blob: ba35a5726170d5fa51f2ce9a90d81f6d2e3a1e81 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef MP4V2_SAMPLE_H
#define MP4V2_SAMPLE_H
* @defgroup mp4_sample MP4v2 Sample
* @{
/** Sample dependency types.
* Bit combinations 0x03, 0x30, 0xc0 are reserved.
typedef enum MP4SampleDependencyType_e {
MP4_SDT_UNKNOWN = 0x00, /**< unknown */
MP4_SDT_HAS_REDUNDANT_CODING = 0x01, /**< contains redundant coding */
MP4_SDT_HAS_NO_REDUNDANT_CODING = 0x02, /**< does not contain redundant coding */
MP4_SDT_HAS_DEPENDENTS = 0x04, /**< referenced by other samples */
MP4_SDT_HAS_NO_DEPENDENTS = 0x08, /**< not referenced by other samples */
MP4_SDT_IS_DEPENDENT = 0x10, /**< references other samples */
MP4_SDT_IS_INDEPENDENT = 0x20, /**< does not reference other samples */
MP4_SDT_EARLIER_DISPLAY_TIMES_ALLOWED = 0x40, /**< subequent samples in GOP may display earlier */
_MP4_SDT_RESERVED = 0x80 /**< reserved */
} MP4SampleDependencyType;
/** Read a track sample.
* MP4ReadSample reads the specified sample from the specified track.
* Typically this sample is then decoded in a codec dependent fashion and
* rendered in an appropriate fashion.
* The argument <b>ppBytes</b> allows for two possible approaches for
* buffering:
* If the calling application wishes to handle its own buffering it can set
* *ppBytes to the buffer it wishes to use. The calling application is
* responsible for ensuring that the buffer is large enough to hold the
* sample. This can be done by using either MP4GetSampleSize() or
* MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize() to determine before-hand how large the
* receiving buffer must be.
* If the value of *ppBytes is NULL, then an appropriately sized buffer is
* automatically malloc'ed for the sample data and *ppBytes set to this
* pointer. The calling application is responsible for free'ing this
* memory.
* The last four arguments are pointers to variables that can receive
* optional sample information.
* Typically for audio none of these are needed. MPEG audio such as MP3 or
* AAC has a fixed sample duration and every sample can be accessed at
* random.
* For video, all of these optional values could be needed. MPEG video can
* be encoded at a variable frame rate, with only occasional random access
* points, and with "B frames" which cause the rendering (display) order
* of the video frames to differ from the storage/decoding order.
* Other media types fall between these two extremes.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId specifies which sample is to be read.
* Caveat: the first sample has id <b>1</b> not <b>0</b>.
* @param ppBytes pointer to the pointer to the sample data.
* @param pNumBytes pointer to variable that will be hold the size in bytes
* of the sample.
* @param pStartTime if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive the
* starting timestamp for this sample. Caveat: The timestamp is in
* <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pDuration if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive the
* duration for this sample. Caveat: The duration is in
* <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pRenderingOffset if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will
* receive the rendering offset for this sample. Currently the only
* media type that needs this feature is MPEG video. Caveat: The offset
* is in <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pIsSyncSample if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive
* the state of the sync/random access flag for this sample.
* @return <b>true</b> on success, <b>false</b> on failure.
* @see MP4GetSampleSize().
* @see MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize().
bool MP4ReadSample(
/* input parameters */
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId,
/* input/output parameters */
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint32_t* pNumBytes,
/* output parameters */
MP4Timestamp* pStartTime DEFAULT(NULL),
MP4Duration* pDuration DEFAULT(NULL),
MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset DEFAULT(NULL),
bool* pIsSyncSample DEFAULT(NULL) );
/** Read a track sample based on a specified time.
* MP4ReadSampleFromTime is similar to MP4ReadSample() except the sample
* is specified by using a timestamp instead of sampleId.
* Typically this sample is then decoded in a codec dependent fashion and
* rendered in an appropriate fashion.
