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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qcursor.h"
#include <qcoreapplication.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <private/qcursor_p.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformcursor.h>
#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#include <private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>
\class QCursor
\brief The QCursor class provides a mouse cursor with an arbitrary
\inmodule QtGui
\ingroup appearance
\ingroup shared
This class is mainly used to create mouse cursors that are
associated with particular widgets and to get and set the position
of the mouse cursor.
Qt has a number of standard cursor shapes, but you can also make
custom cursor shapes based on a QBitmap, a mask and a hotspot.
To associate a cursor with a widget, use QWidget::setCursor(). To
associate a cursor with all widgets (normally for a short period
of time), use QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor().
To set a cursor shape use QCursor::setShape() or use the QCursor
constructor which takes the shape as argument, or you can use one
of the predefined cursors defined in the \l Qt::CursorShape enum.
If you want to create a cursor with your own bitmap, either use
the QCursor constructor which takes a bitmap and a mask or the
constructor which takes a pixmap as arguments.
To set or get the position of the mouse cursor use the static
methods QCursor::pos() and QCursor::setPos().
\b{Note:} It is possible to create a QCursor before
QGuiApplication, but it is not useful except as a place-holder for a
real QCursor created after QGuiApplication. Attempting to use a
QCursor that was created before QGuiApplication will result in a
\section1 A Note for X11 Users
On X11, Qt supports the \l{Xcursor}{Xcursor}
library, which allows for full color icon themes. The table below
shows the cursor name used for each Qt::CursorShape value. If a
cursor cannot be found using the name shown below, a standard X11
cursor will be used instead. Note: X11 does not provide
appropriate cursors for all possible Qt::CursorShape values. It
is possible that some cursors will be taken from the Xcursor
theme, while others will use an internal bitmap cursor.
\header \li Shape \li Qt::CursorShape Value \li Cursor Name
\li Shape \li Qt::CursorShape Value \li Cursor Name
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-arrow.png
\li Qt::ArrowCursor \li \c left_ptr
\li \inlineimage cursor-sizev.png
\li Qt::SizeVerCursor \li \c size_ver
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-uparrow.png
\li Qt::UpArrowCursor \li \c up_arrow
\li \inlineimage cursor-sizeh.png
\li Qt::SizeHorCursor \li \c size_hor
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-cross.png
\li Qt::CrossCursor \li \c cross
\li \inlineimage cursor-sizeb.png
\li Qt::SizeBDiagCursor \li \c size_bdiag
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-ibeam.png
\li Qt::IBeamCursor \li \c ibeam
\li \inlineimage cursor-sizef.png
\li Qt::SizeFDiagCursor \li \c size_fdiag
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-wait.png
\li Qt::WaitCursor \li \c wait
\li \inlineimage cursor-sizeall.png
\li Qt::SizeAllCursor \li \c size_all
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-busy.png
\li Qt::BusyCursor \li \c left_ptr_watch
\li \inlineimage cursor-vsplit.png
\li Qt::SplitVCursor \li \c split_v
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-forbidden.png
\li Qt::ForbiddenCursor \li \c forbidden
\li \inlineimage cursor-hsplit.png
\li Qt::SplitHCursor \li \c split_h
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-hand.png
\li Qt::PointingHandCursor \li \c pointing_hand
\li \inlineimage cursor-openhand.png
\li Qt::OpenHandCursor \li \c openhand
\row \li \inlineimage cursor-whatsthis.png
\li Qt::WhatsThisCursor \li \c whats_this
\li \inlineimage cursor-closedhand.png
\li Qt::ClosedHandCursor \li \c closedhand
\row \li
\li Qt::DragMoveCursor \li \c dnd-move or \c move
\li Qt::DragCopyCursor \li \c dnd-copy or \c copy
\row \li
\li Qt::DragLinkCursor \li \c dnd-link or \c link
\sa QWidget, {fowler}{GUI Design Handbook: Cursors}
\fn QCursor::QCursor(QCursor &&other)
\since 5.5
Move-constructs a cursor from \a other. After being moved from,
the only valid operations on \a other are destruction and
(move and copy) assignment. The effects of calling any other
member function on a moved-from instance are undefined.
\fn QCursor &QCursor::operator=(QCursor &&other)
Move-assigns \a other to this QCursor instance.
\since 5.2
\fn void QCursor::swap(QCursor &other)
Swaps this cursor with the \a other cursor.
