blob: faa22ec83f3810193dae20e4407428ff2fe04eff [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtQuick module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: and
#include "qquickwindow.h"
#include "qquickwindow_p.h"
#include "qquickwindowattached_p.h"
#include "qquickitem.h"
#include "qquickitem_p.h"
#include "qquickevents_p_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
#include <private/qquickdrag_p.h>
#include <private/qquickhoverhandler_p.h>
#include <private/qquickpointerhandler_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qsgrenderer_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qsgplaintexture_p.h>
#include <private/qsgrenderloop_p.h>
#include <private/qsgrhisupport_p.h>
#include <private/qquickrendercontrol_p.h>
#include <private/qquickanimatorcontroller_p.h>
#include <private/qquickprofiler_p.h>
#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#include <QtGui/QInputMethod>
#include <private/qabstractanimation_p.h>
#include <QtGui/qpainter.h>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
#include <QtGui/qmatrix4x4.h>
#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatformtheme.h>
#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <QtCore/qabstractanimation.h>
#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
#include <QtCore/QRunnable>
#include <QtQml/qqmlincubator.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickpixmapcache_p.h>
#include <private/qqmldebugserviceinterfaces_p.h>
#include <private/qqmldebugconnector_p.h>
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
# include <private/qopenglvertexarrayobject_p.h>
# include <private/qsgdefaultrendercontext_p.h>
#include <private/qdebug_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qrhi_p.h>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcWheelTarget, "")
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcGestureTarget, "")
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(DBG_HOVER_TRACE, "qt.quick.hover.trace")
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTransient, "qt.quick.window.transient")
extern Q_GUI_EXPORT QImage qt_gl_read_framebuffer(const QSize &size, bool alpha_format, bool include_alpha);
extern Q_GUI_EXPORT bool qt_sendShortcutOverrideEvent(QObject *o, ulong timestamp, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods, const QString &text = QString(), bool autorep = false, ushort count = 1);
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::defaultAlphaBuffer = false;
QQuickWindow::TextRenderType QQuickWindowPrivate::textRenderType = QQuickWindow::QT_QUICK_DEFAULT_TEXT_RENDER_TYPE;
QQuickWindow::TextRenderType QQuickWindowPrivate::textRenderType = QQuickWindow::QtTextRendering;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::updateFocusItemTransform()
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
QQuickItem *focus = q->activeFocusItem();
if (focus && QGuiApplication::focusObject() == focus) {
QQuickItemPrivate *focusPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(focus);
QGuiApplication::inputMethod()->setInputItemRectangle(QRectF(0, 0, focusPrivate->width, focusPrivate->height));
class QQuickWindowIncubationController : public QObject, public QQmlIncubationController
QQuickWindowIncubationController(QSGRenderLoop *loop)
: m_renderLoop(loop), m_timer(0)
// Allow incubation for 1/3 of a frame.
m_incubation_time = qMax(1, int(1000 / QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->refreshRate()) / 3);
QAnimationDriver *animationDriver = m_renderLoop->animationDriver();
if (animationDriver) {
connect(animationDriver, SIGNAL(stopped()), this, SLOT(animationStopped()));
connect(m_renderLoop, SIGNAL(timeToIncubate()), this, SLOT(incubate()));
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) override
m_timer = 0;
void incubateAgain() {
if (m_timer == 0) {
// Wait for a while before processing the next batch. Using a
// timer to avoid starvation of system events.
m_timer = startTimer(m_incubation_time);
public slots:
void incubate() {
if (incubatingObjectCount()) {
if (m_renderLoop->interleaveIncubation()) {
} else {
incubateFor(m_incubation_time * 2);
if (incubatingObjectCount())
void animationStopped() { incubate(); }
void incubatingObjectCountChanged(int count) override
if (count && !m_renderLoop->interleaveIncubation())
QSGRenderLoop *m_renderLoop;
int m_incubation_time;
int m_timer;
#include "qquickwindow.moc"
#include "moc_qquickwindow_p.cpp"
#if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
Returns an accessibility interface for this window, or 0 if such an
interface cannot be created.
QAccessibleInterface *QQuickWindow::accessibleRoot() const
return QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(const_cast<QQuickWindow*>(this));
Focus behavior
Prior to being added to a valid window items can set and clear focus with no
effect. Only once items are added to a window (by way of having a parent set that
already belongs to a window) do the focus rules apply. Focus goes back to
having no effect if an item is removed from a window.
When an item is moved into a new focus scope (either being added to a window
for the first time, or having its parent changed), if the focus scope already has
a scope focused item that takes precedence over the item being added. Otherwise,
the focus of the added tree is used. In the case of a tree of items being
added to a window for the first time, which may have a conflicted focus state (two
or more items in one scope having focus set), the same rule is applied item by item -
thus the first item that has focus will get it (assuming the scope doesn't already
have a scope focused item), and the other items will have their focus cleared.
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *)
if (d->windowManager)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev)
if (d->contentItem)
if (d->windowManager)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *)
if (d->windowManager)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *)
if (d->windowManager)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *ev)
if (d->contentItem)
d->contentItem->setFocus(false, ev->reason());
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *ev)
if (d->contentItem)
d->contentItem->setFocus(true, ev->reason());
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
static bool transformDirtyOnItemOrAncestor(const QQuickItem *item)
while (item) {
if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->dirtyAttributes & (
QQuickItemPrivate::TransformOrigin |
QQuickItemPrivate::Transform |
QQuickItemPrivate::BasicTransform |
QQuickItemPrivate::Position |
QQuickItemPrivate::Size |
QQuickItemPrivate::ParentChanged |
QQuickItemPrivate::Clip)) {
return true;
item = item->parentItem();
return false;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::polishItems()
// An item can trigger polish on another item, or itself for that matter,
// during its updatePolish() call. Because of this, we cannot simply
// iterate through the set, we must continue pulling items out until it
// is empty.
// In the case where polish is called from updatePolish() either directly
// or indirectly, we use a recursionSafeguard to print a warning to
// the user.
int recursionSafeguard = INT_MAX;
while (!itemsToPolish.isEmpty() && --recursionSafeguard > 0) {
QQuickItem *item = itemsToPolish.takeLast();
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
itemPrivate->polishScheduled = false;
if (recursionSafeguard == 0)
qWarning("QQuickWindow: possible QQuickItem::polish() loop");
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
if (QQuickItem *focusItem = q_func()->activeFocusItem()) {
// If the current focus item, or any of its anchestors, has changed location
// inside the window, we need inform IM about it. This to ensure that overlays
// such as selection handles will be updated.
const bool isActiveFocusItem = (focusItem == QGuiApplication::focusObject());
const bool hasImEnabled = focusItem->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImEnabled).toBool();
if (isActiveFocusItem && hasImEnabled && transformDirtyOnItemOrAncestor(focusItem))
* Schedules the window to render another frame.
* Calling QQuickWindow::update() differs from QQuickItem::update() in that
* it always triggers a repaint, regardless of changes in the underlying
* scene graph or not.
void QQuickWindow::update()
if (d->windowManager)
else if (d->renderControl)
static void updatePixelRatioHelper(QQuickItem *item, float pixelRatio)
if (item->flags() & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents) {
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
itemPrivate->itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemDevicePixelRatioHasChanged, pixelRatio);
QList <QQuickItem *> items = item->childItems();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
updatePixelRatioHelper(, pixelRatio);
void QQuickWindow::physicalDpiChanged()
const qreal newPixelRatio = screen()->devicePixelRatio();
if (qFuzzyCompare(newPixelRatio, d->devicePixelRatio))
d->devicePixelRatio = newPixelRatio;
if (d->contentItem)
updatePixelRatioHelper(d->contentItem, newPixelRatio);
void QQuickWindow::handleScreenChanged(QScreen *screen)
if (screen) {
// When physical DPI changes on the same screen, either the resolution or the device pixel
// ratio changed. We must check what it is. Device pixel ratio does not have its own
// ...Changed() signal.
d->physicalDpiChangedConnection = connect(screen, SIGNAL(physicalDotsPerInchChanged(qreal)),
this, SLOT(physicalDpiChanged()));
} else {
void forcePolishHelper(QQuickItem *item)
if (item->flags() & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents) {
QList <QQuickItem *> items = item->childItems();
for (int i=0; i<items.size(); ++i)
Schedules polish events on all items in the scene.
void QQuickWindowPrivate::forcePolish()
if (!q->screen())
void forceUpdate(QQuickItem *item)
if (item->flags() & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents)
QList <QQuickItem *> items = item->childItems();
for (int i=0; i<items.size(); ++i)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::syncSceneGraph()
// Calculate the dpr the same way renderSceneGraph() will.
qreal devicePixelRatio = q->effectiveDevicePixelRatio();
if (renderTargetId && !QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(q))
devicePixelRatio = 1;
emit q->beforeSynchronizing();
if (!renderer) {
QSGRootNode *rootNode = new QSGRootNode;
renderer = context->createRenderer();
// Copy the current state of clearing from window into renderer.
QSGAbstractRenderer::ClearMode mode = QSGAbstractRenderer::ClearStencilBuffer | QSGAbstractRenderer::ClearDepthBuffer;
if (clearBeforeRendering)
mode |= QSGAbstractRenderer::ClearColorBuffer;
emit q->afterSynchronizing();
void QQuickWindowPrivate::emitBeforeRenderPassRecording(void *ud)
QQuickWindow *w = reinterpret_cast<QQuickWindow *>(ud);
emit w->beforeRenderPassRecording();
void QQuickWindowPrivate::emitAfterRenderPassRecording(void *ud)
QQuickWindow *w = reinterpret_cast<QQuickWindow *>(ud);
emit w->afterRenderPassRecording();
void QQuickWindowPrivate::renderSceneGraph(const QSize &size, const QSize &surfaceSize)
if (!renderer)
if (rhi) {
// ### no offscreen ("renderTargetId") support yet
} else {
emit q->beforeRendering();
if (!customRenderStage || !customRenderStage->render()) {
int fboId = 0;
const qreal devicePixelRatio = q->effectiveDevicePixelRatio();
if (renderTargetId) {
QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), renderTargetSize);
fboId = renderTargetId;
if (QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(q)) {
renderer->setProjectionMatrixToRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size));
} else {
renderer->setProjectionMatrixToRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), rect.size()));
} else {
QSize pixelSize;
QSizeF logicalSize;
if (surfaceSize.isEmpty()) {
pixelSize = size * devicePixelRatio;
logicalSize = size;
} else {
pixelSize = surfaceSize;
logicalSize = QSizeF(surfaceSize) / devicePixelRatio;
QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), pixelSize);
const bool flipY = rhi ? !rhi->isYUpInNDC() : false;
QSGAbstractRenderer::MatrixTransformFlags matrixFlags = 0;
if (flipY)
matrixFlags |= QSGAbstractRenderer::MatrixTransformFlipY;
renderer->setProjectionMatrixToRect(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), logicalSize), matrixFlags);
if (rhi)
context->renderNextFrame(renderer, fboId);
emit q->afterRendering();
if (rhi)
if (renderer->hasCustomRenderModeWithContinuousUpdate()) {
// For the overdraw visualizer. This update is not urgent so avoid a
// direct update() call, this is only here to keep the overdraw
// visualization box rotating even when the scene is static.
QCoreApplication::postEvent(q, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(FullUpdateRequest)));
: contentItem(nullptr)
, activeFocusItem(nullptr)
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
, cursorItem(nullptr)
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
, dragGrabber(nullptr)
, touchMouseId(-1)
, touchMouseDevice(nullptr)
, touchMousePressTimestamp(0)
, dirtyItemList(nullptr)
, devicePixelRatio(0)
, context(nullptr)
, renderer(nullptr)
, windowManager(nullptr)
, renderControl(nullptr)
, pointerEventRecursionGuard(0)
, customRenderStage(nullptr)
, clearColor(Qt::white)
, clearBeforeRendering(true)
, persistentGLContext(true)
, persistentSceneGraph(true)
, lastWheelEventAccepted(false)
, componentCompleted(true)
, allowChildEventFiltering(true)
, allowDoubleClick(true)
, lastFocusReason(Qt::OtherFocusReason)
, renderTarget(nullptr)
, renderTargetId(0)
, vaoHelper(nullptr)
, incubationController(nullptr)
, hasActiveSwapchain(false)
, hasRenderableSwapchain(false)
, swapchainJustBecameRenderable(false)
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
dragGrabber = new QQuickDragGrabber;
delete customRenderStage;
if (QQmlInspectorService *service = QQmlDebugConnector::service<QQmlInspectorService>())
void QQuickWindowPrivate::init(QQuickWindow *c, QQuickRenderControl *control)
q_ptr = c;
contentItem = new QQuickRootItem;
QQml_setParent_noEvent(contentItem, c);
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(contentItem, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
QQuickItemPrivate *contentItemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(contentItem);
contentItemPrivate->window = q;
contentItemPrivate->windowRefCount = 1;
contentItemPrivate->flags |= QQuickItem::ItemIsFocusScope;
customRenderMode = qgetenv("QSG_VISUALIZE");
renderControl = control;
if (renderControl)
QQuickRenderControlPrivate::get(renderControl)->window = q;
if (!renderControl)
windowManager = QSGRenderLoop::instance();
Q_ASSERT(windowManager || renderControl);
if (QScreen *screen = q->screen())
devicePixelRatio = screen->devicePixelRatio();
QSGContext *sg;
if (renderControl) {
QQuickRenderControlPrivate *renderControlPriv = QQuickRenderControlPrivate::get(renderControl);
sg = renderControlPriv->sg;
context = renderControlPriv->rc;
} else {
sg = windowManager->sceneGraphContext();
context = windowManager->createRenderContext(sg);
q->setSurfaceType(windowManager ? windowManager->windowSurfaceType() : QSurface::OpenGLSurface);
#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan)
if (q->surfaceType() == QSurface::VulkanSurface)
animationController.reset(new QQuickAnimatorController(q));
QObject::connect(context, SIGNAL(initialized()), q, SIGNAL(sceneGraphInitialized()), Qt::DirectConnection);
QObject::connect(context, SIGNAL(invalidated()), q, SIGNAL(sceneGraphInvalidated()), Qt::DirectConnection);
QObject::connect(context, SIGNAL(invalidated()), q, SLOT(cleanupSceneGraph()), Qt::DirectConnection);
QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(focusObjectChanged(QObject*)), q, SIGNAL(activeFocusItemChanged()));
QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(screenChanged(QScreen*)), q, SLOT(handleScreenChanged(QScreen*)));
QObject::connect(qApp, SIGNAL(applicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState)),
q, SLOT(handleApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState)));
QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(frameSwapped()), q, SLOT(runJobsAfterSwap()), Qt::DirectConnection);
if (QQmlInspectorService *service = QQmlDebugConnector::service<QQmlInspectorService>())
void QQuickWindow::handleApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state)
if (state != Qt::ApplicationActive && d->contentItem)
\property QQuickWindow::data
QQmlListProperty<QObject> QQuickWindowPrivate::data()
return QQmlListProperty<QObject>(q_func(), nullptr, QQuickWindowPrivate::data_append,
static QMouseEvent *touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::Type type, const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &p, QTouchEvent *event, QQuickItem *item, bool transformNeeded = true)
// The touch point local position and velocity are not yet transformed.
QMouseEvent *me = new QMouseEvent(type, transformNeeded ? item->mapFromScene(p.scenePos()) : p.pos(), p.scenePos(), p.screenPos(),
Qt::LeftButton, (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ? Qt::NoButton : Qt::LeftButton), event->modifiers());
QVector2D transformedVelocity = p.velocity();
if (transformNeeded) {
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
QMatrix4x4 transformMatrix(itemPrivate->windowToItemTransform());
transformedVelocity = transformMatrix.mapVector(p.velocity()).toVector2D();
QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventCapsAndVelocity(me, event->device()->capabilities(), transformedVelocity);
QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventSource(me, Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedByQt);
return me;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::checkIfDoubleTapped(ulong newPressEventTimestamp, QPoint newPressPos)
bool doubleClicked = false;
if (touchMousePressTimestamp > 0) {
QPoint distanceBetweenPresses = newPressPos - touchMousePressPos;
const int doubleTapDistance = QGuiApplication::styleHints()->touchDoubleTapDistance();
doubleClicked = (qAbs(distanceBetweenPresses.x()) <= doubleTapDistance) && (qAbs(distanceBetweenPresses.y()) <= doubleTapDistance);
if (doubleClicked) {
ulong timeBetweenPresses = newPressEventTimestamp - touchMousePressTimestamp;
ulong doubleClickInterval = static_cast<ulong>(QGuiApplication::styleHints()->
doubleClicked = timeBetweenPresses < doubleClickInterval;
if (doubleClicked) {
touchMousePressTimestamp = 0;
} else {
touchMousePressTimestamp = newPressEventTimestamp;
touchMousePressPos = newPressPos;
return doubleClicked;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::cancelTouchMouseSynthesis()
touchMouseId = -1;
touchMouseDevice = nullptr;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverTouchAsMouse(QQuickItem *item, QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent)
auto device = pointerEvent->device();
// A touch event from a trackpad is likely to be followed by a mouse or gesture event, so mouse event synth is redundant
if (device->type() == QQuickPointerDevice::TouchPad && device->capabilities().testFlag(QQuickPointerDevice::MouseEmulation)) {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "skipping delivery of synth-mouse event from" << device;
return false;
// FIXME: make this work for mouse events too and get rid of the asTouchEvent in here.
QScopedPointer<QTouchEvent> event(pointerEvent->asPointerTouchEvent()->touchEventForItem(item));
if (event.isNull())
return false;
// For each point, check if it is accepted, if not, try the next point.
// Any of the fingers can become the mouse one.