* The argument <b>ppBytes</b> allows for two possible approaches for
* buffering:
* If the calling application wishes to handle its own buffering it can set
* *ppBytes to the buffer it wishes to use. The calling application is
* responsible for ensuring that the buffer is large enough to hold the
* sample. This can be done by using either MP4GetSampleSize() or
* MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize() to determine before-hand how large the
* receiving buffer must be.
* If the value of *ppBytes is NULL, then an appropriately sized buffer is
* automatically malloc'ed for the sample data and *ppBytes set to this
* pointer. The calling application is responsible for free'ing this
* memory.
* The last four arguments are pointers to variables that can receive
* optional sample information.
* Typically for audio none of these are needed. MPEG audio such as MP3 or
* AAC has a fixed sample duration and every sample can be accessed at
* random.
* For video, all of these optional values could be needed. MPEG video can
* be encoded at a variable frame rate, with only occasional random access
* points, and with "B frames" which cause the rendering (display) order
* of the video frames to differ from the storage/decoding order.
* Other media types fall between these two extremes.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param when specifies which sample is to be read based on a time in the
* track timeline. See MP4GetSampleIdFromTime() for details.
* @param ppBytes pointer to the pointer to the sample data.
* @param pNumBytes pointer to variable that will be hold the size in bytes
* of the sample.
* @param pStartTime if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive the
* starting timestamp for this sample. Caveat: The timestamp is in
* <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pDuration if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive the
* duration for this sample. Caveat: The duration is in
* <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pRenderingOffset if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will
* receive the rendering offset for this sample. Currently the only
* media type that needs this feature is MPEG video. Caveat: The offset
* is in <b>trackId</b>'s timescale.
* @param pIsSyncSample if non-NULL, pointer to variable that will receive
* the state of the sync/random access flag for this sample.
* @return <b>true</b> on success, <b>false</b> on failure.
* @see MP4ReadSample().
* @see MP4GetSampleIdFromTime().
* @see MP4GetSampleSize().
* @see MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize().
bool MP4ReadSampleFromTime(
/* input parameters */
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Timestamp when,
/* input/output parameters */
uint8_t** ppBytes,
uint32_t* pNumBytes,
/* output parameters */
MP4Timestamp* pStartTime DEFAULT(NULL),
MP4Duration* pDuration DEFAULT(NULL),
MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset DEFAULT(NULL),
bool* pIsSyncSample DEFAULT(NULL) );
/** Write a track sample.
* MP4WriteSample writes the given sample at the end of the specified track.
* Currently the library does not support random insertion of samples into
* the track timeline. Note that with mp4 there cannot be any holes or
* overlapping samples in the track timeline. The last three arguments give
* optional sample information.
* The value of duration can be given as #MP4_INVALID_DURATION if all samples
* in the track have the same duration. This can be specified with
* MP4AddTrack() and related functions.
* Typically for audio none of the optional arguments are needed. MPEG audio
* such as MP3 or AAC has a fixed sample duration and every sample can be
* accessed at random.
* For video, all of the optional arguments could be needed. MPEG video
* can be encoded at a variable frame rate, with only occasional random
* access points, and with "B frames" which cause the rendering (display)
* order of the video frames to differ from the storage/decoding order.
* Other media types fall between these two extremes.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param pBytes pointer to sample data.
* @param numBytes length of sample data in bytes.
* @param duration sample duration. Caveat: should be in track timescale.
* @param renderingOffset the rendering offset for this sample.
* Currently the only media type that needs this feature is MPEG
* video. Caveat: The offset should be in the track timescale.
* @param isSyncSample the sync/random access flag for this sample.
* @return <b>true</b> on success, <b>false</b> on failure.
* @see MP4AddTrack().
bool MP4WriteSample(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t* pBytes,
uint32_t numBytes,
MP4Duration renderingOffset DEFAULT(0),
bool isSyncSample DEFAULT(true) );
/** Write a track sample and supply dependency information.
* MP4WriteSampleDependency writes the given sample at the end of the specified track.