\since 5.7
\fn QPoint QCursor::pos(const QScreen *screen)
Returns the position of the cursor (hot spot) of the \a screen
in global screen coordinates.
You can call QWidget::mapFromGlobal() to translate it to widget
\sa setPos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), QWidget::mapToGlobal()
QPoint QCursor::pos(const QScreen *screen)
if (screen) {
if (const QPlatformCursor *cursor = screen->handle()->cursor()) {
const QPlatformScreen *ps = screen->handle();
QPoint nativePos = cursor->pos();
ps = ps->screenForPosition(nativePos);
return QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(nativePos, ps->screen());
return QGuiApplicationPrivate::lastCursorPosition.toPoint();
\fn QPoint QCursor::pos()
Returns the position of the cursor (hot spot) of
the primary screen in global screen coordinates.
You can call QWidget::mapFromGlobal() to translate it to widget
\note The position is queried from the windowing system. If mouse events are generated
via other means (e.g., via QWindowSystemInterface in a unit test), those fake mouse
moves will not be reflected in the returned value.
\note On platforms where there is no windowing system or cursors are not available, the returned
position is based on the mouse move events generated via QWindowSystemInterface.
\sa setPos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), QWidget::mapToGlobal(), QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()
QPoint QCursor::pos()
return QCursor::pos(QGuiApplication::primaryScreen());
\fn void QCursor::setPos(QScreen *screen, int x, int y)
Moves the cursor (hot spot) of the \a screen to the global
screen position (\a x, \a y).
You can call QWidget::mapToGlobal() to translate widget
coordinates to global screen coordinates.
\note Calling this function results in changing the cursor position through the windowing
system. The windowing system will typically respond by sending mouse events to the application's
window. This means that the usage of this function should be avoided in unit tests and
everywhere where fake mouse events are being injected via QWindowSystemInterface because the
windowing system's mouse state (with regards to buttons for example) may not match the state in
the application-generated events.
\note On platforms where there is no windowing system or cursors are not available, this
function may do nothing.
\sa pos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), QWidget::mapToGlobal()
void QCursor::setPos(QScreen *screen, int x, int y)
if (screen) {
if (QPlatformCursor *cursor = screen->handle()->cursor()) {
const QPoint devicePos = QHighDpi::toNativePixels(QPoint(x, y), screen);
// Need to check, since some X servers generate null mouse move
// events, causing looping in applications which call setPos() on
// every mouse move event.
if (devicePos != cursor->pos())
\fn void QCursor::setPos(int x, int y)
Moves the cursor (hot spot) of the primary screen
to the global screen position (\a x, \a y).
You can call QWidget::mapToGlobal() to translate widget
coordinates to global screen coordinates.
\sa pos(), QWidget::mapFromGlobal(), QWidget::mapToGlobal(), QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()
void QCursor::setPos(int x, int y)
QCursor::setPos(QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(), x, y);
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
\fn void QCursor::setPos (const QPoint &p)
Moves the cursor (hot spot) to the global screen position at point
\a p.
\fn void QCursor::setPos (QScreen *screen,const QPoint &p)
Moves the cursor (hot spot) to the global screen position of the
\a screen at point \a p.
QCursor stream functions
\fn QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QCursor &cursor)
\relates QCursor
Writes the \a cursor to the \a stream.
\sa {Serializing Qt Data Types}
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const QCursor &c)
s << (qint16)c.shape(); // write shape id to stream
if (c.shape() == Qt::BitmapCursor) { // bitmap cursor
bool isPixmap = false;
if (s.version() >= 7) {
isPixmap = !c.pixmap().isNull();
s << isPixmap;
if (isPixmap)
s << c.pixmap();
s << *c.bitmap() << *c.mask();
s << c.hotSpot();
return s;
\fn QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QCursor &cursor)
\relates QCursor
Reads the \a cursor from the \a stream.
\sa {Serializing Qt Data Types}
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, QCursor &c)
qint16 shape;
s >> shape; // read shape id from stream
if (shape == Qt::BitmapCursor) { // read bitmap cursor
bool isPixmap = false;
if (s.version() >= 7)
s >> isPixmap;
if (isPixmap) {
QPixmap pm;
QPoint hot;
s >> pm >> hot;
c = QCursor(pm, hot.x(), hot.y());
} else {
QBitmap bm, bmm;
QPoint hot;
s >> bm >> bmm >> hot;
c = QCursor(bm, bmm, hot.x(), hot.y());
} else {
c.setShape((Qt::CursorShape)shape); // create cursor with shape
return s;
Constructs a custom pixmap cursor.
