blob: c9a63920c37a9a0bb276352ccf6b34799be35200 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "qtextmarkdownwriter_p.h"
#include "qtextdocumentlayout_p.h"
#include "qfontinfo.h"
#include "qfontmetrics.h"
#include "qtextdocument_p.h"
#include "qtextlist.h"
#include "qtexttable.h"
#include "qtextcursor.h"
#include "qtextimagehandler_p.h"
#include "qloggingcategory.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
#include "qabstractitemmodel.h"
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcMDW, "qt.text.markdown.writer")
static const QChar Space = QLatin1Char(' ');
static const QChar Newline = QLatin1Char('\n');
static const QChar LineBreak = QChar(0x2028);
static const QChar DoubleQuote = QLatin1Char('"');
static const QChar Backtick = QLatin1Char('`');
static const QChar Period = QLatin1Char('.');
QTextMarkdownWriter::QTextMarkdownWriter(QTextStream &stream, QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features)
: m_stream(stream), m_features(features)
bool QTextMarkdownWriter::writeAll(const QTextDocument *document)
return true;
#if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
void QTextMarkdownWriter::writeTable(const QAbstractItemModel *table)
QVector<int> tableColumnWidths(table->columnCount());
for (int col = 0; col < table->columnCount(); ++col) {
tableColumnWidths[col] = table->headerData(col, Qt::Horizontal).toString().length();
for (int row = 0; row < table->rowCount(); ++row) {
tableColumnWidths[col] = qMax(tableColumnWidths[col],
table->data(table->index(row, col)).toString().length());
// write the header and separator
for (int col = 0; col < table->columnCount(); ++col) {
QString s = table->headerData(col, Qt::Horizontal).toString();
m_stream << "|" << s << QString(tableColumnWidths[col] - s.length(), Space);
m_stream << "|" << Qt::endl;
for (int col = 0; col < tableColumnWidths.length(); ++col)
m_stream << '|' << QString(tableColumnWidths[col], QLatin1Char('-'));
m_stream << '|'<< Qt::endl;
// write the body
for (int row = 0; row < table->rowCount(); ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < table->columnCount(); ++col) {
QString s = table->data(table->index(row, col)).toString();
m_stream << "|" << s << QString(tableColumnWidths[col] - s.length(), Space);
m_stream << '|'<< Qt::endl;
void QTextMarkdownWriter::writeFrame(const QTextFrame *frame)
const QTextTable *table = qobject_cast<const QTextTable*> (frame);
QTextFrame::iterator iterator = frame->begin();
QTextFrame *child = nullptr;
int tableRow = -1;
bool lastWasList = false;
QVector<int> tableColumnWidths;
if (table) {
for (int col = 0; col < table->columns(); ++col) {
for (int row = 0; row < table->rows(); ++ row) {
QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(row, col);
int cellTextLen = 0;
auto it = cell.begin();
while (it != cell.end()) {
QTextBlock block = it.currentBlock();
if (block.isValid())
cellTextLen += block.text().length();
if (cell.columnSpan() == 1 && tableColumnWidths[col] < cellTextLen)
tableColumnWidths[col] = cellTextLen;
while (!iterator.atEnd()) {
if (iterator.currentFrame() && child != iterator.currentFrame())
else { // no frame, it's a block
QTextBlock block = iterator.currentBlock();
// Look ahead and detect some cases when we should
// suppress needless blank lines, when there will be a big change in block format
bool nextIsDifferent = false;
bool ending = false;
QTextFrame::iterator next = iterator;
if (next.atEnd()) {
nextIsDifferent = true;
ending = true;
} else {
QTextBlockFormat format = iterator.currentBlock().blockFormat();
QTextBlockFormat nextFormat = next.currentBlock().blockFormat();
if (nextFormat.indent() != format.indent() || !=
nextIsDifferent = true;
if (table) {
QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(block.position());
