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#include "qoperatingsystemversion.h"
#if !defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
#include "qoperatingsystemversion_p.h"
#include <qversionnumber.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID_EMBEDDED)
#include <private/qjni_p.h>
\class QOperatingSystemVersion
\inmodule QtCore
\since 5.9
\brief The QOperatingSystemVersion class provides information about the
operating system version.
Unlike other version functions in QSysInfo, QOperatingSystemVersion provides
access to the full version number that \a developers typically use to vary
behavior or determine whether to enable APIs or features based on the
operating system version (as opposed to the kernel version number or
marketing version).
This class is also a complete replacement for QSysInfo::macVersion and
QSysInfo::windowsVersion, additionally providing access to the third (micro)
version number component.
Presently, Android, Apple Platforms (iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS),
and Windows are supported.
The \a majorVersion(), \a minorVersion(), and \a microVersion() functions
return the parts of the operating system version number based on:
\li Platforms
\li Value
\li Android
\li result of parsing
using QVersionNumber, with a fallback to
to determine the major and minor version component if the former
\li Apple Platforms
\li majorVersion, minorVersion, and patchVersion from
\li Windows
\li dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, and dwBuildNumber from
\l{}{RtlGetVersion} -
note that this function ALWAYS return the version number of the
underlying operating system, as opposed to the shim underneath
GetVersionEx that hides the real version number if the
application is not manifested for that version of the OS
Because QOperatingSystemVersion stores both a version number and an OS type, the OS type
can be taken into account when performing comparisons. For example, on a macOS system running
macOS Sierra (v10.12), the following expression will return \c false even though the
major version number component of the object on the left hand side of the expression (10) is
greater than that of the object on the right (9):
\snippet code/src_corelib_global_qoperatingsystemversion.cpp 0
This allows expressions for multiple operating systems to be joined with a logical OR operator
and still work as expected. For example:
\snippet code/src_corelib_global_qoperatingsystemversion.cpp 1
A more naive comparison algorithm might incorrectly return true on all versions of macOS,
including Mac OS 9. This behavior is achieved by overloading the comparison operators to return
\c false whenever the OS types of the QOperatingSystemVersion instances being compared do not
match. Be aware that due to this it can be the case \c x >= y and \c x < y are BOTH \c false
for the same instances of \c x and \c y.
\enum QOperatingSystemVersion::OSType
This enum provides symbolic names for the various operating
system families supported by QOperatingSystemVersion.
\value Android The Google Android operating system.
\value IOS The Apple iOS operating system.
\value MacOS The Apple macOS operating system.
\value TvOS The Apple tvOS operating system.
\value WatchOS The Apple watchOS operating system.
\value Windows The Microsoft Windows operating system.
\value Unknown An unknown or unsupported operating system.
\fn QOperatingSystemVersion::QOperatingSystemVersion(OSType osType, int vmajor, int vminor = -1, int vmicro = -1)
Constructs a QOperatingSystemVersion consisting of the OS type \a osType, and
major, minor, and micro version numbers \a vmajor, \a vminor and \a vmicro, respectively.
\fn QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::current()
Returns a QOperatingSystemVersion indicating the current OS and its version number.
\sa currentType()
#if !defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::current()
QOperatingSystemVersion version;
version.m_os = currentType();
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID_EMBEDDED)
const QVersionNumber v = QVersionNumber::fromString(QJNIObjectPrivate::getStaticObjectField(
"android/os/Build$VERSION", "RELEASE", "Ljava/lang/String;").toString());
if (!v.isNull()) {
version.m_major = v.majorVersion();
version.m_minor = v.minorVersion();
version.m_micro = v.microVersion();
return version;
version.m_major = -1;
version.m_minor = -1;
static const struct {
uint major : 4;
uint minor : 4;
} versions[] = {
{ 1, 0 }, // API level 1
{ 1, 1 }, // API level 2
{ 1, 5 }, // API level 3
{ 1, 6 }, // API level 4
{ 2, 0 }, // API level 5
{ 2, 0 }, // API level 6
{ 2, 1 }, // API level 7
{ 2, 2 }, // API level 8
{ 2, 3 }, // API level 9
{ 2, 3 }, // API level 10
{ 3, 0 }, // API level 11
{ 3, 1 }, // API level 12
{ 3, 2 }, // API level 13
{ 4, 0 }, // API level 14
{ 4, 0 }, // API level 15
{ 4, 1 }, // API level 16
{ 4, 2 }, // API level 17
{ 4, 3 }, // API level 18
{ 4, 4 }, // API level 19
{ 4, 4 }, // API level 20
{ 5, 0 }, // API level 21
{ 5, 1 }, // API level 22
{ 6, 0 }, // API level 23
{ 7, 0 }, // API level 24
{ 7, 1 }, // API level 25
{ 8, 0 }, // API level 26
// This will give us at least the first 2 version components
const size_t versionIdx = size_t(QJNIObjectPrivate::getStaticField<jint>(
"android/os/Build$VERSION", "SDK_INT")) - 1;
if (versionIdx < sizeof(versions) / sizeof(versions[0])) {
version.m_major = versions[versionIdx].major;
version.m_minor = versions[versionIdx].minor;
// API level 6 was exactly version 2.0.1
version.m_micro = versionIdx == 5 ? 1 : -1;
version.m_major = -1;
version.m_minor = -1;
version.m_micro = -1;
return version;
static inline int compareVersionComponents(int lhs, int rhs)
return lhs >= 0 && rhs >= 0 ? lhs - rhs : 0;
int QOperatingSystemVersion::compare(const QOperatingSystemVersion &v1,
const QOperatingSystemVersion &v2)
if (v1.m_major == v2.m_major) {
if (v1.m_minor == v2.m_minor) {
return compareVersionComponents(v1.m_micro, v2.m_micro);
return compareVersionComponents(v1.m_minor, v2.m_minor);
return compareVersionComponents(v1.m_major, v2.m_major);
\fn int QOperatingSystemVersion::majorVersion() const
Returns the major version number, that is, the first segment of the
operating system's version number.
