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** Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation.
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#include "qcborvalue.h"
#include "qcborvalue_p.h"
#include "qdatastream.h"
#include "qcborarray.h"
#include "qcbormap.h"
#include "qcborstream.h"
#include <qendian.h>
#include <qlocale.h>
#include <private/qnumeric_p.h>
#include <private/qsimd_p.h>
#include <new>
\class QCborValue
\inmodule QtCore
\ingroup cbor
\since 5.12
\brief The QCborValue class encapsulates a value in CBOR.
This class can be used to hold one of the many types available in CBOR.
CBOR is the Concise Binary Object Representation, a very compact form of
binary data encoding that is a superset of JSON. It was created by the IETF
Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) WG, which has used it in many
new RFCs. It is meant to be used alongside the
\l{}{CoAP protocol}.
CBOR has three groups of built-in types:
\li Basic types: integers, floating point (double), boolean, null, etc.
\li String-like types: strings and byte arrays
\li Containers: arrays and maps
Additionally, CBOR supports a form of type extensibility by associating a
"tag" to one of the above types to convey more information. For example, a
UUID is represented by a tag and a byte array containing the 16 bytes of
the UUID content. QCborValue supports creating and decoding several of those
extended types directly with Qt classes (like QUuid).
For the complete list, see \l QCborValue::Type. The type of a QCborValue can
be queried using type() or one of the "isXxxx" functions.
\section1 Extended types and tagged values
A tagged value is a normal QCborValue that is paired with a number that
is its tag. See \l QCborKnownTags for more information on what tags are in
the API as well as the full, official list. Such combinations form extended
QCborValue has support for certain extended types in the API, like URL
(with \l QUrl) and UUID (with \l QUuid). Other extended types not supported
in the API are represented by a QCborValue of \l {Type}{Tag} type. The tag
can later be retrieved by tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue().
In order to support future compatibility, QCborValues containing extended
Qt types compare equal to the tag type of the same contents. In other
words, the following expression is true:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 0
\section1 Undefined and null values
QCborValue can contain a value of "null", which is not of any specific type.
It resembles the C++ \c {std::nullptr_t} type, whose only possible value is
\nullptr. QCborValue has a constructor taking such a type and creates a
null QCborValue.
Null values are used to indicate that an optional value is not present. In
that aspect, it is similar to the C++ Standard Library type \c
{std::optional} when that is disengaged. Unlike the C++ type, CBOR nulls
are simply of type "Null" and it is not possible to determine what concrete
type it is replacing.
QCborValue can also be of the undefined type, which represents a value of
"undefined". In fact, that is what the QCborValue default constructor
Undefined values are different from null values. While nulls are used to
indicate an optional value that is not provided, Undefined is usually
used to indicate that an expected value could not be provided, usually due
to an error or a precondition that could not be satisfied.
Such values are completely valid and may appear in CBOR streams, unlike
JSON content and QJsonValue's undefined bit. But like QJsonValue's
Undefined, it is returned by a CBOR container's value() or read-only
operator[] for invalid look-ups (index out of range for QCborArray, or key
not found for QCborMap). It is not possible to tell such a case apart from
the value of Undefined, so if that is required, check the QCborArray size
and use the QCborMap iterator API.
\section1 Simple types
CBOR supports additional simple types that, like Null and Undefined, carry
no other value. They are called interchangeably "Simple Types" and "Simple
Values". CBOR encodes booleans as two distinct types (one for \c true and
one for \c false), but QCborValue has a convenience API for them.
There are currently no other defined CBOR simple types. QCborValue supports
them simply by their number with API like isSimpleType() and
toSimpleType(), available for compatibility with future specifications
before the Qt API can be updated. Their use before such a specification is
discouraged, as other CBOR implementations may not support them fully.
\section1 CBOR support
QCborValue supports all CBOR features required to create canonical and
strict streams. It implements almost all of the features specified in \l
{}{RFC 7049}.
The following table lists the CBOR features that QCborValue supports.
\header \li Feature \li Support
\row \li Unsigned numbers \li Yes (\l qint64 range)
\row \li Negative numbers \li Yes (\l qint64 range)
\row \li Byte strings \li Yes
\row \li Text strings \li Yes
\row \li Chunked strings \li See below
\row \li Tags \li Yes (arbitrary)
\row \li Booleans \li Yes
\row \li Null \li Yes
\row \li Undefined \li Yes
\row \li Arbitrary simple values \li Yes
\row \li Half-precision float (16-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Single-precision float (32-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Double-precision float (64-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Infinities and NaN floating point \li Yes
\row \li Determinate-length arrays and maps \li Yes
\row \li Indeterminate-length arrays and maps \li Yes
\row \li Map key types other than strings and integers \li Yes (arbitrary)
Integers in QCborValue are limited to the range of the \l qint64 type. That
is, from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2\sup{63}) to
9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2\sup{63} - 1). CBOR itself can represent integer
values outside of this range, which QCborValue does not support. When
decoding a stream using fromCbor() containing one of those values,
QCborValue will convert automatically to \l {Type}{Double}, but that may
lose up to 11 bits of precision.
fromCbor() is able to decode chunked strings, but will always merge the
chunks together into a single QCborValue. For that reason, it always writes
non-chunked strings when using toCbor() (which is required by the Canonical
format anyway).
QCborValue will always convert half- and single-precision floating point
values in the CBOR stream to double-precision. The toCbor() function can
take a parameter indicating to recreate them.
\section1 QCborValueRef
QCborValueRef is a helper class for QCborArray and QCborMap. It is the type
you get when using one of the mutating APIs in those classes. Unlike
QCborValue, new values can be assigned to that class. When that is done, the
array or map it refers to will be modified with the new value. In all other
aspects, its API is identical to QCborValue.
\sa QCborArray, QCborMap, QCborStreamReader, QCborStreamWriter
QJsonValue, QJsonDocument
\class QCborParserError
\inmodule QtCore
\ingroup cbor
\since 5.12
\brief The QCborParserError is used by QCborValue to report a parsing error.
This class is used by \l {QCborValue::fromCbor(const QByteArray &ba,
QCborParserError *error)} to report a parser error and the byte offset
where the error was detected.
\sa QCborValue, QCborError
\variable QCborParserError::offset
This field contains the offset from the beginning of the data where the
error was detected. The offset should point to the beginning of the item
that contained the error, even if the error itself was elsewhere (for
example, for UTF-8 decoding issues).
\sa QCborValue::fromCbor()
\variable QCborParserError::error
This field contains the error code that indicates what decoding problem was
\sa QCborValue::fromCbor()
\fn QString QCborParserError::errorString() const
Returns a string representation of the error code. This string is not
\sa QCborError::toString(), QCborValue::fromCbor()
\enum QCborValue::EncodingOption
This enum is used in the options argument to toCbor(), modifying the
behavior of the encoder.
\omitvalue SortKeysInMaps
\value NoTransformation (Default) Performs no transformations.
\value UseFloat Tells the encoder to use IEEE 754 single-precision floating point
(that is, \c float) whenever possible.
\value UseFloat16 Tells the encoder to use IEEE 754 half-precision floating point
(that is, \c qfloat16), whenever possible. Implies \c UseFloat.
\value UseIntegers Tells the encoder to use integers whenever a value of type \l
{Type}{Double} contains an integer.
The use of \c UseFloat16 is required to encode the stream in Canonical
Format, but is not otherwise necessary.
\sa toCbor()
\enum QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOption
This enum is used in the option argument to toDiagnosticNotation(), to
modify the output format.
\value Compact Does not use any line-breaks, producing a compact representation.
\value LineWrapped Uses line-breaks, one QCborValue per line.
\value ExtendedFormat Uses some different options to represent values, not found in
RFC 7049. Those options are subject to change.
Currently, \c ExtendedFormat will change how byte arrays are represented.
Without it, they are always hex-encoded and without spaces. With it,
QCborValue::toCbor() will either use hex with spaces, base64 or base64url
encoding, depending on the context.
