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// Don't define it while compiling this module, or USERS of Qt will
// not be able to link.
#include "qchar.h"
#include "qdatastream.h"
#include "qunicodetables_p.h"
#include "qunicodetables.cpp"
#include <algorithm>
#define FLAG(x) (1 << (x))
\class QLatin1Char
\inmodule QtCore
\brief The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
\ingroup string-processing
This class is only useful to construct a QChar with 8-bit character.
\sa QChar, QLatin1String, QString
\fn const char QLatin1Char::toLatin1() const
Converts a Latin-1 character to an 8-bit ASCII representation of the character.
\fn const ushort QLatin1Char::unicode() const
Converts a Latin-1 character to an 16-bit-encoded Unicode representation
of the character.
\fn QLatin1Char::QLatin1Char(char c)
Constructs a Latin-1 character for \a c. This constructor should be
used when the encoding of the input character is known to be Latin-1.
\class QChar
\inmodule QtCore
\brief The QChar class provides a 16-bit Unicode character.
\ingroup string-processing
In Qt, Unicode characters are 16-bit entities without any markup
or structure. This class represents such an entity. It is
lightweight, so it can be used everywhere. Most compilers treat
it like an \c{unsigned short}.
QChar provides a full complement of testing/classification
functions, converting to and from other formats, converting from
composed to decomposed Unicode, and trying to compare and
case-convert if you ask it to.
The classification functions include functions like those in the
standard C++ header \<cctype\> (formerly \<ctype.h\>), but
operating on the full range of Unicode characters, not just for the ASCII
range. They all return true if the character is a certain type of character;
otherwise they return false. These classification functions are
isNull() (returns \c true if the character is '\\0'), isPrint()
(true if the character is any sort of printable character,
including whitespace), isPunct() (any sort of punctation),
isMark() (Unicode Mark), isLetter() (a letter), isNumber() (any
sort of numeric character, not just 0-9), isLetterOrNumber(), and
isDigit() (decimal digits). All of these are wrappers around
category() which return the Unicode-defined category of each
character. Some of these also calculate the derived properties
(for example isSpace() returns \c true if the character is of category
Separator_* or an exceptional code point from Other_Control category).
QChar also provides direction(), which indicates the "natural"
writing direction of this character. The joiningType() function
indicates how the character joins with it's neighbors (needed
mostly for Arabic or Syriac) and finally hasMirrored(), which indicates
whether the character needs to be mirrored when it is printed in
it's "unnatural" writing direction.
Composed Unicode characters (like \a ring) can be converted to
decomposed Unicode ("a" followed by "ring above") by using decomposition().
In Unicode, comparison is not necessarily possible and case
conversion is very difficult at best. Unicode, covering the
"entire" world, also includes most of the world's case and
sorting problems. operator==() and friends will do comparison
based purely on the numeric Unicode value (code point) of the
characters, and toUpper() and toLower() will do case changes when
the character has a well-defined uppercase/lowercase equivalent.
For locale-dependent comparisons, use QString::localeAwareCompare().
The conversion functions include unicode() (to a scalar),
toLatin1() (to scalar, but converts all non-Latin-1 characters to
0), row() (gives the Unicode row), cell() (gives the Unicode
cell), digitValue() (gives the integer value of any of the
numerous digit characters), and a host of constructors.
QChar provides constructors and cast operators that make it easy
to convert to and from traditional 8-bit \c{char}s. If you
explained in the QString documentation, you will need to
explicitly call fromLatin1(), or use QLatin1Char,
to construct a QChar from an 8-bit \c char, and you will need to
call toLatin1() to get the 8-bit value back.
For more information see
\l{}{"About the Unicode Character Database"}.
\sa Unicode, QString, QLatin1Char
\enum QChar::UnicodeVersion
Specifies which version of the \l{}{Unicode standard}
introduced a certain character.
\value Unicode_1_1 Version 1.1
\value Unicode_2_0 Version 2.0
\value Unicode_2_1_2 Version 2.1.2
\value Unicode_3_0 Version 3.0
\value Unicode_3_1 Version 3.1
\value Unicode_3_2 Version 3.2
\value Unicode_4_0 Version 4.0
\value Unicode_4_1 Version 4.1
\value Unicode_5_0 Version 5.0
\value Unicode_5_1 Version 5.1
\value Unicode_5_2 Version 5.2
\value Unicode_6_0 Version 6.0
\value Unicode_6_1 Version 6.1
\value Unicode_6_2 Version 6.2
\value Unicode_6_3 Version 6.3 Since Qt 5.3
\value Unicode_7_0 Version 7.0 Since Qt 5.5
\value Unicode_8_0 Version 8.0 Since Qt 5.6
\value Unicode_9_0 Version 9.0 Since Qt 5.11
\value Unicode_10_0 Version 10.0 Since Qt 5.11
\value Unicode_Unassigned The value is not assigned to any character
in version 8.0 of Unicode.
\sa unicodeVersion(), currentUnicodeVersion()
\enum QChar::Category
This enum maps the Unicode character categories.
