount@Concurrency@@YAIXZ |
| ?GetSchedulerId@Concurrency@@YAIXZ |
| ?GetSharedTimerQueue@details@Concurrency@@YAPAXXZ |
| ?Id@Context@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?Id@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?IsAvailableLocation@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SA_NABVlocation@2@@Z |
| ?IsCurrentTaskCollectionCanceling@Context@Concurrency@@SA_NXZ |
| ?Log2@details@Concurrency@@YAKI@Z |
| ?Oversubscribe@Context@Concurrency@@SAX_N@Z |
| ?RegisterShutdownEvent@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAXPAX@Z |
| ?ResetDefaultSchedulerPolicy@Scheduler@Concurrency@@SAXXZ |
| ?ScheduleGroupId@Context@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?ScheduleTask@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAXP6AXPAX@Z0@Z |
| ?ScheduleTask@CurrentScheduler@Concurrency@@SAXP6AXPAX@Z0AAVlocation@2@@Z |
| ?SetConcurrencyLimits@SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAEXII@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?SetDefaultSchedulerPolicy@Scheduler@Concurrency@@SAXABVSchedulerPolicy@2@@Z |
| ?SetPolicyValue@SchedulerPolicy@Concurrency@@QAEIW4PolicyElementKey@2@I@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?VirtualProcessorId@Context@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?Yield@Context@Concurrency@@SAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_Abort@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@AAEXXZ |
| ?_Acquire@_NonReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Acquire@_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAX@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_Acquire@_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Acquire@_ReentrantLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Acquire@_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAX@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_AcquireRead@_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_AcquireWrite@_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Cancel@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Cancel@_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_CheckTaskCollection@_UnrealizedChore@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_CleanupToken@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@AAEXXZ |
| ?_ConcRT_CoreAssert@details@Concurrency@@YAXPBD0H@Z ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_ConcRT_Trace@details@Concurrency@@YAXHPB_WZZ |
| ?_Confirm_cancel@_Cancellation_beacon@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_Copy_str@exception@std@@AAEXPBD@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_CurrentContext@_Context@details@Concurrency@@SA?AV123@XZ |
| ?_Current_node@location@Concurrency@@SA?AV12@XZ |
| ?_Destroy@_AsyncTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@EAEXXZ |
| ?_DoYield@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_DoYield@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_Get@_CurrentScheduler@details@Concurrency@@SA?AV_Scheduler@23@XZ |
| ?_GetConcRTTraceInfo@Concurrency@@YAPBU_CONCRT_TRACE_INFO@details@1@XZ |
| ?_GetConcurrency@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ |
| ?_GetCurrentInlineDepth@_StackGuard@details@Concurrency@@CAAAIXZ |
| ?_GetNumberOfVirtualProcessors@_CurrentScheduler@details@Concurrency@@SAIXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_GetScheduler@_Scheduler@details@Concurrency@@QAEPAVScheduler@3@XZ |
| ?_Id@_CurrentScheduler@details@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?_IsCanceling@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_IsCanceling@_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_IsSynchronouslyBlocked@_Context@details@Concurrency@@QBE_NXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_Name_base@type_info@@CAPBDPBV1@PAU__type_info_node@@@Z |
| ?_Name_base_internal@type_info@@CAPBDPBV1@PAU__type_info_node@@@Z |
| ?_NewCollection@_AsyncTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@SAPAV123@PAV_CancellationTokenState@23@@Z |
