blob: 960505edfbc9389799feb16e24067796c163f387 [file] [log] [blame]
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
// under the License.
// The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
// Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
// Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.
// 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
// and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
// Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
// Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
// Contributors:
// Dave Mackie,
// Alix Marchandise-Franquet,
// Ximpo Group Ltd.,
// Kona Blend,
#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H
#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H
namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
class MP4Atom;
class MP4Property;
class MP4Float32Property;
class MP4StringProperty;
class MP4BytesProperty;
class MP4Descriptor;
class MP4DescriptorProperty;
class MP4File
static void CopySample(
MP4File* srcFile,
MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
MP4File* dstFile,
MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
MP4Duration dstSampleDuration );
static void EncAndCopySample(
MP4File* srcFile,
MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
uint32_t encfcnparam1,
MP4File* dstFile,
MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
MP4Duration dstSampleDuration );
// file ops
void Create( const char* fileName,
uint32_t flags,
const MP4FileProvider* provider = NULL,
int add_ftyp = 1,
int add_iods = 1,
char* majorBrand = NULL,
uint32_t minorVersion = 0,
char** supportedBrands = NULL,
uint32_t supportedBrandsCount = 0 );
const std::string &GetFilename() const;
void Read( const char* name, const MP4FileProvider* provider );
bool Modify( const char* fileName );
void Optimize( const char* srcFileName, const char* dstFileName = NULL );
bool CopyClose( const string& copyFileName );
void Dump( bool dumpImplicits = false );
void Close(uint32_t flags = 0);
bool Use64Bits(const char *atomName);
void Check64BitStatus(const char *atomName);
/* file properties */
uint64_t GetIntegerProperty(const char* name);
float GetFloatProperty(const char* name);
const char* GetStringProperty(const char* name);
void GetBytesProperty(const char* name,
uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize);
void SetIntegerProperty(const char* name, uint64_t value);
void SetFloatProperty(const char* name, float value);
void SetStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value);
void SetBytesProperty(const char* name,
const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
// file level convenience functions
MP4Duration GetDuration();
void SetDuration(MP4Duration value);
uint32_t GetTimeScale();
void SetTimeScale(uint32_t value);
uint8_t GetODProfileLevel();
void SetODProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
uint8_t GetSceneProfileLevel();
void SetSceneProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
uint8_t GetVideoProfileLevel();
void SetVideoProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
uint8_t GetAudioProfileLevel();
void SetAudioProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
uint8_t GetGraphicsProfileLevel();
void SetGraphicsProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
const char* GetSessionSdp();
void SetSessionSdp(const char* sdpString);
void AppendSessionSdp(const char* sdpString);
/* track operations */
MP4TrackId AddTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale = 1000);
void DeleteTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
uint32_t GetNumberOfTracks(const char* type = NULL, uint8_t subType = 0);
MP4TrackId AllocTrackId();
MP4TrackId FindTrackId(uint16_t trackIndex,
const char* type = NULL, uint8_t subType = 0);
uint16_t FindTrackIndex(MP4TrackId trackId);
uint16_t FindTrakAtomIndex(MP4TrackId trackId);
/* track properties */
MP4Atom *FindTrackAtom(MP4TrackId trackId, const char *name);
uint64_t GetTrackIntegerProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
float GetTrackFloatProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
const char* GetTrackStringProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
void GetTrackBytesProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize);
void SetTrackIntegerProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, int64_t value);
void SetTrackFloatProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, float value);
void SetTrackStringProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, const char* value);
void SetTrackBytesProperty(
MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
bool GetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId, char* );
bool SetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId, const char* );
bool GetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, char** name );
bool SetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
/* sample operations */
uint32_t GetSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
uint32_t GetTrackMaxSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId);
MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromTime(MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Timestamp when, bool wantSyncSample = false);
MP4Timestamp GetSampleTime(
MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
MP4Duration GetSampleDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
MP4Duration GetSampleRenderingOffset(
MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