// This can happen because a mouse area might not accept an event at some point but another.
for (int i = 0; i < event->touchPoints().count(); ++i) {
const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &p = event->touchPoints().at(i);
// A new touch point
if (touchMouseId == -1 && p.state() & Qt::TouchPointPressed) {
QPointF pos = item->mapFromScene(p.scenePos());
// probably redundant, we check bounds in the calling function (matchingNewPoints)
if (!item->contains(pos))
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "TP (mouse)" << hex << << "->" << item;
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> mousePress(touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, p,, item, false));
// Send a single press and see if that's accepted
if (mousePress->isAccepted()) {
touchMouseDevice = device;
touchMouseId =;
if (!q->mouseGrabberItem())
if (auto pointerEventPoint = pointerEvent->pointById(
if (checkIfDoubleTapped(event->timestamp(), p.screenPos().toPoint())) {
// since we synth the mouse event from from touch, we respect the
// QPlatformTheme::TouchDoubleTapDistance instead of QPlatformTheme::MouseDoubleClickDistance
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> mouseDoubleClick(touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, p,, item, false));
if (!mouseDoubleClick->isAccepted())
return true;
// try the next point
// Touch point was there before and moved
} else if (touchMouseDevice == device && == touchMouseId) {
if (p.state() & Qt::TouchPointMoved) {
if (touchMousePressTimestamp != 0) {
const int doubleTapDistance = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformTheme()->themeHint(QPlatformTheme::TouchDoubleTapDistance).toInt();
const QPoint moveDelta = p.screenPos().toPoint() - touchMousePressPos;
if (moveDelta.x() >= doubleTapDistance || moveDelta.y() >= doubleTapDistance)
touchMousePressTimestamp = 0; // Got dragged too far, dismiss the double tap
if (QQuickItem *mouseGrabberItem = q->mouseGrabberItem()) {
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> me(touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, p,, mouseGrabberItem, false));
if (me->isAccepted()) {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "TP (mouse)" << hex << << "->" << mouseGrabberItem;
return event->isAccepted();
} else {
// no grabber, check if we care about mouse hover
// FIXME: this should only happen once, not recursively... I'll ignore it just ignore hover now.
// hover for touch???
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> me(touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, p,, item, false));
if (lastMousePosition.isNull())
lastMousePosition = me->windowPos();
QPointF last = lastMousePosition;
lastMousePosition = me->windowPos();
bool accepted = me->isAccepted();
bool delivered = deliverHoverEvent(contentItem, me->windowPos(), last, me->modifiers(), me->timestamp(), accepted);
if (!delivered) {
//take care of any exits
accepted = clearHover(me->timestamp());
} else if (p.state() & Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
// currently handled point was released
if (QQuickItem *mouseGrabberItem = q->mouseGrabberItem()) {
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> me(touchToMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, p,, mouseGrabberItem, false));
if (item->acceptHoverEvents() && p.screenPos() != QGuiApplicationPrivate::lastCursorPosition) {
QPointF localMousePos(qInf(), qInf());
if (QWindow *w = item->window())
localMousePos = item->mapFromScene(w->mapFromGlobal(QGuiApplicationPrivate::lastCursorPosition.toPoint()));
QMouseEvent mm(QEvent::MouseMove, localMousePos, QGuiApplicationPrivate::lastCursorPosition,
Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, event->modifiers());
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, &mm);
if (q->mouseGrabberItem()) // might have ungrabbed due to event
return me->isAccepted();
return false;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::grabTouchPoints(QObject *grabber, const QVector<int> &ids)
QQuickPointerEvent *ev = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < ids.count(); ++i) {
int id =;
if (Q_UNLIKELY(id < 0)) {
qWarning("ignoring grab of touchpoint %d", id);
if (id == touchMouseId) {
auto point = pointerEventInstance(touchMouseDevice)->pointById(id);
auto touchMouseGrabber = point->grabberItem();
if (touchMouseGrabber) {
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE_TARGET) << "grabTouchPoints: mouse grabber changed due to grabTouchPoints:" << touchMouseGrabber << "-> null";
// optimization to avoid the loop over devices below:
// all ids are probably from the same event, so we don't have to search
if (ev) {
auto point = ev->pointById(id);
if (point && point->exclusiveGrabber() != grabber) {
continue; // next id in the ids loop
// search all devices for a QQuickPointerEvent instance that is delivering the point with id
const auto touchDevices = QQuickPointerDevice::touchDevices();
for (auto device : touchDevices) {
QQuickPointerEvent *pev = pointerEventInstance(device);
auto point = pev->pointById(id);
if (point) {
ev = pev;
if (point->exclusiveGrabber() != grabber)
break; // out of touchDevices loop
Ungrabs all touchpoint grabs and/or the mouse grab from the given item \a grabber.
This should not be called when processing a release event - that's redundant.
It is called in other cases, when the points may not be released, but the item
nevertheless must lose its grab due to becoming disabled, invisible, etc.
QQuickEventPoint::setGrabberItem() calls touchUngrabEvent() when all points are released,
but if not all points are released, it cannot be sure whether to call touchUngrabEvent()
or not; so we have to do it here.
void QQuickWindowPrivate::removeGrabber(QQuickItem *grabber, bool mouse, bool touch)
if (Q_LIKELY(mouse) && q->mouseGrabberItem() == grabber) {
bool fromTouch = isDeliveringTouchAsMouse();
auto point = fromTouch ?
pointerEventInstance(touchMouseDevice)->pointById(touchMouseId) :
QQuickItem *oldGrabber = point->grabberItem();
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE_TARGET) << "removeGrabber" << oldGrabber << "-> null";
sendUngrabEvent(oldGrabber, fromTouch);
if (Q_LIKELY(touch)) {
bool ungrab = false;
const auto touchDevices = QQuickPointerDevice::touchDevices();
for (auto device : touchDevices) {
if (auto pointerEvent = queryPointerEventInstance(device)) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointerEvent->pointCount(); ++i) {
if (pointerEvent->point(i)->exclusiveGrabber() == grabber) {
ungrab = true;
if (ungrab)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::sendUngrabEvent(QQuickItem *grabber, bool touch)
if (!grabber)
QEvent e(QEvent::UngrabMouse);
if (!sendFilteredMouseEvent(&e, grabber, grabber->parentItem())) {
if (touch)
Translates the data in \a touchEvent to this window. This method leaves the item local positions in
\a touchEvent untouched (these are filled in later).
void QQuickWindowPrivate::translateTouchEvent(QTouchEvent *touchEvent)
QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> touchPoints = touchEvent->touchPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < touchPoints.count(); ++i) {
QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &touchPoint = touchPoints[i];
static inline bool windowHasFocus(QQuickWindow *win)
const QWindow *focusWindow = QGuiApplication::focusWindow();
return win == focusWindow || QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(win) == focusWindow;
Set the focus inside \a scope to be \a item.
If the scope contains the active focus item, it will be changed to \a item.
Calls notifyFocusChangesRecur for all changed items.
void QQuickWindowPrivate::setFocusInScope(QQuickItem *scope, QQuickItem *item, Qt::FocusReason reason, FocusOptions options)
Q_ASSERT(scope || item == contentItem);
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << "QQuickWindowPrivate::setFocusInScope():";
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " scope:" << (QObject *)scope;
if (scope)
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " scopeSubFocusItem:" << (QObject *)QQuickItemPrivate::get(scope)->subFocusItem;
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " item:" << (QObject *)item;
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " activeFocusItem:" << (QObject *)activeFocusItem;
QQuickItemPrivate *scopePrivate = scope ? QQuickItemPrivate::get(scope) : nullptr;
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
QQuickItem *oldActiveFocusItem = nullptr;
QQuickItem *currentActiveFocusItem = activeFocusItem;
QQuickItem *newActiveFocusItem = nullptr;
bool sendFocusIn = false;
lastFocusReason = reason;
QVarLengthArray<QQuickItem *, 20> changed;
// Does this change the active focus?
if (item == contentItem || scopePrivate->activeFocus) {
oldActiveFocusItem = activeFocusItem;
if (item->isEnabled()) {
newActiveFocusItem = item;
while (newActiveFocusItem->isFocusScope()
&& newActiveFocusItem->scopedFocusItem()
&& newActiveFocusItem->scopedFocusItem()->isEnabled()) {
newActiveFocusItem = newActiveFocusItem->scopedFocusItem();
} else {
newActiveFocusItem = scope;
if (oldActiveFocusItem) {
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
activeFocusItem = nullptr;
QQuickItem *afi = oldActiveFocusItem;
while (afi && afi != scope) {
if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(afi)->activeFocus) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(afi)->activeFocus = false;
changed << afi;
afi = afi->parentItem();
if (item != contentItem && !(options & DontChangeSubFocusItem)) {
QQuickItem *oldSubFocusItem = scopePrivate->subFocusItem;
if (oldSubFocusItem) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(oldSubFocusItem)->focus = false;
changed << oldSubFocusItem;
QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->updateSubFocusItem(scope, true);
if (!(options & DontChangeFocusProperty)) {
if (item != contentItem || windowHasFocus(q)) {
itemPrivate->focus = true;
changed << item;
if (newActiveFocusItem && contentItem->hasFocus()) {
activeFocusItem = newActiveFocusItem;
QQuickItemPrivate::get(newActiveFocusItem)->activeFocus = true;
changed << newActiveFocusItem;
QQuickItem *afi = newActiveFocusItem->parentItem();
while (afi && afi != scope) {
if (afi->isFocusScope()) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(afi)->activeFocus = true;
changed << afi;
afi = afi->parentItem();
sendFocusIn = true;
// Now that all the state is changed, emit signals & events
// We must do this last, as this process may result in further changes to focus.
if (oldActiveFocusItem) {
QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusOut, reason);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(oldActiveFocusItem, &event);
// Make sure that the FocusOut didn't result in another focus change.
if (sendFocusIn && activeFocusItem == newActiveFocusItem) {
QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusIn, reason);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(newActiveFocusItem, &event);
if (activeFocusItem != currentActiveFocusItem)
emit q->focusObjectChanged(activeFocusItem);
if (!changed.isEmpty())
notifyFocusChangesRecur(, changed.count() - 1);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::clearFocusInScope(QQuickItem *scope, QQuickItem *item, Qt::FocusReason reason, FocusOptions options)
Q_ASSERT(scope || item == contentItem);
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << "QQuickWindowPrivate::clearFocusInScope():";
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " scope:" << (QObject *)scope;
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " item:" << (QObject *)item;
qCDebug(DBG_FOCUS) << " activeFocusItem:" << (QObject *)activeFocusItem;
QQuickItemPrivate *scopePrivate = nullptr;
if (scope) {
scopePrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(scope);
if ( !scopePrivate->subFocusItem )
return;//No focus, nothing to do.
QQuickItem *currentActiveFocusItem = activeFocusItem;
QQuickItem *oldActiveFocusItem = nullptr;
QQuickItem *newActiveFocusItem = nullptr;
lastFocusReason = reason;
QVarLengthArray<QQuickItem *, 20> changed;
Q_ASSERT(item == contentItem || item == scopePrivate->subFocusItem);
// Does this change the active focus?
if (item == contentItem || scopePrivate->activeFocus) {
oldActiveFocusItem = activeFocusItem;
newActiveFocusItem = scope;
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
activeFocusItem = nullptr;
if (oldActiveFocusItem) {
QQuickItem *afi = oldActiveFocusItem;
while (afi && afi != scope) {
if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(afi)->activeFocus) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(afi)->activeFocus = false;
changed << afi;
afi = afi->parentItem();
if (item != contentItem && !(options & DontChangeSubFocusItem)) {
QQuickItem *oldSubFocusItem = scopePrivate->subFocusItem;
if (oldSubFocusItem && !(options & DontChangeFocusProperty)) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(oldSubFocusItem)->focus = false;
changed << oldSubFocusItem;
QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->updateSubFocusItem(scope, false);
} else if (!(options & DontChangeFocusProperty)) {
QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->focus = false;
changed << item;
if (newActiveFocusItem) {
Q_ASSERT(newActiveFocusItem == scope);
activeFocusItem = scope;
// Now that all the state is changed, emit signals & events
// We must do this last, as this process may result in further changes to
// focus.
if (oldActiveFocusItem) {
QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusOut, reason);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(oldActiveFocusItem, &event);
// Make sure that the FocusOut didn't result in another focus change.
if (newActiveFocusItem && activeFocusItem == newActiveFocusItem) {
QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusIn, reason);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(newActiveFocusItem, &event);
if (activeFocusItem != currentActiveFocusItem)
emit q->focusObjectChanged(activeFocusItem);
if (!changed.isEmpty())
notifyFocusChangesRecur(, changed.count() - 1);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::clearFocusObject()
if (activeFocusItem == contentItem)
clearFocusInScope(contentItem, QQuickItemPrivate::get(contentItem)->subFocusItem, Qt::OtherFocusReason);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::notifyFocusChangesRecur(QQuickItem **items, int remaining)
QPointer<QQuickItem> item(*items);
if (remaining)
notifyFocusChangesRecur(items + 1, remaining - 1);
if (item) {
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (itemPrivate->notifiedFocus != itemPrivate->focus) {
itemPrivate->notifiedFocus = itemPrivate->focus;
emit item->focusChanged(itemPrivate->focus);
if (item && itemPrivate->notifiedActiveFocus != itemPrivate->activeFocus) {
itemPrivate->notifiedActiveFocus = itemPrivate->activeFocus;
itemPrivate->itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemActiveFocusHasChanged, itemPrivate->activeFocus);
emit item->activeFocusChanged(itemPrivate->activeFocus);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::dirtyItem(QQuickItem *)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::cleanup(QSGNode *n)
\qmltype Window
\instantiates QQuickWindow
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Window
\ingroup qtquick-visual
\brief Creates a new top-level window.
The Window object creates a new top-level window for a Qt Quick scene. It automatically sets up the
window for use with \c {QtQuick 2.x} graphical types.
To use this type, you will need to import the module with the following line:
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Omitting this import will allow you to have a QML environment without
access to window system features.
A Window can be declared inside an Item or inside another Window; in that
case the inner Window will automatically become "transient for" the outer
Window: that is, most platforms will show it centered upon the outer window
by default, and there may be other platform-dependent behaviors, depending
also on the \l flags. If the nested window is intended to be a dialog in
your application, you should also set \l flags to Qt.Dialog, because some
window managers will not provide the centering behavior without that flag.
You can also declare multiple windows inside a top-level \l QtObject, in which
case the windows will have no transient relationship.
Alternatively you can set or bind \l x and \l y to position the Window
explicitly on the screen.
When the user attempts to close a window, the \l closing signal will be
emitted. You can force the window to stay open (for example to prompt the
user to save changes) by writing an \c onClosing handler and setting
\c {close.accepted = false}.
\class QQuickWindow
\since 5.0
\inmodule QtQuick
\brief The QQuickWindow class provides the window for displaying a graphical QML scene.
QQuickWindow provides the graphical scene management needed to interact with and display
a scene of QQuickItems.
A QQuickWindow always has a single invisible root item. To add items to this window,
reparent the items to the root item or to an existing item in the scene.
For easily displaying a scene from a QML file, see \l{QQuickView}.
\section1 Rendering
QQuickWindow uses a scene graph to represent what needs to be rendered.
This scene graph is disconnected from the QML scene and
potentially lives in another thread, depending on the platform
implementation. Since the rendering scene graph lives
independently from the QML scene, it can also be completely
released without affecting the state of the QML scene.
The sceneGraphInitialized() signal is emitted on the rendering
thread before the QML scene is rendered to the screen for the
first time. If the rendering scene graph has been released, the
signal will be emitted again before the next frame is rendered.
\section2 Integration with OpenGL
When using the default OpenGL adaptation, it is possible to integrate
OpenGL calls directly into the QQuickWindow using the same OpenGL
context as the Qt Quick Scene Graph. This is done by connecting to the
QQuickWindow::beforeRendering() or QQuickWindow::afterRendering()
\note When using QQuickWindow::beforeRendering(), make sure to
disable clearing before rendering with
\section2 Exposure and Visibility
When a QQuickWindow instance is deliberately hidden with hide() or
setVisible(false), it will stop rendering and its scene graph and
graphics context might be released. The sceneGraphInvalidated()
signal will be emitted when this happens.
\warning It is crucial that graphics operations and interaction with
the scene graph happens exclusively on the rendering thread,
primarily during the updatePaintNode() phase.
\warning As signals related to rendering might be emitted from the
rendering thread, connections should be made using
\section2 Resource Management
QML will try to cache images and scene graph nodes to
improve performance, but in some low-memory scenarios it might be
required to aggressively release these resources. The
releaseResources() can be used to force the clean up of certain
resources. Calling releaseResources() may result in the entire
scene graph and in the case of the OpenGL adaptation the associated
context will be deleted. The sceneGraphInvalidated() signal will be
emitted when this happens.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
\section2 Context and Surface Formats
While it is possible to specify a QSurfaceFormat for every QQuickWindow by
calling the member function setFormat(), windows may also be created from
QML by using the Window and ApplicationWindow elements. In this case there
is no C++ code involved in the creation of the window instance, yet
applications may still wish to set certain surface format values, for
example to request a given OpenGL version or profile. Such applications can
call the static function QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat() at startup. The
specified format will be used for all Quick windows created afterwards.
\sa {Scene Graph - OpenGL Under QML}
Constructs a window for displaying a QML scene with parent window \a parent.
QQuickWindow::QQuickWindow(QWindow *parent)
: QQuickWindow(*new QQuickWindowPrivate, parent)
QQuickWindow::QQuickWindow(QQuickWindowPrivate &dd, QWindow *parent)
: QWindow(dd, parent)
QQuickWindow::QQuickWindow(QQuickRenderControl *control)
: QWindow(*(new QQuickWindowPrivate), nullptr)
d->init(this, control);
QQuickWindow::QQuickWindow(QQuickWindowPrivate &dd, QQuickRenderControl *control)
: QWindow(dd, nullptr)
d->init(this, control);
Destroys the window.
if (d->renderControl) {
} else if (d->windowManager) {
delete d->incubationController; d->incubationController = nullptr;
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
delete d->dragGrabber; d->dragGrabber = nullptr;
QQuickRootItem *root = d->contentItem;
d->contentItem = nullptr;
delete root;
// It is important that the pixmap cache is cleaned up during shutdown.
// Besides playing nice, this also solves a practical problem that
// QQuickTextureFactory implementations in other libraries need
// have their destructors loaded while they the library is still
// loaded into memory.
This function tries to release redundant resources currently held by the QML scene.
Calling this function might result in the scene graph and the OpenGL context used
for rendering being released to release graphics memory. If this happens, the
sceneGraphInvalidated() signal will be called, allowing users to clean up their
own graphics resources. The setPersistentOpenGLContext() and setPersistentSceneGraph()
functions can be used to prevent this from happening, if handling the cleanup is
not feasible in the application, at the cost of higher memory usage.
