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#include "qsgnode.h"
#include "qsgnode_p.h"
#include "qsgrenderer_p.h"
#include "qsgnodeupdater_p.h"
#include "qsgmaterial.h"
#include "limits.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
static const bool qsg_leak_check = !qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("QML_LEAK_CHECK");
static int qt_node_count = 0;
static void qt_print_node_count()
qDebug("Number of leaked nodes: %i", qt_node_count);
qt_node_count = -1;
\group qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
\title Qt Quick Scene Graph Node classes
\brief Nodes that can be used as part of the scene graph.
This page lists the nodes in \l {Qt Quick}'s \l {scene graph}{Qt Quick Scene Graph}.
\class QSGNode
\brief The QSGNode class is the base class for all nodes in the scene graph.
\inmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
The QSGNode class can be used as a child container. Children are added with
the appendChildNode(), prependChildNode(), insertChildNodeBefore() and
insertChildNodeAfter(). The order of nodes is important as geometry nodes
are rendered according to their ordering in the scene graph.
The scene graph nodes contains a mechanism to describe which
parts of the scene has changed. This includes the combined matrices,
accumulated opacity, changes to the node hierarchy, and so on. This
information can be used for optimizations inside the scene graph renderer.
For the renderer to properly render the nodes, it is important that users
call QSGNode::markDirty() with the correct flags when nodes are changed.
Most of the functions on the node classes will implicitly call markDirty().
For example, QSGNode::appendChildNode() will call markDirty() passing in
If nodes change every frame, the preprocess() function can be used to
apply changes to a node for every frame it is rendered. The use of
preprocess() must be explicitly enabled by setting the
QSGNode::UsePreprocess flag on the node.
The virtual isSubtreeBlocked() function can be used to disable a subtree all
together. Nodes in a blocked subtree will not be preprocessed() and not
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
\enum QSGNode::DirtyStateBit
Used in QSGNode::markDirty() to indicate how the scene graph has changed.
\value DirtyMatrix The matrix in a QSGTransformNode has changed.
\value DirtyNodeAdded A node was added.
\value DirtyNodeRemoved A node was removed.
\value DirtyGeometry The geometry of a QSGGeometryNode has changed.
\value DirtyMaterial The material of a QSGGeometryNode has changed.
\value DirtyOpacity The opacity of a QSGOpacityNode has changed.
\value DirtySubtreeBlocked The subtree has been blocked.
\omitvalue DirtyForceUpdate
\omitvalue DirtyUsePreprocess
\omitvalue DirtyPropagationMask
\sa QSGNode::markDirty()
\enum QSGNode::Flag
The QSGNode::Flag enum describes flags on the QSGNode
\value OwnedByParent The node is owned by its parent and will be deleted
when the parent is deleted.
\value UsePreprocess The node's virtual preprocess() function will be called
before rendering starts.
\value OwnsGeometry Only valid for QSGGeometryNode and QSGClipNode.
The node has ownership over the QSGGeometry instance and will
delete it when the node is destroyed or a geometry is assigned.
\value OwnsMaterial Only valid for QSGGeometryNode. The node has ownership
over the material and will delete it when the node is destroyed or a material is assigned.
\value OwnsOpaqueMaterial Only valid for QSGGeometryNode. The node has
ownership over the opaque material and will delete it when the node is
destroyed or a material is assigned.
\value InternalReserved Reserved for internal use.
\omitvalue IsVisitableNode
\enum QSGNode::NodeType
Can be used to figure out the type of node.
\value BasicNodeType The type of QSGNode
\value GeometryNodeType The type of QSGGeometryNode
\value TransformNodeType The type of QSGTransformNode
\value ClipNodeType The type of QSGClipNode
\value OpacityNodeType The type of QSGOpacityNode
\value RenderNodeType The type of QSGRenderNode
\omitvalue RootNodeType
\sa type()
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::childAtIndex(int i) const
Returns the child at index \a i.
Children are stored internally as a linked list, so iterating
over the children via the index is suboptimal.
\fn int QSGNode::childCount() const
Returns the number of child nodes.
\fn void QSGNode::clearDirty()
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::firstChild() const
Returns the first child of this node.
The children are stored in a linked list.
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::lastChild() const
Returns the last child of this node.
The children are stored as a linked list.
\fn QSGNode::Flags QSGNode::flags() const
Returns the set of flags for this node.
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::nextSibling() const
Returns the node after this in the parent's list of children.
The children are stored as a linked list.
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::previousSibling() const
Returns the node before this in the parent's list of children.
The children are stored as a linked list.
\fn QSGNode::Type QSGNode::type() const
Returns the type of this node. The node type must be one of the
predefined types defined in QSGNode::NodeType and can safely be
used to cast to the corresponding class.
\fn QSGNode::DirtyState QSGNode::dirtyState() const
\fn QSGNode *QSGNode::parent() const
Returns the parent node of this node.
* Constructs a new node
: m_nodeFlags(OwnedByParent)
, m_dirtyState(nullptr)
* Constructs a new node with the given node type.
* \internal
QSGNode::QSGNode(NodeType type)
: m_parent(nullptr)
, m_type(type)
, m_firstChild(nullptr)
, m_lastChild(nullptr)
, m_nextSibling(nullptr)
, m_previousSibling(nullptr)
, m_subtreeRenderableCount(type == GeometryNodeType || type == RenderNodeType ? 1 : 0)
, m_nodeFlags(OwnedByParent)
, m_dirtyState(nullptr)
* Constructs a new node with the given node type.
