blob: 38cb6a423dddc397312b21375fcc6eac01a74ea3 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2013 Samuel Gaist <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: and
#include "qplatformdefs.h"
#include "qfilesystemengine_p.h"
#include "qfile.h"
#include <QtCore/qoperatingsystemversion.h>
#include <QtCore/private/qcore_unix_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for realpath()
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if __has_include(<paths.h>)
# include <paths.h>
#ifndef _PATH_TMP // from <paths.h>
# define _PATH_TMP "/tmp"
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
# include <QtCore/private/qcore_mac_p.h>
# include <CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#if defined(QT_PLATFORM_UIKIT)
#include <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
# include <sys/clonefile.h>
# include <copyfile.h>
// We cannot include <Foundation/Foundation.h> (it's an Objective-C header), but
// we need these declarations:
extern "C" NSString *NSTemporaryDirectory();
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# include <sys/sendfile.h>
# include <linux/fs.h>
// in case linux/fs.h is too old and doesn't define it:
#ifndef FICLONE
# define FICLONE _IOW(0x94, 9, int)
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
// statx() is disabled on Android because quite a few systems
// come with sandboxes that kill applications that make system calls outside a
// whitelist and several Android vendors can't be bothered to update the list.
#ifndef STATX_ALL
struct statx { mode_t stx_mode; }; // dummy
enum {
// On Android, the link(2) system call has been observed to always fail
// with EACCES, regardless of whether there are permission problems or not.
SupportsHardlinking = false
SupportsHardlinking = true
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
static inline bool hasResourcePropertyFlag(const QFileSystemMetaData &data,
const QFileSystemEntry &entry,
CFStringRef key)
QCFString path = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(0,
if (!path)
return false;
QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,
if (!url)
return false;
CFBooleanRef value;
if (CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(url, key, &value, NULL)) {
if (value == kCFBooleanTrue)
return true;
return false;
static bool isPackage(const QFileSystemMetaData &data, const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
if (!data.isDirectory())
return false;
QFileInfo info(entry.filePath());
QString suffix = info.suffix();
if (suffix.length() > 0) {
// First step: is the extension known ?
QCFType<CFStringRef> extensionRef = suffix.toCFString();
QCFType<CFStringRef> uniformTypeIdentifier = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, extensionRef, NULL);
if (UTTypeConformsTo(uniformTypeIdentifier, kUTTypeBundle))
return true;
// Second step: check if an application knows the package type
QCFType<CFStringRef> path = entry.filePath().toCFString();
QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
UInt32 type, creator;
// Well created packages have the PkgInfo file
if (CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(url, &type, &creator))
return true;
#ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
// Find if an application other than Finder claims to know how to handle the package
QCFType<CFURLRef> application = LSCopyDefaultApplicationURLForURL(url,
kLSRolesEditor | kLSRolesViewer, nullptr);
if (application) {
QCFType<CFBundleRef> bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, application);
CFStringRef identifier = CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle);
QString applicationId = QString::fromCFString(identifier);
if (applicationId != QLatin1String(""))
return true;
// Third step: check if the directory has the package bit set
return hasResourcePropertyFlag(data, entry, kCFURLIsPackageKey);
namespace {
namespace GetFileTimes {
#if !QT_CONFIG(futimens) && (QT_CONFIG(futimes))
template <typename T>
static inline typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<(&T::st_atim, &T::st_mtim, true)>::Type get(const T *p, struct timeval *access, struct timeval *modification)
access->tv_sec = p->st_atim.tv_sec;
access->tv_usec = p->st_atim.tv_nsec / 1000;
modification->tv_sec = p->st_mtim.tv_sec;
modification->tv_usec = p->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000;
template <typename T>
static inline typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<(&T::st_atimespec, &T::st_mtimespec, true)>::Type get(const T *p, struct timeval *access, struct timeval *modification)
access->tv_sec = p->st_atimespec.tv_sec;
access->tv_usec = p->st_atimespec.tv_nsec / 1000;
modification->tv_sec = p->st_mtimespec.tv_sec;
modification->tv_usec = p->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec / 1000;
# ifndef st_atimensec
// if "st_atimensec" is defined, this would expand to invalid C++
template <typename T>
static inline typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<(&T::st_atimensec, &T::st_mtimensec, true)>::Type get(const T *p, struct timeval *access, struct timeval *modification)
access->tv_sec = p->st_atime;
