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// This file is included from, and only used to organize the code
@implementation QNSView (KeysAPI)
+ (Qt::KeyboardModifiers)convertKeyModifiers:(ulong)modifierFlags
const bool dontSwapCtrlAndMeta = qApp->testAttribute(Qt::AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers qtMods =Qt::NoModifier;
if (modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagShift)
qtMods |= Qt::ShiftModifier;
if (modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagControl)
qtMods |= dontSwapCtrlAndMeta ? Qt::ControlModifier : Qt::MetaModifier;
if (modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagOption)
qtMods |= Qt::AltModifier;
if (modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagCommand)
qtMods |= dontSwapCtrlAndMeta ? Qt::MetaModifier : Qt::ControlModifier;
if (modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagNumericPad)
qtMods |= Qt::KeypadModifier;
return qtMods;
@implementation QNSView (Keys)
- (int)convertKeyCode:(QChar)keyChar
return qt_mac_cocoaKey2QtKey(keyChar);
- (bool)handleKeyEvent:(NSEvent *)nsevent eventType:(int)eventType
ulong timestamp = [nsevent timestamp] * 1000;
ulong nativeModifiers = [nsevent modifierFlags];
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = [QNSView convertKeyModifiers: nativeModifiers];
NSString *charactersIgnoringModifiers = [nsevent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
NSString *characters = [nsevent characters];
if (m_inputSource != characters) {
[m_inputSource release];
m_inputSource = [characters retain];
// There is no way to get the scan code from carbon/cocoa. But we cannot
// use the value 0, since it indicates that the event originates from somewhere
// else than the keyboard.
quint32 nativeScanCode = 1;
quint32 nativeVirtualKey = [nsevent keyCode];
QChar ch = QChar::ReplacementCharacter;
int keyCode = Qt::Key_unknown;
// If a dead key occurs as a result of pressing a key combination then
// characters will have 0 length, but charactersIgnoringModifiers will
// have a valid character in it. This enables key combinations such as
// ALT+E to be used as a shortcut with an English keyboard even though
// pressing ALT+E will give a dead key while doing normal text input.
if ([characters length] != 0 || [charactersIgnoringModifiers length] != 0) {
auto ctrlOrMetaModifier = qApp->testAttribute(Qt::AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta) ? Qt::ControlModifier : Qt::MetaModifier;
if (((modifiers & ctrlOrMetaModifier) || (modifiers & Qt::AltModifier)) && ([charactersIgnoringModifiers length] != 0))
ch = QChar([charactersIgnoringModifiers characterAtIndex:0]);
else if ([characters length] != 0)
ch = QChar([characters characterAtIndex:0]);
keyCode = [self convertKeyCode:ch];
// we will send a key event unless the input method sets m_sendKeyEvent to false
m_sendKeyEvent = true;
QString text;
// ignore text for the U+F700-U+F8FF range. This is used by Cocoa when
// delivering function keys (e.g. arrow keys, backspace, F1-F35, etc.)
if (!(modifiers & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::MetaModifier)) && (ch.unicode() < 0xf700 || ch.unicode() > 0xf8ff))
text = QString::fromNSString(characters);
QWindow *window = [self topLevelWindow];
// Popups implicitly grab key events; forward to the active popup if there is one.
// This allows popups to e.g. intercept shortcuts and close the popup in response.
