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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include "qv4global_p.h"
#include "qv4runtime_p.h"
#include "qv4engine_p.h"
#include "qv4object_p.h"
#include "qv4objectproto_p.h"
#include "qv4globalobject_p.h"
#include "qv4stringobject_p.h"
#include "qv4argumentsobject_p.h"
#include "qv4objectiterator_p.h"
#include "qv4dateobject_p.h"
#include "qv4lookup_p.h"
#include "qv4function_p.h"
#include "qv4numberobject_p.h"
#include "qv4regexp_p.h"
#include "qv4regexpobject_p.h"
#include "private/qlocale_tools_p.h"
#include "qv4scopedvalue_p.h"
#include "qv4jscall_p.h"
#include <private/qv4qmlcontext_p.h>
#include <private/qqmltypewrapper_p.h>
#include <private/qqmlengine_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljavascriptexpression_p.h>
#include <private/qqmljsast_p.h>
#include "qv4qobjectwrapper_p.h"
#include "qv4symbol_p.h"
#include "qv4generatorobject_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
# include <QtCore/QBuffer>
# include <QtCore/QDebug>
namespace QV4 {
struct RuntimeCounters::Data {
enum Type {
None = 0,
Undefined = 1,
Null = 2,
Boolean = 3,
Integer = 4,
Managed = 5,
Double = 7
static const char *pretty(Type t) {
switch (t) {
case None: return "";
case Undefined: return "Undefined";
case Null: return "Null";
case Boolean: return "Boolean";
case Integer: return "Integer";
case Managed: return "Managed";
case Double: return "Double";
default: return "Unknown";
static unsigned mangle(unsigned tag) {
switch (tag) {
case Value::Undefined_Type: return Undefined;
case Value::Null_Type: return Null;
case Value::Boolean_Type: return Boolean;
case Value::Integer_Type: return Integer;
case Value::Managed_Type: return Managed;
default: return Double;
static unsigned mangle(unsigned tag1, unsigned tag2) {
return (mangle(tag1) << 3) | mangle(tag2);
static void unmangle(unsigned signature, Type &tag1, Type &tag2) {
tag1 = Type((signature >> 3) & 7);
tag2 = Type(signature & 7);
typedef QVector<quint64> Counters;
QHash<const char *, Counters> counters;
inline void count(const char *func) {
QVector<quint64> &cnt = counters[func];
if (cnt.isEmpty())
cnt[0] += 1;
inline void count(const char *func, unsigned tag) {
QVector<quint64> &cnt = counters[func];
if (cnt.isEmpty())
cnt[mangle(tag)] += 1;
inline void count(const char *func, unsigned tag1, unsigned tag2) {
QVector<quint64> &cnt = counters[func];
if (cnt.isEmpty())
cnt[mangle(tag1, tag2)] += 1;
struct Line {
const char *func;
Type tag1, tag2;
quint64 count;
static bool less(const Line &line1, const Line &line2) {
return line1.count > line2.count;
void dump() const {
QBuffer buf;;
QTextStream outs(&buf);
QList<Line> lines;
for (auto it = counters.cbegin(), end = counters.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
const Counters &fCount = it.value();
for (int i = 0, ei = fCount.size(); i != ei; ++i) {
quint64 count = fCount[i];
if (!count)
Line line;
line.func = it.key();
unmangle(i, line.tag1, line.tag2);
line.count = count;
std::sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), Line::less);
outs << lines.size() << " counters:" << endl;
for (const Line &line : qAsConst(lines))
outs << qSetFieldWidth(10) << line.count << qSetFieldWidth(0)
<< " | " << line.func
<< " | " << pretty(line.tag1)
<< " | " << pretty(line.tag2)
<< endl;
RuntimeCounters *RuntimeCounters::instance = 0;
static RuntimeCounters runtimeCountersInstance;
: d(new Data)
if (!instance)
instance = this;
delete d;
void RuntimeCounters::count(const char *func)
void RuntimeCounters::count(const char *func, uint tag)
d->count(func, tag);
void RuntimeCounters::count(const char *func, uint tag1, uint tag2)
d->count(func, tag1, tag2);
static QV4::Lookup *runtimeLookup(Function *f, uint i)
return f->executableCompilationUnit()->runtimeLookups + i;
void RuntimeHelpers::numberToString(QString *result, double num, int radix)
if (std::isnan(num)) {
*result = QStringLiteral("NaN");
} else if (qt_is_inf(num)) {
*result = num < 0 ? QStringLiteral("-Infinity") : QStringLiteral("Infinity");
if (radix == 10) {
// We cannot use our usual locale->toString(...) here, because EcmaScript has special rules
// about the longest permissible number, depending on if it's <0 or >0.
const int ecma_shortest_low = -6;
const int ecma_shortest_high = 21;
const QLatin1Char zero('0');
const QLatin1Char dot('.');
int decpt = 0;
int sign = 0;
*result = qdtoa(num, &decpt, &sign);
if (decpt <= ecma_shortest_low || decpt > ecma_shortest_high) {
if (result->length() > 1)
result->insert(1, dot);
if (decpt > 0)
result->append(QString::number(decpt - 1));
} else if (decpt <= 0) {
result->prepend(QLatin1String("0.") + QString(-decpt, zero));
} else if (decpt < result->length()) {
result->insert(decpt, dot);
} else {
result->append(QString(decpt - result->length(), zero));
if (sign && num)
bool negative = false;
if (num < 0) {
negative = true;
num = -num;
double frac = num - ::floor(num);
num = Value::toInteger(num);
do {
char c = (char)::fmod(num, radix);
c = (c < 10) ? (c + '0') : (c - 10 + 'a');
num = ::floor(num / radix);
} while (num != 0);
if (frac != 0) {
double magnitude = 1;
double next = frac;
do {
next *= radix;
const int floored = ::floor(next);
char c = char(floored);
c = (c < 10) ? (c + '0') : (c - 10 + 'a');
magnitude /= radix;
frac -= double(floored) * magnitude;
next -= double(floored);
// The next digit still makes a difference
// if a value of "radix" for it would change frac.
// Otherwise we've reached the limit of numerical precision.