access->tv_usec = p->st_atimensec / 1000;
modification->tv_sec = p->st_mtime;
modification->tv_usec = p->st_mtimensec / 1000;
# endif
qint64 timespecToMSecs(const timespec &spec)
return (qint64(spec.tv_sec) * 1000) + (spec.tv_nsec / 1000000);
// fallback set
Q_DECL_UNUSED qint64 atime(const QT_STATBUF &statBuffer, ulong) { return qint64(statBuffer.st_atime) * 1000; }
Q_DECL_UNUSED qint64 birthtime(const QT_STATBUF &, ulong) { return Q_INT64_C(0); }
Q_DECL_UNUSED qint64 ctime(const QT_STATBUF &statBuffer, ulong) { return qint64(statBuffer.st_ctime) * 1000; }
Q_DECL_UNUSED qint64 mtime(const QT_STATBUF &statBuffer, ulong) { return qint64(statBuffer.st_mtime) * 1000; }
// Xtim, POSIX.1-2008
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_atim, true), qint64>::type
atime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_atim); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_birthtim, true), qint64>::type
birthtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_birthtim); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_ctim, true), qint64>::type
ctime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_ctim); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_mtim, true), qint64>::type
mtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_mtim); }
#ifndef st_mtimespec
// Xtimespec
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_atimespec, true), qint64>::type
atime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_atimespec); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_birthtimespec, true), qint64>::type
birthtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_birthtimespec); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_ctimespec, true), qint64>::type
ctime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_ctimespec); }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_mtimespec, true), qint64>::type
mtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return timespecToMSecs(statBuffer.st_mtimespec); }
#if !defined(st_mtimensec) && !defined(__alpha__)
// Xtimensec
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_atimensec, true), qint64>::type
atime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return statBuffer.st_atime * Q_INT64_C(1000) + statBuffer.st_atimensec / 1000000; }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_birthtimensec, true), qint64>::type
birthtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return statBuffer.st_birthtime * Q_INT64_C(1000) + statBuffer.st_birthtimensec / 1000000; }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_ctimensec, true), qint64>::type
ctime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return statBuffer.st_ctime * Q_INT64_C(1000) + statBuffer.st_ctimensec / 1000000; }
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_UNUSED static typename std::enable_if<(&T::st_mtimensec, true), qint64>::type
mtime(const T &statBuffer, int)
{ return statBuffer.st_mtime * Q_INT64_C(1000) + statBuffer.st_mtimensec / 1000000; }
} // namespace GetFileTimes
} // unnamed namespace
static int qt_real_statx(int fd, const char *pathname, int flags, struct statx *statxBuffer)
int ret = statx(fd, pathname, flags, mask, statxBuffer);
return ret == -1 ? -errno : 0;
static int qt_statx(const char *pathname, struct statx *statxBuffer)
return qt_real_statx(AT_FDCWD, pathname, 0, statxBuffer);
static int qt_lstatx(const char *pathname, struct statx *statxBuffer)
return qt_real_statx(AT_FDCWD, pathname, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, statxBuffer);
static int qt_fstatx(int fd, struct statx *statxBuffer)
return qt_real_statx(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, statxBuffer);
inline void QFileSystemMetaData::fillFromStatxBuf(const struct statx &statxBuffer)
// Permissions
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IRUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerReadPermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IWUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerWritePermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IXUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerExecutePermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IRGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupReadPermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IWGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupWritePermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IXGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupExecutePermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IROTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherReadPermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IWOTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherWritePermission;
if (statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IXOTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherExecutePermission;
// Type
if (S_ISLNK(statxBuffer.stx_mode))
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
if ((statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::FileType;
else if ((statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType;