if (QCocoaWindow *popup = QCocoaIntegration::instance()->activePopupWindow()) {
if (!popup->window()->flags().testFlag(Qt::ToolTip))
window = popup->window();
if (eventType == QEvent::KeyPress) {
if (m_composingText.isEmpty()) {
m_sendKeyEvent = !QWindowSystemInterface::handleShortcutEvent(window, timestamp, keyCode,
modifiers, nativeScanCode, nativeVirtualKey, nativeModifiers, text, [nsevent isARepeat], 1);
// Handling a shortcut may result in closing the window
if (!m_platformWindow)
return true;
QObject *fo = m_platformWindow->window()->focusObject();
if (m_sendKeyEvent && fo) {
QInputMethodQueryEvent queryEvent(Qt::ImEnabled | Qt::ImHints);
if (QCoreApplication::sendEvent(fo, &queryEvent)) {
bool imEnabled = queryEvent.value(Qt::ImEnabled).toBool();
Qt::InputMethodHints hints = static_cast<Qt::InputMethodHints>(queryEvent.value(Qt::ImHints).toUInt());
if (imEnabled && !(hints & Qt::ImhDigitsOnly || hints & Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly || hints & Qt::ImhHiddenText)) {
// pass the key event to the input method. note that m_sendKeyEvent may be set to false during this call
m_currentlyInterpretedKeyEvent = nsevent;
[self interpretKeyEvents:@[nsevent]];
m_currentlyInterpretedKeyEvent = 0;
if (m_resendKeyEvent)
m_sendKeyEvent = true;
bool accepted = true;
if (m_sendKeyEvent && m_composingText.isEmpty()) {
QWindowSystemInterface::handleExtendedKeyEvent(window, timestamp, QEvent::Type(eventType), keyCode, modifiers,
nativeScanCode, nativeVirtualKey, nativeModifiers, text, [nsevent isARepeat], 1, false);
accepted = QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents();
m_sendKeyEvent = false;
m_resendKeyEvent = false;
return accepted;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)nsevent
if ([self isTransparentForUserInput])
return [super keyDown:nsevent];
const bool accepted = [self handleKeyEvent:nsevent eventType:int(QEvent::KeyPress)];
// When Qt is used to implement a plugin for a native application we
// want to propagate unhandled events to other native views. However,
// Qt does not always set the accepted state correctly (in particular
// for return key events), so do this for plugin applications only
// to prevent incorrect forwarding in the general case.
const bool shouldPropagate = QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_PluginApplication) && !accepted;
// Track keyDown acceptance/forward state for later acceptance of the keyUp.
if (!shouldPropagate)
m_acceptedKeyDowns.insert([nsevent keyCode]);
if (shouldPropagate)
[super keyDown:nsevent];
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)nsevent
if ([self isTransparentForUserInput])
return [super keyUp:nsevent];
const bool keyUpAccepted = [self handleKeyEvent:nsevent eventType:int(QEvent::KeyRelease)];
// Propagate the keyUp if neither Qt accepted it nor the corresponding KeyDown was
// accepted. Qt text controls wil often not use and ignore keyUp events, but we
// want to avoid propagating unmatched keyUps.
const bool keyDownAccepted = m_acceptedKeyDowns.remove([nsevent keyCode]);
if (!keyUpAccepted && !keyDownAccepted)
[super keyUp:nsevent];
- (void)cancelOperation:(id)sender
NSEvent *currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (!currentEvent || currentEvent.type != NSEventTypeKeyDown)
// Handling the key event may recurse back here through interpretKeyEvents
// (when IM is enabled), so we need to guard against that.
if (currentEvent == m_currentlyInterpretedKeyEvent)
// Send Command+Key_Period and Escape as normal keypresses so that
// the key sequence is delivered through Qt. That way clients can
// intercept the shortcut and override its effect.
[self handleKeyEvent:currentEvent eventType:int(QEvent::KeyPress)];
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)nsevent
ulong timestamp = [nsevent timestamp] * 1000;
ulong modifiers = [nsevent modifierFlags];
Qt::KeyboardModifiers qmodifiers = [QNSView convertKeyModifiers:modifiers];
// calculate the delta and remember the current modifiers for next time
static ulong m_lastKnownModifiers;
ulong lastKnownModifiers = m_lastKnownModifiers;
ulong delta = lastKnownModifiers ^ modifiers;
m_lastKnownModifiers = modifiers;
struct qt_mac_enum_mapper
ulong mac_mask;
Qt::Key qt_code;
static qt_mac_enum_mapper modifier_key_symbols[] = {
{ NSEventModifierFlagShift, Qt::Key_Shift },
{ NSEventModifierFlagControl, Qt::Key_Meta },
{ NSEventModifierFlagCommand, Qt::Key_Control },
{ NSEventModifierFlagOption, Qt::Key_Alt },
{ NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock, Qt::Key_CapsLock },
{ 0ul, Qt::Key_unknown } };
for (int i = 0; modifier_key_symbols[i].mac_mask != 0u; ++i) {
uint mac_mask = modifier_key_symbols[i].mac_mask;
if ((delta & mac_mask) == 0u)
Qt::Key qtCode = modifier_key_symbols[i].qt_code;
if (qApp->testAttribute(Qt::AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta)) {
if (qtCode == Qt::Key_Meta)
qtCode = Qt::Key_Control;
else if (qtCode == Qt::Key_Control)
qtCode = Qt::Key_Meta;
(lastKnownModifiers & mac_mask) ? QEvent::KeyRelease : QEvent::KeyPress,
qmodifiers ^ [QNSView convertKeyModifiers:mac_mask]);