| /** |
| * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. |
| * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. |
| * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. |
| */ |
| #ifndef _WSPIAPI_H_ |
| #define _WSPIAPI_H_ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <malloc.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include <ws2tcpip.h> |
| |
| #define _WSPIAPI_STRCPY_S(_Dst,_Size,_Src) strcpy((_Dst),(_Src)) |
| #define _WSPIAPI_STRCAT_S(_Dst,_Size,_Src) strcat((_Dst),(_Src)) |
| #define _WSPIAPI_STRNCPY_S(_Dst,_Size,_Src,_Count) strncpy((_Dst),(_Src),(_Count)); (_Dst)[(_Size) - 1] = 0 |
| #define _WSPIAPI_SPRINTF_S_1(_Dst,_Size,_Format,_Arg1) sprintf((_Dst),(_Format),(_Arg1)) |
| |
| #ifndef _WSPIAPI_COUNTOF |
| #ifndef __cplusplus |
| #define _WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(_Array) (sizeof(_Array) / sizeof(_Array[0])) |
| #else |
| template <typename __CountofType,size_t _N> char (&__wspiapi_countof_helper(__CountofType (&_Array)[_N]))[_N]; |
| #define _WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(_Array) sizeof(__wspiapi_countof_helper(_Array)) |
| #endif |
| #endif |
| |
| #define WspiapiMalloc(tSize) calloc(1,(tSize)) |
| #define WspiapiFree(p) free(p) |
| #define WspiapiSwap(a,b,c) { (c) = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = (c); } |
| #define getaddrinfo WspiapiGetAddrInfo |
| #define getnameinfo WspiapiGetNameInfo |
| #define freeaddrinfo WspiapiFreeAddrInfo |
| |
| typedef int (WINAPI *WSPIAPI_PGETADDRINFO)(const char *nodename,const char *servname,const struct addrinfo *hints,struct addrinfo **res); |
| typedef int (WINAPI *WSPIAPI_PGETNAMEINFO)(const struct sockaddr *sa,socklen_t salen,char *host,size_t hostlen,char *serv,size_t servlen,int flags); |
| typedef void (WINAPI *WSPIAPI_PFREEADDRINFO)(struct addrinfo *ai); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE char *WINAPI WspiapiStrdup (const char *pszString) { |
| char *pszMemory; |
| size_t cchMemory; |
| if(!pszString) return(NULL); |
| cchMemory = strlen(pszString) + 1; |
| pszMemory = (char *) WspiapiMalloc(cchMemory); |
| if(!pszMemory) return(NULL); |
| _WSPIAPI_STRCPY_S(pszMemory,cchMemory,pszString); |
| return pszMemory; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE WINBOOL WINAPI WspiapiParseV4Address (const char *pszAddress,PDWORD pdwAddress) { |
| DWORD dwAddress = 0; |
| const char *pcNext = NULL; |
| int iCount = 0; |
| for(pcNext = pszAddress;*pcNext!='\0';pcNext++) |
| if(*pcNext=='.') iCount++; |
| if(iCount!=3) return FALSE; |
| dwAddress = inet_addr(pszAddress); |
| if(dwAddress==INADDR_NONE) return FALSE; |
| *pdwAddress = dwAddress; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE struct addrinfo *WINAPI WspiapiNewAddrInfo (int iSocketType,int iProtocol,WORD wPort,DWORD dwAddress) { |
| struct addrinfo *ptNew; |
| struct sockaddr_in *ptAddress; |
| ptNew = (struct addrinfo *) WspiapiMalloc(sizeof(struct addrinfo)); |
| if(!ptNew) return NULL; |
| ptAddress = (struct sockaddr_in *) WspiapiMalloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); |
| if(!ptAddress) { |
| WspiapiFree(ptNew); |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| ptAddress->sin_family = AF_INET; |
| ptAddress->sin_port = wPort; |
| ptAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = dwAddress; |
| ptNew->ai_family = PF_INET; |
| ptNew->ai_socktype = iSocketType; |
| ptNew->ai_protocol = iProtocol; |
| ptNew->ai_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); |
| ptNew->ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) ptAddress; |
| return ptNew; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiQueryDNS(const char *pszNodeName,int iSocketType,int iProtocol,WORD wPort,char pszAlias[NI_MAXHOST],struct addrinfo **pptResult) { |