\sa toDiagnosticNotation()
\enum QCborValue::Type
This enum represents the QCborValue type. It is returned by the type()
The CBOR built-in types are:
\value Integer \c qint64: An integer value
\value ByteArray \l QByteArray: a byte array ("byte string")
\value String \l QString: a Unicode string ("text string")
\value Array \l QCborArray: an array of QCborValues
\value Map \l QCborMap: an associative container of QCborValues
\value SimpleType \l QCborSimpleType: one of several simple types/values
\value False \c bool: the simple type for value \c false
\value True \c bool: the simple type for value \c true
\value Null \c std::nullptr_t: the simple type for the null value
\value Undefined (no type) the simple type for the undefined value
\value Double \c double: a double-precision floating point
\value Invalid Not a valid value, this usually indicates a CBOR decoding error
Additionally, QCborValue can represent extended types:
\value Tag An unknown or unrecognized extended type, represented by its
tag (a \l QCborTag) and the tagged value (a QCborValue)
\value DateTime \l QDateTime: a date and time stamp
\value Url \l QUrl: a URL or URI
\value RegularExpression \l QRegularExpression: the pattern of a regular expression
\value Uuid \l QUuid: a UUID
\sa type()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue()
Creates a QCborValue of the \l {Type}{Undefined} type.
CBOR undefined values are used to indicate missing information, usually as
a result of a previous operation that did not complete as expected. They
are also used by the QCborArray and QCborMap API to indicate the searched
item was not found.
Undefined values are represented by the \l {QCborSimpleType}{Undefined
simple type}. Because of that, QCborValues with undefined values will also
return true for isSimpleType() and
Undefined values are different from null values.
QCborValue objects with undefined values are also different from invalid
QCborValue objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they
may exist as a result of a parsing error.
\sa isUndefined(), isNull(), isSimpleType()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(Type t_)
Creates a QCborValue of type \a t_. The value associated with such a type
(if any) will be default constructed.
\sa type()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(std::nullptr_t)
Creates a QCborValue of the \l {Type}{Null} type.
CBOR null values are used to indicate optional values that were not
provided. They are distinct from undefined values, in that null values are
usually not the result of an earlier error or problem.
\sa isNull(), isUndefined(), isSimpleType()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(bool b)
Creates a QCborValue with boolean value \a b. The value can later be
retrieved using toBool().
Internally, CBOR booleans are represented by a pair of types, one for true
and one for false. For that reason, boolean QCborValues will return true
for isSimpleType() and one of \c{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType::False)} or
\sa toBool(), isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse(), isSimpleType()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(qint64 i)
Creates a QCborValue with integer value \a i. The value can later be
retrieved using toInteger().
CBOR integer values are distinct from floating point values. Therefore,
QCborValue objects with integers will compare differently to QCborValue
objects containing floating-point, even if the values contained in the
objects are equivalent.
\sa toInteger(), isInteger(), isDouble()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(double d)
Creates a QCborValue with floating point value \a d. The value can later be
retrieved using toDouble().
CBOR floating point values are distinct from integer values. Therefore,
QCborValue objects with integers will compare differently to QCborValue
objects containing floating-point, even if the values contained in the
objects are equivalent.
\sa toDouble(), isDouble(), isInteger()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborSimpleType st)
Creates a QCborValue of simple type \a st. The type can later later be retrieved
using toSimpleType() as well as isSimpleType(st).
CBOR simple types are types that do not have any associated value, like
C++'s \c{std::nullptr_t} type, whose only possible value is \nullptr.
If \a st is \c{QCborSimpleType::Null}, the resulting QCborValue will be of
the \l{Type}{Null} type and similarly for \c{QCborSimpleType::Undefined}.
If \a st is \c{QCborSimpleType::False} or \c{QCborSimpleType::True}, the
created QCborValue will be a boolean containing a value of false or true,
This function can be used with simple types not defined in the API. For
example, to create a QCborValue with simple type 12, one could write:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 1
Simple types should not be used until a specification for them has been
published, since other implementations may not support them properly.
Simple type values 24 to 31 are reserved and must not be used.
isSimpleType(), isNull(), isUndefined(), isTrue(), isFalse()
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborKnownTags tag, const QCborValue &taggedValue)
Creates a QCborValue for the extended type represented by the tag value \a
tag, tagging value \a taggedValue. The tag can later be retrieved using
tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue().
\sa isTag(), tag(), taggedValue(), QCborKnownTags
\fn QCborValue::~QCborValue()
Disposes of the current QCborValue object and frees any associated resources.
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborValue &&other)
Moves the contents of the \a other QCborValue object into this one and frees
the resources of this one.
\fn QCborValue &&QCborValue::operator=(QCborValue &&other)
Moves the contents of the \a other QCborValue object into this one and frees
the resources of this one. Returns a reference to this object.
\fn void QCborValue::swap(QCborValue &other)
Swaps the contents of this QCborValue object and \a other.
\fn QCborValue::Type QCborValue::type() const
Returns the type of this QCborValue. The type can also later be retrieved by one
of the "isXxx" functions.
\sa isInteger(), isByteArray(), isString(), isArray(), isMap(),
isTag(), isFalse(), isTrue(), isBool(), isNull(), isUndefined, isDouble(),
isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid()
\fn bool QCborValue::isInteger() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the integer type. The integer value
can be retrieved using toInteger().
\sa type(), toInteger()
\fn bool QCborValue::isByteArray() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the byte array type. The byte array
value can be retrieved using toByteArray().
\sa type(), toByteArray()
\fn bool QCborValue::isString() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the string type. The string value
can be retrieved using toString().
\sa type(), toString()
\fn bool QCborValue::isArray() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the array type. The array value can
be retrieved using toArray().
\sa type(), toArray()
\fn bool QCborValue::isMap() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the map type. The map value can be
retrieved using toMap().
\sa type(), toMap()
\fn bool QCborValue::isTag() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the tag type. The tag value can be
retrieved using tag() and the tagged value using taggedValue().
This function also returns true for extended types that the API
recognizes. For code that handles extended types directly before the Qt API
is updated to support them, it is possible to recreate the tag + tagged
value pair by using taggedValue().
\sa type(), tag(), taggedValue(), taggedValue()
\fn bool QCborValue::isFalse() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean with false value. This
function exists because, internally, CBOR booleans are stored as two
separate types, one for true and one for false.
\sa type(), isBool(), isTrue(), toBool()
\fn bool QCborValue::isTrue() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean with true value. This
function exists because, internally, CBOR booleans are stored as two
separate types, one for false and one for true.
\sa type(), isBool(), isFalse(), toBool()
\fn bool QCborValue::isBool() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is a boolean. The value can be retrieved
using toBool().
\sa type(), toBool(), isTrue(), isFalse()
\fn bool QCborValue::isUndefined() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the undefined type.
CBOR undefined values are used to indicate missing information, usually as
a result of a previous operation that did not complete as expected. They
are also used by the QCborArray and QCborMap API to indicate the searched
item was not found.
Undefined values are distinct from null values.
QCborValue objects with undefined values are also different from invalid
QCborValue objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they
may exist as a result of a parsing error.
\sa type(), isNull(), isInvalid()
\fn bool QCborValue::isNull() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the null type.
CBOR null values are used to indicate optional values that were not
provided. They are distinct from undefined values, in that null values are
usually not the result of an earlier error or problem.
Null values are distinct from undefined values and from invalid QCborValue
objects. The API will not create invalid QCborValues, but they may exist as
a result of a parsing error.
\sa type(), isUndefined(), isInvalid()
\fn bool QCborValue::isDouble() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the floating-point type. The value
can be retrieved using toDouble().
\sa type(), toDouble()
\fn bool QCborValue::isDateTime() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the date/time type. The value can be
retrieved using toDateTime(). Date/times are extended types that use the
tag \l{QCborKnownTags}{DateTime}.
Additionally, when decoding from a CBOR stream, QCborValue will interpret
tags of value \l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t} and convert them to the
equivalent date/time.
\sa type(), toDateTime()
\fn bool QCborValue::isUrl() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of the URL type. The URL value
can be retrieved using toUrl().
\sa type(), toUrl()
\fn bool QCborValue::isRegularExpression() const
Returns true if this QCborValue contains a regular expression's pattern.
The pattern can be retrieved using toRegularExpression().
\sa type(), toRegularExpression()
\fn bool QCborValue::isUuid() const
Returns true if this QCborValue contains a UUID. The value can be retrieved
using toUuid().
\sa type(), toUuid()
\fn bool QCborValue::isInvalid() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is not of any valid type. Invalid
QCborValues are distinct from those with undefined values and they usually
represent a decoding error.
\sa isUndefined(), isNull()
\fn bool QCborValue::isContainer() const
This convenience function returns true if the QCborValue is either an array
or a map.
\sa isArray(), isMap()
\fn bool QCborValue::isSimpleType() const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of one of the CBOR simple types. The
type itself can later be retrieved using type(), even for types that don't have an
enumeration in the API. They can also be checked with the
\l{isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType)} overload.