} while (frac > 0 && frac - magnitude != frac);
if (negative)
ReturnedValue Runtime::Closure::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int functionId)
QV4::Function *clos = engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->executableCompilationUnit()
ExecutionContext *current = static_cast<ExecutionContext *>(&engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context);
if (clos->isGenerator())
return GeneratorFunction::create(current, clos)->asReturnedValue();
return FunctionObject::createScriptFunction(current, clos)->asReturnedValue();
Bool Runtime::DeleteProperty_NoThrow::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &base, const Value &index)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope, base.toObject(engine));
if (scope.engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
ScopedPropertyKey key(scope, index.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (engine->hasException)
return false;
return o->deleteProperty(key);
ReturnedValue Runtime::DeleteProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, QV4::Function *function, const QV4::Value &base, const QV4::Value &index)
if (!Runtime::DeleteProperty_NoThrow::call(engine, base, index)) {
if (function->isStrict())
return Encode(false);
} else {
return Encode(true);
Bool Runtime::DeleteName_NoThrow::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
return static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).deleteProperty(name);
ReturnedValue Runtime::DeleteName::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Function *function, int name)
if (!Runtime::DeleteName_NoThrow::call(engine, name)) {
if (function->isStrict())
return Encode(false);
} else {
return Encode(true);
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::Instanceof::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &lval, const Value &rval)
// 11.8.6, 5: rval must be an Object
const Object *rhs =<Object>();
if (!rhs)
return engine->throwTypeError();
const FunctionObject *f = rhs->as<FunctionObject>();
// shortcut hasInstance evaluation. In this case we know that we are calling the regular hasInstance()
// method of the FunctionPrototype
if (f && f->d()->prototype() == engine->functionPrototype()->d() && !f->hasHasInstanceProperty())
return Object::checkedInstanceOf(engine, f, lval);
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue hasInstance(scope, rhs->get(engine->symbol_hasInstance()));
if (hasInstance->isUndefined())
return rhs->instanceOf(lval);
FunctionObject *fHasInstance = hasInstance->as<FunctionObject>();
if (!fHasInstance)
return engine->throwTypeError();
ScopedValue result(scope, fHasInstance->call(&rval, &lval, 1));
return Encode(result->toBoolean());
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::In::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &left, const Value &right)
Object *ro = right.objectValue();
if (!ro)
return engine->throwTypeError();
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedPropertyKey s(scope, left.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode::undefined();
bool r = ro->hasProperty(s);
return Encode(r);
double RuntimeHelpers::stringToNumber(const QString &string)
// The actual maximum valid length is certainly shorter, but due to the sheer number of
// different number formatting variants, we rather err on the side of caution here.
// For example, you can have up to 772 valid decimal digits left of the dot, as stated in the
// libdoubleconversion sources. The same maximum value would be represented by roughly 3.5 times
// as many binary digits.
const int excessiveLength = 16 * 1024;
if (string.length() > excessiveLength)
return qQNaN();
const QStringRef s = QStringRef(&string).trimmed();
if (s.startsWith(QLatin1Char('0'))) {
int base = -1;
if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0x")) || s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0X")))
base = 16;
else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0o")) || s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0O")))
base = 8;
else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0b")) || s.startsWith(QLatin1String("0B")))
base = 2;
if (base > 0) {
bool ok = true;
qlonglong num;
num = s.mid(2).toLongLong(&ok, base);
if (!ok)
return qQNaN();
return num;
bool ok = false;
QByteArray ba = s.toLatin1();
const char *begin = ba.constData();
const char *end = nullptr;
double d = qstrtod(begin, &end, &ok);
if (end - begin != ba.size()) {
if (ba == "Infinity" || ba == "+Infinity")
else if (ba == "-Infinity")
d = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
return d;
Heap::String *RuntimeHelpers::stringFromNumber(ExecutionEngine *engine, double number)
QString qstr;
RuntimeHelpers::numberToString(&qstr, number, 10);
return engine->newString(qstr);
ReturnedValue RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(const Object *object, int typeHint)
ExecutionEngine *engine = object->internalClass()->engine;
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
String *hint;
switch (typeHint) {
hint = engine->id_string();
hint = engine->id_number();
hint = engine->id_default();
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedFunctionObject toPrimitive(scope, object->get(engine->symbol_toPrimitive()));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (toPrimitive) {
ScopedValue result(scope, toPrimitive->call(object, hint, 1));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (!result->isPrimitive())
return engine->throwTypeError();
return result->asReturnedValue();
if (hint == engine->id_default())
hint = engine->id_number();
return ordinaryToPrimitive(engine, object, hint);
ReturnedValue RuntimeHelpers::ordinaryToPrimitive(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Object *object, String *typeHint)
String *meth1 = engine->id_toString();
String *meth2 = engine->id_valueOf();
if (typeHint->propertyKey() == engine->id_number()->propertyKey()) {
qSwap(meth1, meth2);
} else {
Q_ASSERT(typeHint->propertyKey() == engine->id_string()->propertyKey());
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue result(scope);
ScopedValue conv(scope, object->get(meth1));
if (FunctionObject *o = conv->as<FunctionObject>()) {
result = o->call(object, nullptr, 0);
if (result->isPrimitive())
return result->asReturnedValue();
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
conv = object->get(meth2);
if (FunctionObject *o = conv->as<FunctionObject>()) {
result = o->call(object, nullptr, 0);
if (result->isPrimitive())
return result->asReturnedValue();
return engine->throwTypeError();
Heap::Object *RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value)
switch (value.type()) {
case Value::Undefined_Type:
engine->throwTypeError(QLatin1String("Value is undefined and could not be converted to an object"));
return nullptr;
case Value::Null_Type:
engine->throwTypeError(QLatin1String("Value is null and could not be converted to an object"));
return nullptr;
case Value::Boolean_Type:
return engine->newBooleanObject(value.booleanValue());
case Value::Managed_Type:
if (!value.isString())
return engine->newSymbolObject(value.symbolValue());
return engine->newStringObject(value.stringValue());
case Value::Integer_Type:
default: // double
return engine->newNumberObject(value.asDouble());
Heap::String *RuntimeHelpers::convertToString(ExecutionEngine *engine, Value value, TypeHint hint)
switch (value.type()) {
case Value::Empty_Type:
Q_ASSERT(!"empty Value encountered");
case Value::Undefined_Type:
return engine->id_undefined()->d();
case Value::Null_Type:
return engine->id_null()->d();
case Value::Boolean_Type:
if (value.booleanValue())
return engine->id_true()->d();
return engine->id_false()->d();
case Value::Managed_Type: {
if (value.isString())
return static_cast<const String &>(value).d();
if (value.isSymbol()) {
engine->throwTypeError(QLatin1String("Cannot convert a symbol to a string."));
return nullptr;
value = Value::fromReturnedValue(RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(value, hint));
if (value.isString())
return static_cast<const String &>(value).d();
goto redo;
case Value::Integer_Type:
return RuntimeHelpers::stringFromNumber(engine, value.int_32());
default: // double
return RuntimeHelpers::stringFromNumber(engine, value.doubleValue());
} // switch
// This is slightly different from the method above, as
// the + operator requires a slightly different conversion
static Heap::String *convert_to_string_add(ExecutionEngine *engine, Value value)
return RuntimeHelpers::convertToString(engine, value, PREFERREDTYPE_HINT);
QV4::ReturnedValue RuntimeHelpers::addHelper(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &left, const Value &right)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue pleft(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(left, PREFERREDTYPE_HINT));
ScopedValue pright(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(right, PREFERREDTYPE_HINT));
String *sleft = pleft->stringValue();
String *sright = pright->stringValue();
if (sleft || sright) {
if (!sleft) {
pleft = convert_to_string_add(engine, pleft);
sleft = static_cast<String *>(pleft.ptr);
if (!sright) {
pright = convert_to_string_add(engine, pright);
sright = static_cast<String *>(pright.ptr);
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (!sleft->d()->length())
return sright->asReturnedValue();
if (!sright->d()->length())
return sleft->asReturnedValue();
MemoryManager *mm = engine->memoryManager;
return (mm->alloc<ComplexString>(sleft->d(), sright->d()))->asReturnedValue();
double x = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(pleft);
double y = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(pright);