| ?_NumberOfSpins@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@IAEKXZ |
| ?_NumberOfSpins@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@IAEKXZ |
| ?_Oversubscribe@_Context@details@Concurrency@@SAX_N@Z |
| ?_Reference@_Scheduler@details@Concurrency@@QAEIXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_Release@_NonReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Release@_NonReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Release@_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Release@_ReentrantLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Release@_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_Release@_Scheduler@details@Concurrency@@QAEIXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_ReleaseRead@_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_ReleaseWrite@_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_ReportUnobservedException@details@Concurrency@@YAXXZ |
| ?_Reset@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_Reset@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_RunAndWait@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAG?AW4_TaskCollectionStatus@23@PAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?_RunAndWait@_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAG?AW4_TaskCollectionStatus@23@PAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_Schedule@_StructuredTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@PAVlocation@3@@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?_Schedule@_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_Schedule@_TaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@QAEXPAV_UnrealizedChore@23@PAVlocation@3@@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?_ScheduleTask@_CurrentScheduler@details@Concurrency@@SAXP6AXPAX@Z0@Z |
| ?_SetSpinCount@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAEXI@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_SetSpinCount@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@QAEXI@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_SetUnobservedExceptionHandler@details@Concurrency@@YAXP6AXXZ@Z |
| ?_ShouldSpinAgain@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@IAE_NXZ |
| ?_ShouldSpinAgain@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@IAE_NXZ |
| ?_SpinOnce@?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_SpinOnce@?$_SpinWait@$0A@@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_SpinYield@Context@Concurrency@@SAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_Start@_Timer@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_Stop@_Timer@details@Concurrency@@IAEXXZ |
| ?_Tidy@exception@std@@AAEXXZ |
| ?_Trace_agents@Concurrency@@YAXW4Agents_EventType@1@_JZZ |
| ?_Trace_ppl_function@Concurrency@@YAXABU_GUID@@EW4ConcRT_EventType@1@@Z |
| ?_TryAcquire@_NonReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_TryAcquire@_ReentrantBlockingLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_TryAcquire@_ReentrantLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_TryAcquireWrite@_ReaderWriterLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?_Type_info_dtor@type_info@@CAXPAV1@@Z |
| ?_Type_info_dtor_internal@type_info@@CAXPAV1@@Z |
| ?_UnderlyingYield@details@Concurrency@@YAXXZ |
| ?_ValidateExecute@@YAHP6GHXZ@Z |
| ?_ValidateRead@@YAHPBXI@Z |
| ?_ValidateWrite@@YAHPAXI@Z |
| ?_Value@_SpinCount@details@Concurrency@@SAIXZ |
| ?_Yield@_Context@details@Concurrency@@SAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?__ExceptionPtrAssign@@YAXPAXPBX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrCompare@@YA_NPBX0@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrCopy@@YAXPAXPBX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrCopyException@@YAXPAXPBX1@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrCreate@@YAXPAX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrCurrentException@@YAXPAX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrDestroy@@YAXPAX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrRethrow@@YAXPBX@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrSwap@@YAXPAX0@Z |
