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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Charts module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtCharts/QAbstractAxis>
#include <private/qabstractaxis_p.h>
#include <private/chartdataset_p.h>
#include <private/charttheme_p.h>
#include <private/qchart_p.h>
\class QAbstractAxis
\inmodule QtCharts
\brief The QAbstractAxis class is a base class used for specialized axis classes.
Each series can be bound to one or more horizontal and vertical axes, but mixing axis types
that would result in different domains is not supported, such as specifying
QValueAxis and QLogValueAxis on the same orientation.
The properties and visibility of various axis elements, such as axis line, title, labels,
grid lines, and shades, can be individually controlled.
\qmltype AbstractAxis
\instantiates QAbstractAxis
\inqmlmodule QtCharts
\brief A base type used for specialized axis types.
Each series can be bound to only one horizontal and vertical axis.
The properties and visibility of various axis elements, such as axis line, title, labels,
grid lines, and shades, can be individually controlled.
\enum QAbstractAxis::AxisType
This enum type specifies the type of the axis object.
\value AxisTypeNoAxis
\value AxisTypeValue
\value AxisTypeBarCategory
\value AxisTypeCategory
\value AxisTypeDateTime
\value AxisTypeLogValue
\fn void QAbstractAxis::type() const
Returns the type of the axis.
\property QAbstractAxis::lineVisible
\brief The visibility of the axis line.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::lineVisible
The visibility of the axis line.
\property QAbstractAxis::linePen
\brief The pen used to draw the line.
\property QAbstractAxis::labelsVisible
\brief Whether axis labels are visible.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::labelsVisible
The visibility of axis labels.
\property QAbstractAxis::labelsBrush
\brief The brush used to draw the labels.
Only the color of the brush is relevant.
\property QAbstractAxis::visible
\brief The visibility of the axis.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::visible
The visibility of the axis.
\property QAbstractAxis::gridVisible
\brief The visibility of the grid lines.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::gridVisible
The visibility of the grid lines.
\property QAbstractAxis::minorGridVisible
\brief The visibility of the minor grid lines.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::minorGridVisible
The visibility of the minor grid lines. Applies only to axes that support
minor grid lines.
\property QAbstractAxis::color
\brief The color of the axis and tick marks.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::color
The color of the axis and tick marks.
\property QAbstractAxis::gridLinePen
\brief The pen used to draw the grid line.
\property QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePen
\brief The pen used to draw the minor grid line.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
\property QAbstractAxis::gridLineColor
\brief The color of the grid line.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::gridLineColor
The color of the grid line.
\property QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColor
\brief The color of the minor grid line.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::minorGridLineColor
The color of the minor grid line.
Applies only to axes that support minor grid lines.
\property QAbstractAxis::labelsFont
\brief The font of the axis labels.
\qmlproperty font AbstractAxis::labelsFont
The font of the axis labels.
For more information, see \l [QML]{font}.
\property QAbstractAxis::labelsColor
\brief The color of the axis labels.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::labelsColor
The color of the axis labels.
\property QAbstractAxis::labelsAngle
\brief The angle of the axis labels in degrees.
\qmlproperty int AbstractAxis::labelsAngle
The angle of the axis labels in degrees.
\property QAbstractAxis::shadesVisible
\brief The visibility of the axis shades.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::shadesVisible
The visibility of the axis shades.
\property QAbstractAxis::shadesColor
\brief The fill (brush) color of the axis shades.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::shadesColor
The fill (brush) color of the axis shades.
\property QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColor
\brief The border (pen) color of the axis shades.
\qmlproperty color AbstractAxis::shadesBorderColor
The border (pen) color of the axis shades.
\property QAbstractAxis::shadesPen
\brief The pen used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).
\property QAbstractAxis::shadesBrush
\brief The brush used to draw the axis shades (the area between the grid lines).
\property QAbstractAxis::titleVisible
\brief The visibility of the axis title.
By default, the value is \c true.
\qmlproperty bool AbstractAxis::titleVisible
The visibility of the axis title. By default, the value is \c true.
\property QAbstractAxis::titleText
\brief The title of the axis.
Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.
\qmlproperty string AbstractAxis::titleText
The title of the axis. Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.
\property QAbstractAxis::titleBrush
\brief The brush used to draw the title text.
Only the color of the brush is relevant.
\property QAbstractAxis::titleFont
\brief The font of the title of the axis.
\qmlproperty font AbstractAxis::titleFont
The font of the title of the axis.
\property QAbstractAxis::orientation
\brief The orientation of the axis.
Fixed to either Qt::Horizontal or Qt::Vertical when the axis is added to a chart.