The following characters are normative in Unicode:
\value Mark_NonSpacing Unicode class name Mn
\value Mark_SpacingCombining Unicode class name Mc
\value Mark_Enclosing Unicode class name Me
\value Number_DecimalDigit Unicode class name Nd
\value Number_Letter Unicode class name Nl
\value Number_Other Unicode class name No
\value Separator_Space Unicode class name Zs
\value Separator_Line Unicode class name Zl
\value Separator_Paragraph Unicode class name Zp
\value Other_Control Unicode class name Cc
\value Other_Format Unicode class name Cf
\value Other_Surrogate Unicode class name Cs
\value Other_PrivateUse Unicode class name Co
\value Other_NotAssigned Unicode class name Cn
The following categories are informative in Unicode:
\value Letter_Uppercase Unicode class name Lu
\value Letter_Lowercase Unicode class name Ll
\value Letter_Titlecase Unicode class name Lt
\value Letter_Modifier Unicode class name Lm
\value Letter_Other Unicode class name Lo
\value Punctuation_Connector Unicode class name Pc
\value Punctuation_Dash Unicode class name Pd
\value Punctuation_Open Unicode class name Ps
\value Punctuation_Close Unicode class name Pe
\value Punctuation_InitialQuote Unicode class name Pi
\value Punctuation_FinalQuote Unicode class name Pf
\value Punctuation_Other Unicode class name Po
\value Symbol_Math Unicode class name Sm
\value Symbol_Currency Unicode class name Sc
\value Symbol_Modifier Unicode class name Sk
\value Symbol_Other Unicode class name So
\sa category()
\enum QChar::Script
\since 5.1
This enum type defines the Unicode script property values.
For details about the Unicode script property values see
\l{}{Unicode Standard Annex #24}.
In order to conform to C/C++ naming conventions "Script_" is prepended
to the codes used in the Unicode Standard.
\value Script_Unknown For unassigned, private-use, noncharacter, and surrogate code points.
\value Script_Inherited For characters that may be used with multiple scripts
and that inherit their script from the preceding characters.
These include nonspacing marks, enclosing marks,
and zero width joiner/non-joiner characters.
\value Script_Common For characters that may be used with multiple scripts
and that do not inherit their script from the preceding characters.
\value Script_Latin
\value Script_Greek
\value Script_Cyrillic
\value Script_Armenian
\value Script_Hebrew
\value Script_Arabic
\value Script_Syriac
\value Script_Thaana
\value Script_Devanagari
\value Script_Bengali
\value Script_Gurmukhi
\value Script_Gujarati
\value Script_Oriya
\value Script_Tamil
\value Script_Telugu
\value Script_Kannada
\value Script_Malayalam
\value Script_Sinhala
\value Script_Thai
\value Script_Lao
\value Script_Tibetan
\value Script_Myanmar
\value Script_Georgian
\value Script_Hangul
\value Script_Ethiopic
\value Script_Cherokee
\value Script_CanadianAboriginal
\value Script_Ogham
\value Script_Runic
\value Script_Khmer
\value Script_Mongolian
\value Script_Hiragana
\value Script_Katakana
\value Script_Bopomofo
\value Script_Han
\value Script_Yi
\value Script_OldItalic
\value Script_Gothic
\value Script_Deseret
\value Script_Tagalog
\value Script_Hanunoo
\value Script_Buhid
\value Script_Tagbanwa
\value Script_Coptic
\value Script_Limbu
\value Script_TaiLe
\value Script_LinearB
\value Script_Ugaritic
\value Script_Shavian
\value Script_Osmanya
\value Script_Cypriot
\value Script_Braille
\value Script_Buginese
\value Script_NewTaiLue
\value Script_Glagolitic
\value Script_Tifinagh
\value Script_SylotiNagri
\value Script_OldPersian
\value Script_Kharoshthi
\value Script_Balinese
\value Script_Cuneiform
\value Script_Phoenician
\value Script_PhagsPa
\value Script_Nko
\value Script_Sundanese
\value Script_Lepcha
\value Script_OlChiki
\value Script_Vai
\value Script_Saurashtra
\value Script_KayahLi
\value Script_Rejang
\value Script_Lycian
\value Script_Carian
\value Script_Lydian
\value Script_Cham
\value Script_TaiTham
\value Script_TaiViet
\value Script_Avestan
\value Script_EgyptianHieroglyphs
\value Script_Samaritan
\value Script_Lisu
\value Script_Bamum
\value Script_Javanese
\value Script_MeeteiMayek
\value Script_ImperialAramaic
\value Script_OldSouthArabian
\value Script_InscriptionalParthian
\value Script_InscriptionalPahlavi
\value Script_OldTurkic
\value Script_Kaithi
\value Script_Batak
\value Script_Brahmi
\value Script_Mandaic
\value Script_Chakma
\value Script_MeroiticCursive
\value Script_MeroiticHieroglyphs
\value Script_Miao
\value Script_Sharada
\value Script_SoraSompeng
\value Script_Takri
\value Script_CaucasianAlbanian
\value Script_BassaVah
\value Script_Duployan
\value Script_Elbasan
\value Script_Grantha
\value Script_PahawhHmong
\value Script_Khojki
\value Script_LinearA
\value Script_Mahajani
\value Script_Manichaean
\value Script_MendeKikakui
\value Script_Modi
\value Script_Mro
\value Script_OldNorthArabian
\value Script_Nabataean
\value Script_Palmyrene
\value Script_PauCinHau
\value Script_OldPermic
\value Script_PsalterPahlavi
\value Script_Siddham
\value Script_Khudawadi
\value Script_Tirhuta
\value Script_WarangCiti
\value Script_Ahom
\value Script_AnatolianHieroglyphs
\value Script_Hatran
\value Script_Multani
\value Script_OldHungarian
\value Script_SignWriting
\value Script_Adlam
\value Script_Bhaiksuki
\value Script_Marchen
\value Script_Newa
\value Script_Osage
\value Script_Tangut
\value Script_MasaramGondi
\value Script_Nushu
\value Script_Soyombo
\value Script_ZanabazarSquare
\omitvalue ScriptCount
\sa script()
\enum QChar::Direction
This enum type defines the Unicode direction attributes. See the
\l{}{Unicode Standard} for a description
of the values.
