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\class QSslKey
\brief The QSslKey class provides an interface for private and public keys.
\since 4.3
\ingroup network
\ingroup ssl
\ingroup shared
\inmodule QtNetwork
QSslKey provides a simple API for managing keys.
\sa QSslSocket, QSslCertificate, QSslCipher
#include "qsslkey.h"
#include "qsslkey_p.h"
#include "qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
#include "qsslsocket.h"
#include "qsslsocket_p.h"
#include "qasn1element_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qiodevice.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
\fn void QSslKeyPrivate::clear(bool deep)
\fn void QSslKeyPrivate::decodePem(const QByteArray &pem, const QByteArray &passPhrase,
bool deepClear)
Allocates a new rsa or dsa struct and decodes \a pem into it
according to the current algorithm and type.
If \a deepClear is true, the rsa/dsa struct is freed if it is was
already allocated, otherwise we "leak" memory (which is exactly
what we want for copy construction).
If \a passPhrase is non-empty, it will be used for decrypting
\a pem.
Constructs a null key.
\sa isNull()
: d(new QSslKeyPrivate)
QByteArray QSslKeyPrivate::pemHeader() const
if (type == QSsl::PublicKey)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Rsa)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Dsa)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Ec)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Dh)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----");
return QByteArray();
static QByteArray pkcs8Header(bool encrypted)
return encrypted
? QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----")
: QByteArrayLiteral("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----");
QByteArray QSslKeyPrivate::pemFooter() const
if (type == QSsl::PublicKey)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Rsa)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Dsa)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Ec)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----");
else if (algorithm == QSsl::Dh)
return QByteArrayLiteral("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----");
return QByteArray();
static QByteArray pkcs8Footer(bool encrypted)
return encrypted
? QByteArrayLiteral("-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----")
: QByteArrayLiteral("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----");
Returns a DER key formatted as PEM.
QByteArray QSslKeyPrivate::pemFromDer(const QByteArray &der, const QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers) const
QByteArray pem(der.toBase64());
const int lineWidth = 64; // RFC 1421
const int newLines = pem.size() / lineWidth;
const bool rem = pem.size() % lineWidth;
// ### optimize
for (int i = 0; i < newLines; ++i)
pem.insert((i + 1) * lineWidth + i, '\n');
if (rem)
pem.append('\n'); // ###
QByteArray extra;
if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray>::const_iterator it = headers.constEnd();
do {
extra += it.key() + ": " + it.value() + '\n';
} while (it != headers.constBegin());
extra += '\n';
if (isEncryptedPkcs8(der)) {
pem.prepend(pkcs8Header(true) + '\n' + extra);
pem.append(pkcs8Footer(true) + '\n');
#if !QT_CONFIG(openssl)
} else if (isPkcs8) {
pem.prepend(pkcs8Header(false) + '\n' + extra);
pem.append(pkcs8Footer(false) + '\n');
} else {
pem.prepend(pemHeader() + '\n' + extra);
pem.append(pemFooter() + '\n');
return pem;
Returns a PEM key formatted as DER.
QByteArray QSslKeyPrivate::derFromPem(const QByteArray &pem, QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> *headers) const
QByteArray header = pemHeader();
QByteArray footer = pemFooter();
QByteArray der(pem);
int headerIndex = der.indexOf(header);
int footerIndex = der.indexOf(footer, headerIndex + header.length());
if (type != QSsl::PublicKey) {
if (headerIndex == -1 || footerIndex == -1) {
header = pkcs8Header(true);
footer = pkcs8Footer(true);
headerIndex = der.indexOf(header);
footerIndex = der.indexOf(footer, headerIndex + header.length());
if (headerIndex == -1 || footerIndex == -1) {
header = pkcs8Header(false);
footer = pkcs8Footer(false);
headerIndex = der.indexOf(header);
footerIndex = der.indexOf(footer, headerIndex + header.length());
if (headerIndex == -1 || footerIndex == -1)
return QByteArray();
der = der.mid(headerIndex + header.size(), footerIndex - (headerIndex + header.size()));
if (der.contains("Proc-Type:")) {
// taken from QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::parseHeader
int i = 0;
while (i < der.count()) {
int j = der.indexOf(':', i); // field-name
if (j == -1)
const QByteArray field = der.mid(i, j - i).trimmed();
// any number of LWS is allowed before and after the value
QByteArray value;
do {
i = der.indexOf('\n', j);
if (i == -1)
if (!value.isEmpty())
value += ' ';
// check if we have CRLF or only LF
bool hasCR = (i && der[i-1] == '\r');
int length = i -(hasCR ? 1: 0) - j;
value += der.mid(j, length).trimmed();
j = ++i;
} while (i < der.count() && ( == ' ' || == '\t'));
if (i == -1)
break; // something is wrong
headers->insert(field, value);
der = der.mid(i);
return QByteArray::fromBase64(der); // ignores newlines
bool QSslKeyPrivate::isEncryptedPkcs8(const QByteArray &der) const
static const QVector<QByteArray> pbes1OIds {
// PKCS5
QAsn1Element elem;
if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType)
return false;
const QVector<QAsn1Element> items = elem.toVector();
if (items.size() != 2
|| items[0].type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType
|| items[1].type() != QAsn1Element::OctetStringType) {
return false;
const QVector<QAsn1Element> encryptionSchemeContainer = items[0].toVector();
if (encryptionSchemeContainer.size() != 2
|| encryptionSchemeContainer[0].type() != QAsn1Element::ObjectIdentifierType
|| encryptionSchemeContainer[1].type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) {
return false;
const QByteArray encryptionScheme = encryptionSchemeContainer[0].toObjectId();
return encryptionScheme == PKCS5_PBES2_ENCRYPTION_OID
|| pbes1OIds.contains(encryptionScheme)
|| encryptionScheme.startsWith(PKCS12_OID);
Constructs a QSslKey by decoding the string in the byte array
\a encoded using a specified \a algorithm and \a encoding format.