\qmlproperty Qt.Orientation AbstractAxis::orientation
The orientation of the axis. Fixed to either \l {Qt::Horizontal}{Qt.Horizontal}
or \l{Qt::Vertical}{Qt.Vertical} when the axis is set to a series.
\property QAbstractAxis::alignment
\brief The alignment of the axis.
Can be Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight, Qt::AlignBottom, or Qt::AlignTop.
\qmlproperty alignment AbstractAxis::alignment
The alignment of the axis. Can be \l{Qt::AlignLeft}{Qt.AlignLeft},
\l{Qt::AlignRight}{Qt.AlignRight}, \l{Qt::AlignBottom}{Qt.AlignBottom}, or
\property QAbstractAxis::reverse
\brief Whether a reverse axis is used.
By default, the value is \c false.
The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series
with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be
reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.
\qmlproperty alignment AbstractAxis::reverse
Defines whether a reverse axis is used. By default, the value is \c false.
The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series
with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be
reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::visibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::linePenChanged(const QPen& pen)
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the line of the axis changes to \a pen.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis line changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the labels of the axis changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsFontChanged(const QFont& font)
This signal is emitted when the font of the axis labels changes to \a font.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsBrushChanged(const QBrush& brush)
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis labels changes to \a brush.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsAngleChanged(int angle)
This signal is emitted when the angle of the axis labels changes to \a angle.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsEditableChanged(bool editable)
\since 5.13
This signal is emitted when the \a editable state of the label changes.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the grid lines of the axis changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis
changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::gridLinePenChanged(const QPen& pen)
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the grid line changes to \a pen.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePenChanged(const QPen& pen)
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes to \a pen.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::gridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)
This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the grid line changes to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColorChanged(const QColor &color)
This signal is emitted when the color of the pen used to draw the minor grid line changes
to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::colorChanged(QColor color)
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis changes to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::labelsColorChanged(QColor color)
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis labels changes to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the title text of the axis changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::titleTextChanged(const QString& text)
This signal is emitted when the text of the axis title changes to \a text.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::titleBrushChanged(const QBrush& brush)
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis title changes to \a brush.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::titleFontChanged(const QFont& font)
This signal is emitted when the font of the axis title changes to \a font.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::shadesVisibleChanged(bool)
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis shades changes to \a visible.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::shadesColorChanged(QColor color)
This signal is emitted when the color of the axis shades changes to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColorChanged(QColor color)
This signal is emitted when the border color of the axis shades changes to \a color.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::shadesBrushChanged(const QBrush& brush)
This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the axis shades changes to \a brush.
\fn void QAbstractAxis::shadesPenChanged(const QPen& pen)
This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the axis shades changes to \a pen.
Constructs a new axis object that is a child of \a parent. The ownership is taken by
QChart when the axis is added.
QAbstractAxis::QAbstractAxis(QAbstractAxisPrivate &d, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
Destructs the axis object. When the axis is added to a chart, the chart object takes ownership.
if (d_ptr->m_chart)
qFatal("Still binded axis detected !");
Sets the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks to \a pen.
void QAbstractAxis::setLinePen(const QPen &pen)
if (d_ptr->m_axisPen != pen) {
d_ptr->m_axisPen = pen;
emit linePenChanged(pen);
Returns the pen used to draw the axis line and tick marks.
QPen QAbstractAxis::linePen() const
if (d_ptr->m_axisPen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen())
return QPen();
return d_ptr->m_axisPen;
void QAbstractAxis::setLinePenColor(QColor color)
QPen p = linePen();
if (p.color() != color || d_ptr->m_axisPen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen()) {
emit colorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::linePenColor() const
return linePen().color();
Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are \a visible.
void QAbstractAxis::setLineVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_arrowVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_arrowVisible = visible;
emit lineVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::isLineVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_arrowVisible;
void QAbstractAxis::setGridLineVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_gridLineVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_gridLineVisible = visible;
emit gridVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::isGridLineVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_gridLineVisible;
void QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLineVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_minorGridLineVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_minorGridLineVisible = visible;
emit minorGridVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::isMinorGridLineVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_minorGridLineVisible;
Sets the pen used to draw the grid lines to \a pen.
void QAbstractAxis::setGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)
if (d_ptr->m_gridLinePen != pen) {
d_ptr->m_gridLinePen = pen;
emit gridLinePenChanged(pen);
Returns the pen used to draw the grid.
