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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Javier S. Pedro <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtBluetooth module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QPointer>
#include <QtBluetooth/QLowEnergyService>
#include <algorithm>
#include "qlowenergycontrollerbase_p.h"
#include "qlowenergyserviceprivate_p.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
#include "qlowenergycontroller_darwin_p.h"
#endif // Q_OS_DARWIN
\class QLowEnergyService
\inmodule QtBluetooth
\brief The QLowEnergyService class represents an individual service
on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device.
\since 5.4
QLowEnergyService provides access to the details of Bluetooth Low Energy
services. The class facilitates the discovery and publification of
service details, permits reading and writing of the contained data
and notifies about data changes.
\section1 Service Structure
A Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device can contain multiple services.
In turn each service may include further services. This class represents a
single service of the peripheral device and is created via
\l QLowEnergyController::createServiceObject(). The \l type() indicates
whether this service is a primary (top-level) service or whether the
service is part of another service. Each service may contain one or more
characteristics and each characteristic may contain descriptors. The
resulting structure may look like the following diagram:
\image peripheral-structure.png Structure of a generic peripheral
A characteristic is the principal information carrier. It has a
\l {QLowEnergyCharacteristic::value()}{value()} and
\l {QLowEnergyCharacteristic::value()}{properties()}
describing the access permissions for the value. The general purpose
of the contained descriptor is to further define the nature of the
characteristic. For example, it might specify how the value is meant to be
interpreted or whether it can notify the value consumer about value
\section1 Service Interaction
Once a service object was created for the first time, its details are yet to
be discovered. This is indicated by its current \l state() being \l DiscoveryRequired.
It is only possible to retrieve the \l serviceUuid() and \l serviceName().
The discovery of its included services, characteristics and descriptors
is triggered when calling \l discoverDetails(). During the discovery the
\l state() transitions from \l DiscoveryRequired via \l DiscoveringServices
to its final \l ServiceDiscovered state. This transition is advertised via
the \l stateChanged() signal. Once the details are known, all of the contained
characteristics, descriptors and included services are known and can be read
or written.
The values of characteristics and descriptors can be retrieved via
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic and \l QLowEnergyDescriptor, respectively.
However, direct reading or writing of these attributes requires the service object.
The \l readCharacteristic() function attempts to re-read the value of a characteristic.
Although the initial service discovery may have obtained a value already this call may
be required in cases where the characteristic value constantly changes without
any notifications being provided. An example might be a time characteristic
that provides a continuous value. If the read attempt is successful, the
\l characteristicRead() signal is emitted. A failure to read the value triggers
the \l CharacteristicReadError.
The \l writeCharacteristic() function attempts to write a new value to the given
characteristic. If the write attempt is successful, the \l characteristicWritten()
signal is emitted. A failure to write triggers the \l CharacteristicWriteError.
Reading and writing of descriptors follows the same pattern.
Every attempt is made to read or write the value of a descriptor
or characteristic on the hardware. This means that meta information such as
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::properties() is generally ignored when reading and writing.
As an example, it is possible to call \l writeCharacteristic() despite the characteristic
being read-only based on its meta data description. The resulting write request is
forwarded to the connected device and it is up to the device to respond to the
potentially invalid request. In this case the result is the emission of the
\l CharacteristicWriteError in response to the returned device error. This behavior
simplifies interaction with devices which report wrong meta information.
If it was not possible to forward the request to the remote device the
\l OperationError is set. A potential reason could be that the to-be-written
characteristic object does not even belong the current service. In
summary, the two types of errors permit a quick distinction of local
and remote error cases.
All requests are serialised based on First-In First-Out principle.
For example, issuing a second write request, before the previous
write request has finished, is delayed until the first write request has finished.
\note Currently, it is not possible to send signed write or reliable write requests.
