blob: b25bb3744025d921cabf14a9bb37f93033d973eb [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) 2008-2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This file is part of libacml_mv.
# libacml_mv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# libacml_mv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with libacml_mv. If not, see
# <>.
# A vector implementation of the libm sincos function.
# Prototype:
# __vrd2_sincos(__m128d x, __m128d* ys, __m128d* yc);
# Computes Sine and Cosine of x.
# It will provide proper C99 return values,
# but may not raise floating point status bits properly.
# Based on the NAG C implementation.
# Author: Harsha Jagasia
# Email:
#ifdef __ELF__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
.align 16
.L__real_7fffffffffffffff: .quad 0x07fffffffffffffff #Sign bit zero
.quad 0x07fffffffffffffff
.L__real_3ff0000000000000: .quad 0x03ff0000000000000 # 1.0
.quad 0x03ff0000000000000
.L__real_v2p__27: .quad 0x03e40000000000000 # 2p-27
.quad 0x03e40000000000000
.L__real_3fe0000000000000: .quad 0x03fe0000000000000 # 0.5
.quad 0x03fe0000000000000
.L__real_3fc5555555555555: .quad 0x03fc5555555555555 # 0.166666666666
.quad 0x03fc5555555555555
.L__real_3fe45f306dc9c883: .quad 0x03fe45f306dc9c883 # twobypi
.quad 0x03fe45f306dc9c883
.L__real_3ff921fb54400000: .quad 0x03ff921fb54400000 # piby2_1
.quad 0x03ff921fb54400000
.L__real_3dd0b4611a626331: .quad 0x03dd0b4611a626331 # piby2_1tail
.quad 0x03dd0b4611a626331
.L__real_3dd0b4611a600000: .quad 0x03dd0b4611a600000 # piby2_2
.quad 0x03dd0b4611a600000
.L__real_3ba3198a2e037073: .quad 0x03ba3198a2e037073 # piby2_2tail
.quad 0x03ba3198a2e037073
.L__real_fffffffff8000000: .quad 0x0fffffffff8000000 # mask for stripping head and tail
.quad 0x0fffffffff8000000
.L__real_8000000000000000: .quad 0x08000000000000000 # -0 or signbit
.quad 0x08000000000000000
.L__reald_one_one: .quad 0x00000000100000001 #
.quad 0
.L__reald_two_two: .quad 0x00000000200000002 #
.quad 0
.L__reald_one_zero: .quad 0x00000000100000000 # sin_cos_filter
.quad 0
.L__reald_zero_one: .quad 0x00000000000000001 #
.quad 0
.L__reald_two_zero: .quad 0x00000000200000000 #
.quad 0
.L__realq_one_one: .quad 0x00000000000000001 #
.quad 0x00000000000000001 #
.L__realq_two_two: .quad 0x00000000000000002 #
.quad 0x00000000000000002 #
.L__real_1_x_mask: .quad 0x0ffffffffffffffff #
.quad 0x03ff0000000000000 #
.L__real_zero: .quad 0x00000000000000000 #
.quad 0x00000000000000000 #
.L__real_one: .quad 0x00000000000000001 #
.quad 0x00000000000000001 #
.L__real_ffffffffffffffff: .quad 0x0ffffffffffffffff #Sign bit one
.quad 0x0ffffffffffffffff
.L__real_naninf_upper_sign_mask: .quad 0x000000000ffffffff #
.quad 0x000000000ffffffff #
.L__real_naninf_lower_sign_mask: .quad 0x0ffffffff00000000 #
.quad 0x0ffffffff00000000 #
.quad 0x03fa5555555555555 # 0.0416667 c1
.quad 0x03fa5555555555555
.quad 0x0bf56c16c16c16967 # -0.00138889 c2
.quad 0x0bf56c16c16c16967
.quad 0x03efa01a019f4ec90 # 2.48016e-005 c3
.quad 0x03efa01a019f4ec90
.quad 0x0be927e4fa17f65f6 # -2.75573e-007 c4
.quad 0x0be927e4fa17f65f6
.quad 0x03e21eeb69037ab78 # 2.08761e-009 c5
.quad 0x03e21eeb69037ab78
.quad 0x0bda907db46cc5e42 # -1.13826e-011 c6
.quad 0x0bda907db46cc5e42
.quad 0x0bfc5555555555555 # -0.166667 s1
.quad 0x0bfc5555555555555
.quad 0x03f81111111110bb3 # 0.00833333 s2
.quad 0x03f81111111110bb3
.quad 0x0bf2a01a019e83e5c # -0.000198413 s3
.quad 0x0bf2a01a019e83e5c
.quad 0x03ec71de3796cde01 # 2.75573e-006 s4
.quad 0x03ec71de3796cde01
.quad 0x0be5ae600b42fdfa7 # -2.50511e-008 s5
.quad 0x0be5ae600b42fdfa7
