blob: 31ede1352bff5c913e126a7dfba9ef909d555a7e [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qlocale_p.h"
#include "qstringlist.h"
#include "qvariant.h"
#include "qdatetime.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
#include "private/qcore_mac_p.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
** Wrappers for Mac locale system functions
static QByteArray envVarLocale()
static QByteArray lang = 0;
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
lang = qgetenv("LC_ALL");
if (lang.isEmpty())
lang = qgetenv("LC_NUMERIC");
if (lang.isEmpty())
lang = qgetenv("LANG");
return lang;
static QString getMacLocaleName()
QString result = QString::fromLocal8Bit(envVarLocale());
QString lang, script, cntry;
if (result.isEmpty()
|| (result != QLatin1String("C") && !qt_splitLocaleName(result, lang, script, cntry))) {
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> l = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFStringRef locale = CFLocaleGetIdentifier(l);
result = QString::fromCFString(locale);
return result;
static QString macMonthName(int month, bool short_format)
month -= 1;
if (month < 0 || month > 11)
return QString();
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> formatter
= CFDateFormatterCreate(0, QCFType<CFLocaleRef>(CFLocaleCopyCurrent()),
kCFDateFormatterNoStyle, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
QCFType<CFArrayRef> values
= static_cast<CFArrayRef>(CFDateFormatterCopyProperty(formatter,
short_format ? kCFDateFormatterShortMonthSymbols
: kCFDateFormatterMonthSymbols));
if (values != 0) {
CFStringRef cfstring = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(values, month));
return QString::fromCFString(cfstring);
return QString();
static QString macDayName(int day, bool short_format)
if (day < 1 || day > 7)
return QString();
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> formatter
= CFDateFormatterCreate(0, QCFType<CFLocaleRef>(CFLocaleCopyCurrent()),
kCFDateFormatterNoStyle, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
QCFType<CFArrayRef> values = static_cast<CFArrayRef>(CFDateFormatterCopyProperty(formatter,
short_format ? kCFDateFormatterShortWeekdaySymbols
: kCFDateFormatterWeekdaySymbols));
if (values != 0) {
CFStringRef cfstring = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(values, day % 7));
return QString::fromCFString(cfstring);
return QString();
static QString macDateToString(const QDate &date, bool short_format)
QCFType<CFDateRef> myDate = QDateTime(date, QTime()).toCFDate();
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> mylocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterStyle style = short_format ? kCFDateFormatterShortStyle : kCFDateFormatterLongStyle;
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> myFormatter
= CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
mylocale, style,
return QCFString(CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(0, myFormatter, myDate));
static QString macTimeToString(const QTime &time, bool short_format)
QCFType<CFDateRef> myDate = QDateTime(QDate::currentDate(), time).toCFDate();
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> mylocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFDateFormatterStyle style = short_format ? kCFDateFormatterShortStyle : kCFDateFormatterLongStyle;
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> myFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
return QCFString(CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(0, myFormatter, myDate));
// Mac uses the Unicode CLDR format codes
// See also qtbase/util/locale_database/
// Makes the assumption that input formats are always well formed and consecutive letters
// never exceed the maximum for the format code.
static QString macToQtFormat(QStringView sys_fmt)
QString result;
int i = 0;
while (i < sys_fmt.size()) {
if ( == '\'') {
QString text = qt_readEscapedFormatString(sys_fmt, &i);
if (text == QLatin1String("'"))
result += QLatin1String("''");
result += QLatin1Char('\'') + text + QLatin1Char('\'');
QChar c =;
int repeat = qt_repeatCount(sys_fmt.mid(i));
switch (c.unicode()) {
// Qt does not support the following options
case 'G': // Era (1..5): 4 = long, 1..3 = short, 5 = narrow
case 'Y': // Year of Week (1..n): 1..n = padded number
case 'U': // Cyclic Year Name (1..5): 4 = long, 1..3 = short, 5 = narrow
case 'Q': // Quarter (1..4): 4 = long, 3 = short, 1..2 = padded number
case 'q': // Standalone Quarter (1..4): 4 = long, 3 = short, 1..2 = padded number
case 'w': // Week of Year (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
case 'W': // Week of Month (1): 1 = number
case 'D': // Day of Year (1..3): 1..3 = padded number
case 'F': // Day of Week in Month (1): 1 = number
case 'g': // Modified Julian Day (1..n): 1..n = padded number
case 'A': // Milliseconds in Day (1..n): 1..n = padded number
case 'y': // Year (1..n): 2 = short year, 1 & 3..n = padded number
case 'u': // Extended Year (1..n): 2 = short year, 1 & 3..n = padded number
// Qt only supports long (4) or short (2) year, use long for all others
if (repeat == 2)
result += QLatin1String("yy");