else if ((statxBuffer.stx_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFBLK)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType;
// Attributes
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute; // inode exists
if (statxBuffer.stx_nlink == 0)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::WasDeletedAttribute;
size_ = qint64(statxBuffer.stx_size);
// Times
auto toMSecs = [](struct statx_timestamp ts)
return qint64(ts.tv_sec) * 1000 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000000);
accessTime_ = toMSecs(statxBuffer.stx_atime);
metadataChangeTime_ = toMSecs(statxBuffer.stx_ctime);
modificationTime_ = toMSecs(statxBuffer.stx_mtime);
if (statxBuffer.stx_mask & STATX_BTIME)
birthTime_ = toMSecs(statxBuffer.stx_btime);
birthTime_ = 0;
userId_ = statxBuffer.stx_uid;
groupId_ = statxBuffer.stx_gid;
static int qt_statx(const char *, struct statx *)
{ return -ENOSYS; }
static int qt_lstatx(const char *, struct statx *)
{ return -ENOSYS; }
static int qt_fstatx(int, struct statx *)
{ return -ENOSYS; }
inline void QFileSystemMetaData::fillFromStatxBuf(const struct statx &)
{ }
bool QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(int fd, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
data.entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
union {
struct statx statxBuffer;
QT_STATBUF statBuffer;
int ret = qt_fstatx(fd, &statxBuffer);
if (ret != -ENOSYS) {
if (ret == 0) {
return true;
return false;
if (QT_FSTAT(fd, &statBuffer) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
#if defined(_DEXTRA_FIRST)
static void fillStat64fromStat32(struct stat64 *statBuf64, const struct stat &statBuf32)
statBuf64->st_mode = statBuf32.st_mode;
statBuf64->st_size = statBuf32.st_size;
#if _POSIX_VERSION >= 200809L
statBuf64->st_ctim = statBuf32.st_ctim;
statBuf64->st_mtim = statBuf32.st_mtim;
statBuf64->st_atim = statBuf32.st_atim;
statBuf64->st_ctime = statBuf32.st_ctime;
statBuf64->st_mtime = statBuf32.st_mtime;
statBuf64->st_atime = statBuf32.st_atime;
statBuf64->st_uid = statBuf32.st_uid;
statBuf64->st_gid = statBuf32.st_gid;
void QFileSystemMetaData::fillFromStatBuf(const QT_STATBUF &statBuffer)
// Permissions
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IRUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerReadPermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IWUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerWritePermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OwnerExecutePermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IRGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupReadPermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IWGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupWritePermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::GroupExecutePermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IROTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherReadPermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IWOTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherWritePermission;
if (statBuffer.st_mode & S_IXOTH)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::OtherExecutePermission;
// Type
if ((statBuffer.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::FileType;
else if ((statBuffer.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType;
else if ((statBuffer.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFBLK)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType;
// Attributes
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute; // inode exists
if (statBuffer.st_nlink == 0)
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::WasDeletedAttribute;
size_ = statBuffer.st_size;
#ifdef UF_HIDDEN
if (statBuffer.st_flags & UF_HIDDEN) {
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
// Times
accessTime_ = GetFileTimes::atime(statBuffer, 0);
birthTime_ = GetFileTimes::birthtime(statBuffer, 0);
metadataChangeTime_ = GetFileTimes::ctime(statBuffer, 0);
modificationTime_ = GetFileTimes::mtime(statBuffer, 0);
userId_ = statBuffer.st_uid;
groupId_ = statBuffer.st_gid;
void QFileSystemMetaData::fillFromDirEnt(const QT_DIRENT &entry)
#if defined(_DEXTRA_FIRST)
knownFlagsMask = 0;
entryFlags = 0;
for (dirent_extra *extra = _DEXTRA_FIRST(&entry); _DEXTRA_VALID(extra, &entry);
extra = _DEXTRA_NEXT(extra)) {
if (extra->d_type == _DTYPE_STAT || extra->d_type == _DTYPE_LSTAT) {
const struct dirent_extra_stat * const extra_stat =
reinterpret_cast<struct dirent_extra_stat *>(extra);
// Remember whether this was a link or not, this saves an lstat() call later.
if (extra->d_type == _DTYPE_LSTAT) {
knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
if (S_ISLNK(extra_stat->d_stat.st_mode))
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
// For symlinks, the extra type _DTYPE_LSTAT doesn't work for filling out the meta data,
// as we need the stat() information there, not the lstat() information.
// In this case, don't use the extra information.
// Unfortunately, readdir() never seems to return extra info of type _DTYPE_STAT, so for
// symlinks, we always incur the cost of an extra stat() call later.