return Encode(x + y);
ReturnedValue Runtime::GetTemplateObject::call(Function *function, int index)
return function->executableCompilationUnit()->templateObjectAt(index)->asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::StoreProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, int nameIndex, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
QV4::Function *v4Function = engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function;
ScopedString name(scope, v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ScopedObject o(scope, object);
if (!o) {
if (v4Function->isStrict()) {
o = object.toObject(engine);
if ((!o || !o->put(name, value)) && v4Function->isStrict())
static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue getElementIntFallback(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, uint idx)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope, object);
if (!o) {
if (const String *str =<String>()) {
if (idx >= (uint)str->toQString().length()) {
return Encode::undefined();
const QString s = str->toQString().mid(idx, 1);
return scope.engine->newString(s)->asReturnedValue();
if (object.isNullOrUndefined()) {
QString message = QStringLiteral("Cannot read property '%1' of %2").arg(idx).arg(object.toQStringNoThrow());
return engine->throwTypeError(message);
o = RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(scope.engine, object);
Q_ASSERT(!!o); // can't fail as null/undefined is covered above
if (o->arrayData() && !o->arrayData()->attrs) {
ScopedValue v(scope, o->arrayData()->get(idx));
if (!v->isEmpty())
return v->asReturnedValue();
return o->get(idx);
static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue getElementFallback(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope, object);
if (!o) {
if (object.isNullOrUndefined()) {
QString message = QStringLiteral("Cannot read property '%1' of %2").arg(index.toQStringNoThrow()).arg(object.toQStringNoThrow());
return engine->throwTypeError(message);
o = RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(scope.engine, object);
Q_ASSERT(!!o); // can't fail as null/undefined is covered above
ScopedPropertyKey name(scope, index.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode::undefined();
return o->get(name);
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadElement::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index)
if (index.isPositiveInt()) {
uint idx = static_cast<uint>(index.int_32());
if (Heap::Base *b = object.heapObject()) {
if (b->internalClass->vtable->isObject) {
Heap::Object *o = static_cast<Heap::Object *>(b);
if (o->arrayData && o->arrayData->type == Heap::ArrayData::Simple) {
Heap::SimpleArrayData *s = o->arrayData.cast<Heap::SimpleArrayData>();
if (idx < s->values.size)
if (!s->data(idx).isEmpty())
return s->data(idx).asReturnedValue();
return getElementIntFallback(engine, object, idx);
return getElementFallback(engine, object, index);
static Q_NEVER_INLINE bool setElementFallback(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope, object);
if (!o) {
if (engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->isStrict()) {
return false;
o = object.toObject(engine);
if (engine->hasException)
return false;
if (index.isPositiveInt()) {
uint idx = static_cast<uint>(index.int_32());
if (o->d()->arrayData && o->d()->arrayData->type == Heap::ArrayData::Simple) {
Heap::SimpleArrayData *s = o->d()->arrayData.cast<Heap::SimpleArrayData>();
if (idx < s->values.size) {
s->setData(engine, idx, value);
return true;
return o->put(idx, value);
ScopedPropertyKey name(scope, index.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (engine->hasException)
return false;
return o->put(name, value);
void Runtime::StoreElement::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index, const Value &value)
if (index.isPositiveInt()) {
uint idx = static_cast<uint>(index.int_32());
if (Heap::Base *b = object.heapObject()) {
if (b->internalClass->vtable->isObject) {
Heap::Object *o = static_cast<Heap::Object *>(b);
if (o->arrayData && o->arrayData->type == Heap::ArrayData::Simple) {
Heap::SimpleArrayData *s = o->arrayData.cast<Heap::SimpleArrayData>();
if (idx < s->values.size) {
s->setData(engine, idx, value);
if (!setElementFallback(engine, object, index, value) && engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->isStrict())
ReturnedValue Runtime::GetIterator::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &in, int iterator)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject o(scope, (Object *)nullptr);
if (!in.isNullOrUndefined())
o = in.toObject(engine);
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (iterator == static_cast<int>(QQmlJS::AST::ForEachType::Of)) {
if (!o)
return engine->throwTypeError();
ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, o->get(engine->symbol_iterator()));
if (!f)
return engine->throwTypeError();
JSCallData cData(scope, 0, nullptr, o);
ScopedObject it(scope, f->call(cData));
if (!it)
return engine->throwTypeError();
return it->asReturnedValue();
return engine->newForInIteratorObject(o)->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::IteratorNext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &iterator, Value *value)
// if we throw an exception from here, return true, not undefined. This is to ensure iteratorDone is set to true
// and the stack unwinding won't close the iterator
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, static_cast<const Object &>(iterator).get(engine->id_next()));
if (!f) {
return Encode(true);
JSCallData cData(scope, 0, nullptr, &iterator);
ScopedObject o(scope, f->call(cData));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode(true);
if (!o) {
return Encode(true);
ScopedValue d(scope, o->get(engine->id_done()));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode(true);
bool done = d->toBoolean();
if (done) {
*value = Encode::undefined();
return Encode(true);
*value = o->get(engine->id_value());
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode(true);
return Encode(false);
ReturnedValue Runtime::IteratorNextForYieldStar::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &received, const Value &iterator, Value *object)
// the return value encodes how to continue the yield* iteration.
// true implies iteration is done, false for iteration to continue
// a return value of undefines is a special marker, that the iterator has been invoked with return()
Scope scope(engine);
const Value *arg = &received;
bool returnCalled = false;
FunctionObject *f = nullptr;
if (engine->hasException) {
if (engine->exceptionValue->isEmpty()) {
// generator called with return()
*engine->exceptionValue = Encode::undefined();
engine->hasException = false;
ScopedValue ret(scope, static_cast<const Object &>(iterator).get(engine->id_return()));
if (ret->isUndefined()) {
// propagate return()
return Encode::undefined();
returnCalled = true;
f = ret->as<FunctionObject>();
} else {
// generator called with throw
ScopedValue exceptionValue(scope, *engine->exceptionValue);
*engine->exceptionValue = Encode::undefined();
engine->hasException = false;
ScopedValue t(scope, static_cast<const Object &>(iterator).get(engine->id_throw()));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (t->isUndefined()) {
// no throw method on the iterator
ScopedValue done(scope, Encode(false));
IteratorClose::call(engine, iterator, done);
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
return engine->throwTypeError();
f = t->as<FunctionObject>();
arg = exceptionValue;
} else {
// generator called with next()
ScopedFunctionObject next(scope, static_cast<const Object &>(iterator).get(engine->id_next()));
f = next->as<FunctionObject>();
if (!f)
return engine->throwTypeError();
ScopedObject o(scope, f->call(&iterator, arg, 1));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode(true);
if (!o)
return engine->throwTypeError();
ScopedValue d(scope, o->get(engine->id_done()));
if (scope.hasException())
return Encode(true);
bool done = d->toBoolean();
if (done) {
*object = o->get(engine->id_value());
return returnCalled ? Encode::undefined() : Encode(true);
*object = o;
return Encode(false);
ReturnedValue Runtime::IteratorClose::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &iterator, const Value &done)
if (done.booleanValue())
return Encode::undefined();
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue e(scope);
bool hadException = engine->hasException;
if (hadException) {
e = *engine->exceptionValue;
engine->hasException = false;
auto originalCompletion = [=]() {
if (hadException) {
*engine->exceptionValue = e;
engine->hasException = hadException;
return Encode::undefined();
ScopedValue ret(scope, static_cast<const Object &>(iterator).get(engine->id_return()));
ScopedObject o(scope);
if (!ret->isUndefined()) {
FunctionObject *f = ret->as<FunctionObject>();
o = f->call(&iterator, nullptr, 0);
if (engine->hasException && !hadException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (hadException || ret->isUndefined())
return originalCompletion();
if (!o)
return engine->throwTypeError();
return originalCompletion();
ReturnedValue Runtime::DestructureRestElement::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &iterator)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedArrayObject array(scope, engine->newArrayObject());
uint index = 0;
while (1) {
ScopedValue n(scope);
ScopedValue done(scope, IteratorNext::call(engine, iterator, n));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (done->booleanValue())
array->arraySet(index, n);