\target notifications
In some cases the peripheral generates value updates which
the central is interested in receiving. In order for a characteristic to support
such notifications it must have the \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::Notify or
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::Indicate property and a descriptor of type
\l QBluetoothUuid::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration. Provided those conditions
are fulfilled notifications can be enabled as shown in the following code segment:
\snippet doc_src_qtbluetooth.cpp enable_btle_notifications
The example shows a battery level characteristic which updates the central
on every value change. The notifications are provided via
the \l characteristicChanged() signal. More details about this mechanism
are provided by the
\l {}{Bluetooth Specification}.
\section1 Service Data Sharing
Each QLowEnergyService instance shares its internal states and information
with other QLowEnergyService instance of the same service. If one instance
initiates the discovery of the service details, all remaining instances
automatically follow. Therefore the following snippet always works:
\snippet doc_src_qtbluetooth.cpp data_share_qlowenergyservice
Other operations such as calls to \l readCharacteristic(), \l readDescriptor(), \l writeCharacteristic(),
\l writeDescriptor() or the invalidation of the service due to the
related \l QLowEnergyController disconnecting from the device are shared
the same way.
\sa QLowEnergyController, QLowEnergyCharacteristic, QLowEnergyDescriptor
\enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceType
This enum describes the type of the service.
\value PrimaryService The service is a top-level/primary service.
If this type flag is not set, the service is considered
to be a secondary service. Each service may be included
by another service which is indicated by IncludedService.
\value IncludedService The service is included by another service.
On some platforms, this flag cannot be determined until
the service that includes the current service was
\enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceError
This enum describes all possible error conditions during the service's
existence. The \l error() function returns the last occurred error.
\value NoError No error has occurred.
\value OperationError An operation was attempted while the service was not ready.
An example might be the attempt to write to
the service while it was not yet in the
\l ServiceDiscovered \l state() or the service is invalid
due to a loss of connection to the peripheral device.
\value CharacteristicReadError An attempt to read a characteristic value failed. For example,
it might be triggered in response to a call to
\l readCharacteristic(). This value was introduced by Qt 5.5.
\value CharacteristicWriteError An attempt to write a new value to a characteristic
failed. For example, it might be triggered when attempting
to write to a read-only characteristic.
\value DescriptorReadError An attempt to read a descriptor value failed. For example,
it might be triggered in response to a call to
\l readDescriptor(). This value was introduced by Qt 5.5.
\value DescriptorWriteError An attempt to write a new value to a descriptor
failed. For example, it might be triggered when attempting
to write to a read-only descriptor.
\value UnknownError An unknown error occurred when interacting with the service.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.5.
\enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceState
This enum describes the \l state() of the service object.
\value InvalidService A service can become invalid when it looses
the connection to the underlying device. Even though
the connection may be lost it retains its last information.
An invalid service cannot become valid anymore even if
the connection to the device is re-established.
\value DiscoveryRequired The service details are yet to be discovered by calling \l discoverDetails().
The only reliable pieces of information are its
\l serviceUuid() and \l serviceName().
\value DiscoveringServices The service details are being discovered.
\value ServiceDiscovered The service details have been discovered.
\value LocalService The service is associated with a controller object in the
\l{QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole}{peripheral role}. Such
service objects do not change their state.
This value was introduced by Qt 5.7.
\enum QLowEnergyService::WriteMode
This enum describes the mode to be used when writing a characteristic value.
The characteristic advertises its supported write modes via its
\l {QLowEnergyCharacteristic::properties()}{properties}.
\value WriteWithResponse If a characteristic is written using this mode, the peripheral
shall send a write confirmation. If the operation is
successful, the confirmation is emitted via the
\l characteristicWritten() signal. Otherwise the
\l CharacteristicWriteError is emitted.
A characteristic must have set the
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::Write property to support this
write mode.
\value WriteWithoutResponse If a characteristic is written using this mode, the remote peripheral
shall not send a write confirmation. The operation's success
cannot be determined and the payload must not be longer than 20 bytes.
A characteristic must have set the
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::WriteNoResponse property to support this
write mode. Its adavantage is a quicker
write operation as it may happen in between other
device interactions.
