blob: 9e30883eaf0859c4dc8190f86825389e2c93b250 [file] [log] [blame]
genidl - Generate interface defintion language listing from a
Portable Executable.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 mingw-w64 project
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "genidl_cfg.h"
#include "genidl_typeinfo.h"
#include "genidl_typinfo.h"
static void
fill_typb (sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, size_t off, unsigned char *dsrc, unsigned char *tdta, uint32_t length);
static void
print_typb_options (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix, const char *dllname);
static void
printInterfaceFuncVars (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix);
static void
printArgFlags (FILE *fp, uint32_t aflags);
static void
printFuncOption (FILE *fp, uint32_t flags, uint32_t id, uint32_t defid,
uint32_t funcKind, const char **fctPrefix, const char *prefix,
uint32_t invokeKind);
static void
printVarOption (FILE *fp, uint32_t flags, uint32_t id, uint32_t defid,
uint32_t varKind, const char **varPrefix,
const char *prefix);
static void
printEnum (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix_);
TI2_typlib_dest (sTI2TypLib *tl)
if (!tl)
TI_dest_typs (&tl->ti2_typs);
if (tl->guid)
free (tl->guid);
if (tl->helpstring)
free (tl->helpstring);
if (tl->helpfile)
free (tl->helpfile);
if (tl->name)
free (tl->name);
if (tl->typinfos_hash)
free (tl->typinfos_hash);
if (tl->typb)
size_t i;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
; /* Clean typb */
free (tl->typb);
free (tl);
sTI2TypLib *
TI2_typlib_init (unsigned char *dta, size_t len)
sTI2TypLib *tl = NULL;
sTypeLibMSFT *t = (sTypeLibMSFT *) dta;
sSegMSFT *segs;
unsigned char *d;
int32_t *typeinfos;
int i = 0;
if (!len || !dta || t->magic1 != TYPELIB_MSFT_MAGIC)
return NULL;
tl = (sTI2TypLib *) malloc (sizeof (sTI2TypLib));
memset (tl, 0, sizeof (sTI2TypLib));
TI_init_typs (&tl->ti2_typs);
i = 0;
if (t->var_flags & 0x100)
typeinfos = (int32_t *) &t->dta[i];
d = (unsigned char *) &typeinfos[t->nr_typeinfos];
segs = (sSegMSFT *) d;
d = (unsigned char *) &segs[eSegMSFT_MAX];
/* Initialize constants pools. */
TI2_import_name (&tl->ti2_typs,dta + segs[eSegMSFT_NAME].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_NAME].length);
TI2_import_string (&tl->ti2_typs,dta + segs[eSegMSFT_STRING].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_STRING].length);
TI2_import_guid (&tl->ti2_typs,dta + segs[eSegMSFT_GUID].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_GUID].length);
TI2_import_importlibs (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_IMPORTFILES].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_IMPORTFILES].length);
TI2_import_importref (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_IMPORTINFO].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_IMPORTINFO].length);
TI2_import_typinfo_names (&tl->ti2_typs,
dta + segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEINFO].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEINFO].length);
TI2_import_typedesc (&tl->ti2_typs,dta + segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEDESC].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEDESC].length);
TI2_import_customdata (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_CUSTDATA].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_CUSTDATA].length);
TI2_import_array (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_ARRAYDESC].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_ARRAYDESC].length);
TI2_import_ref (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_REFERENCES].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_REFERENCES].length);
TI2_import_customdataguid (&tl->ti2_typs, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_CUSTDATAGUID].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_CUSTDATAGUID].length);
tl->ver_major = t->ver_major;
tl->ver_minor = t->ver_minor;
tl->version = t->version;
tl->lcid1 = t->lcid;
tl->lcid2 = t->lcid2;
if (t->pos_guid != -1)
tl->guid = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, t->pos_guid, TITYP_GUIDS, "");
tl->flags = t->flags;
tl->setFlags = t->var_flags;