return array->asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::StoreNameSloppy::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ExecutionContext::Error e = static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).setProperty(name, value);
if (e == ExecutionContext::RangeError)
engine->globalObject->put(name, value);
void Runtime::StoreNameStrict::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ExecutionContext::Error e = static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).setProperty(name, value);
if (e == ExecutionContext::TypeError)
else if (e == ExecutionContext::RangeError)
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ScopedObject o(scope, object);
if (o)
return o->get(name);
if (object.isNullOrUndefined()) {
QString message = QStringLiteral("Cannot read property '%1' of %2").arg(name->toQString()).arg(object.toQStringNoThrow());
return engine->throwTypeError(message);
o = RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(scope.engine, object);
if (!o) // type error
return Encode::undefined();
return o->get(name);
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadName::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
return static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).getProperty(name);
static Object *getSuperBase(Scope &scope)
if (scope.engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->thisObject.isEmpty()) {
scope.engine->throwReferenceError(QStringLiteral("Missing call to super()."), QString(), 0, 0);
return nullptr;
ScopedFunctionObject f(
scope, Value::fromStaticValue(scope.engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->function));
ScopedObject homeObject(scope, f->getHomeObject());
if (!homeObject) {
ScopedContext ctx(scope, static_cast<ExecutionContext *>(&scope.engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context));
while (ctx) {
if (CallContext *c = ctx->asCallContext()) {
f = c->d()->function;
QV4::Function *fn = f->function();
if (fn && !fn->isArrowFunction() && !fn->isEval)
ctx = ctx->d()->outer;
homeObject = f->getHomeObject();
if (!homeObject) {
return nullptr;
ScopedObject proto(scope, homeObject->getPrototypeOf());
if (!proto) {
return nullptr;
return proto;
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadSuperProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &property)
Scope scope(engine);
Object *base = getSuperBase(scope);
if (!base)
return Encode::undefined();
ScopedPropertyKey key(scope, property.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
return base->get(
key, &(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->thisObject.asValue<Value>()));
void Runtime::StoreSuperProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &property, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
Object *base = getSuperBase(scope);
if (!base)
ScopedPropertyKey key(scope, property.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (engine->hasException)
bool result = base->put(
key, value, &(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->thisObject.asValue<Value>()));
if (!result && engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->isStrict())
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadGlobalLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Function *f, int index)
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(f, index);
return l->globalGetter(l, engine);
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, uint index)
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function, index);
return l->qmlContextPropertyGetter(l, engine, nullptr);
ReturnedValue Runtime::GetLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Function *f, const Value &base, int index)
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(f, index);
return l->getter(l, engine, base);
void Runtime::SetLookupSloppy::call(Function *f, const Value &base, int index, const Value &value)
ExecutionEngine *engine = f->internalClass->engine;
QV4::Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(f, index);
l->setter(l, engine, const_cast<Value &>(base), value);
void Runtime::SetLookupStrict::call(Function *f, const Value &base, int index, const Value &value)
ExecutionEngine *engine = f->internalClass->engine;
QV4::Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(f, index);
if (!l->setter(l, engine, const_cast<Value &>(base), value))
ReturnedValue Runtime::LoadSuperConstructor::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &t)
if (engine->currentStackFrame->thisObject() != Value::emptyValue().asReturnedValue()) {
return engine->throwReferenceError(QStringLiteral("super() already called."), QString(), 0, 0); // ### fix line number
const FunctionObject *f =<FunctionObject>();
if (!f)
return engine->throwTypeError();
Heap::Object *c = static_cast<const Object &>(t).getPrototypeOf();
if (!c->vtable()->isFunctionObject || !static_cast<Heap::FunctionObject *>(c)->isConstructor())
return engine->throwTypeError();
return c->asReturnedValue();
uint RuntimeHelpers::equalHelper(const Value &x, const Value &y)
Q_ASSERT(x.type() != y.type() || (x.isManaged() && (x.isString() != y.isString())));
if (x.isNumber() && y.isNumber())
return x.asDouble() == y.asDouble();
if (x.isNull() && y.isUndefined()) {
return true;
} else if (x.isUndefined() && y.isNull()) {
return true;
} else if (x.isNumber() && y.isString()) {
double dy = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(y);
return x.asDouble() == dy;
} else if (x.isString() && y.isNumber()) {
double dx = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(x);
return dx == y.asDouble();
} else if (x.isBoolean()) {
return Runtime::CompareEqual::call(Value::fromDouble((double) x.booleanValue()), y);
} else if (y.isBoolean()) {
return Runtime::CompareEqual::call(x, Value::fromDouble((double) y.booleanValue()));
} else {
Object *xo = x.objectValue();
Object *yo = y.objectValue();
if (yo && (x.isNumber() || x.isString())) {
Scope scope(yo->engine());
ScopedValue py(scope, RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(yo, PREFERREDTYPE_HINT));
return Runtime::CompareEqual::call(x, py);
} else if (xo && (y.isNumber() || y.isString())) {
Scope scope(xo->engine());
ScopedValue px(scope, RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(xo, PREFERREDTYPE_HINT));
return Runtime::CompareEqual::call(px, y);
return false;
Bool RuntimeHelpers::strictEqual(const Value &x, const Value &y)
TRACE2(x, y);
if (x.rawValue() == y.rawValue())
// NaN != NaN
return !x.isNaN();
if (x.isNumber())
return y.isNumber() && x.asDouble() == y.asDouble();
if (x.isManaged()) {
return y.isManaged() && x.cast<Managed>()->isEqualTo(y.cast<Managed>());
return false;
QV4::Bool Runtime::CompareGreaterThan::call(const Value &l, const Value &r)
TRACE2(l, r);
if (l.isInteger() && r.isInteger())
return l.integerValue() > r.integerValue();
if (l.isNumber() && r.isNumber())
return l.asDouble() > r.asDouble();
String *sl = l.stringValue();
String *sr = r.stringValue();
if (sl && sr) {
return sr->lessThan(sl);
Object *ro = r.objectValue();
Object *lo = l.objectValue();
if (ro || lo) {
QV4::ExecutionEngine *e = (lo ? lo : ro)->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(e);
QV4::ScopedValue pl(scope, lo ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(lo, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : l.asReturnedValue());
QV4::ScopedValue pr(scope, ro ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(ro, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : r.asReturnedValue());
return Runtime::CompareGreaterThan::call(pl, pr);
double dl = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(l);
double dr = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(r);
return dl > dr;
QV4::Bool Runtime::CompareLessThan::call(const Value &l, const Value &r)
TRACE2(l, r);
if (l.isInteger() && r.isInteger())
return l.integerValue() < r.integerValue();
if (l.isNumber() && r.isNumber())
return l.asDouble() < r.asDouble();
String *sl = l.stringValue();
String *sr = r.stringValue();
if (sl && sr) {
return sl->lessThan(sr);
Object *ro = r.objectValue();
Object *lo = l.objectValue();
if (ro || lo) {
QV4::ExecutionEngine *e = (lo ? lo : ro)->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(e);
QV4::ScopedValue pl(scope, lo ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(lo, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : l.asReturnedValue());
QV4::ScopedValue pr(scope, ro ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(ro, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : r.asReturnedValue());
return Runtime::CompareLessThan::call(pl, pr);
double dl = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(l);
double dr = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(r);
return dl < dr;
QV4::Bool Runtime::CompareGreaterEqual::call(const Value &l, const Value &r)
TRACE2(l, r);
if (l.isInteger() && r.isInteger())
return l.integerValue() >= r.integerValue();
if (l.isNumber() && r.isNumber())
return l.asDouble() >= r.asDouble();
String *sl = l.stringValue();
String *sr = r.stringValue();
if (sl && sr) {
return !sl->lessThan(sr);
Object *ro = r.objectValue();
Object *lo = l.objectValue();
if (ro || lo) {
QV4::ExecutionEngine *e = (lo ? lo : ro)->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(e);
QV4::ScopedValue pl(scope, lo ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(lo, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : l.asReturnedValue());
QV4::ScopedValue pr(scope, ro ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(ro, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : r.asReturnedValue());
return Runtime::CompareGreaterEqual::call(pl, pr);
double dl = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(l);
double dr = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(r);