\sa sceneGraphInvalidated(), setPersistentOpenGLContext(), setPersistentSceneGraph()
void QQuickWindow::releaseResources()
if (d->windowManager)
Sets whether the OpenGL context should be preserved, and cannot be
released until the last window is deleted, to \a persistent. The
default value is true.
The OpenGL context can be released to free up graphics resources
when the window is obscured, hidden or not rendering. When this
happens is implementation specific.
The QOpenGLContext::aboutToBeDestroyed() signal is emitted from
the QQuickWindow::openglContext() when the OpenGL context is about
to be released. The QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized() signal
is emitted when a new OpenGL context is created for this
window. Make a Qt::DirectConnection to these signals to be
The OpenGL context is still released when the last QQuickWindow is
\note This only has an effect when using the default OpenGL scene
graph adaptation.
\sa setPersistentSceneGraph(),
QOpenGLContext::aboutToBeDestroyed(), sceneGraphInitialized()
void QQuickWindow::setPersistentOpenGLContext(bool persistent)
d->persistentGLContext = persistent;
Returns whether the OpenGL context can be released during the
lifetime of the QQuickWindow.
\note This is a hint. When and how this happens is implementation
specific. It also only has an effect when using the default OpenGL
scene graph adaptation
bool QQuickWindow::isPersistentOpenGLContext() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->persistentGLContext;
Sets whether the scene graph nodes and resources can be released
to \a persistent. The default value is true.
The scene graph nodes and resources can be released to free up
graphics resources when the window is obscured, hidden or not
rendering. When this happens is implementation specific.
The QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated() signal is emitted when
cleanup occurs. The QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized() signal
is emitted when a new scene graph is recreated for this
window. Make a Qt::DirectConnection to these signals to be
The scene graph nodes and resources are still released when the
last QQuickWindow is deleted.
\sa setPersistentOpenGLContext(),
sceneGraphInvalidated(), sceneGraphInitialized()
void QQuickWindow::setPersistentSceneGraph(bool persistent)
d->persistentSceneGraph = persistent;
Returns whether the scene graph nodes and resources can be
released during the lifetime of this QQuickWindow.
\note This is a hint. When and how this happens is implementation
bool QQuickWindow::isPersistentSceneGraph() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->persistentSceneGraph;
\qmlattachedproperty Item Window::contentItem
\since 5.4
This attached property holds the invisible root item of the scene or
\c null if the item is not in a window. The Window attached property
can be attached to any Item.
\property QQuickWindow::contentItem
\brief The invisible root item of the scene.
A QQuickWindow always has a single invisible root item containing all of its content.
To add items to this window, reparent the items to the contentItem or to an existing
item in the scene.
QQuickItem *QQuickWindow::contentItem() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->contentItem;
\property QQuickWindow::activeFocusItem
\brief The item which currently has active focus or \c null if there is
no item with active focus.
QQuickItem *QQuickWindow::activeFocusItem() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->activeFocusItem;
QObject *QQuickWindow::focusObject() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (d->activeFocusItem)
return d->activeFocusItem;
return const_cast<QQuickWindow*>(this);
Returns the item which currently has the mouse grab.
QQuickItem *QQuickWindow::mouseGrabberItem() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (d->isDeliveringTouchAsMouse()) {
if (QQuickPointerEvent *event = d->queryPointerEventInstance(d->touchMouseDevice)) {
auto point = event->pointById(d->touchMouseId);
return point ? point->grabberItem() : nullptr;
} else if (QQuickPointerEvent *event = d->queryPointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice())) {
return event->point(0)->grabberItem();
return nullptr;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::clearHover(ulong timestamp)
if (hoverItems.isEmpty())
return false;
QPointF pos = q->mapFromGlobal(QGuiApplicationPrivate::lastCursorPosition.toPoint());
bool accepted = false;
for (QQuickItem* item : qAsConst(hoverItems)) {
accepted = sendHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverLeave, item, pos, pos, QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), timestamp, true) || accepted;
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (itemPrivate->hasPointerHandlers()) {
pos = q->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent = pointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice(), QEvent::MouseMove);
pointerEvent->point(0)->reset(Qt::TouchPointMoved, pos, quint64(1) << 24 /* mouse has device ID 1 */, timestamp, QVector2D());
for (QQuickPointerHandler *h : itemPrivate->extra->pointerHandlers)
if (QQuickHoverHandler *hh = qmlobject_cast<QQuickHoverHandler *>(h))
return accepted;
/*! \reimp */
bool QQuickWindow::event(QEvent *e)
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
case QEvent::TouchEnd: {
QTouchEvent *touch = static_cast<QTouchEvent*>(e);
if (Q_LIKELY(QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents))) {
// we consume all touch events ourselves to avoid duplicate
// mouse delivery by QtGui mouse synthesis
return true;
case QEvent::TouchCancel:
// return in order to avoid the QWindow::event below
return d->deliverTouchCancelEvent(static_cast<QTouchEvent*>(e));
case QEvent::Enter: {
if (!d->contentItem)
return false;
QEnterEvent *enter = static_cast<QEnterEvent*>(e);
bool accepted = enter->isAccepted();
bool delivered = d->deliverHoverEvent(d->contentItem, enter->windowPos(), d->lastMousePosition,
QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), 0L, accepted);
d->lastMousePosition = enter->windowPos();
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
return delivered;
case QEvent::Leave:
d->lastMousePosition = QPointF();
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
case QEvent::DragEnter:
case QEvent::DragLeave:
case QEvent::DragMove:
case QEvent::Drop:
d->deliverDragEvent(d->dragGrabber, e);
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
if (d->contentItem)
case QEvent::Close: {
// TOOD Qt 6 (binary incompatible)
// closeEvent(static_cast<QCloseEvent *>(e));
QQuickCloseEvent qev;
emit closing(&qev);
} break;
case QEvent::PlatformSurface:
if ((static_cast<QPlatformSurfaceEvent *>(e))->surfaceEventType() == QPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed) {
// Ensure that the rendering thread is notified before
// the QPlatformWindow is destroyed.
if (d->windowManager)
case QEvent::FocusAboutToChange:
#if QT_CONFIG(im)
if (d->activeFocusItem)
if (mouseGrabberItem())
case QEvent::UpdateRequest: {
if (d->windowManager)
#if QT_CONFIG(gestures)
case QEvent::NativeGesture:
case QEvent::ShortcutOverride:
if (d->activeFocusItem)
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(d->activeFocusItem, e);
return true;
if (e->type() == QEvent::Type(QQuickWindowPrivate::FullUpdateRequest))
return QWindow::event(e);
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Key, QQuickProfiler::InputKeyPress, e->key(),
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Key, QQuickProfiler::InputKeyRelease, e->key(),
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if (activeFocusItem) {
QQuickItem *item = activeFocusItem;
// In case of generated event, trigger ShortcutOverride event
if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && e->spontaneous() == false)
qt_sendShortcutOverrideEvent(item, e->timestamp(),
e->key(), e->modifiers(), e->text(),
e->isAutoRepeat(), e->count());
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
while (!e->isAccepted() && (item = item->parentItem())) {
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
QMouseEvent *QQuickWindowPrivate::cloneMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, QPointF *transformedLocalPos)
int caps = QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventCaps(event);
QVector2D velocity = QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventVelocity(event);
QMouseEvent *me = new QMouseEvent(event->type(),
transformedLocalPos ? *transformedLocalPos : event->localPos(),
event->windowPos(), event->screenPos(),
event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers());
QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventCapsAndVelocity(me, caps, velocity);
QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventSource(me, QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventSource(event));
return me;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverToPassiveGrabbers(const QVector<QPointer <QQuickPointerHandler> > &passiveGrabbers,
QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent)
const QVector<QQuickPointerHandler *> &eventDeliveryTargets = pointerEvent->device()->eventDeliveryTargets();
QVarLengthArray<QPair<QQuickItem *, bool>, 4> sendFilteredPointerEventResult;
for (auto handler : passiveGrabbers) {
// a null pointer in passiveGrabbers is unlikely, unless the grabbing handler was deleted dynamically
if (Q_LIKELY(handler) && !eventDeliveryTargets.contains(handler)) {
bool alreadyFiltered = false;
QQuickItem *par = handler->parentItem();
// see if we already have sent a filter event to the parent
auto it = std::find_if(sendFilteredPointerEventResult.begin(), sendFilteredPointerEventResult.end(),
[par](const QPair<QQuickItem *, bool> &pair) { return pair.first == par; });
if (it != sendFilteredPointerEventResult.end()) {
// Yes, the event was already filtered to that parent, do not call it again but use
// the result of the previous call to determine if we should call the handler.
alreadyFiltered = it->second;
} else {
alreadyFiltered = sendFilteredPointerEvent(pointerEvent, par);
sendFilteredPointerEventResult << qMakePair<QQuickItem*, bool>(par, alreadyFiltered);
if (!alreadyFiltered) {
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverMouseEvent(QQuickPointerMouseEvent *pointerEvent)
auto point = pointerEvent->point(0);
lastMousePosition = point->scenePosition();
const bool mouseIsReleased = (point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Released && pointerEvent->buttons() == Qt::NoButton);
QQuickItem *grabberItem = point->grabberItem();
if (!grabberItem && isDeliveringTouchAsMouse())
grabberItem = q->mouseGrabberItem();
if (grabberItem) {
bool handled = false;
if (sendFilteredPointerEvent(pointerEvent, grabberItem))
handled = true;
// if the grabber is an Item:
// if the update consists of changing button state, don't accept it unless
// the button is one in which the grabber is interested
Qt::MouseButtons acceptedButtons = grabberItem->acceptedMouseButtons();
if (!handled && pointerEvent->button() != Qt::NoButton && acceptedButtons
&& !(acceptedButtons & pointerEvent->button())) {
handled = true;
// send update
if (!handled) {
QPointF localPos = grabberItem->mapFromScene(lastMousePosition);
auto me = pointerEvent->asMouseEvent(localPos);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(grabberItem, me);
// release event: ungrab if no buttons are pressed anymore
if (mouseIsReleased)
removeGrabber(grabberItem, true, isDeliveringTouchAsMouse());
deliverToPassiveGrabbers(point->passiveGrabbers(), pointerEvent);
} else if (auto handler = point->grabberPointerHandler()) {
if (!sendFilteredPointerEvent(pointerEvent, handler->parentItem()))
if (mouseIsReleased)
point->setGrabberPointerHandler(nullptr, true);
deliverToPassiveGrabbers(point->passiveGrabbers(), pointerEvent);
} else {
bool delivered = false;
if (pointerEvent->isPressEvent()) {
// send initial press
delivered = deliverPressOrReleaseEvent(pointerEvent);
} else if (pointerEvent->device()->type() == QQuickPointerDevice::Mouse) {
// if this is an update or release from an actual mouse,
// and the point wasn't grabbed, deliver only to PointerHandlers:
// passive grabbers first, then the rest
deliverToPassiveGrabbers(point->passiveGrabbers(), pointerEvent);
// If some points weren't grabbed, deliver to non-grabber PointerHandlers in reverse paint order
if (!pointerEvent->allPointsGrabbed() && pointerEvent->buttons()) {
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItems = pointerTargets(contentItem, point, false, false);
for (QQuickItem *item : targetItems) {
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (!itemPrivate->extra.isAllocated() || itemPrivate->extra->pointerHandlers.isEmpty())
if (!sendFilteredPointerEvent(pointerEvent, item)) {
if (itemPrivate->handlePointerEvent(pointerEvent, true)) // avoid re-delivering to grabbers
delivered = true;
if (point->exclusiveGrabber())
if (!delivered)
// make sure not to accept unhandled events
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::sendHoverEvent(QEvent::Type type, QQuickItem *item,
const QPointF &scenePos, const QPointF &lastScenePos,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, ulong timestamp,
bool accepted)
const QTransform transform = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->windowToItemTransform();
//create copy of event
QHoverEvent hoverEvent(type,,, modifiers);
if (sendFilteredMouseEvent(&hoverEvent, item, item->parentItem()))
return true;
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, &hoverEvent);
return hoverEvent.isAccepted();
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverHoverEvent(QQuickItem *item, const QPointF &scenePos, const QPointF &lastScenePos,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, ulong timestamp, bool &accepted)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (itemPrivate->flags & QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape) {
QPointF p = item->mapFromScene(scenePos);
if (!item->contains(p))
return false;
qCDebug(DBG_HOVER_TRACE) << q << item << scenePos << lastScenePos << "subtreeHoverEnabled" << itemPrivate->subtreeHoverEnabled;
if (itemPrivate->subtreeHoverEnabled) {
QList<QQuickItem *> children = itemPrivate->paintOrderChildItems();
for (int ii = children.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
QQuickItem *child =;
if (!child->isVisible() || !child->isEnabled() || QQuickItemPrivate::get(child)->culled)
if (deliverHoverEvent(child, scenePos, lastScenePos, modifiers, timestamp, accepted))
return true;
if (itemPrivate->hasPointerHandlers()) {
QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent = pointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice(), QEvent::MouseMove);
pointerEvent->point(0)->reset(Qt::TouchPointMoved, scenePos, quint64(1) << 24 /* mouse has device ID 1 */, timestamp, QVector2D());
for (QQuickPointerHandler *h : itemPrivate->extra->pointerHandlers)
if (QQuickHoverHandler *hh = qmlobject_cast<QQuickHoverHandler *>(h))
if (itemPrivate->hoverEnabled) {
QPointF p = item->mapFromScene(scenePos);
if (item->contains(p)) {
if (!hoverItems.isEmpty() && == item) {
accepted = sendHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverMove, item, scenePos, lastScenePos, modifiers, timestamp, accepted);
} else {
QList<QQuickItem *> itemsToHover;
QQuickItem* parent = item;
itemsToHover << item;
while ((parent = parent->parentItem()))
itemsToHover << parent;
// Leaving from previous hovered items until we reach the item or one of its ancestors.
while (!hoverItems.isEmpty() && !itemsToHover.contains( {
QQuickItem *hoverLeaveItem = hoverItems.takeFirst();
sendHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverLeave, hoverLeaveItem, scenePos, lastScenePos, modifiers, timestamp, accepted);
if (!hoverItems.isEmpty() && == item) {//Not entering a new Item
// ### Shouldn't we send moves for the parent items as well?
accepted = sendHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverMove, item, scenePos, lastScenePos, modifiers, timestamp, accepted);
} else {
// Enter items that are not entered yet.
int startIdx = -1;
if (!hoverItems.isEmpty())
startIdx = itemsToHover.indexOf( - 1;
if (startIdx == -1)
startIdx = itemsToHover.count() - 1;
for (int i = startIdx; i >= 0; i--) {
QQuickItem *itemToHover =;
QQuickItemPrivate *itemToHoverPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(itemToHover);
// The item may be about to be deleted or reparented to another window
// due to another hover event delivered in this function. If that is the
// case, sending a hover event here will cause a crash or other bad
// behavior when the leave event is generated. Checking
// itemToHoverPrivate->window here prevents that case.
if (itemToHoverPrivate->window == q && itemToHoverPrivate->hoverEnabled) {
sendHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverEnter, itemToHover, scenePos, lastScenePos, modifiers, timestamp, accepted);
return true;
return false;
// Simple delivery of non-mouse, non-touch Pointer Events: visit the items and handlers
// in the usual reverse-paint-order until propagation is stopped
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverSinglePointEventUntilAccepted(QQuickPointerEvent *event)
Q_ASSERT(event->pointCount() == 1);
QQuickEventPoint *point = event->point(0);
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItems = pointerTargets(contentItem, point, false, false);
for (QQuickItem *item : targetItems) {
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
// Let Pointer Handlers have the first shot
if (point->isAccepted())
return true;
QPointF g = item->window()->mapToGlobal(point->scenePosition().toPoint());
#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
// Let the Item have a chance to handle it
if (QQuickPointerScrollEvent *pse = event->asPointerScrollEvent()) {
QWheelEvent wheel(point->position(), g, pse->pixelDelta().toPoint(), pse->angleDelta().toPoint(),
pse->buttons(), pse->modifiers(), pse->phase(),
pse->isInverted(), pse->synthSource());
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, &wheel);
if (wheel.isAccepted()) {
qCDebug(lcWheelTarget) << &wheel << "->" << item;
return true;
#if QT_CONFIG(gestures)
if (QQuickPointerNativeGestureEvent *pnge = event->asPointerNativeGestureEvent()) {
QNativeGestureEvent nge(pnge->type(), pnge->device()->qTouchDevice(), point->position(), point->scenePosition(), g,
pnge->value(), 0L, 0L); // TODO can't copy things I can't access
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, &nge);
if (nge.isAccepted()) {
qCDebug(lcGestureTarget) << &nge << "->" << item;
return true;
#endif // gestures
return false; // it wasn't handled
#if QT_CONFIG(wheelevent)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Mouse, QQuickProfiler::InputMouseWheel,
event->angleDelta().x(), event->angleDelta().y());
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE) << "QQuickWindow::wheelEvent()" << event->pixelDelta() << event->angleDelta() << event->phase();
//if the actual wheel event was accepted, accept the compatibility wheel event and return early
if (d->lastWheelEventAccepted && event->angleDelta().isNull() && event->phase() == Qt::ScrollUpdate)
d->lastWheelEventAccepted = event->isAccepted();
#endif // wheelevent
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverTouchCancelEvent(QTouchEvent *event)
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << event;
if (QQuickItem *grabber = q->mouseGrabberItem())
sendUngrabEvent(grabber, true);
// A TouchCancel event will typically not contain any points.
// Deliver it to all items and handlers that have active touches.
QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent = pointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice::touchDevice(event->device()));
for (int i = 0; i < pointerEvent->pointCount(); ++i)
// The next touch event can only be a TouchBegin, so clean up.
return true;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverDelayedTouchEvent()
// Deliver and delete delayedTouch.
// Set delayedTouch to 0 before delivery to avoid redelivery in case of
// event loop recursions (e.g if it the touch starts a dnd session).
