blob: 899a26fad8ec2b3725c6539cda6636fba749e993 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Charts module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtCharts/QBarCategoryAxis>
#include <private/qbarcategoryaxis_p.h>
#include <private/chartbarcategoryaxisx_p.h>
#include <private/chartbarcategoryaxisy_p.h>
#include <private/abstractdomain_p.h>
#include <QtCharts/QChart>
#include <QtCore/QtMath>
\class QBarCategoryAxis
\inmodule QtCharts
\brief The QBarCategoryAxis class adds categories to a chart's axes.
QBarCategoryAxis can be set up to show an axis line with tick marks, grid lines, and shades.
Categories are drawn between the ticks. It can be used also with a line series, as demonstrated
by the \l {Line and BarChart Example} {Line and BarChart Example}.
The following code illustrates how to use QBarCategoryAxis:
QChartView *chartView = new QChartView;
QBarSeries *series = new QBarSeries;
// ...
QBarCategoryAxis *axisX = new QBarCategoryAxis;
QStringList categories;
categories << "Jan" << "Feb" << "Mar" << "Apr" << "May" << "Jun";
axisX->setRange("Feb", "May");
chartView->chart()->setAxisX(axisX, series);
\qmltype BarCategoryAxis
\instantiates QBarCategoryAxis
\inqmlmodule QtCharts
\inherits AbstractAxis
\brief Adds categories to a chart's axes.
The BarCategoryAxis type can be set up to show an axis line with tick marks, grid lines, and
shades. Categories are drawn between the ticks. It can be used also with a line series.
The following QML snippet illustrates how to use BarCategoryAxis:
ChartView {
BarCategoryAxis {
id: categoryAxis
categories: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun" ]
// Add a few series...
\property QBarCategoryAxis::categories
\brief The categories of an axis.
\qmlproperty QStringList BarCategoryAxis::categories
The categories of an axis.
\property QBarCategoryAxis::min
\brief The minimum value on the axis.
\qmlproperty string BarCategoryAxis::min
The minimum value on the axis.
\property QBarCategoryAxis::max
\brief The maximum value on the axis.
\qmlproperty string BarCategoryAxis::max
The maximum value on the axis.
\property QBarCategoryAxis::count
\brief The number of categories of an axis.
\qmlproperty int BarCategoryAxis::count
The number of categories of an axis.
\fn void QBarCategoryAxis::categoriesChanged()
This signal is emitted when the categories of the axis change.
\fn void QBarCategoryAxis::minChanged(const QString &min)
This signal is emitted when the \a min value of the axis changes.
\fn void QBarCategoryAxis::maxChanged(const QString &max)
This signal is emitted when the \a max value of the axis changes.
\fn void QBarCategoryAxis::countChanged()
This signal is emitted when the number of categories of an axis changes.
\fn void QBarCategoryAxis::rangeChanged(const QString &min, const QString &max)
This signal is emitted when \a min or \a max value of the axis changes.
\qmlsignal BarCategoryAxis::rangeChanged(string min, string max)
This signal is emitted when \a min or \a max value of the axis changes.
The corresponding signal handler is \c onRangeChanged.
\qmlmethod void BarCategoryAxis::clear()
Removes all categories. Sets the maximum and minimum values of the axis range to QString::null.
Constructs an axis object that is the child of \a parent.
QBarCategoryAxis::QBarCategoryAxis(QObject *parent):
QAbstractAxis(*new QBarCategoryAxisPrivate(this), parent)
Destroys the axis object.
if (d->m_chart)
QBarCategoryAxis::QBarCategoryAxis(QBarCategoryAxisPrivate &d, QObject *parent)
: QAbstractAxis(d, parent)
Appends \a categories to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed
to match the last category in \a categories. If no categories were previously defined,
the minimum value on the axis will also be changed to match the first category in
\a categories.
A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. Duplicated
categories will not be appended.
void QBarCategoryAxis::append(const QStringList &categories)
if (categories.isEmpty())
int count = d->m_categories.count();
foreach(QString category, categories) {
if (!d->m_categories.contains(category) && !category.isNull()) {
if (d->m_categories.count() == count)
if (count == 0)
setRange(d->m_categories.first(), d->m_categories.last());
setRange(d->m_minCategory, d->m_categories.last());
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Appends \a category to an axis. The maximum value on the axis will be changed
to match the last \a category. If no categories were previously defined, the minimum
value on the axis will also be changed to match \a category.
