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** Copyright (C) 2016 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
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** This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qtext2dentity.h"
#include "qtext2dentity_p.h"
#include "qtext2dmaterial_p.h"
#include <QtGui/qtextlayout.h>
#include <QtGui/qglyphrun.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qdistancefield_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qtextureglyphcache_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qfont_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qdistancefield_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/qmaterial.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/qbuffer.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/qattribute.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/qgeometry.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/qgeometryrenderer.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qscene_p.h>
namespace {
inline Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR QRectF scaleRectF(const QRectF &rect, float scale)
return QRectF(rect.left() * scale, * scale, rect.width() * scale, rect.height() * scale);
} // anonymous
namespace Qt3DExtras {
* \qmltype Text2DEntity
* \instantiates Qt3DExtras::QText2DEntity
* \inqmlmodule Qt3D.Extras
* \brief Text2DEntity allows creation of a 2D text in 3D space.
* The Text2DEntity renders text as triangles in the XY plane. The geometry will be fitted
* in the rectangle of specified width and height. If the resulting geometry is wider than
* the specified width, the remainder will be rendered on the new line.
* The entity can be positionned in the scene by adding a transform component.
* Text2DEntity will create geometry based on the shape of the glyphs and a solid
* material using the specified color.
* \qmlproperty QString Text2DEntity::text
* Holds the text used for the mesh.
* \qmlproperty QFont Text2DEntity::font
* Holds the font of the text.
* \qmlproperty QColor Text2DEntity::color
* Holds the color of the text.
* \qmlproperty float Text2DEntity::width
* Holds the width of the text's bounding rectangle.
* \qmlproperty float Text2DEntity::height
* Holds the height of the text's bounding rectangle.
* \class Qt3DExtras::QText2DEntity
* \inheaderfile Qt3DExtras/QText2DEntity
* \inmodule Qt3DExtras
* \brief QText2DEntity allows creation of a 2D text in 3D space.
* The QText2DEntity renders text as triangles in the XY plane. The geometry will be fitted
* in the rectangle of specified width and height. If the resulting geometry is wider than
* the specified width, the remainder will be rendered on the new line.
* The entity can be positionned in the scene by adding a transform component.
* QText2DEntity will create geometry based on the shape of the glyphs and a solid
* material using the specified color.
QHash<Qt3DCore::QScene *, QText2DEntityPrivate::CacheEntry> QText2DEntityPrivate::m_glyphCacheInstances;
: m_glyphCache(nullptr)
, m_font(QLatin1String("Times"), 10)
, m_scaledFont(QLatin1String("Times"), 10)
, m_color(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255))
, m_width(0.0f)
, m_height(0.0f)
void QText2DEntityPrivate::setScene(Qt3DCore::QScene *scene)
if (scene == m_scene)
// Unref old glyph cache if it exists
if (m_scene != nullptr) {
// Ensure we don't keep reference to glyphs
// if we are changing the cache
if (m_glyphCache != nullptr)
m_glyphCache = nullptr;
QText2DEntityPrivate::CacheEntry &entry = QText2DEntityPrivate::m_glyphCacheInstances[m_scene];
if (entry.count == 0 && entry.glyphCache != nullptr) {
delete entry.glyphCache;
entry.glyphCache = nullptr;
// Ref new glyph cache is scene is valid
if (scene != nullptr) {
QText2DEntityPrivate::CacheEntry &entry = QText2DEntityPrivate::m_glyphCacheInstances[scene];
if (entry.glyphCache == nullptr) {
entry.glyphCache = new QDistanceFieldGlyphCache();
m_glyphCache = entry.glyphCache;
// Update to populate glyphCache if needed
QText2DEntity::QText2DEntity(QNode *parent)
: Qt3DCore::QEntity(*new QText2DEntityPrivate(), parent)
/*! \internal */
float QText2DEntityPrivate::computeActualScale() const
// scale font based on fontScale property and given QFont
float scale = 1.0f;
if (m_font.pointSizeF() > 0)
scale *= m_font.pointSizeF() / m_scaledFont.pointSizeF();
return scale;
struct RenderData {
int vertexCount = 0;
QVector<float> vertex;
QVector<quint16> index;
void QText2DEntityPrivate::setCurrentGlyphRuns(const QVector<QGlyphRun> &runs)
// For each distinct texture, we need a separate DistanceFieldTextRenderer,
// for which we need vertex and index data
QHash<Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture*, RenderData> renderData;
const float scale = computeActualScale();
// process glyph runs
for (const QGlyphRun &run : runs) {
const QVector<quint32> glyphs = run.glyphIndexes();
const QVector<QPointF> pos = run.positions();
Q_ASSERT(glyphs.size() == pos.size());
const bool doubleGlyphResolution = m_glyphCache->doubleGlyphResolution(run.rawFont());
// faithfully copied from QSGDistanceFieldGlyphNode::updateGeometry()
const float pixelSize = run.rawFont().pixelSize();
const float fontScale = pixelSize / QT_DISTANCEFIELD_BASEFONTSIZE(doubleGlyphResolution);