if (S_ISLNK(extra_stat->d_stat.st_mode) && extra->d_type == _DTYPE_LSTAT)
// Even with large file support, d_stat is always of type struct stat, not struct stat64,
// so it needs to be converted
struct stat64 statBuf;
fillStat64fromStat32(&statBuf, extra_stat->d_stat);
knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
if (!S_ISLNK(extra_stat->d_stat.st_mode)) {
knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
#elif defined(_DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE) || defined(Q_OS_BSD4)
// BSD4 includes OS X and iOS
// ### This will clear all entry flags and knownFlagsMask
switch (entry.d_type)
case DT_DIR:
knownFlagsMask = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType
| QFileSystemMetaData::FileType
| QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType
| QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
entryFlags = QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
case DT_BLK:
knownFlagsMask = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType
| QFileSystemMetaData::FileType
| QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType
| QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType
| QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType
| QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
entryFlags = QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
case DT_CHR:
case DT_FIFO:
case DT_SOCK:
// ### System attribute
knownFlagsMask = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType
| QFileSystemMetaData::FileType
| QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType
| QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType
| QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType
| QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
entryFlags = QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
case DT_LNK:
knownFlagsMask = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
entryFlags = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
case DT_REG:
knownFlagsMask = QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType
| QFileSystemMetaData::FileType
| QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType
| QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType
| QFileSystemMetaData::SequentialType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
entryFlags = QFileSystemMetaData::FileType
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::getLinkTarget(const QFileSystemEntry &link, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(link, link);
QByteArray s = qt_readlink(link.nativeFilePath().constData());
if (s.length() > 0) {
QString ret;
if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
fillMetaData(link, data, QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType);
if (data.isDirectory() && s[0] != '/') {
QDir parent(link.filePath());
ret = parent.path();
if (!ret.isEmpty() && !ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
ret += QLatin1Char('/');
ret += QFile::decodeName(s);
if (!ret.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
ret.prepend(absoluteName(link).path() + QLatin1Char('/'));
ret = QDir::cleanPath(ret);
if (ret.size() > 1 && ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
return QFileSystemEntry(ret);
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
QCFString path = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(0,
if (!path)
return QFileSystemEntry();
QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, path, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,
if (!url)
return QFileSystemEntry();
QCFType<CFDataRef> bookmarkData = CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(0, url, NULL);
if (!bookmarkData)
return QFileSystemEntry();
QCFType<CFURLRef> resolvedUrl = CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(0,
| kCFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!resolvedUrl)
return QFileSystemEntry();
QCFString cfstr(CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(resolvedUrl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle));
if (!cfstr)
return QFileSystemEntry();
return QFileSystemEntry(QString::fromCFString(cfstr));
return QFileSystemEntry();
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::canonicalName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, entry);
#if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_QNX) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_HAIKU) && _POSIX_VERSION < 200809L
// realpath(X,0) is not supported
return QFileSystemEntry(slowCanonicalized(absoluteName(entry).filePath()));
char stack_result[PATH_MAX+1];
char *resolved_name = nullptr;
# if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) || defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
// On some Android and macOS versions, realpath() will return a path even if
// it does not exist. To work around this, we check existence in advance.
if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute))
fillMetaData(entry, data, QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);
if (!data.exists()) {
errno = ENOENT;
} else {
resolved_name = stack_result;
if (resolved_name && realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), resolved_name) == nullptr)
resolved_name = nullptr;
# else
# if _POSIX_VERSION >= 200801L // ask realpath to allocate memory
resolved_name = realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), nullptr);
# else
resolved_name = stack_result;
if (realpath(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), resolved_name) == nullptr)
resolved_name = nullptr;
# endif
# endif
if (resolved_name) {
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
QString canonicalPath = QDir::cleanPath(QFile::decodeName(resolved_name));
if (resolved_name != stack_result)
return QFileSystemEntry(canonicalPath);
} else if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) { // file doesn't exist
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
data.entryFlags &= ~(QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute);
return QFileSystemEntry();
return entry;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, entry);
if (entry.isAbsolute() && entry.isClean())
return entry;
QByteArray orig = entry.nativeFilePath();
QByteArray result;
if (orig.isEmpty() || !orig.startsWith('/')) {
QFileSystemEntry cur(currentPath());
result = cur.nativeFilePath();
if (!orig.isEmpty() && !(orig.length() == 1 && orig[0] == '.')) {
if (!result.isEmpty() && !result.endsWith('/'))
if (result.length() == 1 && result[0] == '/')
return QFileSystemEntry(result, QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
const bool isDir = result.endsWith('/');
/* as long as QDir::cleanPath() operates on a QString we have to convert to a string here.