* Currently the library does not support random insertion of samples into
* the track timeline. Note that with mp4 there cannot be any holes or
* overlapping samples in the track timeline. The last three arguments give
* optional sample information.
* The value of duration can be given as #MP4_INVALID_DURATION if all samples
* in the track have the same duration. This can be specified with
* MP4AddTrack() and related functions.
* When this method is used instead of MP4WriteSample() it enables <b>sdtp</b>
* atom to be written out. This atom may be used by advanced players to
* optimize trick-operations such as fast-fwd, reverse or scrubbing.
* An <b>sdtp</b> atom will always be written out if this method is used.
* To avoid writing the atom, use MP4WriteSample() instead.
* Intermixing use of MP4WriteSampleDependency() and MP4WriteSample() on the
* same track is not permitted.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param pBytes pointer to sample data.
* @param numBytes length of sample data in bytes.
* @param duration sample duration. Caveat: should be in track timescale.
* @param renderingOffset the rendering offset for this sample.
* Currently the only media type that needs this feature is MPEG
* video. Caveat: The offset should be in the track timescale.
* @param isSyncSample the sync/random access flag for this sample.
* @param dependencyFlags bitmask specifying sample dependency characteristics.
* See #MP4SampleDependencyType for bit constants.
* @return <b>true</b> on success, <b>false</b> on failure.
* @see MP4AddTrack().
bool MP4WriteSampleDependency(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
const uint8_t* pBytes,
uint32_t numBytes,
MP4Duration duration,
MP4Duration renderingOffset,
bool isSyncSample,
uint32_t dependencyFlags );
/** Make a copy of a sample.
* MP4CopySample creates a new sample based on an existing sample. Note that
* another copy of the media sample data is created in the file using this
* function. ie. this call is equivalent to MP4ReadSample() followed by
* MP4WriteSample().
* Note that is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the copied
* media sample makes sense in the destination track. eg. copying a video
* sample to an audio track is unlikely to result in anything good happening,
* even copying a sample from video track to another requires that the tracks
* use the same encoding and that issues such as image size are addressed.
* @param srcFile source sample file handle.
* @param srcTrackId source sample track id.
* @param srcSampleId source sample id.
* @param dstFile destination file handle for new (copied) sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE, the copy is created in
* the same file as <b>srcFile</b>.
* @param dstTrackId destination track id for new sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID, the the copy is created in
* the same track as the <b>srcTrackId</b>.
* @param dstSampleDuration duration in track timescale for new sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_DURATION, then the duration of
* the source sample is used.
* @return On success, thew id of the new sample.
* @see MP4ReadSample().
* @see MP4WriteSample().
bool MP4CopySample(
MP4FileHandle srcFile,
MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
MP4Duration dstSampleDuration DEFAULT(MP4_INVALID_DURATION) );
/** Make a copy of a sample.
* MP4EncAndCopySample is similar to MP4CopySample() except that it
* offers an encryption hook to the caller.
* @param srcFile source sample file handle.
* @param srcTrackId source sample track id.
* @param srcSampleId source sample id.
* @param encfcnp undocumented.
* @param encfcnparam1 undocumented.
* @param dstFile destination file handle for new (copied) sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE, the copy is created in
* the same file as <b>srcFile</b>.
* @param dstTrackId destination track id for new sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID, the the copy is created in
* the same track as the <b>srcTrackId</b>.
* @param dstSampleDuration duration in track timescale for new sample.
* If the value is #MP4_INVALID_DURATION, then the duration of
* the source sample is used.
* @return On success, thew id of the new sample.
* @see MP4CopySample().
bool MP4EncAndCopySample(
MP4FileHandle srcFile,
MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
uint32_t encfcnparam1,
MP4Duration dstSampleDuration DEFAULT(MP4_INVALID_DURATION) );
/** Not implemented.
bool MP4ReferenceSample(
MP4FileHandle srcFile,
MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
MP4FileHandle dstFile,
MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
MP4Duration dstSampleDuration DEFAULT(MP4_INVALID_DURATION) );
/** Get size of a track sample.
