blob: e83fc66faf151b8b63c1b1b99ea831f283950ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
* Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
* Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Dave Mackie
#include "src/impl.h"
namespace mp4v2 {
namespace impl {
MP4BaseDescriptor::MP4BaseDescriptor (MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag) : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
switch (tag) {
case MP4ESIDIncDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "id"));
case MP4ESIDRefDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "refIndex"));
case MP4IPIPtrDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "IPIESId"));
case MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "title", Counted));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "value", Counted));
case MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "IPMPDescriptorId"));
case MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "profileLevelIndicationIndex"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "ODProfileLevelIndication"));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "sceneProfileLevelIndication"));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "audioProfileLevelIndication"));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "visualProfileLevelIndication"));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "graphicsProfileLevelIndication"));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "MPEGJProfileLevelIndication"));
log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": error in base descriptor - tag %u", __FUNCTION__,
m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), tag);
MP4BytesDescriptor::MP4BytesDescriptor (MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag) : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
m_size_offset = 0;
m_bytes_index = 0;
if (tag >= MP4ExtDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd) {
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "data"));
} else {
switch (tag) {
case MP4DecSpecificDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "info"));
// no change to m_size
case MP4IPMPDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "IPMPDescriptorId"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "IPMPSType"));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "IPMPData"));
/* note: if IPMPSType == 0, IPMPData is an URL */
m_size_offset = 3;
m_bytes_index = 2;
case MP4RegistrationDescrTag:
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "formatIdentifier"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "additionalIdentificationInfo"));
m_size_offset = 4;
m_bytes_index = 1;
log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": error in bytes descriptor - tag %u", __FUNCTION__,
m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), tag);
void MP4BytesDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
/* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[m_bytes_index])->SetValueSize(m_size - m_size_offset);
MP4IODescriptor::MP4IODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4FileIODescrTag)
/* N.B. other member functions depend on the property indicies */
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "includeInlineProfileLevelFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 4));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "ODProfileLevelId"));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "sceneProfileLevelId"));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "audioProfileLevelId"));
AddProperty( /* 8 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "visualProfileLevelId"));
AddProperty( /* 9 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "graphicsProfileLevelId"));
AddProperty( /* 10 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIds",
MP4ESIDIncDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
AddProperty( /* 11 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ociDescr",
MP4OCIDescrTagsStart, MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 12 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 13 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
void MP4IODescriptor::Generate()
for (uint32_t i = 5; i <= 9; i++) {
void MP4IODescriptor::Mutate()
bool urlFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
for (uint32_t i = 5; i <= 12; i++) {
MP4ODescriptor::MP4ODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4FileODescrTag)
/* N.B. other member functions depend on the property indicies */
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 5));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIds",
MP4ESIDRefDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ociDescr",
MP4OCIDescrTagsStart, MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
void MP4ODescriptor::Generate()
void MP4ODescriptor::Mutate()
bool urlFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
for (uint32_t i = 4; i <= 6; i++) {
MP4ESDescriptor::MP4ESDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ESDescrTag)
/* N.B. other class functions depend on the property indicies */
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "ESID"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamDependenceFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "OCRstreamFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamPriority", 5));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "dependsOnESID"));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "OCRESID"));
AddProperty( /* 8 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "decConfigDescr",
MP4DecConfigDescrTag, 0, Required, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 9 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "slConfigDescr",
MP4SLConfigDescrTag, 0, Required, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 10 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipiPtr",
MP4IPIPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 11 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipIds",
MP4ContentIdDescrTag, MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 12 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 13 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "langDescr",
MP4LanguageDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
AddProperty( /* 14 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "qosDescr",
MP4QosDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 15 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "regDescr",
MP4RegistrationDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 16 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
void MP4ESDescriptor::Mutate()
bool streamDependFlag =
bool urlFlag =
bool ocrFlag =
MP4DecConfigDescriptor::MP4DecConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4DecConfigDescrTag)
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "objectTypeId"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamType", 6));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "upStream", 1));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 1));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "bufferSizeDB", 24));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxBitrate"));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "avgBitrate"));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "decSpecificInfo",