| struct addrinfo **pptNext = pptResult; |
| struct hostent *ptHost = NULL; |
| char **ppAddresses; |
| *pptNext = NULL; |
| pszAlias[0] = '\0'; |
| ptHost = gethostbyname(pszNodeName); |
| if(ptHost) { |
| if((ptHost->h_addrtype==AF_INET) && (ptHost->h_length==sizeof(struct in_addr))) { |
| for(ppAddresses = ptHost->h_addr_list;*ppAddresses!=NULL;ppAddresses++) { |
| *pptNext = WspiapiNewAddrInfo(iSocketType,iProtocol,wPort,((struct in_addr *) *ppAddresses)->s_addr); |
| if(!*pptNext) return EAI_MEMORY; |
| pptNext = &((*pptNext)->ai_next); |
| } |
| } |
| _WSPIAPI_STRNCPY_S(pszAlias,NI_MAXHOST,ptHost->h_name,NI_MAXHOST - 1); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| switch(WSAGetLastError()) { |
| case WSATRY_AGAIN: return EAI_AGAIN; |
| case WSANO_RECOVERY: return EAI_FAIL; |
| case WSANO_DATA: return EAI_NODATA; |
| default: return EAI_NONAME; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiLookupNode(const char *pszNodeName,int iSocketType,int iProtocol,WORD wPort,WINBOOL bAI_CANONNAME,struct addrinfo **pptResult) { |
| int iError = 0; |
| int iAliasCount = 0; |
| char szFQDN1[NI_MAXHOST] = ""; |
| char szFQDN2[NI_MAXHOST] = ""; |
| char *pszName = szFQDN1; |
| char *pszAlias = szFQDN2; |
| char *pszScratch = NULL; |
| for(;;) { |
| iError = WspiapiQueryDNS(pszNodeName,iSocketType,iProtocol,wPort,pszAlias,pptResult); |
| if(iError) break; |
| if(*pptResult) break; |
| if((!strlen(pszAlias)) || (!strcmp(pszName,pszAlias)) || (++iAliasCount==16)) { |
| iError = EAI_FAIL; |
| break; |
| } |
| WspiapiSwap(pszName,pszAlias,pszScratch); |
| } |
| if(!iError && bAI_CANONNAME) { |
| (*pptResult)->ai_canonname = WspiapiStrdup(pszAlias); |
| if(!(*pptResult)->ai_canonname) iError = EAI_MEMORY; |
| } |
| return iError; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiClone (WORD wPort,struct addrinfo *ptResult) { |
| struct addrinfo *ptNext = NULL; |
| struct addrinfo *ptNew = NULL; |
| for(ptNext = ptResult; ptNext!=NULL;) { |
| ptNew = WspiapiNewAddrInfo(SOCK_DGRAM,ptNext->ai_protocol,wPort,((struct sockaddr_in *) ptNext->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); |
| if(!ptNew) break; |
| ptNew->ai_next = ptNext->ai_next; |
| ptNext->ai_next = ptNew; |
| ptNext = ptNew->ai_next; |
| } |
| if(ptNext!=NULL) return EAI_MEMORY; |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE void WINAPI WspiapiLegacyFreeAddrInfo (struct addrinfo *ptHead) { |
| struct addrinfo *ptNext; |
| for(ptNext = ptHead;ptNext!=NULL;ptNext = ptHead) { |
| if(ptNext->ai_canonname) WspiapiFree(ptNext->ai_canonname); |
| if(ptNext->ai_addr) WspiapiFree(ptNext->ai_addr); |
| ptHead = ptNext->ai_next; |
| WspiapiFree(ptNext); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiLegacyGetAddrInfo(const char *pszNodeName,const char *pszServiceName,const struct addrinfo *ptHints,struct addrinfo **pptResult) { |
| int iError = 0; |
| int iFlags = 0; |
| int iFamily = PF_UNSPEC; |
| int iSocketType = 0; |
| int iProtocol = 0; |
| WORD wPort = 0; |
| DWORD dwAddress = 0; |
| struct servent *ptService = NULL; |
| char *pc = NULL; |
| WINBOOL bClone = FALSE; |
| WORD wTcpPort = 0; |
| WORD wUdpPort = 0; |
| *pptResult = NULL; |
| if((!pszNodeName) && (!pszServiceName)) return EAI_NONAME; |
| if(ptHints) { |
| if((ptHints->ai_addrlen!=0) || (ptHints->ai_canonname!=NULL) || (ptHints->ai_addr!=NULL) || (ptHints->ai_next!=NULL)) return EAI_FAIL; |
| iFlags = ptHints->ai_flags; |
| if((iFlags & AI_CANONNAME) && !pszNodeName) return EAI_BADFLAGS; |
| iFamily = ptHints->ai_family; |
| if((iFamily!=PF_UNSPEC) && (iFamily!=PF_INET)) return EAI_FAMILY; |
| iSocketType = ptHints->ai_socktype; |