.quad 0x03de5e0b2f9a43bb8 # 1.59181e-010 s6
.quad 0x03de5e0b2f9a43bb8
.quad 0x0bfc5555555555555 # -0.166667 s1
.quad 0x03fa5555555555555 # 0.0416667 c1
.quad 0x03f81111111110bb3 # 0.00833333 s2
.quad 0x0bf56c16c16c16967 # c2
.quad 0x0bf2a01a019e83e5c # -0.000198413 s3
.quad 0x03efa01a019f4ec90
.quad 0x03ec71de3796cde01 # 2.75573e-006 s4
.quad 0x0be927e4fa17f65f6
.quad 0x0be5ae600b42fdfa7 # -2.50511e-008 s5
.quad 0x03e21eeb69037ab78
.quad 0x03de5e0b2f9a43bb8 # 1.59181e-010 s6
.quad 0x0bda907db46cc5e42
.quad 0x03fa5555555555555 # 0.0416667 c1
.quad 0x0bfc5555555555555 # -0.166667 s1
.quad 0x0bf56c16c16c16967 # c2
.quad 0x03f81111111110bb3 # 0.00833333 s2
.quad 0x03efa01a019f4ec90
.quad 0x0bf2a01a019e83e5c # -0.000198413 s3
.quad 0x0be927e4fa17f65f6
.quad 0x03ec71de3796cde01 # 2.75573e-006 s4
.quad 0x03e21eeb69037ab78
.quad 0x0be5ae600b42fdfa7 # -2.50511e-008 s5
.quad 0x0bda907db46cc5e42
.quad 0x03de5e0b2f9a43bb8 # 1.59181e-010 s6
.align 16
.p2align 4,,15
.equ p_temp, 0x00 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ p_temp1, 0x10 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ p_temp2, 0x20 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm6, 0x30 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm7, 0x40 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm8, 0x50 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm9, 0x60 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm10, 0x70 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm11, 0x80 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm12, 0x90 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm13, 0x0A0 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm14, 0x0B0 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_xmm15, 0x0C0 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.equ save_rdi, 0x0D0
.equ save_rsi, 0x0E0
.equ r, 0x0F0 # pointer to r for remainder_piby2
.equ rr, 0x0100 # pointer to r for remainder_piby2
.equ region, 0x0110 # pointer to r for remainder_piby2
.equ p_original, 0x0120 # original x
.equ p_mask, 0x0130 # original x
.equ p_sign, 0x0140 # original x
.equ p_sign1, 0x0150 # original x
.equ p_x, 0x0160 #x
.equ p_xx, 0x0170 #xx
.equ p_x2, 0x0180 #x2
.equ p_sin, 0x0190 #sin
.equ p_cos, 0x01A0 #cos
.equ p_temp2, 0x01B0 # temporary for get/put bits operation
.globl __vrd2_sincos
.type __vrd2_sincos,@function
sub $0x1C8,%rsp
movdqa %xmm0,%xmm6 #move to mem to get into integer regs **
movdqa %xmm0, p_original(%rsp) #move to mem to get into integer regs -
andpd .L__real_7fffffffffffffff(%rip),%xmm0 #Unsign -
mov %rdi, p_sin(%rsp) # save address for sin return
mov %rsi, p_cos(%rsp) # save address for cos return
movd %xmm0,%rax #rax is lower arg
movhpd %xmm0, p_temp+8(%rsp) #
mov p_temp+8(%rsp),%rcx #rcx = upper arg
movdqa %xmm0,%xmm8
pcmpgtd %xmm6,%xmm8
movdqa %xmm8,%xmm6
psrldq $4,%xmm8
psrldq $8,%xmm6
mov $0x3FE921FB54442D18,%rdx #piby4
mov $0x411E848000000000,%r10 #5e5
movapd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm4 #0.5 for later use
por %xmm6,%xmm8
movd %xmm8,%r11 #Move Sign to gpr **
movapd %xmm0,%xmm2 #x
movapd %xmm0,%xmm6 #x
.align 16
cmp %r10,%rax #is lower arg >= 5e5
jae .Llower_or_both_arg_gt_5e5
cmp %r10,%rcx #is upper arg >= 5e5
jae .Lupper_arg_gt_5e5
# %xmm2,,%xmm0 xmm6 = x, xmm4 = 0.5
mulpd .L__real_3fe45f306dc9c883(%rip),%xmm2 # * twobypi
addpd %xmm4,%xmm2 # +0.5, npi2
movapd .L__real_3ff921fb54400000(%rip),%xmm0 # piby2_1
cvttpd2dq %xmm2,%xmm4 # convert packed double to packed integers
movapd .L__real_3dd0b4611a600000(%rip),%xmm8 # piby2_2
cvtdq2pd %xmm4,%xmm2 # and back to double.