\sa QCborSimpleType, isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborValue::isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const
Returns true if this QCborValue is of a simple type and toSimpleType()
would return \a st, false otherwise. This function can be used to check for
any CBOR simple type, even those for which there is no enumeration in the
API. For example, for the simple type of value 12, you could write:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 2
\sa QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborSimpleType), isSimpleType(), isFalse(),
isTrue(), isNull, isUndefined(), toSimpleType()
\fn QCborSimpleType QCborValue::toSimpleType(QCborSimpleType defaultValue) const
Returns the simple type this QCborValue is of, if it is a simple type. If
it is not a simple type, it returns \a defaultValue.
The following types are simple types and this function will return the
listed values:
\row \li QCborValue::False \li QCborSimpleType::False
\row \li QCborValue::True \li QCborSimpleType::True
\row \li QCborValue::Null \li QCborSimpleType::Null
\row \li QCborValue::Undefined \li QCborSimpleType::Undefined
\sa type(), isSimpleType(), isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse(), isTrue(),
isNull(), isUndefined()
\fn qint64 QCborValue::toInteger(qint64 defaultValue) const
Returns the integer value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the
integer type. If it is of the Double type, this function returns the
floating point value converted to integer. In any other case, it returns \a
\sa isInteger(), isDouble(), toDouble()
\fn bool QCborValue::toBool(bool defaultValue) const
Returns the boolean value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of a boolean
type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
\sa isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse()
\fn double QCborValue::toDouble(double defaultValue) const
Returns the floating point value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the
Double type. If it is of the Integer type, this function returns the
integer value converted to double. In any other case, it returns \a
\sa isDouble(), isInteger(), toInteger()
using namespace QtCbor;
static QCborValue::Type convertToExtendedType(QCborContainerPrivate *d)
qint64 tag = d->;
auto &e = d->elements[1];
const ByteData *b = d->byteData(e);
auto replaceByteData = [&](const char *buf, qsizetype len, Element::ValueFlags f) {
d->usedData = 0;
e.flags = Element::HasByteData | f;
e.value = d->addByteData(buf, len);
switch (tag) {
case qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString):
case qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t): {
QDateTime dt;
if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString) && b &&
e.type == QCborValue::String && (e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) == 0) {
// The data is supposed to be US-ASCII. If it isn't (contains UTF-8),
// QDateTime::fromString will fail anyway.
dt = QDateTime::fromString(b->asLatin1(), Qt::ISODateWithMs);
} else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t) && e.type == QCborValue::Integer) {
dt = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(e.value, Qt::UTC);
} else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t) && e.type == QCborValue::Double) {
dt = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(qint64(e.fpvalue() * 1000), Qt::UTC);
if (dt.isValid()) {
QByteArray text = dt.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs).toLatin1();
replaceByteData(text, text.size(), Element::StringIsAscii);
e.type = QCborValue::String;
d->elements[0].value = qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString);
return QCborValue::DateTime;
case qint64(QCborKnownTags::Url):
if (e.type == QCborValue::String) {
if (b) {
// normalize to a short (decoded) form, so as to save space
QUrl url(e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16 ?
b->asQStringRaw() :
QByteArray encoded = url.toString(QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8();
replaceByteData(encoded, encoded.size(), {});
return QCborValue::Url;
case quint64(QCborKnownTags::RegularExpression):
if (e.type == QCborValue::String) {
// no normalization is necessary
return QCborValue::RegularExpression;
case qint64(QCborKnownTags::Uuid):
if (e.type == QCborValue::ByteArray) {
// force the size to 16
char buf[sizeof(QUuid)] = {};
if (b)
memcpy(buf, b->byte(), qMin(sizeof(buf), size_t(b->len)));
replaceByteData(buf, sizeof(buf), {});
return QCborValue::Uuid;
// no enriching happened
return QCborValue::Tag;
// in qcborstream.cpp
extern void qt_cbor_stream_set_error(QCborStreamReaderPrivate *d, QCborError error);
static void writeDoubleToCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, double d, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt)
if (qt_is_nan(d)) {
if (opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) {
if ((opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) == QCborValue::UseFloat16)
return writer.append(std::numeric_limits<qfloat16>::quiet_NaN());
return writer.append(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
return writer.append(qt_qnan());
if (qt_is_inf(d)) {
d = d > 0 ? qt_inf() : -qt_inf();
} else if (opt & QCborValue::UseIntegers) {
quint64 i;
if (convertDoubleTo(d, &i)) {
if (d < 0)
return writer.append(QCborNegativeInteger(i));
return writer.append(i);
if (opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) {
float f = float(d);
if (f == d) {
// no data loss, we could use float
if ((opt & QCborValue::UseFloat16) == QCborValue::UseFloat16) {
qfloat16 f16 = f;
if (f16 == f)
return writer.append(f16);
return writer.append(f);
static inline int typeOrder(Element e1, Element e2)
auto comparable = [](Element e) {
if (e.type >= 0x10000) // see QCborValue::isTag_helper()
return QCborValue::Tag;
return e.type;
return comparable(e1) - comparable(e2);
// delete our elements
for (Element &e : elements) {
if (e.flags & Element::IsContainer)
void QCborContainerPrivate::compact(qsizetype reserved)
if (usedData > data.size() / 2)
// 50% savings if we recreate the byte data
// ### TBD
QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::clone(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved)
if (!d) {
d = new QCborContainerPrivate;
} else {
d = new QCborContainerPrivate(*d);
if (reserved >= 0) {
for (auto &e : qAsConst(d->elements)) {
if (e.flags & Element::IsContainer)
return d;
QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::detach(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved)
if (!d || d->ref.loadRelaxed() != 1)
return clone(d, reserved);
return d;
Prepare for an insertion at position \a index
Detaches and ensures there are at least index entries in the array, padding
with Undefined as needed.
QCborContainerPrivate *QCborContainerPrivate::grow(QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype index)
Q_ASSERT(index >= 0);
d = detach(d, index + 1);
int j = d->elements.size();
while (j < index)
return d;
// Copies or moves \a value into element at position \a e. If \a disp is
// CopyContainer, then this function increases the reference count of the
// container, but otherwise leaves it unmodified. If \a disp is MoveContainer,
// then it transfers ownership (move semantics) and the caller must set
// value.container back to nullptr.
void QCborContainerPrivate::replaceAt_complex(Element &e, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp)
if (value.n < 0) {
// This QCborValue is an array, map, or tagged value (container points
// to itself).
// detect self-assignment
if (Q_UNLIKELY(this == value.container)) {
Q_ASSERT(ref.loadRelaxed() >= 2);
if (disp == MoveContainer)
ref.deref(); // not deref() because it can't drop to 0
QCborContainerPrivate *d = QCborContainerPrivate::clone(this);
e.container = d;
} else {
e.container = value.container;
if (disp == CopyContainer)
e.type = value.type();
e.flags = Element::IsContainer;
} else {
// String data, copy contents
e = value.container->;
// Copy string data, if any
if (const ByteData *b = value.container->byteData(value.n))
e.value = addByteData(b->byte(), b->len);
if (disp == MoveContainer)
// in qstring.cpp
void qt_to_latin1_unchecked(uchar *dst, const ushort *uc, qsizetype len);
Q_NEVER_INLINE void QCborContainerPrivate::appendAsciiString(QStringView s)
qsizetype len = s.size();
QtCbor::Element e;
e.value = addByteData(nullptr, len);
e.type = QCborValue::String;
e.flags = Element::HasByteData | Element::StringIsAscii;
char *ptr = + e.value + sizeof(ByteData);
uchar *l = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(ptr);
const ushort *uc = (const ushort *)s.utf16();
qt_to_latin1_unchecked(l, uc, len);
QCborValue QCborContainerPrivate::extractAt_complex(Element e)
// create a new container for the returned value, containing the byte data
// from this element, if it's worth it
Q_ASSERT(e.flags & Element::HasByteData);
auto b = byteData(e);
auto container = new QCborContainerPrivate;
if (b->len + qsizetype(sizeof(*b)) < data.size() / 4) {
// make a shallow copy of the byte data
container->appendByteData(b->byte(), b->len, e.type, e.flags);
usedData -= b->len + qsizetype(sizeof(*b));
} else {
// just share with the original byte data
container->data = data;
return makeValue(e.type, 0, container);
QT_WARNING_DISABLE_MSVC(4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
static int compareContainer(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const QCborContainerPrivate *c2);
static int compareElementNoData(const Element &e1, const Element &e2)
Q_ASSERT(e1.type == e2.type);
if (e1.type == QCborValue::Integer) {
// CBOR sorting order is 0, 1, 2, ..., INT64_MAX, -1, -2, -3, ... INT64_MIN
// So we transform:
// 0 -> 0
// 1 -> 1
// INT64_MAX -> INT64_MAX
// -1 -> INT64_MAX + 1 = INT64_MAX - (-1)
// -2 -> INT64_MAX + 2 = INT64_MAX - (-2)
// INT64_MIN -> UINT64_MAX = INT64_MAX - INT64_MIN
// Note how the unsigned arithmethic is well defined in C++ (it's
// always performed modulo 2^64).