tl->helpstringctx = t->helpstringcontext;
tl->helpctx = t->helpcontext;
if (t->helpstring != -1)
tl->helpstring = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, t->helpstring, TITYP_STR, "");
if (t->helpfile != -1)
tl->helpfile = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, t->helpfile, TITYP_STR, "");
if (t->name_offset != -1)
tl->name = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, t->name_offset, TITYP_NAME, "");
genidl_strlwr (tl->name);
tl->dispatch = t->dispatchpos;
tl->nr_typinfos = t->nr_typeinfos;
tl->nr_impinfos = t->nr_impinfos;
if (tl->nr_typinfos > 0)
size_t ii;
tl->typinfos_hash = (uint32_t *) malloc (sizeof (uint32_t) * tl->nr_typinfos);
memcpy (tl->typinfos_hash, typeinfos, sizeof (uint32_t) * tl->nr_typinfos);
tl->typb = (sTI2TypeBase *) malloc (sizeof (sTI2TypeBase) * tl->nr_typinfos);
memset (tl->typb, 0, sizeof (sTI2TypeBase) * tl->nr_typinfos);
for (ii = 0;ii < tl->nr_typinfos; ii++)
fill_typb (tl, &tl->typb[ii], ii, dta, dta + segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEINFO].offset, segs[eSegMSFT_TYPEINFO].length);
return tl;
static void
fill_typb (sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, size_t off, unsigned char *dsrc, unsigned char *tdta, uint32_t length)
sMSFT_TypeInfoBase *t = (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase *) &tdta[off * sizeof (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase)];
if (length <= (off * sizeof (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase)))
tb->kind = (t->typekind & 0xf);
tb->kflags = (t->typekind >> 4) & 0xfff;
tb->flags= t->flags;
tb->cFuncs = t->cElement & 0xffff;
tb->cVars = (t->cElement >> 16) & 0xffff;
tb->name = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) (off * sizeof (sMSFT_TypeInfoBase)),
if (t->posguid != -1)
tb->guid = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->posguid, TITYP_GUIDS, "");
if (t->docstringoffs != -1)
tb->docstr = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->docstringoffs, TITYP_STR, "");
if (t->oCustData != -1)
tb->custData = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->oCustData,
tb->version = t->version;
if (t->datatype1 != -1)
switch (tb->kind)
tb->dataType =
TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->datatype1, TITYP_REF, "");
tb->dataType =
TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->datatype1, TITYP_STR, "");
tb->dataType =
getTypeBOrImpRef (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->datatype1,"");
tb->dataType =
TI_getVTorDref (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) t->datatype1, "", 0);
tb->tib = t;
if (tb->cFuncs || tb->cVars)
sMSFT_memblob *b = (sMSFT_memblob *) &dsrc[t->memoffset];
uint32_t *doff = (uint32_t *) &b->dta[b->size];
uint32_t offs = 0;
size_t cf = tb->cFuncs;
size_t cv = tb->cVars;
size_t idx = 0;
tb->mem.count = cf + cv;
tb->mem.items = (sTI2TypeBaseMemItem *)
malloc ( sizeof (sTI2TypeBaseMemItem) * tb->mem.count);
memset (tb->mem.items, 0, sizeof (sTI2TypeBaseMemItem) * tb->mem.count);
while (offs < b->size)
tb->mem.items[idx].mem = &b->dta[offs];
if (cf > 0)
sMSFT_FuncParam *params;
sMSFT_func *func;
uint32_t oVars = 0, *pData, *pCustomData = NULL;
func = (sMSFT_func *) &b->dta[offs];
oVars = func->rlen - (func->nrArgs * 12);
params = (sMSFT_FuncParam *) &b->dta[offs + oVars];
pData = func->data;
pCustomData = NULL;
if (func->f.hasParamDefValue)
pCustomData = (uint32_t *) &b->dta[offs + oVars-func->nrArgs*4];
tb->mem.items[idx].customData = pCustomData;
tb->mem.items[idx].funcParam = params;
tb->mem.items[idx].extData = doff;
tb->mem.items[idx].max = tb->mem.count;
tb->mem.items[idx].beFunc = 1;
offs += func->rlen;
else if (cv > 0)
sMSFT_var *var = (sMSFT_var *) &b->dta[offs];
offs += var->rlen;
tb->mem.items[idx].extData = doff;
tb->mem.items[idx].max = tb->mem.count;
abort ();
static void
TI2_update_config (sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *orgfname)
size_t no = tl->nr_typinfos;
size_t i;
char *tlbname;
char *sec = NULL;
genidl_add_lib (tl->name);
sec = (char *) malloc (strlen (orgfname) + 5);
/* Do we have a .tlb input file? If so add alias of name. */
strcpy (sec, orgfname);
