blob: 13f6912371773803c53df776971f5420e9edc6d1 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "qv4numberobject_p.h"
#include "qv4runtime_p.h"
#include "qv4string_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qnumeric.h>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
using namespace QV4;
struct NumberLocaleHolder : public NumberLocale
NumberLocaleHolder() {}
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(NumberLocaleHolder, numberLocaleHolder)
NumberLocale::NumberLocale() : QLocale(QLocale::C),
// -128 means shortest string that can accurately represent the number.
setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator |
QLocale::OmitLeadingZeroInExponent |
const NumberLocale *NumberLocale::instance()
return numberLocaleHolder();
void Heap::NumberCtor::init(QV4::ExecutionContext *scope)
Heap::FunctionObject::init(scope, QStringLiteral("Number"));
ReturnedValue NumberCtor::virtualCallAsConstructor(const FunctionObject *f, const Value *argv, int argc, const Value *newTarget)
auto v4 = f->engine();
double dbl = argc ? argv[0].toNumber() : 0.;
ReturnedValue o = Encode(f->engine()->newNumberObject(dbl));
if (!newTarget)
return o;
Scope scope(v4);
ScopedObject obj(scope, o);
return obj->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue NumberCtor::virtualCall(const FunctionObject *, const Value *, const Value *argv, int argc)
double dbl = argc ? argv[0].toNumber() : 0.;
return Encode(dbl);
void NumberPrototype::init(ExecutionEngine *engine, Object *ctor)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope);
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(engine->id_prototype(), (o = this));
ctor->defineReadonlyConfigurableProperty(engine->id_length(), Value::fromInt32(1));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("NaN"), Value::fromDouble(qt_qnan()));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("NEGATIVE_INFINITY"), Value::fromDouble(-qInf()));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("POSITIVE_INFINITY"), Value::fromDouble(qInf()));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("MAX_VALUE"), Value::fromDouble(1.7976931348623158e+308));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("EPSILON"), Value::fromDouble(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("MAX_SAFE_INTEGER"), Value::fromDouble(9007199254740991));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("MIN_SAFE_INTEGER"), Value::fromDouble(-9007199254740991));
ctor->defineReadonlyProperty(QStringLiteral("MIN_VALUE"), Value::fromDouble(5e-324));
ctor->defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("isFinite"), method_isFinite, 1);
ctor->defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("isInteger"), method_isInteger, 1);
ctor->defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("isSafeInteger"), method_isSafeInteger, 1);
ctor->defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("isNaN"), method_isNaN, 1);
defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("constructor"), (o = ctor));
defineDefaultProperty(engine->id_toString(), method_toString, 1);
defineDefaultProperty(engine->id_toLocaleString(), method_toLocaleString);
defineDefaultProperty(engine->id_valueOf(), method_valueOf);
defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("toFixed"), method_toFixed, 1);
defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("toExponential"), method_toExponential, 1);
defineDefaultProperty(QStringLiteral("toPrecision"), method_toPrecision, 1);
inline ReturnedValue thisNumberValue(ExecutionEngine *v4, const Value *thisObject)
if (thisObject->isNumber())
return thisObject->asReturnedValue();
const NumberObject *n = thisObject->as<NumberObject>();
if (!n) {
return Encode::undefined();
return Encode(n->value());
inline double thisNumber(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value *thisObject)
if (thisObject->isNumber())
return thisObject->asDouble();
const NumberObject *n = thisObject->as<NumberObject>();
if (!n) {
return 0;
return n->value();
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_isFinite(const FunctionObject *, const Value *, const Value *argv, int argc)
if (!argc || !argv[0].isNumber())
return Encode(false);
double v = argv[0].toNumber();
return Encode(!std::isnan(v) && !qt_is_inf(v));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_isInteger(const FunctionObject *, const Value *, const Value *argv, int argc)
if (!argc)
return Encode(false);
const Value &v = argv[0];
if (!v.isNumber())
return Encode(false);
double dv = v.toNumber();
if (std::isnan(dv) || qt_is_inf(dv))
return Encode(false);
double iv = v.toInteger();
return Encode(dv == iv);
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_isSafeInteger(const FunctionObject *, const Value *, const Value *argv, int argc)
if (!argc)
return Encode(false);
const Value &v = argv[0];
if (!v.isNumber())
return Encode(false);
double dv = v.toNumber();
if (std::isnan(dv) || qt_is_inf(dv))
return Encode(false);
double iv = v.toInteger();
return Encode(dv == iv && std::fabs(iv) <= (2^53)-1);
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_isNaN(const FunctionObject *, const Value *, const Value *argv, int argc)
if (!argc || !argv[0].isNumber())
return Encode(false);
double v = argv[0].toNumber();
// cast to bool explicitly as std::isnan() may give us ::isnan(), which
// sometimes returns an int and we don't want the Encode(int) overload.