auto makeSortable = [](qint64 v) {
quint64 u = quint64(v);
if (v < 0)
return quint64(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max()) + (-u);
return u;
quint64 u1 = makeSortable(e1.value);
quint64 u2 = makeSortable(e2.value);
if (u1 < u2)
return -1;
if (u1 > u2)
return 1;
if (e1.type == QCborValue::Tag || e1.type == QCborValue::Double) {
// Perform unsigned comparisons for the tag value and floating point
quint64 u1 = quint64(e1.value);
quint64 u2 = quint64(e2.value);
if (u1 != u2)
return u1 < u2 ? -1 : 1;
// Any other type is equal at this point:
// - simple types carry no value
// - empty strings, arrays and maps
return 0;
static int compareElementRecursive(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const Element &e1,
const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, const Element &e2)
int cmp = typeOrder(e1, e2);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
if ((e1.flags & Element::IsContainer) || (e2.flags & Element::IsContainer))
return compareContainer(e1.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e1.container : nullptr,
e2.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e2.container : nullptr);
// string data?
const ByteData *b1 = c1 ? c1->byteData(e1) : nullptr;
const ByteData *b2 = c2 ? c2->byteData(e2) : nullptr;
if (b1 || b2) {
auto len1 = b1 ? b1->len : 0;
auto len2 = b2 ? b2->len : 0;
if (e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)
len1 /= 2;
if (e2.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)
len2 /= 2;
if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0)
return len1 < len2 ? -1 : len1 == len2 ? 0 : 1;
// we definitely have data from this point forward
// Officially with CBOR, we sort first the string with the shortest
// UTF-8 length. The length of an ASCII string is the same as its UTF-8
// and UTF-16 ones, but the UTF-8 length of a string is bigger than the
// UTF-16 equivalent. Combinations are:
// 1) UTF-16 and UTF-16
// 2) UTF-16 and UTF-8 <=== this is the problem case
// 3) UTF-16 and US-ASCII
// 4) UTF-8 and UTF-8
// 5) UTF-8 and US-ASCII
if ((e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) && (e2.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)) {
// Case 1: both UTF-16, so lengths are comparable.
// (we can't use memcmp in little-endian machines)
if (len1 == len2)
return QtPrivate::compareStrings(b1->asStringView(), b2->asStringView());
return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1;
if (!(e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16) && !(e2.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)) {
// Cases 4, 5 and 6: neither is UTF-16, so lengths are comparable too
// (this case includes byte arrays too)
if (len1 == len2)
return memcmp(b1->byte(), b2->byte(), size_t(len1));
return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1;
if (!(e1.flags & Element::StringIsAscii) || !(e2.flags & Element::StringIsAscii)) {
// Case 2: one of them is UTF-8 and the other is UTF-16, so lengths
// are NOT comparable. We need to convert to UTF-16 first...
auto string = [](const Element &e, const ByteData *b) {
return e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16 ? b->asQStringRaw() : b->toUtf8String();
QString s1 = string(e1, b1);
QString s2 = string(e2, b2);
if (s1.size() == s2.size())
return s1.size() < s2.size() ? -1 : 1;
// Case 3 (UTF-16 and US-ASCII) remains, so lengths are comparable again
if (len1 != len2)
return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1;
if (e1.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)
return QtPrivate::compareStrings(b1->asStringView(), b2->asLatin1());
return QtPrivate::compareStrings(b1->asLatin1(), b2->asStringView());
return compareElementNoData(e1, e2);
static int compareContainer(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, const QCborContainerPrivate *c2)
auto len1 = c1 ? c1->elements.size() : 0;
auto len2 = c2 ? c2->elements.size() : 0;
if (len1 != len2) {
// sort the shorter container first
return len1 < len2 ? -1 : 1;
for (qsizetype i = 0; i < len1; ++i) {
const Element &e1 = c1->;
const Element &e2 = c2->;
int cmp = QCborContainerPrivate::compareElement_helper(c1, e1, c2, e2);
if (cmp)
return cmp;
return 0;
inline int QCborContainerPrivate::compareElement_helper(const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, Element e1,
const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, Element e2)
return compareElementRecursive(c1, e1, c2, e2);
\fn bool QCborValue::operator==(const QCborValue &other) const
Compares this value and \a other, and returns true if they hold the same
contents, false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the
comparison is recursive to elements contained in them.
For more information on CBOR equality in Qt, see, compare().
\sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(),
operator!=(), operator<()
\fn bool QCborValue::operator!=(const QCborValue &other) const
Compares this value and \a other, and returns true if contents differ,
false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison
is recursive to elements contained in them.
For more information on CBOR equality in Qt, see, QCborValue::compare().
\sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(),
operator==(), operator<()
\fn bool QCborValue::operator<(const QCborValue &other) const
Compares this value and \a other, and returns true if this value should be
sorted before \a other, false otherwise. If each QCborValue contains an
array or map, the comparison is recursive to elements contained in them.
For more information on CBOR sorting order, see QCborValue::compare().
\sa compare(), QCborValue::operator==(), QCborMap::operator==(),
operator==(), operator!=()
Compares this value and \a other, and returns an integer that indicates
whether this value should be sorted prior to (if the result is negative) or
after \a other (if the result is positive). If this function returns 0, the
two values are equal and hold the same contents.
If each QCborValue contains an array or map, the comparison is recursive to
elements contained in them.
\section3 Extended types
QCborValue compares equal a QCborValue containing an extended type, like
\l{Type}{Url} and \l{Type}{Url} and its equivalent tagged representation.
So, for example, the following expression is true:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 3
Do note that Qt types like \l QUrl and \l QDateTime will normalize and
otherwise modify their arguments. The expression above is true only because
the string on the right side is the normalized value that the QCborValue on
the left would take. If, for example, the "https" part were uppercase in
both sides, the comparison would fail. For information on normalizations
performed by QCborValue, please consult the documentation of the
constructor taking the Qt type in question.
\section3 Sorting order
Sorting order in CBOR is defined in RFC 7049
{}{section 3.9}, which
discusses the sorting of keys in a map when following the Canonical
encoding. According to the specification, "sorting is performed on the
bytes of the representation of the key data items" and lists as
consequences that:
\li "If two keys have different lengths, the shorter one sorts earlier;"
\li "If two keys have the same length, the one with the lower value in
(byte-wise) lexical order sorts earlier."
This results in surprising sorting of QCborValues, where the result of this
function is different from that which would later be retrieved by comparing the
contained elements. For example, the QCborValue containing string "zzz"
sorts before the QCborValue with string "foobar", even though when
comparing as \l{QString::compare()}{QStrings} or
\l{QByteArray}{QByteArrays} the "zzz" sorts after "foobar"
(dictionary order).
The specification does not clearly indicate what sorting order should be
done for values of different types (it says sorting should not pay
"attention to the 3/5 bit splitting for major types"). QCborValue makes the
assumption that types should be sorted too. The numeric values of the
QCborValue::Type enumeration are in that order, with the exception of the
extended types, which compare as their tagged equivalents.
