blob: a7fe65101823722e69e0372657a4aa40bf82c08a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of libacml_mv.
* libacml_mv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* libacml_mv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with libacml_mv. If not, see
* <>.
#include "../inc/libm_amd.h"
#include "../inc/libm_util_amd.h"
#include "../inc/libm_inlines_amd.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include "../inc/libm_errno_amd.h"
extern void __amd_remainder_piby2(double x, double *r, double *rr, int *region);
/* tan(x + xx) approximation valid on the interval [-pi/4,pi/4].
If recip is true return -1/tan(x + xx) instead. */
static inline double tan_piby4(double x, double xx, int recip)
double r, t1, t2, xl;
int transform = 0;
static const double
piby4_lead = 7.85398163397448278999e-01, /* 0x3fe921fb54442d18 */
piby4_tail = 3.06161699786838240164e-17; /* 0x3c81a62633145c06 */
/* In order to maintain relative precision transform using the identity:
tan(pi/4-x) = (1-tan(x))/(1+tan(x)) for arguments close to pi/4.
Similarly use tan(x-pi/4) = (tan(x)-1)/(tan(x)+1) close to -pi/4. */
if (x > 0.68)
transform = 1;
x = piby4_lead - x;
xl = piby4_tail - xx;
x += xl;
xx = 0.0;
else if (x < -0.68)
transform = -1;
x = piby4_lead + x;
xl = piby4_tail + xx;
x += xl;
xx = 0.0;
/* Core Remez [2,3] approximation to tan(x+xx) on the
interval [0,0.68]. */
r = x*x + 2.0 * x * xx;
t1 = x;
t2 = xx + x*r*
(0.372379159759792203640806338901e0 +
(-0.229345080057565662883358588111e-1 +
(0.111713747927937668539901657944e1 +
(-0.515658515729031149329237816945e0 +
(0.260656620398645407524064091208e-1 -
/* Reconstruct tan(x) in the transformed case. */
if (transform)
double t;
t = t1 + t2;
if (recip)
return transform*(2*t/(t-1) - 1.0);
return transform*(1.0 - 2*t/(1+t));
if (recip)
/* Compute -1.0/(t1 + t2) accurately */
double trec, trec_top, z1, z2, t;
unsigned long long u;
t = t1 + t2;
GET_BITS_DP64(t, u);
u &= 0xffffffff00000000;
PUT_BITS_DP64(u, z1);
z2 = t2 - (z1 - t1);
trec = -1.0 / t;
GET_BITS_DP64(trec, u);
u &= 0xffffffff00000000;
PUT_BITS_DP64(u, trec_top);
return trec_top + trec * ((1.0 + trec_top * z1) + trec_top * z2);
return t1 + t2;
#ifdef WINDOWS
#pragma function(tan)
double FN_PROTOTYPE(tan)(double x)
double r, rr;
int region, xneg;
unsigned long long ux, ax;
GET_BITS_DP64(x, ux);
ax = (ux & ~SIGNBIT_DP64);
if (ax <= 0x3fe921fb54442d18) /* abs(x) <= pi/4 */
if (ax < 0x3f20000000000000) /* abs(x) < 2.0^(-13) */
if (ax < 0x3e40000000000000) /* abs(x) < 2.0^(-27) */
if (ax == 0x0000000000000000) return x;
else return val_with_flags(x, AMD_F_INEXACT);
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* Using a temporary variable prevents 64-bit VC++ from
x + x*x*x*0.333333333333333333;
x * (1 + x*x*0.333333333333333333);
The latter results in an incorrectly rounded answer. */
double tmp;
tmp = x*x*x*0.333333333333333333;
return x + tmp;
return x + x*x*x*0.333333333333333333;
return tan_piby4(x, 0.0, 0);
else if ((ux & EXPBITS_DP64) == EXPBITS_DP64)
/* x is either NaN or infinity */
if (ux & MANTBITS_DP64)
/* x is NaN */
#ifdef WINDOWS
return handle_error("tan", ux|0x0008000000000000, _DOMAIN, 0,
EDOM, x, 0.0);
return x + x; /* Raise invalid if it is a signalling NaN */
/* x is infinity. Return a NaN */
#ifdef WINDOWS
return handle_error("tan", INDEFBITPATT_DP64, _DOMAIN, 0,
EDOM, x, 0.0);
return nan_with_flags(AMD_F_INVALID);
xneg = (ax != ux);
if (xneg)
x = -x;
if (x < 5.0e5)
/* For these size arguments we can just carefully subtract the
appropriate multiple of pi/2, using extra precision where
x is close to an exact multiple of pi/2 */
static const double
twobypi = 6.36619772367581382433e-01, /* 0x3fe45f306dc9c883 */
piby2_1 = 1.57079632673412561417e+00, /* 0x3ff921fb54400000 */
piby2_1tail = 6.07710050650619224932e-11, /* 0x3dd0b4611a626331 */
piby2_2 = 6.07710050630396597660e-11, /* 0x3dd0b4611a600000 */
piby2_2tail = 2.02226624879595063154e-21, /* 0x3ba3198a2e037073 */
piby2_3 = 2.02226624871116645580e-21, /* 0x3ba3198a2e000000 */
piby2_3tail = 8.47842766036889956997e-32; /* 0x397b839a252049c1 */
double t, rhead, rtail;
int npi2;
unsigned long long uy, xexp, expdiff;
xexp = ax >> EXPSHIFTBITS_DP64;
/* How many pi/2 is x a multiple of? */
if (ax <= 0x400f6a7a2955385e) /* 5pi/4 */
if (ax <= 0x4002d97c7f3321d2) /* 3pi/4 */
npi2 = 1;
npi2 = 2;
else if (ax <= 0x401c463abeccb2bb) /* 9pi/4 */
if (ax <= 0x4015fdbbe9bba775) /* 7pi/4 */
npi2 = 3;
npi2 = 4;
npi2 = (int)(x * twobypi + 0.5);
/* Subtract the multiple from x to get an extra-precision remainder */
rhead = x - npi2 * piby2_1;
rtail = npi2 * piby2_1tail;
GET_BITS_DP64(rhead, uy);
expdiff = xexp - ((uy & EXPBITS_DP64) >> EXPSHIFTBITS_DP64);
if (expdiff > 15)
/* The remainder is pretty small compared with x, which
implies that x is a near multiple of pi/2
(x matches the multiple to at least 15 bits) */
t = rhead;
rtail = npi2 * piby2_2;
rhead = t - rtail;
rtail = npi2 * piby2_2tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
if (expdiff > 48)
/* x matches a pi/2 multiple to at least 48 bits */
t = rhead;
rtail = npi2 * piby2_3;
rhead = t - rtail;
rtail = npi2 * piby2_3tail - ((t - rhead) - rtail);
r = rhead - rtail;
rr = (rhead - r) - rtail;
region = npi2 & 3;
/* Reduce x into range [-pi/4,pi/4] */
__amd_remainder_piby2(x, &r, &rr, &region);
/* __remainder_piby2(x, &r, &rr, &region);*/
if (xneg)
return -tan_piby4(r, rr, region & 1);
return tan_piby4(r, rr, region & 1);
weak_alias (__tan, tan)