bool GetSampleSync(
MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
void ReadSample(
// input parameters
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId,
// output parameters
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint32_t* pNumBytes,
MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL,
MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset = NULL,
bool* pIsSyncSample = NULL,
bool* hasDependencyFlags = NULL,
uint32_t* dependencyFlags = NULL );
void WriteSample(
MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t* pBytes,
uint32_t numBytes,
MP4Duration duration = 0,
MP4Duration renderingOffset = 0,
bool isSyncSample = true );
void WriteSampleDependency(
MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t* pBytes,
uint32_t numBytes,
MP4Duration duration,
MP4Duration renderingOffset,
bool isSyncSample,
uint32_t dependencyFlags );
void SetSampleRenderingOffset(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId,
MP4Duration renderingOffset );
MP4Duration GetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId );
void SetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId, MP4Duration );
/* track level convenience functions */
MP4TrackId AddSystemsTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale = 1000 );
MP4TrackId AddODTrack();
MP4TrackId AddSceneTrack();
MP4TrackId AddAudioTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint8_t audioType);
MP4TrackId AddULawAudioTrack(
uint32_t timeScale);
MP4TrackId AddALawAudioTrack(
uint32_t timeScale);
MP4TrackId AddAC3AudioTrack(
uint32_t samplingRate,
uint8_t fscod,
uint8_t bsid,
uint8_t bsmod,
uint8_t acmod,
uint8_t lfeon,
uint8_t bit_rate_code);
MP4TrackId AddEncAudioTrack( // ismacryp
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint8_t audioType,
uint32_t scheme_type,
uint16_t scheme_version,
uint8_t key_ind_len,
uint8_t iv_len,
bool selective_enc,
const char *kms_uri,
bool use_ismacryp);
void SetAmrVendor(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint32_t vendor);
void SetAmrDecoderVersion(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint8_t decoderVersion);
void SetAmrModeSet(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint16_t modeSet);
uint16_t GetAmrModeSet(MP4TrackId trackId);
MP4TrackId AddAmrAudioTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
uint16_t modeSet,
uint8_t modeChangePeriod,
uint8_t framesPerSample,
bool isAmrWB);
MP4TrackId AddHrefTrack(uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
const char *base_url);
MP4TrackId AddMP4VideoTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
uint8_t videoType);
MP4TrackId AddEncVideoTrack( // ismacryp
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
uint8_t videoType,
mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
const char *oFormat);
void SetH263Vendor(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint32_t vendor);
void SetH263DecoderVersion(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint8_t decoderVersion);
void SetH263Bitrates(
uint32_t avgBitrate,
uint32_t maxBitrate);
MP4TrackId AddH263VideoTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
uint8_t h263Level,
uint8_t h263Profile,
uint32_t avgBitrate,
uint32_t maxBitrate);
MP4TrackId AddH264VideoTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
uint8_t AVCProfileIndication,
uint8_t profile_compat,
uint8_t AVCLevelIndication,
uint8_t sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne);
MP4TrackId AddEncH264VideoTrack(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
MP4Atom *srcAtom,
mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp);
void AddH264SequenceParameterSet(MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t *pSequence,
uint16_t sequenceLen);
void AddH264PictureParameterSet(MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t *pPicture,
uint16_t pictureLen);
MP4TrackId AddHintTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId);
MP4TrackId AddTextTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId);
/** Add a QuickTime chapter track.
* This function adds a chapter (text) track.
* The optional parameter <b>timescale</b> may be supplied to give the new
* chapter a specific timescale. Otherwise the chapter track will have
* the same timescale as the reference track defined in parameter refTrackId.
* @param refTrackId ID of the track that will reference the chapter track.
* @param timescale the timescale of the chapter track or 0 to use the
* timescale of track specified by <b>refTrackId</b>.
* @return ID of the created chapter track.
MP4TrackId AddChapterTextTrack(
MP4TrackId refTrackId,
uint32_t timescale = 0 );
MP4TrackId AddSubtitleTrack(uint32_t timescale,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height);
MP4TrackId AddSubpicTrack(uint32_t timescale,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height);
MP4TrackId AddPixelAspectRatio(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t hSpacing, uint32_t vSpacing);
MP4TrackId AddColr(MP4TrackId trackId, uint16_t pri, uint16_t tran, uint16_t mat);
/** Add a QuickTime chapter.
* @param chapterTrackId ID of chapter track or #MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
* if unknown.
* @param chapterDuration duration (in the timescale of the chapter track).
* @param chapterTitle title text for the chapter or NULL to use default
* title format ("Chapter %03d", n) where n is the chapter number.
void AddChapter(
MP4TrackId chapterTrackId,
MP4Duration chapterDuration,
const char* chapterTitle = 0 );
/** Add a Nero chapter.