\a type specifies whether the key is public or private.
If the key is encrypted then \a passPhrase is used to decrypt it.
After construction, use isNull() to check if \a encoded contained
a valid key.
QSslKey::QSslKey(const QByteArray &encoded, QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm,
QSsl::EncodingFormat encoding, QSsl::KeyType type, const QByteArray &passPhrase)
: d(new QSslKeyPrivate)
d->type = type;
d->algorithm = algorithm;
if (encoding == QSsl::Der)
d->decodeDer(encoded, passPhrase);
d->decodePem(encoded, passPhrase);
Constructs a QSslKey by reading and decoding data from a
\a device using a specified \a algorithm and \a encoding format.
\a type specifies whether the key is public or private.
If the key is encrypted then \a passPhrase is used to decrypt it.
After construction, use isNull() to check if \a device provided
a valid key.
QSslKey::QSslKey(QIODevice *device, QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm, QSsl::EncodingFormat encoding,
QSsl::KeyType type, const QByteArray &passPhrase)
: d(new QSslKeyPrivate)
QByteArray encoded;
if (device)
encoded = device->readAll();
d->type = type;
d->algorithm = algorithm;
if (encoding == QSsl::Der)
d->decodeDer(encoded, passPhrase);
d->decodePem(encoded, passPhrase);
\since 5.0
Constructs a QSslKey from a valid native key \a handle.
\a type specifies whether the key is public or private.
QSslKey will take ownership for this key and you must not
free the key using the native library.
QSslKey::QSslKey(Qt::HANDLE handle, QSsl::KeyType type)
: d(new QSslKeyPrivate)
EVP_PKEY *evpKey = reinterpret_cast<EVP_PKEY *>(handle);
if (!evpKey || !d->fromEVP_PKEY(evpKey)) {
d->opaque = evpKey;
d->algorithm = QSsl::Opaque;
} else {
d->opaque = handle;
d->algorithm = QSsl::Opaque;
d->type = type;
d->isNull = !d->opaque;
Constructs an identical copy of \a other.
QSslKey::QSslKey(const QSslKey &other) : d(other.d)
QSslKey::QSslKey(QSslKey &&other) noexcept
: d(nullptr)
qSwap(d, other.d);
QSslKey &QSslKey::operator=(QSslKey &&other) noexcept
if (this == &other)
return *this;
// If no one else is referencing the key data we want to make sure
// before we swap the d-ptr that it is not left in memory.
qSwap(d, other.d);
return *this;
Destroys the QSslKey object.
Copies the contents of \a other into this key, making the two keys
Returns a reference to this QSslKey.
QSslKey &QSslKey::operator=(const QSslKey &other)
d = other.d;
return *this;
\fn void QSslKey::swap(QSslKey &other)
\since 5.0
Swaps this ssl key with \a other. This function is very fast and
never fails.
Returns \c true if this is a null key; otherwise false.
\sa clear()
bool QSslKey::isNull() const
return d->isNull;
Clears the contents of this key, making it a null key.
\sa isNull()
void QSslKey::clear()
d = new QSslKeyPrivate;
Returns the length of the key in bits, or -1 if the key is null.
int QSslKey::length() const
return d->length();
Returns the type of the key (i.e., PublicKey or PrivateKey).
QSsl::KeyType QSslKey::type() const
return d->type;
Returns the key algorithm.
QSsl::KeyAlgorithm QSslKey::algorithm() const
return d->algorithm;
Returns the key in DER encoding.
The \a passPhrase argument should be omitted as DER cannot be
encrypted. It will be removed in a future version of Qt.
QByteArray QSslKey::toDer(const QByteArray &passPhrase) const
if (d->isNull || d->algorithm == QSsl::Opaque)
return QByteArray();
// Encrypted DER is nonsense, see QTBUG-41038.
if (d->type == QSsl::PrivateKey && !passPhrase.isEmpty())
return QByteArray();
QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> headers;
return d->derFromPem(toPem(passPhrase), &headers);
return d->derData;
Returns the key in PEM encoding. The result is encrypted with
\a passPhrase if the key is a private key and \a passPhrase is
QByteArray QSslKey::toPem(const QByteArray &passPhrase) const
return d->toPem(passPhrase);
Returns a pointer to the native key handle, if there is
one, else \nullptr.
You can use this handle together with the native API to access
extended information about the key.
\warning Use of this function has a high probability of being
non-portable, and its return value may vary across platforms, and
between minor Qt releases.
Qt::HANDLE QSslKey::handle() const
return d->handle();
Returns \c true if this key is equal to \a other; otherwise returns \c false.
bool QSslKey::operator==(const QSslKey &other) const
if (isNull())
return other.isNull();
if (other.isNull())
return isNull();
if (algorithm() != other.algorithm())
return false;
if (type() != other.type())
return false;
if (length() != other.length())
return false;
if (algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque)
return handle() == other.handle();
return toDer() == other.toDer();
/*! \fn bool QSslKey::operator!=(const QSslKey &other) const
Returns \c true if this key is not equal to key \a other; otherwise
returns \c false.
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QSslKey &key)
QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
debug << "QSslKey("
<< (key.type() == QSsl::PublicKey ? "PublicKey" : "PrivateKey")
<< ", " << (key.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque ? "OPAQUE" :
(key.algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa ? "RSA" :
(key.algorithm() == QSsl::Dsa ? "DSA" :
(key.algorithm() == QSsl::Dh ? "DH" : "EC"))))
<< ", " << key.length()
<< ')';
return debug;