QPen QAbstractAxis::gridLinePen() const
if (d_ptr->m_gridLinePen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen())
return QPen();
return d_ptr->m_gridLinePen;
void QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLinePen(const QPen &pen)
if (d_ptr->m_minorGridLinePen != pen) {
d_ptr->m_minorGridLinePen = pen;
emit minorGridLinePenChanged(pen);
QPen QAbstractAxis::minorGridLinePen() const
if (d_ptr->m_minorGridLinePen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen())
return QPen();
return d_ptr->m_minorGridLinePen;
void QAbstractAxis::setGridLineColor(const QColor &color)
QPen pen = gridLinePen();
if (color != pen.color() || d_ptr->m_gridLinePen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen()) {
emit gridLineColorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::gridLineColor()
return gridLinePen().color();
void QAbstractAxis::setMinorGridLineColor(const QColor &color)
QPen pen = minorGridLinePen();
if (color != pen.color() || d_ptr->m_minorGridLinePen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen()) {
emit minorGridLineColorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::minorGridLineColor()
return minorGridLinePen().color();
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_labelsVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_labelsVisible = visible;
emit labelsVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::labelsVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_labelsVisible;
Sets the brush used to draw labels to \a brush.
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsBrush(const QBrush &brush)
if (d_ptr->m_labelsBrush != brush) {
d_ptr->m_labelsBrush = brush;
emit labelsBrushChanged(brush);
Returns the brush used to draw labels.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::labelsBrush() const
if (d_ptr->m_labelsBrush == QChartPrivate::defaultBrush())
return QBrush();
return d_ptr->m_labelsBrush;
Sets the font used to draw labels to \a font.
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsFont(const QFont &font)
if (d_ptr->m_labelsFont != font) {
d_ptr->m_labelsFont = font;
emit labelsFontChanged(font);
Returns the font used to draw labels.
QFont QAbstractAxis::labelsFont() const
if (d_ptr->m_labelsFont == QChartPrivate::defaultFont())
return QFont();
return d_ptr->m_labelsFont;
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsAngle(int angle)
if (d_ptr->m_labelsAngle != angle) {
d_ptr->m_labelsAngle = angle;
emit labelsAngleChanged(angle);
int QAbstractAxis::labelsAngle() const
return d_ptr->m_labelsAngle;
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsColor(QColor color)
QBrush b = labelsBrush();
if (b.color() != color || d_ptr->m_labelsBrush == QChartPrivate::defaultBrush()) {
emit labelsColorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::labelsColor() const
return labelsBrush().color();
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_titleVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_titleVisible = visible;
emit titleVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::isTitleVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_titleVisible;
Sets the brush used to draw titles to \a brush.
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleBrush(const QBrush &brush)
if (d_ptr->m_titleBrush != brush) {
d_ptr->m_titleBrush = brush;
emit titleBrushChanged(brush);
Returns the brush used to draw titles.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::titleBrush() const
if (d_ptr->m_titleBrush == QChartPrivate::defaultBrush())
return QBrush();
return d_ptr->m_titleBrush;
Sets the font used to draw titles to \a font.
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleFont(const QFont &font)
if (d_ptr->m_titleFont != font) {
d_ptr->m_titleFont = font;
emit titleFontChanged(font);
Returns the font used to draw titles.
QFont QAbstractAxis::titleFont() const
if (d_ptr->m_titleFont == QChartPrivate::defaultFont())
return QFont();
return d_ptr->m_titleFont;
void QAbstractAxis::setTitleText(const QString &title)
if (d_ptr->m_title != title) {
d_ptr->m_title = title;
emit titleTextChanged(title);
QString QAbstractAxis::titleText() const
return d_ptr->m_title;
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_shadesVisible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_shadesVisible = visible;
emit shadesVisibleChanged(visible);
bool QAbstractAxis::shadesVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_shadesVisible;
Sets the pen used to draw shades to \a pen.
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesPen(const QPen &pen)
if (d_ptr->m_shadesPen != pen) {
d_ptr->m_shadesPen = pen;
emit shadesPenChanged(pen);
Returns the pen used to draw shades.
QPen QAbstractAxis::shadesPen() const
if (d_ptr->m_shadesPen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen())
return QPen();
return d_ptr->m_shadesPen;
Sets the brush used to draw shades to \a brush.
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesBrush(const QBrush &brush)
if (d_ptr->m_shadesBrush != brush) {
d_ptr->m_shadesBrush = brush;
emit shadesBrushChanged(brush);
Returns the brush used to draw shades.