* @param chapterStart the start time of the chapter in 100 nanosecond units
* @param chapterTitle title text for the chapter or NULL to use default
* title format ("Chapter %03d", n) where n is the chapter number.
void AddNeroChapter(
MP4Timestamp chapterStart,
const char* chapterTitle = 0 );
/*! Returns the ID of the track referencing the chapter track chapterTrackId.
* This function searches for a track of type MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE that references
* the track chapterTrackId through the atom "tref.chap".
* @param chapterTrackId the ID of the chapter track
* @param trackName receives the name of the referencing track if not null
* @param trackNameSize the size of the memory pointed to by trackName
* @return the ID if the track referencing the chapter track or MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
MP4TrackId FindChapterReferenceTrack(MP4TrackId chapterTrackId,
char *trackName = 0,
int trackNameSize = 0);
/*! Find the QuickTime chapter track in the current file.
* This function searches for a track of type text.
* @param trackName receives the name of the chapter track if not null
* @param trackNameSize the size of the memory pointed to by trackName
* @return the ID of the chapter track or MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
MP4TrackId FindChapterTrack(char *trackName = 0, int trackNameSize = 0);
/** Delete chapters.
* @param chapterType the type of chapters to delete:
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (delete all known chapter types)
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
* @param chapterTrackId ID of the chapter track if known,
* Only applies when <b>chapterType</b>=#MP4ChapterTypeQt.
* @return the type of deleted chapters
MP4ChapterType DeleteChapters(
MP4ChapterType chapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt,
MP4TrackId chapterTrackId = 0 );
/** Get list of chapters.
* @param chapterList address receiving array of chapter items.
* If a non-NULL is received the caller is responsible for freeing the
* memory with MP4Free().
* @param chapterCount address receiving count of items in array.
* @param chapterType the type of chapters to read:
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (any chapters, searched in order of Qt, Nero)
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
* @result the first type of chapters found.
MP4ChapterType GetChapters(
MP4Chapter_t** chapterList,
uint32_t* chapterCount,
MP4ChapterType fromChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt );
/** Set list of chapters.
* This functions sets the complete chapter list.
* If any chapters of the same type already exist they will first
* be deleted.
* @param chapterList array of chapters items.
* @param chapterCount count of items in array.
* @param chapterType type of chapters to write:
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (chapters of all types are written)
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
* @return the type of chapters written.
MP4ChapterType SetChapters(
MP4Chapter_t* chapterList,
uint32_t chapterCount,
MP4ChapterType toChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt );
/** Convert chapters to another type.
* This function converts existing chapters
* from one type to another type.
* Conversion from Nero to QuickTime or QuickTime to Nero is supported.
* @param toChapterType the chapter type to convert to:
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt (convert from Nero to Qt)
* @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero (convert from Qt to Nero)
* @return the chapter type before conversion or #MP4ChapterTypeNone
* if the source chapters do not exist
* or invalid <b>toChapterType</b> was specified.
MP4ChapterType ConvertChapters(MP4ChapterType toChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt);
/** Change the general timescale.
* This function changes the general timescale to the new timescale
* <b>value</b> by recalculating all values that depend on the timescale
* in "moov.mvhd".
* If the timescale is already equal to value nothing is done.
* @param value the new timescale.
void ChangeMovieTimeScale(uint32_t timescale);
MP4SampleId GetTrackNumberOfSamples(MP4TrackId trackId);
const char* GetTrackType(MP4TrackId trackId);
const char *GetTrackMediaDataName(MP4TrackId trackId);
bool GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(MP4TrackId trackId,
char *originalFormat, uint32_t buflen);
MP4Duration GetTrackDuration(MP4TrackId trackId);
uint32_t GetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId);
void SetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t value);
// replacement to GetTrackAudioType and GetTrackVideoType
uint8_t GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(MP4TrackId trackId);
uint8_t GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(MP4TrackId trackId);
MP4Duration GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(MP4TrackId trackId);
double GetTrackVideoFrameRate(MP4TrackId trackId);
int GetTrackAudioChannels(MP4TrackId trackId);
void GetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize);
void SetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t* pConfig, uint32_t configSize);
void GetTrackVideoMetadata(MP4TrackId trackId,
uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize);
void GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders(MP4TrackId trackId,
