blob: 7965f3d3f4dfc4d58613246ce259ed70f425321c [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtQuick module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: and
#include "qquicktextinput_p.h"
#include "qquicktext_p.h"
#include "qquickimplicitsizeitem_p_p.h"
#include "qquicktextutil_p.h"
#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
#include <QtCore/qelapsedtimer.h>
#include <QtCore/qpointer.h>
#include <QtCore/qbasictimer.h>
#include <QtGui/qclipboard.h>
#include <QtGui/qguiapplication.h>
#include <QtGui/qpalette.h>
#include <QtGui/qtextlayout.h>
#include <QtGui/qstylehints.h>
#include <private/qlazilyallocated_p.h>
#include "qplatformdefs.h"
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
class QQuickTextNode;
class QInputControl;
class Q_QUICK_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQuickTextInputPrivate : public QQuickImplicitSizeItemPrivate
typedef QQuickTextInput Public;
struct ExtraData {
qreal padding;
qreal topPadding;
qreal leftPadding;
qreal rightPadding;
qreal bottomPadding;
bool explicitTopPadding : 1;
bool explicitLeftPadding : 1;
bool explicitRightPadding : 1;
bool explicitBottomPadding : 1;
bool implicitResize : 1;
QLazilyAllocated<ExtraData> extra;
: hscroll(0)
, vscroll(0)
, cursorItem(nullptr)
, textNode(nullptr)
, m_maskData(nullptr)
, color(QRgb(0xFF000000))
, selectionColor(QRgb(0xFF000080))
, selectedTextColor(QRgb(0xFFFFFFFF))
, m_cursor(0)
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
, m_preeditCursor(0)
, m_blinkEnabled(false)
, m_blinkTimer(0)
, m_maxLength(32767)
, m_lastCursorPos(-1)
, m_undoState(0)
, m_selstart(0)
, m_selend(0)
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
, inputMethodHints(Qt::ImhNone)
, hAlign(QQuickTextInput::AlignLeft)
, vAlign(QQuickTextInput::AlignTop)
, wrapMode(QQuickTextInput::NoWrap)
, m_echoMode(QQuickTextInput::Normal)
, renderType(QQuickTextUtil::textRenderType<QQuickTextInput>())
, updateType(UpdatePaintNode)
, mouseSelectionMode(QQuickTextInput::SelectCharacters)
, m_layoutDirection(Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto)
, m_passwordCharacter(QGuiApplication::styleHints()->passwordMaskCharacter())
, m_passwordMaskDelay(QGuiApplication::styleHints()->passwordMaskDelay())
, focusOnPress(true)
, cursorVisible(false)
, cursorPending(false)
, autoScroll(true)
, selectByMouse(false)
, canPaste(false)
, canPasteValid(false)
, canUndo(false)
, canRedo(false)
, hAlignImplicit(true)
, selectPressed(false)
, textLayoutDirty(true)
, persistentSelection(false)
, hasImState(false)
, m_separator(0)
, m_readOnly(0)
, m_textDirty(0)
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
, m_preeditDirty(0)
, m_selDirty(0)
, m_validInput(1)
, m_acceptableInput(1)
, m_blinkStatus(0)
, m_passwordEchoEditing(false)
, inLayout(false)
, requireImplicitWidth(false)
, overwriteMode(false)
// If this control is used for password input, we don't want the
// password data to stay in the process memory, therefore we need
// to zero it out
if (m_echoMode != QQuickTextInput::Normal)
void init();
void resetInputMethod();
void startCreatingCursor();
void ensureVisible(int position, int preeditCursor = 0, int preeditLength = 0);
void updateHorizontalScroll();
void updateVerticalScroll();
bool determineHorizontalAlignment();
bool setHAlign(QQuickTextInput::HAlignment, bool forceAlign = false);
void mirrorChange() override;
bool sendMouseEventToInputContext(QMouseEvent *event);
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
Qt::InputMethodHints effectiveInputMethodHints() const;
void handleFocusEvent(QFocusEvent *event);
struct MaskInputData {
enum Casemode { NoCaseMode, Upper, Lower };
QChar maskChar; // either the separator char or the inputmask
bool separator;
Casemode caseMode;
// undo/redo handling
enum CommandType { Separator, Insert, Remove, Delete, RemoveSelection, DeleteSelection, SetSelection };
struct Command {
inline Command() {}
inline Command(CommandType t, int p, QChar c, int ss, int se) : type(t),uc(c),pos(p),selStart(ss),selEnd(se) {}
uint type : 4;
QChar uc;
int pos, selStart, selEnd;
enum DrawFlags {
DrawText = 0x01,
