blob: 2fafee55fb9beaeda0f3bf02af08d6d91e3eef4a [file] [log] [blame]
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
import "inspectable.idl";
import "";
namespace Windows {
namespace Foundation {
interface IAsyncAction;
struct TimeSpan;
namespace System {
namespace Threading {
enum WorkItemPriority;
enum WorkItemOptions;
interface TimerElapsedHandler; //delegate
interface TimerDestroyedHandler; //delegate
interface WorkItemHandler; //delegate
interface IThreadPoolStatics;
interface IThreadPoolTimer;
interface IThreadPoolTimerStatics;
namespace Windows {
namespace System {
namespace Threading
typedef enum WorkItemPriority {
Low = -1,
Normal = 0,
High = 1
} WorkItemPriority;
typedef enum WorkItemOptions {
None = 0,
TimeSliced = 1
} WorkItemOptions;
typedef struct TimeSpan {
INT64 Duration;
} TimeSpan;
interface TimerElapsedHandler : IUnknown {
HRESULT Invoke(IThreadPoolTimer* timer);
interface TimerDestroyedHandler : IUnknown {
HRESULT Invoke(IThreadPoolTimer* timer);
interface WorkItemHandler : IUnknown {
IAsyncAction* operation);
interface IThreadPoolStatics : IInspectable
WorkItemHandler* handler,
IAsyncAction** operation);
HRESULT RunWithPriorityAsync(
WorkItemHandler* handler,
WorkItemPriority priority,
IAsyncAction** operation);
HRESULT RunWithPriorityAndOptionsAsync(
WorkItemHandler* handler,
WorkItemPriority priority,
WorkItemOptions options,
IAsyncAction** operation);
interface IThreadPoolTimer : IInspectable
[propget] HRESULT Period(TimeSpan* value);
[propget] HRESULT Delay(TimeSpan* value);
HRESULT Cancel();
interface IThreadPoolTimerStatics : IInspectable
HRESULT CreatePeriodicTimer(
TimerElapsedHandler* handler,
TimeSpan period,
IThreadPoolTimer** timer);
HRESULT CreateTimer(
TimerElapsedHandler* handler,
TimeSpan delay,
IThreadPoolTimer** timer);
HRESULT CreatePeriodicTimerWithCompletion(
TimerElapsedHandler* handler,
TimeSpan period,
TimerDestroyedHandler* destroyed,
IThreadPoolTimer** timer);
HRESULT CreateTimerWithCompletion(
TimerElapsedHandler* handler,
TimeSpan delay,
TimerDestroyedHandler* destroyed,
IThreadPoolTimer** timer);