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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qsqlerror.h"
#include "qdebug.h"
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QSqlError &s)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
dbg << "QSqlError(" << s.nativeErrorCode() << ", " << s.driverText()
<< ", " << s.databaseText() << ')';
return dbg;
class QSqlErrorPrivate
QString driverError;
QString databaseError;
QSqlError::ErrorType errorType;
QString errorCode;
\class QSqlError
\brief The QSqlError class provides SQL database error information.
\ingroup database
\inmodule QtSql
A QSqlError object can provide database-specific error data,
including the driverText() and databaseText() messages (or both
concatenated together as text()), and the nativeErrorCode() and
\sa QSqlDatabase::lastError(), QSqlQuery::lastError()
\enum QSqlError::ErrorType
This enum type describes the context in which the error occurred, e.g., a connection error, a statement error, etc.
\value NoError No error occurred.
\value ConnectionError Connection error.
\value StatementError SQL statement syntax error.
\value TransactionError Transaction failed error.
\value UnknownError Unknown error.
\fn QSqlError::QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText, ErrorType type, int number)
Constructs an error containing the driver error text \a
driverText, the database-specific error text \a databaseText, the
type \a type and the optional error number \a number.
/*! \fn QSqlError::QSqlError(QSqlError &&other)
Move-constructs a QSqlError instance, making it point at the same
object that \a other was pointing to.
\note The moved-from object \a other is placed in a
partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are
destruction and assignment of a new value.
\since 5.10
/*! \fn QSqlError::operator=(QSqlError &&other)
Move-assigns \a other to this QSqlError instance.
\note The moved-from object \a other is placed in a
partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are
destruction and assignment of a new value.
\since 5.10
/*! \fn QSqlError::swap(QSqlError &other)
Swaps error \a other with this error. This operation is very fast
and never fails.
\since 5.10
QSqlError::QSqlError(const QString& driverText, const QString& databaseText, ErrorType type,
int number)
d = new QSqlErrorPrivate;
d->driverError = driverText;
d->databaseError = databaseText;
d->errorType = type;
if (number != -1)
d->errorCode = QString::number(number);
Constructs an error containing the driver error text \a
driverText, the database-specific error text \a databaseText, the
type \a type and the error code \a code.
\note DB2: It is possible for DB2 to report more than one error code.
When this happens, \c ; is used as separator between the error codes.
QSqlError::QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText,
ErrorType type, const QString &code)
d = new QSqlErrorPrivate;
d->driverError = driverText;
d->databaseError = databaseText;
d->errorType = type;
d->errorCode = code;
Creates a copy of \a other.
QSqlError::QSqlError(const QSqlError& other)
d = new QSqlErrorPrivate;
*d = *other.d;
Assigns the \a other error's values to this error.
QSqlError& QSqlError::operator=(const QSqlError& other)
if (d)
*d = *other.d;
d = new QSqlErrorPrivate(*other.d);
return *this;
Compare the \a other error's values to this error and returns \c true, if it equal.
bool QSqlError::operator==(const QSqlError& other) const
return (d->errorType == other.d->errorType);
Compare the \a other error's values to this error and returns \c true if it is not equal.
bool QSqlError::operator!=(const QSqlError& other) const
return (d->errorType != other.d->errorType);
Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
delete d;
Returns the text of the error as reported by the driver. This may
contain database-specific descriptions. It may also be empty.
\sa databaseText(), text()
QString QSqlError::driverText() const
return d->driverError;
\fn void QSqlError::setDriverText(const QString &driverText)
Sets the driver error text to the value of \a driverText.
Use QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText,
ErrorType type, int number) instead
\sa driverText(), setDatabaseText(), text()
void QSqlError::setDriverText(const QString& driverText)
d->driverError = driverText;
Returns the text of the error as reported by the database. This
may contain database-specific descriptions; it may be empty.
\sa driverText(), text()
QString QSqlError::databaseText() const
return d->databaseError;
\fn void QSqlError::setDatabaseText(const QString &databaseText)
Sets the database error text to the value of \a databaseText.
Use QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText,
ErrorType type, int number) instead
\sa databaseText(), setDriverText(), text()
void QSqlError::setDatabaseText(const QString& databaseText)
d->databaseError = databaseText;
Returns the error type, or -1 if the type cannot be determined.
QSqlError::ErrorType QSqlError::type() const
return d->errorType;
\fn void QSqlError::setType(ErrorType type)
Sets the error type to the value of \a type.
Use QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText,
ErrorType type, int number) instead
\sa type()
void QSqlError::setType(ErrorType type)
d->errorType = type;
\fn int QSqlError::number() const
Returns the database-specific error number, or -1 if it cannot be
Returns 0 if the error code is not an integer.
\warning Some databases use alphanumeric error codes, which makes
number() unreliable if such a database is used.
Use nativeErrorCode() instead
\sa nativeErrorCode()
int QSqlError::number() const
return d->errorCode.isEmpty() ? -1 : d->errorCode.toInt();
\fn void QSqlError::setNumber(int number)
Sets the database-specific error number to \a number.
Use QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText,
ErrorType type, int number) instead
\sa number()
void QSqlError::setNumber(int number)
d->errorCode = QString::number(number);
Returns the database-specific error code, or an empty string if
it cannot be determined.
QString QSqlError::nativeErrorCode() const
return d->errorCode;
This is a convenience function that returns databaseText() and
driverText() concatenated into a single string.
\sa driverText(), databaseText()
QString QSqlError::text() const
QString result = d->databaseError;
if (!d->databaseError.isEmpty() && !d->driverError.isEmpty() && !d->databaseError.endsWith(QLatin1String("\n")))
result += QLatin1Char(' ');
result += d->driverError;
return result;
Returns \c true if an error is set, otherwise false.
\snippet code/src_sql_kernel_qsqlerror.cpp 0
\sa type()
bool QSqlError::isValid() const
return d->errorType != NoError;