Internal change

PiperOrigin-RevId: 164326532
Change-Id: If3fd2a4036c54817edc5bd9c8bca0af49a31b381
diff --git a/example/muxing/Makefile b/example/muxing/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d7528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/muxing/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+CFLAGS += -Werror -Wextra -Wall -g
+LDLIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs mp4v2) $(LDLIBS)
+# Debug target to print variables.
+	@echo '$*=$($*)'
+all: camm_muxing.o
+	$(CC) camm_muxing.o $(LDLIBS) $(CFLAGS) -o camm_muxing
+	rm camm_muxing camm_muxing.o
+# You may need to add something similar to the following package config
+# to your system's package config location. This may be located at, e.g.
+# "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/mp4v2.pc" for mp4v2. (Try "man pkg-config".)
+#Name: mp4v2
+#Description: MP4v2 library
+#Version: 1.0.0
+#Libs: -L${libdir} -lmp4v2
+#Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/example/muxing/ b/example/muxing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba75725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/muxing/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * This code sample muxes an artificially generated video stream with a
+ * data stream for camera motion metadata (CAMM) into a single mp4 file.
+ * The sample can be built with the "make" command.
+ * After building the sample, it can be run as follows:
+ *
+ *    > ./camm_muxing output_file.mp4
+ *
+ * Note that this must be run in the sample directory as the "sample.jpg" file.
+ *
+ * The video stream is a single JPEG file for the entire video duration. It
+ * is for illustration purposes only. The calling code is expected to
+ * already have the encoded bytes of video frames to mux into the mp4 file.
+ */
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <mp4v2/mp4v2.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#define FRAME_WIDTH 2880
+#define FRAME_HEIGHT 1800
+#define VIDEO_TIME_SCALE 90000
+#define NUM_CAMM_SAMPLES 200
+#define BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE 1000
+namespace {
+// Number of bytes for the packet type in a CAMM data packet.
+const int kCammPacketBytes = 4;
+// These sizes are fixed when building with IEEE floating point format.
+const int kMetadataTypeSizes[] = {
+    // 3 float angle_axis values.
+    3 * sizeof(float),
+    // 2 int64 values for pixel_exposure_time and rolling_shutter_skew_time.
+    2 * sizeof(uint64_t),
+    // 3 float gyro values.
+    3 * sizeof(float),
+    // 3 float acceleration values.
+    3 * sizeof(float),
+    // 3 float position values.
+    3 * sizeof(float),
+    // 3 floats for latitude, longitude, and altitude.
+    3 * sizeof(float),
+    // 3 doubles for time_gps_epoch, latitude, and longitude
+    // 1 int32 for gps_fix_type
+    // 7 floats for altitude, horizontal_accuracy, vertical_accuracy,
+    // vertical_east, vertical_north, vertical_up, and speed_accuracy.
+    3 * sizeof(double) + sizeof(uint32_t) + 7 * sizeof(float),
+    // 3 floats for magnetic field.
+    3 * sizeof(float)};
+static uint64_t double_to_bytes(double d) {
+  uint64_t result;
+  memcpy(&result, &d, 8);
+  return htole64(result);
+static uint32_t float_to_bytes(float f) {
+  uint32_t result;
+  memcpy(&result, &f, 4);
+  return htole32(result);
+// Writes sample camm data in a byte stream format for a single packet.
+// Returns the number of bytes written.
+// In real code, you are not required to write all packet types like in this
+// example. The pts of each packet also does not need to be equally spaced.
+static int WriteSampleCammBytes(void *bytes, int packet_number) {
+  uint32_t angle_x, angle_y, angle_z, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z, acceleration_x,
+      acceleration_y, acceleration_z, position_x, position_y, position_z,
+      latitude32, longitude32, gps_fix_type, horizontal_accuracy_meters,
+      vertical_accuracy_meters, vertical_east_velocity_mps,
+      vertical_north_velocity_mps, speed_accuracy_mps, altitude,
+      magnetic_field_x, magnetic_field_y, magnetic_field_z,
+      pixel_exposure_nanoseconds, rolling_shutter_skew_time,
+      vertical_up_velocity_mps;
+  uint64_t latitude64, longitude64, time_gps_epoch;
+  memset(bytes, 0, BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE);
+  uint16_t *camm_data = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(bytes);
+  uint16_t packet_type = packet_number % 8;
+  // The packet type comes after the first 2 reserved bytes.