In order to conform to C/C++ naming conventions "Dir" is prepended
to the codes used in the Unicode Standard.
\value DirAL
\value DirAN
\value DirB
\value DirBN
\value DirCS
\value DirEN
\value DirES
\value DirET
\value DirFSI Since Qt 5.3
\value DirL
\value DirLRE
\value DirLRI Since Qt 5.3
\value DirLRO
\value DirNSM
\value DirON
\value DirPDF
\value DirPDI Since Qt 5.3
\value DirR
\value DirRLE
\value DirRLI Since Qt 5.3
\value DirRLO
\value DirS
\value DirWS
\sa direction()
\enum QChar::Decomposition
This enum type defines the Unicode decomposition attributes. See
the \l{}{Unicode Standard} for a
description of the values.
\value NoDecomposition
\value Canonical
\value Circle
\value Compat
\value Final
\value Font
\value Fraction
\value Initial
\value Isolated
\value Medial
\value Narrow
\value NoBreak
\value Small
\value Square
\value Sub
\value Super
\value Vertical
\value Wide
\sa decomposition()
\enum QChar::JoiningType
since 5.3
This enum type defines the Unicode joining type attributes. See the
\l{}{Unicode Standard} for a description of the values.
In order to conform to C/C++ naming conventions "Joining_" is prepended
to the codes used in the Unicode Standard.
\value Joining_None
\value Joining_Causing
\value Joining_Dual
\value Joining_Right
\value Joining_Left
\value Joining_Transparent
\sa joiningType()
\enum QChar::Joining
\deprecated in 5.3, use JoiningType instead.
This enum type defines the Unicode joining attributes. See the
\l{}{Unicode Standard} for a description
of the values.
\value Center
\value Dual
\value OtherJoining
\value Right
\sa joining()
\enum QChar::CombiningClass
This enum type defines names for some of the Unicode combining
classes. See the \l{}{Unicode Standard}
for a description of the values.
\value Combining_Above
\value Combining_AboveAttached
\value Combining_AboveLeft
\value Combining_AboveLeftAttached
\value Combining_AboveRight
\value Combining_AboveRightAttached
\value Combining_Below
\value Combining_BelowAttached
\value Combining_BelowLeft
\value Combining_BelowLeftAttached
\value Combining_BelowRight
\value Combining_BelowRightAttached
\value Combining_DoubleAbove
\value Combining_DoubleBelow
\value Combining_IotaSubscript
\value Combining_Left
\value Combining_LeftAttached
\value Combining_Right
\value Combining_RightAttached
\enum QChar::SpecialCharacter
\value Null A QChar with this value isNull().
\value Tabulation Character tabulation.
\value LineFeed
\value FormFeed
\value CarriageReturn
\value Space
\value Nbsp Non-breaking space.
\value SoftHyphen
\value ReplacementCharacter The character shown when a font has no glyph
for a certain codepoint. A special question mark character is often
used. Codecs use this codepoint when input data cannot be
represented in Unicode.
\value ObjectReplacementCharacter Used to represent an object such as an
image when such objects cannot be presented.
\value ByteOrderMark
\value ByteOrderSwapped
\value ParagraphSeparator
\value LineSeparator
\value LastValidCodePoint
\fn void QChar::setCell(uchar cell)
\fn void QChar::setRow(uchar row)
\fn QChar::QChar()
Constructs a null QChar ('\\0').
\sa isNull()
\fn QChar::QChar(QLatin1Char ch)
Constructs a QChar corresponding to ASCII/Latin-1 character \a ch.
\fn QChar::QChar(SpecialCharacter ch)
Constructs a QChar for the predefined character value \a ch.
\fn QChar::QChar(char16_t ch)
\since 5.10
Constructs a QChar corresponding to the UTF-16 character \a ch.
\fn QChar::QChar(wchar_t ch)
\since 5.10
Constructs a QChar corresponding to the wide character \a ch.
\note This constructor is only available on Windows.
\fn QChar::QChar(char ch)
Constructs a QChar corresponding to ASCII/Latin-1 character \a ch.
\note This constructor is not available when \c QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII
is defined.
\fn QChar::QChar(uchar ch)
Constructs a QChar corresponding to ASCII/Latin-1 character \a ch.
\note This constructor is not available when \c QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII
\fn QChar::QChar(uchar cell, uchar row)
Constructs a QChar for Unicode cell \a cell in row \a row.
\sa cell(), row()
\fn QChar::QChar(ushort code)
Constructs a QChar for the character with Unicode code point \a code.
\fn QChar::QChar(short code)
Constructs a QChar for the character with Unicode code point \a code.
\fn QChar::QChar(uint code)
Constructs a QChar for the character with Unicode code point \a code.
\fn QChar::QChar(int code)
Constructs a QChar for the character with Unicode code point \a code.
\fn bool QChar::isNull() const
Returns \c true if the character is the Unicode character 0x0000
('\\0'); otherwise returns \c false.
\fn uchar QChar::cell() const
Returns the cell (least significant byte) of the Unicode character.
\sa row()
\fn uchar QChar::row() const
Returns the row (most significant byte) of the Unicode character.
\sa cell()
\fn bool QChar::isPrint() const
Returns \c true if the character is a printable character; otherwise
returns \c false. This is any character not of category Other_*.
Note that this gives no indication of whether the character is
available in a particular font.
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a printable character; otherwise returns \c false.
This is any character not of category Other_*.
Note that this gives no indication of whether the character is
available in a particular font.
bool QChar::isPrint(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Other_Control) |
FLAG(Other_Format) |
FLAG(Other_Surrogate) |
FLAG(Other_PrivateUse) |
return !(FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test);
\fn bool QChar::isSpace() const
Returns \c true if the character is a separator character
(Separator_* categories or certain code points from Other_Control category);
otherwise returns \c false.
