blob: e8eb18b4c1739b8c24695974925232a58d2cbcf8 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "qloggingregistry_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
#include <QtCore/qlibraryinfo.h>
#include <QtCore/private/qlocking_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qstandardpaths.h>
#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
#if QT_CONFIG(settings)
#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
#include <QtCore/private/qsettings_p.h>
// We can't use the default macros because this would lead to recursion.
// Instead let's define our own one that unconditionally logs...
#define debugMsg QMessageLogger(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, "qt.core.logging").debug
#define warnMsg QMessageLogger(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, "qt.core.logging").warning
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QLoggingRegistry, qtLoggingRegistry)
Constructs a logging rule with default values.
QLoggingRule::QLoggingRule() :
Constructs a logging rule.
QLoggingRule::QLoggingRule(const QStringRef &pattern, bool enabled) :
Return value 1 means filter passed, 0 means filter doesn't influence this
category, -1 means category doesn't pass this filter.
int QLoggingRule::pass(const QString &cat, QtMsgType msgType) const
// check message type
if (messageType > -1 && messageType != msgType)
return 0;
if (flags == FullText) {
// full match
if (category == cat)
return (enabled ? 1 : -1);
return 0;
const int idx = cat.indexOf(category);
if (idx >= 0) {
if (flags == MidFilter) {
// matches somewhere
if (idx >= 0)
return (enabled ? 1 : -1);
} else if (flags == LeftFilter) {
// matches left
if (idx == 0)
return (enabled ? 1 : -1);
} else if (flags == RightFilter) {
// matches right
if (idx == (cat.count() - category.count()))
return (enabled ? 1 : -1);
return 0;
Parses \a pattern.
Allowed is f.ex.: FullText, QtDebugMsg
qt.core.* LeftFilter, all types
*.io.warning RightFilter, QtWarningMsg
*.core.* MidFilter
void QLoggingRule::parse(const QStringRef &pattern)
QStringRef p;
// strip trailing ".messagetype"
if (pattern.endsWith(QLatin1String(".debug"))) {
p = QStringRef(pattern.string(), pattern.position(),
pattern.length() - 6); // strlen(".debug")
messageType = QtDebugMsg;
} else if (pattern.endsWith(QLatin1String(".info"))) {
p = QStringRef(pattern.string(), pattern.position(),
pattern.length() - 5); // strlen(".info")
messageType = QtInfoMsg;
} else if (pattern.endsWith(QLatin1String(".warning"))) {
p = QStringRef(pattern.string(), pattern.position(),
pattern.length() - 8); // strlen(".warning")
messageType = QtWarningMsg;
} else if (pattern.endsWith(QLatin1String(".critical"))) {
p = QStringRef(pattern.string(), pattern.position(),
pattern.length() - 9); // strlen(".critical")
messageType = QtCriticalMsg;
} else {
p = pattern;
if (!p.contains(QLatin1Char('*'))) {
flags = FullText;
} else {
if (p.endsWith(QLatin1Char('*'))) {
flags |= LeftFilter;
p = QStringRef(p.string(), p.position(), p.length() - 1);
if (p.startsWith(QLatin1Char('*'))) {
flags |= RightFilter;
p = QStringRef(p.string(), p.position() + 1, p.length() - 1);
if (p.contains(QLatin1Char('*'))) // '*' only supported at start/end
flags = PatternFlags();
category = p.toString();
\class QLoggingSettingsParser
\since 5.3
Parses a .ini file with the following format:
[rules] is the default section, and therefore optional.
Parses configuration from \a content.
void QLoggingSettingsParser::setContent(const QString &content)
const auto lines = content.splitRef(QLatin1Char('\n'));
for (const auto &line : lines)
Parses configuration from \a stream.
void QLoggingSettingsParser::setContent(QTextStream &stream)
QString line;
while (stream.readLineInto(&line))
Parses one line of the configuation file
void QLoggingSettingsParser::parseNextLine(QStringRef line)
// Remove whitespace at start and end of line:
line = line.trimmed();
// comment
if (line.startsWith(QLatin1Char(';')))
if (line.startsWith(QLatin1Char('[')) && line.endsWith(QLatin1Char(']'))) {
// new section
auto sectionName = line.mid(1, line.size() - 2).trimmed();
m_inRulesSection ="rules"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
if (m_inRulesSection) {
int equalPos = line.indexOf(QLatin1Char('='));
if (equalPos != -1) {
if (line.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('=')) == equalPos) {
const auto key = line.left(equalPos).trimmed();
#if QT_CONFIG(settings)
QString tmp;
QSettingsPrivate::iniUnescapedKey(key.toUtf8(), 0, key.length(), tmp);
QStringRef pattern = QStringRef(&tmp, 0, tmp.length());
QStringRef pattern = key;
const auto valueStr = line.mid(equalPos + 1).trimmed();
int value = -1;
if (valueStr == QLatin1String("true"))
value = 1;
else if (valueStr == QLatin1String("false"))
value = 0;
QLoggingRule rule(pattern, (value == 1));
if (rule.flags != 0 && (value != -1))
warnMsg("Ignoring malformed logging rule: '%s'", line.toUtf8().constData());
} else {
warnMsg("Ignoring malformed logging rule: '%s'", line.toUtf8().constData());
QLoggingRegistry constructor
: categoryFilter(defaultCategoryFilter)
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
// Unless QCoreApplication has been constructed we can't be sure that
// we are on Qt's main thread. If we did allow logging here, we would
// potentially set Qt's main thread to Android's thread 0, which would
// confuse Qt later when running main().