MP4DecSpecificDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
AddProperty( /* 8 */
new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "profileLevelIndicationIndexDescr",
MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
void MP4DecConfigDescriptor::Generate()
MP4SLConfigDescriptor::MP4SLConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4SLConfigDescrTag)
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "predefined"));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useAccessUnitStartFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useAccessUnitEndFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useRandomAccessPointFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "usePaddingFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useTimeStampsFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useIdleFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 8 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "durationFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 9 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "timeStampResolution"));
AddProperty( /* 10 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "OCRResolution"));
AddProperty( /* 11 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "timeStampLength"));
AddProperty( /* 12 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "OCRLength"));
AddProperty( /* 13 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "AULength"));
AddProperty( /* 14 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "instantBitrateLength"));
AddProperty( /* 15 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "degradationPriortyLength", 4));
AddProperty( /* 16 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "AUSeqNumLength", 5));
AddProperty( /* 17 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "packetSeqNumLength", 5));
AddProperty( /* 18 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 2));
// if durationFlag
AddProperty( /* 19 */
new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "timeScale"));
AddProperty( /* 20 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "accessUnitDuration"));
AddProperty( /* 21 */
new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "compositionUnitDuration"));
// if !useTimeStampsFlag
AddProperty( /* 22 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "startDecodingTimeStamp", 64));
AddProperty( /* 23 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "startCompositionTimeStamp", 64));
void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Generate()
// by default all tracks in an mp4 file
// use predefined SLConfig descriptor == 2
// which implies UseTimestampsFlag = 1
// reserved = 3
void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
// read the first property, 'predefined'
ReadProperties(file, 0, 1);
// if predefined == 0
if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue() == 0) {
/* read the next 18 properties */
ReadProperties(file, 1, 18);
// now mutate
// and read the remaining properties
ReadProperties(file, 19);
void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Mutate()
uint32_t i;
uint8_t predefined =
if (predefined) {
// properties 1-18 are implicit
for (i = 1; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
if (predefined == 1) {
// UseTimestampsFlag = 0
// TimestampResolution = 1000
// TimeStampLength = 32
} else if (predefined == 2) {
// UseTimestampsFlag = 1
} else {
#if 1
for (i = 1; i <= 18; i++) {
bool durationFlag =
for (i = 19; i <= 21; i++) {
bool useTimeStampsFlag =
for (i = 22; i <= 23; i++) {
uint8_t timeStampLength = min((uint8_t)64,
// handle a nonsensical situation gracefully
if (timeStampLength == 0) {
MP4ContentIdDescriptor::MP4ContentIdDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
: MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ContentIdDescrTag)
AddProperty( /* 0 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "compatibility", 2));
AddProperty( /* 1 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "contentTypeFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 2 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "contentIdFlag", 1));
AddProperty( /* 3 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "protectedContent", 1));
AddProperty( /* 4 */
new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 3));
AddProperty( /* 5 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "contentType"));
AddProperty( /* 6 */
new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "contentIdType"));
AddProperty( /* 7 */
new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "contentId"));
void MP4ContentIdDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
/* read the first property, 'compatiblity' */
ReadProperties(file, 0, 1);
/* if compatiblity != 0 */
if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue() != 0) {
/* we don't understand it */
log.verbose1f("incompatible content id descriptor");
/* read the next four properties */
ReadProperties(file, 1, 4);
/* which allows us to reconfigure ourselves */
bool contentTypeFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
bool contentIdFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
if (contentIdFlag) {
uint32_t cIdOffset = 2;
if (contentTypeFlag) {
((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->SetValueSize(m_size - cIdOffset);
/* read the remaining properties */
ReadProperties(file, 5);
void MP4ContentIdDescriptor::Mutate()
bool contentTypeFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
bool contentIdFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
MP4Descriptor* MP4DescriptorProperty::CreateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = NULL;
switch (tag) {
case MP4ESDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4ESDescriptor(parentAtom);
case MP4DecConfigDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4DecConfigDescriptor(parentAtom);
case MP4DecSpecificDescrTag:
case MP4IPMPDescrTag:
case MP4RegistrationDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4BytesDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
case MP4SLConfigDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4SLConfigDescriptor(parentAtom);
case MP4ContentIdDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4ContentIdDescriptor(parentAtom);
case MP4ESIDIncDescrTag:
case MP4ESIDRefDescrTag:
case MP4IPIPtrDescrTag:
case MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag:
case MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag:
case MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4BaseDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
case MP4QosDescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4QosDescriptorBase(parentAtom, MP4QosDescrTag);
case MP4IODescrTag:
case MP4FileIODescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4IODescriptor(parentAtom);
case MP4ODescrTag:
case MP4FileODescrTag:
pDescriptor = new MP4ODescriptor(parentAtom);
if (pDescriptor == NULL) {
if (tag >= MP4OCIDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd) {
pDescriptor = CreateOCIDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
if (tag >= MP4ExtDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd) {
pDescriptor = new MP4BytesDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
return pDescriptor;
} // namespace mp4v2::impl