\fn bool QChar::isSpace(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a separator character (Separator_* categories or certain code points
from Other_Control category); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QT_FASTCALL QChar::isSpace_helper(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Separator_Space) |
FLAG(Separator_Line) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isMark() const
Returns \c true if the character is a mark (Mark_* categories);
otherwise returns \c false.
See QChar::Category for more information regarding marks.
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a mark (Mark_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QChar::isMark(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Mark_NonSpacing) |
FLAG(Mark_SpacingCombining) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isPunct() const
Returns \c true if the character is a punctuation mark (Punctuation_*
categories); otherwise returns \c false.
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a punctuation mark (Punctuation_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QChar::isPunct(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Punctuation_Connector) |
FLAG(Punctuation_Dash) |
FLAG(Punctuation_Open) |
FLAG(Punctuation_Close) |
FLAG(Punctuation_InitialQuote) |
FLAG(Punctuation_FinalQuote) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isSymbol() const
Returns \c true if the character is a symbol (Symbol_* categories);
otherwise returns \c false.
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a symbol (Symbol_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QChar::isSymbol(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Symbol_Math) |
FLAG(Symbol_Currency) |
FLAG(Symbol_Modifier) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isLetter() const
Returns \c true if the character is a letter (Letter_* categories);
otherwise returns \c false.
\fn bool QChar::isLetter(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a letter (Letter_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QT_FASTCALL QChar::isLetter_helper(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Letter_Uppercase) |
FLAG(Letter_Lowercase) |
FLAG(Letter_Titlecase) |
FLAG(Letter_Modifier) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isNumber() const
Returns \c true if the character is a number (Number_* categories,
not just 0-9); otherwise returns \c false.
\sa isDigit()
\fn bool QChar::isNumber(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a number (Number_* categories, not just 0-9); otherwise returns \c false.
\sa isDigit()
bool QT_FASTCALL QChar::isNumber_helper(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Number_DecimalDigit) |
FLAG(Number_Letter) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isLetterOrNumber() const
Returns \c true if the character is a letter or number (Letter_* or
Number_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
\fn bool QChar::isLetterOrNumber(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a letter or number (Letter_* or Number_* categories); otherwise returns \c false.
bool QT_FASTCALL QChar::isLetterOrNumber_helper(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
const int test = FLAG(Letter_Uppercase) |
FLAG(Letter_Lowercase) |
FLAG(Letter_Titlecase) |
FLAG(Letter_Modifier) |
FLAG(Letter_Other) |
FLAG(Number_DecimalDigit) |
FLAG(Number_Letter) |
return FLAG(qGetProp(ucs4)->category) & test;
\fn bool QChar::isDigit() const
Returns \c true if the character is a decimal digit
(Number_DecimalDigit); otherwise returns \c false.
\sa isNumber()
\fn bool QChar::isDigit(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 is
a decimal digit (Number_DecimalDigit); otherwise returns \c false.
\sa isNumber()
\fn bool QChar::isNonCharacter() const
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the QChar is a non-character; false otherwise.
Unicode has a certain number of code points that are classified
as "non-characters:" that is, they can be used for internal purposes
in applications but cannot be used for text interchange.
Those are the last two entries each Unicode Plane ([0xfffe..0xffff],
[0x1fffe..0x1ffff], etc.) as well as the entries in range [0xfdd0..0xfdef].
\fn bool QChar::isHighSurrogate() const
Returns \c true if the QChar is the high part of a UTF16 surrogate
(for example if its code point is in range [0xd800..0xdbff]); false otherwise.
\fn bool QChar::isLowSurrogate() const
Returns \c true if the QChar is the low part of a UTF16 surrogate
(for example if its code point is in range [0xdc00..0xdfff]); false otherwise.
\fn bool QChar::isSurrogate() const
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the QChar contains a code point that is in either
the high or the low part of the UTF-16 surrogate range
(for example if its code point is in range [0xd800..0xdfff]); false otherwise.
\fn static bool QChar::isNonCharacter(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is a non-character; false otherwise.
Unicode has a certain number of code points that are classified
as "non-characters:" that is, they can be used for internal purposes
in applications but cannot be used for text interchange.
Those are the last two entries each Unicode Plane ([0xfffe..0xffff],
[0x1fffe..0x1ffff], etc.) as well as the entries in range [0xfdd0..0xfdef].
\fn static bool QChar::isHighSurrogate(uint ucs4)
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is the high part of a UTF16 surrogate
(for example if its code point is in range [0xd800..0xdbff]); false otherwise.
\fn static bool QChar::isLowSurrogate(uint ucs4)
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is the low part of a UTF16 surrogate
(for example if its code point is in range [0xdc00..0xdfff]); false otherwise.
\fn static bool QChar::isSurrogate(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
contains a code point that is in either the high or the low part of the
UTF-16 surrogate range (for example if its code point is in range [0xd800..0xdfff]);
false otherwise.
\fn static bool QChar::requiresSurrogates(uint ucs4)
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
can be split into the high and low parts of a UTF16 surrogate
(for example if its code point is greater than or equals to 0x10000);
false otherwise.
\fn static uint QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ushort high, ushort low)
Converts a UTF16 surrogate pair with the given \a high and \a low values
to it's UCS-4-encoded code point.
\fn static uint QChar::surrogateToUcs4(QChar high, QChar low)
Converts a UTF16 surrogate pair (\a high, \a low) to it's UCS-4-encoded code point.
\fn static ushort QChar::highSurrogate(uint ucs4)
Returns the high surrogate part of a UCS-4-encoded code point.