\value WriteSigned If a characteristic is written using this mode, the remote peripheral
shall not send a write confirmation. The operation's success
cannot be determined and the payload must not be longer than 8 bytes.
A bond must exist between the two devices and the link must not be
A characteristic must have set the
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::WriteSigned property to support this
write mode.
This value was introduced in Qt 5.7 and is currently only
supported on Android and on Linux with BlueZ 5 and a kernel version
3.7 or newer.
\fn void QLowEnergyService::stateChanged(QLowEnergyService::ServiceState newState)
This signal is emitted when the service's state changes. The \a newState can also be
retrieved via \l state().
\sa state()
\fn void QLowEnergyService::error(QLowEnergyService::ServiceError newError)
This signal is emitted when an error occurrs. The \a newError parameter
describes the error that occurred.
\fn void QLowEnergyService::characteristicRead(const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic, const QByteArray &value)
This signal is emitted when the read request for \a characteristic successfully returned
its \a value. The signal might be triggered by calling \l characteristicRead(). If
the read operation is not successful, the \l error() signal is emitted using the
\l CharacteristicReadError flag.
\note This signal is only emitted for Central Role related use cases.
\sa readCharacteristic()
\since 5.5
\fn void QLowEnergyService::characteristicWritten(const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic, const QByteArray &newValue)
This signal is emitted when the value of \a characteristic
is successfully changed to \a newValue. The change must have been triggered
by calling \l writeCharacteristic(). If the write operation is not successful,
the \l error() signal is emitted using the \l CharacteristicWriteError flag.
The reception of the written signal can be considered as a sign that the target device
received the to-be-written value and reports back the status of write request.
\note If \l writeCharacteristic() is called using the \l WriteWithoutResponse mode,
this signal and the \l error() are never emitted.
\note This signal is only emitted for Central Role related use cases.
\sa writeCharacteristic()
\fn void QLowEnergyService::characteristicChanged(const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic, const QByteArray &newValue)
If the associated controller object is in the \l {QLowEnergyController::CentralRole}{central}
role, this signal is emitted when the value of \a characteristic is changed by an event on the
peripheral/device side. In that case, the signal emission implies that change notifications must
have been activated via the characteristic's
\l {QBluetoothUuid::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration}{ClientCharacteristicConfiguration}
descriptor prior to the change event on the peripheral. More details on how this might be
done can be found further \l{notifications}{above}.
If the controller is in the \l {QLowEnergyController::PeripheralRole}{peripheral} role, that is,
the service object was created via \l QLowEnergyController::addService, the signal is emitted
when a GATT client has written the value of the characteristic using a write request or command.
The \a newValue parameter contains the updated value of the \a characteristic.
\fn void QLowEnergyService::descriptorRead(const QLowEnergyDescriptor &descriptor, const QByteArray &value)
This signal is emitted when the read request for \a descriptor successfully returned
its \a value. The signal might be triggered by calling \l descriptorRead(). If
the read operation is not successful, the \l error() signal is emitted using the
\l DescriptorReadError flag.
\note This signal is only emitted for Central Role related use cases.
\sa readDescriptor()
\since 5.5
\fn void QLowEnergyService::descriptorWritten(const QLowEnergyDescriptor &descriptor, const QByteArray &newValue)
This signal is emitted when the value of \a descriptor
is successfully changed to \a newValue. If the associated controller object is in the
\l {QLowEnergyController::CentralRole}{central} role, the change must have been caused
by calling \l writeDescriptor(). Otherwise, the signal is the result of a write request or
command from a GATT client to the respective descriptor.
\sa writeDescriptor()
QLowEnergyControllerPrivate creates instances of this class.
The user gets access to class instances via
\l QLowEnergyController::services().
QLowEnergyService::QLowEnergyService(QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyServicePrivate> p,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::error,
this, QOverload<QLowEnergyService::ServiceError>::of(&QLowEnergyService::error));
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::stateChanged,
this, &QLowEnergyService::stateChanged);
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::characteristicChanged,
this, &QLowEnergyService::characteristicChanged);
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::characteristicWritten,
this, &QLowEnergyService::characteristicWritten);
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::descriptorWritten,
this, &QLowEnergyService::descriptorWritten);
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::characteristicRead,
this, &QLowEnergyService::characteristicRead);
connect(, &QLowEnergyServicePrivate::descriptorRead,
this, &QLowEnergyService::descriptorRead);
Destroys the \l QLowEnergyService instance.