QScopedPointer<QTouchEvent> e(delayedTouch.take());
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::compressTouchEvent(QTouchEvent *event)
Qt::TouchPointStates states = event->touchPointStates();
if (((states & (Qt::TouchPointMoved | Qt::TouchPointStationary)) == 0)
|| ((states & (Qt::TouchPointPressed | Qt::TouchPointReleased)) != 0)) {
// we can only compress something that isn't a press or release
return false;
if (!delayedTouch) {
delayedTouch.reset(new QTouchEvent(event->type(), event->device(), event->modifiers(), event->touchPointStates(), event->touchPoints()));
if (renderControl)
else if (windowManager)
return true;
// check if this looks like the last touch event
if (delayedTouch->type() == event->type() &&
delayedTouch->device() == event->device() &&
delayedTouch->modifiers() == event->modifiers() &&
delayedTouch->touchPoints().count() == event->touchPoints().count())
// possible match.. is it really the same?
bool mismatch = false;
QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> tpts = event->touchPoints();
Qt::TouchPointStates states;
for (int i = 0; i < event->touchPoints().count(); ++i) {
const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &tp =;
const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &tpDelayed = delayedTouch->touchPoints().at(i);
if ( != {
mismatch = true;
if (tpDelayed.state() == Qt::TouchPointMoved && tp.state() == Qt::TouchPointStationary)
states |=;
// matching touch event? then merge the new event into the old one
if (!mismatch) {
return true;
// merging wasn't possible, so deliver the delayed event first, and then delay this one
delayedTouch.reset(new QTouchEvent(event->type(), event->device(), event->modifiers(), event->touchPointStates(), event->touchPoints()));
return true;
// entry point for touch event delivery:
// - translate the event to window coordinates
// - compress the event instead of delivering it if applicable
// - call deliverTouchPoints to actually dispatch the points
void QQuickWindowPrivate::handleTouchEvent(QTouchEvent *event)
if (event->touchPoints().size()) {
auto point = event->touchPoints().at(0);
if (point.state() == Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
lastMousePosition = QPointF();
} else {
lastMousePosition = point.pos();
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << event;
static bool qquickwindow_no_touch_compression = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QML_NO_TOUCH_COMPRESSION");
if (qquickwindow_no_touch_compression || pointerEventRecursionGuard) {
if (!compressTouchEvent(event)) {
if (delayedTouch)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
/*! \reimp */
void QQuickWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::handleMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
if (event->source() == Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem) {
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE) << "QQuickWindow::handleMouseEvent()" << event->type() << event->localPos() << event->button() << event->buttons();
switch (event->type()) {
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Mouse, QQuickProfiler::InputMousePress, event->button(),
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Mouse, QQuickProfiler::InputMouseRelease, event->button(),
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Mouse, QQuickProfiler::InputMouseDoubleClick,
event->button(), event->buttons());
if (allowDoubleClick)
case QEvent::MouseMove:
Q_QUICK_INPUT_PROFILE(QQuickProfiler::Mouse, QQuickProfiler::InputMouseMove,
event->localPos().x(), event->localPos().y());
qCDebug(DBG_HOVER_TRACE) << this;
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
if (!pointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice())->point(0)->exclusiveGrabber()) {
QPointF last = lastMousePosition.isNull() ? event->windowPos() : lastMousePosition;
lastMousePosition = event->windowPos();
bool accepted = event->isAccepted();
bool delivered = deliverHoverEvent(contentItem, event->windowPos(), last, event->modifiers(), event->timestamp(), accepted);
if (!delivered) {
//take care of any exits
accepted = clearHover(event->timestamp());
void QQuickWindowPrivate::flushFrameSynchronousEvents()
if (delayedTouch) {
// Touch events which constantly start animations (such as a behavior tracking
// the mouse point) need animations to start.
QQmlAnimationTimer *ut = QQmlAnimationTimer::instance();
if (ut && ut->hasStartAnimationPending())
// Once per frame, if any items are dirty, send a synthetic hover,
// in case items have changed position, visibility, etc.
// For instance, during animation (including the case of a ListView
// whose delegates contain MouseAreas), a MouseArea needs to know
// whether it has moved into a position where it is now under the cursor.
if (!q->mouseGrabberItem() && !lastMousePosition.isNull() && dirtyItemList) {
bool accepted = false;
bool delivered = deliverHoverEvent(contentItem, lastMousePosition, lastMousePosition, QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers(), 0, accepted);
if (!delivered)
clearHover(); // take care of any exits
QQuickPointerEvent *QQuickWindowPrivate::queryPointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice *device, QEvent::Type eventType) const
// Search for a matching reusable event object.
for (QQuickPointerEvent *e : pointerEventInstances) {
// If device can generate native gestures (e.g. a trackpad), there might be multiple QQuickPointerEvents:
// QQuickPointerNativeGestureEvent, QQuickPointerScrollEvent, and QQuickPointerTouchEvent.
// Use eventType to disambiguate.
#if QT_CONFIG(gestures)
if ((eventType == QEvent::NativeGesture) != bool(e->asPointerNativeGestureEvent()))
if ((eventType == QEvent::Wheel) != bool(e->asPointerScrollEvent()))
// Otherwise we assume there's only one event type per device.
// More disambiguation tests might need to be added above if that changes later.
if (e->device() == device)
return e;
return nullptr;
QQuickPointerEvent *QQuickWindowPrivate::pointerEventInstance(QQuickPointerDevice *device, QEvent::Type eventType) const
QQuickPointerEvent *ev = queryPointerEventInstance(device, eventType);
if (ev)
return ev;
QQuickWindow *q = const_cast<QQuickWindow*>(q_func());
switch (device->type()) {
case QQuickPointerDevice::Mouse:
// QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent() does not take a device parameter:
// we assume all mouse events come from one mouse (the "core pointer").
// So when the event is a mouse event, device == QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice()
if (eventType == QEvent::Wheel)
ev = new QQuickPointerScrollEvent(q, device);
ev = new QQuickPointerMouseEvent(q, device);
case QQuickPointerDevice::TouchPad:
case QQuickPointerDevice::TouchScreen:
#if QT_CONFIG(gestures)
if (eventType == QEvent::NativeGesture)
ev = new QQuickPointerNativeGestureEvent(q, device);
else // assume QEvent::Type is one of TouchBegin/Update/End
ev = new QQuickPointerTouchEvent(q, device);
// TODO tablet event types
pointerEventInstances << ev;
return ev;
Returns a QQuickPointerEvent instance suitable for wrapping and delivering \a event.
There is a unique instance per QQuickPointerDevice, which is determined
from \a event's device.
QQuickPointerEvent *QQuickWindowPrivate::pointerEventInstance(QEvent *event) const
QQuickPointerDevice *dev = nullptr;
switch (event->type()) {
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
case QEvent::MouseMove:
case QEvent::Wheel:
dev = QQuickPointerDevice::genericMouseDevice();
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
case QEvent::TouchCancel:
dev = QQuickPointerDevice::touchDevice(static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(event)->device());
// TODO tablet event types
#if QT_CONFIG(gestures)
case QEvent::NativeGesture:
dev = QQuickPointerDevice::touchDevice(static_cast<QNativeGestureEvent *>(event)->device());
return pointerEventInstance(dev, event->type())->reset(event);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverPointerEvent(QQuickPointerEvent *event)
// If users spin the eventloop as a result of event delivery, we disable
// event compression and send events directly. This is because we consider
// the usecase a bit evil, but we at least don't want to lose events.
if (event->asPointerMouseEvent()) {
// failsafe: never allow any kind of grab to persist after release
if (event->isReleaseEvent() && event->buttons() == Qt::NoButton) {
QQuickItem *oldGrabber = q->mouseGrabberItem();
sendUngrabEvent(oldGrabber, false);
} else if (event->asPointerTouchEvent()) {
} else {
// check if item or any of its child items contain the point, or if any pointer handler "wants" the point
// FIXME: should this be iterative instead of recursive?
// If checkMouseButtons is true, it means we are finding targets for a mouse event, so no item for which acceptedMouseButtons() is NoButton will be added.
// If checkAcceptsTouch is true, it means we are finding targets for a touch event, so either acceptTouchEvents() must return true OR
// it must accept a synth. mouse event, thus if acceptTouchEvents() returns false but acceptedMouseButtons() is true, gets added; if not, it doesn't.
QVector<QQuickItem *> QQuickWindowPrivate::pointerTargets(QQuickItem *item, QQuickEventPoint *point, bool checkMouseButtons, bool checkAcceptsTouch) const
QVector<QQuickItem *> targets;
auto itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
QPointF itemPos = item->mapFromScene(point->scenePosition());
// if the item clips, we can potentially return early
if (itemPrivate->flags & QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape) {
if (!item->contains(itemPos))
return targets;
// recurse for children
QList<QQuickItem *> children = itemPrivate->paintOrderChildItems();
for (int ii = children.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
QQuickItem *child =;
auto childPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(child);
if (!child->isVisible() || !child->isEnabled() || childPrivate->culled)
targets << pointerTargets(child, point, checkMouseButtons, checkAcceptsTouch);
bool relevant = item->contains(itemPos);
if (itemPrivate->hasPointerHandlers()) {
if (!relevant)
if (itemPrivate->anyPointerHandlerWants(point))
relevant = true;
} else {
if (relevant && checkMouseButtons && item->acceptedMouseButtons() == Qt::NoButton)
relevant = false;
if (relevant && checkAcceptsTouch && !(item->acceptTouchEvents() || item->acceptedMouseButtons()))
relevant = false;
if (relevant)
targets << item; // add this item last: children take precedence
return targets;
// return the joined lists
// list1 has priority, common items come last
QVector<QQuickItem *> QQuickWindowPrivate::mergePointerTargets(const QVector<QQuickItem *> &list1, const QVector<QQuickItem *> &list2) const
QVector<QQuickItem *> targets = list1;
// start at the end of list2
// if item not in list, append it
// if item found, move to next one, inserting before the last found one
int insertPosition = targets.length();
for (int i = list2.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int newInsertPosition = targets.lastIndexOf(, insertPosition);
if (newInsertPosition >= 0) {
Q_ASSERT(newInsertPosition <= insertPosition);
insertPosition = newInsertPosition;
// check for duplicates, only insert if the item isn't there already
if (insertPosition == targets.size() || !=
return targets;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverTouchEvent(QQuickPointerTouchEvent *event)
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << " - delivering" << event->asTouchEvent();
if (event->isPressEvent())
if (!event->allUpdatedPointsAccepted())
if (event->isReleaseEvent())
deliverPressOrReleaseEvent(event, true);
// Remove released points from itemForTouchPointId
bool allReleased = true;
int pointCount = event->pointCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
QQuickEventPoint *point = event->point(i);
if (point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Released) {
int id = point->pointId();
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "TP" << hex << id << "released";
if (id == touchMouseId)
} else {
allReleased = false;
if (allReleased) {
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!event->exclusiveGrabbers().isEmpty()))
qWarning() << "No release received for some grabbers" << event->exclusiveGrabbers();
// Deliver touch points to existing grabbers
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverUpdatedTouchPoints(QQuickPointerTouchEvent *event)
bool done = false;
const auto grabbers = event->exclusiveGrabbers();
for (auto grabber : grabbers) {
// The grabber is guaranteed to be either an item or a handler.
QQuickItem *receiver = qmlobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(grabber);
if (!receiver) {
// The grabber is not an item? It's a handler then. Let it have the event first.
QQuickPointerHandler *handler = static_cast<QQuickPointerHandler *>(grabber);
receiver = static_cast<QQuickPointerHandler *>(grabber)->parentItem();
if (sendFilteredPointerEvent(event, receiver))
done = true;
if (done)
// If the grabber is an item or the grabbing handler didn't handle it,
// then deliver the event to the item (which may have multiple handlers).
deliverMatchingPointsToItem(receiver, event);
// Deliver to each eventpoint's passive grabbers (but don't visit any handler more than once)
int pointCount = event->pointCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
QQuickEventPoint *point = event->point(i);
deliverToPassiveGrabbers(point->passiveGrabbers(), event);
if (done)
// If some points weren't grabbed, deliver only to non-grabber PointerHandlers in reverse paint order
if (!event->allPointsGrabbed()) {
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItems;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
QQuickEventPoint *point = event->point(i);
if (point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Pressed)
continue; // presses were delivered earlier; not the responsibility of deliverUpdatedTouchPoints
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItemsForPoint = pointerTargets(contentItem, point, false, false);
if (targetItems.count()) {
targetItems = mergePointerTargets(targetItems, targetItemsForPoint);
} else {
targetItems = targetItemsForPoint;
for (QQuickItem *item : targetItems) {
if (grabbers.contains(item))
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
itemPrivate->handlePointerEvent(event, true); // avoid re-delivering to grabbers
if (event->allPointsGrabbed())
// Deliver an event containing newly pressed or released touch points
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverPressOrReleaseEvent(QQuickPointerEvent *event, bool handlersOnly)
int pointCount = event->pointCount();
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItems;
bool isTouchEvent = (event->asPointerTouchEvent() != nullptr);
if (isTouchEvent && event->isPressEvent() && isDeliveringTouchAsMouse()) {
if (const QQuickEventPoint *point = pointerEventInstance(touchMouseDevice)->pointById(touchMouseId)) {
// When a second point is pressed, if the first point's existing
// grabber was a pointer handler while a filtering parent is filtering
// the same first point _as mouse_: we're starting over with delivery,
// so we need to allow the second point to now be sent as a synth-mouse
// instead of the first one, so that filtering parents (maybe even the
// same one) can get a chance to see the second touchpoint as a
// synth-mouse and perhaps grab it. Ideally we would always do this
// when a new touchpoint is pressed, but this compromise fixes
// QTBUG-70998 and avoids breaking tst_FlickableInterop::touchDragSliderAndFlickable
if (point->grabberPointerHandler())
} else {
qCWarning(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "during delivery of touch press, synth-mouse ID" << hex << touchMouseId << "is missing from" << event;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
auto point = event->point(i);
if (point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Pressed && !event->isDoubleClickEvent())
point->setAccepted(false); // because otherwise touchEventForItem will ignore it
if (point->grabberPointerHandler() && point->state() == QQuickEventPoint::Released)
point->setGrabberPointerHandler(nullptr, true);
QVector<QQuickItem *> targetItemsForPoint = pointerTargets(contentItem, point, !isTouchEvent, isTouchEvent);
if (targetItems.count()) {
targetItems = mergePointerTargets(targetItems, targetItemsForPoint);
} else {
targetItems = targetItemsForPoint;
for (QQuickItem *item : targetItems) {
if (!event->m_event) {
qWarning("event went missing during delivery! (nested sendEvent() is not allowed)");
if (!handlersOnly && sendFilteredPointerEvent(event, item)) {
if (event->isAccepted()) {
for (int i = 0; i < event->pointCount(); ++i)
return true;
// Do not deliverMatchingPointsTo any item for which the filtering parent already intercepted the event,
// nor to any item which already had a chance to filter.
if (skipDelivery.contains(item))
if (!event->m_event) {
qWarning("event went missing during delivery! (nested sendEvent() is not allowed)");
deliverMatchingPointsToItem(item, event, handlersOnly);
if (event->allPointsAccepted())
handlersOnly = true;
return event->allPointsAccepted();
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverMatchingPointsToItem(QQuickItem *item, QQuickPointerEvent *pointerEvent, bool handlersOnly)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
// Let the Item's handlers (if any) have the event first.
// However, double click should never be delivered to handlers.
if (!pointerEvent->isDoubleClickEvent()) {
bool wasAccepted = pointerEvent->allPointsAccepted();
allowDoubleClick = wasAccepted || !(pointerEvent->asPointerMouseEvent() && pointerEvent->isPressEvent() && pointerEvent->allPointsAccepted());
if (handlersOnly)
// If all points are released and the item is not the grabber, it doesn't get the event.
// But if at least one point is still pressed, we might be in a potential gesture-takeover scenario.
if (pointerEvent->isReleaseEvent() && !pointerEvent->isUpdateEvent()
&& !pointerEvent->exclusiveGrabbers().contains(item))
// TODO: unite this mouse point delivery with the synthetic mouse event below
auto event = pointerEvent->asPointerMouseEvent();
if (event && item->acceptedMouseButtons() & event->button()) {
auto point = event->point(0);
// The only reason to already have a mouse grabber here is
// synthetic events - flickable sends one when setPressDelay is used.
auto oldMouseGrabber = q->mouseGrabberItem();
QPointF localPos = item->mapFromScene(point->scenePosition());
QMouseEvent *me = event->asMouseEvent(localPos);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, me);
if (me->isAccepted()) {
auto mouseGrabber = q->mouseGrabberItem();
if (mouseGrabber && mouseGrabber != item && mouseGrabber != oldMouseGrabber) {
} else if (item->isEnabled() && item->isVisible()) {
QQuickPointerTouchEvent *ptEvent = pointerEvent->asPointerTouchEvent();
if (!ptEvent)
QScopedPointer<QTouchEvent> touchEvent(ptEvent->touchEventForItem(item));
if (!touchEvent)
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << "considering delivering " << << " to " << item;
bool eventAccepted = false;
// If any parent filters the event, we're done.
if (sendFilteredPointerEvent(pointerEvent, item))
// Deliver the touch event to the given item
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << " - actually delivering " << << " to " << item;
eventAccepted = touchEvent->isAccepted();
// If the touch event wasn't accepted, synthesize a mouse event and see if the item wants it.
if (Q_LIKELY(QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents))) {
if (!eventAccepted && (itemPrivate->acceptedMouseButtons() & Qt::LeftButton)) {
// send mouse event
if (deliverTouchAsMouse(item, ptEvent))
eventAccepted = true;
if (eventAccepted) {
// If the touch was accepted (regardless by whom or in what form),
// update accepted new points.
bool isPressOrRelease = pointerEvent->isPressEvent() || pointerEvent->isReleaseEvent();
for (const auto &point: qAsConst(touchEvent->touchPoints())) {
if (auto pointerEventPoint = ptEvent->pointById( {
if (isPressOrRelease)
} else {
// But if the event was not accepted then we know this item
// will not be interested in further updates for those touchpoint IDs either.
for (const auto &point: qAsConst(touchEvent->touchPoints())) {
if (point.state() == Qt::TouchPointPressed) {
if (auto *tp = ptEvent->pointById( {
if (tp->exclusiveGrabber() == item) {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "TP" << hex << << "disassociated";
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_draganddrop)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverDragEvent(QQuickDragGrabber *grabber, QEvent *event)
QQuickDragGrabber::iterator grabItem = grabber->begin();
if (grabItem != grabber->end()) {
Q_ASSERT(event->type() != QEvent::DragEnter);
if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop) {
QDropEvent *e = static_cast<QDropEvent *>(event);
for (e->setAccepted(false); !e->isAccepted() && grabItem != grabber->end(); grabItem = grabber->release(grabItem)) {
QPointF p = (**grabItem)->mapFromScene(e->pos());
QDropEvent translatedEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&translatedEvent, *e);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(**grabItem, &translatedEvent);
if (event->type() != QEvent::DragMove) { // Either an accepted drop or a leave.