| ?__ExceptionPtrToBool@@YA_NPBX@Z |
| __uncaught_exception |
| ?_inconsistency@@YAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?_invalid_parameter@@YAXPBG00II@Z |
| ?_is_exception_typeof@@YAHABVtype_info@@PAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@Z |
| ?_name_internal_method@type_info@@QBEPBDPAU__type_info_node@@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?_open@@YAHPBDHH@Z |
| ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ |
| ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ |
| ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZH@Z |
| ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z |
| ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z |
| ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZH@Z |
| ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z |
| ?_sopen@@YAHPBDHHH@Z |
| ?_type_info_dtor_internal_method@type_info@@QAEXXZ |
| ?_wopen@@YAHPB_WHH@Z |
| ?_wsopen@@YAHPB_WHHH@Z |
| ?before@type_info@@QBE_NABV1@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?current@location@Concurrency@@SA?AV12@XZ |
| ?from_numa_node@location@Concurrency@@SA?AV12@G@Z |
| ?get_error_code@scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QBEJXZ |
| ?lock@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?lock@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?lock_read@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDPAU__type_info_node@@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?native_handle@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAEAAV12@XZ |
| ?notify_all@_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?notify_one@_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ |
| ?reset@event@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?set@event@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z |
| ?set_task_execution_resources@Concurrency@@YAXGPAU_GROUP_AFFINITY@@@Z ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?set_task_execution_resources@Concurrency@@YAXK@Z ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZH@Z |
| ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z |
| ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZH@Z |
| ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z |
| ?swprintf@@YAHPAGIPBGZZ |
| ?swprintf@@YAHPA_WIPB_WZZ |
| ?terminate@@YAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?try_lock@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?try_lock@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?try_lock_for@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE_NI@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?try_lock_read@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAE_NXZ |
| ?unexpected@@YAXXZ ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| ?unlock@critical_section@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?unlock@reader_writer_lock@Concurrency@@QAEXXZ |
| ?vswprintf@@YAHPA_WIPB_WPAD@Z |
| ?wait@Concurrency@@YAXI@Z |
| ?wait@_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAEXAAVcritical_section@3@@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?wait@event@Concurrency@@QAEII@Z ; has WINAPI (@4) |
| ?wait_for@_Condition_variable@details@Concurrency@@QAE_NAAVcritical_section@3@I@Z ; has WINAPI (@8) |
| ?wait_for_multiple@event@Concurrency@@SAIPAPAV12@I_NI@Z |
| ?what@exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ |
| $I10_OUTPUT |
| _CIacos |
| _CIasin |
| _CIatan |
| _CIatan2 |
| _CIcos |
| _CIcosh |
| _CIexp |
| _CIfmod |
| _CIlog |
| _CIlog10 |
| _CIpow |
| _CIsin |
| _CIsinh |
| _CIsqrt |
| _CItan |
| _CItanh |
| _Cbuild |
| _CreateFrameInfo |
| _CxxThrowException@8 |
| _EH_prolog |
| _FCbuild |
| _FindAndUnlinkFrame |
| _Getdays |
| _Getmonths |
| _Gettnames |
| _IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed |
| _LCbuild |
| _NLG_Dispatch2@4 |
| _NLG_Return@12 |
| _NLG_Return2 |
| _SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback |
| _Strftime |
| _W_Getdays |
| _W_Getmonths |
| _W_Gettnames |
| _Wcsftime |
| _XcptFilter |
| __AdjustPointer |
| __BuildCatchObject |
| __BuildCatchObjectHelper |
| __CppXcptFilter |
| __CxxDetectRethrow |
| __CxxExceptionFilter |
| __CxxFrameHandler |
| __CxxFrameHandler2 |
| __CxxFrameHandler3 |
| __CxxLongjmpUnwind@4 |
| __CxxQueryExceptionSize |
| __CxxRegisterExceptionObject |
| __CxxUnregisterExceptionObject |
| __DestructExceptionObject |
| __FrameUnwindFilter |
| __GetPlatformExceptionInfo |
| __RTCastToVoid |
| __RTDynamicCast |
| __RTtypeid |
| __TypeMatch |
| ___lc_codepage_func |
| ___lc_collate_cp_func |
| ___lc_locale_name_func |
| ___mb_cur_max_func |
| ___mb_cur_max_l_func |
| ___setlc_active_func |
| ___unguarded_readlc_active_add_func |
| __argc DATA |
| __argv DATA |
| __badioinfo DATA |
| __clean_type_info_names_internal |
| __control87_2 |
| __create_locale |
| __crtCloseWinRTThreadHandle |
| __crtCompareStringA |
| __crtCompareStringW |
| __crtCreateWinRTThread |
| __crtGetCurrentWinRTThread |
| __crtGetCurrentWinRTThreadId |
| __crtGetExitCodeWinRTThread |
| __crtIsPackagedApp |
| __crtLCMapStringA |
| __crtLCMapStringW |
| __crtSleep |
| __crtWaitForWinRTThreadExit |
| __daylight |
| __dllonexit |
| __doserrno |
| __dstbias |
| __fpecode |
| __free_locale |
| __get_current_locale |
| __get_flsindex |
| __get_tlsindex |
| __getmainargs |
| __initenv DATA |
| __iob_func |
| __isascii |
| __iscsym |
| __iscsymf |
| __iswcsym |
| __iswcsymf |
| __lconv DATA |
| __lconv_init |
| __libm_sse2_acos |
| __libm_sse2_acosf |
| __libm_sse2_asin |
| __libm_sse2_asinf |
| __libm_sse2_atan |
| __libm_sse2_atan2 |
| __libm_sse2_atanf |
| __libm_sse2_cos |
| __libm_sse2_cosf |
| __libm_sse2_exp |
| __libm_sse2_expf |
| __libm_sse2_log |
| __libm_sse2_log10 |
| __libm_sse2_log10f |
| __libm_sse2_logf |
| __libm_sse2_pow |
| __libm_sse2_powf |
| __libm_sse2_sin |
| __libm_sse2_sinf |
| __libm_sse2_tan |
| __libm_sse2_tanf |
| __mb_cur_max DATA |
| __p___argc |
| __p___argv |
| __p___mb_cur_max |
| __p___wargv |
| __p__acmdln |
| __p__commode |
| __p__daylight |
| __p__dstbias |
| __p__fmode |
| __p__iob |
| __p__mbcasemap |
| __p__mbctype |
| __p__pctype |
| __p__pgmptr |
| __p__pwctype |
| __p__timezone |
| __p__tzname |
| __p__wcmdln |
| __p__wpgmptr |
| __pctype_func |
| __pioinfo DATA |
| __pwctype_func |
| __pxcptinfoptrs |
| __report_gsfailure |
| __setlc_active DATA |
| __setusermatherr |
| __strncnt |
| __swprintf_l |
| __sys_errlist |
| __sys_nerr |
| __threadhandle ; Check!!! forwards to GetCurrentThread in api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll (ordinal 15) |
| __threadid ; Check!!! forwards to GetCurrentThreadId in api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll (ordinal 16) |
| __timezone |
| __toascii |
| __tzname |
| __unDName |
| __unDNameEx |
| __unDNameHelper |
| __unguarded_readlc_active DATA |
| __vswprintf_l |
| __wargv DATA |
| __wcserror |
| __wcserror_s |
| __wcsncnt |
| __wgetmainargs |
| __winitenv DATA |
| _abnormal_termination |
| _abs64 |
| _access |
| _access_s |
| _acmdln DATA |
| _aligned_free |
| _aligned_malloc |
| _aligned_msize |
| _aligned_offset_malloc |
| _aligned_offset_realloc |
| _aligned_offset_recalloc |
| _aligned_realloc |
| _aligned_recalloc |
| _amsg_exit ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| _assert ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| _atodbl |
| _atodbl_l |
| _atof_l |
| _atoflt |
| _atoflt_l |
| _atoi64 |
| _atoi64_l |
| _atoi_l |
| _atol_l |
| _atoldbl |
| _atoldbl_l |
| _atoll_l |
| _byteswap_uint64 |
| _byteswap_ulong |
| _byteswap_ushort |
| _c_exit |
| _cabs |
| _callnewh |
| _calloc_crt |
| _cexit |
| _chgsign |
| _chgsignf |
| _chkesp |
| _chmod |
| _chsize |
| _chsize_s |
| _clearfp |
| _close |
| _commit |
| _commode DATA |