if (strrchr (sec, '.') != NULL)
if (strcmp (strrchr (sec, '.'), ".tlb") != 0)
strcpy (strrchr (sec, '.'), ".tlb");
strcat (sec, ".tlb");
genidl_add_lib_alias (sec, tl->name);
free (sec);
/* We remove possibly old items. */
genidl_del_lib_item (tl->name);
if (!no && tl->ti2_typs.buc[TITYP_NAME].count != 0
&& tl->ti2_typs.buc[TITYP_GUIDS].count != 0)
tlbname = (char *) malloc (strlen ("TypeD_") + 8 + 1);
*tlbname = 0;
for (i = 0;i < no; i++)
/* uint32_t mem = tl->ti2_typs.buc[TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES].arr[i]->memid; */
char *name = tl->ti2_typs.buc[TITYP_TYPINFO_NAMES].arr[i]->name;
/* sprintf (tlbname, "TypeB_%x", mem); */
sprintf (tlbname, "TypeB_%x", (unsigned int) i);
genidl_add_lib_item (tl->name, tlbname, name);
if (tl->typb[i].guid)
char *hp = strdup (tl->typb[i].guid + 1);
if (strrchr (hp, '\"') != NULL)
* strrchr (hp, '\"') = 0;
genidl_add_lib_item (tl->name, hp, name);
free (hp);
/*if (tl->typb[i].tib->NameOffset != -1)
sprintf (tlbname, "Name_%x", tl->typb[i].tib->NameOffset);
genidl_add_lib_item (tl->name, tlbname, name);
} */
free (tlbname);
static int
printVersion (FILE *fp, uint32_t version, int befirst, int befirstret, const char *prefix)
if (befirst == 0)
fprintf (fp, ",\n%s ", prefix);
else if (befirst == -1)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
else if (befirstret == 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s ", prefix);
fprintf (fp,"version(%d.%d)", version & 0xffff, (version>>16) & 0xffff);
return befirstret;
static int
print_flagsstring (FILE *fp, const char *attr, int befirst, int befirstret, const char *prefix)
if (befirst == 0)
fprintf (fp, ",\n%s ", prefix);
else if (befirst == -1)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
else if (befirstret == 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s ", prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s", attr);
return befirstret;
static int
printString (FILE *fp, const char *name, const char *str, int befirst, int befirstret, const char *prefix)
if (befirst == 0)
fprintf (fp, ",\n%s ", prefix);
else if (befirst == -1)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
else if (befirstret == 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s ", prefix);
if (!str) str = "";
if (*str != '"')
fprintf (fp, "%s(\"%s\")", name, str);
fprintf (fp, "%s(%s)", name, str);
return befirstret;
static int
printUuid (FILE *fp, char *str,int befirst,int befirstret, const char *prefix)
if (befirst == 0)
fprintf (fp, ",\n%prefix ", prefix);
else if (befirst == -1)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
else if (befirstret == 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s ", prefix);
if (!str || (str[0] == '"' && str[1]=='"'))
fprintf (fp, "uuid(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)");
else if (*str != '"')
fprintf (fp, "uuid(%s)", str);
fprintf (fp, "uuid(");
while (*str != 0 && *str != '"')
fputc (*str,fp);
fprintf (fp, ")");
return befirstret;
static const char *varflags[32] = {
"readonly", "source", "bindable", "requestedit",
"displaybind", "defaultbind", "hidden", "restricted",
"defaultcollelem", "uidefault", "nonbrowsable", "replaceable",
"immediatebind", "VARFLAG_2000","VARFLAG_4000","VARFLAG_8000",
static const char *funcflags[32] =
"restricted", "source", "bindable", "requestedit",
"displaybind", "defaultbind", "hidden", "uselasterror",
"defaultcollelem", "uidefault", "nonbrowsable", "replaceable",
"immediatebind", "FUNCFLAG_2000","FUNCFLAG_4000","FUNCFLAG_8000",
static const char *typb_flags[32] = {
"appobject", "cancreate", "licensed", "predeclid",
"hidden", "control", "dual", "nonextensible",
"oleautomation", "restricted", "aggregatable", "replaceable",
"dispatchable", "reversebind", "proxy", "TYPEFLAG_8000",
static const char *param_flags[32] = {
"in", "out", "lcid", "retval",
"opt", "\0hasdefault", "hascustomdata", "PARAMFLAG_80",
static void
printArgFlags (FILE *fp, uint32_t aflags)
int idx = 0, befirst = 1;
if (!aflags || (aflags & ~PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT)==0)
fprintf (fp, "[");
while (aflags != 0 && idx < 32)