* ideally we never convert to a string since that loses information. Please fix after
* we get a QByteArray version of QDir::cleanPath()
QFileSystemEntry resultingEntry(result, QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
QString stringVersion = QDir::cleanPath(resultingEntry.filePath());
if (isDir)
return QFileSystemEntry(stringVersion);
QByteArray QFileSystemEngine::id(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, QByteArray());
QT_STATBUF statResult;
if (QT_STAT(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), &statResult)) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
qErrnoWarning("stat() failed for '%s'", entry.nativeFilePath().constData());
return QByteArray();
QByteArray result = QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_dev), 16);
result += ':';
result += QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_ino));
return result;
QByteArray QFileSystemEngine::id(int fd)
QT_STATBUF statResult;
if (QT_FSTAT(fd, &statResult)) {
qErrnoWarning("fstat() failed for fd %d", fd);
return QByteArray();
QByteArray result = QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_dev), 16);
result += ':';
result += QByteArray::number(quint64(statResult.st_ino));
return result;
QString QFileSystemEngine::resolveUserName(uint userId)
#if QT_CONFIG(thread) && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD)
int size_max = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
if (size_max == -1)
size_max = 1024;
QVarLengthArray<char, 1024> buf(size_max);
#if !defined(Q_OS_INTEGRITY) && !defined(Q_OS_WASM)
struct passwd *pw = nullptr;
#if QT_CONFIG(thread) && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD) && !defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS)
struct passwd entry;
getpwuid_r(userId, &entry,, buf.size(), &pw);
pw = getpwuid(userId);
if (pw)
return QFile::decodeName(QByteArray(pw->pw_name));
#else // Integrity || WASM
return QString();
QString QFileSystemEngine::resolveGroupName(uint groupId)
#if QT_CONFIG(thread) && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD)
int size_max = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
if (size_max == -1)
size_max = 1024;
QVarLengthArray<char, 1024> buf(size_max);
#if !defined(Q_OS_INTEGRITY) && !defined(Q_OS_WASM)
struct group *gr = nullptr;
#if QT_CONFIG(thread) && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD) && !defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS) && (!defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) || defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && (__ANDROID_API__ >= 24))
size_max = sysconf(_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX);
if (size_max == -1)
size_max = 1024;
struct group entry;
// Some large systems have more members than the POSIX max size
// Loop over by doubling the buffer size (upper limit 250k)
for (unsigned size = size_max; size < 256000; size += size)
// ERANGE indicates that the buffer was too small
if (!getgrgid_r(groupId, &entry,, buf.size(), &gr)
|| errno != ERANGE)
gr = getgrgid(groupId);
if (gr)
return QFile::decodeName(QByteArray(gr->gr_name));
#else // Integrity || WASM
return QString();
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
QString QFileSystemEngine::bundleName(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, QCFString(entry.filePath()),
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
if (QCFType<CFDictionaryRef> dict = CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryForURL(url)) {
if (CFTypeRef name = (CFTypeRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCFBundleNameKey)) {
if (CFGetTypeID(name) == CFStringGetTypeID())
return QString::fromCFString((CFStringRef)name);
return QString();
bool QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data,
QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags what)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, false);
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
if (!data.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType))
what |= QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType;
#ifdef UF_HIDDEN
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute) {
// OS X >= 10.5: st_flags & UF_HIDDEN
what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
#endif // defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
// if we're asking for any of the stat(2) flags, then we're getting them all
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)
what |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
data.entryFlags &= ~what;
const QByteArray nativeFilePath = entry.nativeFilePath();
int entryErrno = 0; // innocent until proven otherwise
// first, we may try lstat(2). Possible outcomes:
// - success and is a symlink: filesystem entry exists, but we need stat(2)
// -> statResult = -1;
// - success and is not a symlink: filesystem entry exists and we're done
// -> statResult = 0
// - failure: really non-existent filesystem entry
// -> entryExists = false; statResult = 0;
// both stat(2) and lstat(2) may generate a number of different errno
// conditions, but of those, the only ones that could happen and the
// entry still exist are EACCES, EFAULT, ENOMEM and EOVERFLOW. If we get
// EACCES or ENOMEM, then we have no choice on how to proceed, so we may
// as well conclude it doesn't exist; EFAULT can't happen and EOVERFLOW
// shouldn't happen because we build in _LARGEFIE64.
