blob: df08597c3ead48d6fbc22afe8a74ac3b8d5fd80f [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
* over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
* session authentication and key exchange,
* packet encryption, packet authentication, and
* packet compression.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef MISC_H
#define MISC_H
#include "argv.h"
#include "basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "env_set.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "platform.h"
/* socket descriptor passed by inetd/xinetd server to us */
/* forward declarations */
struct plugin_list;
/* Set standard file descriptors to /dev/null */
void set_std_files_to_null(bool stdin_only);
/* dup inetd/xinetd socket descriptor and save */
extern int inetd_socket_descriptor;
void save_inetd_socket_descriptor(void);
/* Make arrays of strings */
const char **make_arg_array(const char *first, const char *parms, struct gc_arena *gc);
const char **make_extended_arg_array(char **p, bool is_inline,
struct gc_arena *gc);
/* prepend a random prefix to hostname */
const char *hostname_randomize(const char *hostname, struct gc_arena *gc);
* Get and store a username/password
struct user_pass
bool defined;
bool nocache;
/* max length of username/password */
#ifdef ENABLE_PKCS11
#define USER_PASS_LEN 4096
#define USER_PASS_LEN 128
char username[USER_PASS_LEN];
char password[USER_PASS_LEN];
* Challenge response info on client as pushed by server.
struct auth_challenge_info {
#define CR_ECHO (1<<0) /* echo response when typed by user */
#define CR_RESPONSE (1<<1) /* response needed */
unsigned int flags;
const char *user;
const char *state_id;
const char *challenge_text;
struct auth_challenge_info *get_auth_challenge(const char *auth_challenge, struct gc_arena *gc);
* Challenge response info on client as pushed by server.
struct static_challenge_info {
#define SC_ECHO (1<<0) /* echo response when typed by user */
unsigned int flags;
const char *challenge_text;
#else /* ifdef ENABLE_MANAGEMENT */
struct auth_challenge_info {};
struct static_challenge_info {};
#endif /* ifdef ENABLE_MANAGEMENT */
* Flags for get_user_pass and management_query_user_pass
/* GET_USER_PASS_SENSITIVE (1<<1) not used anymore */
#define GET_USER_PASS_NEED_OK (1<<3)
#define GET_USER_PASS_NOFATAL (1<<4)
#define GET_USER_PASS_NEED_STR (1<<5)
#define GET_USER_PASS_DYNAMIC_CHALLENGE (1<<7) /* CRV1 protocol -- dynamic challenge */
#define GET_USER_PASS_STATIC_CHALLENGE (1<<8) /* SCRV1 protocol -- static challenge */
#define GET_USER_PASS_STATIC_CHALLENGE_ECHO (1<<9) /* SCRV1 protocol -- echo response */
#define GET_USER_PASS_INLINE_CREDS (1<<10) /* indicates that auth_file is actually inline creds */
bool get_user_pass_cr(struct user_pass *up,
const char *auth_file,
const char *prefix,
const unsigned int flags,
const char *auth_challenge);
static inline bool
get_user_pass(struct user_pass *up,
const char *auth_file,
const char *prefix,
const unsigned int flags)
return get_user_pass_cr(up, auth_file, prefix, flags, NULL);
void fail_user_pass(const char *prefix,
const unsigned int flags,
const char *reason);
void purge_user_pass(struct user_pass *up, const bool force);
* Sets the auth-token to token if a username is available from either
* up or already present in tk. The method will also purge up if
* the auth-nocache option is active.
* @param up (non Auth-token) Username/password
* @param tk auth-token userpass to set
* @param token token to use as password for the
* @note all parameters to this function must not be null.
void set_auth_token(struct user_pass *up, struct user_pass *tk,
const char *token);
* Process string received by untrusted peer before
* printing to console or log file.
* Assumes that string has been null terminated.
const char *safe_print(const char *str, struct gc_arena *gc);
void configure_path(void);
const char *sanitize_control_message(const char *str, struct gc_arena *gc);
* /sbin/ip path, may be overridden
extern const char *iproute_path;
/* helper to parse peer_info received from multi client, validate
* (this is untrusted data) and put into environment */
bool validate_peer_info_line(char *line);
void output_peer_info_env(struct env_set *es, const char *peer_info);
* Returns the occurrences of 'delimiter' in a string +1
* This is typically used to find out the number elements in a
* cipher string or similar that is separated by : like
* X25519:secp256r1:X448:secp512r1:secp384r1:brainpoolP384r1
* @param string the string to work on
* @param delimiter the delimiter to count, typically ':'
* @return occrrences of delimiter + 1
get_num_elements(const char *string, char delimiter);
* Prepend a directory to a path.
struct buffer
prepend_dir(const char *dir, const char *path, struct gc_arena *gc);
#endif /* ifndef MISC_H */