if ((aflags & 1)!=0 && param_flags[idx][0] != 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s%s", befirst ? "" : " ", param_flags[idx]);
befirst = 0;
aflags >>= 1;
fprintf (fp, "] ");
static void
print_typb_options (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix, const char *dllname)
int befirst = 1;
uint32_t flags = tb->flags, idx = 0;
if (tl)
befirst = 1;
if (!tb)
if (tb->flags == 0 && tb->docstr == NULL && tb->guid == NULL
&& tb->version == 0 && dllname == NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%s[\n", prefix);
if (tb->guid != NULL)
befirst = printUuid (fp, tb->guid,befirst, 0, prefix);
if (tb->version != 0)
befirst = printVersion (fp, tb->version, befirst, 0, prefix);
if (tb->docstr)
befirst = printString (fp, "helpstring", tb->docstr, befirst, 0, prefix);
while (flags != 0 && idx != 32)
if ((flags & 1) != 0 && typb_flags[idx][0] != 0)
befirst = print_flagsstring (fp, typb_flags[idx], befirst, 0, prefix);
flags >>= 1; idx++;
if (dllname)
befirst = printString (fp, "dllname", dllname, befirst, 0, prefix);
if (befirst != 1)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s]\n", prefix);
static void
TI2_typlib_imports (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
sTITypsHash *th = &tl->ti2_typs.buc[TITYP_IMP];
for (i = 0;i < th->count; i++)
fprintf (fp, "%simportlib(\"%s\");\n", prefix, th->arr[i]->name);
if (i != 0)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static char *mk_guard (const char *name, const char *addition)
char *r, *h;
size_t len;
if (!addition)
addition = "";
len = strlen (name) + strlen (addition) + 1 + strlen ("__");
r = (char *) malloc (len);
sprintf (r, "__%s%s", name, addition);
h = r;
while (*h != 0)
if (*h >= 'a' && *h <= 'z')
h[0] -= 'a';
h[0] += 'A';
else if (*h <= 0x20)
*h = '_';
return r;
static void
TI2_typlib_forward_declare (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, int behdr)
size_t i;
char *guard = NULL;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
if (!behdr)
fprintf (fp, "/ * Typedef definitions of basic types. * /\n"
"typedef unsigned short USHORT;\n"
"typedef signed short SHORT;\n"
"typedef unsigned char UCHAR;\n"
"typedef signed char CHAR;\n"
"typedef unsigned int UINT;\n"
"typedef signed int INT;\n"
"typedef int WINBOOL;\n"
"typedef struct _tagVARIANT VARIANT;\n"
"typedef unsigned short *BSTR;\n"
"typedef int SCODE;\n"
"typedef struct _CY CY;\n");
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_INTERFACE)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "/* Interface forward declarations. */\n");
befirst = 0;
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_FORWARDER_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%s;\n", tl->typb[i].name);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
char *hn;
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_RECORD)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "/* Structure forward declarations. */\n");
befirst = 0;
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_FORWARDER_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
if ((hn = strchr (tl->typb[i].name, ' ')) == NULL)
hn = tl->typb[i].name;
else hn++;
fprintf (fp, "typedef %s %s;\n", tl->typb[i].name, hn);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
char *hn;
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_UNION)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "/* Union record forward declarations. */\n");
befirst = 0;
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_FORWARDER_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
if ((hn = strchr (tl->typb[i].name, ' ')) == NULL)
hn = tl->typb[i].name;
else hn++;
fprintf (fp, "typedef %s %s;\n", tl->typb[i].name, hn);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_DISPATCH)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "/* Dispatch record forward declarations. */\n");
befirst = 0;
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_FORWARDER_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%s;\n", tl->typb[i].name);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_COCLASS)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "/* Coclass record forward declarations. */\n");