return dl >= dr;
QV4::Bool Runtime::CompareLessEqual::call(const Value &l, const Value &r)
TRACE2(l, r);
if (l.isInteger() && r.isInteger())
return l.integerValue() <= r.integerValue();
if (l.isNumber() && r.isNumber())
return l.asDouble() <= r.asDouble();
String *sl = l.stringValue();
String *sr = r.stringValue();
if (sl && sr) {
return !sr->lessThan(sl);
Object *ro = r.objectValue();
Object *lo = l.objectValue();
if (ro || lo) {
QV4::ExecutionEngine *e = (lo ? lo : ro)->engine();
QV4::Scope scope(e);
QV4::ScopedValue pl(scope, lo ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(lo, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : l.asReturnedValue());
QV4::ScopedValue pr(scope, ro ? RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(ro, QV4::NUMBER_HINT) : r.asReturnedValue());
return Runtime::CompareLessEqual::call(pl, pr);
double dl = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(l);
double dr = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(r);
return dl <= dr;
Bool Runtime::CompareInstanceof::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue v(scope, Instanceof::call(engine, left, right));
return v->booleanValue();
uint Runtime::CompareIn::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue v(scope, In::call(engine, left, right));
return v->booleanValue();
static ReturnedValue throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *thisObject, const QString &propertyName)
QString objectAsString = QStringLiteral("[null]");
if (!thisObject->isUndefined())
objectAsString = thisObject->toQStringNoThrow();
QString msg = QStringLiteral("Property '%1' of object %2 is not a function")
.arg(propertyName, objectAsString);
return engine->throwTypeError(msg);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallGlobalLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, uint index, Value argv[], int argc)
Scope scope(engine);
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function, index);
Value function = Value::fromReturnedValue(l->globalGetter(l, engine));
Value thisObject = Value::undefinedValue();
if (!function.isFunctionObject()) {
return throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(engine, &thisObject,
return static_cast<FunctionObject &>(function).call(&thisObject, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, uint index,
Value *argv, int argc)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue thisObject(scope);
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function, index);
Value function = Value::fromReturnedValue(l->qmlContextPropertyGetter(l, engine, thisObject));
if (!function.isFunctionObject()) {
return throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(engine, thisObject,
return static_cast<FunctionObject &>(function).call(thisObject, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallPossiblyDirectEval::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *argv, int argc)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue thisObject(scope);
ExecutionContext &ctx = static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context);
ScopedFunctionObject function(scope, ctx.getPropertyAndBase(engine->id_eval(), thisObject));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (!function)
return throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(engine, thisObject, QLatin1String("eval"));
if (function->d() == engine->evalFunction()->d())
return static_cast<EvalFunction *>(function.getPointer())->evalCall(thisObject, argv, argc, true);
return function->call(thisObject, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallName::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex, Value *argv, int argc)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue thisObject(scope);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ExecutionContext &ctx = static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context);
ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, ctx.getPropertyAndBase(name, thisObject));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (!f) {
return throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(
engine, thisObject, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit
return f->call(thisObject, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallProperty::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &baseRef, int nameIndex, Value *argv, int argc)
const Value *base = &baseRef;
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(
ScopedObject lookupObject(scope, base);
if (!lookupObject) {
if (base->isNullOrUndefined()) {
QString message = QStringLiteral("Cannot call method '%1' of %2")
.arg(name->toQString(), base->toQStringNoThrow());
return engine->throwTypeError(message);
if (base->isManaged()) {
const Managed *m = static_cast<const Managed *>(base);
lookupObject = m->internalClass()->prototype;
} else {
lookupObject = RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(engine, *base);
if (engine->hasException) // type error
return Encode::undefined();
if (!engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->isStrict())
base = lookupObject;
ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, static_cast<Object *>(lookupObject)->get(name));
if (!f) {
QString error = QStringLiteral("Property '%1' of object %2 is not a function")
return engine->throwTypeError(error);
return f->call(base, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallPropertyLookup::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &base, uint index, Value *argv, int argc)
Lookup *l = runtimeLookup(engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function, index);
// ok to have the value on the stack here
Value f = Value::fromReturnedValue(l->getter(l, engine, base));
if (!f.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError();
return static_cast<FunctionObject &>(f).call(&base, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallElement::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &baseRef, const Value &index, Value *argv, int argc)
const Value *base = &baseRef;
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedValue thisObject(scope, base->toObject(engine));
base = thisObject;
ScopedPropertyKey str(scope, index.toPropertyKey(engine));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
ScopedFunctionObject f(scope, static_cast<const Object *>(base)->get(str));
if (!f)
return engine->throwTypeError();
return f->call(base, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallValue::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &func, Value *argv, int argc)
if (!func.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError(QStringLiteral("%1 is not a function").arg(func.toQStringNoThrow()));
Value undef = Value::undefinedValue();
return static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(func).call(&undef, argv, argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallWithReceiver::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &func,
const Value &thisObject, Value argv[], int argc)
if (!func.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError(QStringLiteral("%1 is not a function").arg(func.toQStringNoThrow()));
return static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(func).call(&thisObject, argv, argc);
struct CallArgs {
Value *argv;
int argc;
static CallArgs createSpreadArguments(Scope &scope, Value *argv, int argc)
ScopedValue it(scope);
ScopedValue done(scope);
int argCount = 0;
Value *v = scope.alloc<Scope::Uninitialized>();
Value *arguments = v;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
if (!argv[i].isEmpty()) {
*v = argv[i];
v = scope.alloc<Scope::Uninitialized>();
// spread element
it = Runtime::GetIterator::call(scope.engine, argv[i], /* ForInIterator */ 1);
if (scope.engine->hasException)
return { nullptr, 0 };
while (1) {
done = Runtime::IteratorNext::call(scope.engine, it, v);
if (scope.engine->hasException)
return { nullptr, 0 };
if (done->booleanValue())
v = scope.alloc<Scope::Uninitialized>();
return { arguments, argCount };
ReturnedValue Runtime::CallWithSpread::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &function, const Value &thisObject, Value *argv, int argc)
Q_ASSERT(argc >= 1);
if (!function.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError();
Scope scope(engine);
CallArgs arguments = createSpreadArguments(scope, argv, argc);
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
return static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(function).call(&thisObject, arguments.argv, arguments.argc);
ReturnedValue Runtime::Construct::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &function, const Value &newTarget, Value *argv, int argc)
if (!function.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError();
return static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(function).callAsConstructor(argv, argc, &newTarget);
ReturnedValue Runtime::ConstructWithSpread::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &function, const Value &newTarget, Value *argv, int argc)
if (!function.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError();
Scope scope(engine);
CallArgs arguments = createSpreadArguments(scope, argv, argc);
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
return static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(function).callAsConstructor(arguments.argv, arguments.argc, &newTarget);
ReturnedValue Runtime::TailCall::call(CppStackFrame *frame, ExecutionEngine *engine)
// IMPORTANT! The JIT assumes that this method has the same amount (or less) arguments than
// the jitted function, so it can safely do a tail call.