result += QLatin1String("yyyy");
case 'M': // Month (1..5): 4 = long, 3 = short, 1..2 = number, 5 = narrow
case 'L': // Standalone Month (1..5): 4 = long, 3 = short, 1..2 = number, 5 = narrow
// Qt only supports long, short and number, use short for narrow
if (repeat == 5)
result += QLatin1String("MMM");
result += QString(repeat, QLatin1Char('M'));
case 'd': // Day of Month (1..2): 1..2 padded number
result += QString(repeat, c);
case 'E': // Day of Week (1..6): 4 = long, 1..3 = short, 5..6 = narrow
// Qt only supports long, short and padded number, use short for narrow
if (repeat == 4)
result += QLatin1String("dddd");
result += QLatin1String("ddd");
case 'e': // Local Day of Week (1..6): 4 = long, 3 = short, 5..6 = narrow, 1..2 padded number
case 'c': // Standalone Local Day of Week (1..6): 4 = long, 3 = short, 5..6 = narrow, 1..2 padded number
// Qt only supports long, short and padded number, use short for narrow
if (repeat >= 5)
result += QLatin1String("ddd");
result += QString(repeat, QLatin1Char('d'));
case 'a': // AM/PM (1): 1 = short
// Translate to Qt uppercase AM/PM
result += QLatin1String("AP");
case 'h': // Hour [1..12] (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
case 'K': // Hour [0..11] (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
case 'j': // Local Hour [12 or 24] (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
// Qt h is local hour
result += QString(repeat, QLatin1Char('h'));
case 'H': // Hour [0..23] (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
case 'k': // Hour [1..24] (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
// Qt H is 0..23 hour
result += QString(repeat, QLatin1Char('H'));
case 'm': // Minutes (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
case 's': // Seconds (1..2): 1..2 = padded number
result += QString(repeat, c);
case 'S': // Fractional second (1..n): 1..n = truncates to decimal places
// Qt uses msecs either unpadded or padded to 3 places
if (repeat < 3)
result += QLatin1Char('z');
result += QLatin1String("zzz");
case 'z': // Time Zone (1..4)
case 'Z': // Time Zone (1..5)
case 'O': // Time Zone (1, 4)
case 'v': // Time Zone (1, 4)
case 'V': // Time Zone (1..4)
case 'X': // Time Zone (1..5)
case 'x': // Time Zone (1..5)
result += QLatin1Char('t');
// a..z and A..Z are reserved for format codes, so any occurrence of these not
// already processed are not known and so unsupported formats to be ignored.
// All other chars are allowed as literals.
if (c < QLatin1Char('A') || c > QLatin1Char('z') ||
(c > QLatin1Char('Z') && c < QLatin1Char('a'))) {
result += QString(repeat, c);
i += repeat;
return result;
QString getMacDateFormat(CFDateFormatterStyle style)
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> l = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
l, style, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
return macToQtFormat(QString::fromCFString(CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter)));
static QString getMacTimeFormat(CFDateFormatterStyle style)
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> l = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
l, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle, style);
return macToQtFormat(QString::fromCFString(CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter)));
static QString getCFLocaleValue(CFStringRef key)
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFTypeRef value = CFLocaleGetValue(locale, key);
return QString::fromCFString(CFStringRef(static_cast<CFTypeRef>(value)));
static QLocale::MeasurementSystem macMeasurementSystem()
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFStringRef system = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleMeasurementSystem));
if (QString::fromCFString(system) == QLatin1String("Metric")) {
return QLocale::MetricSystem;
} else {
return QLocale::ImperialSystem;
static quint8 macFirstDayOfWeek()
QCFType<CFCalendarRef> calendar = CFCalendarCopyCurrent();
quint8 day = static_cast<quint8>(CFCalendarGetFirstWeekday(calendar))-1;
if (day == 0)
day = 7;
return day;
static QString macCurrencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat format)
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
switch (format) {
case QLocale::CurrencyIsoCode:
return QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleCurrencyCode)));
case QLocale::CurrencySymbol:
return QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleCurrencySymbol)));
case QLocale::CurrencyDisplayName: {
CFStringRef code = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleCurrencyCode));
QCFType<CFStringRef> value = CFLocaleCopyDisplayNameForPropertyValue(locale, kCFLocaleCurrencyCode, code);
return QString::fromCFString(value);
return QString();
static QString macZeroDigit()
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
QCFType<CFNumberFormatterRef> numberFormatter =
CFNumberFormatterCreate(nullptr, locale, kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle);
static const int zeroDigit = 0;
QCFType<CFStringRef> value = CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(nullptr, numberFormatter,
kCFNumberIntType, &zeroDigit);