A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. Duplicated
categories will not be appended.
void QBarCategoryAxis::append(const QString &category)
int count = d->m_categories.count();
if (!d->m_categories.contains(category) && !category.isNull())
if (d->m_categories.count() == count)
if (count == 0)
setRange(d->m_categories.last(), d->m_categories.last());
setRange(d->m_minCategory, d->m_categories.last());
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Removes \a category from the axis. Removing a category that currently sets the
maximum or minimum value on the axis will affect the axis range.
void QBarCategoryAxis::remove(const QString &category)
if (d->m_categories.contains(category)) {
if (!d->m_categories.isEmpty()) {
if (d->m_minCategory == category) {
setRange(d->m_categories.first(), d->m_maxCategory);
} else if (d->m_maxCategory == category) {
setRange(d->m_minCategory, d->m_categories.last());
} else {
} else {
setRange(QString(), QString());
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Inserts \a category to the axis at \a index. \a category has to be a valid QString
and it cannot be duplicated. If \a category is prepended or appended to other
categories, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are updated accordingly.
void QBarCategoryAxis::insert(int index, const QString &category)
int count = d->m_categories.count();
if (!d->m_categories.contains(category) && !category.isNull())
d->m_categories.insert(index, category);
if (d->m_categories.count() == count)
if (count == 0) {
setRange(d->m_categories.first(), d->m_categories.first());
} else if (index == 0) {
setRange(d->m_categories.first(), d->m_maxCategory);
} else if (index == count) {
setRange(d->m_minCategory, d->m_categories.last());
} else {
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Replaces \a oldCategory with \a newCategory. If \a oldCategory does not exist on the axis,
nothing is done. \a newCategory has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated. If
the minimum or maximum category is replaced, the minimum and maximum values on the axis are
updated accordingly.
void QBarCategoryAxis::replace(const QString &oldCategory, const QString &newCategory)
int pos = d->m_categories.indexOf(oldCategory);
if (pos != -1 && !d->m_categories.contains(newCategory) && !newCategory.isNull()) {
d->m_categories.replace(pos, newCategory);
if (d->m_minCategory == oldCategory)
setRange(newCategory, d->m_maxCategory);
else if (d->m_maxCategory == oldCategory)
setRange(d->m_minCategory, newCategory);
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Removes all categories. Sets the maximum and minimum values of the axis range to QString::null.
void QBarCategoryAxis::clear()
setRange(QString(), QString());
emit categoriesChanged();
emit countChanged();
Sets \a categories and discards the old ones. The axis range is adjusted to match the
first and last category in \a categories.
A category has to be a valid QString and it cannot be duplicated.
void QBarCategoryAxis::setCategories(const QStringList &categories)
d->m_minCategory = QString();
d->m_maxCategory = QString();
d->m_min = 0;
d->m_max = 0;
d->m_count = 0;
Returns categories.
QStringList QBarCategoryAxis::categories()
return d->m_categories;
Returns the number of categories.
int QBarCategoryAxis::count() const
Q_D(const QBarCategoryAxis);
return d->m_categories.count();
Returns the category at \a index. The index must be valid.
QString QBarCategoryAxis::at(int index) const
Q_D(const QBarCategoryAxis);
return d->;
Sets the minimum category to \a min.
void QBarCategoryAxis::setMin(const QString &min)
d->setRange(min, d->m_maxCategory);
Returns the minimum category.
QString QBarCategoryAxis::min() const
Q_D(const QBarCategoryAxis);
return d->m_minCategory;
Sets the maximum category to \a max.
void QBarCategoryAxis::setMax(const QString &max)
d->setRange(d->m_minCategory, max);
Returns the maximum category.
QString QBarCategoryAxis::max() const
Q_D(const QBarCategoryAxis);
return d->m_maxCategory;
Sets the axis range from \a minCategory to \a maxCategory.
void QBarCategoryAxis::setRange(const QString &minCategory, const QString &maxCategory)
Returns the type of the axis.