QBrush QAbstractAxis::shadesBrush() const
if (d_ptr->m_shadesBrush == QChartPrivate::defaultBrush())
return QBrush(Qt::SolidPattern);
return d_ptr->m_shadesBrush;
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesColor(QColor color)
QBrush b = shadesBrush();
if (b.color() != color || d_ptr->m_shadesBrush == QChartPrivate::defaultBrush()) {
emit shadesColorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::shadesColor() const
return shadesBrush().color();
void QAbstractAxis::setShadesBorderColor(QColor color)
QPen p = shadesPen();
if (p.color() != color || d_ptr->m_shadesPen == QChartPrivate::defaultPen()) {
emit shadesColorChanged(color);
QColor QAbstractAxis::shadesBorderColor() const
return shadesPen().color();
bool QAbstractAxis::isVisible() const
return d_ptr->m_visible;
Sets the visibility of the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines to \a visible.
void QAbstractAxis::setVisible(bool visible)
if (d_ptr->m_visible != visible) {
d_ptr->m_visible = visible;
emit visibleChanged(visible);
Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines visible.
void QAbstractAxis::show()
Makes the axis, shades, labels, and grid lines invisible.
void QAbstractAxis::hide()
Sets the minimum value shown on the axis.
Depending on the actual axis type, the \a min parameter is converted to the appropriate type
of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setMin(const QVariant &min)
Sets the maximum value shown on the axis.
Depending on the actual axis type, the \a max parameter is converted to the appropriate type
of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setMax(const QVariant &max)
Sets the range shown on the axis.
Depending on the actual axis type, the \a min and \a max parameters are converted to
appropriate types of values. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.
void QAbstractAxis::setRange(const QVariant &min, const QVariant &max)
d_ptr->setRange(min, max);
Returns the orientation of the axis (vertical or horizontal).
Qt::Orientation QAbstractAxis::orientation() const
return d_ptr->orientation();
Qt::Alignment QAbstractAxis::alignment() const
return d_ptr->alignment();
bool QAbstractAxis::isReverse() const
return d_ptr->m_reverse;
Sets axis labels editability to \a editable.
When the labels are editable the user will be able to change the range of the
axis conveniently by editing any of the labels. This feature is only supported
for the QValueAxis and the QDateTimeAxis.
By default, labels are not editable.
\since 5.13
void QAbstractAxis::setLabelsEditable(bool editable)
if (d_ptr->m_labelsEditable != editable) {
// In the case if the axis already added to a chart
// set the labels editability on the axisItem().
// Otherwise the labels editability will be set in the
// QValueAxisPrivate::initializeGraphics.
if (d_ptr->axisItem() != nullptr)
d_ptr->m_labelsEditable = editable;
emit labelsEditableChanged(editable);
Returns \c true if axis labels are editable.
\since 5.13
bool QAbstractAxis::labelsEditable() const
return d_ptr->m_labelsEditable;
void QAbstractAxis::setReverse(bool reverse)
if (d_ptr->m_reverse != reverse && type() != QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory) {
d_ptr->m_reverse = reverse;
emit reverseChanged(reverse);
QAbstractAxisPrivate::QAbstractAxisPrivate(QAbstractAxis *q)
: q_ptr(q),
void QAbstractAxisPrivate::setAlignment( Qt::Alignment alignment)
switch(alignment) {
case Qt::AlignTop:
case Qt::AlignBottom:
m_orientation = Qt::Horizontal;
case Qt::AlignLeft:
case Qt::AlignRight:
m_orientation = Qt::Vertical;
qWarning()<<"No alignment specified !";
void QAbstractAxisPrivate::initializeTheme(ChartTheme* theme, bool forced)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() == m_axisPen)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() == m_gridLinePen)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() == m_minorGridLinePen)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() == m_labelsBrush)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultFont() == m_labelsFont)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() == m_titleBrush)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultFont() == m_titleFont) {
QFont font(m_labelsFont);
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() == m_shadesBrush)
if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() == m_shadesPen)
bool axisX = m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
if (forced && (theme->backgroundShades() == ChartTheme::BackgroundShadesBoth
|| (theme->backgroundShades() == ChartTheme::BackgroundShadesVertical && axisX)
|| (theme->backgroundShades() == ChartTheme::BackgroundShadesHorizontal && !axisX))) {
} else if (forced) {
void QAbstractAxisPrivate::handleRangeChanged(qreal min, qreal max)
void QAbstractAxisPrivate::initializeGraphics(QGraphicsItem* parent)
void QAbstractAxisPrivate::initializeAnimations(QChart::AnimationOptions options, int duration,
QEasingCurve &curve)
ChartAxisElement *axis =;
if (axis->animation())
if (options.testFlag(QChart::GridAxisAnimations))
axis->setAnimation(new AxisAnimation(axis, duration, curve));
#include "moc_qabstractaxis.cpp"
#include "moc_qabstractaxis_p.cpp"