+  camm_data[1] = htole16(packet_type);
+  camm_data += 2;
+  switch (packet_type) {
+    case 0:
+      angle_x = float_to_bytes(M_PI / 2);
+      angle_y = float_to_bytes(-M_PI / 2);
+      angle_z =
+          float_to_bytes(fmod(packet_number * M_PI / 20, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &angle_x, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &angle_y, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &angle_z, 4);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      pixel_exposure_nanoseconds = double_to_bytes(500);
+      rolling_shutter_skew_time = double_to_bytes(300);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &pixel_exposure_nanoseconds, 8);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &rolling_shutter_skew_time, 8);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      gyro_x = float_to_bytes(M_PI / 20);
+      gyro_y = float_to_bytes(2 * M_PI / 20);
+      gyro_z = float_to_bytes(3 * M_PI / 20);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &gyro_x, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &gyro_y, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &gyro_z, 4);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      acceleration_x = float_to_bytes(0.1);
+      acceleration_y = float_to_bytes(0.2);
+      acceleration_z = float_to_bytes(0.3);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &acceleration_x, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &acceleration_y, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &acceleration_z, 4);
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      position_x = 0;
+      position_y = 0;
+      position_z = 0;
+      memcpy(camm_data, &position_x, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &position_y, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &position_z, 4);
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      latitude32 = float_to_bytes(37.454356 + .001 * packet_number);
+      longitude32 = float_to_bytes(-122.167477 + 0.001 * packet_number);
+      altitude = 0;
+      memcpy(camm_data, &latitude32, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &longitude32, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &altitude, 4);
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      time_gps_epoch = double_to_bytes(1500507374.825 + packet_number);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &time_gps_epoch, 8);
+      camm_data += 4;
+      gps_fix_type = 0;
+      memcpy(camm_data, &gps_fix_type, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      latitude64 = double_to_bytes(37.454356 + .001 * packet_number);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &latitude64, 8);
+      camm_data += 4;
+      longitude64 = double_to_bytes(-122.167477 + .001 * packet_number);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &longitude64, 8);
+      camm_data += 4;
+      altitude = 0;
+      memcpy(camm_data, &altitude, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      horizontal_accuracy_meters = float_to_bytes(7.5);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &horizontal_accuracy_meters, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      vertical_accuracy_meters = float_to_bytes(10.5);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &vertical_accuracy_meters, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      vertical_east_velocity_mps = float_to_bytes(1.1);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &vertical_east_velocity_mps, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      vertical_north_velocity_mps = float_to_bytes(1.1);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &vertical_north_velocity_mps, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      vertical_up_velocity_mps = 0;
+      memcpy(camm_data, &vertical_up_velocity_mps, 4);
+      camm_data += 2;
+      speed_accuracy_mps = float_to_bytes(2.5);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &speed_accuracy_mps, 4);
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      magnetic_field_x = float_to_bytes(0.01);
+      magnetic_field_y = float_to_bytes(0.01);
+      magnetic_field_z = float_to_bytes(0.01);
+      memcpy(camm_data, &magnetic_field_x, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 2, &magnetic_field_y, 4);
+      memcpy(camm_data + 4, &magnetic_field_z, 4);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return kCammPacketBytes + kMetadataTypeSizes[packet_type];
+static void WriteCammPacket(MP4FileHandle handle, int camm_track_id, int pts,
+                            int packet_num, char *buffer) {
+  int packet_size = WriteSampleCammBytes(buffer, packet_num);
+  if (!MP4WriteSample(handle, camm_track_id,
+                      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer), packet_size,
+                      /* duration */ 0,
+                      /* rendering_offset */ pts,
+                      /* is_sync_sample */ true)) {
+    printf("Failed to write camm track sample\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+static void WriteVideoFrame(MP4FileHandle handle, int video_track_id,
+                            const std::vector<char> &jpg_bytes, int pts,
+                            int duration) {
+  // This code sample doesn't illustrate how to encode video. An encoder
+  // for h264 or another format should be used to do that, and then call
+  // MP4WriteSample with the bytes returned from the encoder.