| _configthreadlocale |
| _control87 |
| _controlfp |
| _controlfp_s |
| _copysign |
| _copysignf |
| _creat |
| _create_locale |
| _crt_debugger_hook |
| _ctime32 |
| ctime == _ctime32 |
| _ctime32_s |
| _ctime64 |
| _ctime64_s |
| _daylight DATA |
| _dclass |
| _difftime32 |
| _difftime64 |
| _dosmaperr |
| _dpcomp |
| _dsign |
| _dstbias DATA |
| _dtest |
| _dup |
| _dup2 |
| _ecvt |
| _ecvt_s |
| _environ DATA |
| _eof |
| _errno |
| _except1 |
| _except_handler2 |
| _except_handler3 |
| _except_handler4_common |
| _exit |
| _exit_app |
| _expand |
| _fclose_nolock |
| _fcloseall |
| _fcvt |
| _fcvt_s |
| _fdclass |
| _fdopen |
| _fdpcomp |
| _fdsign |
| _fdtest |
| _fflush_nolock |
| _fgetchar |
| _fgetwc_nolock |
| _fgetwchar |
| _filbuf |
| _filelength |
| _filelengthi64 |
| _fileno |
| _findclose |
| _findfirst32 |
| _findfirst == _findfirst32 |
| _findfirst32i64 |
| _findfirst64 |
| _findfirst64i32 |
| _findnext32 |
| _findnext == _findnext32 |
| _findnext32i64 |
| _findnext64 |
| _findnext64i32 |
| _finite |
| _flsbuf |
| _flushall |
| _fmode DATA |
| _fpclass |
| _fpieee_flt |
| _fpreset |
| _fprintf_l |
| _fprintf_p |
| _fprintf_p_l |
| _fprintf_s_l |
| _fputchar |
| _fputwc_nolock |
| _fputwchar |
| _fread_nolock |
| _fread_nolock_s |
| _free_locale |
| _freea |
| _freea_s |
| _freefls@4 |
| _fscanf_l |
| _fscanf_s_l |
| _fseek_nolock |
| _fseeki64 |
| _fseeki64_nolock |
| _fsopen |
| _fstat32 |
| _fstat32i64 |
| _fstat64 |
| _fstat64i32 |
| _fstat == _fstat32 |
| _fstati64 == _fstat32i64 |
| _ftell_nolock |
| _ftelli64 |
| _ftelli64_nolock |
| _ftime32 |
| _ftime32_s |
| _ftime64 |
| _ftime64_s |
| _ftol |
| _fullpath |
| _futime32 |
| _futime64 |
| _fwprintf_l |
| _fwprintf_p |
| _fwprintf_p_l |
| _fwprintf_s_l |
| _fwrite_nolock |
| _fwscanf_l |
| _fwscanf_s_l |
| _gcvt |
| _gcvt_s |
| _get_current_locale |
| _get_daylight |
| _get_doserrno |
| _get_dstbias |
| _get_errno |
| _get_fmode |
| _get_heap_handle |
| _get_invalid_parameter_handler |
| _get_osfhandle |
| _get_output_format |
| _get_pgmptr |
| _get_printf_count_output |
| _get_purecall_handler |
| _get_terminate |
| _get_timezone |
| _get_tzname |
| _get_unexpected |
| _get_wpgmptr |
| _getc_nolock |
| _getmaxstdio |
| _getmbcp |
| _getptd |
| _getw |
| _getws |
| _getws_s |
| _global_unwind2 |
| _gmtime32 |
| gmtime == _gmtime32 |
| _gmtime32_s |
| _gmtime64 |
| _gmtime64_s |
| _hypot |
| _hypotf |
| _i64toa |
| _i64toa_s |
| _i64tow |
| _i64tow_s |
| _initptd |
| _initterm |
| _initterm_e |
| _invalid_parameter |
| _invalid_parameter_noinfo |
| _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn |
| _invoke_watson |
| _iob DATA |
| _isalnum_l |
| _isalpha_l |
| _isatty |
| _isblank_l |
| _iscntrl_l |
| _isctype |
| _isctype_l |
| _isdigit_l |
| _isgraph_l |
| _isleadbyte_l |
| _islower_l |
| _ismbbalnum |
| _ismbbalnum_l |
| _ismbbalpha |
| _ismbbalpha_l |
| _ismbbblank |
| _ismbbblank_l |
| _ismbbgraph |
| _ismbbgraph_l |
| _ismbbkalnum |
| _ismbbkalnum_l |
| _ismbbkana |
| _ismbbkana_l |
| _ismbbkprint |
| _ismbbkprint_l |
| _ismbbkpunct |
| _ismbbkpunct_l |
| _ismbblead |
| _ismbblead_l |
| _ismbbprint |
| _ismbbprint_l |
| _ismbbpunct |
| _ismbbpunct_l |
| _ismbbtrail |
| _ismbbtrail_l |
| _isnan |
| _isprint_l |
| _ispunct_l |
| _isspace_l |
| _isupper_l |
| _iswalnum_l |
| _iswalpha_l |
| _iswblank_l |
| _iswcntrl_l |
| _iswcsym_l |
| _iswcsymf_l |
| _iswctype_l |
| _iswdigit_l |
| _iswgraph_l |
| _iswlower_l |
| _iswprint_l |
| _iswpunct_l |
| _iswspace_l |
| _iswupper_l |
| _iswxdigit_l |
| _isxdigit_l |
| _itoa |
| _itoa_s |
| _itow |
| _itow_s |
| _j0 |
| _j1 |
| _jn |
| _ldclass |
| _ldpcomp |
| _ldsign |
| _ldtest |
| _lfind |
| _lfind_s |
| _libm_sse2_acos_precise |
| _libm_sse2_asin_precise |
| _libm_sse2_atan_precise |
| _libm_sse2_cos_precise |
| _libm_sse2_exp_precise |
| _libm_sse2_log10_precise |
| _libm_sse2_log_precise |
| _libm_sse2_pow_precise |
| _libm_sse2_sin_precise |
| _libm_sse2_sqrt_precise |
| _libm_sse2_tan_precise |