\a pixmap is the image. It is usual to give it a mask (set using
QPixmap::setMask()). \a hotX and \a hotY define the cursor's hot
If \a hotX is negative, it is set to the \c{pixmap().width()/2}.
If \a hotY is negative, it is set to the \c{pixmap().height()/2}.
Valid cursor sizes depend on the display hardware (or the
underlying window system). We recommend using 32 x 32 cursors,
because this size is supported on all platforms. Some platforms
also support 16 x 16, 48 x 48, and 64 x 64 cursors.
\sa QPixmap::QPixmap(), QPixmap::setMask()
QCursor::QCursor(const QPixmap &pixmap, int hotX, int hotY)
: d(0)
QImage img = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8, Qt::ThresholdDither|Qt::AvoidDither);
QBitmap bm = QBitmap::fromImage(img, Qt::ThresholdDither|Qt::AvoidDither);
QBitmap bmm = pixmap.mask();
if (!bmm.isNull()) {
QBitmap nullBm;
else if (!pixmap.mask().isNull()) {
QImage mimg = pixmap.mask().toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8, Qt::ThresholdDither|Qt::AvoidDither);
bmm = QBitmap::fromImage(mimg, Qt::ThresholdDither|Qt::AvoidDither);
else {
bmm = QBitmap(bm.size());
d = QCursorData::setBitmap(bm, bmm, hotX, hotY, pixmap.devicePixelRatio());
d->pixmap = pixmap;
Constructs a custom bitmap cursor.
\a bitmap and
\a mask make up the bitmap.
\a hotX and
\a hotY define the cursor's hot spot.
If \a hotX is negative, it is set to the \c{bitmap().width()/2}.
If \a hotY is negative, it is set to the \c{bitmap().height()/2}.
The cursor \a bitmap (B) and \a mask (M) bits are combined like this:
\li B=1 and M=1 gives black.
\li B=0 and M=1 gives white.
\li B=0 and M=0 gives transparent.
\li B=1 and M=0 gives an XOR'd result under Windows, undefined
results on all other platforms.
Use the global Qt color Qt::color0 to draw 0-pixels and Qt::color1 to
draw 1-pixels in the bitmaps.
Valid cursor sizes depend on the display hardware (or the
underlying window system). We recommend using 32 x 32 cursors,
because this size is supported on all platforms. Some platforms
also support 16 x 16, 48 x 48, and 64 x 64 cursors.
\sa QBitmap::QBitmap(), QBitmap::setMask()
QCursor::QCursor(const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask, int hotX, int hotY)
: d(0)
d = QCursorData::setBitmap(bitmap, mask, hotX, hotY, 1.0);
Constructs a cursor with the default arrow shape.
if (!QCursorData::initialized) {
if (QCoreApplication::startingUp()) {
d = 0;
QCursorData *c = qt_cursorTable[0];
d = c;
Constructs a cursor with the specified \a shape.
See \l Qt::CursorShape for a list of shapes.
\sa setShape()
QCursor::QCursor(Qt::CursorShape shape)
: d(0)
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
\fn bool operator==(const QCursor &lhs, const QCursor &rhs)
\relates QCursor
\since 5.10
Equality operator. Returns \c true if \a lhs and \a rhs
have the same \l{QCursor::}{shape()} and, in the case of
\l{Qt::BitmapCursor}{bitmap cursors}, the same \l{QCursor::}{hotSpot()}
and either the same \l{QCursor::}{pixmap()} or the same
\l{QCursor::}{bitmap()} and \l{QCursor::}{mask()}.
\note When comparing bitmap cursors, this function only
compares the bitmaps' \l{QPixmap::cacheKey()}{cache keys},
not each pixel.