uint8_t ***pSeqHeader,
uint32_t **pSeqHeaderSize,
uint8_t ***pPictHeader,
uint32_t **pPictHeaderSize);
const char* GetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
void SetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId, const char* sdpString);
void AppendHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId, const char* sdpString);
void MakeFtypAtom(
char* majorBrand,
uint32_t minorVersion,
char** compatibleBrands,
uint32_t compatibleBrandsCount );
// 3GPP specific functions
void Make3GPCompliant(const char* fileName,
char* majorBrand,
uint32_t minorVersion,
char** supportedBrands,
uint32_t supportedBrandsCount,
bool deleteIodsAtom);
// ISMA specific functions
// true if media track encrypted according to ismacryp
bool IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
void MakeIsmaCompliant(bool addIsmaComplianceSdp = true);
void CreateIsmaIodFromParams(
uint8_t videoProfile,
uint32_t videoBitrate,
uint8_t* videoConfig,
uint32_t videoConfigLength,
uint8_t audioProfile,
uint32_t audioBitrate,
uint8_t* audioConfig,
uint32_t audioConfigLength,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
// time convenience functions
uint64_t ConvertFromMovieDuration(
MP4Duration duration,
uint32_t timeScale);
uint64_t ConvertFromTrackTimestamp(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Timestamp timeStamp,
uint32_t timeScale);
MP4Timestamp ConvertToTrackTimestamp(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint64_t timeStamp,
uint32_t timeScale);
uint64_t ConvertFromTrackDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Duration duration,
uint32_t timeScale);
MP4Duration ConvertToTrackDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId,
uint64_t duration,
uint32_t timeScale);
// specialized operations
void GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
char** ppPayloadName = NULL,
uint8_t* pPayloadNumber = NULL,
uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize = NULL,
char **ppEncodingParams = NULL);
void SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
const char* payloadName,
uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
const char *encoding_params,
bool include_rtp_map,
bool include_mpeg4_esid);
MP4TrackId GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
void ReadRtpHint(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
uint16_t* pNumPackets = NULL);
uint16_t GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
int8_t GetRtpPacketBFrame(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
uint16_t packetIndex);
int32_t GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
uint16_t packetIndex);
void ReadRtpPacket(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
uint16_t packetIndex,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint32_t* pNumBytes,
uint32_t ssrc = 0,
bool includeHeader = true,
bool includePayload = true);
MP4Timestamp GetRtpTimestampStart(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
void SetRtpTimestampStart(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
MP4Timestamp rtpStart);
void AddRtpHint(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
bool isBframe,
uint32_t timestampOffset);
void AddRtpPacket(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
bool setMbit,
int32_t transmitOffset);
void AddRtpImmediateData(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
const uint8_t* pBytes,
uint32_t numBytes);
void AddRtpSampleData(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId,
uint32_t dataOffset,
uint32_t dataLength);
void AddRtpESConfigurationPacket(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
void WriteRtpHint(
MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
MP4Duration duration,
bool isSyncSample);
uint8_t AllocRtpPayloadNumber();
// edit list related
char* MakeTrackEditName(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId,
const char* name);
MP4EditId AddTrackEdit(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId = MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID);
void DeleteTrackEdit(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
uint32_t GetTrackNumberOfEdits(
MP4TrackId trackId);
MP4Timestamp GetTrackEditStart(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
MP4Duration GetTrackEditTotalDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
MP4Timestamp GetTrackEditMediaStart(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
void SetTrackEditMediaStart(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId,
MP4Timestamp startTime);
MP4Duration GetTrackEditDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
void SetTrackEditDuration(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId,
MP4Duration duration);
bool GetTrackEditDwell(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId);
void SetTrackEditDwell(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4EditId editId,
bool dwell);
MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Timestamp when,
MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL);
/* "protected" interface to be used only by friends in library */
uint64_t GetPosition( File* file = NULL );
void SetPosition( uint64_t pos, File* file = NULL );
uint64_t GetSize( File* file = NULL );
void ReadBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
void PeekBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