Returns the UUIDs of all services which are included by the
current service.
The returned list is empty if this service instance's \l discoverDetails()
was not yet called or there are no known characteristics.
It is possible that an included service contains yet another service. Such
second level includes have to be obtained via their relevant first level
QLowEnergyService instance. Technically, this could create
a circular dependency.
\l {QLowEnergyController::createServiceObject()} should be used to obtain
service instances for each of the UUIDs.
\sa {QLowEnergyController::}{createServiceObject()}
QList<QBluetoothUuid> QLowEnergyService::includedServices() const
return d_ptr->includedServices;
Returns the current state of the service.
If the device's service was instantiated for the first time, the object's
state is \l DiscoveryRequired. The state of all service objects which
point to the same service on the peripheral device are always equal.
This is caused by the shared nature of the internal object data.
Therefore any service object instance created after
the first one has a state equal to already existing instances.
A service becomes invalid if the \l QLowEnergyController disconnects
from the remote device. An invalid service retains its internal state
at the time of the disconnect event. This implies that once the service
details are discovered they can even be retrieved from an invalid
service. This permits scenarios where the device connection is established,
the service details are retrieved and the device immediately disconnected
to permit the next device to connect to the peripheral device.
However, under normal circumstances the connection should remain to avoid
repeated discovery of services and their details. The discovery may take
a while and the client can subscribe to ongoing change notifications.
\sa stateChanged()
QLowEnergyService::ServiceState QLowEnergyService::state() const
return d_ptr->state;
Returns the type of the service.
\note The type attribute cannot be relied upon until the service has
reached the \l ServiceDiscovered state. This field is initialised
with \l PrimaryService.
\note On Android, it is not possible to determine whether a service
is a primary or secondary service. Therefore all services
have the \l PrimaryService flag set.
QLowEnergyService::ServiceTypes QLowEnergyService::type() const
return d_ptr->type;
Returns the matching characteristic for \a uuid; otherwise an invalid
The returned characteristic is invalid if this service instance's \l discoverDetails()
was not yet called or there are no characteristics with a matching \a uuid.
\sa characteristics()
QLowEnergyCharacteristic QLowEnergyService::characteristic(const QBluetoothUuid &uuid) const
CharacteristicDataMap::const_iterator charIt = d_ptr->characteristicList.constBegin();
for ( ; charIt != d_ptr->characteristicList.constEnd(); ++charIt) {
const QLowEnergyHandle charHandle = charIt.key();
const QLowEnergyServicePrivate::CharData &charDetails = charIt.value();
if (charDetails.uuid == uuid)
return QLowEnergyCharacteristic(d_ptr, charHandle);
return QLowEnergyCharacteristic();
Returns all characteristics associated with this \c QLowEnergyService instance.
The returned list is empty if this service instance's \l discoverDetails()
was not yet called or there are no known characteristics.
\sa characteristic(), state(), discoverDetails()
QList<QLowEnergyCharacteristic> QLowEnergyService::characteristics() const
QList<QLowEnergyCharacteristic> results;
QList<QLowEnergyHandle> handles = d_ptr->characteristicList.keys();
std::sort(handles.begin(), handles.end());
for (const QLowEnergyHandle &handle : qAsConst(handles)) {
QLowEnergyCharacteristic characteristic(d_ptr, handle);
return results;
Returns the UUID of the service; otherwise a null UUID.
QBluetoothUuid QLowEnergyService::serviceUuid() const
return d_ptr->uuid;
Returns the name of the service; otherwise an empty string.
The returned name can only be retrieved if \l serviceUuid()
is a \l {}{well-known UUID}.