QDragLeaveEvent leaveEvent;
for (; grabItem != grabber->end(); grabItem = grabber->release(grabItem))
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(**grabItem, &leaveEvent);
} else {
QDragMoveEvent *moveEvent = static_cast<QDragMoveEvent *>(event);
// Used to ensure we don't send DragEnterEvents to current drop targets,
// and to detect which current drop targets we have left
QVarLengthArray<QQuickItem*, 64> currentGrabItems;
for (; grabItem != grabber->end(); grabItem = grabber->release(grabItem))
// Look for any other potential drop targets that are higher than the current ones
QDragEnterEvent enterEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&enterEvent, *moveEvent);
event->setAccepted(deliverDragEvent(grabber, contentItem, &enterEvent, &currentGrabItems));
for (grabItem = grabber->begin(); grabItem != grabber->end(); ++grabItem) {
int i = currentGrabItems.indexOf(**grabItem);
if (i >= 0) {
// Still grabbed: send move event
QDragMoveEvent translatedEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&translatedEvent, *moveEvent);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(**grabItem, &translatedEvent);
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(moveEvent, translatedEvent);
// Anything left in currentGrabItems is no longer a drop target and should be sent a DragLeaveEvent
QDragLeaveEvent leaveEvent;
for (QQuickItem *i : currentGrabItems)
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(i, &leaveEvent);
if (event->type() == QEvent::DragEnter || event->type() == QEvent::DragMove) {
QDragMoveEvent *e = static_cast<QDragMoveEvent *>(event);
QDragEnterEvent enterEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&enterEvent, *e);
event->setAccepted(deliverDragEvent(grabber, contentItem, &enterEvent));
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverDragEvent(QQuickDragGrabber *grabber, QQuickItem *item, QDragMoveEvent *event, QVarLengthArray<QQuickItem*, 64> *currentGrabItems)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (!item->isVisible() || !item->isEnabled() || QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->culled)
return false;
QPointF p = item->mapFromScene(event->pos());
bool itemContained = item->contains(p);
if (!itemContained && itemPrivate->flags & QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape) {
return false;
QDragEnterEvent enterEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&enterEvent, *event);
QList<QQuickItem *> children = itemPrivate->paintOrderChildItems();
// Check children in front of this item first
for (int ii = children.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
if (>z() < 0)
if (deliverDragEvent(grabber,, &enterEvent, currentGrabItems))
return true;
if (itemContained) {
// If this item is currently grabbed, don't send it another DragEnter,
// just grab it again if it's still contained.
if (currentGrabItems && currentGrabItems->contains(item)) {
return true;
if (event->type() == QEvent::DragMove || itemPrivate->flags & QQuickItem::ItemAcceptsDrops) {
QDragMoveEvent translatedEvent(
QQuickDropEventEx::copyActions(&translatedEvent, *event);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, &translatedEvent);
if (event->type() == QEvent::DragEnter) {
if (translatedEvent.isAccepted()) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
// Check children behind this item if this item or any higher children have not accepted
for (int ii = children.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
if (>z() >= 0)
if (deliverDragEvent(grabber,, &enterEvent, currentGrabItems))
return true;
return false;
#endif // quick_draganddrop
#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::updateCursor(const QPointF &scenePos)
QQuickItem *oldCursorItem = cursorItem;
cursorItem = findCursorItem(contentItem, scenePos);
if (cursorItem != oldCursorItem) {
QWindow *renderWindow = QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(q);
QWindow *window = renderWindow ? renderWindow : q;
if (cursorItem)
QQuickItem *QQuickWindowPrivate::findCursorItem(QQuickItem *item, const QPointF &scenePos)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (itemPrivate->flags & QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape) {
QPointF p = item->mapFromScene(scenePos);
if (!item->contains(p))
return nullptr;
if (itemPrivate->subtreeCursorEnabled) {
QList<QQuickItem *> children = itemPrivate->paintOrderChildItems();
for (int ii = children.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
QQuickItem *child =;
if (!child->isVisible() || !child->isEnabled() || QQuickItemPrivate::get(child)->culled)
if (QQuickItem *cursorItem = findCursorItem(child, scenePos))
return cursorItem;
if (itemPrivate->hasCursor) {
QPointF p = item->mapFromScene(scenePos);
if (item->contains(p))
return item;
return nullptr;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::sendFilteredPointerEvent(QQuickPointerEvent *event, QQuickItem *receiver, QQuickItem *filteringParent)
return sendFilteredPointerEventImpl(event, receiver, filteringParent ? filteringParent : receiver->parentItem());
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::sendFilteredPointerEventImpl(QQuickPointerEvent *event, QQuickItem *receiver, QQuickItem *filteringParent)
if (!allowChildEventFiltering)
return false;
if (!filteringParent)
return false;
bool filtered = false;
if (filteringParent->filtersChildMouseEvents() && !hasFiltered.contains(filteringParent)) {
if (QQuickPointerMouseEvent *pme = event->asPointerMouseEvent()) {
if (receiver->acceptedMouseButtons()) {
QPointF localPos = receiver->mapFromScene(pme->point(0)->scenePosition());
QMouseEvent *me = pme->asMouseEvent(localPos);
const bool wasAccepted = me->isAccepted();
auto oldMouseGrabber = pme->point(0)->grabberItem();
if (filteringParent->childMouseEventFilter(receiver, me)) {
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE) << "mouse event intercepted by childMouseEventFilter of " << filteringParent;
filtered = true;
if (me->isAccepted() && pme->isPressEvent()) {
auto mouseGrabber = pme->point(0)->grabberItem();
if (mouseGrabber && mouseGrabber != receiver && mouseGrabber != oldMouseGrabber) {
} else {
} else {
// Restore accepted state if the event was not filtered.
} else if (QQuickPointerTouchEvent *pte = event->asPointerTouchEvent()) {
bool acceptsTouchEvents = receiver->acceptTouchEvents();
// In versions prior to Qt 6, we can't trust item->acceptTouchEvents() here, because it defaults to true.
bool acceptsTouchEvents = false;
auto device = pte->device();
if (device->type() == QQuickPointerDevice::TouchPad &&
device->capabilities().testFlag(QQuickPointerDevice::MouseEmulation)) {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "skipping filtering of synth-mouse event from" << device;
} else if (acceptsTouchEvents || receiver->acceptedMouseButtons()) {
// get a touch event customized for delivery to filteringParent
QScopedPointer<QTouchEvent> filteringParentTouchEvent(pte->touchEventForItem(receiver, true));
if (filteringParentTouchEvent) {
if (filteringParent->childMouseEventFilter(receiver, {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << "touch event intercepted by childMouseEventFilter of " << filteringParent;
for (const auto &point: qAsConst(filteringParentTouchEvent->touchPoints())) {
QQuickEventPoint *pt = event->pointById(;
return true;
} else if (Q_LIKELY(QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents))) {
// filteringParent didn't filter the touch event. Give it a chance to filter a synthetic mouse event.
for (int i = 0; i < filteringParentTouchEvent->touchPoints().size(); ++i) {
const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &tp = filteringParentTouchEvent->touchPoints().at(i);
QEvent::Type t;
switch (tp.state()) {
case Qt::TouchPointPressed:
t = QEvent::MouseButtonPress;
case Qt::TouchPointReleased:
t = QEvent::MouseButtonRelease;
case Qt::TouchPointStationary:
t = QEvent::MouseMove;
bool touchMouseUnset = (touchMouseId == -1);
// Only deliver mouse event if it is the touchMouseId or it could become the touchMouseId
if (touchMouseUnset || touchMouseId == {
// convert filteringParentTouchEvent (which is already transformed wrt local position, velocity, etc.)
// into a synthetic mouse event, and let childMouseEventFilter() have another chance with that
QScopedPointer<QMouseEvent> mouseEvent(touchToMouseEvent(t, tp,, receiver, false));
// If a filtering item calls QQuickWindow::mouseGrabberItem(), it should
// report the touchpoint's grabber. Whenever we send a synthetic mouse event,
// touchMouseId and touchMouseDevice must be set, even if it's only temporarily and isn't grabbed.
touchMouseId =;
touchMouseDevice = event->device();
QQuickPointerDevice *dev = touchMouseDevice;
if (filteringParent->childMouseEventFilter(receiver, {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH) << "touch event intercepted as synth mouse event by childMouseEventFilter of " << filteringParent;
if (t != QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
qCDebug(DBG_TOUCH_TARGET) << "TP (mouse)" << hex << << "->" << filteringParent;
touchMouseUnset = false; // We want to leave touchMouseId and touchMouseDevice set
if (mouseEvent->isAccepted())
filtered = true;
if (touchMouseUnset) {
// Now that we're done sending a synth mouse event, and it wasn't grabbed,
// the touchpoint is no longer acting as a synthetic mouse. Restore previous state.
// Only one touchpoint can be treated as a synthetic mouse, so after childMouseEventFilter
// has been called once, we're done with this loop over the touchpoints.
return sendFilteredPointerEventImpl(event, receiver, filteringParent->parentItem()) || filtered;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::sendFilteredMouseEvent(QEvent *event, QQuickItem *receiver, QQuickItem *filteringParent)
if (!filteringParent)
return false;
QQuickItemPrivate *filteringParentPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(filteringParent);
if (filteringParentPrivate->replayingPressEvent)
return false;
bool filtered = false;
if (filteringParentPrivate->filtersChildMouseEvents && !hasFiltered.contains(filteringParent)) {
if (filteringParent->childMouseEventFilter(receiver, event)) {
filtered = true;
qCDebug(DBG_MOUSE_TARGET) << "for" << receiver << filteringParent << "childMouseEventFilter ->" << filtered;
return sendFilteredMouseEvent(event, receiver, filteringParent->parentItem()) || filtered;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::dragOverThreshold(qreal d, Qt::Axis axis, QMouseEvent *event, int startDragThreshold)
QStyleHints *styleHints = QGuiApplication::styleHints();
int caps = QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventCaps(event);
bool dragVelocityLimitAvailable = (caps & QTouchDevice::Velocity)
&& styleHints->startDragVelocity();
bool overThreshold = qAbs(d) > (startDragThreshold >= 0 ? startDragThreshold : styleHints->startDragDistance());
if (dragVelocityLimitAvailable) {
QVector2D velocityVec = QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventVelocity(event);
qreal velocity = axis == Qt::XAxis ? velocityVec.x() : velocityVec.y();
overThreshold |= qAbs(velocity) > styleHints->startDragVelocity();
return overThreshold;
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::dragOverThreshold(QVector2D delta)
int threshold = qApp->styleHints()->startDragDistance();
return qAbs(delta.x()) > threshold || qAbs(delta.y()) > threshold;
\qmlproperty list<Object> Window::data
The data property allows you to freely mix visual children, resources
and other Windows in a Window.
If you assign another Window to the data list, the nested window will
become "transient for" the outer Window.
If you assign an \l Item to the data list, it becomes a child of the
Window's \l contentItem, so that it appears inside the window. The item's
parent will be the window's contentItem, which is the root of the Item
ownership tree within that Window.
If you assign any other object type, it is added as a resource.
It should not generally be necessary to refer to the \c data property,
as it is the default property for Window and thus all child items are
automatically assigned to this property.
\sa QWindow::transientParent()
void QQuickWindowPrivate::data_append(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property, QObject *o)
if (!o)
QQuickWindow *that = static_cast<QQuickWindow *>(property->object);
if (QQuickWindow *window = qmlobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(o)) {
qCDebug(lcTransient) << window << "is transient for" << that;
QQmlListProperty<QObject> itemProperty = QQuickItemPrivate::get(that->contentItem())->data();
itemProperty.append(&itemProperty, o);
int QQuickWindowPrivate::data_count(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property)
QQuickWindow *win = static_cast<QQuickWindow*>(property->object);
if (!win || !win->contentItem() || !QQuickItemPrivate::get(win->contentItem())->data().count)
return 0;
QQmlListProperty<QObject> itemProperty = QQuickItemPrivate::get(win->contentItem())->data();
return itemProperty.count(&itemProperty);
QObject *QQuickWindowPrivate::data_at(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property, int i)
QQuickWindow *win = static_cast<QQuickWindow*>(property->object);
QQmlListProperty<QObject> itemProperty = QQuickItemPrivate::get(win->contentItem())->data();
return, i);
void QQuickWindowPrivate::data_clear(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property)
QQuickWindow *win = static_cast<QQuickWindow*>(property->object);
QQmlListProperty<QObject> itemProperty = QQuickItemPrivate::get(win->contentItem())->data();
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::isRenderable() const
Q_Q(const QQuickWindow);
return ((q->isExposed() && q->isVisible())) && q->geometry().isValid();
void QQuickWindowPrivate::contextCreationFailureMessage(const QSurfaceFormat &format,
QString *translatedMessage,
QString *untranslatedMessage,
bool isEs)
const QString contextType = QLatin1String(isEs ? "EGL" : "OpenGL");
QString formatStr;
QDebug(&formatStr) << format;
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
const bool isDebug = QLibraryInfo::isDebugBuild();
const QString eglLibName = QLatin1String(isDebug ? "libEGLd.dll" : "libEGL.dll");
const QString glesLibName = QLatin1String(isDebug ? "libGLESv2d.dll" : "libGLESv2.dll");
//: %1 Context type (Open GL, EGL), %2 format, ANGLE %3, %4 library names
const char msg[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QQuickWindow",
"Failed to create %1 context for format %2.\n"
"This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed.\n\n"
"Install a driver providing OpenGL 2.0 or higher, or, if this is not possible, "
"make sure the ANGLE Open GL ES 2.0 emulation libraries (%3, %4 and d3dcompiler_*.dll) "
"are available in the application executable's directory or in a location listed in PATH.");
*translatedMessage = QQuickWindow::tr(msg).arg(contextType, formatStr, eglLibName, glesLibName);
*untranslatedMessage = QString::fromLatin1(msg).arg(contextType, formatStr, eglLibName, glesLibName);
#else // Q_OS_WIN32
//: %1 Context type (Open GL, EGL), %2 format specification
const char msg[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QQuickWindow",
"Failed to create %1 context for format %2");
*translatedMessage = QQuickWindow::tr(msg).arg(contextType, formatStr);
*untranslatedMessage = QString::fromLatin1(msg).arg(contextType, formatStr);
#endif // !Q_OS_WIN32
// ### Qt6: remove
Propagates an event \a e to a QQuickItem \a item on the window.
Use \l QCoreApplication::sendEvent() directly instead.
The return value is currently not used.
bool QQuickWindow::sendEvent(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *e)
if (!item) {
qWarning("QQuickWindow::sendEvent: Cannot send event to a null item");
return false;
switch (e->type()) {
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease:
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
while (!e->isAccepted() && (item = item->parentItem())) {
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
case QEvent::MouseMove: {
// XXX todo - should sendEvent be doing this? how does it relate to forwarded events?
if (!d->sendFilteredMouseEvent(e, item, item->parentItem())) {
// accept because qml items by default accept and have to explicitly opt out of accepting
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(item, e);
return false;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::cleanupNodes()
for (int ii = 0; ii < cleanupNodeList.count(); ++ii)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::cleanupNodesOnShutdown(QQuickItem *item)
QQuickItemPrivate *p = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
if (p->itemNodeInstance) {
delete p->itemNodeInstance;
p->itemNodeInstance = nullptr;
if (p->extra.isAllocated()) {
p->extra->opacityNode = nullptr;
p->extra->clipNode = nullptr;
p->extra->rootNode = nullptr;
p->paintNode = nullptr;
// Qt 6: Make invalidateSceneGraph a virtual member of QQuickItem
if (p->flags & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents) {
const QMetaObject *mo = item->metaObject();
int index = mo->indexOfSlot("invalidateSceneGraph()");
if (index >= 0) {
const QMetaMethod &method = mo->method(index);
// Skip functions named invalidateSceneGraph() in QML items.
if (strstr(method.enclosingMetaObject()->className(), "_QML_") == nullptr)
method.invoke(item, Qt::DirectConnection);
for (int ii = 0; ii < p->childItems.count(); ++ii)
// This must be called from the render thread, with the main thread frozen
void QQuickWindowPrivate::cleanupNodesOnShutdown()
for (QSet<QQuickItem *>::const_iterator it = parentlessItems.begin(), cend = parentlessItems.end(); it != cend; ++it)
void QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes()
qCDebug(DBG_DIRTY) << "QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes():";
QQuickItem *updateList = dirtyItemList;
dirtyItemList = nullptr;
if (updateList) QQuickItemPrivate::get(updateList)->prevDirtyItem = &updateList;
while (updateList) {
QQuickItem *item = updateList;
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPriv = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
qCDebug(DBG_DIRTY) << " QSGNode:" << item << qPrintable(itemPriv->dirtyToString());
static inline QSGNode *qquickitem_before_paintNode(QQuickItemPrivate *d)
const QList<QQuickItem *> childItems = d->paintOrderChildItems();
QQuickItem *before = nullptr;
for (int i=0; i<childItems.size(); ++i) {
QQuickItemPrivate *dd = QQuickItemPrivate::get(;
// Perform the same check as the in fetchNextNode below.