return Encode(bool(std::isnan(v)));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_toString(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc)
ExecutionEngine *v4 = b->engine();
double num = thisNumber(v4, thisObject);
if (v4->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
if (argc && !argv[0].isUndefined()) {
int radix = argv[0].toInt32();
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
return v4->throwError(QStringLiteral("Number.prototype.toString: %0 is not a valid radix").arg(radix));
QString str;
RuntimeHelpers::numberToString(&str, num, radix);
return Encode(v4->newString(str));
return Encode(Value::fromDouble(num).toString(v4));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_toLocaleString(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *, int)
Scope scope(b);
ScopedValue v(scope, thisNumberValue(b->engine(), thisObject));
return Encode(v->toString(scope.engine));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_valueOf(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *, int)
return thisNumberValue(b->engine(), thisObject);
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_toFixed(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc)
ExecutionEngine *v4 = b->engine();
double v = thisNumber(v4, thisObject);
if (v4->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
double fdigits = 0;
if (argc > 0)
fdigits = argv[0].toInteger();
if (std::isnan(fdigits))
fdigits = 0;
if (fdigits < 0 || fdigits > 100)
return v4->throwRangeError(*thisObject);
QString str;
if (std::isnan(v))
str = QStringLiteral("NaN");
else if (qt_is_inf(v))
str = QString::fromLatin1(v < 0 ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity");
else if (v < 1.e21)
str = NumberLocale::instance()->toString(v, 'f', int(fdigits));
else {
return Encode(RuntimeHelpers::stringFromNumber(v4, v));
return Encode(v4->newString(str));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_toExponential(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc)
ExecutionEngine *v4 = b->engine();
double d = thisNumber(v4, thisObject);
if (v4->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
bool defaultDigits = !argc || argv[0].isUndefined();
int fdigits = !defaultDigits ? argv[0].toInteger() : NumberLocale::instance()->defaultDoublePrecision;
if (v4->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
if (std::isnan(d))
return Encode(v4->newString(QLatin1String("NaN")));
if (qIsInf(d))
return Encode(v4->newString(QLatin1String(d < 0 ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity")));
if (!defaultDigits && (fdigits < 0 || fdigits > 100)) {
Scope scope(v4);
ScopedString error(scope, v4->newString(QStringLiteral("Number.prototype.toExponential: fractionDigits out of range")));
return v4->throwRangeError(error);
QString result = NumberLocale::instance()->toString(d, 'e', fdigits);
return Encode(v4->newString(result));
ReturnedValue NumberPrototype::method_toPrecision(const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc)
Scope scope(b);
ScopedValue v(scope, thisNumberValue(scope.engine, thisObject));
if (scope.engine->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
double d = v->asDouble();
if (!argc || argv[0].isUndefined())
return Encode(v->toString(scope.engine));
int precision = argv[0].toInt32();
if (scope.engine->hasException)
return QV4::Encode::undefined();
if (std::isnan(d))
return Encode(scope.engine->newString(QLatin1String("NaN")));
if (qIsInf(d))
return Encode(scope.engine->newString(QLatin1String(d < 0 ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity")));
if (precision < 1 || precision > 100) {
ScopedString error(scope, scope.engine->newString(QStringLiteral("Number.prototype.toPrecision: precision out of range")));
return scope.engine->throwRangeError(error);
QString result = NumberLocale::instance()->toString(d, 'g', precision);
return Encode(scope.engine->newString(result));