The returned result is undefined if \a ucs4 is smaller than 0x10000.
\fn static ushort QChar::lowSurrogate(uint ucs4)
Returns the low surrogate part of a UCS-4-encoded code point.
The returned result is undefined if \a ucs4 is smaller than 0x10000.
\fn int QChar::digitValue() const
Returns the numeric value of the digit, or -1 if the character is not a digit.
Returns the numeric value of the digit specified by the UCS-4-encoded
character, \a ucs4, or -1 if the character is not a digit.
int QChar::digitValue(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return -1;
return qGetProp(ucs4)->digitValue;
\fn QChar::Category QChar::category() const
Returns the character's category.
Returns the category of the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4.
QChar::Category QChar::category(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::Other_NotAssigned;
return (QChar::Category) qGetProp(ucs4)->category;
\fn QChar::Direction QChar::direction() const
Returns the character's direction.
Returns the direction of the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4.
QChar::Direction QChar::direction(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::DirL;
return (QChar::Direction) qGetProp(ucs4)->direction;
\fn QChar::JoiningType QChar::joiningType() const
\since 5.3
Returns information about the joining type attributes of the character
(needed for certain languages such as Arabic or Syriac).
\since 5.3
Returns information about the joining type attributes of the UCS-4-encoded
character specified by \a ucs4
(needed for certain languages such as Arabic or Syriac).
QChar::JoiningType QChar::joiningType(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::Joining_None;
return QChar::JoiningType(qGetProp(ucs4)->joining);
\fn QChar::Joining QChar::joining() const
\deprecated in 5.3, use joiningType() instead.
Returns information about the joining properties of the character
(needed for certain languages such as Arabic).
\deprecated in 5.3, use joiningType() instead.
Returns information about the joining properties of the UCS-4-encoded
character specified by \a ucs4 (needed for certain languages such as Arabic).
QChar::Joining QChar::joining(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::OtherJoining;
switch (qGetProp(ucs4)->joining) {
case QChar::Joining_Causing: return QChar::Center;
case QChar::Joining_Dual: return QChar::Dual;
case QChar::Joining_Right: return QChar::Right;
default: break;
return QChar::OtherJoining;
\fn bool QChar::hasMirrored() const
Returns \c true if the character should be reversed if the text
direction is reversed; otherwise returns \c false.
A bit faster equivalent of (ch.mirroredChar() != ch).
\sa mirroredChar()
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
should be reversed if the text direction is reversed; otherwise returns \c false.
A bit faster equivalent of (QChar::mirroredChar(ucs4) != ucs4).
\sa mirroredChar()
bool QChar::hasMirrored(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return false;
return qGetProp(ucs4)->mirrorDiff != 0;
\fn bool QChar::isLower() const
Returns \c true if the character is a lowercase letter, for example
category() is Letter_Lowercase.
\sa isUpper(), toLower(), toUpper()
\fn static bool QChar::isLower(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is a lowercase letter, for example category() is Letter_Lowercase.
\sa isUpper(), toLower(), toUpper()
\fn bool QChar::isUpper() const
Returns \c true if the character is an uppercase letter, for example
category() is Letter_Uppercase.
\sa isLower(), toUpper(), toLower()
\fn static bool QChar::isUpper(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is an uppercase letter, for example category() is Letter_Uppercase.
\sa isLower(), toUpper(), toLower()
\fn bool QChar::isTitleCase() const
Returns \c true if the character is a titlecase letter, for example
category() is Letter_Titlecase.
\sa isLower(), toUpper(), toLower(), toTitleCase()
\fn static bool QChar::isTitleCase(uint ucs4)
\since 5.0
Returns \c true if the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4
is a titlecase letter, for example category() is Letter_Titlecase.
\sa isLower(), toUpper(), toLower(), toTitleCase()
\fn QChar QChar::mirroredChar() const
Returns the mirrored character if this character is a mirrored
character; otherwise returns the character itself.
\sa hasMirrored()
Returns the mirrored character if the UCS-4-encoded character specified
by \a ucs4 is a mirrored character; otherwise returns the character itself.
\sa hasMirrored()
uint QChar::mirroredChar(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return ucs4;
return ucs4 + qGetProp(ucs4)->mirrorDiff;
// constants for Hangul (de)composition, see UAX #15
enum {
Hangul_SBase = 0xac00,
Hangul_LBase = 0x1100,
Hangul_VBase = 0x1161,
Hangul_TBase = 0x11a7,
Hangul_LCount = 19,
Hangul_VCount = 21,
Hangul_TCount = 28,
Hangul_NCount = Hangul_VCount * Hangul_TCount,
Hangul_SCount = Hangul_LCount * Hangul_NCount
// buffer has to have a length of 3. It's needed for Hangul decomposition
static const unsigned short * QT_FASTCALL decompositionHelper
(uint ucs4, int *length, int *tag, unsigned short *buffer)
if (ucs4 >= Hangul_SBase && ucs4 < Hangul_SBase + Hangul_SCount) {
// compute Hangul syllable decomposition as per UAX #15
const uint SIndex = ucs4 - Hangul_SBase;
buffer[0] = Hangul_LBase + SIndex / Hangul_NCount; // L
buffer[1] = Hangul_VBase + (SIndex % Hangul_NCount) / Hangul_TCount; // V
buffer[2] = Hangul_TBase + SIndex % Hangul_TCount; // T
*length = buffer[2] == Hangul_TBase ? 2 : 3;
*tag = QChar::Canonical;
return buffer;
const unsigned short index = GET_DECOMPOSITION_INDEX(ucs4);
if (index == 0xffff) {
*length = 0;
*tag = QChar::NoDecomposition;
return nullptr;
const unsigned short *decomposition = uc_decomposition_map+index;
*tag = (*decomposition) & 0xff;
*length = (*decomposition) >> 8;
return decomposition+1;
Decomposes a character into it's constituent parts. Returns an empty string
if no decomposition exists.
