blob: e18b5db14832d74c9c16d558a3cf2c3c79ad09d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) 2008-2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This file is part of libacml_mv.
# libacml_mv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# libacml_mv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with libacml_mv. If not, see
# <>.
# vrs4powxf.asm
# A vector implementation of the powf libm function.
# This routine raises the x vector to a constant y power.
# Prototype:
# __m128 __vrs4_powxf(__m128 x,float y);
# Computes x raised to the y power. Returns proper C99 values.
#ifdef __ELF__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
# define local variable storage offsets
.equ p_temp,0x00 # xmmword
.equ p_negateres,0x10 # qword
.equ save_rbx,0x020 #qword
.equ save_rsi,0x028 #qword
.equ p_xptr,0x030 # ptr to x values
.equ p_y,0x038 # y value
.equ p_inty,0x040 # integer y indicators
.equ p_ux,0x050 # absolute x
.equ p_ax,0x060 # absolute x
.equ p_sx,0x070 # sign of x's
.equ stack_size,0x088 #
.align 16
.p2align 4,,15
.globl __vrs4_powxf
.type __vrs4_powxf,@function
sub $stack_size,%rsp
mov %rbx,save_rbx(%rsp) # save rbx
lea p_ux(%rsp),%rcx
mov %rcx,p_xptr(%rsp) # save pointer to x
movaps %xmm0,(%rcx)
movss %xmm1,p_y(%rsp) # save y
movdqa %xmm1,%xmm4
movaps %xmm0,%xmm2
andps .L__mask_nsign(%rip),%xmm0 # get abs x
andps .L__mask_sign(%rip),%xmm2 # mask for the sign bits
movaps %xmm0,p_ax(%rsp) # save them
movaps %xmm2,p_sx(%rsp) # save them
# convert all four x's to double
cvtps2pd p_ax(%rsp),%xmm0
cvtps2pd p_ax+8(%rsp),%xmm1
# classify y
# vector 32 bit integer method 25 cycles to here
# /* See whether y is an integer.
# inty = 0 means not an integer.
# */
# get yexp
mov p_y(%rsp),%r8d # r8 is uy
mov $0x07fffffff,%r9d
and %r8d,%r9d # r9 is ay
## if |y| == 0 then return 1
cmp $0,%r9d # is y a zero?
jz .Ly_zero
mov $0x07f800000,%eax # EXPBITS_SP32
and %r9d,%eax # y exp
xor %edi,%edi
shr $23,%eax #>> EXPSHIFTBITS_SP32
sub $126,%eax # - EXPBIAS_SP32 + 1 - eax is now the unbiased exponent
mov $1,%ebx
cmp %ebx,%eax ## if (yexp < 1)
cmovl %edi,%ebx
jl .Lsave_inty
mov $24,%ecx
cmp %ecx,%eax ## if (yexp >24)
jle .Linfy1
mov $2,%ebx
jmp .Lsave_inty
.Linfy1: # else 1<=yexp<=24
sub %eax,%ecx # build mask for mantissa
shl %cl,%ebx
dec %ebx # rbx = mask = (1 << (24 - yexp)) - 1
mov %r8d,%eax
and %ebx,%eax ## if ((uy & mask) != 0)
cmovnz %edi,%ebx # inty = 0;
jnz .Lsave_inty
not %ebx # else if (((uy & ~mask) >> (24 - yexp)) & 0x00000001)
mov %r8d,%eax
and %ebx,%eax
shr %cl,%eax
inc %edi
and %edi,%eax
mov %edi,%ebx # inty = 1
jnz .Lsave_inty
inc %ebx # else inty = 2
mov %r8d,p_y+4(%rsp) # r8d is ay
mov %ebx,p_inty(%rsp) # save inty
# do more x special case checking
pxor %xmm3,%xmm3
xor %eax,%eax
mov $0x07FC00000,%ecx
cmp $0,%ebx # is y not an integer?
cmovz %ecx,%eax # then set to return a NaN. else 0.
mov $0x080000000,%ecx
cmp $1,%ebx # is y an odd integer?