if (tableRow < cell.row()) {
if (tableRow == 0) {
m_stream << Newline;
for (int col = 0; col < tableColumnWidths.length(); ++col)
m_stream << '|' << QString(tableColumnWidths[col], QLatin1Char('-'));
m_stream << '|';
m_stream << Newline << "|";
tableRow = cell.row();
} else if (!block.textList()) {
if (lastWasList)
m_stream << Newline;
int endingCol = writeBlock(block, !table, table && tableRow == 0,
nextIsDifferent && !block.textList());
m_doubleNewlineWritten = false;
if (table) {
QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(block.position());
int paddingLen = -endingCol;
int spanEndCol = cell.column() + cell.columnSpan();
for (int col = cell.column(); col < spanEndCol; ++col)
paddingLen += tableColumnWidths[col];
if (paddingLen > 0)
m_stream << QString(paddingLen, Space);
for (int col = cell.column(); col < spanEndCol; ++col)
m_stream << "|";
} else if (m_fencedCodeBlock && ending) {
m_stream << m_linePrefix << QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space)
<< m_codeBlockFence << Newline << Newline;
} else if (m_indentedCodeBlock && nextIsDifferent) {
m_stream << Newline;
} else if (endingCol > 0) {
if (block.textList() || block.blockFormat().hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeLanguage)) {
m_stream << Newline;
} else {
m_stream << Newline << Newline;
m_doubleNewlineWritten = true;
lastWasList = block.textList();
child = iterator.currentFrame();
if (table) {
m_stream << Newline << Newline;
m_doubleNewlineWritten = true;
QTextMarkdownWriter::ListInfo QTextMarkdownWriter::listInfo(QTextList *list)
if (!m_listInfo.contains(list)) {
// decide whether this list is loose or tight
ListInfo info;
info.loose = false;
if (list->count() > 1) {
QTextBlock first = list->item(0);
QTextBlock last = list->item(list->count() - 1);
QTextBlock next =;
while (next.isValid()) {
if (next == last)
qCDebug(lcMDW) << "next block in list" << list << next.text() << "part of list?" << next.textList();
if (!next.textList()) {
// If we find a continuation paragraph, this list is "loose"
// because it will need a blank line to separate that paragraph.
qCDebug(lcMDW) << "decided list beginning with" << first.text() << "is loose after" << next.text();
info.loose = true;
next =;
m_listInfo.insert(list, info);
return info;
return m_listInfo.value(list);
static int nearestWordWrapIndex(const QString &s, int before)
before = qMin(before, s.length());
int fragBegin = qMax(before - 15, 0);
if (lcMDW().isDebugEnabled()) {
QString frag = s.mid(fragBegin, 30);
qCDebug(lcMDW) << frag << before;
qCDebug(lcMDW) << QString(before - fragBegin, Period) + QLatin1Char('<');
for (int i = before - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ( {
qCDebug(lcMDW) << QString(i - fragBegin, Period) + QLatin1Char('^') << i;
return i;
qCDebug(lcMDW, "not possible");
return -1;
static int adjacentBackticksCount(const QString &s)
int start = -1, len = s.length();
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if ( == Backtick) {
if (start < 0)
start = i;
} else if (start >= 0) {
ret = qMax(ret, i - start);
start = -1;
if ( - 1) == Backtick)
ret = qMax(ret, len - start);
return ret;
static void maybeEscapeFirstChar(QString &s)
QString sTrimmed = s.trimmed();
if (sTrimmed.isEmpty())
char firstChar =;
if (firstChar == '*' || firstChar == '+' || firstChar == '-') {
int i = s.indexOf(QLatin1Char(firstChar));
s.insert(i, QLatin1Char('\\'));
int QTextMarkdownWriter::writeBlock(const QTextBlock &block, bool wrap, bool ignoreFormat, bool ignoreEmpty)
if (block.text().isEmpty() && ignoreEmpty)
return 0;
const int ColumnLimit = 80;
QTextBlockFormat blockFmt = block.blockFormat();
bool missedBlankCodeBlockLine = false;
if (block.textList()) { // it's a list-item
auto fmt = block.textList()->format();
