blob: 8df9b4f30d4cf6e10010db949d9cb06b9b7d0c45 [file] [log] [blame]
#Include this file to inherit configuration related to Qt Project based modules. = Qt Project
dita.metadata.default.permissions = all
dita.metadata.default.publisher = Qt Project
dita.metadata.default.copyryear = 2020
dita.metadata.default.copyrholder = The Qt Company Ltd
dita.metadata.default.audience = programmer
#Set the main Qt index.html
navigation.homepage = index.html
navigation.hometitle = "Qt $QT_VER"
#Words to ignore for auto-linking
ignorewords += \
macOS \
WebChannel \
sourcedirs += includes $$BUILDDIR
url =
# Uncomment the following two lines to generate documentation marked as \internal
# alias.internal = disable
# macro.internal.HTML = "<span style="color:red">[internal]</span>"