# /* Subtract the multiple from x to get an extra-precision remainder */
movd %xmm4,%r8 # Region
mov .L__reald_one_zero(%rip),%rdx #compare value for cossin path
mov %r8,%r10
mov %r8,%rcx
# rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm0 # npi2 * piby2_1;
# rtail = npi2 * piby2_2;
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # rtail
# rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
subpd %xmm0,%xmm6 # rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
# t = rhead;
movapd %xmm6,%xmm0 # t
# rhead = t - rtail;
subpd %xmm8,%xmm0 # rhead
# rtail = npi2 * piby2_2tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
mulpd .L__real_3ba3198a2e037073(%rip),%xmm2 # npi2 * piby2_2tail
subpd %xmm0,%xmm6 # t-rhead
subpd %xmm6,%xmm8 # - ((t - rhead) - rtail)
addpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # rtail = npi2 * piby2_2tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
# xmm4 = npi2 (int), xmm0 =rhead, xmm8 =rtail
and .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%r8 #odd/even region for cos/sin
shr $1,%r10 #~AB+A~B, A is sign and B is upper bit of region
mov %r10,%rax
and %r11,%r10
not %rax
not %r11
and %r11,%rax
or %rax,%r10
and .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%r10 #(~AB+A~B)&1
mov %r10,%r11
and %rdx,%r11 #mask out the lower sign bit leaving the upper sign bit
shl $63,%r10 #shift lower sign bit left by 63 bits
shl $31,%r11 #shift upper sign bit left by 31 bits
mov %r10,p_sign(%rsp) #write out lower sign bit
mov %r11,p_sign+8(%rsp) #write out upper sign bit
# xmm4 = Sign, xmm0 =rhead, xmm8 =rtail
movapd %xmm0,%xmm6 # rhead
subpd %xmm8,%xmm0 # r = rhead - rtail
# xmm4 = Sign, xmm0 = r, xmm6 =rhead, xmm8 =rtail
subpd %xmm0,%xmm6 #rr=rhead-r
movapd %xmm0,%xmm2 #move r for r2
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm2 #r2
subpd %xmm8,%xmm6 #rr=(rhead-r) -rtail
mov .L__reald_one_zero(%rip),%r9 # Compare value for cossin +
add .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%rcx
and .L__reald_two_two(%rip),%rcx
shr $1,%rcx
mov %rcx,%rdx
and %r9,%rdx #mask out the lower sign bit leaving the upper sign bit
shl $63,%rcx #shift lower sign bit left by 63 bits
shl $31,%rdx #shift upper sign bit left by 31 bits
mov %rcx,p_sign1(%rsp) #write out lower sign bit
mov %rdx,p_sign1+8(%rsp) #write out upper sign bit
.align 16
cmp $0,%r8
jnz .Lvrd2_not_sin_piby4
# p_sign = Sign, xmm0 = r, xmm2 = %xmm6,%r2 =rr
movdqa .Lcosarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm4 # c6
movdqa .Lsinarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm5 # c6
movapd .Lcosarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm8 # c3
movapd .Lsinarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm9 # c3
movapd %xmm2,%xmm10 # x2
movapd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # c3*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # c3*x2
mulpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # r = 0.5 *x2
movapd %xmm2,p_temp(%rsp) # store x2
addpd .Lcosarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm4 # c5+x2c6
addpd .Lsinarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm5 # c5+x2c6
movapd %xmm10,p_temp2(%rsp) # store r
addpd .Lcosarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm8 # c2+x2C3
addpd .Lsinarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm9 # c2+x2C3
subpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # -t=r-1.0
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x2(c5+x2c6)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x2(c5+x2c6)
movapd %xmm10,p_temp1(%rsp) # store t
movapd %xmm11,%xmm3 # Keep x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # x2(c2+x2C3)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # 1 + (-t)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x6