if (dd->z() < 0 && (dd->explicitVisible || (dd->extra.isAllocated() && dd->extra->effectRefCount)))
before =;
return Q_UNLIKELY(before) ? QQuickItemPrivate::get(before)->itemNode() : nullptr;
static QSGNode *fetchNextNode(QQuickItemPrivate *itemPriv, int &ii, bool &returnedPaintNode)
QList<QQuickItem *> orderedChildren = itemPriv->paintOrderChildItems();
for (; ii < orderedChildren.count() &&>z() < 0; ++ii) {
QQuickItemPrivate *childPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(;
if (!childPrivate->explicitVisible &&
(!childPrivate->extra.isAllocated() || !childPrivate->extra->effectRefCount))
return childPrivate->itemNode();
if (itemPriv->paintNode && !returnedPaintNode) {
returnedPaintNode = true;
return itemPriv->paintNode;
for (; ii < orderedChildren.count(); ++ii) {
QQuickItemPrivate *childPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(;
if (!childPrivate->explicitVisible &&
(!childPrivate->extra.isAllocated() || !childPrivate->extra->effectRefCount))
return childPrivate->itemNode();
return nullptr;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNode(QQuickItem *item)
QQuickItemPrivate *itemPriv = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
quint32 dirty = itemPriv->dirtyAttributes;
itemPriv->dirtyAttributes = 0;
if ((dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::TransformUpdateMask) ||
(dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::Size && itemPriv->origin() != QQuickItem::TopLeft &&
(itemPriv->scale() != 1. || itemPriv->rotation() != 0.))) {
QMatrix4x4 matrix;
if (itemPriv->x != 0. || itemPriv->y != 0.)
matrix.translate(itemPriv->x, itemPriv->y);
for (int ii = itemPriv->transforms.count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
if (itemPriv->scale() != 1. || itemPriv->rotation() != 0.) {
QPointF origin = item->transformOriginPoint();
matrix.translate(origin.x(), origin.y());
if (itemPriv->scale() != 1.)
matrix.scale(itemPriv->scale(), itemPriv->scale());
if (itemPriv->rotation() != 0.)
matrix.rotate(itemPriv->rotation(), 0, 0, 1);
matrix.translate(-origin.x(), -origin.y());
bool clipEffectivelyChanged = (dirty & (QQuickItemPrivate::Clip | QQuickItemPrivate::Window)) &&
((item->clip() == false) != (itemPriv->clipNode() == nullptr));
int effectRefCount = itemPriv->extra.isAllocated()?itemPriv->extra->effectRefCount:0;
bool effectRefEffectivelyChanged = (dirty & (QQuickItemPrivate::EffectReference | QQuickItemPrivate::Window)) &&
((effectRefCount == 0) != (itemPriv->rootNode() == nullptr));
if (clipEffectivelyChanged) {
QSGNode *parent = itemPriv->opacityNode() ? (QSGNode *) itemPriv->opacityNode() :
(QSGNode *) itemPriv->itemNode();
QSGNode *child = itemPriv->rootNode();
if (item->clip()) {
Q_ASSERT(itemPriv->clipNode() == nullptr);
QQuickDefaultClipNode *clip = new QQuickDefaultClipNode(item->clipRect());
itemPriv->extra.value().clipNode = clip;
if (!child) {
} else {
} else {
QQuickDefaultClipNode *clip = itemPriv->clipNode();
if (child) {
} else {
delete itemPriv->clipNode();
itemPriv->extra->clipNode = nullptr;
if (effectRefEffectivelyChanged) {
if (dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::ChildrenUpdateMask)
QSGNode *parent = itemPriv->clipNode();
if (!parent)
parent = itemPriv->opacityNode();
if (!parent)
parent = itemPriv->itemNode();
if (itemPriv->extra.isAllocated() && itemPriv->extra->effectRefCount) {
Q_ASSERT(itemPriv->rootNode() == nullptr);
QSGRootNode *root = new QSGRootNode();
itemPriv->extra->rootNode = root;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(itemPriv->rootNode() != nullptr);
QSGRootNode *root = itemPriv->rootNode();
delete itemPriv->rootNode();
itemPriv->extra->rootNode = nullptr;
if (dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::ChildrenUpdateMask) {
int ii = 0;
bool fetchedPaintNode = false;
QList<QQuickItem *> orderedChildren = itemPriv->paintOrderChildItems();
int desiredNodesSize = orderedChildren.size() + (itemPriv->paintNode ? 1 : 0);
// now start making current state match the promised land of
// desiredNodes. in the case of our current state matching desiredNodes
// (though why would we get ChildrenUpdateMask with no changes?) then we
// should make no changes at all.
// how many nodes did we process, when examining changes
int desiredNodesProcessed = 0;
// currentNode is how far, in our present tree, we have processed. we
// make use of this later on to trim the current child list if the
// desired list is shorter.
QSGNode *groupNode = itemPriv->childContainerNode();
QSGNode *currentNode = groupNode->firstChild();
int added = 0;
int removed = 0;
int replaced = 0;
QSGNode *desiredNode = nullptr;
while (currentNode && (desiredNode = fetchNextNode(itemPriv, ii, fetchedPaintNode))) {
// uh oh... reality and our utopic paradise are diverging!
// we need to reconcile this...
if (currentNode != desiredNode) {
// for now, we're just removing the node from the children -
// and replacing it with the new node.
if (desiredNode->parent())
groupNode->insertChildNodeAfter(desiredNode, currentNode);
// since we just replaced currentNode, we also need to reset
// the pointer.
currentNode = desiredNode;
currentNode = currentNode->nextSibling();
// if we didn't process as many nodes as in the new list, then we have
// more nodes at the end of desiredNodes to append to our list.
// this will be the case when adding new nodes, for instance.
if (desiredNodesProcessed < desiredNodesSize) {
while ((desiredNode = fetchNextNode(itemPriv, ii, fetchedPaintNode))) {
if (desiredNode->parent())
} else if (currentNode) {
// on the other hand, if we processed less than our current node
// tree, then nodes have been _removed_ from the scene, and we need
// to take care of that here.
while (currentNode) {
QSGNode *node = currentNode->nextSibling();
currentNode = node;
if ((dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::Size) && itemPriv->clipNode()) {
if (dirty & (QQuickItemPrivate::OpacityValue | QQuickItemPrivate::Visible
| QQuickItemPrivate::HideReference | QQuickItemPrivate::Window))
qreal opacity = itemPriv->explicitVisible && (!itemPriv->extra.isAllocated() || itemPriv->extra->hideRefCount == 0)
? itemPriv->opacity() : qreal(0);
if (opacity != 1 && !itemPriv->opacityNode()) {
QSGOpacityNode *node = new QSGOpacityNode;
itemPriv->extra.value().opacityNode = node;
QSGNode *parent = itemPriv->itemNode();
QSGNode *child = itemPriv->clipNode();
if (!child)
child = itemPriv->rootNode();
if (child) {
} else {
if (itemPriv->opacityNode())
if (dirty & QQuickItemPrivate::ContentUpdateMask) {
if (itemPriv->flags & QQuickItem::ItemHasContents) {
updatePaintNodeData.transformNode = itemPriv->itemNode();
itemPriv->paintNode = item->updatePaintNode(itemPriv->paintNode, &updatePaintNodeData);
Q_ASSERT(itemPriv->paintNode == nullptr ||
itemPriv->paintNode->parent() == nullptr ||
itemPriv->paintNode->parent() == itemPriv->childContainerNode());
if (itemPriv->paintNode && itemPriv->paintNode->parent() == nullptr) {
QSGNode *before = qquickitem_before_paintNode(itemPriv);
if (before && before->parent()) {
Q_ASSERT(before->parent() == itemPriv->childContainerNode());
itemPriv->childContainerNode()->insertChildNodeAfter(itemPriv->paintNode, before);
} else {
} else if (itemPriv->paintNode) {
delete itemPriv->paintNode;
itemPriv->paintNode = nullptr;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
// Check consistency.
QList<QSGNode *> nodes;
nodes << itemPriv->itemNodeInstance
<< itemPriv->opacityNode()
<< itemPriv->clipNode()
<< itemPriv->rootNode()
<< itemPriv->paintNode;
Q_ASSERT(nodes.constFirst() == itemPriv->itemNodeInstance);
for (int i=1; i<nodes.size(); ++i) {
QSGNode *n =;
// Failing this means we messed up reparenting
Q_ASSERT(n->parent() ==;
// Only the paintNode and the one who is childContainer may have more than one child.
Q_ASSERT(n == itemPriv->paintNode || n == itemPriv->childContainerNode() || n->childCount() == 1);
bool QQuickWindowPrivate::emitError(QQuickWindow::SceneGraphError error, const QString &msg)
static const QMetaMethod errorSignal = QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&QQuickWindow::sceneGraphError);
if (q->isSignalConnected(errorSignal)) {
emit q->sceneGraphError(error, msg);
return true;
return false;
void QQuickWindow::maybeUpdate()
if (d->renderControl)
else if (d->windowManager)
void QQuickWindow::cleanupSceneGraph()
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
delete d->vaoHelper;
d->vaoHelper = nullptr;
if (!d->renderer)
delete d->renderer->rootNode();
delete d->renderer;
d->renderer = nullptr;
void QQuickWindow::setTransientParent_helper(QQuickWindow *window)
qCDebug(lcTransient) << this << "is transient for" << window;
disconnect(sender(), SIGNAL(windowChanged(QQuickWindow*)),
this, SLOT(setTransientParent_helper(QQuickWindow*)));
Returns the OpenGL context used for rendering.
\note If the scene graph is not ready, or the scene graph is not using
OpenGL (or RHI over OpenGL), this function will return null.
\sa sceneGraphInitialized(), sceneGraphInvalidated()
QOpenGLContext *QQuickWindow::openglContext() const
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (d->context && d->context->isValid()) {
QSGRendererInterface *rif = d->context->sceneGraphContext()->rendererInterface(d->context);
if (rif) {
return reinterpret_cast<QOpenGLContext *>(rif->getResource(const_cast<QQuickWindow *>(this),
return nullptr;
Returns true if the scene graph has been initialized; otherwise returns false.
bool QQuickWindow::isSceneGraphInitialized() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->context != nullptr && d->context->isValid();
\fn void QQuickWindow::frameSwapped()
This signal is emitted when a frame has been queued for presenting. With
vertical synchronization enabled the signal is emitted at most once per
vsync interval in a continuously animating scene.
This signal will be emitted from the scene graph rendering thread.
\fn void QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized()
This signal is emitted when the scene graph has been initialized.
This signal will be emitted from the scene graph rendering thread.
\fn void QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated()
This signal is emitted when the scene graph has been invalidated.
This signal implies that the graphics rendering context used
has been invalidated and all user resources tied to that context
should be released.
In the case of the default OpenGL adaptation the context of this
window will be bound when this function is called. The only exception
is if the native OpenGL has been destroyed outside Qt's control,
for instance through EGL_CONTEXT_LOST.
This signal will be emitted from the scene graph rendering thread.
\fn void QQuickWindow::sceneGraphError(SceneGraphError error, const QString &message)
This signal is emitted when an \a error occurred during scene graph initialization.
Applications should connect to this signal if they wish to handle errors,
like graphics context creation failures, in a custom way. When no slot is
connected to the signal, the behavior will be different: Quick will print
the \a message, or show a message box, and terminate the application.
This signal will be emitted from the gui thread.
\since 5.3
\class QQuickCloseEvent
\since 5.1
\inmodule QtQuick
\brief Notification that a \l QQuickWindow is about to be closed
\qmltype CloseEvent
\instantiates QQuickCloseEvent
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Window
\ingroup qtquick-visual
\brief Notification that a \l Window is about to be closed.
\since 5.1
Notification that a window is about to be closed by the windowing system
(e.g. the user clicked the title bar close button). The CloseEvent contains
an accepted property which can be set to false to abort closing the window.
\sa QQuickWindow::closing()
\qmlproperty bool CloseEvent::accepted
This property indicates whether the application will allow the user to
close the window. It is true by default.
\fn void QQuickWindow::closing(QQuickCloseEvent *close)
\since 5.1
This signal is emitted when the window receives the event \a close from
the windowing system.
On \macOs, Qt will create a menu item \c Quit if there is no menu item
whose text is "quit" or "exit". This menu item calls the \c QCoreApplication::quit
signal, not the \c QQuickWindow::closing() signal.
\sa {QMenuBar as a Global Menu Bar}
\qmlsignal QtQuick.Window::Window::closing(CloseEvent close)
\since 5.1
This signal is emitted when the user tries to close the window.
This signal includes a \a close parameter. The \c {close.accepted}
property is true by default so that the window is allowed to close; but you
can implement an \c onClosing handler and set \c {close.accepted = false} if
you need to do something else before the window can be closed.
The corresponding handler is \c onClosing.
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
Sets the render target for this window to be \a fbo.
The specified fbo must be created in the context of the window
or one that shares with it.
This function only has an effect when using the default OpenGL scene
graph adaptation.
\note This function has no effect when running on the RHI graphics abstraction.
This function can only be called from the thread doing
the rendering.
void QQuickWindow::setRenderTarget(QOpenGLFramebufferObject *fbo)
if (d->rhi)
if (d->context && QThread::currentThread() != d->context->thread()) {
qWarning("QQuickWindow::setRenderTarget: Cannot set render target from outside the rendering thread");
d->renderTarget = fbo;
if (fbo) {
d->renderTargetId = fbo->handle();
d->renderTargetSize = fbo->size();
} else {
d->renderTargetId = 0;
d->renderTargetSize = QSize();
Sets the render target for this window to be an FBO with
\a fboId and \a size.
The specified FBO must be created in the context of the window
or one that shares with it.
\note \a fboId can also be set to 0. In this case rendering will target the
default framebuffer of whichever surface is current when the scenegraph
renders. \a size must still be valid, specifying the dimensions of the
This function only has an effect when using the default OpenGL scene
graph adaptation.
This function can only be called from the thread doing
the rendering.
void QQuickWindow::setRenderTarget(uint fboId, const QSize &size)
if (d->context && QThread::currentThread() != d->context->thread()) {
qWarning("QQuickWindow::setRenderThread: Cannot set render target from outside the rendering thread");
d->renderTargetId = fboId;
d->renderTargetSize = size;
// Unset any previously set instance...
d->renderTarget = nullptr;
Returns the FBO id of the render target when set; otherwise returns 0.
uint QQuickWindow::renderTargetId() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->renderTargetId;
Returns the size of the currently set render target; otherwise returns an empty size.
QSize QQuickWindow::renderTargetSize() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->renderTargetSize;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
Returns the render target for this window.
The default is to render to the surface of the window, in which
case the render target is 0.
\note This function will return nullptr when not using the OpenGL scene
graph adaptation.
\note This function has no effect and returns nullptr when running on the
RHI graphics abstraction.
QOpenGLFramebufferObject *QQuickWindow::renderTarget() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->renderTarget;
Grabs the contents of the window and returns it as an image.
It is possible to call the grabWindow() function when the window is not
visible. This requires that the window is \l{QWindow::create()} {created}
and has a valid size and that no other QQuickWindow instances are rendering
in the same process.
\warning Calling this function will cause performance problems.
\warning This function can only be called from the GUI thread.
QImage QQuickWindow::grabWindow()
if (!isVisible() && !d->renderControl) {
// backends like software and d3d12 can grab regardless of the window state
if (d->windowManager && (d->windowManager->flags() & QSGRenderLoop::SupportsGrabWithoutExpose))
return d->windowManager->grab(this);
if (!isVisible() && !d->renderControl) {
if (d->rhi) {
// ### we may need a full offscreen round when non-exposed...
if (d->renderControl)
return d->renderControl->grab();
else if (d->windowManager)
return d->windowManager->grab(this);
return QImage();
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
auto openglRenderContext = static_cast<QSGDefaultRenderContext *>(d->context);
if (!openglRenderContext->openglContext()) {
if (!handle() || !size().isValid()) {
qWarning("QQuickWindow::grabWindow: window must be created and have a valid size");
return QImage();
QOpenGLContext context;
QSGDefaultRenderContext::InitParams rcParams;
rcParams.openGLContext = &context;
bool alpha = format().alphaBufferSize() > 0 && color().alpha() < 255;
QImage image = qt_gl_read_framebuffer(size() * effectiveDevicePixelRatio(), alpha, alpha);
return image;
if (d->renderControl)
return d->renderControl->grab();
else if (d->windowManager)
return d->windowManager->grab(this);
return QImage();
Returns an incubation controller that splices incubation between frames
for this window. QQuickView automatically installs this controller for you,
otherwise you will need to install it yourself using \l{QQmlEngine::setIncubationController()}.
The controller is owned by the window and will be destroyed when the window
is deleted.
QQmlIncubationController *QQuickWindow::incubationController() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (!d->windowManager)
return nullptr; // TODO: make sure that this is safe
if (!d->incubationController)
d->incubationController = new QQuickWindowIncubationController(d->windowManager);
return d->incubationController;
\enum QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOption
The CreateTextureOption enums are used to customize a texture is wrapped.
\value TextureHasAlphaChannel The texture has an alpha channel and should
be drawn using blending.
\value TextureHasMipmaps The texture has mipmaps and can be drawn with
mipmapping enabled.
\value TextureOwnsGLTexture The texture object owns the texture id and
will delete the OpenGL texture when the texture object is deleted.
\value TextureCanUseAtlas The image can be uploaded into a texture atlas.
\value TextureIsOpaque The texture will return false for
QSGTexture::hasAlphaChannel() and will not be blended. This flag was added
in Qt 5.6.
\enum QQuickWindow::SceneGraphError
This enum describes the error in a sceneGraphError() signal.
\value ContextNotAvailable graphics context creation failed. This typically means that
no suitable OpenGL implementation was found, for example because no graphics drivers
are installed and so no OpenGL 2 support is present. On mobile and embedded boards
that use OpenGL ES such an error is likely to indicate issues in the windowing system
integration and possibly an incorrect configuration of Qt.
\since 5.3
\enum QQuickWindow::TextRenderType
\since 5.10
This enum describes the default render type of text-like elements in Qt
Quick (\l Text, \l TextInput, etc.).
Select NativeTextRendering if you prefer text to look native on the target
platform and do not require advanced features such as transformation of the
text. Using such features in combination with the NativeTextRendering
render type will lend poor and sometimes pixelated results.
\value QtTextRendering Use Qt's own rasterization algorithm.
\value NativeTextRendering Use the operating system's native rasterizer for text.
\fn void QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing()
This signal is emitted before the scene graph is synchronized with the QML state.
This signal can be used to do any preparation required before calls to
The OpenGL context used for rendering the scene graph will be bound at this point.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\warning Make very sure that a signal handler for beforeSynchronizing leaves the GL
context in the same state as it was when the signal handler was entered. Failing to
do so can result in the scene not rendering properly.
\sa resetOpenGLState()
\fn void QQuickWindow::afterSynchronizing()
This signal is emitted after the scene graph is synchronized with the QML state.
This signal can be used to do preparation required after calls to
QQuickItem::updatePaintNode(), while the GUI thread is still locked.