QAbstractAxis::AxisType QBarCategoryAxis::type() const
return AxisTypeBarCategory;
QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::QBarCategoryAxisPrivate(QBarCategoryAxis *q)
: QAbstractAxisPrivate(q),
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::setMin(const QVariant &min)
setRange(min, m_maxCategory);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::setMax(const QVariant &max)
setRange(m_minCategory, max);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::setRange(const QVariant &min, const QVariant &max)
QString value1 = min.toString();
QString value2 = max.toString();
setRange(value1, value2);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::setRange(qreal min, qreal max)
bool categoryChanged = false;
bool changed = false;
if (min > max)
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_min - min)) {
m_min = min;
changed = true;
int imin = m_min + 0.5;
if (imin >= 0 && imin < m_categories.count()) {
QString minCategory =;
if (m_minCategory != minCategory && !minCategory.isEmpty()) {
m_minCategory = minCategory;
categoryChanged = true;
emit q->minChanged(minCategory);
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_max - max)) {
m_max = max;
changed = true;
int imax = m_max - 0.5;
if (imax >= 0 && imax < m_categories.count()) {
QString maxCategory =;
if (m_maxCategory != maxCategory && !maxCategory.isEmpty()) {
m_maxCategory = maxCategory;
categoryChanged = true;
emit q->maxChanged(maxCategory);
if (categoryChanged){
emit q->rangeChanged(m_minCategory, m_maxCategory);
if (changed) {
emit rangeChanged(m_min,m_max);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::setRange(const QString &minCategory, const QString &maxCategory)
bool changed = false;
//special case in case or clearing all categories
if (minCategory.isNull() && maxCategory.isNull()) {
m_minCategory = minCategory;
m_maxCategory = maxCategory;
m_min = 0;
m_max = 0;
m_count = 0;
emit q->minChanged(minCategory);
emit q->maxChanged(maxCategory);
emit q->rangeChanged(m_minCategory, m_maxCategory);
emit rangeChanged(m_min,m_max);
if (m_categories.indexOf(maxCategory) < m_categories.indexOf(minCategory))
if (!minCategory.isNull() && (m_minCategory != minCategory || m_minCategory.isNull())
&& m_categories.contains(minCategory)) {
m_minCategory = minCategory;
m_min = m_categories.indexOf(m_minCategory) - 0.5;
changed = true;
emit q->minChanged(minCategory);
if (!maxCategory.isNull() && (m_maxCategory != maxCategory || m_maxCategory.isNull())
&& m_categories.contains(maxCategory)) {
m_maxCategory = maxCategory;
m_max = m_categories.indexOf(m_maxCategory) + 0.5;
changed = true;
emit q->maxChanged(maxCategory);
if (changed) {
m_count = m_max - m_min;
emit q->rangeChanged(m_minCategory, m_maxCategory);
emit rangeChanged(m_min,m_max);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::initializeGraphics(QGraphicsItem* parent)
ChartAxisElement* axis(0);
if (orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
axis = new ChartBarCategoryAxisY(q,parent);
if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
axis = new ChartBarCategoryAxisX(q,parent);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::updateCategoryDomain()
bool changed = false;
qreal tmpMin = m_categories.indexOf(m_minCategory) - 0.5;
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_min - tmpMin)) {
m_min = tmpMin;
changed = true;
qreal tmpMax = m_categories.indexOf(m_maxCategory) + 0.5;
if (!qFuzzyIsNull(m_max - tmpMax)) {
m_max = tmpMax;
changed = true;
m_count = m_max - m_min;
if (changed)
emit rangeChanged(m_min,m_max);
void QBarCategoryAxisPrivate::initializeDomain(AbstractDomain *domain)
if (m_max == m_min) {
int min;
int max;
if (orientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
min = domain->minY() + 0.5;
max = domain->maxY() - 0.5;
} else {
min = domain->minX() + 0.5;
max = domain->maxX() - 0.5;
if (min > 0 && min < m_categories.count() && max > 0 && max < m_categories.count())
} else {
if (orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
domain->setRangeY(m_min, m_max);
domain->setRangeX(m_min, m_max);
#include "moc_qbarcategoryaxis.cpp"
#include "moc_qbarcategoryaxis_p.cpp"