QString QChar::decomposition() const
return QChar::decomposition(ucs);
Decomposes the UCS-4-encoded character specified by \a ucs4 into it's
constituent parts. Returns an empty string if no decomposition exists.
QString QChar::decomposition(uint ucs4)
unsigned short buffer[3];
int length;
int tag;
const unsigned short *d = decompositionHelper(ucs4, &length, &tag, buffer);
return QString(reinterpret_cast<const QChar *>(d), length);
\fn QChar::Decomposition QChar::decompositionTag() const
Returns the tag defining the composition of the character. Returns
QChar::NoDecomposition if no decomposition exists.
Returns the tag defining the composition of the UCS-4-encoded character
specified by \a ucs4. Returns QChar::NoDecomposition if no decomposition exists.
QChar::Decomposition QChar::decompositionTag(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 >= Hangul_SBase && ucs4 < Hangul_SBase + Hangul_SCount)
return QChar::Canonical;
const unsigned short index = GET_DECOMPOSITION_INDEX(ucs4);
if (index == 0xffff)
return QChar::NoDecomposition;
return (QChar::Decomposition)(uc_decomposition_map[index] & 0xff);
\fn unsigned char QChar::combiningClass() const
Returns the combining class for the character as defined in the
Unicode standard. This is mainly useful as a positioning hint for
marks attached to a base character.
The Qt text rendering engine uses this information to correctly
position non-spacing marks around a base character.
Returns the combining class for the UCS-4-encoded character specified by
\a ucs4, as defined in the Unicode standard.
unsigned char QChar::combiningClass(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return 0;
return (unsigned char) qGetProp(ucs4)->combiningClass;
\fn QChar::Script QChar::script() const
\since 5.1
Returns the Unicode script property value for this character.
\since 5.1
Returns the Unicode script property value for the character specified in
its UCS-4-encoded form as \a ucs4.
QChar::Script QChar::script(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::Script_Unknown;
return (QChar::Script) qGetProp(ucs4)->script;
\fn QChar::UnicodeVersion QChar::unicodeVersion() const
Returns the Unicode version that introduced this character.
Returns the Unicode version that introduced the character specified in
its UCS-4-encoded form as \a ucs4.
QChar::UnicodeVersion QChar::unicodeVersion(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return QChar::Unicode_Unassigned;
return (QChar::UnicodeVersion) qGetProp(ucs4)->unicodeVersion;
Returns the most recent supported Unicode version.
QChar::UnicodeVersion QChar::currentUnicodeVersion() noexcept
template <typename T>
Q_DECL_CONST_FUNCTION static inline T convertCase_helper(T uc, QUnicodeTables::Case which) noexcept
const auto fold = qGetProp(uc)->cases[which];
if (Q_UNLIKELY(fold.special)) {
const ushort *specialCase = specialCaseMap + fold.diff;
// so far, there are no special cases beyond BMP (guaranteed by the qunicodetables generator)
return *specialCase == 1 ? specialCase[1] : uc;
return uc + fold.diff;
\fn QChar QChar::toLower() const
Returns the lowercase equivalent if the character is uppercase or titlecase;
otherwise returns the character itself.
Returns the lowercase equivalent of the UCS-4-encoded character specified
by \a ucs4 if the character is uppercase or titlecase; otherwise returns
the character itself.
uint QChar::toLower(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return ucs4;
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::LowerCase);
\fn QChar QChar::toUpper() const
Returns the uppercase equivalent if the character is lowercase or titlecase;
otherwise returns the character itself.
Returns the uppercase equivalent of the UCS-4-encoded character specified
by \a ucs4 if the character is lowercase or titlecase; otherwise returns
the character itself.
uint QChar::toUpper(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return ucs4;
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::UpperCase);
\fn QChar QChar::toTitleCase() const
Returns the title case equivalent if the character is lowercase or uppercase;
otherwise returns the character itself.
Returns the title case equivalent of the UCS-4-encoded character specified
by \a ucs4 if the character is lowercase or uppercase; otherwise returns
the character itself.
uint QChar::toTitleCase(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return ucs4;
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::TitleCase);
static inline uint foldCase(const ushort *ch, const ushort *start)
uint ucs4 = *ch;
if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(ucs4) && ch > start && QChar::isHighSurrogate(*(ch - 1)))
ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*(ch - 1), ucs4);
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::CaseFold);
static inline uint foldCase(uint ch, uint &last) noexcept
uint ucs4 = ch;
if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(ucs4) && QChar::isHighSurrogate(last))
ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(last, ucs4);
last = ch;
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::CaseFold);
static inline ushort foldCase(ushort ch) noexcept
return convertCase_helper(ch, QUnicodeTables::CaseFold);
static inline QChar foldCase(QChar ch) noexcept
return QChar(foldCase(ch.unicode()));
\fn QChar QChar::toCaseFolded() const
Returns the case folded equivalent of the character.
For most Unicode characters this is the same as toLower().
Returns the case folded equivalent of the UCS-4-encoded character specified
by \a ucs4. For most Unicode characters this is the same as toLower().
uint QChar::toCaseFolded(uint ucs4) noexcept
if (ucs4 > LastValidCodePoint)
return ucs4;
return convertCase_helper(ucs4, QUnicodeTables::CaseFold);
\fn char QChar::toLatin1() const
Returns the Latin-1 character equivalent to the QChar, or 0. This
is mainly useful for non-internationalized software.