+  if (!MP4WriteSample(handle, video_track_id,
+                      reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
+                      /* num_bytes */ jpg_bytes.size(),
+                      /* duration */ VIDEO_TIME_SCALE,
+                      /* rendering_offset */ pts,
+                      /* is_sync_sample */ true)) {
+    printf("Failed to write mp4 sample to video track\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+static void WriteStreams(MP4FileHandle handle, int video_track_id,
+                         const std::vector<char> &jpg_bytes,
+                         int camm_track_id) {
+  char camm_buffer[BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE];
+  int video_pts = 0;
+  int camm_pts = 0;
+  int camm_packet_num = 0;
+  while (video_pts < max_pts && camm_pts < max_pts) {
+    if (video_pts <= camm_pts) {
+      WriteVideoFrame(handle, video_track_id, jpg_bytes, video_pts,
+                      VIDEO_TIME_SCALE);
+      video_pts += VIDEO_TIME_SCALE;
+    } else {
+      WriteCammPacket(handle, camm_track_id, camm_pts, camm_packet_num,
+                      camm_buffer);
+      camm_pts += max_pts / NUM_CAMM_SAMPLES;
+      camm_packet_num++;
+    }
+  }
+static int AddVideoTrack(MP4FileHandle handle) {
+  printf("Adding video track\n");
+  int video_track_id = MP4AddVideoTrack(
+  if (video_track_id == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+    printf("Can't add video track\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return video_track_id;
+static int AddCammTrack(MP4FileHandle handle) {
+  printf("Adding camm track\n");
+  int data_track_id = MP4AddTrack(handle, "camm", VIDEO_TIME_SCALE);
+  if (data_track_id == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+    printf("Can't add camm data track\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (!MP4SetTrackName(handle, data_track_id, "camm")) {
+    printf("Couldn't set the track name of the CAMM track.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return data_track_id;
+// Reads the contents of the sample jpeg file into memory.
+static std::vector<char> ReadSampleFileBytes() {
+  struct stat buffer;
+  const char *filename = "sample.jpg";
+  if (stat(filename, &buffer) != 0) {
+    printf(
+        "Sample file 'sample.jpg' doesn't exist\n"
+        "Make sure it is in the directory and then run the program\n"
+        "again.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
+  std::ifstream::pos_type pos = ifs.tellg();
+  std::vector<char> result(pos);
+  ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+[0], pos);
+  return result;
+static void VerifyProgramArgs(int argc, char **argv) {
+  if (argc != 2) {
+    printf(
+        "Usage: %s file.mp4\n"
+        "file.mp4 is the output location of the generated video\n",
+        argv[0]);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+}  // namespace
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+#ifndef __STDC_IEC_559__
+  fprintf(stderr,
+          "Please ensure your compiler uses IEEE 754 \n"
+          "floating point representation. If so, you may safely comment out \n"
+          "this guard.\n");
+  exit(1);
+  VerifyProgramArgs(argc, argv);
+  std::vector<char> jpg_bytes = ReadSampleFileBytes();
+  MP4FileHandle handle = MP4Create(argv[1], /* flags */ 0);
+  int video_track_id = AddVideoTrack(handle);
+  int camm_track_id = AddCammTrack(handle);
+  WriteStreams(handle, video_track_id, jpg_bytes, camm_track_id);
+  printf("Dumping MP4 file information:\n");
+  MP4Dump(handle);
+  MP4Close(handle);
+  printf("Done!\n");
+  return 0;
diff --git a/example/muxing/sample.jpg b/example/muxing/sample.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c76d552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/muxing/sample.jpg
Binary files differ