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#include "qshader_p_p.h"
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QBuffer>
\class QShader
\inmodule QtGui
\brief Contains multiple versions of a shader translated to multiple shading languages,
together with reflection metadata.
QShader is the entry point to shader code in the graphics API agnostic
Qt world. Instead of using GLSL shader sources, as was the custom with Qt
5.x, new graphics systems with backends for multiple graphics APIs, such
as, Vulkan, Metal, Direct3D, and OpenGL, take QShader as their input
whenever a shader needs to be specified.
A QShader instance is empty and thus invalid by default. To get a useful
instance, the two typical methods are:
\li Generate the contents offline, during build time or earlier, using the
\c qsb command line tool. The result is a binary file that is shipped with
the application, read via QIODevice::readAll(), and then deserialized via
fromSerialized(). For more information, see QShaderBaker.
\li Generate at run time via QShaderBaker. This is an expensive operation,
but allows applications to use user-provided or dynamically generated
shader source strings.
When used together with the Qt Rendering Hardware Interface and its
classes, like QRhiGraphicsPipeline, no further action is needed from the
application's side as these classes are prepared to consume a QShader
whenever a shader needs to be specified for a given stage of the graphics
Alternatively, applications can access
\li the source or byte code for any of the shading language versions that
are included in the QShader,
\li the name of the entry point for the shader,
\li the reflection metadata containing a description of the shader's
inputs, outputs and resources like uniform blocks. This is essential when
an application or framework needs to discover the inputs of a shader at
runtime due to not having advance knowledge of the vertex attributes or the
layout of the uniform buffers used by the shader.
QShader makes no assumption about the shading language that was used
as the source for generating the various versions and variants that are
included in it.
QShader uses implicit sharing similarly to many core Qt types, and so
can be returned or passed by value. Detach happens implicitly when calling
a setter.
For reference, QRhi expects that a QShader suitable for all its
backends contains at least the following:
\li SPIR-V 1.0 bytecode suitable for Vulkan 1.0 or newer
\li GLSL/ES 100 source code suitable for OpenGL ES 2.0 or newer
\li GLSL 120 source code suitable for OpenGL 2.1
\li HLSL Shader Model 5.0 source code or the corresponding DXBC bytecode suitable for Direct3D 11
\li Metal Shading Language 1.2 source code or the corresponding bytecode suitable for Metal
\sa QShaderBaker
\enum QShader::Stage
Describes the stage of the graphics pipeline the shader is suitable for.
\value VertexStage Vertex shader
\value TessellationControlStage Tessellation control (hull) shader
\value TessellationEvaluationStage Tessellation evaluation (domain) shader
\value GeometryStage Geometry shader
\value FragmentStage Fragment (pixel) shader
\value ComputeStage Compute shader
\class QShaderVersion
\inmodule QtGui
\brief Specifies the shading language version.
While languages like SPIR-V or the Metal Shading Language use traditional
version numbers, shaders for other APIs can use slightly different
versioning schemes. All those are mapped to a single version number in
here, however. For HLSL, the version refers to the Shader Model version,
like 5.0, 5.1, or 6.0. For GLSL an additional flag is needed to choose
between GLSL and GLSL/ES.
Below is a list with the most common examples of shader versions for
different graphics APIs:
\li Vulkan (SPIR-V): 100
\li OpenGL: 120, 330, 440, etc.
\li OpenGL ES: 100 with GlslEs, 300 with GlslEs, etc.
\li Direct3D: 50, 51, 60
\li Metal: 12, 20
A default constructed QShaderVersion contains a version of 100 and no
flags set.
\enum QShaderVersion::Flag
Describes the flags that can be set.
\value GlslEs Indicates that GLSL/ES is meant in combination with GlslShader
\class QShaderKey
\inmodule QtGui
\brief Specifies the shading language, the version with flags, and the variant.
A default constructed QShaderKey has source set to SpirvShader and
sourceVersion set to 100. sourceVariant defaults to StandardShader.
\enum QShader::Source
Describes what kind of shader code an entry contains.
\value SpirvShader SPIR-V
\value GlslShader GLSL
\value HlslShader HLSL
\value DxbcShader Direct3D bytecode (HLSL compiled by \c fxc)
\value MslShader Metal Shading Language
\value DxilShader Direct3D bytecode (HLSL compiled by \c dxc)
\value MetalLibShader Pre-compiled Metal bytecode
\enum QShader::Variant
Describes what kind of shader code an entry contains.
\value StandardShader The normal, unmodified version of the shader code.
\value BatchableVertexShader Vertex shader rewritten to be suitable for Qt Quick scenegraph batching.
\class QShaderCode
\inmodule QtGui
\brief Contains source or binary code for a shader and additional metadata.
When shader() is empty after retrieving a QShaderCode instance from
QShader, it indicates no shader code was found for the requested key.
static const int QSB_VERSION = 2;
static const int QSB_VERSION_WITHOUT_BINDINGS = 1;
Constructs a new, empty (and thus invalid) QShader instance.