\note It is not possible to distinguish a non-Latin-1 character from a Latin-1 0
(NUL) character. Prefer to use unicode(), which does not have this ambiguity.
\sa unicode()
\fn QChar QChar::fromLatin1(char)
Converts the Latin-1 character \a c to its equivalent QChar. This
is mainly useful for non-internationalized software.
An alternative is to use QLatin1Char.
\sa toLatin1(), unicode()
\fn char QChar::toAscii() const
Returns the Latin-1 character value of the QChar, or 0 if the character is not
The main purpose of this function is to preserve ASCII characters used
in C strings. This is mainly useful for developers of non-internationalized
\note It is not possible to distinguish a non-Latin 1 character from an ASCII 0
(NUL) character. Prefer to use unicode(), which does not have this ambiguity.
\note This function does not check whether the character value is inside
the valid range of US-ASCII.
\sa toLatin1(), unicode()
\fn QChar QChar::fromAscii(char)
Converts the ASCII character \a c to it's equivalent QChar. This
is mainly useful for non-internationalized software.
An alternative is to use QLatin1Char.
\sa fromLatin1(), unicode()
\relates QChar
Writes the char \a chr to the stream \a out.
\sa {Serializing Qt Data Types}
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, QChar chr)
out << quint16(chr.unicode());
return out;
\relates QChar
Reads a char from the stream \a in into char \a chr.
\sa {Serializing Qt Data Types}
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QChar &chr)
quint16 u;
in >> u;
chr.unicode() = ushort(u);
return in;
\fn ushort & QChar::unicode()
Returns a reference to the numeric Unicode value of the QChar.
\fn ushort QChar::unicode() const
Returns the numeric Unicode value of the QChar.
Documentation of QChar related functions
\fn bool operator==(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if \a c1 and \a c2 are the same Unicode character;
otherwise returns \c false.
\fn int operator!=(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if \a c1 and \a c2 are not the same Unicode
character; otherwise returns \c false.
\fn int operator<=(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if the numeric Unicode value of \a c1 is less than
or equal to that of \a c2; otherwise returns \c false.
\fn int operator>=(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if the numeric Unicode value of \a c1 is greater than
or equal to that of \a c2; otherwise returns \c false.
\fn int operator<(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if the numeric Unicode value of \a c1 is less than
that of \a c2; otherwise returns \c false.
\fn int operator>(QChar c1, QChar c2)
\relates QChar
Returns \c true if the numeric Unicode value of \a c1 is greater than
that of \a c2; otherwise returns \c false.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void decomposeHelper(QString *str, bool canonical, QChar::UnicodeVersion version, int from)
int length;
int tag;
unsigned short buffer[3];
QString &s = *str;
const unsigned short *utf16 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short *>(;
const unsigned short *uc = utf16 + s.length();
while (uc != utf16 + from) {
uint ucs4 = *(--uc);
if (QChar(ucs4).isLowSurrogate() && uc != utf16) {
ushort high = *(uc - 1);
if (QChar(high).isHighSurrogate()) {
ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(high, ucs4);
if (QChar::unicodeVersion(ucs4) > version)
const unsigned short *d = decompositionHelper(ucs4, &length, &tag, buffer);
if (!d || (canonical && tag != QChar::Canonical))
int pos = uc - utf16;
s.replace(pos, QChar::requiresSurrogates(ucs4) ? 2 : 1, reinterpret_cast<const QChar *>(d), length);
// since the replace invalidates the pointers and we do decomposition recursive
utf16 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short *>(;
uc = utf16 + pos + length;
struct UCS2Pair {
ushort u1;
ushort u2;
inline bool operator<(const UCS2Pair &ligature1, const UCS2Pair &ligature2)
{ return ligature1.u1 < ligature2.u1; }
inline bool operator<(ushort u1, const UCS2Pair &ligature)
{ return u1 < ligature.u1; }
inline bool operator<(const UCS2Pair &ligature, ushort u1)
{ return ligature.u1 < u1; }
struct UCS2SurrogatePair {
UCS2Pair p1;
UCS2Pair p2;
inline bool operator<(const UCS2SurrogatePair &ligature1, const UCS2SurrogatePair &ligature2)
{ return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ligature1.p1.u1, ligature1.p1.u2) < QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ligature2.p1.u1, ligature2.p1.u2); }
inline bool operator<(uint u1, const UCS2SurrogatePair &ligature)
{ return u1 < QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ligature.p1.u1, ligature.p1.u2); }
inline bool operator<(const UCS2SurrogatePair &ligature, uint u1)
{ return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ligature.p1.u1, ligature.p1.u2) < u1; }
static uint inline ligatureHelper(uint u1, uint u2)
if (u1 >= Hangul_LBase && u1 <= Hangul_SBase + Hangul_SCount) {
// compute Hangul syllable composition as per UAX #15
// hangul L-V pair
const uint LIndex = u1 - Hangul_LBase;
if (LIndex < Hangul_LCount) {
const uint VIndex = u2 - Hangul_VBase;
if (VIndex < Hangul_VCount)
return Hangul_SBase + (LIndex * Hangul_VCount + VIndex) * Hangul_TCount;
// hangul LV-T pair
const uint SIndex = u1 - Hangul_SBase;
if (SIndex < Hangul_SCount && (SIndex % Hangul_TCount) == 0) {
const uint TIndex = u2 - Hangul_TBase;