* MP4GetSampleSize returns the size in bytes of the specified sample from the
* the specified track.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @return On success the sample size in bytes. On error, <b>0</b>.
uint32_t MP4GetSampleSize(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId);
/** Get the maximum sample size of a track.
* MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize returns the maximum size in bytes of all the
* samples in the specified track.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @return On success, the maximum sample size in bytes. On error, <b>0</b>.
* @see MP4GetSampleSize().
uint32_t MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId );
/** Get sample id of a specified time.
* MP4GetSampleIdFromTime returns the sample id of the track sample in which
* the specified time occurs.
* The specified time should be in the track timescale.
* It is wise to use MP4GetSampleTime() with the returned sample id so one
* can adjust for any difference between the specified time and the actual
* start time of the sample.
* If the calling application needs a sample that can be accessed randomly
* then the <b>wantSyncSample</b> argument should be set to true. This could
* be the case for a player that is implementing a positioning function and
* needs to be able to start decoding a track from the returned sample id.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param when time in track timescale.
* @param wantSyncSample specifies if the result sample id must correspond
* to a sample whose sync/random access flag is true.
* @return On success, the sample id that occurs at the specified time.
* @see MP4ConvertToTrackTimestamp() for how to map a time value to this
* timescale.
MP4SampleId MP4GetSampleIdFromTime(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4Timestamp when,
bool wantSyncSample DEFAULT(false) );
/** Get start time of track sample.
* MP4GetSampleTime returns the start time of the specified sample from
* the specified track in the track timescale units.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @return On success, sample start time in track timescale units.
* @see MP4ConvertFromTrackTimestamp() for how to map this value to another
* timescale.
MP4Timestamp MP4GetSampleTime(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId );
/** Get the duration of a track sample.
* MP4GetSampleDuration returns the duration of the specified sample from
* the specified track in the track timescale units.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @return On success, the sample duration in track timescale units.
* @see MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration() for how to map this value to another
* timescale.
MP4Duration MP4GetSampleDuration(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId );
/** Get the rendering offset of a track sample.
* MP4GetSampleRenderingOffset returns the rendering offset of the specified
* sample from the specified track in the track timescale units.
* The sample rendering offset is typically zero for all media types other
* than video. For video, encodings such as those defined by MPEG have
* three types of frames: I, P, and B. To increase coding efficiency B
* frames can depend on I or P frames that should be rendered after the B
* frame. However to decode the B frame the I or P frame must already have
* been decoded. This situation is addressed by placing the frames in
* decoding order in the video track, and then setting the rendering offset
* property to indicate when the video frame should actually be rendered to
* the screen. Hence the start time of a sample indicates when it should be
* decoded, the start time plus the rendering offset indicates when it
* should be rendered.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @return On success, the rendering offset in track timescale units.
* @see MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration() for how to map this value to another
* timescale.
MP4Duration MP4GetSampleRenderingOffset(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId );
/** Set the rendering offset of a track sample.
* MP4SetSampleRenderingOffset sets the rendering offset of the specified
* sample from the specified track in the track timescale units.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @param renderingOffset new offset value in timescale units.
* @return <b>true</b> on success, <b>false</b> on failure.
* @see MP4ConvertToTrackDuration() for how to map this value from another
* timescale.
* @see MP4GetSampleRenderingOffset() for a description of this sample
* property.
bool MP4SetSampleRenderingOffset(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId,
MP4Duration renderingOffset );
/** Get sync/random access state of sample.
* MP4GetSampleSync returns the state of the sync/random access flag of
* the specified sample from the specified track.
* @param hFile handle of file for operation.
* @param trackId id of track for operation.
* @param sampleId id of sample for operation. Caveat: the first sample has
* id <b>1</b>, not <b>0</b>.
* @return <b>1</b> when true, <b>0</b> when false. On error, <b>-1</b>.
int8_t MP4GetSampleSync(
MP4FileHandle hFile,
MP4TrackId trackId,
MP4SampleId sampleId );
/* @} ***********************************************************************/
#endif /* MP4V2_SAMPLE_H */