befirst = 0;
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_FORWARDER_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%s;\n", tl->typb[i].name);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_typedefs (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix, int behdr)
char *guard = NULL;
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_ALIAS)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Type definitions. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
if (!behdr)
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_TYPEDEF_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%stypedef %s %s;\n", prefix,
(tl->typb[i].dataType ? tl->typb[i].dataType : "<unknown>"),
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp,"#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_enumerations (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix, int behdr)
char *guard = NULL;
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_ENUM)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Enumeration declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
if (!behdr)
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printEnum (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_dispinterface_hdr (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_DISPATCH)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Dispatch interface declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
//print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
if (tl->typb[i].dataType != NULL)
char *h = tl->typb[i].dataType;
if (strchr (h, ' ')!=NULL)
h = strchr (h, ' ') + 1;
fprintf (fp, " : %s", h);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_dispinterface (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_DISPATCH)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Dispatch interface declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
if (tl->typb[i].dataType != NULL)
char *h = tl->typb[i].dataType;
if (strchr (h, ' ')!=NULL)
h = strchr (h, ' ') + 1;
fprintf (fp, " : %s", h);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_coclass_hdr (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix, uint32_t tkind)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != tkind)
if (befirst)
if (tkind == TKIND_COCLASS)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* CoClass declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
//print_typb_options (fp,tl,&tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
if (tl->typb[i].tib->datatype1 != -1)
int offset_ref = tl->typb[i].tib->datatype1;
char *ifname;
sTITyp *rtyp;
do {
rtyp = TI_get_typ (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) offset_ref, TITYP_REF);
ifname = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) offset_ref, TITYP_REF, "");
offset_ref = (rtyp == NULL ? -1 : (int) rtyp->refmem);
if (ifname)
fprintf (fp, "%s %s;\n",prefix,ifname);
} while (offset_ref != -1);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_coclass (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_COCLASS)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* CoClass declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
print_typb_options (fp,tl,&tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
if (tl->typb[i].tib->datatype1 != -1)
int offset_ref = tl->typb[i].tib->datatype1;
char *ifname;
sTITyp *rtyp;
do {
rtyp = TI_get_typ (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) offset_ref, TITYP_REF);
ifname = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, (uint32_t) offset_ref, TITYP_REF, "");
offset_ref = (rtyp == NULL ? -1 : (int) rtyp->refmem);
if (ifname)
fprintf (fp, "%s %s;\n",prefix,ifname);
} while (offset_ref != -1);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_structures (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix, int behdr)
char *guard = NULL;
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_RECORD && tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_UNION)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Structure/union declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
if (!behdr)