if (TIndex <= Hangul_TCount)
return u1 + TIndex;
const unsigned short index = GET_LIGATURE_INDEX(u2);
if (index == 0xffff)
return 0;
const unsigned short *ligatures = uc_ligature_map+index;
ushort length = *ligatures++;
if (QChar::requiresSurrogates(u1)) {
const UCS2SurrogatePair *data = reinterpret_cast<const UCS2SurrogatePair *>(ligatures);
const UCS2SurrogatePair *r = std::lower_bound(data, data + length, u1);
if (r != data + length && QChar::surrogateToUcs4(r->p1.u1, r->p1.u2) == u1)
return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(r->p2.u1, r->p2.u2);
} else {
const UCS2Pair *data = reinterpret_cast<const UCS2Pair *>(ligatures);
const UCS2Pair *r = std::lower_bound(data, data + length, ushort(u1));
if (r != data + length && r->u1 == ushort(u1))
return r->u2;
return 0;
static void composeHelper(QString *str, QChar::UnicodeVersion version, int from)
QString &s = *str;
if (from < 0 || s.length() - from < 2)
uint stcode = 0; // starter code point
int starter = -1; // starter position
int next = -1; // to prevent i == next
int lastCombining = 255; // to prevent combining > lastCombining
int pos = from;
while (pos < s.length()) {
int i = pos;
uint uc =;
if (QChar(uc).isHighSurrogate() && pos < s.length()-1) {
ushort low =;
if (QChar(low).isLowSurrogate()) {
uc = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(uc, low);
const QUnicodeTables::Properties *p = qGetProp(uc);
if (p->unicodeVersion > version) {
starter = -1;
next = -1; // to prevent i == next
lastCombining = 255; // to prevent combining > lastCombining
int combining = p->combiningClass;
if ((i == next || combining > lastCombining) && starter >= from) {
// allowed to form ligature with S
uint ligature = ligatureHelper(stcode, uc);
if (ligature) {
stcode = ligature;
QChar *d =;
// ligatureHelper() never changes planes
if (QChar::requiresSurrogates(ligature)) {
d[starter] = QChar(QChar::highSurrogate(ligature));
d[starter + 1] = QChar(QChar::lowSurrogate(ligature));
s.remove(i, 2);
} else {
d[starter] = QChar(ligature);
s.remove(i, 1);
if (combining == 0) {
starter = i;
stcode = uc;
next = pos + 1;
lastCombining = combining;
static void canonicalOrderHelper(QString *str, QChar::UnicodeVersion version, int from)
QString &s = *str;
const int l = s.length()-1;
uint u1, u2;
ushort c1, c2;
int pos = from;
while (pos < l) {
int p2 = pos+1;
u1 =;
if (QChar(u1).isHighSurrogate()) {
ushort low =;
if (QChar(low).isLowSurrogate()) {
u1 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(u1, low);
if (p2 >= l)
c1 = 0;
u2 =;
if (QChar(u2).isHighSurrogate() && p2 < l) {
ushort low =;
if (QChar(low).isLowSurrogate()) {
u2 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(u2, low);
c2 = 0;
const QUnicodeTables::Properties *p = qGetProp(u2);
if (p->unicodeVersion <= version)
c2 = p->combiningClass;
if (c2 == 0) {
pos = p2+1;
if (c1 == 0) {
const QUnicodeTables::Properties *p = qGetProp(u1);
if (p->unicodeVersion <= version)
c1 = p->combiningClass;
if (c1 > c2) {
QChar *uc =;
int p = pos;
// exchange characters
if (!QChar::requiresSurrogates(u2)) {
uc[p++] = QChar(u2);
} else {
uc[p++] = QChar(QChar::highSurrogate(u2));
uc[p++] = QChar(QChar::lowSurrogate(u2));
if (!QChar::requiresSurrogates(u1)) {
uc[p++] = QChar(u1);
} else {
uc[p++] = QChar(QChar::highSurrogate(u1));
uc[p++] = QChar(QChar::lowSurrogate(u1));
if (pos > 0)
if (pos > 0 &&
} else {
if (QChar::requiresSurrogates(u1))
u1 = u2;
c1 = c2; // != 0
p2 = pos + 1;
if (QChar::requiresSurrogates(u1))
if (p2 > l)
goto advance;
// returns true if the text is in a desired Normalization Form already; false otherwise.
// sets lastStable to the position of the last stable code point
static bool normalizationQuickCheckHelper(QString *str, QString::NormalizationForm mode, int from, int *lastStable)
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(QString::NormalizationForm_D == 0);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(QString::NormalizationForm_C == 1);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(QString::NormalizationForm_KD == 2);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(QString::NormalizationForm_KC == 3);
enum { NFQC_YES = 0, NFQC_NO = 1, NFQC_MAYBE = 3 };
const ushort *string = reinterpret_cast<const ushort *>(str->constData());
int length = str->length();
// this avoids one out of bounds check in the loop
while (length > from && QChar::isHighSurrogate(string[length - 1]))
uchar lastCombining = 0;
for (int i = from; i < length; ++i) {
int pos = i;
uint uc = string[i];
if (uc < 0x80) {
// ASCII characters are stable code points
lastCombining = 0;
*lastStable = pos;
if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(uc)) {
ushort low = string[i + 1];
if (!QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {
// treat surrogate like stable code point
lastCombining = 0;
*lastStable = pos;
uc = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(uc, low);
const QUnicodeTables::Properties *p = qGetProp(uc);
if (p->combiningClass < lastCombining && p->combiningClass > 0)
return false;
const uchar check = (p->nfQuickCheck >> (mode << 1)) & 0x03;
if (check != NFQC_YES)
return false; // ### can we quick check NFQC_MAYBE ?
lastCombining = p->combiningClass;
if (lastCombining == 0)
*lastStable = pos;
if (length != str->length()) // low surrogate parts at the end of text
*lastStable = str->length() - 1;
return true;