QString QLowEnergyService::serviceName() const
bool ok = false;
quint16 clsId = d_ptr->uuid.toUInt16(&ok);
if (ok) {
QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid id
= static_cast<QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid>(clsId);
const QString name = QBluetoothUuid::serviceClassToString(id);
if (!name.isEmpty())
return name;
return qApp ?
qApp->translate("QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent", "Unknown Service") :
QStringLiteral("Unknown Service");
Initiates the discovery of the services, characteristics
and descriptors contained by the service. The discovery process is indicated
via the \l stateChanged() signal.
\sa state()
void QLowEnergyService::discoverDetails()
if (!d->controller || d->state == QLowEnergyService::InvalidService) {
if (d->state != QLowEnergyService::DiscoveryRequired)
Returns the last occurred error or \l NoError.
QLowEnergyService::ServiceError QLowEnergyService::error() const
return d_ptr->lastError;
Returns \c true if \a characteristic belongs to this service;
otherwise \c false.
A characteristic belongs to a service if \l characteristics()
contains the \a characteristic.
bool QLowEnergyService::contains(const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic) const
if (characteristic.d_ptr.isNull() || !
return false;
if (d_ptr == characteristic.d_ptr
&& d_ptr->characteristicList.contains(characteristic.attributeHandle())) {
return true;
return false;
Reads the value of \a characteristic. If the operation is successful, the
\l characteristicRead() signal is emitted; otherwise the \l CharacteristicReadError
is set. In general, a \a characteristic is readable, if its
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::Read property is set.
All descriptor and characteristic requests towards the same remote device are
serialised. A queue is employed when issuing multiple requests at the same time.
The queue does not eliminate duplicated read requests for the same characteristic.
A characteristic can only be read if the service is in the \l ServiceDiscovered state
and belongs to the service. If one of these conditions is
not true the \l QLowEnergyService::OperationError is set.
\note Calling this function despite \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::properties() reporting a non-readable property
always attempts to read the characteristic's value on the hardware. If the hardware
returns with an error the \l CharacteristicReadError is set.
\sa characteristicRead(), writeCharacteristic()
\since 5.5
void QLowEnergyService::readCharacteristic(
const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic)
if (d->controller == nullptr || state() != ServiceDiscovered || !contains(characteristic)) {
Writes \a newValue as value for the \a characteristic. The exact semantics depend on
the role that the associated controller object is in.
\b {Central role}
The call results in a write request or command to a remote peripheral.
If the operation is successful,
the \l characteristicWritten() signal is emitted; otherwise the \l CharacteristicWriteError
is set. Calling this function does not trigger the a \l characteristicChanged()
signal unless the peripheral itself changes the value again after the current write request.
The \a mode parameter determines whether the remote device should send a write
confirmation. The to-be-written \a characteristic must support the relevant
write mode. The characteristic's supported write modes are indicated by its
\l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::Write and \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::WriteNoResponse
All descriptor and characteristic write requests towards the same remote device are
serialised. A queue is employed when issuing multiple write requests at the same time.
The queue does not eliminate duplicated write requests for the same characteristic.
For example, if the same descriptor is set to the value A and immediately afterwards
to B, the two write request are executed in the given order.
\note Currently, it is not possible to use signed or reliable writes as defined by the
Bluetooth specification.
A characteristic can only be written if this service is in the \l ServiceDiscovered state
and belongs to the service. If one of these conditions is
not true the \l QLowEnergyService::OperationError is set.
\note Calling this function despite \l QLowEnergyCharacteristic::properties() reporting
a non-writable property always attempts to write to the hardware.
Similarly, a \l WriteWithoutResponse is sent to the hardware too although the
characteristic may only support \l WriteWithResponse. If the hardware returns
with an error the \l CharacteristicWriteError is set.
\b {Peripheral role}
The call results in the value of the characteristic getting updated in the local database.
If a client is currently connected and it has enabled notifications or indications for
the characteristic, the respective information will be sent.
If a device has enabled notifications or indications for the characteristic and that device
is currently not connected, but a bond exists between it and the local device, then
the notification or indication will be sent on the next reconnection.
