blob: a448cf9a38c5e9cfc7710ca867f9515268c56512 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtQuick module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
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** be met: and
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick/private/qtquickglobal_p.h>
#include "qquickitemview_p.h"
#include "qquickitemviewfxitem_p_p.h"
#include "qquickitemviewtransition_p.h"
#include "qquickflickable_p_p.h"
#include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmlobjectmodel_p.h>
#include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmldelegatemodel_p.h>
#include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmlchangeset_p.h>
class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT FxViewItem : public QQuickItemViewFxItem
FxViewItem(QQuickItem *, QQuickItemView *, bool own, QQuickItemViewAttached *attached);
QQuickItemView *view;
QQuickItemViewAttached *attached;
class QQuickItemViewChangeSet
bool hasPendingChanges() const;
void prepare(int currentIndex, int count);
void reset();
void applyChanges(const QQmlChangeSet &changeSet);
void applyBufferedChanges(const QQuickItemViewChangeSet &other);
int itemCount;
int newCurrentIndex;
QQmlChangeSet pendingChanges;
QHash<QQmlChangeSet::MoveKey, FxViewItem *> removedItems;
bool active : 1;
bool currentChanged : 1;
bool currentRemoved : 1;
class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QQuickItemViewPrivate : public QQuickFlickablePrivate, public QQuickItemViewTransitionChangeListener, public QAnimationJobChangeListener
static inline QQuickItemViewPrivate *get(QQuickItemView *o) { return o->d_func(); }
struct ChangeResult {
QQmlNullableValue<qreal> visiblePos;
bool changedFirstItem;
qreal sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos;
qreal sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos;
int countChangeBeforeVisible;
int countChangeAfterVisibleItems;
: visiblePos(0), changedFirstItem(false),
sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos(0), sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos(0),
countChangeBeforeVisible(0), countChangeAfterVisibleItems(0) {}
ChangeResult(const QQmlNullableValue<qreal> &p)
: visiblePos(p), changedFirstItem(false),
sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos(0), sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos(0),
countChangeBeforeVisible(0), countChangeAfterVisibleItems(0) {}
ChangeResult &operator+=(const ChangeResult &other) {
if (&other == this)
return *this;
changedFirstItem &= other.changedFirstItem;
sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos += other.sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos;
sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos += other.sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos;
countChangeBeforeVisible += other.countChangeBeforeVisible;
countChangeAfterVisibleItems += other.countChangeAfterVisibleItems;
return *this;
void reset() {
changedFirstItem = false;
sizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos = 0.0;
sizeChangesAfterVisiblePos = 0.0;
countChangeBeforeVisible = 0;
countChangeAfterVisibleItems = 0;
enum BufferMode { NoBuffer = 0x00, BufferBefore = 0x01, BufferAfter = 0x02 };
enum MovementReason { Other, SetIndex, Mouse };
bool isValid() const;
qreal position() const;
qreal size() const;
qreal startPosition() const;
qreal endPosition() const;
qreal contentStartOffset() const;
int findLastVisibleIndex(int defaultValue = -1) const;
FxViewItem *visibleItem(int modelIndex) const;
FxViewItem *firstItemInView() const;
int findLastIndexInView() const;
int mapFromModel(int modelIndex) const;
virtual void init();
virtual void clear(bool onDestruction=false);
virtual void updateViewport();
void regenerate(bool orientationChanged=false);
void layout();
void animationFinished(QAbstractAnimationJob *) override;
void refill();
void refill(qreal from, qreal to);
void mirrorChange() override;
FxViewItem *createItem(int modelIndex,QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode = QQmlIncubator::AsynchronousIfNested);
virtual bool releaseItem(FxViewItem *item);
QQuickItem *createHighlightItem() const;
QQuickItem *createComponentItem(QQmlComponent *component, qreal zValue, bool createDefault = false) const;
void updateCurrent(int modelIndex);
void updateTrackedItem();
void updateUnrequestedIndexes();
void updateUnrequestedPositions();
void updateVisibleIndex();
void positionViewAtIndex(int index, int mode);
qreal minExtentForAxis(const AxisData &axisData, bool forXAxis) const;
qreal maxExtentForAxis(const AxisData &axisData, bool forXAxis) const;
qreal calculatedMinExtent() const;
qreal calculatedMaxExtent() const;
void applyDelegateChange();
void applyPendingChanges();
bool applyModelChanges(ChangeResult *insertionResult, ChangeResult *removalResult);
bool applyRemovalChange(const QQmlChangeSet::Change &removal, ChangeResult *changeResult, int *removedCount);
void removeItem(FxViewItem *item, const QQmlChangeSet::Change &removal, ChangeResult *removeResult);
virtual void updateSizeChangesBeforeVisiblePos(FxViewItem *item, ChangeResult *removeResult);