DrawSelections = 0x02,
DrawCursor = 0x04,
DrawAll = DrawText | DrawSelections | DrawCursor
QElapsedTimer tripleClickTimer;
QSizeF contentSize;
QPointF pressPos;
QPointF tripleClickStartPoint;
QPointer<QQmlComponent> cursorComponent;
#if QT_CONFIG(validator)
QPointer<QValidator> m_validator;
qreal hscroll;
qreal vscroll;
QTextLayout m_textLayout;
QString m_text;
QString m_inputMask;
QString m_cancelText;
QFont font;
QFont sourceFont;
QQuickItem *cursorItem;
QQuickTextNode *textNode;
MaskInputData *m_maskData;
QInputControl *m_inputControl;
QList<int> m_transactions;
QVector<Command> m_history;
QColor color;
QColor selectionColor;
QColor selectedTextColor;
QBasicTimer m_passwordEchoTimer;
int lastSelectionStart;
int lastSelectionEnd;
int m_cursor;
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
int m_preeditCursor;
bool m_blinkEnabled;
int m_blinkTimer;
int m_maxLength;
int m_lastCursorPos;
int m_undoState;
int m_selstart;
int m_selend;
enum UpdateType {
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints;
QQuickTextInput::HAlignment hAlign;
QQuickTextInput::VAlignment vAlign;
QQuickTextInput::WrapMode wrapMode;
QQuickTextInput::EchoMode m_echoMode;
QQuickTextInput::RenderType renderType;
UpdateType updateType;
QQuickTextInput::SelectionMode mouseSelectionMode;
Qt::LayoutDirection m_layoutDirection;
QChar m_blank;
QChar m_passwordCharacter;
int m_passwordMaskDelay;
bool focusOnPress:1;
bool cursorVisible:1;
bool cursorPending:1;
bool autoScroll:1;
bool selectByMouse:1;
bool canPaste:1;
bool canPasteValid:1;
bool canUndo:1;
bool canRedo:1;
bool hAlignImplicit:1;
bool selectPressed:1;
bool textLayoutDirty:1;
bool persistentSelection:1;
bool hasImState : 1;
bool m_separator : 1;
bool m_readOnly : 1;
bool m_textDirty : 1;
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
bool m_preeditDirty : 1;
bool m_selDirty : 1;
bool m_validInput : 1;
bool m_acceptableInput : 1;
bool m_blinkStatus : 1;
bool m_passwordEchoEditing : 1;
bool inLayout:1;
bool requireImplicitWidth:1;
bool overwriteMode:1;
static inline QQuickTextInputPrivate *get(QQuickTextInput *t) {
return t->d_func();
bool hasPendingTripleClick() const {
return !tripleClickTimer.hasExpired(QGuiApplication::styleHints()->mouseDoubleClickInterval());
void setNativeCursorEnabled(bool) {
int nextMaskBlank(int pos)
int c = findInMask(pos, true, false);
m_separator |= (c != pos);
return (c != -1 ? c : m_maxLength);
int prevMaskBlank(int pos)
int c = findInMask(pos, false, false);
m_separator |= (c != pos);
return (c != -1 ? c : 0);
bool isUndoAvailable() const { return !m_readOnly && m_undoState; }
bool isRedoAvailable() const { return !m_readOnly && m_undoState < (int)m_history.size(); }
void clearUndo() { m_history.clear(); m_undoState = 0; }
bool allSelected() const { return !m_text.isEmpty() && m_selstart == 0 && m_selend == (int)m_text.length(); }
bool hasSelectedText() const { return !m_text.isEmpty() && m_selend > m_selstart; }
void setSelection(int start, int length);
inline QString selectedText() const { return hasSelectedText() ? m_text.mid(m_selstart, m_selend - m_selstart) : QString(); }
QString textBeforeSelection() const { return hasSelectedText() ? m_text.left(m_selstart) : QString(); }
QString textAfterSelection() const { return hasSelectedText() ? m_text.mid(m_selend) : QString(); }
int selectionStart() const { return hasSelectedText() ? m_selstart : -1; }
int selectionEnd() const { return hasSelectedText() ? m_selend : -1; }
QRectF anchorRectangle() const;
int positionAt(qreal x, qreal y, QTextLine::CursorPosition position) const;
int positionAt(const QPointF &point, QTextLine::CursorPosition position = QTextLine::CursorBetweenCharacters) const {
return positionAt(point.x(), point.y(), position);
void removeSelection()
int priorState = m_undoState;
int start() const { return 0; }
int end() const { return m_text.length(); }
QString realText() const;
#if QT_CONFIG(clipboard)
void copy(QClipboard::Mode mode = QClipboard::Clipboard) const;
void paste(QClipboard::Mode mode = QClipboard::Clipboard);
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
void commitPreedit();
void cancelPreedit();