| _local_unwind2 |
| _local_unwind4 |
| _localtime32 |
| localtime == _localtime32 |
| _localtime32_s |
| _localtime64 |
| _localtime64_s |
| _lock |
| _lock_file |
| _locking |
| _logb |
| _longjmpex ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| _lrotl |
| _lrotr |
| _lsearch |
| _lsearch_s |
| _lseek |
| _lseeki64 |
| _ltoa |
| _ltoa_s |
| _ltow |
| _ltow_s |
| _makepath |
| _makepath_s |
| _malloc_crt |
| _mbcasemap DATA |
| _mbctype DATA |
| _mblen_l |
| _mbstowcs_l |
| _mbstowcs_s_l |
| _mbstrlen |
| _mbstrlen_l |
| _mbstrnlen |
| _mbstrnlen_l |
| _mbtowc_l |
| _memccpy |
| _memicmp |
| _memicmp_l |
| _mkdir |
| _mkgmtime32 |
| _mkgmtime64 |
| _mktemp |
| _mktemp_s |
| _mktime32 |
| _mktime64 |
| _msize |
| _nextafter |
| _onexit |
| _open |
| _open_osfhandle |
| _pctype DATA |
| _pgmptr DATA |
| _printf_l |
| _printf_p |
| _printf_p_l |
| _printf_s_l |
| _purecall ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| _putw |
| _putws |
| _pwctype DATA |
| _read |
| _realloc_crt |
| _recalloc |
| _recalloc_crt |
| _rmdir |
| _rmtmp |
| _rotl |
| _rotl64 |
| _rotr |
| _rotr64 |
| _scalb |
| _scanf_l |
| _scanf_s_l |
| _scprintf |
| _scprintf_l |
| _scprintf_p |
| _scprintf_p_l |
| _scwprintf |
| _scwprintf_l |
| _scwprintf_p |
| _scwprintf_p_l |
| _seh_longjmp_unwind4@4 |
| _seh_longjmp_unwind@4 |
| _set_SSE2_enable |
| _set_abort_behavior |
| __set_app_type ; Dummy implementation |
| _set_controlfp |
| _set_doserrno |
| _set_errno |
| _set_error_mode |
| _set_fmode |
| _set_invalid_parameter_handler |
| _set_malloc_crt_max_wait |
| _set_output_format |
| _set_printf_count_output |
| _set_purecall_handler |
| _setjmp |
| _setjmp3 |
| _setmaxstdio |
| _setmbcp |
| _setmode |
| _snprintf |
| _snprintf_c |
| _snprintf_c_l |
| _snprintf_l |
| _snprintf_s |
| _snprintf_s_l |
| _snscanf |
| _snscanf_l |
| _snscanf_s |
| _snscanf_s_l |
| _snwprintf |
| _snwprintf_l |
| _snwprintf_s |
| _snwprintf_s_l |
| _snwscanf |
| _snwscanf_l |
| _snwscanf_s |
| _snwscanf_s_l |
| _sopen |
| _sopen_s |
| _splitpath |
| _splitpath_s |
| _sprintf_l |
| _sprintf_p |
| _sprintf_p_l |
| _sprintf_s_l |
| _sscanf_l |
| _sscanf_s_l |
| _stat32 |
| _stat32i64 |
| _stat64 |
| _stat64i32 |
| _stat == _stat32 |
| _stati64 == _stat32i64 |
| _statusfp |
| _statusfp2 |
| _strcoll_l |
| _strdate |
| _strdate_s |
| _strdup |
| _strerror |
| _strerror_s |
| _strftime_l |
| _stricmp |
| _stricmp_l |
| _stricoll |
| _stricoll_l |
| _strlwr |
| _strlwr_l |
| _strlwr_s |
| _strlwr_s_l |
| _strncoll |
| _strncoll_l |
| _strnicmp |
| _strnicmp_l |
| _strnicoll |
| _strnicoll_l |
| _strnset |
| _strnset_s |
| _strrev |
| _strset |
| _strset_s |
| _strtime |
| _strtime_s |
| _strtod_l |
| _strtof_l |
| _strtoi64 |
| _strtoi64_l |
| _strtoimax_l |
| _strtol_l |
| _strtold_l |
| _strtoll_l |
| _strtoui64 |
| _strtoui64_l |
| _strtoul_l |
| _strtoull_l |
| _strtoumax_l |
| _strupr |
| _strupr_l |
| _strupr_s |
| _strupr_s_l |
| _strxfrm_l |
| _swab |
| swab == _swab |
| _swprintf |
| _swprintf_c |
| _swprintf_c_l |
| _swprintf_p |
| _swprintf_p_l |
| _swprintf_s_l |
| _swscanf_l |
| _swscanf_s_l |
| _sys_errlist DATA |
| _sys_nerr DATA |
| _tell |
| _telli64 |
| _tempnam |
| _time32 |
| _time64 |
| time == _time32 |
| _timezone DATA |
| _tolower |
| _tolower_l |
| _toupper |
| _toupper_l |
| _towlower_l |
| _towupper_l |
| _tzname DATA |
| _tzset |
| _ui64toa |
| _ui64toa_s |
| _ui64tow |
| _ui64tow_s |
| _ultoa |
| _ultoa_s |
| _ultow |
| _ultow_s |
| _umask |
| _umask_s |
| _ungetc_nolock |
| _ungetwc_nolock |
| _unlink |
| _unlock |
| _unlock_file |
| _utime32 |
| _utime64 |
| _vacopy |
| _vfprintf_l |
| _vfprintf_p |
| _vfprintf_p_l |
| _vfprintf_s_l |
| _vfwprintf_l |
| _vfwprintf_p |
| _vfwprintf_p_l |
| _vfwprintf_s_l |
| _vprintf_l |
| _vprintf_p |
| _vprintf_p_l |
| _vprintf_s_l |
| _vscprintf |
| _vscprintf_l |
| _vscprintf_p |
| _vscprintf_p_l |
| _vscwprintf |
| _vscwprintf_l |
| _vscwprintf_p |
| _vscwprintf_p_l |
| _vsnprintf |