See the main class documentation for what the major version number is on a given
operating system.
-1 indicates an unknown or absent version number component.
\sa minorVersion(), microVersion()
\fn int QOperatingSystemVersion::minorVersion() const
Returns the minor version number, that is, the second segment of the
operating system's version number.
See the main class documentation for what the minor version number is on a given
operating system.
-1 indicates an unknown or absent version number component.
\sa majorVersion(), microVersion()
\fn int QOperatingSystemVersion::microVersion() const
Returns the micro version number, that is, the third segment of the
operating system's version number.
See the main class documentation for what the micro version number is on a given
operating system.
-1 indicates an unknown or absent version number component.
\sa majorVersion(), minorVersion()
\fn int QOperatingSystemVersion::segmentCount() const
Returns the number of integers stored in the version number.
\fn QOperatingSystemVersion::OSType QOperatingSystemVersion::type() const
Returns the OS type identified by the QOperatingSystemVersion.
\sa name()
\fn QOperatingSystemVersion::OSType QOperatingSystemVersion::currentType()
Returns the current OS type without constructing a QOperatingSystemVersion instance.
\since 5.10
\sa current()
\fn QString QOperatingSystemVersion::name() const
Returns a string representation of the OS type identified by the QOperatingSystemVersion.
\sa type()
QString QOperatingSystemVersion::name() const
switch (type()) {
case QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows:
return QStringLiteral("Windows");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS: {
if (majorVersion() < 10)
return QStringLiteral("Mac OS");
if (majorVersion() == 10 && minorVersion() < 8)
return QStringLiteral("Mac OS X");
if (majorVersion() == 10 && minorVersion() < 12)
return QStringLiteral("OS X");
return QStringLiteral("macOS");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::IOS: {
if (majorVersion() < 4)
return QStringLiteral("iPhone OS");
return QStringLiteral("iOS");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::TvOS:
return QStringLiteral("tvOS");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::WatchOS:
return QStringLiteral("watchOS");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::Android:
return QStringLiteral("Android");
case QOperatingSystemVersion::Unknown:
return QString();
\fn bool QOperatingSystemVersion::isAnyOfType(std::initializer_list<OSType> types) const
Returns whether the OS type identified by the QOperatingSystemVersion
matches any of the OS types in \a types.
bool QOperatingSystemVersion::isAnyOfType(std::initializer_list<OSType> types) const
for (const auto &t : qAsConst(types)) {
if (type() == t)
return true;
return false;
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows7
\brief a version corresponding to Windows 7 (version 6.1).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows7 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows, 6, 1);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows8
\brief a version corresponding to Windows 8 (version 6.2).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows8 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows, 6, 2);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows8_1
\brief a version corresponding to Windows 8.1 (version 6.3).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows8_1 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows, 6, 3);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows10
\brief a version corresponding to Windows 10 (version 10.0).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows10 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows, 10);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXMavericks
\brief a version corresponding to OS X Mavericks (version 10.9).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXMavericks =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 9);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXYosemite
\brief a version corresponding to OS X Yosemite (version 10.10).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXYosemite =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 10);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXElCapitan
\brief a version corresponding to OS X El Capitan (version 10.11).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::OSXElCapitan =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 11);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSSierra
\brief a version corresponding to macOS Sierra (version 10.12).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSSierra =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 12);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSHighSierra
\brief a version corresponding to macOS High Sierra (version 10.13).
\since 5.9.1
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSHighSierra =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 13);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSMojave
\brief a version corresponding to macOS Mojave (version 10.14).
\since 5.11.2
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSMojave =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 14);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSCatalina
\brief a version corresponding to macOS Catalina (version 10.15).
\since 5.12.5
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSCatalina =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOS, 10, 15);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean
\brief a version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean (version 4.1, API level 16).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 4, 1);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean_MR1
\brief a version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean, maintenance release 1
(version 4.2, API level 17).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean_MR1 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 4, 2);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean_MR2
\brief a version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean, maintenance release 2
(version 4.3, API level 18).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidJellyBean_MR2 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 4, 3);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidKitKat
\brief a version corresponding to Android KitKat (versions 4.4 & 4.4W, API levels 19 & 20).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidKitKat =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 4, 4);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidLollipop
\brief a version corresponding to Android Lollipop (version 5.0, API level 21).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidLollipop =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 5, 0);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidLollipop_MR1
\brief a version corresponding to Android Lollipop, maintenance release 1
(version 5.1, API level 22).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidLollipop_MR1 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 5, 1);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidMarshmallow
\brief a version corresponding to Android Marshmallow (version 6.0, API level 23).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidMarshmallow =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 6, 0);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidNougat
\brief a version corresponding to Android Nougat (version 7.0, API level 24).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidNougat =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 7, 0);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidNougat_MR1
\brief a version corresponding to Android Nougat, maintenance release 1
(version 7.0, API level 25).
\since 5.9
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidNougat_MR1 =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 7, 1);
\variable QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidOreo
\brief a version corresponding to Android Oreo (version 8.0, API level 26).
\since 5.9.2
const QOperatingSystemVersion QOperatingSystemVersion::AndroidOreo =
QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::Android, 8, 0);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QOperatingSystemVersion &ov)
QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
debug << "QOperatingSystemVersion(" <<
<< ", " << ov.majorVersion() << '.' << ov.minorVersion()
<< '.' << ov.microVersion() << ')';
return debug;