| if((iSocketType!=0) && (iSocketType!=SOCK_STREAM) && (iSocketType!=SOCK_DGRAM) && (iSocketType!=SOCK_RAW)) return EAI_SOCKTYPE; |
| iProtocol = ptHints->ai_protocol; |
| } |
| if(pszServiceName) { |
| wPort = (WORD) strtoul(pszServiceName,&pc,10); |
| if(*pc=='\0') { |
| wPort = wTcpPort = wUdpPort = htons(wPort); |
| if(iSocketType==0) { |
| bClone = TRUE; |
| iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if((iSocketType==0) || (iSocketType==SOCK_DGRAM)) { |
| ptService = getservbyname(pszServiceName,"udp"); |
| if(ptService) wPort = wUdpPort = ptService->s_port; |
| } |
| if((iSocketType==0) || (iSocketType==SOCK_STREAM)) { |
| ptService = getservbyname(pszServiceName,"tcp"); |
| if(ptService) wPort = wTcpPort = ptService->s_port; |
| } |
| if(wPort==0) return (iSocketType ? EAI_SERVICE : EAI_NONAME); |
| if(iSocketType==0) { |
| iSocketType = (wTcpPort) ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM; |
| bClone = (wTcpPort && wUdpPort); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if((!pszNodeName) || (WspiapiParseV4Address(pszNodeName,&dwAddress))) { |
| if(!pszNodeName) { |
| dwAddress = htonl((iFlags & AI_PASSIVE) ? INADDR_ANY : INADDR_LOOPBACK); |
| } |
| *pptResult = WspiapiNewAddrInfo(iSocketType,iProtocol,wPort,dwAddress); |
| if(!(*pptResult)) iError = EAI_MEMORY; |
| if(!iError && pszNodeName) { |
| (*pptResult)->ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST; |
| if(iFlags & AI_CANONNAME) { |
| (*pptResult)->ai_canonname = |
| WspiapiStrdup(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) &dwAddress))); |
| if(!(*pptResult)->ai_canonname) iError = EAI_MEMORY; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if(iFlags & AI_NUMERICHOST) iError = EAI_NONAME; |
| else iError = WspiapiLookupNode(pszNodeName,iSocketType,iProtocol,wPort,(iFlags & AI_CANONNAME),pptResult); |
| if(!iError && bClone) iError = WspiapiClone(wUdpPort,*pptResult); |
| if(iError) { |
| WspiapiLegacyFreeAddrInfo(*pptResult); |
| *pptResult = NULL; |
| } |
| return (iError); |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiLegacyGetNameInfo(const struct sockaddr *ptSocketAddress,socklen_t tSocketLength,char *pszNodeName,size_t tNodeLength,char *pszServiceName,size_t tServiceLength,int iFlags) { |
| struct servent *ptService; |
| WORD wPort; |
| char szBuffer[] = "65535"; |
| char *pszService = szBuffer; |
| struct hostent *ptHost; |
| struct in_addr tAddress; |
| char *pszNode = NULL; |
| char *pc = NULL; |
| |
| if((!ptSocketAddress) || (tSocketLength < sizeof(struct sockaddr))) return EAI_FAIL; |
| if(ptSocketAddress->sa_family!=AF_INET) return EAI_FAMILY; |
| if(tSocketLength < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) return EAI_FAIL; |
| if(!(pszNodeName && tNodeLength) && !(pszServiceName && tServiceLength)) return EAI_NONAME; |
| if((iFlags & NI_NUMERICHOST) && (iFlags & NI_NAMEREQD)) return EAI_BADFLAGS; |
| if(pszServiceName && tServiceLength) { |
| wPort = ((struct sockaddr_in *) ptSocketAddress)->sin_port; |
| if(iFlags & NI_NUMERICSERV) { |
| _WSPIAPI_SPRINTF_S_1(szBuffer,_WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(szBuffer),"%u",ntohs(wPort)); |
| } else { |
| ptService = getservbyport(wPort,(iFlags & NI_DGRAM) ? "udp" : NULL); |
| if(ptService && ptService->s_name) { |
| pszService = ptService->s_name; |
| } else { |
| _WSPIAPI_SPRINTF_S_1(szBuffer,_WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(szBuffer),"%u",ntohs(wPort)); |
| } |
| } |
| if(tServiceLength > strlen(pszService)) |
| _WSPIAPI_STRCPY_S(pszServiceName,tServiceLength,pszService); |
| else return EAI_FAIL; |
| } |
| if(pszNodeName && tNodeLength) { |
| tAddress = ((struct sockaddr_in *) ptSocketAddress)->sin_addr; |
| if(iFlags & NI_NUMERICHOST) { |
| pszNode = inet_ntoa(tAddress); |
| } else { |