const int listLevel = fmt.indent();
const int number = block.textList()->itemNumber(block) + 1;
QByteArray bullet = " ";
bool numeric = false;
switch ( {
case QTextListFormat::ListDisc:
bullet = "-";
m_wrappedLineIndent = 2;
case QTextListFormat::ListCircle:
bullet = "*";
m_wrappedLineIndent = 2;
case QTextListFormat::ListSquare:
bullet = "+";
m_wrappedLineIndent = 2;
case QTextListFormat::ListStyleUndefined: break;
case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
case QTextListFormat::ListLowerRoman:
case QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman:
numeric = true;
m_wrappedLineIndent = 4;
switch (blockFmt.marker()) {
case QTextBlockFormat::MarkerType::Checked:
bullet += " [x]";
case QTextBlockFormat::MarkerType::Unchecked:
bullet += " [ ]";
int indentFirstLine = (listLevel - 1) * (numeric ? 4 : 2);
m_wrappedLineIndent += indentFirstLine;
if (m_lastListIndent != listLevel && !m_doubleNewlineWritten && listInfo(block.textList()).loose)
m_stream << Newline;
m_lastListIndent = listLevel;
QString prefix(indentFirstLine, Space);
if (numeric) {
QString suffix = fmt.numberSuffix();
if (suffix.isEmpty())
suffix = QString(Period);
QString numberStr = QString::number(number) + suffix + Space;
if (numberStr.length() == 3)
numberStr += Space;
prefix += numberStr;
} else {
prefix += QLatin1String(bullet) + Space;
m_stream << prefix;
} else if (blockFmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth)) {
m_stream << "- - -\n"; // unambiguous horizontal rule, not an underline under a heading
return 0;
} else if (blockFmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeFence) || blockFmt.stringProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeLanguage).length() > 0) {
// It's important to preserve blank lines in code blocks. But blank lines in code blocks
// inside block quotes are getting preserved anyway (along with the "> " prefix).
if (!blockFmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockQuoteLevel))
missedBlankCodeBlockLine = true; // only if we don't get any fragments below
if (!m_fencedCodeBlock) {
QString fenceChar = blockFmt.stringProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeFence);
if (fenceChar.isEmpty())
fenceChar = QLatin1String("`");
m_codeBlockFence = QString(3,;
// A block quote can contain an indented code block, but not vice-versa.
m_stream << m_linePrefix << QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space) << m_codeBlockFence
<< Space << blockFmt.stringProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeLanguage) << Newline;
m_fencedCodeBlock = true;
} else if (!blockFmt.indent()) {
if (m_fencedCodeBlock) {
m_stream << m_linePrefix << QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space)
<< m_codeBlockFence << Newline;
m_fencedCodeBlock = false;
m_wrappedLineIndent = 0;
if (blockFmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockQuoteLevel)) {
int level = blockFmt.intProperty(QTextFormat::BlockQuoteLevel);
QString quoteMarker = QStringLiteral("> ");
m_linePrefix.reserve(level * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i)
m_linePrefix += quoteMarker;
if (blockFmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BlockCodeLanguage)) {
// A block quote can contain an indented code block, but not vice-versa.
m_linePrefix += QString(4, Space);
m_indentedCodeBlock = true;
if (blockFmt.headingLevel())
m_stream << QByteArray(blockFmt.headingLevel(), '#') << ' ';
m_stream << m_linePrefix;
QString wrapIndentString = m_linePrefix + QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space);
// It would be convenient if QTextStream had a lineCharPos() accessor,
// to keep track of how many characters (not bytes) have been written on the current line,
// but it doesn't. So we have to keep track with this col variable.