addpd .Lcosarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm4 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lsinarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm5 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lcosarray(%rip),%xmm8 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .Lsinarray(%rip),%xmm9 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
subpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm10 # (1 + (-t)) - r
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm2 # x3 recalculate
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm4 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm5 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
movapd %xmm6,%xmm7
mulpd %xmm6,%xmm1 # x*xx
mulpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm7 # xx * 0.5x2
addpd %xmm8,%xmm4 # zc
addpd %xmm9,%xmm5 # zs
subpd %xmm1,%xmm10 # ((1 + (-t)) - r) -x*xx
mulpd %xmm3,%xmm4 # x4 * zc
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x3 * zs
addpd %xmm10,%xmm4 # x4*zc + (((1 + (-t)) - r) - x*xx)
subpd %xmm7,%xmm5 # x3*zs - 0.5 * x2 *xx
addpd %xmm6,%xmm5 # sin + xx
subpd p_temp1(%rsp),%xmm4 # cos - (-t)
addpd %xmm0,%xmm5 # sin + x
jmp .L__vrd2_sincos_cleanup
.align 16
cmp .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%r8
jnz .Lvrd2_not_cos_piby4
# p_sign = Sign, xmm0 = r, xmm2 = %xmm6,%r2 =rr
movdqa .Lcosarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm5 # c6
movdqa .Lsinarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm4 # c6
movapd .Lcosarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm9 # c3
movapd .Lsinarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm8 # c3
movapd %xmm2,%xmm10 # x2
movapd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # c3*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # c3*x2
mulpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # r = 0.5 *x2
movapd %xmm2,p_temp(%rsp) # store x2
addpd .Lcosarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm5 # c5+x2c6
addpd .Lsinarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm4 # c5+x2c6
movapd %xmm10,p_temp2(%rsp) # store r
addpd .Lcosarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm9 # c2+x2C3
addpd .Lsinarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm8 # c2+x2C3
subpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # -t=r-1.0
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x2(c5+x2c6)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x2(c5+x2c6)
movapd %xmm10,p_temp1(%rsp) # store t
movapd %xmm11,%xmm3 # Keep x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # x2(c2+x2C3)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # 1 + (-t)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x6
addpd .Lcosarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm5 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lsinarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm4 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lcosarray(%rip),%xmm9 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .Lsinarray(%rip),%xmm8 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
subpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm10 # (1 + (-t)) - r
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm2 # x3 recalculate
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm5 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm4 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
movapd %xmm6,%xmm7
mulpd %xmm6,%xmm1 # x*xx
mulpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm7 # xx * 0.5x2
addpd %xmm9,%xmm5 # zc