\note Sorting order is preliminary and is subject to change. Applications
should not depend on the order returned by this function for the time
\sa QCborArray::compare(), QCborMap::compare(), operator==()
int QCborValue::compare(const QCborValue &other) const
Element e1 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(*this);
Element e2 = QCborContainerPrivate::elementFromValue(other);
return compareElementRecursive(container, e1, other.container, e2);
int QCborArray::compare(const QCborArray &other) const noexcept
return compareContainer(,;
int QCborMap::compare(const QCborMap &other) const noexcept
return compareContainer(,;
static void encodeToCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, const QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype idx,
QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt)
if (idx == -QCborValue::Array || idx == -QCborValue::Map) {
bool isArray = (idx == -QCborValue::Array);
qsizetype len = d ? d->elements.size() : 0;
if (isArray)
writer.startMap(quint64(len) / 2);
for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)
encodeToCbor(writer, d, idx, opt);
if (isArray)
} else if (idx < 0) {
if (d->elements.size() != 2) {
// invalid state!
qWarning("QCborValue: invalid tag state; are you encoding something that was improperly decoded?");
// write the tag and the tagged element
encodeToCbor(writer, d, 1, opt);
} else {
// just one element
auto e = d->;
const ByteData *b = d->byteData(idx);
switch (e.type) {
case QCborValue::Integer:
return writer.append(qint64(e.value));
case QCborValue::ByteArray:
if (b)
return writer.appendByteString(b->byte(), b->len);
return writer.appendByteString("", 0);
case QCborValue::String:
if (b) {
if (e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16)
return writer.append(b->asStringView());
return writer.appendTextString(b->byte(), b->len);
return writer.append(QLatin1String());
case QCborValue::Array:
case QCborValue::Map:
case QCborValue::Tag:
// recurse
return encodeToCbor(writer,
e.flags & Element::IsContainer ? e.container : nullptr,
-qsizetype(e.type), opt);
case QCborValue::SimpleType:
case QCborValue::False:
case QCborValue::True:
case QCborValue::Null:
case QCborValue::Undefined:
case QCborValue::Double:
return writeDoubleToCbor(writer, e.fpvalue(), opt);
case QCborValue::Invalid:
case QCborValue::DateTime:
case QCborValue::Url:
case QCborValue::RegularExpression:
case QCborValue::Uuid:
// recurse as tag
return encodeToCbor(writer, e.container, -QCborValue::Tag, opt);
// maybe it's a simple type
int simpleType = e.type - QCborValue::SimpleType;
if (unsigned(simpleType) < 0x100)
return writer.append(QCborSimpleType(simpleType));
// if we got here, we've got an unknown type
qWarning("QCborValue: found unknown type 0x%x", e.type);
static inline double integerOutOfRange(const QCborStreamReader &reader)
if (reader.isUnsignedInteger()) {
quint64 v = reader.toUnsignedInteger();
if (qint64(v) < 0)
return double(v);
} else {
quint64 v = quint64(reader.toNegativeInteger());
if (qint64(v - 1) < 0)
return -double(v);
// result is in range
return 0;
static Element decodeBasicValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
Element e = {};
switch (reader.type()) {
case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger:
case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger:
if (double d = integerOutOfRange(reader)) {
e.type = QCborValue::Double;
qToUnaligned(d, &e.value);
} else {
e.type = QCborValue::Integer;
e.value = reader.toInteger();
case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType:
e.type = QCborValue::Type(quint8(reader.toSimpleType()) + 0x100);
case QCborStreamReader::Float16:
e.type = QCborValue::Double;
qToUnaligned(double(reader.toFloat16()), &e.value);
case QCborStreamReader::Float:
e.type = QCborValue::Double;
qToUnaligned(double(reader.toFloat()), &e.value);
case QCborStreamReader::Double:
e.type = QCborValue::Double;
qToUnaligned(reader.toDouble(), &e.value);
return e;
static inline QCborContainerPrivate *createContainerFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
auto d = new QCborContainerPrivate;
return d;
static QCborValue taggedValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
auto d = new QCborContainerPrivate;
if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) {
// decode tagged value
QCborValue::Type type;
if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError) {
// post-process to create our extended types
type = convertToExtendedType(d);
} else {
// decoding error
type = QCborValue::Invalid;
// note: may return invalid state!
return QCborContainerPrivate::makeValue(type, -1, d);
void QCborContainerPrivate::decodeStringFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
auto addByteData_local = [this](QByteArray::size_type len) -> qint64 {
// this duplicates a lot of addByteData, but with overflow checking
QByteArray::size_type newSize;
QByteArray::size_type increment = sizeof(QtCbor::ByteData);
QByteArray::size_type alignment = alignof(QtCbor::ByteData);
QByteArray::size_type offset = data.size();
// calculate the increment we want
if (add_overflow(increment, len, &increment))
return -1;
// align offset
if (add_overflow(offset, alignment - 1, &offset))
return -1;
offset &= ~(alignment - 1);
// and calculate the final size
if (add_overflow(offset, increment, &newSize))
return -1;
// since usedData <= data.size(), this can't overflow
usedData += increment;
return offset;
auto dataPtr = [this]() {
// Null happens when we're reading zero bytes.
Q_ASSERT(data.isNull() || data.isDetached());
return const_cast<char *>(data.constData());
Element e = {};
e.type = (reader.isByteArray() ? QCborValue::ByteArray : QCborValue::String);
if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError)
qsizetype rawlen = reader.currentStringChunkSize();
QByteArray::size_type len = rawlen;
if (rawlen < 0)
return; // error
if (len != rawlen) {
// truncation
qt_cbor_stream_set_error(, { QCborError::DataTooLarge });
// allocate space, but only if there will be data
if (len != 0 || !reader.isLengthKnown()) {
e.flags = Element::HasByteData;
e.value = addByteData_local(len);
if (e.value < 0) {
// overflow
qt_cbor_stream_set_error(, { QCborError::DataTooLarge });
// read chunks
bool isAscii = (e.type == QCborValue::String);
auto r = reader.readStringChunk(dataPtr() + e.value + sizeof(ByteData), len);
while (r.status == QCborStreamReader::Ok) {
if (e.type == QCborValue::String && len) {
// verify UTF-8 string validity
auto utf8result = QUtf8::isValidUtf8(dataPtr() + data.size() - len, len);
if (!utf8result.isValidUtf8) {
r.status = QCborStreamReader::Error;
qt_cbor_stream_set_error(, { QCborError::InvalidUtf8String });
isAscii = isAscii && utf8result.isValidAscii;
// allocate space for the next chunk
rawlen = reader.currentStringChunkSize();
len = rawlen;
if (len == rawlen) {
auto oldSize = data.size();
auto newSize = oldSize;
if (!add_overflow(newSize, len, &newSize)) {
if (newSize != oldSize)
// read the chunk
r = reader.readStringChunk(dataPtr() + oldSize, len);
// error
r.status = QCborStreamReader::Error;
qt_cbor_stream_set_error(, { QCborError::DataTooLarge });
if (r.status == QCborStreamReader::Error) {
// There can only be errors if there was data to be read.
Q_ASSERT(e.flags & Element::HasByteData);
// update size
if (e.flags & Element::HasByteData) {
auto b = new (dataPtr() + e.value) ByteData;
b->len = data.size() - e.value - int(sizeof(*b));
usedData += b->len;
if (isAscii) {
// set the flag if it is US-ASCII only (as it often is)
Q_ASSERT(e.type == QCborValue::String);
e.flags |= Element::StringIsAscii;
void QCborContainerPrivate::decodeValueFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
switch (reader.type()) {
case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger:
case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger:
case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType:
case QCborStreamReader::Float16:
case QCborStreamReader::Float:
case QCborStreamReader::Double:
case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray:
case QCborStreamReader::String:
case QCborStreamReader::Array:
case QCborStreamReader::Map:
case QCborStreamReader::Tag:
return append(QCborValue::fromCbor(reader));
case QCborStreamReader::Invalid:
return; // probably a decode error
void QCborContainerPrivate::decodeFromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
int mapShift = reader.isMap() ? 1 : 0;
if (reader.isLengthKnown()) {
quint64 len = reader.length();
// Clamp allocation to 1M elements (avoids crashing due to corrupt
// stream or loss of precision when converting from quint64 to
// QVector::size_type).
len = qMin(len, quint64(1024 * 1024 - 1));
elements.reserve(qsizetype(len) << mapShift);
if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError)
while (reader.hasNext() && reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError)
if (reader.lastError() == QCborError::NoError)
Creates a QCborValue with byte array value \a ba. The value can later be
retrieved using toByteArray().
\sa toByteArray(), isByteArray(), isString()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QByteArray &ba)
: n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(ByteArray)
container->appendByteData(ba.constData(), ba.size(), t);
Creates a QCborValue with string value \a s. The value can later be
retrieved using toString().
\sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QString &s) : QCborValue(qToStringViewIgnoringNull(s)) {}
Creates a QCborValue with string value \a s. The value can later be
retrieved using toString().
\sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray()
QCborValue::QCborValue(QStringView s)
: n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(String)
Creates a QCborValue with string value \a s. The value can later be
retrieved using toString().