| vsnprintf == _vsnprintf |
| snprintf == _snprintf |
| _vsnprintf_c |
| _vsnprintf_c_l |
| _vsnprintf_l |
| _vsnprintf_s |
| _vsnprintf_s_l |
| _vsnwprintf |
| _vsnwprintf_l |
| _vsnwprintf_s |
| _vsnwprintf_s_l |
| _vsprintf_l |
| _vsprintf_p |
| _vsprintf_p_l |
| _vsprintf_s_l |
| _vswprintf |
| _vswprintf_c |
| _vswprintf_c_l |
| _vswprintf_l |
| _vswprintf_p |
| _vswprintf_p_l |
| _vswprintf_s_l |
| _vwprintf_l |
| _vwprintf_p |
| _vwprintf_p_l |
| _vwprintf_s_l |
| _waccess |
| _waccess_s |
| _wasctime |
| _wasctime_s |
| _wassert ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| _wchmod |
| _wcmdln DATA |
| _wcreat |
| _wcreate_locale |
| _wcscoll_l |
| _wcsdup |
| _wcserror |
| _wcserror_s |
| _wcsftime_l |
| _wcsicmp |
| _wcsicmp_l |
| _wcsicoll |
| _wcsicoll_l |
| _wcslwr |
| _wcslwr_l |
| _wcslwr_s |
| _wcslwr_s_l |
| _wcsncoll |
| _wcsncoll_l |
| _wcsnicmp |
| _wcsnicmp_l |
| _wcsnicoll |
| _wcsnicoll_l |
| _wcsnset |
| _wcsnset_s |
| _wcsrev |
| _wcsset |
| _wcsset_s |
| _wcstod_l |
| _wcstof_l |
| _wcstoi64 |
| _wcstoi64_l |
| _wcstoimax_l |
| _wcstol_l |
| _wcstold_l |
| _wcstoll_l |
| _wcstombs_l |
| _wcstombs_s_l |
| _wcstoui64 |
| _wcstoui64_l |
| _wcstoul_l |
| _wcstoull_l |
| _wcstoumax_l |
| _wcsupr |
| _wcsupr_l |
| _wcsupr_s |
| _wcsupr_s_l |
| _wcsxfrm_l |
| _wctime32 |
| _wctime == _wctime32 |
| _wctime32_s |
| _wctime64 |
| _wctime64_s |
| _wctomb_l |
| _wctomb_s_l |
| _wctype@50371 |
| _wenviron DATA |
| _wfdopen |
| _wfindfirst32 |
| _wfindfirst32i64 |
| _wfindfirst64 |
| _wfindfirst == _wfindfirst32 |
| _wfindfirst64i32 |
| _wfindnext32 |
| _wfindnext32i64 |
| _wfindnext64 |
| _wfindnext == _wfindnext32 |
| _wfindnext64i32 |
| _wfopen |
| _wfopen_s |
| _wfreopen |
| _wfreopen_s |
| _wfsopen |
| _wfullpath |
| _wmakepath |
| _wmakepath_s |
| _wmkdir |
| _wmktemp |
| _wmktemp_s |
| _wopen |
| _wperror |
| _wpgmptr DATA |
| _wprintf_l |
| _wprintf_p |
| _wprintf_p_l |
| _wprintf_s_l |
| _wremove |
| _wrename |
| _write |
| _wrmdir |
| _wscanf_l |
| _wscanf_s_l |
| _wsetlocale |
| _wsopen |
| _wsopen_s |
| _wsplitpath |
| _wsplitpath_s |
| _wstat32 |
| _wstat32i64 |
| _wstat64 |
| _wstat64i32 |
| _wstat == _wstat32 |
| _wstati64 == _wstat32i64 |
| _wstrdate |
| _wstrdate_s |
| _wstrtime |
| _wstrtime_s |
| _wtempnam |
| _wtmpnam |
| _wtmpnam_s |
| _wtof |
| _wtof_l |
| _wtoi |
| _wtoi64 |
| _wtoi64_l |
| _wtoi_l |
| _wtol |
| _wtol_l |
| _wtoll |
| _wtoll_l |
| _wunlink |
| _wutime32 |
| _wutime64 |
| _y0 |
| _y1 |
| _yn |
| abort ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| abs |
| acos |
| acosh |
| acoshf |
| acoshl |
| asctime |
| asctime_s |
| asin |
| asinh |
| asinhf |
| asinhl |
| atan |
| atan2 |
| atanh |
| atanhf |
| atanhl |
| atexit |
| atof |
| atoi |
| atol |
| atoll |
| bsearch |
| bsearch_s |
| btowc |
| cabs |
| cabsf |
| cabsl |
| cacos |
| cacosf |
| cacosh |
| cacoshf |
| cacoshl |
| cacosl |
| calloc |
| carg |
| cargf |
| cargl |
| casin |
| casinf |
| casinh |
| casinhf |
| casinhl |
| casinl |
| catan |
| catanf |
| catanh |
| catanhf |
| catanhl |
| catanl |
| cbrt |
| cbrtf |
| cbrtl |
| ccos |
| ccosf |
| ccosh |
| ccoshf |
| ccoshl |
| ccosl |
| ceil |
| cexp |
| cexpf |
| cexpl |
| cimag |
| cimagf |
| cimagl |
| clearerr |
| clearerr_s |
| clock |
| clog |
| clog10 |
| clog10f |
| clog10l |
| clogf |
| clogl |
| conj |
| conjf |
| conjl |
| copysign |
| copysignf |
| copysignl |
| cos |
| cosh |
| cpow |
| cpowf |
| cpowl |
| cproj |
| cprojf |
| cprojl |
| creal |
| crealf |
| creall |
| csin |
| csinf |
| csinh |
| csinhf |
| csinhl |
| csinl |
| csqrt |
| csqrtf |
| csqrtl |
| ctan |
| ctanf |
| ctanh |
| ctanhf |
| ctanhl |
| ctanl |
| div |
| erf |
| erfc |
| erfcf |
| erfcl |
| erff |
| erfl |
| exit |
| exp |
| exp2 |
| exp2f |
| exp2l |
| expm1 |
| expm1f |
| expm1l |
| fabs |
| fclose |
| fdim |
| fdimf |
| fdiml |
| feclearexcept |
| fegetenv |
| fegetexceptflag |
| fegetround |
| feholdexcept |
| feof |
| feraiseexcept |
| ferror |
| fesetenv |