addpd %xmm8,%xmm4 # zs
subpd %xmm1,%xmm10 # ((1 + (-t)) - r) -x*xx
mulpd %xmm3,%xmm5 # x4 * zc
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x3 * zs
addpd %xmm10,%xmm5 # x4*zc + (((1 + (-t)) - r) - x*xx)
subpd %xmm7,%xmm4 # x3*zs - 0.5 * x2 *xx
addpd %xmm6,%xmm4 # sin + xx
subpd p_temp1(%rsp),%xmm5 # cos - (-t)
addpd %xmm0,%xmm4 # sin + x
jmp .L__vrd2_sincos_cleanup
.align 16
cmp $1,%r8
jnz .Lvrd2_cossin_piby4
movdqa .Lcosarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm4 # c6
movdqa .Lsinarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm5 # c6
movapd .Lcosarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm8 # c3
movapd .Lsinarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm9 # c3
movapd %xmm2,%xmm10 # x2
movapd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # c3*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # c3*x2
mulpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # r = 0.5 *x2
movapd %xmm2,p_temp(%rsp) # store x2
addpd .Lcosarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm4 # c5+x2c6
addpd .Lsinarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm5 # c5+x2c6
movapd %xmm10,p_temp2(%rsp) # store r
addpd .Lcosarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm8 # c2+x2C3
addpd .Lsinarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm9 # c2+x2C3
subpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # -t=r-1.0
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x2(c5+x2c6)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x2(c5+x2c6)
movapd %xmm10,p_temp1(%rsp) # store t
movapd %xmm11,%xmm3 # Keep x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # x2(c2+x2C3)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # 1 + (-t)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x6
addpd .Lcosarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm4 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lsinarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm5 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lcosarray(%rip),%xmm8 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .Lsinarray(%rip),%xmm9 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
subpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm10 # (1 + (-t)) - r
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm2 # x3 recalculate
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm4 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm5 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
movapd %xmm6,%xmm7
mulpd %xmm6,%xmm1 # x*xx
mulpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm7 # xx * 0.5x2
addpd %xmm8,%xmm4 # zc
addpd %xmm9,%xmm5 # zs
subpd %xmm1,%xmm10 # ((1 + (-t)) - r) -x*xx
mulpd %xmm3,%xmm4 # x4 * zc
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x3 * zs
addpd %xmm10,%xmm4 # x4*zc + (((1 + (-t)) - r) - x*xx)
subpd %xmm7,%xmm5 # x3*zs - 0.5 * x2 *xx
addpd %xmm6,%xmm5 # sin + xx
subpd p_temp1(%rsp),%xmm4 # cos - (-t)
addpd %xmm0,%xmm5 # sin + x
movsd %xmm4,%xmm1
movsd %xmm5,%xmm4
movsd %xmm1,%xmm5
jmp .L__vrd2_sincos_cleanup
.align 16
movdqa .Lcosarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm5 # c6
movdqa .Lsinarray+0x50(%rip),%xmm4 # c6
movapd .Lcosarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm9 # c3
movapd .Lsinarray+0x20(%rip),%xmm8 # c3
movapd %xmm2,%xmm10 # x2
movapd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # c6*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # c3*x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # c3*x2
mulpd .L__real_3fe0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # r = 0.5 *x2
movapd %xmm2,p_temp(%rsp) # store x2
addpd .Lcosarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm5 # c5+x2c6