union {
QT_STATBUF statBuffer;
struct statx statxBuffer;
int statResult = -1;
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType) {
mode_t mode = 0;
statResult = qt_lstatx(nativeFilePath, &statxBuffer);
if (statResult == -ENOSYS) {
// use lstst(2)
statResult = QT_LSTAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer);
if (statResult == 0)
mode = statBuffer.st_mode;
} else if (statResult == 0) {
statResult = 1; // record it was statx(2) that succeeded
mode = statxBuffer.stx_mode;
if (statResult >= 0) {
if (S_ISLNK(mode)) {
// it's a symlink, we don't know if the file "exists"
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
statResult = -1; // force stat(2) below
} else {
// it's a reagular file and it exists
if (statResult)
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
} else {
// it doesn't exist
entryErrno = errno;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType;
// second, we try a regular stat(2)
if (statResult == -1 && (what & QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags)) {
if (entryErrno == 0 && statResult == -1) {
data.entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags;
statResult = qt_statx(nativeFilePath, &statxBuffer);
if (statResult == -ENOSYS) {
// use stat(2)
statResult = QT_STAT(nativeFilePath, &statBuffer);
if (statResult == 0)
} else if (statResult == 0) {
if (statResult != 0) {
entryErrno = errno;
data.birthTime_ = 0;
data.metadataChangeTime_ = 0;
data.modificationTime_ = 0;
data.accessTime_ = 0;
data.size_ = 0;
data.userId_ = (uint) -2;
data.groupId_ = (uint) -2;
// reset the mask
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags
| QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
// third, we try access(2)
if (what & (QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions | QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute)) {
// calculate user permissions
auto checkAccess = [&](QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlag flag, int mode) {
if (entryErrno != 0 || (what & flag) == 0)
if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, mode) == 0) {
// access ok (and file exists)
data.entryFlags |= flag | QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
} else if (errno != EACCES && errno != EROFS) {
entryErrno = errno;
checkAccess(QFileSystemMetaData::UserReadPermission, R_OK);
checkAccess(QFileSystemMetaData::UserWritePermission, W_OK);
checkAccess(QFileSystemMetaData::UserExecutePermission, X_OK);
// if we still haven't found out if the file exists, try F_OK
if (entryErrno == 0 && (data.entryFlags & QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute) == 0) {
if (QT_ACCESS(nativeFilePath, F_OK) == -1)
entryErrno = errno;
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute;
data.knownFlagsMask |= (what & QFileSystemMetaData::UserPermissions) |
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType) {
if (entryErrno == 0 && hasResourcePropertyFlag(data, entry, kCFURLIsAliasFileKey))
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::AliasType;
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType) {
if (entryErrno == 0 && isPackage(data, entry))
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::BundleType;
if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute
&& !data.isHidden()) {
QString fileName = entry.fileName();
if ((fileName.size() > 0 && == QLatin1Char('.'))
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
|| (entryErrno == 0 && hasResourcePropertyFlag(data, entry, kCFURLIsHiddenKey))
data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
data.knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::HiddenAttribute;
if (entryErrno != 0) {
what &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::LinkType; // don't clear link: could be broken symlink
return false;
return true;
// static
bool QFileSystemEngine::cloneFile(int srcfd, int dstfd, const QFileSystemMetaData &knownData)
QT_STATBUF statBuffer;
if (knownData.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags) &&
knownData.isFile()) {
statBuffer.st_mode = S_IFREG;
} else if (knownData.hasFlags(QFileSystemMetaData::PosixStatFlags) &&
knownData.isDirectory()) {
return false; // fcopyfile(3) returns success on directories
} else if (QT_FSTAT(srcfd, &statBuffer) == -1) {
return false;
} else if (!S_ISREG((statBuffer.st_mode))) {
// not a regular file, let QFile do the copy
return false;
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
// first, try FICLONE (only works on regular files and only on certain fs)
if (::ioctl(dstfd, FICLONE, srcfd) == 0)
return true;
// Second, try sendfile (it can send to some special types too).
// sendfile(2) is limited in the kernel to 2G - 4k
const size_t SendfileSize = 0x7ffff000;
ssize_t n = ::sendfile(dstfd, srcfd, NULL, SendfileSize);
if (n == -1) {
// if we got an error here, give up and try at an upper layer
return false;
while (n) {
n = ::sendfile(dstfd, srcfd, NULL, SendfileSize);
if (n == -1) {
// uh oh, this is probably a real error (like ENOSPC), but we have
// no way to notify QFile of partial success, so just erase any work
// done (hopefully we won't get any errors, because there's nothing
// we can do about them)
n = ftruncate(dstfd, 0);
n = lseek(srcfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
n = lseek(dstfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
return false;
return true;
#elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
// try fcopyfile
return fcopyfile(srcfd, dstfd, nullptr, COPYFILE_DATA | COPYFILE_STAT) == 0;
return false;
// Note: if \a shouldMkdirFirst is false, we assume the caller did try to mkdir
// before calling this function.