if (!qApp)
initializeRules(); // Init on first use
static bool qtLoggingDebug()
static const bool debugEnv = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_LOGGING_DEBUG");
return debugEnv;
static QVector<QLoggingRule> loadRulesFromFile(const QString &filePath)
QFile file(filePath);
if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
if (qtLoggingDebug())
debugMsg("Loading \"%s\" ...",
QTextStream stream(&file);
QLoggingSettingsParser parser;
return parser.rules();
return QVector<QLoggingRule>();
Initializes the rules database by loading
$QT_LOGGING_CONF, $QT_LOGGING_RULES, and .config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini.
void QLoggingRegistry::initializeRules()
QVector<QLoggingRule> er, qr, cr;
// get rules from environment
const QByteArray rulesFilePath = qgetenv("QT_LOGGING_CONF");
if (!rulesFilePath.isEmpty())
er = loadRulesFromFile(QFile::decodeName(rulesFilePath));
const QByteArray rulesSrc = qgetenv("QT_LOGGING_RULES").replace(';', '\n');
if (!rulesSrc.isEmpty()) {
QTextStream stream(rulesSrc);
QLoggingSettingsParser parser;
er += parser.rules();
const QString configFileName = QStringLiteral("qtlogging.ini");
#if !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED)
// get rules from Qt data configuration path
const QString qtConfigPath
= QDir(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DataPath)).absoluteFilePath(configFileName);
qr = loadRulesFromFile(qtConfigPath);
// get rules from user's/system configuration
const QString envPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation,
QString::fromLatin1("QtProject/") + configFileName);
if (!envPath.isEmpty())
cr = loadRulesFromFile(envPath);
const QMutexLocker locker(&registryMutex);
ruleSets[EnvironmentRules] = std::move(er);
ruleSets[QtConfigRules] = std::move(qr);
ruleSets[ConfigRules] = std::move(cr);
if (!ruleSets[EnvironmentRules].isEmpty() || !ruleSets[QtConfigRules].isEmpty() || !ruleSets[ConfigRules].isEmpty())
Registers a category object.
This method might be called concurrently for the same category object.
void QLoggingRegistry::registerCategory(QLoggingCategory *cat, QtMsgType enableForLevel)
const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(registryMutex);
if (!categories.contains(cat)) {
categories.insert(cat, enableForLevel);
Unregisters a category object.
void QLoggingRegistry::unregisterCategory(QLoggingCategory *cat)
const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(registryMutex);
Installs logging rules as specified in \a content.
void QLoggingRegistry::setApiRules(const QString &content)
QLoggingSettingsParser parser;
if (qtLoggingDebug())
debugMsg("Loading logging rules set by QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules ...");
const QMutexLocker locker(&registryMutex);
ruleSets[ApiRules] = parser.rules();
Activates a new set of logging rules for the default filter.
(The caller must lock registryMutex to make sure the API is thread safe.)
void QLoggingRegistry::updateRules()
for (auto it = categories.keyBegin(), end = categories.keyEnd(); it != end; ++it)
Installs a custom filter rule.
QLoggingRegistry::installFilter(QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter filter)
const auto locker = qt_scoped_lock(registryMutex);
if (!filter)
filter = defaultCategoryFilter;
QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter old = categoryFilter;
categoryFilter = filter;
return old;
QLoggingRegistry *QLoggingRegistry::instance()
return qtLoggingRegistry();
Updates category settings according to rules.
As a category filter, it is run with registryMutex held.
void QLoggingRegistry::defaultCategoryFilter(QLoggingCategory *cat)
const QLoggingRegistry *reg = QLoggingRegistry::instance();
QtMsgType enableForLevel = reg->categories.value(cat);
// NB: note that the numeric values of the Qt*Msg constants are
// not in severity order.
bool debug = (enableForLevel == QtDebugMsg);
bool info = debug || (enableForLevel == QtInfoMsg);
bool warning = info || (enableForLevel == QtWarningMsg);
bool critical = warning || (enableForLevel == QtCriticalMsg);
// hard-wired implementation of
// qt.*.debug=false
// qt.debug=false
if (const char *categoryName = cat->categoryName()) {
// == "qt" or startsWith("qt.")
if (strcmp(categoryName, "qt") == 0 || strncmp(categoryName, "qt.", 3) == 0)
debug = false;
QString categoryName = QLatin1String(cat->categoryName());
for (const auto &ruleSet : reg->ruleSets) {
for (const auto &rule : ruleSet) {
int filterpass = rule.pass(categoryName, QtDebugMsg);
if (filterpass != 0)
debug = (filterpass > 0);
filterpass = rule.pass(categoryName, QtInfoMsg);
if (filterpass != 0)
info = (filterpass > 0);
filterpass = rule.pass(categoryName, QtWarningMsg);
if (filterpass != 0)
warning = (filterpass > 0);
filterpass = rule.pass(categoryName, QtCriticalMsg);
if (filterpass != 0)
critical = (filterpass > 0);
cat->setEnabled(QtDebugMsg, debug);
cat->setEnabled(QtInfoMsg, info);
cat->setEnabled(QtWarningMsg, warning);
cat->setEnabled(QtCriticalMsg, critical);