addpd .Lsinarray+0x40(%rip),%xmm4 # c5+x2c6
movapd %xmm10,p_temp2(%rsp) # store r
addpd .Lcosarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm9 # c2+x2C3
addpd .Lsinarray+0x10(%rip),%xmm8 # c2+x2C3
subpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # -t=r-1.0
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm5 # x2(c5+x2c6)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x2(c5+x2c6)
movapd %xmm10,p_temp1(%rsp) # store t
movapd %xmm11,%xmm3 # Keep x4
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm9 # x2(c2+x2C3)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm8 # x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .L__real_3ff0000000000000(%rip),%xmm10 # 1 + (-t)
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm11 # x6
addpd .Lcosarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm5 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lsinarray+0x30(%rip),%xmm4 # c4 + x2(c5+x2c6)
addpd .Lcosarray(%rip),%xmm9 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
addpd .Lsinarray(%rip),%xmm8 # c1 + x2(c2+x2C3)
subpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm10 # (1 + (-t)) - r
mulpd %xmm0,%xmm2 # x3 recalculate
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm5 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
mulpd %xmm11,%xmm4 # x6(c4 + x2(c5+x2c6))
movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
movapd %xmm6,%xmm7
mulpd %xmm6,%xmm1 # x*xx
mulpd p_temp2(%rsp),%xmm7 # xx * 0.5x2
addpd %xmm9,%xmm5 # zc
addpd %xmm8,%xmm4 # zs
subpd %xmm1,%xmm10 # ((1 + (-t)) - r) -x*xx
mulpd %xmm3,%xmm5 # x4 * zc
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm4 # x3 * zs
addpd %xmm10,%xmm5 # x4*zc + (((1 + (-t)) - r) - x*xx)
subpd %xmm7,%xmm4 # x3*zs - 0.5 * x2 *xx
addpd %xmm6,%xmm4 # sin + xx
subpd p_temp1(%rsp),%xmm5 # cos - (-t)
addpd %xmm0,%xmm4 # sin + x
movsd %xmm5,%xmm1
movsd %xmm4,%xmm5
movsd %xmm1,%xmm4
jmp .L__vrd2_sincos_cleanup
cmp %r10,%rcx #is upper arg >= 5e5
jae .Lboth_arg_gt_5e5
# Upper Arg is < 5e5, Lower arg is >= 5e5
movlpd %xmm0,r(%rsp) #Save lower fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
movhlps %xmm0,%xmm0 #Needed since we want to work on upper arg
movhlps %xmm2,%xmm2
movhlps %xmm6,%xmm6
# Work on Upper arg
# %xmm2,,%xmm0 xmm6 = x, xmm4 = 0.5
# Lower arg might contain nan/inf, to avoid exception use only scalar instructions on upper arg which has been moved to lower portions of fp regs
#If upper Arg is <=piby4
cmp %rdx,%rcx # is upper arg > piby4
ja 0f
mov $0,%ecx # region = 0
mov %ecx,region+4(%rsp) # store upper region
movlpd %xmm0,r+8(%rsp) # store upper r (unsigned - sign is adjusted later based on sign)
xorpd %xmm4,%xmm4 # rr = 0
movlpd %xmm4,rr+8(%rsp) # store upper rr
jmp .Lcheck_lower_arg
#If upper Arg is > piby4
.align 16
mulsd .L__real_3fe45f306dc9c883(%rip),%xmm2 # x*twobypi
addsd %xmm4,%xmm2 # npi2=(x*twobypi+0.5)
movsd .L__real_3ff921fb54400000(%rip),%xmm3 # piby2_1
cvttsd2si %xmm2,%ecx # npi2 trunc to ints
movsd .L__real_3dd0b4611a600000(%rip),%xmm1 # piby2_2
cvtsi2sd %ecx,%xmm2 # npi2 trunc to doubles
#/* Subtract the multiple from x to get an extra-precision remainder */
#rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm3 # npi2 * piby2_1
subsd %xmm3,%xmm6 # rhead =(x-npi2*piby2_1)
movsd .L__real_3ba3198a2e037073(%rip),%xmm8 # piby2_2tail
#t = rhead;
movsd %xmm6,%xmm5 # t = rhead
#rtail = npi2 * piby2_2;
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm1 # rtail=(npi2*piby2_2)
#rhead = t - rtail
subsd %xmm1,%xmm6 # rhead=(t-rtail)
#rtail = npi2 * piby2_2tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm8 # npi2 * piby2_2tail
subsd %xmm6,%xmm5 # t-rhead