Value *tos = engine->jsStackTop;
const Value &function = tos[StackOffsets::tailCall_function];
const Value &thisObject = tos[StackOffsets::tailCall_thisObject];
Value *argv = reinterpret_cast<Value *>(frame->jsFrame) + tos[StackOffsets::tailCall_argv].int_32();
int argc = tos[StackOffsets::tailCall_argc].int_32();
Q_ASSERT(argc >= 0);
if (!function.isFunctionObject())
return engine->throwTypeError();
const FunctionObject &fo = static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(function);
if (!frame->callerCanHandleTailCall || !fo.canBeTailCalled() || engine->debugger()
|| unsigned(argc) > fo.formalParameterCount()) {
// Cannot tailcall, do a normal call:
return, argv, argc);
memcpy(frame->jsFrame->args, argv, argc * sizeof(Value));
frame->init(engine, fo.function(), frame->jsFrame->argValues<Value>(), argc,
frame->setupJSFrame(frame->savedStackTop, fo, fo.scope(), thisObject, Primitive::undefinedValue());
engine->jsStackTop = frame->savedStackTop + frame->requiredJSStackFrameSize();
frame->pendingTailCall = true;
return Encode::undefined();
void Runtime::ThrowException::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value)
if (!value.isEmpty())
ReturnedValue Runtime::TypeofValue::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString res(scope);
switch (value.type()) {
case Value::Undefined_Type:
res = engine->id_undefined();
case Value::Null_Type:
res = engine->id_object();
case Value::Boolean_Type:
res = engine->id_boolean();
case Value::Managed_Type:
if (value.isString())
res = engine->id_string();
else if (value.isSymbol())
res = engine->id_symbol();
else if (value.objectValue()->as<FunctionObject>())
res = engine->id_function();
res = engine->id_object(); // ### implementation-defined
res = engine->id_number();
return res.asReturnedValue();
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::TypeofName::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
ScopedValue prop(scope, static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).getProperty(name));
// typeof doesn't throw. clear any possible exception
scope.engine->hasException = false;
return TypeofValue::call(engine, prop);
void Runtime::PushCallContext::call(CppStackFrame *frame)
frame->jsFrame->context = ExecutionContext::newCallContext(frame)->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::PushWithContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &acc)
CallData *jsFrame = engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame;
Value &newAcc = jsFrame->accumulator.asValue<Value>();
newAcc = Value::fromHeapObject(acc.toObject(engine));
if (!engine->hasException) {
const Object &obj = static_cast<const Object &>(newAcc);
Value &context = jsFrame->context.asValue<Value>();
auto ec = static_cast<const ExecutionContext *>(&context);
context = ec->newWithContext(obj.d())->asReturnedValue();
return newAcc.asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::PushCatchContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int blockIndex, int exceptionVarNameIndex)
auto name = engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[exceptionVarNameIndex];
engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context = ExecutionContext::newCatchContext(engine->currentStackFrame, blockIndex, name)->asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::PushBlockContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int index)
engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context = ExecutionContext::newBlockContext(engine->currentStackFrame, index)->asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::CloneBlockContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine)
auto frame = engine->currentStackFrame;
auto context = static_cast<Heap::CallContext *>(
frame->jsFrame->context =
ExecutionContext::cloneBlockContext(engine, context)->asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::PushScriptContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int index)
Q_ASSERT(engine->currentStackFrame->context()->d()->type == Heap::ExecutionContext::Type_GlobalContext ||
engine->currentStackFrame->context()->d()->type == Heap::ExecutionContext::Type_QmlContext);
ReturnedValue c = ExecutionContext::newBlockContext(engine->currentStackFrame, index)->asReturnedValue();
engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context = c;
void Runtime::PopScriptContext::call(ExecutionEngine *engine)
ReturnedValue root = engine->rootContext()->asReturnedValue();
engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context = root;
void Runtime::ThrowReferenceError::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
void Runtime::ThrowOnNullOrUndefined::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &v)
if (v.isNullOrUndefined())
ReturnedValue Runtime::ConvertThisToObject::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &t)
if (!t.isObject()) {
if (t.isNullOrUndefined()) {
return engine->globalObject->asReturnedValue();
} else {
return t.toObject(engine)->asReturnedValue();
return t.asReturnedValue();
void Runtime::DeclareVar::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Bool deletable, int nameIndex)
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedString name(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeStrings[nameIndex]);
static_cast<ExecutionContext &>(engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context).createMutableBinding(name, deletable);
ReturnedValue Runtime::ArrayLiteral::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *values, uint length)
return engine->newArrayObject(values, length)->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::ObjectLiteral::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int classId, QV4::Value args[], int argc)
Scope scope(engine);
Scoped<InternalClass> klass(scope, engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeClasses[classId]);
ScopedObject o(scope, engine->newObject(klass->d()));
Q_ASSERT(uint(argc) >= klass->d()->size);
for (uint i = 0; i < klass->d()->size; ++i)
o->setProperty(i, *args++);
Q_ASSERT((argc - klass->d()->size) % 3 == 0);
int additionalArgs = (argc - int(klass->d()->size))/3;
if (!additionalArgs)
return o->asReturnedValue();
ScopedPropertyKey name(scope);
ScopedProperty pd(scope);
ScopedFunctionObject fn(scope);
ScopedString fnName(scope);
ScopedValue value(scope);
for (int i = 0; i < additionalArgs; ++i) {
ObjectLiteralArgument arg = ObjectLiteralArgument(args->integerValue());
name = args[1].toPropertyKey(engine);
value = args[2];
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
if (arg != ObjectLiteralArgument::Value) {
int functionId = args[2].integerValue();
QV4::Function *clos = engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->executableCompilationUnit()
PropertyKey::FunctionNamePrefix prefix = PropertyKey::None;
if (arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Getter)
prefix = PropertyKey::Getter;
else if (arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Setter)
prefix = PropertyKey::Setter;
arg = ObjectLiteralArgument::Value;
fnName = name->asFunctionName(engine, prefix);
ExecutionContext *current = static_cast<ExecutionContext *>(&engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context);
if (clos->isGenerator())
value = MemberGeneratorFunction::create(current, clos, o, fnName)->asReturnedValue();
value = FunctionObject::createMemberFunction(current, clos, o, fnName)->asReturnedValue();
} else if (args[2].isFunctionObject()) {
fn = static_cast<const FunctionObject &>(args[2]);
fnName = name->asFunctionName(engine, PropertyKey::None);
Q_ASSERT(arg != ObjectLiteralArgument::Method);
Q_ASSERT(arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Value || value->isFunctionObject());