static bool createDirectoryWithParents(const QByteArray &nativeName, bool shouldMkdirFirst = true)
// helper function to check if a given path is a directory, since mkdir can
// fail if the dir already exists (it may have been created by another
// thread or another process)
const auto isDir = [](const QByteArray &nativeName) {
return QT_STAT(nativeName.constData(), &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR;
if (shouldMkdirFirst && QT_MKDIR(nativeName, 0777) == 0)
return true;
if (errno == EEXIST)
return isDir(nativeName);
if (errno != ENOENT)
return false;
// mkdir failed because the parent dir doesn't exist, so try to create it
int slash = nativeName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash < 1)
return false;
QByteArray parentNativeName = nativeName.left(slash);
if (!createDirectoryWithParents(parentNativeName))
return false;
// try again
if (QT_MKDIR(nativeName, 0777) == 0)
return true;
return errno == EEXIST && isDir(nativeName);
bool QFileSystemEngine::createDirectory(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, bool createParents)
QString dirName = entry.filePath();
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(dirName, false);
// Darwin doesn't support trailing /'s, so remove for everyone
while (dirName.size() > 1 && dirName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
// try to mkdir this directory
QByteArray nativeName = QFile::encodeName(dirName);
if (QT_MKDIR(nativeName, 0777) == 0)
return true;
if (!createParents)
return false;
return createDirectoryWithParents(nativeName, false);
bool QFileSystemEngine::removeDirectory(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, bool removeEmptyParents)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, false);
if (removeEmptyParents) {
QString dirName = QDir::cleanPath(entry.filePath());
for (int oldslash = 0, slash=dirName.length(); slash > 0; oldslash = slash) {
const QByteArray chunk = QFile::encodeName(dirName.left(slash));
if (QT_STAT(chunk.constData(), &st) != -1) {
if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
return false;
if (::rmdir(chunk.constData()) != 0)
return oldslash != 0;
} else {
return false;
slash = dirName.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator(), oldslash-1);
return true;
return rmdir(QFile::encodeName(entry.filePath()).constData()) == 0;
bool QFileSystemEngine::createLink(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(source, false);
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(target, false);
if (::symlink(source.nativeFilePath().constData(), target.nativeFilePath().constData()) == 0)
return true;
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::copyFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
if (::clonefile(source.nativeFilePath().constData(),
target.nativeFilePath().constData(), 0) == 0)
return true;
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
error = QSystemError(ENOSYS, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError); //Function not implemented
return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::renameFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
QFileSystemEntry::NativePath srcPath = source.nativeFilePath();
QFileSystemEntry::NativePath tgtPath = target.nativeFilePath();
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(srcPath, false);
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(tgtPath, false);
#if defined(RENAME_NOREPLACE) && QT_CONFIG(renameat2)
if (renameat2(AT_FDCWD, srcPath, AT_FDCWD, tgtPath, RENAME_NOREPLACE) == 0)
return true;
// We can also get EINVAL for some non-local filesystems.
if (errno != EINVAL) {
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) && defined(RENAME_EXCL)
if (renameatx_np(AT_FDCWD, srcPath, AT_FDCWD, tgtPath, RENAME_EXCL) == 0)
return true;
if (errno != ENOTSUP) {
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
if (SupportsHardlinking && ::link(srcPath, tgtPath) == 0) {
if (::unlink(srcPath) == 0)
return true;
// if we managed to link but can't unlink the source, it's likely
// it's in a directory we don't have write access to; fail the
// renaming instead
int savedErrno = errno;
// this could fail too, but there's nothing we can do about it now
error = QSystemError(savedErrno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
} else if (!SupportsHardlinking) {
// man 2 link on Linux has:
// EPERM The filesystem containing oldpath and newpath does not
// support the creation of hard links.
errno = EPERM;
switch (errno) {
case EACCES:
case EEXIST:
case ENOENT:
case EROFS:
case EXDEV:
// accept the error from link(2) (especially EEXIST) and don't retry
// fall back to rename()
// ### Race condition. If a file is moved in after this, it /will/ be
// overwritten.