void repositionFirstItem(FxViewItem *prevVisibleItemsFirst, qreal prevVisibleItemsFirstPos,
FxViewItem *prevFirstVisible, ChangeResult *insertionResult, ChangeResult *removalResult);
void createTransitioner();
void prepareVisibleItemTransitions();
void prepareRemoveTransitions(QHash<QQmlChangeSet::MoveKey, FxViewItem *> *removedItems);
bool prepareNonVisibleItemTransition(FxViewItem *item, const QRectF &viewBounds);
void viewItemTransitionFinished(QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem *item) override;
int findMoveKeyIndex(QQmlChangeSet::MoveKey key, const QVector<QQmlChangeSet::Change> &changes) const;
void checkVisible() const;
void showVisibleItems() const;
void markExtentsDirty() {
if (layoutOrientation() == Qt::Vertical)
bool hasPendingChanges() const {
return currentChanges.hasPendingChanges()
|| bufferedChanges.hasPendingChanges()
void refillOrLayout() {
if (hasPendingChanges())
void forceLayoutPolish() {
forceLayout = true;
void releaseVisibleItems() {
// make a copy and clear the visibleItems first to avoid destroyed
// items being accessed during the loop (QTBUG-61294)
const QList<FxViewItem *> oldVisible = visibleItems;
for (FxViewItem *item : oldVisible)
QPointer<QQmlInstanceModel> model;
QVariant modelVariant;
int itemCount;
int buffer;
int bufferMode;
int displayMarginBeginning;
int displayMarginEnd;
Qt::LayoutDirection layoutDirection;
QQuickItemView::VerticalLayoutDirection verticalLayoutDirection;
MovementReason moveReason;
QList<FxViewItem *> visibleItems;
qreal firstVisibleItemPosition = 0;
void storeFirstVisibleItemPosition() {
if (!visibleItems.isEmpty()) {
firstVisibleItemPosition = visibleItems.constFirst()->position();
int visibleIndex;
int currentIndex;
FxViewItem *currentItem;
FxViewItem *trackedItem;
QHash<QQuickItem*,int> unrequestedItems;
int requestedIndex;
QQuickItemViewChangeSet currentChanges;
QQuickItemViewChangeSet bufferedChanges;
QPauseAnimationJob bufferPause;
QQmlComponent *highlightComponent;
FxViewItem *highlight;
int highlightRange; // enum value
qreal highlightRangeStart;
qreal highlightRangeEnd;
int highlightMoveDuration;
QQmlComponent *headerComponent;
FxViewItem *header;
QQmlComponent *footerComponent;
FxViewItem *footer;
struct MovedItem {
FxViewItem *item;
QQmlChangeSet::MoveKey moveKey;
MovedItem(FxViewItem *i, QQmlChangeSet::MoveKey k)
: item(i), moveKey(k) {}
QQuickItemViewTransitioner *transitioner;
QVector<FxViewItem *> releasePendingTransition;
mutable qreal minExtent;
mutable qreal maxExtent;
bool ownModel : 1;
bool wrap : 1;
bool keyNavigationEnabled : 1;
bool explicitKeyNavigationEnabled : 1;
bool inLayout : 1;
bool inViewportMoved : 1;
bool forceLayout : 1;
bool currentIndexCleared : 1;
bool haveHighlightRange : 1;
bool autoHighlight : 1;
bool highlightRangeStartValid : 1;
bool highlightRangeEndValid : 1;
bool fillCacheBuffer : 1;
bool inRequest : 1;
bool runDelayedRemoveTransition : 1;
bool delegateValidated : 1;
bool isClearing : 1;
virtual Qt::Orientation layoutOrientation() const = 0;
virtual bool isContentFlowReversed() const = 0;
virtual qreal positionAt(int index) const = 0;
virtual qreal endPositionAt(int index) const = 0;
virtual qreal originPosition() const = 0;
virtual qreal lastPosition() const = 0;
virtual qreal headerSize() const = 0;
virtual qreal footerSize() const = 0;
virtual bool showHeaderForIndex(int index) const = 0;
virtual bool showFooterForIndex(int index) const = 0;
virtual void updateHeader() = 0;
virtual void updateFooter() = 0;
virtual bool hasStickyHeader() const { return false; }
virtual bool hasStickyFooter() const { return false; }
virtual void createHighlight(bool onDestruction = false) = 0;
virtual void updateHighlight() = 0;
virtual void resetHighlightPosition() = 0;
virtual bool movingFromHighlight() { return false; }
virtual void setPosition(qreal pos) = 0;
virtual void fixupPosition() = 0;
virtual bool addVisibleItems(qreal fillFrom, qreal fillTo, qreal bufferFrom, qreal bufferTo, bool doBuffer) = 0;
virtual bool removeNonVisibleItems(qreal bufferFrom, qreal bufferTo) = 0;
virtual void visibleItemsChanged() {}
virtual FxViewItem *newViewItem(int index, QQuickItem *item) = 0;
virtual void repositionItemAt(FxViewItem *item, int index, qreal sizeBuffer) = 0;
virtual void repositionPackageItemAt(QQuickItem *item, int index) = 0;
virtual void resetFirstItemPosition(qreal pos = 0.0) = 0;
virtual void adjustFirstItem(qreal forwards, qreal backwards, int changeBeforeVisible) = 0;
virtual void layoutVisibleItems(int fromModelIndex = 0) = 0;
virtual void changedVisibleIndex(int newIndex) = 0;
virtual bool applyInsertionChange(const QQmlChangeSet::Change &insert, ChangeResult *changeResult,
QList<FxViewItem *> *newItems, QList<MovedItem> *movingIntoView) = 0;
virtual bool needsRefillForAddedOrRemovedIndex(int) const { return false; }
virtual void translateAndTransitionItemsAfter(int afterIndex, const ChangeResult &insertionResult, const ChangeResult &removalResult) = 0;
virtual void initializeViewItem(FxViewItem *) {}
virtual void initializeCurrentItem() {}
virtual void updateSectionCriteria() {}
virtual void updateSections() {}
void itemGeometryChanged(QQuickItem *item, QQuickGeometryChange change, const QRectF &) override;