cmovz %ecx,%eax # maybe set sign bit if so
movd %eax,%xmm5
pshufd $0,%xmm5,%xmm5
pcmpeqd p_sx(%rsp),%xmm3 ## if the signs are set
pandn %xmm5,%xmm3 # then negateres gets the values as shown below
movdqa %xmm3,p_negateres(%rsp) # save negateres
# /* p_negateres now means the following.
# 7FC00000 means x<0, y not an integer, return NaN.
# 80000000 means x<0, y is odd integer, so set the sign bit.
## 0 means even integer, and/or x>=0.
# */
# **** Here starts the main calculations ****
# The algorithm used is x**y = exp(y*log(x))
# Extra precision is required in intermediate steps to meet the 1ulp requirement
# log(x) calculation
call __vrd4_log@PLT # get the double precision log value
# for all four x's
# y* logx
cvtps2pd p_y(%rsp),%xmm2 #convert the two packed single y's to double
# /* just multiply by y */
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm0
mulpd %xmm2,%xmm1
# /* The following code computes r = exp(w) */
call __vrd4_exp@PLT # get the double exp value
# for all four y*log(x)'s
# convert all four results to double
cvtpd2ps %xmm0,%xmm0
cvtpd2ps %xmm1,%xmm1
movlhps %xmm1,%xmm0
# perform special case and error checking on input values
# special case checking is done first in the scalar version since
# it allows for early fast returns. But for vectors, we consider them
# to be rare, so early returns are not necessary. So we first compute
# the x**y values, and then check for special cases.
# we do some of the checking in reverse order of the scalar version.
# apply the negate result flags
orps p_negateres(%rsp),%xmm0 # get negateres
## if y is infinite or so large that the result would overflow or underflow
mov p_y(%rsp),%edx # get y
and $0x07fffffff,%edx # develop ay
cmp $0x04f000000,%edx
ja .Ly_large
## if x is infinite
movdqa p_ax(%rsp),%xmm4
cmpps $0,.L__mask_inf(%rip),%xmm4 # equal to infinity, ffs if so.
movmskps %xmm4,%edx
test $0x0f,%edx
jnz .Lx_infinite
## if x is zero
xorps %xmm4,%xmm4
cmpps $0,p_ax(%rsp),%xmm4 # equal to zero, ffs if so.
movmskps %xmm4,%edx
test $0x0f,%edx
jnz .Lx_zero
## if y is NAN
movss p_y(%rsp),%xmm4 # get y
ucomiss %xmm4,%xmm4 # comparing y to itself should
# be true, unless y is a NaN. parity flag if NaN.
jp .Ly_NaN
## if x is NAN
movdqa p_ax(%rsp),%xmm4 # get x
cmpps $4,%xmm4,%xmm4 # a compare not equal of x to itself should
# be false, unless x is a NaN. ff's if NaN.
movmskps %xmm4,%ecx
test $0x0f,%ecx
jnz .Lx_NaN
## if x == +1, return +1 for all x
movdqa .L__float_one(%rip),%xmm3 # one
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rdx # get pointer to x
movdqa %xmm3,%xmm2
cmpps $4,(%rdx),%xmm2 # not equal to +1.0?, ffs if not equal.
andps %xmm2,%xmm0 # keep the others
andnps %xmm3,%xmm2 # mask for ones
orps %xmm2,%xmm0
mov save_rbx(%rsp),%rbx # restore rbx
add $stack_size,%rsp
.align 16
## if |y| == 0 then return 1
movdqa .L__float_one(%rip),%xmm0 # one
jmp .L__powf_cleanup2
# * y is a NaN.
mov p_y(%rsp),%r8d
or $0x000400000,%r8d # convert to QNaNs
movd %r8d,%xmm0 # propagate to all results
shufps $0,%xmm0,%xmm0
jmp .Lrnsx4
# y is a NaN.
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
movdqa (%rcx),%xmm4 # get x
movdqa %xmm4,%xmm3
movdqa %xmm4,%xmm5
movdqa .L__mask_sigbit(%rip),%xmm2 # get the signalling bits
cmpps $0,%xmm4,%xmm4 # a compare equal of x to itself should
# be true, unless x is a NaN. 0's if NaN.
cmpps $4,%xmm3,%xmm3 # compare not equal, ff's if NaN.
andps %xmm4,%xmm0 # keep the other results
andps %xmm3,%xmm2 # get just the right signalling bits
andps %xmm5,%xmm3 # mask for the NaNs
orps %xmm2,%xmm3 # convert to QNaNs
orps %xmm3,%xmm0 # combine
jmp .Lrnsx5
# * y is infinite or so large that the result would
# overflow or underflow.
movdqa %xmm0,p_temp(%rsp)
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov (%rcx),%eax
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special6 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp(%rsp)
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov 4(%rcx),%eax
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special6 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+4(%rsp)
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov 8(%rcx),%eax
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special6 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+8(%rsp)
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov 12(%rcx),%eax
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special6 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+12(%rsp)