int col = wrapIndentString.length();
bool mono = false;
bool startsOrEndsWithBacktick = false;
bool bold = false;
bool italic = false;
bool underline = false;
bool strikeOut = false;
QString backticks(Backtick);
for (QTextBlock::Iterator frag = block.begin(); !frag.atEnd(); ++frag) {
missedBlankCodeBlockLine = false;
QString fragmentText = frag.fragment().text();
while (fragmentText.endsWith(Newline))
if (block.textList()) { // <li>first line</br>continuation</li>
QString newlineIndent = QString(Newline) + QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space);
fragmentText.replace(QString(LineBreak), newlineIndent);
} else if (blockFmt.indent() > 0) { // <li>first line<p>continuation</p></li>
m_stream << QString(m_wrappedLineIndent, Space);
} else {
fragmentText.replace(LineBreak, Newline);
startsOrEndsWithBacktick |= fragmentText.startsWith(Backtick) || fragmentText.endsWith(Backtick);
QTextCharFormat fmt = frag.fragment().charFormat();
if (fmt.isImageFormat()) {
QTextImageFormat ifmt = fmt.toImageFormat();
QString desc = ifmt.stringProperty(QTextFormat::ImageAltText);
if (desc.isEmpty())
desc = QLatin1String("image");
QString s = QLatin1String("![") + desc + QLatin1String("](") +;
QString title = ifmt.stringProperty(QTextFormat::ImageTitle);
if (!title.isEmpty())
s += Space + DoubleQuote + title + DoubleQuote;
s += QLatin1Char(')');
if (wrap && col + s.length() > ColumnLimit) {
m_stream << Newline << wrapIndentString;
col = m_wrappedLineIndent;
m_stream << s;
col += s.length();
} else if (fmt.hasProperty(QTextFormat::AnchorHref)) {
QString s = QLatin1Char('[') + fragmentText + QLatin1String("](") + + QLatin1Char(')');
if (wrap && col + s.length() > ColumnLimit) {
m_stream << Newline << wrapIndentString;
col = m_wrappedLineIndent;
m_stream << s;
col += s.length();
} else {
QFontInfo fontInfo(fmt.font());
bool monoFrag = fontInfo.fixedPitch();
QString markers;
if (!ignoreFormat) {
if (monoFrag != mono && !m_indentedCodeBlock && !m_fencedCodeBlock) {
if (monoFrag)
backticks = QString(adjacentBackticksCount(fragmentText) + 1, Backtick);
markers += backticks;
if (startsOrEndsWithBacktick)
markers += Space;
mono = monoFrag;
if (!blockFmt.headingLevel() && !mono) {
if (fontInfo.bold() != bold) {
markers += QLatin1String("**");
bold = fontInfo.bold();
if (fontInfo.italic() != italic) {
markers += QLatin1Char('*');
italic = fontInfo.italic();
if (fontInfo.strikeOut() != strikeOut) {
markers += QLatin1String("~~");
strikeOut = fontInfo.strikeOut();
if (fontInfo.underline() != underline) {
// Markdown doesn't support underline, but the parser will treat a single underline
// the same as a single asterisk, and the marked fragment will be rendered in italics.
// That will have to do.
markers += QLatin1Char('_');
underline = fontInfo.underline();
if (wrap && col + markers.length() * 2 + fragmentText.length() > ColumnLimit) {
int i = 0;
int fragLen = fragmentText.length();
bool breakingLine = false;
while (i < fragLen) {
if (col >= ColumnLimit) {
m_stream << Newline << wrapIndentString;
col = m_wrappedLineIndent;
while (fragmentText[i].isSpace())
int j = i + ColumnLimit - col;
if (j < fragLen) {
int wi = nearestWordWrapIndex(fragmentText, j);
if (wi < 0) {
j = fragLen;
} else if (wi >= i) {
j = wi;
breakingLine = true;
} else {
j = fragLen;
breakingLine = false;
QString subfrag = fragmentText.mid(i, j - i);
if (!i) {
m_stream << markers;
col += markers.length();
if (col == m_wrappedLineIndent)
m_stream << subfrag;
if (breakingLine) {
m_stream << Newline << wrapIndentString;
col = m_wrappedLineIndent;
} else {
col += subfrag.length();
i = j + 1;
} else {
m_stream << markers << fragmentText;
col += markers.length() + fragmentText.length();
if (mono) {
if (startsOrEndsWithBacktick) {
m_stream << Space;
col += 1;
m_stream << backticks;
col += backticks.size();
if (bold) {
m_stream << "**";
col += 2;
if (italic) {
m_stream << "*";
col += 1;
if (underline) {
m_stream << "_";
col += 1;
if (strikeOut) {
m_stream << "~~";
col += 2;
if (missedBlankCodeBlockLine)
m_stream << Newline;
return col;