blob: ef3f1b251613e6e136ce6b8268820ca06774c797 [file] [log] [blame]
uniform highp mat4 MVP;
uniform highp vec3 minBounds;
uniform highp vec3 maxBounds;
uniform highp vec3 cameraPositionRelativeToModel;
attribute highp vec3 vertexPosition_mdl;
attribute highp vec2 vertexUV;
attribute highp vec3 vertexNormal_mdl;
varying highp vec3 pos;
varying highp vec3 rayDir;
void main() {
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(vertexPosition_mdl, 1.0);
highp vec3 minBoundsNorm = minBounds;
highp vec3 maxBoundsNorm = maxBounds;
// Y and Z are flipped in bounds to be directly usable in texture calculations,
// so flip them back to normal for position calculations
minBoundsNorm.yz = -minBoundsNorm.yz;
maxBoundsNorm.yz = -maxBoundsNorm.yz;
minBoundsNorm = 0.5 * (minBoundsNorm + 1.0);
maxBoundsNorm = 0.5 * (maxBoundsNorm + 1.0);
pos = vertexPosition_mdl
+ ((1.0 - vertexPosition_mdl) * minBoundsNorm)
- ((1.0 + vertexPosition_mdl) * (1.0 - maxBoundsNorm));
rayDir = -(cameraPositionRelativeToModel - pos);
// Flip Y and Z so QImage bits work directly for texture and first image is in the front
rayDir.yz = -rayDir.yz;
pos.yz = -pos.yz;