: d(new QShaderPrivate)
void QShader::detach()
QShader::QShader(const QShader &other)
: d(other.d)
QShader &QShader::operator=(const QShader &other)
qAtomicAssign(d, other.d);
return *this;
if (!d->ref.deref())
delete d;
\return true if the QShader contains at least one shader version.
bool QShader::isValid() const
return !d->shaders.isEmpty();
\return the pipeline stage the shader is meant for.
QShader::Stage QShader::stage() const
return d->stage;
Sets the pipeline \a stage.
void QShader::setStage(Stage stage)
if (stage != d->stage) {
d->stage = stage;
\return the reflection metadata for the shader.
QShaderDescription QShader::description() const
return d->desc;
Sets the reflection metadata to \a desc.
void QShader::setDescription(const QShaderDescription &desc)
d->desc = desc;
\return the list of available shader versions
QVector<QShaderKey> QShader::availableShaders() const
return d->shaders.keys().toVector();
\return the source or binary code for a given shader version specified by \a key.
QShaderCode QShader::shader(const QShaderKey &key) const
return d->shaders.value(key);
Stores the source or binary \a shader code for a given shader version specified by \a key.
void QShader::setShader(const QShaderKey &key, const QShaderCode &shader)
if (d->shaders.value(key) == shader)
d->shaders[key] = shader;
Removes the source or binary shader code for a given \a key.
Does nothing when not found.
void QShader::removeShader(const QShaderKey &key)
auto it = d->shaders.find(key);
if (it == d->shaders.end())
static void writeShaderKey(QDataStream *ds, const QShaderKey &k)
*ds << int(k.source());
*ds << k.sourceVersion().version();
*ds << k.sourceVersion().flags();
*ds << int(k.sourceVariant());
\return a serialized binary version of all the data held by the
QShader, suitable for writing to files or other I/O devices.
\sa fromSerialized()
QByteArray QShader::serialized() const
QBuffer buf;
QDataStream ds(&buf);
if (!
return QByteArray();
ds << int(d->stage);
ds << d->desc.toBinaryJson();
ds << d->shaders.count();
for (auto it = d->shaders.cbegin(), itEnd = d->shaders.cend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
const QShaderKey &k(it.key());
writeShaderKey(&ds, k);
const QShaderCode &shader(d->shaders.value(k));
ds << shader.shader();
ds << shader.entryPoint();
ds << d->bindings.count();
for (auto it = d->bindings.cbegin(), itEnd = d->bindings.cend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
const QShaderKey &k(it.key());
writeShaderKey(&ds, k);
const NativeResourceBindingMap &map(it.value());
ds << map.count();
for (auto mapIt = map.cbegin(), mapItEnd = map.cend(); mapIt != mapItEnd; ++mapIt) {
ds << mapIt.key();
ds << mapIt.value().first;
ds << mapIt.value().second;
return qCompress(buf.buffer());
static void readShaderKey(QDataStream *ds, QShaderKey *k)
int intVal;
*ds >> intVal;
QShaderVersion ver;
*ds >> intVal;
*ds >> intVal;
*ds >> intVal;
Creates a new QShader instance from the given \a data.
\sa serialized()
QShader QShader::fromSerialized(const QByteArray &data)
QByteArray udata = qUncompress(data);
QBuffer buf(&udata);
QDataStream ds(&buf);
if (!
return QShader();
QShader bs;
QShaderPrivate *d = QShaderPrivate::get(&bs);
Q_ASSERT(d->ref.loadRelaxed() == 1); // must be detached
int intVal;
ds >> intVal;
const int qsbVersion = intVal;
if (qsbVersion != QSB_VERSION && qsbVersion != QSB_VERSION_WITHOUT_BINDINGS) {
qWarning("Attempted to deserialize QShader with unknown version %d.", qsbVersion);
return QShader();
ds >> intVal;
d->stage = Stage(intVal);
QByteArray descBin;
ds >> descBin;
d->desc = QShaderDescription::fromBinaryJson(descBin);
int count;
ds >> count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QShaderKey k;
readShaderKey(&ds, &k);
QShaderCode shader;
QByteArray s;
ds >> s;
ds >> s;
d->shaders[k] = shader;
ds >> count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QShaderKey k;
readShaderKey(&ds, &k);
NativeResourceBindingMap map;
int mapSize;
ds >> mapSize;
for (int b = 0; b < mapSize; ++b) {
int binding;
ds >> binding;
int firstNativeBinding;
ds >> firstNativeBinding;
int secondNativeBinding;
ds >> secondNativeBinding;
map.insert(binding, { firstNativeBinding, secondNativeBinding });
d->bindings.insert(k, map);
return bs;
QShaderVersion::QShaderVersion(int v, Flags f)
: m_version(v), m_flags(f)
QShaderCode::QShaderCode(const QByteArray &code, const QByteArray &entry)
: m_shader(code), m_entryPoint(entry)
QShaderKey::QShaderKey(QShader::Source s,
const QShaderVersion &sver,
QShader::Variant svar)
: m_source(s),
Returns \c true if the two QShader objects \a lhs and \a rhs are equal,
meaning they are for the same stage with matching sets of shader source or
binary code.