uint64_t ReadUInt(uint8_t size);
uint8_t ReadUInt8();
uint16_t ReadUInt16();
uint32_t ReadUInt24();
uint32_t ReadUInt32();
uint64_t ReadUInt64();
float ReadFixed16();
float ReadFixed32();
float ReadFloat();
char* ReadString();
char* ReadCountedString(
uint8_t charSize = 1, bool allowExpandedCount = false, uint8_t fixedLength = 0);
uint64_t ReadBits(uint8_t numBits);
void FlushReadBits();
uint32_t ReadMpegLength();
void WriteBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
void WriteUInt8(uint8_t value);
void WriteUInt16(uint16_t value);
void WriteUInt24(uint32_t value);
void WriteUInt32(uint32_t value);
void WriteUInt64(uint64_t value);
void WriteFixed16(float value);
void WriteFixed32(float value);
void WriteFloat(float value);
void WriteString(char* string);
void WriteCountedString(char* string,
uint8_t charSize = 1,
bool allowExpandedCount = false,
uint32_t fixedLength = 0);
void WriteBits(uint64_t bits, uint8_t numBits);
void PadWriteBits(uint8_t pad = 0);
void FlushWriteBits();
void WriteMpegLength(uint32_t value, bool compact = false);
void EnableMemoryBuffer(
uint8_t* pBytes = NULL, uint64_t numBytes = 0);
void DisableMemoryBuffer(
uint8_t** ppBytes = NULL, uint64_t* pNumBytes = NULL);
bool IsWriteMode();
MP4Track* GetTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
void UpdateDuration(MP4Duration duration);
MP4Atom* FindAtom(const char* name);
MP4Atom* AddChildAtom(
const char* parentName,
const char* childName);
MP4Atom* AddChildAtom(
MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
const char* childName);
MP4Atom* InsertChildAtom(
const char* parentName,
const char* childName,
uint32_t index);
MP4Atom* InsertChildAtom(
MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
const char* childName,
uint32_t index);
MP4Atom* AddDescendantAtoms(
const char* ancestorName,
const char* childName);
MP4Atom* AddDescendantAtoms(
MP4Atom* pAncestorAtom,
const char* childName);
void Init();
void Open( const char* name, File::Mode mode, const MP4FileProvider* provider );
void ReadFromFile();
void GenerateTracks();
void BeginWrite();
void FinishWrite(uint32_t options);
void CacheProperties();
void RewriteMdat( File& src, File& dst );
bool ShallHaveIods();
void Rename(const char* existingFileName, const char* newFileName);
void ProtectWriteOperation(const char* file, int line, const char *func);
void FindIntegerProperty(const char* name,
MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
void FindFloatProperty(const char* name,
MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
void FindStringProperty(const char* name,
MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
void FindBytesProperty(const char* name,
MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
bool FindProperty(const char* name,
MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
MP4TrackId AddVideoTrackDefault(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height,
const char *videoType);
MP4TrackId AddCntlTrackDefault(
uint32_t timeScale,
MP4Duration sampleDuration,
const char *videoType);
void AddTrackToIod(MP4TrackId trackId);
void RemoveTrackFromIod(MP4TrackId trackId, bool shallHaveIods = true);
void AddTrackToOd(MP4TrackId trackId);
void RemoveTrackFromOd(MP4TrackId trackId);
void GetTrackReferenceProperties(const char* trefName,
MP4Property** ppCountProperty, MP4Property** ppTrackIdProperty);
void AddTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
uint32_t FindTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
void RemoveTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
void AddDataReference(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* url);
char* MakeTrackName(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
uint8_t ConvertTrackTypeToStreamType(const char* trackType);
void CreateIsmaIodFromFile(
MP4TrackId odTrackId,
MP4TrackId sceneTrackId,
MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
void CreateESD(
MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsProperty,
uint32_t esid,
uint8_t objectType,
uint8_t streamType,
uint32_t bufferSize,
uint32_t bitrate,
const uint8_t* pConfig,
uint32_t configLength,
char* url);
void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForFile(
MP4TrackId odTrackId,
MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForStream(
MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandForStream(
MP4DescriptorProperty* pAudioEsdProperty,
MP4DescriptorProperty* pVideoEsdProperty,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
void CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
bool hasAudio,
bool hasVideo,
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint64_t* pNumBytes);
File* m_file;
uint64_t m_fileOriginalSize;
uint32_t m_createFlags;
MP4Atom* m_pRootAtom;
MP4Integer32Array m_trakIds;
MP4TrackArray m_pTracks;
MP4TrackId m_odTrackId;
bool m_useIsma;
// cached properties
MP4IntegerProperty* m_pModificationProperty;
MP4Integer32Property* m_pTimeScaleProperty;
MP4IntegerProperty* m_pDurationProperty;
// read/write in memory
uint8_t* m_memoryBuffer;
uint64_t m_memoryBufferPosition;
uint64_t m_memoryBufferSize;
// bit read/write buffering
uint8_t m_numReadBits;
uint8_t m_bufReadBits;
uint8_t m_numWriteBits;
uint8_t m_bufWriteBits;
char m_trakName[1024];
char *m_editName;
MP4File ( const MP4File &src );
MP4File &operator= ( const MP4File &src );
}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H