The graphics context used for rendering the scene graph will be bound at this point.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\warning When using the OpenGL adaptation, make sure that a signal handler for
afterSynchronizing leaves the OpenGL context in the same state as it was when the
signal handler was entered. Failing to do so can result in the scene not rendering
\since 5.3
\sa resetOpenGLState()
\fn void QQuickWindow::beforeRendering()
This signal is emitted before the scene starts rendering.
Combined with the modes for clearing the background, this option
can be used to paint using raw OpenGL under QML content.
The OpenGL context used for rendering the scene graph will be bound
at this point.
When using the RHI, the signal is emitted after the preparations for the
frame have been done, meaning there is a command buffer in recording mode,
where applicable. If desired, the slot function connected to this signal
can query native resources like the command before via
QSGRendererInterface. Note however that the recording of the main render
pass is not yet started at this point and it is not possible to add
commands within that pass. Starting a pass means clearing the color, depth,
and stencil buffers so it is not possible to achieve an underlay type of
rendering by just connecting to this signal. Rather, connect to
beforeRenderPassRecording(). However, connecting to this signal is still
important if the recording of copy type of commands is desired since those
cannot be enqueued within a render pass.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\warning Make very sure that a signal handler for beforeRendering leaves the OpenGL
context in the same state as it was when the signal handler was entered. Failing to
do so can result in the scene not rendering properly.
\sa resetOpenGLState()
\fn void QQuickWindow::afterRendering()
This signal is emitted after the scene has completed rendering, before swapbuffers is called.
This signal can be used to paint using raw OpenGL on top of QML content,
or to do screen scraping of the current frame buffer.
The OpenGL context used for rendering the scene graph will be bound at this point.
When using the RHI, the signal is emitted after scene graph has added its
commands to the command buffer, which is not yet submitted to the graphics
queue. If desired, the slot function connected to this signal can query
native resources, like the command buffer, before via QSGRendererInterface.
Note however that the render pass (or passes) are already recorded at this
point and it is not possible to add more commands within the scenegraph's
pass. Instead, use afterRenderPassRecording() for that. This signal has
therefore limited use and is rarely needed in an RHI-based setup. Rather,
it is the combination of beforeRendering() + beforeRenderPassRecording() or
beforeRendering() + afterRenderPassRecording() that is typically used to
achieve under- or overlaying of the custom rendering.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\warning Make very sure that a signal handler for afterRendering() leaves the OpenGL
context in the same state as it was when the signal handler was entered. Failing to
do so can result in the scene not rendering properly.
\sa resetOpenGLState()
\fn void QQuickWindow::beforeRenderPassRecording()
This signal is emitted before the scenegraph starts recording commands for
the main render pass. (Layers have their own passes and are fully recorded
by the time this signal is emitted.) The render pass is already active on
the command buffer when the signal is emitted.
This signal is applicable when using the RHI graphics abstraction with the
scenegraph. It is emitted later than beforeRendering() and it guarantees
that not just the frame, but also the recording of the scenegraph's main
render pass is active. This allows inserting commands without having to
generate an entire, separate render pass (which would typically clear the
attached images). The native graphics objects can be queried via
When not running with the RHI (and using OpenGL directly), the signal is
emitted after the renderer has cleared the render target. This makes it
possible to create applications that function identically both with and
without the RHI.
\note Resource updates (uploads, copies) typically cannot be enqueued from
within a render pass. Therefore, more complex user rendering will need to
connect to both beforeRendering() and this signal.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\since 5.14
\fn void QQuickWindow::afterRenderPassRecording()
This signal is emitted after the scenegraph has recorded the commands for
its main render pass, but the pass is not yet finalized on the command
This signal is applicable when using the RHI graphics abstraction with the
scenegraph. It is emitted earlier than afterRendering() and it guarantees
that not just the frame, but also the recording of the scenegraph's main
render pass is still active. This allows inserting commands without having
to generate an entire, separate render pass (which would typically clear
the attached images). The native graphics objects can be queried via
When not running with the RHI (and using OpenGL directly), the signal is
emitted after the renderer has finished its rendering, but before
afterRendering(). This makes it possible to create applications that
function identically both with and without the RHI.
\note Resource updates (uploads, copies) typically cannot be enqueued from
within a render pass. Therefore, more complex user rendering will need to
connect to both beforeRendering() and this signal.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\since 5.14
\fn void QQuickWindow::afterAnimating()
This signal is emitted on the gui thread before requesting the render thread to
perform the synchronization of the scene graph.
Unlike the other similar signals, this one is emitted on the gui thread
instead of the render thread. It can be used to synchronize external
animation systems with the QML content. At the same time this means that
this signal is not suitable for triggering graphics operations.
\since 5.3
\fn void QQuickWindow::openglContextCreated(QOpenGLContext *context)
This signal is emitted on the gui thread when the OpenGL \a context
for this window is created, before it is made current.
Some implementations will share the same OpenGL context between
multiple QQuickWindow instances. The openglContextCreated() signal
will in this case only be emitted for the first window, when the
OpenGL context is actually created.
QQuickWindow::openglContext() will still return 0 for this window
until after the QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialize() has been
This signal will only be emmited when using the default OpenGL scene
graph adaptation.
\since 5.3
\fn void QQuickWindow::sceneGraphAboutToStop()
This signal is emitted on the render thread when the scene graph is
about to stop rendering. This happens usually because the window
has been hidden.
Applications may use this signal to release resources, but should be
prepared to reinstantiated them again fast. The scene graph and the
graphics context are not released at this time.
\warning This signal is emitted from the scene graph rendering thread. If your
slot function needs to finish before execution continues, you must make sure that
the connection is direct (see Qt::ConnectionType).
\warning Make very sure that a signal handler for sceneGraphAboutToStop() leaves the
graphics context in the same state as it was when the signal handler was entered.
Failing to do so can result in the scene not rendering properly.
\sa sceneGraphInvalidated(), resetOpenGLState()
\since 5.3
Sets whether the scene graph rendering of QML should clear the color buffer
before it starts rendering to \a enabled.
By disabling clearing of the color buffer, it is possible to render OpengGL content
under the scene graph.
The color buffer is cleared by default.
\warning This flag is ignored completely when running with the RHI graphics
abstraction instead of using OpenGL directly. As explicit clear commands
simply do not exist in some modern APIs, the scene graph cannot offer this
flexibility anymore. The images associated with a render target will always
get cleared when a render pass starts. As a solution, an alternative to
disabling scene graph issued clears is provided in form of the
beforeRenderPassRecording() signal.
\sa beforeRendering(), beforeRenderPassRecording()
void QQuickWindow::setClearBeforeRendering(bool enabled)
d->clearBeforeRendering = enabled;
Returns whether clearing of the color buffer is done before rendering or not.
bool QQuickWindow::clearBeforeRendering() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return d->clearBeforeRendering;
QSGTexture *QQuickWindow::createTextureFromImage(const QImage &image) const
return createTextureFromImage(image, nullptr);
Creates a new QSGTexture from the supplied \a image. If the image has an
alpha channel, the corresponding texture will have an alpha channel.
The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned texture.
For example whe using the OpenGL adaptation the actual OpenGL texture will
be deleted when the texture object is deleted.
When \a options contains TextureCanUseAtlas, the engine may put the image
into a texture atlas. Textures in an atlas need to rely on
QSGTexture::normalizedTextureSubRect() for their geometry and will not
support QSGTexture::Repeat. Other values from CreateTextureOption are
When \a options contains TextureIsOpaque, the engine will create an RGB
texture which returns false for QSGTexture::hasAlphaChannel(). Opaque
textures will in most cases be faster to render. When this flag is not set,
the texture will have an alpha channel based on the image's format.
When \a options contains TextureHasMipmaps, the engine will create a
texture which can use mipmap filtering. Mipmapped textures can not be in
an atlas.
When using the OpenGL adaptation, the returned texture will be using
\c GL_TEXTURE_2D as texture target and \c GL_RGBA as internal format.
Reimplement QSGTexture to create textures with different parameters.
\warning This function will return 0 if the scene graph has not yet been
\warning The returned texture is not memory managed by the scene graph and
must be explicitly deleted by the caller on the rendering thread.
This is achieved by deleting the texture from a QSGNode destructor
or by using deleteLater() in the case where the texture already has affinity
to the rendering thread.
This function can be called from any thread.
\sa sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture
QSGTexture *QQuickWindow::createTextureFromImage(const QImage &image, CreateTextureOptions options) const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (!isSceneGraphInitialized()) // check both for d->context and d->context->isValid()
return nullptr;
uint flags = 0;
if (options & TextureCanUseAtlas) flags |= QSGRenderContext::CreateTexture_Atlas;
if (options & TextureHasMipmaps) flags |= QSGRenderContext::CreateTexture_Mipmap;
if (!(options & TextureIsOpaque)) flags |= QSGRenderContext::CreateTexture_Alpha;
return d->context->createTexture(image, flags);
Creates a new QSGTexture object from an existing OpenGL texture \a id and \a size.
The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned texture.
The returned texture will be using \c GL_TEXTURE_2D as texture target and
assumes that internal format is \c {GL_RGBA}. Reimplement QSGTexture to
create textures with different parameters.
Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. The TextureUsesAtlas
option is ignored.
\warning This function will return null if the scenegraph has not yet been
initialized or OpenGL is not in use.
\note This function only has an effect when using the default OpenGL scene graph
\note This function has no effect when running on the RHI graphics
abstraction. Use createTextureFromNativeObject() instead.
\sa sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture
QSGTexture *QQuickWindow::createTextureFromId(uint id, const QSize &size, CreateTextureOptions options) const
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (!d->rhi) {
if (openglContext()) {
QSGPlainTexture *texture = new QSGPlainTexture();
texture->setHasAlphaChannel(options & TextureHasAlphaChannel);
texture->setOwnsTexture(options & TextureOwnsGLTexture);
return texture;
} else {
qWarning("createTextureFromId() must not be called when running on the RHI. "
"Use createTextureFromNativeObject() instead.");
return nullptr;
\enum QQuickWindow::NativeObjectType
\since 5.14
Specifies the type of the native object passed to functions such as
\value NativeObjectTexture The native object is a 2D texture (OpenGL,
Direct3D 11, Metal) or image (Vulkan).
Creates a new QSGTexture object from an existing native object.
The native object is wrapped, but not owned, by the resulting QSGTexture.
The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned
QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying native object.
\a type specifies the type of the object. In practice the type is
NativeObjectTexture, indicating that the native object is a texture or
image of the underlying graphics API. Other types may be introduced in the
This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
Unlike createTextureFromId(), this function supports both direct OpenGL
usage and the RHI abstracted rendering path.
\warning This function will return null if the scenegraph has not yet been
Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
\warning Unlike createTextureFromId(), this function never takes ownership
of the native object, and the TextureOwnsGLTexture flag is ignored.
\a size specifies the size in pixels.
\a nativeObjectPtr is a pointer to the native object handle. With OpenGL,
the native handle is a GLuint value, so \a nativeObjectPtr is then a
pointer to a GLuint. With Vulkan, the native handle is a VkImage, so \a
nativeObjectPtr is a pointer to a VkImage. With Direct3D 11 and Metal \a
nativeObjectPtr is a pointer to a ID3D11Texture2D or MTLTexture pointer.
\note Pay attention to the fact that \a nativeObjectPtr is always a pointer
to the native texture handle type, even if the native type itself is a
\a nativeLayout is only used for APIs like Vulkan. When applicable, it must
specify the current image layout, such as, a VkImageLayout value.
\sa sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture
\since 5.14
QSGTexture *QQuickWindow::createTextureFromNativeObject(NativeObjectType type,
const void *nativeObjectPtr,
int nativeLayout,
const QSize &size,
CreateTextureOptions options) const
if (type != NativeObjectTexture) {
qWarning("createTextureFromNativeObject: only textures are supported");
return nullptr;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl) /* || QT_CONFIG(vulkan) || defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) */
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
if (d->rhi) {
QSGPlainTexture *texture = new QSGPlainTexture;
texture->setTextureFromNativeObject(d->rhi, type, nativeObjectPtr, nativeLayout,
size, options.testFlag(TextureHasMipmaps));
texture->setHasAlphaChannel(options & TextureHasAlphaChannel);
// note that the QRhiTexture does not (and cannot) own the native object
texture->setOwnsTexture(true); // texture meaning the QRhiTexture here, not the native object
return texture;
} else if (openglContext()) {
QSGPlainTexture *texture = new QSGPlainTexture;
texture->setTextureId(*reinterpret_cast<const uint *>(nativeObjectPtr));
texture->setHasAlphaChannel(options & TextureHasAlphaChannel);
texture->setOwnsTexture(options & TextureOwnsGLTexture);
return texture;
return nullptr;
\qmlproperty color Window::color
The background color for the window.
Setting this property is more efficient than using a separate Rectangle.
\property QQuickWindow::color
\brief The color used to clear the OpenGL context.
Setting the clear color has no effect when clearing is disabled.
By default, the clear color is white.
\sa setClearBeforeRendering(), setDefaultAlphaBuffer()
void QQuickWindow::setColor(const QColor &color)
if (color == d->clearColor)
if (color.alpha() != d->clearColor.alpha()) {
QSurfaceFormat fmt = requestedFormat();
if (color.alpha() < 255)
d->clearColor = color;
emit colorChanged(color);
QColor QQuickWindow::color() const
return d_func()->clearColor;
\brief Returns whether to use alpha transparency on newly created windows.
\since 5.1
\sa setDefaultAlphaBuffer()
bool QQuickWindow::hasDefaultAlphaBuffer()
return QQuickWindowPrivate::defaultAlphaBuffer;
\brief \a useAlpha specifies whether to use alpha transparency on newly created windows.
\since 5.1
In any application which expects to create translucent windows, it's necessary to set
this to true before creating the first QQuickWindow. The default value is false.
\sa hasDefaultAlphaBuffer()
void QQuickWindow::setDefaultAlphaBuffer(bool useAlpha)
QQuickWindowPrivate::defaultAlphaBuffer = useAlpha;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
\since 5.2
Call this function to reset the OpenGL context its default state.
The scene graph uses the OpenGL context and will both rely on and
clobber its state. When mixing raw OpenGL commands with scene
graph rendering, this function provides a convenient way of
resetting the OpenGL context state back to its default values.
This function does not touch state in the fixed-function pipeline.
This function does not clear the color, depth and stencil buffers. Use
QQuickWindow::setClearBeforeRendering to control clearing of the color
buffer. The depth and stencil buffer might be clobbered by the scene
graph renderer. Clear these manually on demand.
\note This function only has an effect when using the default OpenGL scene graph
\note This function has no effect when running on the RHI graphics
abstraction. With the RHI, the functions to call when enqueuing native
graphics commands are beginExternalCommands() and endExternalCommands().
\sa QQuickWindow::beforeRendering(), beginExternalCommands(), endExternalCommands()
void QQuickWindow::resetOpenGLState()
if (d->rhi || !openglContext())
QOpenGLContext *ctx = openglContext();
QOpenGLFunctions *gl = ctx->functions();
gl->glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
gl->glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
if (!d->vaoHelper)
d->vaoHelper = new QOpenGLVertexArrayObjectHelper(ctx);
if (d->vaoHelper->isValid())
if (ctx->isOpenGLES() || (gl->openGLFeatures() & QOpenGLFunctions::FixedFunctionPipeline)) {
int maxAttribs;
gl->glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &maxAttribs);
for (int i=0; i<maxAttribs; ++i) {
gl->glVertexAttribPointer(i, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, nullptr);
gl->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
gl->glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
gl->glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
gl->glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
gl->glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, 0xff);
gl->glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
\struct QQuickWindow::GraphicsStateInfo
\inmodule QtQuick
\since 5.14
\brief Describes some of the RHI's graphics state at the point of a
\l{QQuickWindow::beginExternalCommands()}{beginExternalCommands()} call.
\return a reference to a GraphicsStateInfo struct describing some of the
RHI's internal state, in particular, the double or tripple buffering status
of the backend (such as, the Vulkan or Metal integrations). This is
relevant when the underlying graphics APIs is Vulkan or Metal, and the
external rendering code wishes to perform double or tripple buffering of
its own often-changing resources, such as, uniform buffers, in order to
avoid stalling the pipeline.
const QQuickWindow::GraphicsStateInfo &QQuickWindow::graphicsStateInfo()
if (d->rhi) {
d->rhiStateInfo.currentFrameSlot = d->rhi->currentFrameSlot();
d->rhiStateInfo.framesInFlight = d->rhi->resourceLimit(QRhi::FramesInFlight);
return d->rhiStateInfo;
When mixing raw graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, etc.) commands with scene
graph rendering, it is necessary to call this function before recording
commands to the command buffer used by the scene graph to render its main
render pass. This is to avoid clobbering state.
In practice this function is often called from a slot connected to the
beforeRenderPassRecording() or afterRenderPassRecording() signals.
The function does not need to be called when recording commands to the
application's own command buffer (such as, a VkCommandBuffer or
MTLCommandBuffer + MTLRenderCommandEncoder created and managed by the
application, not retrieved from the scene graph). With graphics APIs where
no native command buffer concept is exposed (OpenGL, Direct 3D 11),
beginExternalCommands() and endExternalCommands() together provide a
replacement for resetOpenGLState().
Calling this function and endExternalCommands() is not necessary within the
\l{QSGRenderNode::render()}{render()} implementation of a QSGRenderNode
because the scene graph performs the necessary steps implicitly for render
Native graphics objects (such as, graphics device, command buffer or
encoder) are accessible via QSGRendererInterface::getResource().
\warning Watch out for the fact that
QSGRendererInterface::CommandListResource may return a different object
between beginExternalCommands() - endExternalCommands(). This can happen
when the underlying implementation provides a dedicated secondary command
buffer for recording external graphics commands within a render pass.
Therefore, always query CommandListResource after calling this function. Do
not attempt to reuse an object from an earlier query.
\note This function has no effect when the scene graph is using OpenGL
directly and the RHI graphics abstraction layer is not in use. Refer to
resetOpenGLState() in that case.