| ptHost = gethostbyaddr((char *) &tAddress,sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET); |
| if(ptHost && ptHost->h_name) { |
| pszNode = ptHost->h_name; |
| if((iFlags & NI_NOFQDN) && ((pc = strchr(pszNode,'.'))!=NULL)) *pc = '\0'; |
| } else { |
| if(iFlags & NI_NAMEREQD) { |
| switch(WSAGetLastError()) { |
| case WSATRY_AGAIN: return EAI_AGAIN; |
| case WSANO_RECOVERY: return EAI_FAIL; |
| default: return EAI_NONAME; |
| } |
| } else pszNode = inet_ntoa(tAddress); |
| } |
| } |
| if(tNodeLength > strlen(pszNode)) _WSPIAPI_STRCPY_S(pszNodeName,tNodeLength,pszNode); |
| else return EAI_FAIL; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| char const *pszName; |
| FARPROC pfAddress; |
| |
| #define WSPIAPI_FUNCTION_ARRAY { "getaddrinfo",(FARPROC) WspiapiLegacyGetAddrInfo,"getnameinfo",(FARPROC) WspiapiLegacyGetNameInfo,"freeaddrinfo",(FARPROC) WspiapiLegacyFreeAddrInfo,} |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE FARPROC WINAPI WspiapiLoad(WORD wFunction) { |
| HMODULE hLibrary = NULL; |
| static WINBOOL bInitialized = FALSE; |
| static const int iNumGlobal = (sizeof(rgtGlobal) / sizeof(WSPIAPI_FUNCTION)); |
| FARPROC fScratch = NULL; |
| int i = 0; |
| if(bInitialized) return (rgtGlobal[wFunction].pfAddress); |
| for(;;) { |
| CHAR SystemDir[MAX_PATH + 1]; |
| CHAR Path[MAX_PATH + 8]; |
| if(GetSystemDirectoryA(SystemDir,MAX_PATH)==0) break; |
| _WSPIAPI_STRCAT_S(Path,_WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(Path),"\\ws2_32"); |
| hLibrary = LoadLibraryA(Path); |
| if(hLibrary!=NULL) { |
| fScratch = GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"getaddrinfo"); |
| if(!fScratch) { |
| FreeLibrary(hLibrary); |
| hLibrary = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| if(hLibrary!=NULL) break; |
| _WSPIAPI_STRCAT_S(Path,_WSPIAPI_COUNTOF(Path),"\\wship6"); |
| hLibrary = LoadLibraryA(Path); |
| if(hLibrary!=NULL) { |
| fScratch = GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"getaddrinfo"); |
| if(!fScratch) { |
| FreeLibrary(hLibrary); |
| hLibrary = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| if(hLibrary!=NULL) { |
| for(i = 0;i < iNumGlobal;i++) { |
| rgtLocal[i].pfAddress = GetProcAddress(hLibrary,rgtLocal[i].pszName); |
| if(!(rgtLocal[i].pfAddress)) { |
| FreeLibrary(hLibrary); |
| hLibrary = NULL; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if(hLibrary!=NULL) { |
| for(i = 0;i < iNumGlobal;i++) |
| rgtGlobal[i].pfAddress = rgtLocal[i].pfAddress; |
| } |
| } |
| bInitialized = TRUE; |
| return (rgtGlobal[wFunction].pfAddress); |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiGetAddrInfo(const char *nodename,const char *servname,const struct addrinfo *hints,struct addrinfo **res) { |
| int iError; |
| static WSPIAPI_PGETADDRINFO pfGetAddrInfo = NULL; |
| if(!pfGetAddrInfo) pfGetAddrInfo = (WSPIAPI_PGETADDRINFO) WspiapiLoad(0); |
| iError = (*pfGetAddrInfo)(nodename,servname,hints,res); |
| WSASetLastError(iError); |
| return iError; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE int WINAPI WspiapiGetNameInfo (const struct sockaddr *sa,socklen_t salen,char *host,size_t hostlen,char *serv,size_t servlen,int flags) { |
| int iError; |
| static WSPIAPI_PGETNAMEINFO pfGetNameInfo = NULL; |
| if(!pfGetNameInfo) pfGetNameInfo = (WSPIAPI_PGETNAMEINFO) WspiapiLoad(1); |
| iError = (*pfGetNameInfo)(sa,salen,host,hostlen,serv,servlen,flags); |
| WSASetLastError(iError); |
| return iError; |
| } |
| |
| __CRT_INLINE void WINAPI WspiapiFreeAddrInfo (struct addrinfo *ai) { |
| static WSPIAPI_PFREEADDRINFO pfFreeAddrInfo = NULL; |
| if(!pfFreeAddrInfo) pfFreeAddrInfo = (WSPIAPI_PFREEADDRINFO) WspiapiLoad(2); |
| (*pfFreeAddrInfo)(ai); |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| #endif |