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.TH "MP4" "3" "Version 0.9" "Cisco Systems Inc." "MP4 File Format Library"
\fBMP4AddRtpSampleData\fR \- Add media sample data to an RTP packet
#include <mp4.h>
bool \fBMP4AddRtpSampleData\fR(
MP4FileHandle \fIhFile\fP,
MP4TrackId \fIhintTrackId\fP,
MP4SampleId \fIsampleId\fP,
u_int32_t \fIdataOffset\fP,
u_int32_t \fIdataLength\fP
Specifies the mp4 file to which the operation applies.
Specifies the hint track to which the operation applies.
Specifies the reference media sample id from which the media data should be taken.
Specifies the byte offset in the specified media sample where data should be taken from for the current RTP packet.
Specifies the length in bytes of the media data that should be included in the current RTP packet.
Upon success, true (1). Upon an error, false (0).
\fBMP4AddRtpSampleData\fR adds a reference in the current pending RTP packet to the media data in the specified media sample of the reference media track. Note this is a reference, not a copy, of the media data.
MP4(3) MP4AddRtpPacket (3) MP4AddRtpImmediateData (3)