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| <h1>include/libmangle.h</h1><a href="libmangle_8h.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">/*</span> |
| <a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment"> Copyright (c) 2009 mingw-w64 project</span> |
| <a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment"></span> |
| <a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment"> Contributing authors: Kai Tietz, Jonathan Yong</span> |
| <a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment"></span> |
| <a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment"> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a</span> |
| <a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment"> copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),</span> |
| <a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment"> to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation</span> |
| <a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment"> the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,</span> |
| <a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment"> and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the</span> |
| <a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment"> Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</span> |
| <a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment"></span> |
| <a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment"> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in</span> |
| <a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment"> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</span> |
| <a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment"></span> |
| <a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment"> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR</span> |
| <a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment"> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,</span> |
| <a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment"> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE</span> |
| <a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment"> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER</span> |
| <a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment"> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING</span> |
| <a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment"> FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER</span> |
| <a name="l00022"></a>00022 <span class="comment"> DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.</span> |
| <a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment">*/</span> |
| <a name="l00024"></a>00024 |
| <a name="l00025"></a>00025 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef _LIBMANGLE_HXX</span> |
| <a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define _LIBMANGLE_HXX</span> |
| <a name="l00027"></a>00027 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
| <a name="l00028"></a>00028 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __cplusplus</span> |
| <a name="l00029"></a>00029 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span> { |
| <a name="l00030"></a>00030 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span> |
| <a name="l00031"></a>00031 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
| <a name="l00037"></a><a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a829cf916a22a3baf7cb7862c5bb5ee4f">00037</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *<a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a829cf916a22a3baf7cb7862c5bb5ee4f">pGcElem</a>; |
| <a name="l00038"></a>00038 |
| <a name="l00045"></a><a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">00045</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">struct </span><a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a> { |
| <a name="l00046"></a><a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html#a27af5bbc070bf61ab0c5b7f773e9ac12">00046</a> pGcElem <a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html#a27af5bbc070bf61ab0c5b7f773e9ac12">head</a>; |
| <a name="l00047"></a><a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html#a8645b0e7f4a397e8a002a9e33d1d9a6e">00047</a> pGcElem <a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html#a8645b0e7f4a397e8a002a9e33d1d9a6e">tail</a>; |
| <a name="l00048"></a>00048 } <a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a>; |
| <a name="l00049"></a>00049 |
| <a name="l00056"></a><a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a1beb3f335c1aae2c979e02d4e36332ae">00056</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *<a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a1beb3f335c1aae2c979e02d4e36332ae">pMToken</a>; |
| <a name="l00057"></a>00057 |
| <a name="l00063"></a>00063 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a5d89434e78fb873998f2844e30e0dcb1">release_gc</a> (<a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a> *gc); |
| <a name="l00064"></a>00064 |
| <a name="l00070"></a>00070 <a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a> *<a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#aebd5b8b36fc38cc0e8457ff47e796113">generate_gc</a> (<span class="keywordtype">void</span>); |
| <a name="l00071"></a>00071 |
| <a name="l00077"></a>00077 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a33efe0e74d5b28f5e460dcf58e642503">dump_tok</a> (FILE *fp, pMToken p); |
| <a name="l00078"></a>00078 |
| <a name="l00085"></a>00085 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a3849f62a8f21021d472a719474d93824">print_decl</a> (FILE *fp, pMToken p); |
| <a name="l00086"></a>00086 |
| <a name="l00094"></a>00094 <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *<a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a44e241bedf1378900bab5367c4921c24">sprint_decl</a> (pMToken r); |
| <a name="l00095"></a>00095 |
| <a name="l00106"></a>00106 pMToken <a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#abd5e852feefdca185545a37ec3c1467e">decode_ms_name</a> (<a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a> *gc, <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *name); |
| <a name="l00107"></a>00107 <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *<a class="code" href="libmangle_8h.html#a52dd93638af60175329f20cbab72d77b">encode_ms_name</a> (<a class="code" href="structs_gc_ctx.html">sGcCtx</a> *gc, pMToken tok); |
| <a name="l00108"></a>00108 |
| <a name="l00109"></a>00109 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __cplusplus</span> |
| <a name="l00110"></a>00110 <span class="preprocessor"></span>} |
| <a name="l00111"></a>00111 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span> |
| <a name="l00112"></a>00112 <span class="preprocessor"></span> |
| <a name="l00113"></a>00113 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span> |
| </pre></div></div> |
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