if (::rename(srcPath, tgtPath) == 0)
return true;
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::renameOverwriteFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(source, false);
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(target, false);
if (::rename(source.nativeFilePath().constData(), target.nativeFilePath().constData()) == 0)
return true;
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::removeFile(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QSystemError &error)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, false);
if (unlink(entry.nativeFilePath().constData()) == 0)
return true;
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
static mode_t toMode_t(QFile::Permissions permissions)
mode_t mode = 0;
if (permissions & (QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ReadUser))
mode |= S_IRUSR;
if (permissions & (QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::WriteUser))
mode |= S_IWUSR;
if (permissions & (QFile::ExeOwner | QFile::ExeUser))
mode |= S_IXUSR;
if (permissions & QFile::ReadGroup)
mode |= S_IRGRP;
if (permissions & QFile::WriteGroup)
mode |= S_IWGRP;
if (permissions & QFile::ExeGroup)
mode |= S_IXGRP;
if (permissions & QFile::ReadOther)
mode |= S_IROTH;
if (permissions & QFile::WriteOther)
mode |= S_IWOTH;
if (permissions & QFile::ExeOther)
mode |= S_IXOTH;
return mode;
bool QFileSystemEngine::setPermissions(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFile::Permissions permissions, QSystemError &error, QFileSystemMetaData *data)
Q_CHECK_FILE_NAME(entry, false);
mode_t mode = toMode_t(permissions);
bool success = ::chmod(entry.nativeFilePath().constData(), mode) == 0;
if (success && data) {
data->entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
data->entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlag(uint(permissions));
data->knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
if (!success)
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return success;
bool QFileSystemEngine::setPermissions(int fd, QFile::Permissions permissions, QSystemError &error, QFileSystemMetaData *data)
mode_t mode = toMode_t(permissions);
bool success = ::fchmod(fd, mode) == 0;
if (success && data) {
data->entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
data->entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlag(uint(permissions));
data->knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
if (!success)
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return success;
bool QFileSystemEngine::setFileTime(int fd, const QDateTime &newDate, QAbstractFileEngine::FileTime time, QSystemError &error)
if (!newDate.isValid() || time == QAbstractFileEngine::BirthTime ||
time == QAbstractFileEngine::MetadataChangeTime) {
error = QSystemError(EINVAL, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
#if QT_CONFIG(futimens)
struct timespec ts[2];
ts[0].tv_sec = ts[1].tv_sec = 0;
ts[0].tv_nsec = ts[1].tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT;
const qint64 msecs = newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
if (time == QAbstractFileEngine::AccessTime) {
ts[0].tv_sec = msecs / 1000;
ts[0].tv_nsec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000000;
} else if (time == QAbstractFileEngine::ModificationTime) {
ts[1].tv_sec = msecs / 1000;
ts[1].tv_nsec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000000;
if (futimens(fd, ts) == -1) {
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
return true;
#elif QT_CONFIG(futimes)
struct timeval tv[2];
if (QT_FSTAT(fd, &st) == -1) {
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
GetFileTimes::get(&st, &tv[0], &tv[1]);
const qint64 msecs = newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
if (time == QAbstractFileEngine::AccessTime) {
tv[0].tv_sec = msecs / 1000;
tv[0].tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000;
} else if (time == QAbstractFileEngine::ModificationTime) {
tv[1].tv_sec = msecs / 1000;
tv[1].tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000;
if (futimes(fd, tv) == -1) {
error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
return true;
error = QSystemError(ENOSYS, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
return false;
QString QFileSystemEngine::homePath()
QString home = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("HOME"));
if (home.isEmpty())
home = rootPath();
return QDir::cleanPath(home);
QString QFileSystemEngine::rootPath()
return QLatin1String("/");
QString QFileSystemEngine::tempPath()
QString temp = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("TMPDIR"));
if (temp.isEmpty()) {
if (false) {
#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) && !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED)
} else if (NSString *nsPath = NSTemporaryDirectory()) {
temp = QString::fromCFString((CFStringRef)nsPath);
} else {
temp = QLatin1String(_PATH_TMP);
return QDir(QDir::cleanPath(temp)).canonicalPath();
bool QFileSystemEngine::setCurrentPath(const QFileSystemEntry &path)
int r;
r = QT_CHDIR(path.nativeFilePath().constData());
return r >= 0;
QFileSystemEntry QFileSystemEngine::currentPath()
QFileSystemEntry result;
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
char *currentName = ::get_current_dir_name();
if (currentName) {
result = QFileSystemEntry(QByteArray(currentName), QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
char currentName[PATH_MAX+1];
if (::getcwd(currentName, PATH_MAX)) {
#if defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS) && defined(VXWORKS_VXSIM)
QByteArray dir(currentName);
if (dir.indexOf(':') < dir.indexOf('/'))
dir.remove(0, dir.indexOf(':')+1);
qstrncpy(currentName, dir.constData(), PATH_MAX);
result = QFileSystemEntry(QByteArray(currentName), QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
# if defined(QT_DEBUG)
if (result.isEmpty())
qWarning("QFileSystemEngine::currentPath: getcwd() failed");
# endif
return result;