return QString::fromCFString(value);
static QString macFormatCurrency(const QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument &arg)
QCFType<CFNumberRef> value;
switch (arg.value.type()) {
case QVariant::Int:
case QVariant::UInt: {
int v = arg.value.toInt();
value = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &v);
case QVariant::Double: {
double v = arg.value.toDouble();
value = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &v);
case QVariant::LongLong:
case QVariant::ULongLong: {
qint64 v = arg.value.toLongLong();
value = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberLongLongType, &v);
return QString();
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
QCFType<CFNumberFormatterRef> currencyFormatter =
CFNumberFormatterCreate(NULL, locale, kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle);
if (!arg.symbol.isEmpty()) {
CFNumberFormatterSetProperty(currencyFormatter, kCFNumberFormatterCurrencySymbol,
QCFType<CFStringRef> result = CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithNumber(NULL, currencyFormatter, value);
return QString::fromCFString(result);
static QVariant macQuoteString(QSystemLocale::QueryType type, const QStringRef &str)
QString begin, end;
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
switch (type) {
case QSystemLocale::StringToStandardQuotation:
begin = QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleQuotationBeginDelimiterKey)));
end = QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleQuotationEndDelimiterKey)));
return QString(begin % str % end);
case QSystemLocale::StringToAlternateQuotation:
begin = QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleAlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey)));
end = QString::fromCFString(static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFLocaleGetValue(locale, kCFLocaleAlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey)));
return QString(begin % str % end);
return QVariant();
QLocale QSystemLocale::fallbackUiLocale() const
return QLocale(getMacLocaleName());
QVariant QSystemLocale::query(QueryType type, QVariant in) const
QMacAutoReleasePool pool;
switch(type) {
// case Name:
// return getMacLocaleName();
case DecimalPoint: {
QString value = getCFLocaleValue(kCFLocaleDecimalSeparator);
return value.isEmpty() ? QVariant() : value;
case GroupSeparator: {
QString value = getCFLocaleValue(kCFLocaleGroupingSeparator);
return value.isEmpty() ? QVariant() : value;
case DateFormatLong:
case DateFormatShort:
return getMacDateFormat(type == DateFormatShort
? kCFDateFormatterShortStyle
: kCFDateFormatterLongStyle);
case TimeFormatLong:
case TimeFormatShort:
return getMacTimeFormat(type == TimeFormatShort
? kCFDateFormatterShortStyle
: kCFDateFormatterLongStyle);
case DayNameLong:
case DayNameShort:
return macDayName(in.toInt(), (type == DayNameShort));
case MonthNameLong:
case MonthNameShort:
case StandaloneMonthNameLong:
case StandaloneMonthNameShort:
return macMonthName(in.toInt(), (type == MonthNameShort || type == StandaloneMonthNameShort));
case DateToStringShort:
case DateToStringLong:
return macDateToString(in.toDate(), (type == DateToStringShort));
case TimeToStringShort:
case TimeToStringLong:
return macTimeToString(in.toTime(), (type == TimeToStringShort));
case NegativeSign:
case PositiveSign:
case ZeroDigit:
return QVariant(macZeroDigit());
case MeasurementSystem:
return QVariant(static_cast<int>(macMeasurementSystem()));
case AMText:
case PMText: {
QCFType<CFLocaleRef> locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
QCFType<CFDateFormatterRef> formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(NULL, locale, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle, kCFDateFormatterLongStyle);
QCFType<CFStringRef> value = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDateFormatterCopyProperty(formatter,
(type == AMText ? kCFDateFormatterAMSymbol : kCFDateFormatterPMSymbol)));
return QString::fromCFString(value);
case FirstDayOfWeek:
return QVariant(macFirstDayOfWeek());
case CurrencySymbol:
return QVariant(macCurrencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat(in.toUInt())));
case CurrencyToString:
return macFormatCurrency(in.value<QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument>());
case UILanguages: {
QCFType<CFPropertyListRef> languages = CFPreferencesCopyValue(
QStringList result;
if (!languages)
return QVariant(result);
CFTypeID typeId = CFGetTypeID(languages);
if (typeId == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
const int cnt = CFArrayGetCount(<CFArrayRef>());
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
const QString lang = QString::fromCFString(
static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(<CFArrayRef>(), i)));
} else if (typeId == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
result = QStringList(QString::fromCFString(<CFStringRef>()));
} else {
qWarning("QLocale::uiLanguages(): CFPreferencesCopyValue returned unhandled type \"%ls\"; please report to",
return QVariant(result);
case StringToStandardQuotation:
case StringToAlternateQuotation:
return macQuoteString(type, in.value<QStringRef>());
return QVariant();