If there is a constraint on the length of the characteristic value and \a newValue
does not adhere to that constraint, the behavior is unspecified.
\note The \a mode argument is ignored in peripheral mode.
\sa QLowEnergyService::characteristicWritten(), QLowEnergyService::readCharacteristic()
void QLowEnergyService::writeCharacteristic(
const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic,
const QByteArray &newValue, QLowEnergyService::WriteMode mode)
//TODO check behavior when writing to WriteSigned characteristic
if (d->controller == nullptr
|| (d->controller->role == QLowEnergyController::CentralRole
&& state() != ServiceDiscovered)
|| !contains(characteristic)) {
// don't write if properties don't permit it
Returns \c true if \a descriptor belongs to this service; otherwise \c false.
bool QLowEnergyService::contains(const QLowEnergyDescriptor &descriptor) const
if (descriptor.d_ptr.isNull() || !
return false;
const QLowEnergyHandle charHandle = descriptor.characteristicHandle();
if (!charHandle)
return false;
if (d_ptr == descriptor.d_ptr
&& d_ptr->characteristicList.contains(charHandle)
&& d_ptr->characteristicList[charHandle].descriptorList.contains(descriptor.handle()))
return true;
return false;
Reads the value of \a descriptor. If the operation is successful, the
\l descriptorRead() signal is emitted; otherwise the \l DescriptorReadError
is set.
All descriptor and characteristic requests towards the same remote device are
serialised. A queue is employed when issuing multiple requests at the same time.
The queue does not eliminate duplicated read requests for the same descriptor.
A descriptor can only be read if the service is in the \l ServiceDiscovered state
and the descriptor belongs to the service. If one of these conditions is
not true the \l QLowEnergyService::OperationError is set.
\sa descriptorRead(), writeDescriptor()
\since 5.5
void QLowEnergyService::readDescriptor(
const QLowEnergyDescriptor &descriptor)
if (d->controller == nullptr || state() != ServiceDiscovered || !contains(descriptor)) {
Writes \a newValue as value for \a descriptor. The exact semantics depend on
the role that the associated controller object is in.
\b {Central role}
A call to this function results in a write request to the remote device.
If the operation is successful, the \l descriptorWritten() signal is emitted; otherwise
the \l DescriptorWriteError is emitted.
All descriptor and characteristic requests towards the same remote device are
serialised. A queue is employed when issuing multiple write requests at the same time.
The queue does not eliminate duplicated write requests for the same descriptor.
For example, if the same descriptor is set to the value A and immediately afterwards
to B, the two write request are executed in the given order.
A descriptor can only be written if this service is in the \l ServiceDiscovered state,
belongs to the service. If one of these conditions is
not true the \l QLowEnergyService::OperationError is set.
\b {Peripheral Role}
The value is written to the local service database. If the contents of \a newValue are not
valid for \a descriptor, the behavior is unspecified.
\sa descriptorWritten(), readDescriptor()
void QLowEnergyService::writeDescriptor(const QLowEnergyDescriptor &descriptor,
const QByteArray &newValue)
if (d->controller == nullptr
|| (d->controller->role == QLowEnergyController::CentralRole
&& state() != ServiceDiscovered)
|| !contains(descriptor)) {
#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
if (descriptor.uuid() == QBluetoothUuid::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration) {
// We have to identify a special case - ClientCharacteristicConfiguration
// since with CoreBluetooth:
// "You cannot use this method to write the value of a client configuration descriptor
// (represented by the CBUUIDClientCharacteristicConfigurationString constant),
// which describes how notification or indications are configured for a
// characteristic’s value with respect to a client. If you want to manage
// notifications or indications for a characteristic’s value, you must
// use the setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic: method instead."
auto controller = static_cast<QLowEnergyControllerPrivateDarwin *>(d->;
return controller->setNotifyValue(descriptor.d_ptr, descriptor.characteristicHandle(), newValue);
#endif // Q_OS_DARWIN