\sa operator!=(const QCursor &lhs, const QCursor &rhs)
bool operator==(const QCursor &lhs, const QCursor &rhs) noexcept
if (lhs.d == rhs.d)
return true; // Copy or same shape
// Check pixmaps or bitmaps cache keys. Notice that having BitmapCursor
// shape implies either non-null pixmap or non-null bitmap and mask
if (lhs.shape() == Qt::BitmapCursor && rhs.shape() == Qt::BitmapCursor
&& lhs.hotSpot() == rhs.hotSpot()) {
if (!lhs.d->pixmap.isNull())
return lhs.d->pixmap.cacheKey() == rhs.d->pixmap.cacheKey();
if (!rhs.d->pixmap.isNull())
return false;
return lhs.d->bm->cacheKey() == rhs.d->bm->cacheKey()
&& lhs.d->bmm->cacheKey() == rhs.d->bmm->cacheKey();
return false;
\fn bool operator!=(const QCursor &lhs, const QCursor &rhs)
\relates QCursor
\since 5.10
Inequality operator. Returns the equivalent of !(\a lhs == \a rhs).
\sa operator==(const QCursor &lhs, const QCursor &rhs)
Returns the cursor shape identifier. The return value is one of
the \l Qt::CursorShape enum values (cast to an int).
\sa setShape()
Qt::CursorShape QCursor::shape() const
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
return d->cshape;
Sets the cursor to the shape identified by \a shape.
See \l Qt::CursorShape for the list of cursor shapes.
\sa shape()
void QCursor::setShape(Qt::CursorShape shape)
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
QCursorData *c = uint(shape) <= Qt::LastCursor ? qt_cursorTable[shape] : 0;
if (!c)
c = qt_cursorTable[0];
if (!d) {
d = c;
} else {
if (!d->ref.deref())
delete d;
d = c;
Returns the cursor bitmap, or \nullptr if it is one of the
standard cursors.
const QBitmap *QCursor::bitmap() const
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
return d->bm;
Returns the cursor bitmap mask, or \nullptr if it is one of the
standard cursors.
const QBitmap *QCursor::mask() const
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
return d->bmm;
Returns the cursor pixmap. This is only valid if the cursor is a
pixmap cursor.
QPixmap QCursor::pixmap() const
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
return d->pixmap;
Returns the cursor hot spot, or (0, 0) if it is one of the
standard cursors.
QPoint QCursor::hotSpot() const
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
return QPoint(d->hx, d->hy);
Constructs a copy of the cursor \a c.
QCursor::QCursor(const QCursor &c)
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
d = c.d;
Destroys the cursor.
if (d && !d->ref.deref())
delete d;
Assigns \a c to this cursor and returns a reference to this
QCursor &QCursor::operator=(const QCursor &c)
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
if (c.d)
if (d && !d->ref.deref())
delete d;
d = c.d;
return *this;
Returns the cursor as a QVariant.
QCursor::operator QVariant() const
return QVariant(QVariant::Cursor, this);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QCursor &c)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg.nospace() << "QCursor(Qt::CursorShape(" << c.shape() << "))";
return dbg;
Internal QCursorData class
QCursorData *qt_cursorTable[Qt::LastCursor + 1];
bool QCursorData::initialized = false;
QCursorData::QCursorData(Qt::CursorShape s)
: ref(1), cshape(s), bm(0), bmm(0), hx(0), hy(0)
delete bm;
delete bmm;
/*! \internal */
void QCursorData::cleanup()
for (int shape = 0; shape <= Qt::LastCursor; ++shape) {
// In case someone has a static QCursor defined with this shape
if (!qt_cursorTable[shape]->ref.deref())
delete qt_cursorTable[shape];
qt_cursorTable[shape] = 0;
QCursorData::initialized = false;
/*! \internal */
void QCursorData::initialize()
if (QCursorData::initialized)
for (int shape = 0; shape <= Qt::LastCursor; ++shape)
qt_cursorTable[shape] = new QCursorData((Qt::CursorShape)shape);
QCursorData::initialized = true;
QCursorData *QCursorData::setBitmap(const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask, int hotX, int hotY, qreal devicePixelRatio)
if (!QCursorData::initialized)
if (bitmap.depth() != 1 || mask.depth() != 1 || bitmap.size() != mask.size()) {
qWarning("QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)");
QCursorData *c = qt_cursorTable[0];
return c;
QCursorData *d = new QCursorData;
d->bm = new QBitmap(bitmap);
d->bmm = new QBitmap(mask);
d->cshape = Qt::BitmapCursor;
d->hx = hotX >= 0 ? hotX : bitmap.width() / 2 / devicePixelRatio;
d->hy = hotY >= 0 ? hotY : bitmap.height() / 2 / devicePixelRatio;
return d;
void QCursorData::update()
#endif // QT_NO_CURSOR