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
if (behdr)
guard = mk_guard (tl->typb[i].name, "_DEFINED");
if (guard && *guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", guard, guard);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (guard)
if (*guard != 0)
fprintf (fp, "#endif /* %s */\n\n", guard);
free (guard);
guard = NULL;
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
TI2_typlib_modules (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_MODULE)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Module declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, tl->typb[i].dataType);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
printEnum (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix_)
char *prefix;
size_t i;
if (!tl || !tb || (tb->cFuncs == 0 && tb->cVars == 0))
prefix = (char *) malloc (strlen (prefix_) + 3);
memset (prefix,' ',strlen (prefix_) + 2);
prefix[strlen (prefix_) + 2] = 0;
for (i = 0;i < tb->mem.count; i++)
char *name = NULL;
sTI2TypeBaseMemItem *mi = &tb->mem.items[i];
name = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->extData[mi->max], TITYP_NAME, "");
if (mi->beFunc)
abort ();
fprintf (fp, "%s%s = ", prefix, name);
printValue (fp, &tl->ti2_typs,mi->var->oValue);
fprintf (fp, "%s\n", ((i+1) != tb->mem.count ? "," : ""));
if (name)
free (name);
free (prefix);
static void
printInterfaceFuncVars (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, sTI2TypeBase *tb, const char *prefix_)
uint32_t defid;
char *prefix;
size_t i;
if (!tl || !tb || (tb->cFuncs == 0 && tb->cVars == 0))
prefix = (char *) malloc (strlen (prefix_) + 3);
memset (prefix,' ',strlen (prefix_) + 2);
prefix[strlen (prefix_) + 2] = 0;
switch (tb->kind)
defid = (uint32_t) 1073741824; break;
defid = 0xfefefefe; break;
for (i = 0;i < tb->mem.count; i++)
char *name = NULL;
char *rtyp = NULL;
uint32_t id;
sTI2TypeBaseMemItem *mi = &tb->mem.items[i];
name = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->extData[mi->max], TITYP_NAME, "");
id = mi->extData[0];
if (mi->beFunc)
const char *val = "";
printFuncOption (fp, mi->func->flags, id, defid, mi->func->f.funcKind, &val, prefix,
rtyp = TI_getVTorDref (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->func->datatype, "", 0);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s%s %s %s (",
prefix, val, rtyp, getCallConvName(mi->func->f.callconv),
if (mi->func->nrArgs == 0)
fprintf (fp, "void);\n");
uint16_t a;
fprintf (fp, "\n");
for (a = 0; a < mi->func->nrArgs;a++)
char *aname = NULL;
char *atyp = NULL;
if (mi->funcParam[a].oName != -1)
aname = TI_get_typ_name (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->funcParam[a].oName, TITYP_NAME, "");
/* We have to generate an name for this argument. */
aname = (char *) malloc (128);
sprintf (aname, "argNo%u", (uint32_t) a + 1);
atyp = TI_getVTorDref (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->funcParam[a].dataType, aname, 0);
fprintf (fp, "%s ", prefix);
printArgFlags (fp, mi->funcParam[a].flags);
fprintf (fp, "%s", atyp);
free (atyp);
free (aname);
if (mi->customData && (mi->funcParam[a].flags & PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT) != 0)
fprintf (fp," = ");
printValue (fp, &tl->ti2_typs,mi->customData[a]);
if ((a + 1) != mi->func->nrArgs)
fprintf (fp, ",");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s);\n", prefix);
const char *val = "";
printVarOption (fp, mi->var->flags, id, defid, mi->var->varKind, &val, prefix);
rtyp = TI_getVTorDref (&tl->ti2_typs, mi->var->datatype, name, 0);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s%s", prefix, val, rtyp);
if ((tb->kind == TKIND_DISPATCH || tb->kind == TKIND_INTERFACE) && mi->var->oValue != 0)
fprintf (fp," = %d", mi->var->oValue);
else if (tb->kind != TKIND_RECORD && tb->kind != TKIND_UNION
&& !(tb->kind == TKIND_DISPATCH || tb->kind == TKIND_INTERFACE)
&& (uint32_t) mi->var->oValue != (uint32_t) -1)
fprintf (fp," = ");
printValue (fp, &tl->ti2_typs,mi->var->oValue);
fprintf (fp, ";\n");
if (rtyp)
free (rtyp);
if (name)
free (name);
defid = id + 1;
free (prefix);
static void
TI2_typlib_interfaces (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *prefix)