\relates QShader
bool operator==(const QShader &lhs, const QShader &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return lhs.d->stage == rhs.d->stage
&& lhs.d->shaders == rhs.d->shaders;
// do not bother with desc and bindings, if the shader code is the same, the description must match too
\fn bool operator!=(const QShader &lhs, const QShader &rhs)
Returns \c false if the values in the two QShader objects \a a and \a b
are equal; otherwise returns \c true.
\relates QShader
Returns the hash value for \a s, using \a seed to seed the calculation.
\relates QShader
uint qHash(const QShader &s, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
uint h = s.stage();
for (auto it = s.d->shaders.constBegin(), itEnd = s.d->shaders.constEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it)
h += qHash(it.key(), seed) + qHash(it.value().shader(), seed);
return h;
Returns \c true if the two QShaderVersion objects \a lhs and \a rhs are
\relates QShaderVersion
bool operator==(const QShaderVersion &lhs, const QShaderVersion &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return lhs.version() == rhs.version() && lhs.flags() == rhs.flags();
\fn bool operator!=(const QShaderVersion &lhs, const QShaderVersion &rhs)
Returns \c false if the values in the two QShaderVersion objects \a a
and \a b are equal; otherwise returns \c true.
\relates QShaderVersion
Returns \c true if the two QShaderKey objects \a lhs and \a rhs are equal.
\relates QShaderKey
bool operator==(const QShaderKey &lhs, const QShaderKey &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return lhs.source() == rhs.source() && lhs.sourceVersion() == rhs.sourceVersion()
&& lhs.sourceVariant() == rhs.sourceVariant();
\fn bool operator!=(const QShaderKey &lhs, const QShaderKey &rhs)
Returns \c false if the values in the two QShaderKey objects \a a
and \a b are equal; otherwise returns \c true.
\relates QShaderKey
Returns the hash value for \a k, using \a seed to seed the calculation.
\relates QShaderKey
uint qHash(const QShaderKey &k, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return seed + 10 * k.source() + k.sourceVersion().version() + k.sourceVersion().flags() + k.sourceVariant();
Returns \c true if the two QShaderCode objects \a lhs and \a rhs are equal.
\relates QShaderCode
bool operator==(const QShaderCode &lhs, const QShaderCode &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
return lhs.shader() == rhs.shader() && lhs.entryPoint() == rhs.entryPoint();
\fn bool operator!=(const QShaderCode &lhs, const QShaderCode &rhs)
Returns \c false if the values in the two QShaderCode objects \a a
and \a b are equal; otherwise returns \c true.
\relates QShaderCode
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QShader &bs)
const QShaderPrivate *d = bs.d;
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg.nospace() << "QShader("
<< "stage=" << d->stage
<< " shaders=" << d->shaders.keys()
<< " desc.isValid=" << d->desc.isValid()
<< ')';
return dbg;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QShaderKey &k)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg.nospace() << "ShaderKey(" << k.source()
<< " " << k.sourceVersion()
<< " " << k.sourceVariant() << ")";
return dbg;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QShaderVersion &v)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg.nospace() << "Version(" << v.version() << " " << v.flags() << ")";
return dbg;
\typedef QShader::NativeResourceBindingMap
Synonym for QHash<int, QPair<int, int>>.
The resource binding model QRhi assumes is based on SPIR-V. This means that
uniform buffers, storage buffers, combined image samplers, and storage
images share a common binding point space. The binding numbers in
QShaderDescription and QRhiShaderResourceBinding are expected to match the
\c binding layout qualifier in the Vulkan-compatible GLSL shader.
Graphics APIs other than Vulkan may use a resource binding model that is
not fully compatible with this. In addition, the generator of the shader
code translated from SPIR-V may choose not to take the SPIR-V binding
qualifiers into account, for various reasons. (this is the case with the
Metal backend of SPIRV-Cross, for example).
Therefore, a QShader may expose an additional map that describes what the
native binding point for a given SPIR-V binding is. The QRhi backends are
expected to use this map automatically, as appropriate. The value is a
pair, because combined image samplers may map to two native resources (a
texture and a sampler) in some shading languages. In that case the second
value refers to the sampler.
\return the native binding map for \a key or null if no extra mapping is
available, or is not applicable.
const QShader::NativeResourceBindingMap *QShader::nativeResourceBindingMap(const QShaderKey &key) const
auto it = d->bindings.constFind(key);
if (it == d->bindings.cend())
return nullptr;
return &it.value();
Stores the given native resource binding \a map associated with \a key.
\sa nativeResourceBindingMap()
void QShader::setResourceBindingMap(const QShaderKey &key, const NativeResourceBindingMap &map)
d->bindings[key] = map;
Removes the native resource binding map for \a key.
void QShader::removeResourceBindingMap(const QShaderKey &key)
auto it = d->bindings.find(key);
if (it == d->bindings.end())