| fesetexceptflag |
| fesetround |
| fetestexcept |
| feupdateenv |
| fflush |
| fgetc |
| fgetpos |
| fgets |
| fgetwc |
| fgetws |
| floor |
| fma |
| fmaf |
| fmal |
| fmax |
| fmaxf |
| fmaxl |
| fmin |
| fminf |
| fminl |
| fmod |
| fopen |
| fopen_s |
| fprintf |
| fprintf_s |
| fputc |
| fputs |
| fputwc |
| fputws |
| fread |
| fread_s |
| free |
| freopen |
| freopen_s |
| frexp |
| fscanf |
| fscanf_s |
| fseek |
| fsetpos |
| ftell |
| fwprintf |
| __ms_fwprintf == fwprintf |
| fwprintf_s |
| fwrite |
| fwscanf |
| fwscanf_s |
| getc |
| getchar |
| gets |
| gets_s |
| getwc |
| getwchar |
| ilogb |
| ilogbf |
| ilogbl |
| imaxabs |
| imaxdiv |
| isalnum |
| isalpha |
| isblank |
| iscntrl |
| isdigit |
| isgraph |
| isleadbyte |
| islower |
| isprint |
| ispunct |
| isspace |
| isupper |
| iswalnum |
| iswalpha |
| iswascii |
| iswblank |
| iswcntrl |
| iswctype |
| iswdigit |
| iswgraph |
| iswlower |
| iswprint |
| iswpunct |
| iswspace |
| iswupper |
| iswxdigit |
| isxdigit |
| labs |
| ldexp |
| ldiv |
| lgamma |
| lgammaf |
| lgammal |
| llabs |
| lldiv |
| llrint |
| llrintf |
| llrintl |
| llround |
| llroundf |
| llroundl |
| localeconv |
| log |
| log10 |
| log1p |
| log1pf |
| log1pl |
| log2 |
| log2f |
| log2l |
| logb |
| logbf |
| logbl |
| longjmp ; Check!!! Couldn't determine function argument count. Function doesn't return. |
| lrint |
| lrintf |
| lrintl |
| lround |
| lroundf |
| lroundl |
| malloc |
| mblen |
| mbrlen |
| mbrtowc |
| mbsrtowcs |
| mbsrtowcs_s |
| mbstowcs |
| mbstowcs_s |
| mbtowc |
| memchr |
| memcmp |
| memcpy |
| memcpy_s |
| memmove |
| memmove_s |
| memset |
| modf |
| nan |
| nanf |
| nanl |
| nearbyint |
| nearbyintf |
| nearbyintl |
| nextafter |
| nextafterf |
| nextafterl |
| nexttoward |
| nexttowardf |
| nexttowardl |
| norm |
| normf |
| norml |
| perror |
| pow |
| printf |
| printf_s |
| putc |
| putchar |
| puts |
| putwc |
| putwchar |
| qsort |
| qsort_s |
| raise |
| rand |
| rand_s |
| realloc |
| remainder |
| remainderf |
| remainderl |
| remove |
| remquo |
| remquof |
| remquol |
| rename |
| rewind |
| rint |
| rintf |
| rintl |
| round |
| roundf |
| roundl |
| scalbln |
| scalblnf |
| scalblnl |
| scalbn |
| scalbnf |
| scalbnl |
| scanf |
| scanf_s |
| setbuf |
| setlocale |
| setvbuf |
| signal |
| sin |
| sinh |
| sprintf |
| sprintf_s |
| sqrt |
| srand |
| sscanf |
| sscanf_s |
| strcat |
| strcat_s |
| strchr |
| strcmp |
| strcoll |
| strcpy |
| strcpy_s |
| strcspn |
| strerror |
| strerror_s |
| strftime |
| strlen |
| strncat |
| strncat_s |
| strncmp |
| strncpy |
| strncpy_s |
| strnlen |
| strpbrk |
| strrchr |
| strspn |
| strstr |
| strtod |
| strtof |
| strtoimax |
| strtok |
| strtok_s |
| strtol |
| strtold |
| strtoll |
| strtoul |
| strtoull |
| strtoumax |
| strxfrm |
| swprintf_s |
| swscanf |
| swscanf_s |
| tan |
| tanh |
| tgamma |
| tgammaf |
| tgammal |
| tmpfile |
| tmpfile_s |
| tmpnam |
| tmpnam_s |
| tolower |
| toupper |
| towctrans |
| towlower |
| towupper |
| trunc |
| truncf |
| truncl |
| ungetc |
| ungetwc |
| vfprintf |
| vfprintf_s |
| vfscanf |
| vfscanf_s |
| vfwprintf |
| vfwprintf_s |
| vfwscanf |
| vfwscanf_s |
| vprintf |
| vprintf_s |
| vscanf |
| vscanf_s |
| vsprintf |
| vsprintf_s |
| vsscanf |
| vsscanf_s |
| vswprintf_s |
| vswscanf |
| vswscanf_s |
| vwprintf |
| vwprintf_s |
| vwscanf |
| vwscanf_s |
| wcrtomb |
| wcrtomb_s |
| wcscat |
| wcscat_s |
| wcschr |
| wcscmp |
| wcscoll |
| wcscpy |
| wcscpy_s |
| wcscspn |
| wcsftime |
| wcslen |
| wcsncat |
| wcsncat_s |
| wcsncmp |
| wcsncpy |
| wcsncpy_s |
| wcsnlen |
| wcspbrk |
| wcsrchr |
| wcsrtombs |
| wcsrtombs_s |
| wcsspn |
| wcsstr |
| wcstod |
| wcstof |
| wcstoimax |
| wcstok |
| wcstok_s |
| wcstol |
| wcstold |
| wcstoll |
| wcstombs |
| wcstombs_s |
| wcstoul |
| wcstoull |
| wcstoumax |
| wcsxfrm |
| wctob |
| wctomb |
| wctomb_s |
| wctrans |
| wctype |
| wmemcpy_s |
| wmemmove_s |
| wprintf |
| wprintf_s |
| wscanf |
| wscanf_s |