const float margin = QT_DISTANCEFIELD_RADIUS(doubleGlyphResolution) / QT_DISTANCEFIELD_SCALE(doubleGlyphResolution) * fontScale;
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) {
const QDistanceFieldGlyphCache::Glyph &dfield = m_glyphCache->refGlyph(run.rawFont(), glyphs[i]);
if (!dfield.texture)
RenderData &data = renderData[dfield.texture];
// faithfully copied from QSGDistanceFieldGlyphNode::updateGeometry()
QRectF metrics = scaleRectF(dfield.glyphPathBoundingRect, fontScale);
metrics.adjust(-margin, margin, margin, 3*margin);
const float top = 0.0f;
const float left = 0.0f;
const float right = m_width;
const float bottom = m_height;
float x1 = left + scale * (pos[i].x() + metrics.left());
float y2 = bottom - scale * (pos[i].y() -;
float x2 = x1 + scale * metrics.width();
float y1 = y2 - scale * metrics.height();
// only draw glyphs that are at least partly visible
if (y2 < top || x1 > right)
QRectF texCoords = dfield.texCoords;
// if a glyph is only partly visible within the given rectangle,
// cut it in half and adjust tex coords
if (y1 < top) {
const float insideRatio = (top - y2) / (y1 - y2);
y1 = top;
texCoords.setHeight(texCoords.height() * insideRatio);
// do the same thing horizontally
if (x2 > right) {
const float insideRatio = (right - x1) / (x2 - x1);
x2 = right;
texCoords.setWidth(texCoords.width() * insideRatio);
data.vertex << x1 << y1 << i << texCoords.left() << texCoords.bottom();
data.vertex << x1 << y2 << i << texCoords.left() <<;
data.vertex << x2 << y1 << i << texCoords.right() << texCoords.bottom();
data.vertex << x2 << y2 << i << texCoords.right() <<;
data.index << data.vertexCount << data.vertexCount+3 << data.vertexCount+1;
data.index << data.vertexCount << data.vertexCount+2 << data.vertexCount+3;
data.vertexCount += 4;
// de-ref all glyphs for previous QGlyphRuns
for (int i = 0; i < m_currentGlyphRuns.size(); i++)
m_currentGlyphRuns = runs;
// make sure we have the correct number of DistanceFieldTextRenderers
// TODO: we might keep one renderer at all times, so we won't delete and
// re-allocate one every time the text changes from an empty to a non-empty string
// and vice-versa
while (m_renderers.size() > renderData.size())
delete m_renderers.takeLast();
while (m_renderers.size() < renderData.size()) {
DistanceFieldTextRenderer *renderer = new DistanceFieldTextRenderer(q_func());
m_renderers << renderer;
Q_ASSERT(m_renderers.size() == renderData.size());
// assign vertex data for all textures to the renderers
int rendererIdx = 0;
for (auto it = renderData.begin(); it != renderData.end(); ++it) {
m_renderers[rendererIdx++]->setGlyphData(it.key(), it.value().vertex, it.value().index);
void QText2DEntityPrivate::clearCurrentGlyphRuns()
for (int i = 0; i < m_currentGlyphRuns.size(); i++)
void QText2DEntityPrivate::update()
if (m_glyphCache == nullptr)
QVector<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns;
// collect all GlyphRuns generated by the QTextLayout
if ((m_width > 0.0f || m_height > 0.0f) && !m_text.isEmpty()) {
QTextLayout layout(m_text, m_scaledFont);
const float lineWidth = m_width / computeActualScale();
float height = 0;
while (true) {
QTextLine line = layout.createLine();
if (!line.isValid())
// position current line
line.setPosition(QPointF(0, height));
height += line.height();
// add glyph runs created by line
const QList<QGlyphRun> runs = line.glyphRuns();
for (const QGlyphRun &run : runs)
glyphRuns << run;
\property QText2DEntity::font
Holds the font for the text item that is displayed
in the Qt Quick scene.
QFont QText2DEntity::font() const
Q_D(const QText2DEntity);
return d->m_font;
void QText2DEntity::setFont(const QFont &font)
if (d->m_font != font) {
// ignore the point size of the font, just make it a default value.
// still we want to make sure that font() returns the same value
// that was passed to setFont(), so we store it nevertheless
d->m_font = font;
d->m_scaledFont = font;
emit fontChanged(font);
if (!d->m_text.isEmpty())
\property QText2DEntity::color
Holds the color for the text item that is displayed in the Qt
Quick scene.
QColor QText2DEntity::color() const
Q_D(const QText2DEntity);
return d->m_color;
void QText2DEntity::setColor(const QColor &color)
if (d->m_color != color) {
d->m_color = color;
emit colorChanged(color);
for (DistanceFieldTextRenderer *renderer : qAsConst(d->m_renderers))
\property QText2DEntity::text
Holds the text that is displayed in the Qt Quick scene.
QString QText2DEntity::text() const
Q_D(const QText2DEntity);
return d->m_text;
void QText2DEntity::setText(const QString &text)
if (d->m_text != text) {
d->m_text = text;
emit textChanged(text);
\property QText2DEntity::width
Returns the width of the text item that is displayed in the
Qt Quick scene.
float QText2DEntity::width() const
Q_D(const QText2DEntity);
return d->m_width;
\property QText2DEntity::height
Returns the height of the text item that is displayed in the
Qt Quick scene.
float QText2DEntity::height() const
Q_D(const QText2DEntity);
return d->m_height;
void QText2DEntity::setWidth(float width)
if (width != d->m_width) {
d->m_width = width;
emit widthChanged(width);
void QText2DEntity::setHeight(float height)
if (height != d->m_height) {
d->m_height = height;
emit heightChanged(height);
} // namespace Qt3DExtras