\sa toString(), isString(), isByteArray()
QCborValue::QCborValue(QLatin1String s)
: n(0), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(String)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborArray &a)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborArray &&a)
Creates a QCborValue with the array \a a. The array can later be retrieved
using toArray().
\sa toArray(), isArray(), isMap()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborArray &a)
: n(-1), container(, t(Array)
if (container)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborMap &m)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborMap &&m)
Creates a QCborValue with the map \a m. The map can later be retrieved
using toMap().
\sa toMap(), isMap(), isArray()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborMap &m)
: n(-1), container(, t(Map)
if (container)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborTag tag, const QCborValue &tv)
\fn QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborKnownTags tag, const QCborValue &tv)
Creates a QCborValue for the extended type represented by the tag value \a
tag, tagging value \a tv. The tag can later be retrieved using tag() and
the tagged value using taggedValue().
\sa isTag(), tag(), taggedValue(), QCborKnownTags
QCborValue::QCborValue(QCborTag tag, const QCborValue &tv)
: n(-1), container(new QCborContainerPrivate), t(Tag)
t = convertToExtendedType(container);
Copies the contents of \a other into this object.
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QCborValue &other)
: n(other.n), container(other.container), t(other.t)
if (container)
Creates a QCborValue object of the date/time extended type and containing
the value represented by \a dt. The value can later be retrieved using
The CBOR date/time types are extension types using tags: either a string
(in ISO date format) tagged as a \l{QCborKnownTags}{DateTime} or a number
(of seconds since the start of 1970, UTC) tagged as a
\l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t}. When parsing CBOR streams, QCborValue will
convert \l{QCborKnownTags}{UnixTime_t} to the string-based type.
\sa toDateTime(), isDateTime(), taggedValue()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QDateTime &dt)
: QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString, dt.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs).toLatin1())
// change types
t = DateTime;
container->elements[1].type = String;
Creates a QCborValue object of the URL extended type and containing the
value represented by \a url. The value can later be retrieved using toUrl().
The CBOR URL type is an extended type represented by a string tagged as an
\sa toUrl(), isUrl(), taggedValue()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QUrl &url)
: QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::Url, url.toString(QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8())
// change types
t = Url;
container->elements[1].type = String;
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
Creates a QCborValue object of the regular expression pattern extended type
and containing the value represented by \a rx. The value can later be retrieved
using toRegularExpression().
The CBOR regular expression type is an extended type represented by a
string tagged as an \l{QCborKnownTags}{RegularExpression}. Note that CBOR
regular expressions only store the patterns, so any flags that the
QRegularExpression object may carry will be lost.
\sa toRegularExpression(), isRegularExpression(), taggedValue()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QRegularExpression &rx)
: QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::RegularExpression, rx.pattern())
// change type
t = RegularExpression;
#endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
Creates a QCborValue object of the UUID extended type and containing the
value represented by \a uuid. The value can later be retrieved using
The CBOR UUID type is an extended type represented by a byte array tagged
as an \l{QCborKnownTags}{Uuid}.
\sa toUuid(), isUuid(), taggedValue()
QCborValue::QCborValue(const QUuid &uuid)
: QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::Uuid, uuid.toRfc4122())
// change our type
t = Uuid;
// destructor
void QCborValue::dispose()
Replaces the contents of this QCborObject with a copy of \a other.
QCborValue &QCborValue::operator=(const QCborValue &other)
if (other.container)
if (container)
n = other.n;
container = other.container;
t = other.t;
return *this;
Returns the tag of this extended QCborValue object, if it is of the tag
type, \a defaultValue otherwise.
CBOR represents extended types by associating a number (the tag) with a
stored representation. This function returns that number. To retrieve the
representation, use taggedValue().
\sa isTag(), taggedValue(), isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid()
QCborTag QCborValue::tag(QCborTag defaultValue) const
return isTag() && container && container->elements.size() == 2 ?
QCborTag(container-> : defaultValue;
Returns the tagged value of this extended QCborValue object, if it is of
the tag type, \a defaultValue otherwise.
CBOR represents extended types by associating a number (the tag) with a
stored representation. This function returns that representation. To
retrieve the tag, use tag().
\sa isTag(), tag(), isDateTime(), isUrl(), isRegularExpression(), isUuid()
QCborValue QCborValue::taggedValue(const QCborValue &defaultValue) const
return isTag() && container && container->elements.size() == 2 ?
container->valueAt(1) : defaultValue;
Returns the byte array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the byte
array type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isByteArray(), isString(), toString()
QByteArray QCborValue::toByteArray(const QByteArray &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isByteArray())
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n >= 0);
return container->byteArrayAt(n);
Returns the string value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the string
type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isString(), isByteArray(), toByteArray()
QString QCborValue::toString(const QString &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isString())
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n >= 0);
return container->stringAt(n);
Returns the date/time value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the
date/time extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isDateTime(), isTag(), taggedValue()
QDateTime QCborValue::toDateTime(const QDateTime &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isDateTime() || container->elements.size() != 2)
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1);
const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(1);
if (!byteData)
return defaultValue; // date/times are never empty, so this must be invalid
// Our data must be US-ASCII.
Q_ASSERT((container-> & Element::StringIsUtf16) == 0);
return QDateTime::fromString(byteData->asLatin1(), Qt::ISODateWithMs);
Returns the URL value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the URL
extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to QUrl.
\sa isUrl(), isTag(), taggedValue()
QUrl QCborValue::toUrl(const QUrl &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isUrl() || container->elements.size() != 2)
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1);
const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(1);
if (!byteData)
return QUrl(); // valid, empty URL
return QUrl::fromEncoded(byteData->asByteArrayView());
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
Returns the regular expression value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of
the regular expression pattern extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isRegularExpression(), isTag(), taggedValue()
QRegularExpression QCborValue::toRegularExpression(const QRegularExpression &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isRegularExpression() || container->elements.size() != 2)
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1);
return QRegularExpression(container->stringAt(1));
#endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
Returns the UUID value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the UUID
extended type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to QUuid.
\sa isUuid(), isTag(), taggedValue()
QUuid QCborValue::toUuid(const QUuid &defaultValue) const
if (!container || !isUuid() || container->elements.size() != 2)
return defaultValue;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1);
const ByteData *byteData = container->byteData(1);
if (!byteData)
return defaultValue; // UUIDs must always be 16 bytes, so this must be invalid
return QUuid::fromRfc4122(byteData->asByteArrayView());
\fn QCborArray QCborValue::toArray() const
\fn QCborArray QCborValue::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const
Returns the array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the array
type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isArray(), isByteArray(), isMap(), isContainer(), toMap()
\fn QCborArray QCborValueRef::toArray() const
\fn QCborArray QCborValueRef::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const
Returns the array value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the array
type. Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isArray(), isByteArray(), isMap(), isContainer(), toMap()
QCborArray QCborValue::toArray() const
return toArray(QCborArray());
QCborArray QCborValue::toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const
if (!isArray())
return defaultValue;
QCborContainerPrivate *dd = nullptr;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1 || container == nullptr);
if (n < 0)
dd = container;
return dd ? QCborArray(*dd) : defaultValue;
\fn QCborMap QCborValue::toMap() const
\fn QCborMap QCborValue::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const
Returns the map value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the map type.
Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isMap(), isArray(), isContainer(), toArray()
\fn QCborMap QCborValueRef::toMap() const
\fn QCborMap QCborValueRef::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const
Returns the map value stored in this QCborValue, if it is of the map type.
Otherwise, it returns \a defaultValue.
Note that this function performs no conversion from other types to
\sa isMap(), isArray(), isContainer(), toArray()
QCborMap QCborValue::toMap() const
return toMap(QCborMap());
QCborMap QCborValue::toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const
if (!isMap())
return defaultValue;
QCborContainerPrivate *dd = nullptr;
Q_ASSERT(n == -1 || container == nullptr);
if (n < 0)
dd = container;
return dd ? QCborMap(*dd) : defaultValue;
If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key
matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if this
QCborValue object is not a map, returns the undefined value.
This function is equivalent to:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 4
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](const QString &key) const
if (isMap())
return toMap().value(key);
return QCborValue();
If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key
matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if this
QCborValue object is not a map, returns the undefined value.
This function is equivalent to:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 5
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](QLatin1String key) const
if (isMap())
return toMap().value(key);
return QCborValue();
If this QCborValue is a QCborMap, searches elements for the value whose key
matches \a key. If this is a QCborArray, returns the element whose index is
\a key. If there's no matching value in the array or map, or if this
QCborValue object is not an array or map, returns the undefined value.
\sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at()
const QCborValue QCborValue::operator[](qint64 key) const
if (isMap())
return toMap().value(key);
if (isArray())
return toArray().at(key);
return QCborValue();
static Q_DECL_COLD_FUNCTION QCborMap arrayAsMap(const QCborArray &array)
if (array.size())
qWarning("Using CBOR array as map forced conversion");
QCborMap map;
for (qsizetype i = array.size(); i-- > 0; ) {
QCborValue entry =;
// Ignore padding entries that may have been added to grow the array
// when inserting past its end:
if (!entry.isInvalid())
map[i] = entry;
return map;
static QCborContainerPrivate *maybeDetach(QCborContainerPrivate *container, qsizetype size)
auto replace = QCborContainerPrivate::detach(container, size);
if (replace != container) {
if (container)
return replace;
static QCborContainerPrivate *maybeGrow(QCborContainerPrivate *container, qsizetype index)
auto replace = QCborContainerPrivate::grow(container, index);
if (replace != container) {
if (container)
if (replace->elements.size() == index)
Q_ASSERT(replace->elements.size() > index);
return replace;
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap,
this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map.
Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array, it is first
converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i,
with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it will be
over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](const QString &key)
if (!isMap())
*this = QCborValue(isArray() ? arrayAsMap(toArray()) : QCborMap());
const qsizetype size = container ? container->elements.size() : 0;
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (container) {
QCborMap proxy(*container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
container = maybeDetach(container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < container->elements.size());
return { container, index };
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap,
this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map.
Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array, it is first
converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i,
with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it will be
over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](QLatin1String key)
if (!isMap())
*this = QCborValue(isArray() ? arrayAsMap(toArray()) : QCborMap());
const qsizetype size = container ? container->elements.size() : 0;
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (container) {
QCborMap proxy(*container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
container = maybeDetach(container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < container->elements.size());
return { container, index };
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map or array, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a
QCborMap or, for 0 <= key < 0x10000, a QCborArray, this function is
equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map or array.
Before returning the reference: if this QCborValue was an array but the key
is out of range, the array is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]}
is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise,
if it was not a map it will be over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at()
QCborValueRef QCborValue::operator[](qint64 key)
if (isArray() && key >= 0 && key < 0x10000) {
container = maybeGrow(container, key);
return { container, qsizetype(key) };
if (!isMap())
*this = QCborValue(isArray() ? arrayAsMap(toArray()) : QCborMap());
const qsizetype size = container ? container->elements.size() : 0;
Q_ASSERT(!(size & 1));
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (container) {
QCborMap proxy(*container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
container = maybeDetach(container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < container->elements.size());
return { container, index };
Decodes one item from the CBOR stream found in \a reader and returns the
equivalent representation. This function is recursive: if the item is a map
or array, it will decode all items found in that map or array, until the
outermost object is finished.
This function need not be used on the root element of a \l
QCborStreamReader. For example, the following code illustrates how to skip
the CBOR signature tag from the beginning of a file:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborvalue.cpp 6
The returned value may be partially complete and indistinguishable from a
valid QCborValue even if the decoding failed. To determine if there was an
error, check if \l{QCborStreamReader::lastError()}{reader.lastError()} is
indicating an error condition. This function stops decoding immediately
after the first error.
\sa toCbor(), toDiagnosticNotation(), toVariant(), toJsonValue()
QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader)
QCborValue result;
auto t = reader.type();
if (reader.lastError() != QCborError::NoError)
t = QCborStreamReader::Invalid;
switch (t) {
// basic types, no container needed:
case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger:
case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger:
case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType:
case QCborStreamReader::Float16:
case QCborStreamReader::Float:
case QCborStreamReader::Double: {
Element e = decodeBasicValueFromCbor(reader);
result.n = e.value;
result.t = e.type;
case QCborStreamReader::Invalid:
result.t = QCborValue::Invalid;
break; // probably a decode error
// strings
case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray:
case QCborStreamReader::String:
result.n = 0;
result.t = reader.isString() ? String : ByteArray;
result.container = new QCborContainerPrivate;
// containers
case QCborStreamReader::Array:
case QCborStreamReader::Map:
result.n = -1;
result.t = reader.isArray() ? Array : Map;
result.container = createContainerFromCbor(reader);
// tag
case QCborStreamReader::Tag:
result = taggedValueFromCbor(reader);
return result;
Decodes one item from the CBOR stream found in the byte array \a ba and
returns the equivalent representation. This function is recursive: if the
item is a map or array, it will decode all items found in that map or
array, until the outermost object is finished.
This function stores the error state, if any, in the object pointed to by
\a error, along with the offset of where the error occurred. If no error
happened, it stores \l{QCborError}{NoError} in the error state and the
number of bytes that it consumed (that is, it stores the offset for the
first unused byte). Using that information makes it possible to parse
further data that may exist in the same byte array.
The returned value may be partially complete and indistinguishable from a
valid QCborValue even if the decoding failed. To determine if there was an
error, check if there was an error stored in \a error. This function stops
decoding immediately after the first error.
\sa toCbor(), toDiagnosticNotation(), toVariant(), toJsonValue()
QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const QByteArray &ba, QCborParserError *error)
QCborStreamReader reader(ba);
QCborValue result = fromCbor(reader);
if (error) {
error->error = reader.lastError();
error->offset = reader.currentOffset();
return result;
\fn QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const char *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error)
\fn QCborValue QCborValue::fromCbor(const quint8 *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error)
Converts \a len bytes of \a data to a QByteArray and then calls the
overload of this function that accepts a QByteArray, also passing \a error,
if provided.
Encodes this QCborValue object to its CBOR representation, using the
options specified in \a opt, and return the byte array containing that
This function will not fail, except if this QCborValue or any of the
contained items, if this is a map or array, are invalid. Invalid types are
not produced normally by the API, but can result from decoding errors.
By default, this function performs no transformation on the values in the
QCborValue, writing all floating point directly as double-precision (\c
double) types. If the \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat} option is specified, it
will use single precision (\c float) for any floating point value for which
there's no loss of precision in using that representation. That includes
infinities and NaN values.
Similarly, if \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat16} is specified, this function
will try to use half-precision (\c qfloat16) floating point if the
conversion to that results in no loss of precision. This is always true for
infinities and NaN.
If \l{EncodingOption}{UseIntegers} is specified, it will use integers for
any floating point value that contains an actual integer.
\sa fromCbor(), fromVariant(), fromJsonValue()
QByteArray QCborValue::toCbor(EncodingOptions opt)
QByteArray result;
QCborStreamWriter writer(&result);
toCbor(writer, opt);
return result;
Encodes this QCborValue object to its CBOR representation, using the
options specified in \a opt, to the writer specified by \a writer. The same
writer can be used by multiple QCborValues, for example, in order to encode
different elements in a larger array.
This function will not fail, except if this QCborValue or any of the
contained items, if this is a map or array, are invalid. Invalid types are
not produced normally by the API, but can result from decoding errors.
By default, this function performs no transformation on the values in the
QCborValue, writing all floating point directly as double-precision
(binary64) types. If the \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat} option is
specified, it will use single precision (binary32) for any floating point
value for which there's no loss of precision in using that representation.
That includes infinities and NaN values.
Similarly, if \l{EncodingOption}{UseFloat16} is specified, this function
will try to use half-precision (binary16) floating point if the conversion
to that results in no loss of precision. This is always true for infinities
and NaN.
If \l{EncodingOption}{UseIntegers} is specified, it will use integers
for any floating point value that contains an actual integer.
\sa fromCbor(), fromVariant(), fromJsonValue()
Q_NEVER_INLINE void QCborValue::toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, EncodingOptions opt)
if (isContainer() || isTag())
return encodeToCbor(writer, container, -type(), opt);
if (container)
return encodeToCbor(writer, container, n, opt);
// very simple types
if (isSimpleType())
return writer.append(toSimpleType());
switch (type()) {
case Integer:
return writer.append(n);
case Double:
return writeDoubleToCbor(writer, fp_helper(), opt);
case Invalid:
case SimpleType:
case False:
case True:
case Null:
case Undefined:
// handled by "if (isSimpleType())"
case ByteArray:
// Byte array with no container is empty
return writer.appendByteString("", 0);
case String:
// String with no container is empty
return writer.appendTextString("", 0);
case Array:
case Map:
case Tag:
// handled by "if (isContainer() || isTag())"
case DateTime:
case Url:
case RegularExpression:
case Uuid:
// not possible
void QCborValueRef::toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt)
concrete().toCbor(writer, opt);
void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValue &other)
that.d->replaceAt(that.i, other);
void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, QCborValue &&other)
that.d->replaceAt(that.i, other, QCborContainerPrivate::MoveContainer);
void QCborValueRef::assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValueRef other)
// ### optimize?
assign(that, other.concrete());
QCborValue QCborValueRef::concrete(QCborValueRef self) noexcept
return self.d->valueAt(self.i);
QCborValue::Type QCborValueRef::concreteType(QCborValueRef self) noexcept
return self.d->;
If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value
whose key matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if
this QCborValueRef object is not a map, returns the undefined value.