subsd %xmm5,%xmm1 # (rtail-(t-rhead))
addsd %xmm8,%xmm1 # rtail=npi2*piby2_2tail+(rtail-(t-rhead));
#r = rhead - rtail
#rr = (rhead-r) -rtail
mov %ecx,region+4(%rsp) # store upper region
movsd %xmm6,%xmm0
subsd %xmm1,%xmm0 # r=(rhead-rtail)
subsd %xmm0,%xmm6 # rr=rhead-r
subsd %xmm1,%xmm6 # xmm4 = rr=((rhead-r) -rtail)
movlpd %xmm0,r+8(%rsp) # store upper r
movlpd %xmm6,rr+8(%rsp) # store upper rr
#If lower Arg is > 5e5
#Note that volatiles will be trashed by the call
#We do not care since this is the last check
#We will construct r, rr, region and sign
.align 16
mov $0x07ff0000000000000,%r9 # is lower arg nan/inf
mov %r9,%r10
and %rax,%r10
cmp %r9,%r10
jz .L__vrd2_cos_lower_naninf
lea region(%rsp),%rdx # lower arg is **NOT** nan/inf
lea rr(%rsp),%rsi
lea r(%rsp),%rdi
movlpd r(%rsp),%xmm0 #Restore lower fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
mov %r11,p_temp(%rsp) #Save Sign
call __amd_remainder_piby2@PLT
mov p_temp(%rsp),%r11 #Restore Sign
jmp .L__vrd2_cos_reconstruct
mov p_original(%rsp),%rax # upper arg is nan/inf
mov $0x00008000000000000,%r9
or %r9,%rax
mov %rax,r(%rsp) # r = x | 0x0008000000000000
xor %r10,%r10
mov %r10,rr(%rsp) # rr = 0
mov %r10d,region(%rsp) # region =0
and .L__real_naninf_lower_sign_mask(%rip),%r11 # Sign
jmp .L__vrd2_cos_reconstruct
.align 16
# Upper Arg is >= 5e5, Lower arg is < 5e5
movhpd %xmm0,r+8(%rsp) #Save upper fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
# movlhps %xmm0,%xmm0 ;Not needed since we want to work on lower arg, but done just to be safe and avoide exceptions due to nan/inf and to mirror the lower_arg_gt_5e5 case
# movlhps %xmm2,%xmm2
# movlhps %xmm6,%xmm6
# Work on Lower arg
# %xmm2,,%xmm0 xmm6 = x, xmm4 = 0.5
# Upper arg might contain nan/inf, to avoid exception use only scalar instructions on lower arg
#If lower Arg is <=piby4
cmp %rdx,%rax # is upper arg > piby4
ja 0f
mov $0,%eax # region = 0
mov %eax,region(%rsp) # store upper region
movlpd %xmm0,r(%rsp) # store upper r
xorpd %xmm4,%xmm4 # rr = 0
movlpd %xmm4,rr(%rsp) # store upper rr
jmp .Lcheck_upper_arg
.align 16
#If upper Arg is > piby4
mulsd .L__real_3fe45f306dc9c883(%rip),%xmm2 # x*twobypi
addsd %xmm4,%xmm2 # npi2=(x*twobypi+0.5)
movsd .L__real_3ff921fb54400000(%rip),%xmm3 # piby2_1
cvttsd2si %xmm2,%eax # npi2 trunc to ints
movsd .L__real_3dd0b4611a600000(%rip),%xmm1 # piby2_2
cvtsi2sd %eax,%xmm2 # npi2 trunc to doubles
#/* Subtract the multiple from x to get an extra-precision remainder */
#rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm3 # npi2 * piby2_1;
subsd %xmm3,%xmm6 # rhead =(x-npi2*piby2_1)
movsd .L__real_3ba3198a2e037073(%rip),%xmm8 # piby2_2tail
#t = rhead;
movsd %xmm6,%xmm5 # t = rhead
#rtail = npi2 * piby2_2;
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm1 # rtail=(npi2*piby2_2)
#rhead = t - rtail
subsd %xmm1,%xmm6 # rhead=(t-rtail)
#rtail = npi2 * piby2_2tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
mulsd %xmm2,%xmm8 # npi2 * piby2_2tail
subsd %xmm6,%xmm5 # t-rhead
subsd %xmm5,%xmm1 # (rtail-(t-rhead))
addsd %xmm8,%xmm1 # rtail=npi2*piby2_2tail+(rtail-(t-rhead));
#r = rhead - rtail
#rr = (rhead-r) -rtail
mov %eax,region(%rsp) # store lower region
movsd %xmm6,%xmm0
subsd %xmm1,%xmm0 # r=(rhead-rtail)
subsd %xmm0,%xmm6 # rr=rhead-r
subsd %xmm1,%xmm6 # rr=((rhead-r) -rtail)
movlpd %xmm0,r(%rsp) # store lower r
movlpd %xmm6,rr(%rsp) # store lower rr
#Note that volatiles will be trashed by the call
#We do not care since this is the last check
#We will construct r, rr, region and sign
.align 16
mov $0x07ff0000000000000,%r9 # is upper arg nan/inf
mov %r9,%r10
and %rcx,%r10
cmp %r9,%r10
jz .L__vrd2_cos_upper_naninf
lea region+4(%rsp),%rdx # upper arg is **NOT** nan/inf