\sa endExternalCommands()
\since 5.14
void QQuickWindow::beginExternalCommands()
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl) /* || QT_CONFIG(vulkan) || defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) */
if (d->rhi && d->context && d->context->isValid()) {
QSGDefaultRenderContext *rc = static_cast<QSGDefaultRenderContext *>(d->context);
QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = rc->currentFrameCommandBuffer();
if (cb)
When mixing raw graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, etc.) commands with scene
graph rendering, it is necessary to call this function after recording
commands to the command buffer used by the scene graph to render its main
render pass. This is to avoid clobbering state.
In practice this function is often called from a slot connected to the
beforeRenderPassRecording() or afterRenderPassRecording() signals.
The function does not need to be called when recording commands to the
application's own command buffer (such as, a VkCommandBuffer or
MTLCommandBuffer + MTLRenderCommandEncoder created and managed by the
application, not retrieved from the scene graph). With graphics APIs where
no native command buffer concept is exposed (OpenGL, Direct 3D 11),
beginExternalCommands() and endExternalCommands() together provide a
replacement for resetOpenGLState().
Calling this function and beginExternalCommands() is not necessary within the
\l{QSGRenderNode::render()}{render()} implementation of a QSGRenderNode
because the scene graph performs the necessary steps implicitly for render
\note This function has no effect when the scene graph is using OpenGL
directly and the RHI graphics abstraction layer is not in use. Refer to
resetOpenGLState() in that case.
\sa beginExternalCommands()
\since 5.14
void QQuickWindow::endExternalCommands()
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl) /* || QT_CONFIG(vulkan) || defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) */
if (d->rhi && d->context && d->context->isValid()) {
QSGDefaultRenderContext *rc = static_cast<QSGDefaultRenderContext *>(d->context);
QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = rc->currentFrameCommandBuffer();
if (cb)
\qmlproperty string Window::title
The window's title in the windowing system.
The window title might appear in the title area of the window decorations,
depending on the windowing system and the window flags. It might also
be used by the windowing system to identify the window in other contexts,
such as in the task switcher.
\qmlproperty Qt::WindowModality Window::modality
The modality of the window.
A modal window prevents other windows from receiving input events.
Possible values are Qt.NonModal (the default), Qt.WindowModal,
and Qt.ApplicationModal.
\qmlproperty Qt::WindowFlags Window::flags
The window flags of the window.
The window flags control the window's appearance in the windowing system,
whether it's a dialog, popup, or a regular window, and whether it should
have a title bar, etc.
The flags which you read from this property might differ from the ones
that you set if the requested flags could not be fulfilled.
\sa Qt::WindowFlags
\qmlattachedproperty Window Window::window
\since 5.7
This attached property holds the item's window.
The Window attached property can be attached to any Item.
\qmlattachedproperty int Window::width
\qmlattachedproperty int Window::height
\since 5.5
These attached properties hold the size of the item's window.
The Window attached property can be attached to any Item.
\qmlproperty int Window::x
\qmlproperty int Window::y
\qmlproperty int Window::width
\qmlproperty int Window::height
Defines the window's position and size.
The (x,y) position is relative to the \l Screen if there is only one,
or to the virtual desktop (arrangement of multiple screens).
Window { x: 100; y: 100; width: 100; height: 100 }
\image screen-and-window-dimensions.jpg
\qmlproperty int Window::minimumWidth
\qmlproperty int Window::minimumHeight
\since 5.1
Defines the window's minimum size.
This is a hint to the window manager to prevent resizing below the specified
width and height.
\qmlproperty int Window::maximumWidth
\qmlproperty int Window::maximumHeight
\since 5.1
Defines the window's maximum size.
This is a hint to the window manager to prevent resizing above the specified
width and height.
\qmlproperty bool Window::visible
Whether the window is visible on the screen.
Setting visible to false is the same as setting \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Hidden}.
\sa visibility
\qmlproperty QWindow::Visibility Window::visibility
The screen-occupation state of the window.
Visibility is whether the window should appear in the windowing system as
normal, minimized, maximized, fullscreen or hidden.
To set the visibility to \l {QWindow::}{AutomaticVisibility} means to give the
window a default visible state, which might be \l {QWindow::}{FullScreen} or
\l {QWindow::}{Windowed} depending on the platform. However when reading the
visibility property you will always get the actual state, never
\c AutomaticVisibility.
When a window is not visible its visibility is Hidden, and setting
visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Hidden} is the same as setting \l visible to \c false.
\sa visible
\since 5.1
\qmlattachedproperty QWindow::Visibility Window::visibility
\since 5.4
This attached property holds whether the window is currently shown
in the windowing system as normal, minimized, maximized, fullscreen or
hidden. The \c Window attached property can be attached to any Item. If the
item is not shown in any window, the value will be \l {QWindow::}{Hidden}.
\sa visible, visibility
\qmlproperty Item Window::contentItem
\brief The invisible root item of the scene.
\qmlproperty Qt::ScreenOrientation Window::contentOrientation
This is a hint to the window manager in case it needs to display
additional content like popups, dialogs, status bars, or similar
in relation to the window.
The recommended orientation is \l {Screen::orientation}{Screen.orientation}, but
an application doesn't have to support all possible orientations,
and thus can opt to ignore the current screen orientation.
The difference between the window and the content orientation
determines how much to rotate the content by.
The default value is Qt::PrimaryOrientation.
\sa Screen
\since 5.1
\qmlproperty real Window::opacity
The opacity of the window.
If the windowing system supports window opacity, this can be used to fade the
window in and out, or to make it semitransparent.
A value of 1.0 or above is treated as fully opaque, whereas a value of 0.0 or below
is treated as fully transparent. Values inbetween represent varying levels of
translucency between the two extremes.
The default value is 1.0.
\since 5.1
\qmlproperty variant Window::screen
The screen with which the window is associated.
If specified before showing a window, will result in the window being shown
on that screen, unless an explicit window position has been set. The value
must be an element from the Qt.application.screens array.
\note To ensure that the window is associated with the desired screen when
the underlying native window is created, make sure this property is set as
early as possible and that the setting of its value is not deferred. This
can be particularly important on embedded platforms without a windowing system,
where only one window per screen is allowed at a time. Setting the screen after
a window has been created does not move the window if the new screen is part of
the same virtual desktop as the old screen.
\since 5.9
\sa QWindow::setScreen(), QWindow::screen(), QScreen, {QtQml::Qt::application}{Qt.application}
\qmlproperty QWindow Window::transientParent
\since 5.13
The window for which this window is a transient pop-up.
This is a hint to the window manager that this window is a dialog or pop-up
on behalf of the transient parent. It usually means that the transient
window will be centered over its transient parent when it is initially
shown, that minimizing the parent window will also minimize the transient
window, and so on; however results vary somewhat from platform to platform.
Normally if you declare a Window inside an Item or inside another Window,
this relationship is deduced automatically. In that case, if you declare
this window's \l visible property \c true, it will not actually be shown
until the \c transientParent window is shown.
However if you set this property, then Qt Quick will no longer wait until
the \c transientParent window is shown before showing this window. If you
want to to be able to show a transient window independently of the "parent"
Item or Window within which it was declared, you can remove that
relationship by setting \c transientParent to \c null:
import QtQuick.Window 2.13
Window {
// visible is false by default
Window {
transientParent: null
visible: true
In order to cause the window to be centered above its transient parent by
default, depending on the window manager, it may also be necessary to set
the \l Window::flags property with a suitable \l Qt::WindowType (such as
\c Qt::Dialog).
\property QQuickWindow::transientParent
\brief The window for which this window is a transient pop-up.
\since 5.13
This is a hint to the window manager that this window is a dialog or pop-up
on behalf of the transient parent, which may be any kind of \l QWindow.
In order to cause the window to be centered above its transient parent by
default, depending on the window manager, it may also be necessary to set
the \l flags property with a suitable \l Qt::WindowType (such as \c Qt::Dialog).
\sa parent()
\qmlproperty Item Window::activeFocusItem
\since 5.1
The item which currently has active focus or \c null if there is
no item with active focus.
\qmlattachedproperty Item Window::activeFocusItem
\since 5.4
This attached property holds the item which currently has active focus or
\c null if there is no item with active focus. The Window attached property
can be attached to any Item.
\qmlproperty bool Window::active
\since 5.1
The active status of the window.
\sa requestActivate()
\qmlattachedproperty bool Window::active
\since 5.4
This attached property tells whether the window is active. The Window
attached property can be attached to any Item.
Here is an example which changes a label to show the active state of the
window in which it is shown:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Text {
text: ? "active" : "inactive"
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::requestActivate()
\since 5.1
Requests the window to be activated, i.e. receive keyboard focus.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::alert(int msec)
\since 5.1
Causes an alert to be shown for \a msec milliseconds. If \a msec is \c 0
(the default), then the alert is shown indefinitely until the window
becomes active again.
In alert state, the window indicates that it demands attention, for example
by flashing or bouncing the taskbar entry.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::close()
Closes the window.
When this method is called, or when the user tries to close the window by
its title bar button, the \l closing signal will be emitted. If there is no
handler, or the handler does not revoke permission to close, the window
will subsequently close. If the QGuiApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed
property is \c true, and there are no other windows open, the application
will quit.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::raise()
Raises the window in the windowing system.
Requests that the window be raised to appear above other windows.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::lower()
Lowers the window in the windowing system.
Requests that the window be lowered to appear below other windows.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::show()
Shows the window.
This is equivalent to calling showFullScreen(), showMaximized(), or showNormal(),
depending on the platform's default behavior for the window type and flags.
\sa showFullScreen(), showMaximized(), showNormal(), hide(), QQuickItem::flags()
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::hide()
Hides the window.
Equivalent to setting \l visible to \c false or \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Hidden}.
\sa show()
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::showMinimized()
Shows the window as minimized.
Equivalent to setting \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Minimized}.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::showMaximized()
Shows the window as maximized.
Equivalent to setting \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Maximized}.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::showFullScreen()
Shows the window as fullscreen.
Equivalent to setting \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{FullScreen}.
\qmlmethod QtQuick::Window::showNormal()
Shows the window as normal, i.e. neither maximized, minimized, nor fullscreen.
Equivalent to setting \l visibility to \l {QWindow::}{Windowed}.
\enum QQuickWindow::RenderStage
\since 5.4
\value BeforeSynchronizingStage Before synchronization.
\value AfterSynchronizingStage After synchronization.
\value BeforeRenderingStage Before rendering.
\value AfterRenderingStage After rendering.
\value AfterSwapStage After the frame is swapped.
\value NoStage As soon as possible. This value was added in Qt 5.6.
\sa {Scene Graph and Rendering}
\since 5.4
Schedules \a job to run when the rendering of this window reaches
the given \a stage.
This is a convenience to the equivalent signals in QQuickWindow for
"one shot" tasks.
The window takes ownership over \a job and will delete it when the
job is completed.
If rendering is shut down before \a job has a chance to run, the
job will be run and then deleted as part of the scene graph cleanup.
If the window is never shown and no rendering happens before the QQuickWindow
is destroyed, all pending jobs will be destroyed without their run()
method being called.
If the rendering is happening on a different thread, then the job
will happen on the rendering thread.
If \a stage is \l NoStage, \a job will be run at the earliest opportunity
whenever the render thread is not busy rendering a frame. If there is no
OpenGL context available or the window is not exposed at the time the job is
either posted or handled, it is deleted without executing the run() method.
If a non-threaded renderer is in use, the run() method of the job is executed
The OpenGL context is changed to the renderer context before executing a
\l NoStage job.
\note This function does not trigger rendering; the jobs targeting any other
stage than NoStage will be stored run until rendering is triggered elsewhere.
To force the job to run earlier, call QQuickWindow::update();
\sa beforeRendering(), afterRendering(), beforeSynchronizing(),
afterSynchronizing(), frameSwapped(), sceneGraphInvalidated()
void QQuickWindow::scheduleRenderJob(QRunnable *job, RenderStage stage)
if (stage == BeforeSynchronizingStage) {
d->beforeSynchronizingJobs << job;
} else if (stage == AfterSynchronizingStage) {
d->afterSynchronizingJobs << job;
} else if (stage == BeforeRenderingStage) {
d->beforeRenderingJobs << job;
} else if (stage == AfterRenderingStage) {
d->afterRenderingJobs << job;
} else if (stage == AfterSwapStage) {
d->afterSwapJobs << job;
} else if (stage == NoStage) {
if (d->renderControl && openglContext()
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
&& openglContext()->thread() == QThread::currentThread()
) {
delete job;
} else if (isExposed()) {
d->windowManager->postJob(this, job);
} else {
delete job;
void QQuickWindowPrivate::runAndClearJobs(QList<QRunnable *> *jobs)
QList<QRunnable *> jobList = *jobs;
for (QRunnable *r : qAsConst(jobList)) {
delete r;
void QQuickWindow::runJobsAfterSwap()
* Returns the device pixel ratio for this window.
* This is different from QWindow::devicePixelRatio() in that it supports
* redirected rendering via QQuickRenderControl. When using a
* QQuickRenderControl, the QQuickWindow is often not created, meaning it is
* never shown and there is no underlying native window created in the
* windowing system. As a result, querying properties like the device pixel
* ratio cannot give correct results. Use this function instead.
* \sa QWindow::devicePixelRatio()
qreal QQuickWindow::effectiveDevicePixelRatio() const
QWindow *w = QQuickRenderControl::renderWindowFor(const_cast<QQuickWindow *>(this));
return w ? w->devicePixelRatio() : devicePixelRatio();
\return the current renderer interface. The value is always valid and is never null.
\note This function can be called at any time after constructing the
QQuickWindow, even while isSceneGraphInitialized() is still false. However,
some renderer interface functions, in particular
QSGRendererInterface::getResource() will not be functional until the
scenegraph is up and running. Backend queries, like
QSGRendererInterface::graphicsApi() or QSGRendererInterface::shaderType(),
will always be functional on the other hand.
\note The ownership of the returned pointer stays with Qt. The returned
instance may or may not be shared between different QQuickWindow instances,
depending on the scenegraph backend in use. Therefore applications are
expected to query the interface object for each QQuickWindow instead of
reusing the already queried pointer.
\sa QSGRenderNode, QSGRendererInterface
\since 5.8
QSGRendererInterface *QQuickWindow::rendererInterface() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
// no context validity check - it is essential to be able to return a
// renderer interface instance before scenegraphInitialized() is emitted
// (depending on the backend, that can happen way too late for some of the
// rif use cases, like examining the graphics api or shading language in
// use)
return d->context->sceneGraphContext()->rendererInterface(d->context);
Requests a Qt Quick scenegraph backend for the specified graphics \a api.
Backends can either be built-in or be installed in form of dynamically
loaded plugins.
\note The call to the function must happen before constructing the first
QQuickWindow in the application. It cannot be changed afterwards.
If the selected backend is invalid or an error occurs, the default backend
(OpenGL or software, depending on the Qt configuration) is used.
\since 5.8
void QQuickWindow::setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface::GraphicsApi api)
switch (api) {
case QSGRendererInterface::Software:
case QSGRendererInterface::Direct3D12:
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl) /* || QT_CONFIG(vulkan) || defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) */
if (QSGRendererInterface::isApiRhiBased(api))
Requests the specified Qt Quick scenegraph \a backend. Backends can either
be built-in or be installed in form of dynamically loaded plugins.
\note The call to the function must happen before constructing the first
QQuickWindow in the application. It cannot be changed afterwards.
If \a backend is invalid or an error occurs, the default backend (OpenGL or
software, depending on the Qt configuration) is used.
\note Calling this function is equivalent to setting the
\c QT_QUICK_BACKEND or \c QMLSCENE_DEVICE environment variables. However, this
API is safer to use in applications that spawn other processes as there is
no need to worry about environment inheritance.
\since 5.8
void QQuickWindow::setSceneGraphBackend(const QString &backend)
Returns the requested Qt Quick scenegraph backend.
\note The return value of this function may still be outdated by
subsequent calls to setSceneGraphBackend() until the first QQuickWindow in the
application has been constructed.
\since 5.9
QString QQuickWindow::sceneGraphBackend()
return QSGContext::backend();
Creates a simple rectangle node. When the scenegraph is not initialized, the return value is null.
This is cross-backend alternative to constructing a QSGSimpleRectNode directly.
\since 5.8
\sa QSGRectangleNode
QSGRectangleNode *QQuickWindow::createRectangleNode() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return isSceneGraphInitialized() ? d->context->sceneGraphContext()->createRectangleNode() : nullptr;
Creates a simple image node. When the scenegraph is not initialized, the return value is null.
This is cross-backend alternative to constructing a QSGSimpleTextureNode directly.
\since 5.8
\sa QSGImageNode
QSGImageNode *QQuickWindow::createImageNode() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return isSceneGraphInitialized() ? d->context->sceneGraphContext()->createImageNode() : nullptr;
Creates a nine patch node. When the scenegraph is not initialized, the return value is null.
\since 5.8
QSGNinePatchNode *QQuickWindow::createNinePatchNode() const
Q_D(const QQuickWindow);
return isSceneGraphInitialized() ? d->context->sceneGraphContext()->createNinePatchNode() : nullptr;
\since 5.10
Returns the render type of text-like elements in Qt Quick.
The default is QQuickWindow::QtTextRendering.
\sa setTextRenderType()
QQuickWindow::TextRenderType QQuickWindow::textRenderType()
return QQuickWindowPrivate::textRenderType;
\since 5.10
Sets the default render type of text-like elements in Qt Quick to \a renderType.
\note setting the render type will only affect elements created afterwards;
the render type of existing elements will not be modified.
\sa textRenderType()
void QQuickWindow::setTextRenderType(QQuickWindow::TextRenderType renderType)
QQuickWindowPrivate::textRenderType = renderType;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QQuickWindow *win)
QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
if (!win) {
debug << "QQuickWindow(0)";
return debug;
debug << win->metaObject()->className() << '(' << static_cast<const void *>(win);
if (win->isActive())
debug << " active";
if (win->isExposed())
debug << " exposed";
debug << ", visibility=" << win->visibility() << ", flags=" << win->flags();
if (!win->title().isEmpty())
debug << ", title=" << win->title();
if (!win->objectName().isEmpty())
debug << ", name=" << win->objectName();
if (win->parent())
debug << ", parent=" << static_cast<const void *>(win->parent());
if (win->transientParent())
debug << ", transientParent=" << static_cast<const void *>(win->transientParent());
debug << ", geometry=";
QtDebugUtils::formatQRect(debug, win->geometry());
debug << ')';
return debug;
#include "moc_qquickwindow.cpp"