size_t i;
int befirst;
befirst = 1;
for (i=0;i<tl->nr_typinfos;i++)
if (tl->typb[i].kind != TKIND_INTERFACE)
if (befirst)
fprintf (fp, "%s/* Interface declarations. */\n", prefix);
befirst = 0;
print_typb_options (fp,tl, &tl->typb[i],prefix, NULL);
fprintf (fp, "%s%s", prefix, tl->typb[i].name);
if (tl->typb[i].dataType != NULL)
char *h = tl->typb[i].dataType;
if (strchr (h, ' ')!=NULL)
h = strchr (h, ' ') + 1;
fprintf (fp, " : %s", h);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "%s{\n", prefix);
printInterfaceFuncVars (fp, tl, &tl->typb[i], prefix);
fprintf (fp, "%s};\n", prefix);
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
static void
printVarOption (FILE *fp, uint32_t flags, uint32_t id, uint32_t defid,
uint32_t varKind, const char **varPrefix,
const char *prefix)
int befirst = 1,idx = 0;
switch (varKind) {
case VARKIND_STATIC: *varPrefix = "static "; break;
case VARKIND_CONST: *varPrefix = "CONST "; break;
if (id == defid && flags == 0)
fprintf (fp, "%s[", prefix);
if (id != defid)
if (id < 0x100)
fprintf (fp, "id(%u)", id);
fprintf (fp, "id(0x%x)", id);
while (flags != 0)
if ((flags & 1)!=0 && varflags[idx][0]!=0)
if (!befirst) fprintf (fp, ", ");
befirst = 0;
fprintf (fp, "%s", varflags[idx]);
flags >>=1; idx++;
fprintf (fp, "]\n");
static void
printFuncOption (FILE *fp, uint32_t flags, uint32_t id, uint32_t defid,
uint32_t funcKind, const char **fctPrefix, const char *prefix,
uint32_t invokeKind)
int befirst = 1, idx = 0;
const char *invoke = "";
switch (funcKind)
case FUNCTKIND_VIRTUAL: *fctPrefix = "virtual "; break;
case FUNCTKIND_STATIC: *fctPrefix = "static "; break;
switch ((invokeKind & ~1))
case INVOKIND_FUNC: break;
case INVOKIND_PROPERTYGET: invoke = "propget"; break;
case INVOKIND_PROPERTYPUT: invoke = "propput"; break;
invoke = "propgetput"; break;
invoke = "propputref"; break;
invoke = "propputputref"; break;
invoke = "propgetputref"; break;
invoke = "propgetputputref"; break;
if (id == defid && flags == 0 && invoke[0]==0)
fprintf (fp, "%s[", prefix);
if (id != defid)
if (id < 0x100)
fprintf (fp, "id(%u)", id);
fprintf (fp, "id(0x%x)", id);
befirst = 0;
if (invoke[0]!=0)
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
fprintf (fp, "%s", invoke);
befirst = 0;
while (flags != 0)
if ((flags & 1) != 0 && funcflags[idx][0]!=0)
if (!befirst)
fprintf (fp, ", ");
fprintf (fp, "%s", funcflags[idx]);
befirst = 0;
flags >>=1; idx++;
fprintf (fp, "]\n");
TI2_typlib_hdr (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *orgfname)
//int befirst;
if (!tl)
fprintf (fp, "/* Automated generated header file <%s>.\n"
" * Generated by genidl tool (c) 2009, 2010 Mingw-w64 project.\n"
" */\n\n", (tl->name ? tl->name : "unknown"));
TI2_update_config (tl, orgfname);
TI2_typlib_forward_declare (fp, tl, 1);
TI2_typlib_enumerations (fp, tl, "", 1);
TI2_typlib_structures (fp, tl, "",1);
TI2_typlib_typedefs (fp, tl, "", 1);
if (0) TI2_typlib_coclass_hdr (fp, tl, "", TKIND_COCLASS);
TI2_typlib_dispinterface_hdr (fp, tl, "");
TI2_typlib_idl (FILE *fp, sTI2TypLib *tl, const char *orgfname)
int befirst;
if (!tl)
fprintf (fp, "/* Automated generated idl file <%s>.\n"
" * Generated by genidl tool (c) 2009, 2010 Mingw-w64 project.\n"
" */\n\n", (tl->name ? tl->name : "unknown"));
TI2_update_config (tl, orgfname);
TI2_typlib_forward_declare (fp, tl, 0);
TI2_typlib_enumerations (fp, tl, "", 0);
TI2_typlib_structures (fp, tl, "", 0);
TI2_typlib_typedefs (fp, tl, "", 0);
fprintf (fp, "[\n");
befirst = 1;
if (tl->guid)
befirst = printUuid (fp, tl->guid, befirst, 0, "");
if (tl->version != 0)
befirst = printVersion (fp, tl->version, befirst, 0, "");
if (tl->helpstring)
befirst = printString (fp, "helpstring", tl->helpstring, befirst, 0, "");
if (tl->helpfile)
befirst = printString (fp, "helpfile", tl->helpfile, befirst, 0, "");
if (befirst != 1)
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "]\n");
fprintf (fp, "library %s\n{\n", tl->name);
TI2_typlib_imports (fp, tl, " ");
// coclass
TI2_typlib_coclass (fp, tl, " ");
// dispinterface
TI2_typlib_dispinterface (fp, tl, " ");
fprintf (fp, "};\n\n");
TI2_typlib_interfaces (fp, tl, "");
TI2_typlib_modules (fp, tl, "");