blob: 7071a73612cd36929bb29f91b2c96c914bb28857 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
extern int mingw_app_type;
static void cpy_wstr (char *buf, const wchar_t *src, size_t max)
if (src)
while (max > 0 && *src != 0)
*buf++ = (char) src[0];
--max; src++;
*buf = 0;
void __cdecl _wassert (const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *,unsigned);
void __cdecl
_wassert (const wchar_t *_Message, const wchar_t *_File, unsigned _Line)
char *msgbuf = (char *) malloc (8192);
char fn[MAX_PATH + 1], msg[MAX_PATH + 1], iFile[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD nCode;
cpy_wstr (msg, _Message, MAX_PATH);
cpy_wstr (iFile, _File, MAX_PATH);
if (iFile[0] == 0)
strcpy (iFile, "<unknown>");
if (msg[0] == 0)
strcpy (msg, "?");
fn[MAX_PATH] = 0;
if (! GetModuleFileName (NULL, fn, MAX_PATH))
strcpy (fn, "<unknown>");
sprintf (msgbuf, "Assertion failed!\n\nProgram: %s\nFile: %s, Line %u\n\nExpression: %s",
fn, iFile,_Line,msg);
if (mingw_app_type == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msgbuf);
abort ();
nCode = MessageBoxA (NULL, msgbuf, "MinGW Runtime Assertion", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|
if (nCode == IDABORT)
raise (SIGABRT);
_exit (3);
abort ();
if (nCode == IDIGNORE)
abort ();