if (arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Value || arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Getter) {
pd->value = value;
pd->set = Value::emptyValue();
} else {
pd->value = Value::emptyValue();
pd->set = value;
bool ok = o->defineOwnProperty(name, pd, (arg == ObjectLiteralArgument::Value ? Attr_Data : Attr_Accessor));
if (!ok)
return engine->throwTypeError();
args += 3;
return o.asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::CreateClass::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int classIndex,
const Value &superClass, Value computedNames[])
const QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit *unit
= engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->executableCompilationUnit();
const QV4::CompiledData::Class *cls = unit->unitData()->classAt(classIndex);
Scope scope(engine);
ScopedObject protoParent(scope, engine->objectPrototype());
ScopedObject constructorParent(scope, engine->functionPrototype());
if (!superClass.isEmpty()) {
if (superClass.isNull()) {
protoParent = Encode::null();
} else {
const FunctionObject *superFunction =<FunctionObject>();
// ### check that the heritage object is a constructor
if (!superFunction || !superFunction->isConstructor())
return engine->throwTypeError(QStringLiteral("The superclass is not a function object."));
const FunctionObject *s = static_cast<const FunctionObject *>(&superClass);
ScopedValue result(scope, s->get(scope.engine->id_prototype()));
if (!result->isObject() && !result->isNull())
return engine->throwTypeError(QStringLiteral("The value of the superclass's prototype property is not an object."));
protoParent = *result;
constructorParent = superClass;
ScopedObject proto(scope, engine->newObject());
ExecutionContext *current = static_cast<ExecutionContext *>(&engine->currentStackFrame->jsFrame->context);
ScopedFunctionObject constructor(scope);
QV4::Function *f = cls->constructorFunction != UINT_MAX ? unit->runtimeFunctions[cls->constructorFunction] : nullptr;
constructor = FunctionObject::createConstructorFunction(current, f, proto, !superClass.isEmpty())->asReturnedValue();
Value argCount = Value::fromInt32(f ? f->nFormals : 0);
constructor->defineReadonlyConfigurableProperty(scope.engine->id_length(), argCount);
constructor->defineReadonlyConfigurableProperty(engine->id_prototype(), proto);
proto->defineDefaultProperty(engine->id_constructor(), constructor);
ScopedString name(scope);
if (cls->nameIndex != UINT_MAX) {
name = unit->runtimeStrings[cls->nameIndex];
constructor->defineReadonlyConfigurableProperty(engine->id_name(), name);
ScopedObject receiver(scope, *constructor);
ScopedPropertyKey propertyName(scope);
ScopedFunctionObject function(scope);
ScopedProperty property(scope);
const CompiledData::Method *methods = cls->methodTable();
for (uint i = 0; i < cls->nStaticMethods + cls->nMethods; ++i) {
if (i == cls->nStaticMethods)
receiver = proto;
if (methods[i].name == UINT_MAX) {
propertyName = computedNames->toPropertyKey(engine);
if (propertyName == scope.engine->id_prototype()->propertyKey() && receiver->d() == constructor->d())
return engine->throwTypeError(QStringLiteral("Cannot declare a static method named 'prototype'."));
if (engine->hasException)
return Encode::undefined();
} else {
name = unit->runtimeStrings[methods[i].name];
propertyName = name->toPropertyKey();
QV4::Function *f = unit->runtimeFunctions[methods[i].function];
PropertyKey::FunctionNamePrefix prefix = PropertyKey::None;
if (methods[i].type == CompiledData::Method::Getter)
prefix = PropertyKey::Getter;
else if (methods[i].type == CompiledData::Method::Setter)
prefix = PropertyKey::Setter;
name = propertyName->asFunctionName(engine, prefix);
if (f->isGenerator())
function = MemberGeneratorFunction::create(current, f, receiver, name);
function = FunctionObject::createMemberFunction(current, f, receiver, name);
PropertyAttributes attributes;
switch (methods[i].type) {
case CompiledData::Method::Getter:
property->set = Value::emptyValue();
attributes = Attr_Accessor|Attr_NotEnumerable;
case CompiledData::Method::Setter:
property->value = Value::emptyValue();
attributes = Attr_Accessor|Attr_NotEnumerable;
default: // Regular
property->value = function;
property->set = Value::emptyValue();
attributes = Attr_Data|Attr_NotEnumerable;
receiver->defineOwnProperty(propertyName, property, attributes);
return constructor->asReturnedValue();
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::CreateMappedArgumentsObject::call(ExecutionEngine *engine)
Q_ASSERT(engine->currentContext()->d()->type == Heap::ExecutionContext::Type_CallContext);
Heap::InternalClass *ic = engine->internalClasses(EngineBase::Class_ArgumentsObject);
return engine->memoryManager->allocObject<ArgumentsObject>(ic, engine->currentStackFrame)->asReturnedValue();
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::CreateUnmappedArgumentsObject::call(ExecutionEngine *engine)
Heap::InternalClass *ic = engine->internalClasses(EngineBase::Class_StrictArgumentsObject);
return engine->memoryManager->allocObject<StrictArgumentsObject>(ic, engine->currentStackFrame)->asReturnedValue();
QV4::ReturnedValue Runtime::CreateRestParameter::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int argIndex)
const Value *values = engine->currentStackFrame->originalArguments + argIndex;
int nValues = engine->currentStackFrame->originalArgumentsCount - argIndex;
if (nValues <= 0)
return engine->newArrayObject(0)->asReturnedValue();
return engine->newArrayObject(values, nValues)->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::RegexpLiteral::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, int id)
const auto val
= engine->currentStackFrame->v4Function->compilationUnit->runtimeRegularExpressions[id];
Heap::RegExpObject *ro = engine->newRegExpObject(Value::fromStaticValue(val).as<RegExp>());
return ro->asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::ToObject::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &obj)
if (obj.isObject())
return obj.asReturnedValue();
return obj.toObject(engine)->asReturnedValue();
Bool Runtime::ToBoolean::call(const Value &obj)
return obj.toBoolean();
ReturnedValue Runtime::ToNumber::call(ExecutionEngine *, const Value &v)
return Encode(v.toNumber());
ReturnedValue Runtime::UMinus::call(const Value &value)
// +0 != -0, so we need to convert to double when negating 0
if (value.isInteger() && value.integerValue() &&
value.integerValue() != std::numeric_limits<int>::min())
return Encode(-value.integerValue());
else {
double n = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(value);
return Encode(-n);
// binary operators
ReturnedValue Runtime::Add::call(ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
if (Q_LIKELY(left.integerCompatible() && right.integerCompatible()))
return add_int32(left.integerValue(), right.integerValue());
if (left.isNumber() && right.isNumber())
return Value::fromDouble(left.asDouble() + right.asDouble()).asReturnedValue();
return RuntimeHelpers::addHelper(engine, left, right);
ReturnedValue Runtime::Sub::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
if (Q_LIKELY(left.integerCompatible() && right.integerCompatible()))
return sub_int32(left.integerValue(), right.integerValue());
double lval = left.isNumber() ? left.asDouble() : left.toNumberImpl();
double rval = right.isNumber() ? right.asDouble() : right.toNumberImpl();
return Value::fromDouble(lval - rval).asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::Mul::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
if (Q_LIKELY(left.integerCompatible() && right.integerCompatible()))
return mul_int32(left.integerValue(), right.integerValue());
