blob: 537550b010b6a77238194b60b1c6bbb5b3077541 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace eval ::command {
namespace export test_standardUsage
variable _action "undefined"
variable _subject "undefined"
variable _test "undefined"
proc ::command::beginAction { args } {
variable _section
set _action [lindex $args 0]
set _subject [lrange $args 1 end]
clone_output "++ $_action: $_subject"
proc ::command::beginTest { args } {
variable _test
set _test [lindex $args 0]
proc ::command::exec { args } {
set status [lindex $args 0]
set exe [lindex $args 1]
set xargs [lrange $args 2 end]
if { [llength $xargs] == 0 } {
beginAction "EXECUTE" $exe
set rv [catch {::exec $::objdir/$exe} output]
} else {
beginAction "EXECUTE" $exe [join $xargs]
set rv [catch {::exec $::objdir/$exe [join $xargs]} output]
set output [split $output "\n"]
beginTest "exit=$status"
if { $rv } {
set errg [lindex $::errorCode 0]
set errc [lindex $::errorCode 2]
if { $errg == "CHILDSTATUS" && $errc == $status } {
return [list 0 $output]
} else {
fail "exit=$errc"
return [list 1 $output]
} else {
if { $status == 0 } {
return [list 0 $output]
} else {
fail "exit=0"
return [list 1 $output]
proc ::command::fail { args } {
variable _test
set text [lindex $args 0]
set input [lindex $args 1]
set max [llength $input]
::fail $_test
if { $max == 0 } {
send_user -- "-- $text\n"
if { $max == 1 } {
send_user -- "-- $text (1 line of match text follows)\n"
} else {
send_user -- "-- $text ($max lines of match text follows)\n"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $max } { incr i } {
set line [lindex $input $i]
send_user -- "-- | $line\n"
proc ::command::pass { args } {
variable _test
::pass $_test
proc ::command::matchListAny { args } {
set rx [lindex $args 0]
set lines [lindex $args 1]
beginTest "match: $rx"
set max [llength $lines]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $max } { incr i } {
set line [lindex $lines $i]
if { [regexp $rx $line] } {
fail "no match" $lines
proc ::command::matchListLine { args } {
set rx [lindex $args 0]
set lines [lindex $args 1]
set idx [lindex $args 2]
set line [lindex $lines $idx]
beginTest "match: $rx"
if { [regexp $rx $line] } {
} else {
fail "no match" [list $line]
proc ::command::test_standardUsage { args } {
set exe [lindex $args 0]
# noargs
set rv [exec 1 $exe]
matchListLine {^Usage: \S+} [lindex $rv 1] 0
matchListLine {^Try.*-h.*--help} [lindex $rv 1] 1
# -h
set rv [exec 0 $exe -h]
matchListLine {^Usage: \S+} [lindex $rv 1] 0
matchListAny {\s+--help} [lindex $rv 1]
matchListAny {\s+--version} [lindex $rv 1]
# --help
set rv [exec 0 $exe --help]
matchListLine {^Usage: \S+} [lindex $rv 1] 0
matchListAny {\s+--help} [lindex $rv 1]
matchListAny {\s+--version} [lindex $rv 1]
matchListAny {^VERBOSE LEVELS} [lindex $rv 1]
# --version
set rv [exec 0 $exe --version]
matchListLine {^\S+\s-\s\S+} [lindex $rv 1] 0
# --versionx
set rv [exec 0 $exe --versionx]
matchListAny {^utility:\s+\S+} [lindex $rv 1]
matchListAny {^product:\s+\S+} [lindex $rv 1]
matchListAny {^version:\s+\S+} [lindex $rv 1]
# bogus short-option
set rv [exec 1 $exe "-*" ]
matchListLine {invalid} [lindex $rv 1] 0
# bogus long-option
set rv [exec 1 $exe --bogusLongOption ]
matchListLine {unrecognized} [lindex $rv 1] 0