Qt::CursorMoveStyle cursorMoveStyle() const { return m_textLayout.cursorMoveStyle(); }
void setCursorMoveStyle(Qt::CursorMoveStyle style) { m_textLayout.setCursorMoveStyle(style); }
void moveCursor(int pos, bool mark = false);
void cursorForward(bool mark, int steps)
int c = m_cursor;
if (steps > 0) {
while (steps--)
c = cursorMoveStyle() == Qt::VisualMoveStyle ? m_textLayout.rightCursorPosition(c)
: m_textLayout.nextCursorPosition(c);
} else if (steps < 0) {
while (steps++)
c = cursorMoveStyle() == Qt::VisualMoveStyle ? m_textLayout.leftCursorPosition(c)
: m_textLayout.previousCursorPosition(c);
moveCursor(c, mark);
void cursorWordForward(bool mark) { moveCursor(m_textLayout.nextCursorPosition(m_cursor, QTextLayout::SkipWords), mark); }
void cursorWordBackward(bool mark) { moveCursor(m_textLayout.previousCursorPosition(m_cursor, QTextLayout::SkipWords), mark); }
void home(bool mark) { moveCursor(0, mark); }
void end(bool mark) { moveCursor(q_func()->text().length(), mark); }
void backspace();
void del();
void deselect() { internalDeselect(); finishChange(); }
void selectAll() { m_selstart = m_selend = m_cursor = 0; moveCursor(m_text.length(), true); }
void insert(const QString &);
void clear();
void selectWordAtPos(int);
void setCursorPosition(int pos) { if (pos <= m_text.length()) moveCursor(qMax(0, pos)); }
bool fixup();
QString inputMask() const { return m_maskData ? m_inputMask + QLatin1Char(';') + m_blank : QString(); }
void setInputMask(const QString &mask)
if (m_maskData)
// input methods
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
bool composeMode() const { return !m_textLayout.preeditAreaText().isEmpty(); }
QString preeditAreaText() const { return m_textLayout.preeditAreaText(); }
void updatePasswordEchoEditing(bool editing);
void cancelPasswordEchoTimer() {
Qt::LayoutDirection textDirection() const;
Qt::LayoutDirection layoutDirection() const;
void setLayoutDirection(Qt::LayoutDirection direction)
if (direction != m_layoutDirection) {
m_layoutDirection = direction;
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
void processInputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event);
void processKeyEvent(QKeyEvent* ev);
void setBlinkingCursorEnabled(bool enable);
void updateCursorBlinking();
void updateLayout();
void updateBaselineOffset();
qreal getImplicitWidth() const override;
inline qreal padding() const { return extra.isAllocated() ? extra->padding : 0.0; }
void setTopPadding(qreal value, bool reset = false);
void setLeftPadding(qreal value, bool reset = false);
void setRightPadding(qreal value, bool reset = false);
void setBottomPadding(qreal value, bool reset = false);
bool isImplicitResizeEnabled() const;
void setImplicitResizeEnabled(bool enabled);
void removeSelectedText();
void internalSetText(const QString &txt, int pos = -1, bool edited = true);
void updateDisplayText(bool forceUpdate = false);
void internalInsert(const QString &s);
void internalDelete(bool wasBackspace = false);
void internalRemove(int pos);
inline void internalDeselect()
m_selDirty |= (m_selend > m_selstart);
m_selstart = m_selend = 0;
void internalUndo(int until = -1);
void internalRedo();
void emitUndoRedoChanged();
bool emitCursorPositionChanged();
bool finishChange(int validateFromState = -1, bool update = false, bool edited = true);
void addCommand(const Command& cmd);
inline void separate() { m_separator = true; }
bool separateSelection();
void deleteStartOfWord();
void deleteEndOfWord();
void deleteEndOfLine();
enum ValidatorState {
#if QT_CONFIG(validator)
InvalidInput = QValidator::Invalid,
IntermediateInput = QValidator::Intermediate,
AcceptableInput = QValidator::Acceptable
// masking
void parseInputMask(const QString &maskFields);
bool isValidInput(QChar key, QChar mask) const;
ValidatorState hasAcceptableInput(const QString &text) const;
void checkIsValid();
QString maskString(uint pos, const QString &str, bool clear = false) const;
QString clearString(uint pos, uint len) const;
QString stripString(const QString &str) const;
int findInMask(int pos, bool forward, bool findSeparator, QChar searchChar = QChar()) const;