double lval = left.isNumber() ? left.asDouble() : left.toNumberImpl();
double rval = right.isNumber() ? right.asDouble() : right.toNumberImpl();
return Value::fromDouble(lval * rval).asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::Div::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
if (Value::integerCompatible(left, right)) {
int lval = left.integerValue();
int rval = right.integerValue();
if (rval != 0 // division by zero should result in a NaN
&& !(lval == std::numeric_limits<int>::min() && rval == -1) // doesn't fit in int
&& (lval % rval == 0) // fractions can't be stored in an int
&& !(lval == 0 && rval < 0)) // 0 / -something results in -0.0
return Encode(int(lval / rval));
return Encode(double(lval) / rval);
double lval = left.toNumber();
double rval = right.toNumber();
return Value::fromDouble(lval / rval).asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::Mod::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
if (Value::integerCompatible(left, right) && left.integerValue() >= 0 && right.integerValue() > 0) {
// special cases are handled by fmod, among them:
// - arithmic execeptions for ints in c++, eg: INT_MIN % -1
// - undefined behavior in c++, e.g.: anything % 0
// - uncommon cases which would complicate the condition, e.g.: negative integers
// (this makes sure that -1 % 1 == -0 by passing it to fmod)
return Encode(left.integerValue() % right.integerValue());
double lval = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(left);
double rval = RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(right);
#ifdef fmod
# undef fmod
return Value::fromDouble(std::fmod(lval, rval)).asReturnedValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::Exp::call(const Value &base, const Value &exp)
double b = base.toNumber();
double e = exp.toNumber();
if (qt_is_inf(e) && (b == 1 || b == -1))
return Encode(qt_qnan());
return Encode(pow(b,e));
ReturnedValue Runtime::BitAnd::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
int lval = left.toInt32();
int rval = right.toInt32();
return Encode((int)(lval & rval));
ReturnedValue Runtime::BitOr::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
int lval = left.toInt32();
int rval = right.toInt32();
return Encode((int)(lval | rval));
ReturnedValue Runtime::BitXor::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
int lval = left.toInt32();
int rval = right.toInt32();
return Encode((int)(lval ^ rval));
ReturnedValue Runtime::Shl::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
int lval = left.toInt32();
int rval = right.toInt32() & 0x1f;
return Encode((int)(lval << rval));
ReturnedValue Runtime::Shr::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
int lval = left.toInt32();
unsigned rval = right.toUInt32() & 0x1f;
return Encode((int)(lval >> rval));
ReturnedValue Runtime::UShr::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
unsigned lval = left.toUInt32();
unsigned rval = right.toUInt32() & 0x1f;
uint res = lval >> rval;
return Encode(res);
ReturnedValue Runtime::GreaterThan::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = CompareGreaterThan::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::LessThan::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = CompareLessThan::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::GreaterEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = CompareGreaterEqual::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::LessEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = CompareLessEqual::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
struct LazyScope
ExecutionEngine *engine = nullptr;
Value *stackMark = nullptr;
~LazyScope() {
if (engine)
engine->jsStackTop = stackMark;
template <typename T>
void set(Value **scopedValue, T value, ExecutionEngine *e) {
if (!engine) {
engine = e;
stackMark = engine->jsStackTop;
if (!*scopedValue)
*scopedValue = e->jsAlloca(1);
**scopedValue = value;
Bool Runtime::CompareEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
Value lhs = left;
Value rhs = right;
LazyScope scope;
Value *lhsGuard = nullptr;
Value *rhsGuard = nullptr;
if (lhs.asReturnedValue() == rhs.asReturnedValue())
return !lhs.isNaN();
int lt = lhs.quickType();
int rt = rhs.quickType();
if (rt < lt) {
qSwap(lhs, rhs);
qSwap(lt, rt);
switch (lt) {
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined:
if (lhs.isUndefined())
return rhs.isNullOrUndefined();
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined1:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined2:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined3:
// LHS: Managed
switch (rt) {
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined:
if (rhs.isUndefined())
return false;
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined1:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined2:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined3: {
// RHS: Managed
Heap::Base *l = lhs.m();
Heap::Base *r = rhs.m();
if (l->internalClass->vtable->isStringOrSymbol == r->internalClass->vtable->isStringOrSymbol)
return static_cast<QV4::Managed &>(lhs).isEqualTo(&static_cast<QV4::Managed &>(rhs));
if (l->internalClass->vtable->isStringOrSymbol) {
scope.set(&rhsGuard, RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(&static_cast<QV4::Object &>(rhs), PREFERREDTYPE_HINT), r->internalClass->engine);
rhs = rhsGuard->asReturnedValue();
} else {
scope.set(&lhsGuard, RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(&static_cast<QV4::Object &>(lhs), PREFERREDTYPE_HINT), l->internalClass->engine);
lhs = lhsGuard->asReturnedValue();
return false;
case QV4::Value::QT_Empty:
case QV4::Value::QT_Null:
return false;
case QV4::Value::QT_Bool:
case QV4::Value::QT_Int:
rhs = Value::fromDouble(rhs.int_32());
// fall through
default: // double
if (lhs.m()->internalClass->vtable->isStringOrSymbol) {
return lhs.m()->internalClass->vtable->isString ? (RuntimeHelpers::toNumber(lhs) == rhs.doubleValue()) : false;
} else {
scope.set(&lhsGuard, RuntimeHelpers::objectDefaultValue(&static_cast<QV4::Object &>(lhs), PREFERREDTYPE_HINT), lhs.m()->internalClass->engine);
lhs = lhsGuard->asReturnedValue();
goto redo;
case QV4::Value::QT_Empty:
case QV4::Value::QT_Null:
return rhs.isNull();
case QV4::Value::QT_Bool:
case QV4::Value::QT_Int:
switch (rt) {
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined1:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined2:
case QV4::Value::QT_ManagedOrUndefined3:
case QV4::Value::QT_Empty:
case QV4::Value::QT_Null:
case QV4::Value::QT_Bool:
case QV4::Value::QT_Int:
return lhs.int_32() == rhs.int_32();
default: // double
return lhs.int_32() == rhs.doubleValue();
default: // double
return lhs.doubleValue() == rhs.doubleValue();
ReturnedValue Runtime::Equal::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = CompareEqual::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::NotEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = !CompareEqual::call(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::StrictEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = RuntimeHelpers::strictEqual(left, right);
return Encode(r);
ReturnedValue Runtime::StrictNotEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
bool r = ! RuntimeHelpers::strictEqual(left, right);
return Encode(r);
Bool Runtime::CompareNotEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
return !Runtime::CompareEqual::call(left, right);
Bool Runtime::CompareStrictEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
return RuntimeHelpers::strictEqual(left, right);
Bool Runtime::CompareStrictNotEqual::call(const Value &left, const Value &right)
TRACE2(left, right);
return ! RuntimeHelpers::strictEqual(left, right);
} // namespace QV4