movdqa p_temp(%rsp),%xmm0
jmp .Lrnsx3
# a subroutine to treat an individual x,y pair when y is large or infinity
# assumes x in .Ly(%rip),%eax in ebx.
# returns result in eax
# handle |x|==1 cases first
mov $0x07FFFFFFF,%r8d
and %eax,%r8d
cmp $0x03f800000,%r8d # jump if |x| !=1
jnz .Lnps6
mov $0x03f800000,%eax # return 1 for all |x|==1
jmp .Lnpx64
# cases where |x| !=1
mov $0x07f800000,%ecx
xor %eax,%eax # assume 0 return
test $0x080000000,%ebx
jnz .Lnps62 # jump if y negative
# y = +inf
cmp $0x03f800000,%r8d
cmovg %ecx,%eax # return inf if |x| < 1
jmp .Lnpx64
# y = -inf
cmp $0x03f800000,%r8d
cmovl %ecx,%eax # return inf if |x| < 1
jmp .Lnpx64
# handle cases where x is +/- infinity. edx is the mask
.align 16
movdqa %xmm0,p_temp(%rsp)
test $1,%edx
jz .Lxinfa
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov (%rcx),%eax
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x1 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp(%rsp)
test $2,%edx
jz .Lxinfb
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 4(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x1 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+4(%rsp)
test $4,%edx
jz .Lxinfc
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 8(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x1 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+8(%rsp)
test $8,%edx
jz .Lxinfd
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 12(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x1 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+12(%rsp)
movdqa p_temp(%rsp),%xmm0
jmp .Lrnsx1
# a subroutine to treat an individual x,y pair when x is +/-infinity
# assumes x in .Ly(%rip),%eax in ebx, inty in ecx.
# returns result in eax
.Lnp_special_x1: # x is infinite
test $0x080000000,%eax # is x positive
jnz .Lnsx11 # jump if not
test $0x080000000,%ebx # is y positive
jz .Lnsx13 # just return if so
xor %eax,%eax # else return 0
jmp .Lnsx13
cmp $1,%ecx ## if inty ==1
jnz .Lnsx12 # jump if not
test $0x080000000,%ebx # is y positive
jz .Lnsx13 # just return if so
mov $0x080000000,%eax # else return -0
jmp .Lnsx13
.Lnsx12: # inty <>1
and $0x07FFFFFFF,%eax # return -x (|x|) if y<0
test $0x080000000,%ebx # is y positive
jz .Lnsx13 #
xor %eax,%eax # return 0 if y >=0
# handle cases where x is +/- zero. edx is the mask of x,y pairs with |x|=0
.align 16
movdqa %xmm0,p_temp(%rsp)
test $1,%edx
jz .Lxzera
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov (%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x2 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp(%rsp)
test $2,%edx
jz .Lxzerb
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 4(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x2 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+4(%rsp)
test $4,%edx
jz .Lxzerc
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 8(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x2 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+8(%rsp)
test $8,%edx
jz .Lxzerd
mov p_xptr(%rsp),%rcx # get pointer to x
mov p_y(%rsp),%ebx
mov 12(%rcx),%eax
mov p_inty(%rsp),%ecx
sub $8,%rsp
call .Lnp_special_x2 # call the handler for one value
add $8,%rsp
mov %eax,p_temp+12(%rsp)
movdqa p_temp(%rsp),%xmm0
jmp .Lrnsx2
# a subroutine to treat an individual x,y pair when x is +/-0
# assumes x in .Ly(%rip),%eax in ebx, inty in ecx.
# returns result in eax
.align 16
cmp $1,%ecx ## if inty ==1
jz .Lnsx21 # jump if so
# handle cases of x=+/-0, y not integer
xor %eax,%eax
mov $0x07f800000,%ecx
test $0x080000000,%ebx # is ypos
cmovnz %ecx,%eax
jmp .Lnsx23
# y is an integer
xor %r8d,%r8d
mov $0x07f800000,%ecx
test $0x080000000,%ebx # is ypos
cmovnz %ecx,%r8d # set to infinity if not
and $0x080000000,%eax # pickup the sign of x
or %r8d,%eax # and include it in the result
.align 64
.L__mask_sign: .quad 0x08000000080000000 # a sign bit mask
.quad 0x08000000080000000
.L__mask_nsign: .quad 0x07FFFFFFF7FFFFFFF # a not sign bit mask
# used by special case checking
.L__float_one: .quad 0x03f8000003f800000 # one
.quad 0x03f8000003f800000
.L__mask_inf: .quad 0x07f8000007F800000 # inifinity
.quad 0x07f8000007F800000
.L__mask_sigbit: .quad 0x00040000000400000 # QNaN bit
.quad 0x00040000000400000