This function is equivalent to:
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](const QString &key) const
const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(i);
return item[key];
If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value
whose key matches \a key. If there's no key matching \a key in the map or if
this QCborValueRef object is not a map, returns the undefined value.
This function is equivalent to:
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](QLatin1String key) const
const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(i);
return item[key];
If this QCborValueRef refers to a QCborMap, searches elements for the value
whose key matches \a key. If this is a QCborArray, returns the element whose
index is \a key. If there's no matching value in the array or map, or if
this QCborValueRef object is not an array or map, returns the undefined
\sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at()
const QCborValue QCborValueRef::operator[](qint64 key) const
const QCborValue item = d->valueAt(i);
return item[key];
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValueRef refers to a
QCborMap, this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that
Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array,
it is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each
index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it
will be over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](const QString &key)
auto &e = d->elements[i];
qsizetype size = 0;
if (e.flags & QtCbor::Element::IsContainer) {
if (e.container) {
if (e.type == QCborValue::Array) {
QCborValue repack = QCborValue(arrayAsMap(QCborArray(*e.container)));
qSwap(e.container, repack.container);
} else if (e.type != QCborValue::Map) {
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
if (e.container)
size = e.container->elements.size();
} else {
// Stomp any prior e.value, replace with a map (that we'll grow)
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
e.flags = QtCbor::Element::IsContainer;
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (e.container) {
QCborMap proxy(*e.container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
e.container = maybeDetach(e.container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(e.container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < e.container->elements.size());
return { e.container, index };
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a QCborMap,
this function is equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map.
Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array,
it is first converted to a map (so that \c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each
index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]}); otherwise, if it was not a map it
will be over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[](qint64), QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](QLatin1String key)
auto &e = d->elements[i];
qsizetype size = 0;
if (e.flags & QtCbor::Element::IsContainer) {
if (e.container) {
if (e.type == QCborValue::Array) {
QCborValue repack = QCborValue(arrayAsMap(QCborArray(*e.container)));
qSwap(e.container, repack.container);
} else if (e.type != QCborValue::Map) {
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
if (e.container)
size = e.container->elements.size();
} else {
// Stomp any prior e.value, replace with a map (that we'll grow)
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
e.flags = QtCbor::Element::IsContainer;
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (e.container) {
QCborMap proxy(*e.container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
e.container = maybeDetach(e.container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(e.container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < e.container->elements.size());
return { e.container, index };
Returns a QCborValueRef that can be used to read or modify the entry in
this, as a map or array, with the given \a key. When this QCborValue is a
QCborMap or, for 0 <= key < 0x10000, a QCborArray, this function is
equivalent to the matching operator[] on that map or array.
Before returning the reference: if the QCborValue referenced was an array
but the key is out of range, the array is first converted to a map (so that
\c{map[i]} is \c{array[i]} for each index, \c i, with valid \c{array[i]});
otherwise, if it was not a map it will be over-written with an empty map.
\sa operator[], QCborMap::operator[], QCborMap::value(),
QCborMap::find(), QCborArray::operator[], QCborArray::at()
QCborValueRef QCborValueRef::operator[](qint64 key)
auto &e = d->elements[i];
if (e.type == QCborValue::Array && key >= 0 && key < 0x10000) {
e.container = maybeGrow(e.container, key);
return { e.container, qsizetype(key) };
qsizetype size = 0;
if (e.flags & QtCbor::Element::IsContainer) {
if (e.container) {
if (e.type == QCborValue::Array) {
QCborValue repack = QCborValue(arrayAsMap(QCborArray(*e.container)));
qSwap(e.container, repack.container);
} else if (e.type != QCborValue::Map) {
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
if (e.container)
size = e.container->elements.size();
} else {
// Stomp any prior e.value, replace with a map (that we'll grow)
e.container = nullptr;
e.type = QCborValue::Map;
e.flags = QtCbor::Element::IsContainer;
Q_ASSERT(!(size & 1));
qsizetype index = size + 1;
bool found = false;
if (e.container) {
QCborMap proxy(*e.container);
auto it = proxy.constFind(key);
if (it < proxy.constEnd()) {
found = true;
index = it.item.i;
e.container = maybeDetach(e.container, size + (found ? 0 : 2));
if (!found) {
Q_ASSERT(index & 1 && !(e.container->elements.size() & 1));
Q_ASSERT(index < e.container->elements.size());
return { e.container, index };
inline QCborArray::QCborArray(QCborContainerPrivate &dd) noexcept
: d(&dd)
inline QCborMap::QCborMap(QCborContainerPrivate &dd) noexcept
: d(&dd)
uint qHash(const QCborValue &value, uint seed)
switch (value.type()) {
case QCborValue::Integer:
return qHash(value.toInteger(), seed);
case QCborValue::ByteArray:
return qHash(value.toByteArray(), seed);
case QCborValue::String:
return qHash(value.toString(), seed);
case QCborValue::Array:
return qHash(value.toArray(), seed);
case QCborValue::Map:
return qHash(value.toMap(), seed);
case QCborValue::Tag: {
QtPrivate::QHashCombine hash;
seed = hash(seed, value.tag());
seed = hash(seed, value.taggedValue());
return seed;
case QCborValue::SimpleType:
case QCborValue::False:
return qHash(false, seed);
case QCborValue::True:
return qHash(true, seed);
case QCborValue::Null:
return qHash(nullptr, seed);
case QCborValue::Undefined:
return seed;
case QCborValue::Double:
return qHash(value.toDouble(), seed);
case QCborValue::DateTime:
return qHash(value.toDateTime(), seed);
case QCborValue::Url:
return qHash(value.toUrl(), seed);
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
case QCborValue::RegularExpression:
return qHash(value.toRegularExpression(), seed);
case QCborValue::Uuid:
return qHash(value.toUuid(), seed);
case QCborValue::Invalid:
return seed;
return qHash(value.toSimpleType(), seed);
#if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
static QDebug debugContents(QDebug &dbg, const QCborValue &v)
switch (v.type()) {
case QCborValue::Integer:
return dbg << v.toInteger();
case QCborValue::ByteArray:
return dbg << "QByteArray(" << v.toByteArray() << ')';
case QCborValue::String:
return dbg << v.toString();
case QCborValue::Array:
return dbg << v.toArray();
case QCborValue::Map:
return dbg << v.toMap();
case QCborValue::Tag:
dbg << v.tag() << ", ";
return debugContents(dbg, v.taggedValue());
case QCborValue::SimpleType:
case QCborValue::True:
return dbg << true;
case QCborValue::False:
return dbg << false;
case QCborValue::Null:
return dbg << "nullptr";
case QCborValue::Undefined:
return dbg;
case QCborValue::Double: {
qint64 i = qint64(v.toDouble());
if (i == v.toDouble())
return dbg << i << ".0";
return dbg << v.toDouble();
case QCborValue::DateTime:
return dbg << v.toDateTime();
case QCborValue::Url:
return dbg << v.toUrl();
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
case QCborValue::RegularExpression:
return dbg << v.toRegularExpression();
case QCborValue::Uuid:
return dbg << v.toUuid();
case QCborValue::Invalid:
return dbg << "<invalid>";
if (v.isSimpleType())
return dbg << v.toSimpleType();
return dbg << "<unknown type " << Qt::hex << int(v.type()) << Qt::dec << '>';
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QCborValue &v)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg.nospace() << "QCborValue(";
return debugContents(dbg, v) << ')';
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QCborValue &value)
stream << QCborValue(value).toCbor();
return stream;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QCborValue &value)
QByteArray buffer;
stream >> buffer;
QCborParserError parseError{};
value = QCborValue::fromCbor(buffer, &parseError);
if (parseError.error)
return stream;
#include "qcborarray.cpp"
#include "qcbormap.cpp"
#include "moc_qcborvalue.cpp"