lea rr+8(%rsp),%rsi
lea r+8(%rsp),%rdi
movlpd r+8(%rsp),%xmm0 #Restore upper fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
mov %r11,p_temp(%rsp) #Save Sign
call __amd_remainder_piby2@PLT
mov p_temp(%rsp),%r11 #Restore Sign
jmp .L__vrd2_cos_reconstruct
mov p_original+8(%rsp),%rcx # upper arg is nan/inf
mov $0x00008000000000000,%r9
or %r9,%rcx
mov %rcx,r+8(%rsp) # r = x | 0x0008000000000000
xor %r10,%r10
mov %r10,rr+8(%rsp) # rr = 0
mov %r10d,region+4(%rsp) # region =0
and .L__real_naninf_upper_sign_mask(%rip),%r11 # Sign
jmp .L__vrd2_cos_reconstruct
.align 16
#Upper Arg is >= 5e5, Lower arg is >= 5e5
movhpd %xmm0, p_temp2(%rsp) #Save upper fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
mov $0x07ff0000000000000,%r9 #is lower arg nan/inf
mov %r9,%r10
and %rax,%r10
cmp %r9,%r10
jz .L__vrd2_cos_lower_naninf_of_both_gt_5e5
lea region(%rsp),%rdx #lower arg is **NOT** nan/inf
lea rr(%rsp),%rsi
lea r(%rsp),%rdi
mov %rcx,p_temp(%rsp) #Save upper arg
mov %r11,p_temp1(%rsp) #Save Sign
call __amd_remainder_piby2@PLT
mov p_temp1(%rsp),%r11 #Restore Sign
mov p_temp(%rsp),%rcx #Restore upper arg
jmp 0f
.L__vrd2_cos_lower_naninf_of_both_gt_5e5: #lower arg is nan/inf
mov p_original(%rsp),%rax
mov $0x00008000000000000,%r9
or %r9,%rax
mov %rax,r(%rsp) #r = x | 0x0008000000000000
xor %r10,%r10
mov %r10,rr(%rsp) #rr = 0
mov %r10d,region(%rsp) #region = 0
and .L__real_naninf_lower_sign_mask(%rip),%r11 # Sign
.align 16
mov $0x07ff0000000000000,%r9 #is upper arg nan/inf
mov %r9,%r10
and %rcx,%r10
cmp %r9,%r10
jz .L__vrd2_cos_upper_naninf_of_both_gt_5e5
lea region+4(%rsp),%rdx #upper arg is **NOT** nan/inf
lea rr+8(%rsp),%rsi
lea r+8(%rsp),%rdi
movlpd p_temp2(%rsp), %xmm0 #Restore upper fp arg for remainder_piby2 call
mov %r11,p_temp(%rsp) #Save Sign
call __amd_remainder_piby2@PLT
mov p_temp(%rsp),%r11 #Restore Sign
jmp 0f
mov p_original+8(%rsp),%rcx #upper arg is nan/inf
mov $0x00008000000000000,%r9
or %r9,%rcx
mov %rcx,r+8(%rsp) #r = x | 0x0008000000000000
xor %r10,%r10
mov %r10,rr+8(%rsp) #rr = 0
mov %r10d,region+4(%rsp) #region = 0
and .L__real_naninf_upper_sign_mask(%rip),%r11 # Sign
.align 16
#Construct p_sign=Sign for Sin term, p_sign1=Sign for Cos term, xmm0 = r, xmm2 = %xmm6,%r2 =rr, r8=region
movapd r(%rsp),%xmm0 #x
movapd %xmm0,%xmm2 #move for x2
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm2 #x2
movapd rr(%rsp),%xmm6 #xx
mov region(%rsp),%r8
mov .L__reald_one_zero(%rip),%r9 #compare value for cossin path
mov %r8,%r10
mov %r8,%rax
and .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%r8 #odd/even region for cos/sin
shr $1,%r10 #~AB+A~B, A is sign and B is upper bit of region
mov %r10,%rcx
and %r11,%r10
not %rcx
not %r11
and %r11,%rcx
or %rcx,%r10
and .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%r10 #(~AB+A~B)&1
mov %r10,%r11
and %r9,%r11 #mask out the lower sign bit leaving the upper sign bit
shl $63,%r10 #shift lower sign bit left by 63 bits
shl $31,%r11 #shift upper sign bit left by 31 bits
mov %r10,p_sign(%rsp) #write out lower sign bit
mov %r11,p_sign+8(%rsp) #write out upper sign bit
add .L__reald_one_one(%rip),%rax
and .L__reald_two_two(%rip),%rax
shr $1,%rax
mov %rax,%rdx
and %r9,%rdx #mask out the lower sign bit leaving the upper sign bit
shl $63,%rax #shift lower sign bit left by 63 bits
shl $31,%rdx #shift upper sign bit left by 31 bits
mov %rax,p_sign1(%rsp) #write out lower sign bit
mov %rdx,p_sign1+8(%rsp) #write out upper sign bit
jmp .L__vrd2_sincos_approximate
.align 16
xorpd p_sign(%rsp),%xmm5 # SIN sign
xorpd p_sign1(%rsp),%xmm4 # COS sign
mov p_sin(%rsp),%rdi
mov p_cos(%rsp),%rsi
movapd %xmm5,(%rdi) # save the sin
movapd %xmm4,(%rsi) # save the cos
add $0x1C8,%rsp