blob: 4f73062c2ffefe2b9483224ca276e359f890f8ce [file] [log] [blame]
genidl - Generate interface defintion language listing from a
Portable Executable.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 mingw-w64 project
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "genidl_cfg.h"
#include "genidl_readpe.h"
static int32_t readResourceDirectory (FILE *fp, unsigned char **dta, size_t *length, size_t *resRVA);
static void walk_res_dir (sImgResourceDirectory *resDir, unsigned char *base,uint32_t level, uint32_t resourceType, int32_t beTypelib, int32_t *noRes,uint32_t *zOff, uint32_t *zSize);
genidl_pe_typelib_resource_count (FILE *fp)
int32_t cnt = 0x2000;
uint32_t zOff = 0,zSize = 0;
size_t resRVA = 0;
unsigned char *dta = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
if (!readResourceDirectory (fp, &dta, &length,&resRVA))
return 0;
if (!length || !dta)
return 0;
zOff = zSize = 0;
walk_res_dir ((sImgResourceDirectory *) dta, dta,0, 0, 0, &cnt,&zOff,&zSize);
free (dta);
return 0x2000 - cnt;
genidl_pe_typelib_resource_read (FILE *fp, int32_t noRes, unsigned char **pDta, size_t *szDta)
uint32_t zOff,zSize;
unsigned char *dta = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
size_t resRVA = 0;
if (!readResourceDirectory (fp, &dta, &length, &resRVA))
return 0;
if (!length || !dta)
return 0;
zOff = zSize = 0;
walk_res_dir ((sImgResourceDirectory *) dta, dta,0, 0, 0, &noRes,&zOff,&zSize);
if (zOff != 0)
pDta[0] = (unsigned char *) malloc (zSize + 1);
szDta[0] = zSize;
memcpy (pDta[0], dta + zOff - resRVA , zSize);
free (dta);
return 1;
free (dta);
return 0;
static void get_res_name_by_id (uint32_t id, unsigned char *resourceBase, char *buffer, uint32_t cBytes);
static void walk_res_entry (sImgResourceDirectoryEntry *resDirEntry, unsigned char *resourceBase, uint32_t level, int32_t beTypelib, int32_t *noRes,uint32_t *zOff,uint32_t *zSize);
static void
walk_res_dir (sImgResourceDirectory *resDir, unsigned char *base,uint32_t level, uint32_t resourceType, int32_t beTypelib, int32_t *noRes,uint32_t *zOff,uint32_t *zSize)
sImgResourceDirectoryEntry *resDirEntry;
char szType[64];
uint32_t i;
uint32_t mloop = 0;
if (resourceType & GENIDL_IMG_RESNAME_IS_STR)
get_res_name_by_id (resourceType, base,szType, sizeof(szType));
sprintf(szType, "%X", resourceType);
if (!strcmp (szType,"TYPELIB"))
beTypelib = 1;
resDirEntry = (sImgResourceDirectoryEntry *) (resDir + 1);
mloop = resDir->NumberOfNamedEntries + resDir->NumberOfIdEntries;
for (i=0; i < mloop; i++, resDirEntry++)
walk_res_entry (resDirEntry, base, level + 1, beTypelib, noRes,zOff,zSize);
if (zOff[0] != 0)
if (!strcmp (szType,"TYPELIB"))
beTypelib = 0;
static void
walk_res_entry (sImgResourceDirectoryEntry *resDirEntry, unsigned char *resourceBase, uint32_t level, int32_t beTypelib,int32_t *noRes,uint32_t *zOff,uint32_t *zSize)
sImgResourceDataEntry *pResDataEntry;
if (resDirEntry->OffsetToData & GENIDL_IMG_RESDATA_IS_DIR) {
walk_res_dir ((sImgResourceDirectory *) ((resDirEntry->OffsetToData & 0x7FFFFFFF) + resourceBase),
resourceBase, level, resDirEntry->Name, beTypelib, noRes,zOff,zSize);
if (!beTypelib)
if (noRes[0] != 0)
noRes[0] -= 1;
pResDataEntry = (sImgResourceDataEntry *)
(resourceBase + resDirEntry->OffsetToData);
zOff[0] = pResDataEntry->OffsetToData; /* RVA!!! */
zSize[0] = pResDataEntry->Size;
static void
get_res_name_by_id (uint32_t id, unsigned char *resourceBase, char *buffer, uint32_t cBytes)
sImgResourceDirStringWC *prdsu;
sprintf (buffer, "%X", id);
id &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
prdsu = (sImgResourceDirStringWC *) (resourceBase + id);
#ifdef _WIN32
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, prdsu->NameString, prdsu->Length, buffer, cBytes, 0, 0);
buffer[min(cBytes - 1, prdsu->Length)] = 0; /* Null terminate it!!! */
uint32_t mi = cBytes - 1;
uint32_t i;
if (mi > prdsu->Length)
mi = prdsu->Length;
for (i = 0; i < mi; i++)
uint16_t ch = prdsu->NameString[i];
if (!ch)
if (ch >= 128)
ch = '?';
buffer[i] = (char) (ch & 0xff);
buffer[i] = 0;
static int32_t
readResourceDirectory (FILE *fp, unsigned char **dta, size_t *length, size_t *resRVA)
long pe_header;
int32_t be64;
uImgHeader hdr;
uint32_t res_size = 0;
uint32_t sect_count;
sImgSectionHdr sec;
pe_header = genidl_ispe (fp, &be64);
*dta = NULL; length[0]=0;
if (!pe_header)
return 0;
fseek (fp, pe_header, SEEK_SET);
if (be64)
fread (&hdr.hdr64, 1, sizeof (sImgNtHeaders64), fp);
res_size = hdr.hdr64.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[2].size;
sect_count = hdr.hdr64.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
fread (&hdr.hdr32, 1, sizeof (sImgNtHeaders32), fp);
res_size = hdr.hdr32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[2].size;
sect_count = hdr.hdr32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
if (!res_size)
return 1;
while (sect_count > 0)
fread (&sec, 1, sizeof (sImgSectionHdr),fp);
if (!strcmp ((char *) sec.Name, ".rsrc"))
fseek (fp, (int32_t) sec.PointerToRawData, SEEK_SET);
resRVA[0] = sec.VirtualAddress;
dta[0] = (unsigned char *) malloc (res_size);
fread (dta[0], 1, res_size, fp);
length[0] = res_size;
return 1;
return 1;
genidl_ispe (FILE *fp, int32_t *be64)
sDosHeader hdr;
uImgHeader img;
*be64 = 0;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (fread (&hdr, 1, sizeof (hdr), fp) != sizeof (hdr))
return 0;
if (hdr.magic != 0x5a4d)
return 0;
if (hdr.lfanew == 0)
return 0;
fseek (fp, (int32_t) hdr.lfanew, SEEK_SET);
if (fread (&img, 1, sizeof (img), fp) != sizeof (img))
return 0;
if (img.hdr32.Signature != 0x4550)
return 0;
if (img.hdr32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader == IMG_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL32_HEADER)
*be64 = 0;
else if (img.hdr32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader == IMG_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL64_HEADER)
*be64 = 1;
return 0;
return (int32_t) hdr.lfanew;