* \internal
QSGNode::QSGNode(QSGNodePrivate &dd, NodeType type)
: m_parent(nullptr)
, m_type(type)
, m_firstChild(nullptr)
, m_lastChild(nullptr)
, m_nextSibling(nullptr)
, m_previousSibling(nullptr)
, m_subtreeRenderableCount(type == GeometryNodeType || type == RenderNodeType ? 1 : 0)
, m_nodeFlags(OwnedByParent)
, m_dirtyState(nullptr)
, d_ptr(&dd)
* \internal
void QSGNode::init()
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (qsg_leak_check) {
static bool atexit_registered = false;
if (!atexit_registered) {
atexit_registered = true;
if (d_ptr.isNull())
d_ptr.reset(new QSGNodePrivate());
* Destroys the node.
* Every child of this node that has the flag QSGNode::OwnedByParent set,
* will also be deleted.
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (qsg_leak_check) {
if (qt_node_count < 0)
qDebug("Node destroyed after qt_print_node_count() was called.");
\fn void QSGNode::preprocess()
Override this function to do processing on the node before it is rendered.
Preprocessing needs to be explicitly enabled by setting the flag
QSGNode::UsePreprocess. The flag needs to be set before the node is added
to the scene graph and will cause the preprocess() function to be called
for every frame the node is rendered.
\warning Beware of deleting nodes while they are being preprocessed. It is
possible, with a small performance hit, to delete a single node during its
own preprocess call. Deleting a subtree which has nodes that also use
preprocessing may result in a segmentation fault. This is done for
performance reasons.
Returns whether this node and its subtree is available for use.
Blocked subtrees will not get their dirty states updated and they
will not be rendered.
The QSGOpacityNode will return a blocked subtree when accumulated opacity
is 0, for instance.
bool QSGNode::isSubtreeBlocked() const
return false;
Detaches the node from the scene graph and deletes any children it owns.
This function is called from QSGNode's and QSGRootNode's destructor. It
should not be called explicitly in user code. QSGRootNode needs to call
destroy() because destroy() calls removeChildNode() which in turn calls
markDirty() which type-casts the node to QSGRootNode. This type-cast is not
valid at the time QSGNode's destructor is called because the node will
already be partially destroyed at that point.
void QSGNode::destroy()
if (m_parent) {
Q_ASSERT(m_parent == nullptr);
while (m_firstChild) {
QSGNode *child = m_firstChild;
Q_ASSERT(child->m_parent == nullptr);
if (child->flags() & OwnedByParent)
delete child;
Q_ASSERT(m_firstChild == nullptr && m_lastChild == nullptr);
Prepends \a node to this node's the list of children.
Ordering of nodes is important as geometry nodes will be rendered in the
order they are added to the scene graph.
void QSGNode::prependChildNode(QSGNode *node)
//Q_ASSERT_X(!m_children.contains(node), "QSGNode::prependChildNode", "QSGNode is already a child!");
Q_ASSERT_X(!node->m_parent, "QSGNode::prependChildNode", "QSGNode already has a parent");
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (node->type() == QSGNode::GeometryNodeType) {
QSGGeometryNode *g = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(node);
Q_ASSERT_X(g->material(), "QSGNode::prependChildNode", "QSGGeometryNode is missing material");
Q_ASSERT_X(g->geometry(), "QSGNode::prependChildNode", "QSGGeometryNode is missing geometry");
if (m_firstChild)
m_firstChild->m_previousSibling = node;
m_lastChild = node;
node->m_nextSibling = m_firstChild;
m_firstChild = node;
node->m_parent = this;
Appends \a node to this node's list of children.
Ordering of nodes is important as geometry nodes will be rendered in the
order they are added to the scene graph.
void QSGNode::appendChildNode(QSGNode *node)
//Q_ASSERT_X(!m_children.contains(node), "QSGNode::appendChildNode", "QSGNode is already a child!");
Q_ASSERT_X(!node->m_parent, "QSGNode::appendChildNode", "QSGNode already has a parent");
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (node->type() == QSGNode::GeometryNodeType) {
QSGGeometryNode *g = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(node);
Q_ASSERT_X(g->material(), "QSGNode::appendChildNode", "QSGGeometryNode is missing material");
Q_ASSERT_X(g->geometry(), "QSGNode::appendChildNode", "QSGGeometryNode is missing geometry");
if (m_lastChild)
m_lastChild->m_nextSibling = node;
m_firstChild = node;
node->m_previousSibling = m_lastChild;
m_lastChild = node;
node->m_parent = this;
Inserts \a node to this node's list of children before the node specified with \a before.
Ordering of nodes is important as geometry nodes will be rendered in the
order they are added to the scene graph.
void QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore(QSGNode *node, QSGNode *before)
//Q_ASSERT_X(!m_children.contains(node), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore", "QSGNode is already a child!");
Q_ASSERT_X(!node->m_parent, "QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore", "QSGNode already has a parent");
Q_ASSERT_X(before && before->m_parent == this, "QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore", "The parent of \'before\' is wrong");
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (node->type() == QSGNode::GeometryNodeType) {
QSGGeometryNode *g = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(node);
Q_ASSERT_X(g->material(), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore", "QSGGeometryNode is missing material");
Q_ASSERT_X(g->geometry(), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeBefore", "QSGGeometryNode is missing geometry");
QSGNode *previous = before->m_previousSibling;
if (previous)
previous->m_nextSibling = node;
m_firstChild = node;
node->m_previousSibling = previous;
node->m_nextSibling = before;
before->m_previousSibling = node;
node->m_parent = this;
Inserts \a node to this node's list of children after the node specified with \a after.
Ordering of nodes is important as geometry nodes will be rendered in the
order they are added to the scene graph.
void QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter(QSGNode *node, QSGNode *after)
//Q_ASSERT_X(!m_children.contains(node), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter", "QSGNode is already a child!");
Q_ASSERT_X(!node->m_parent, "QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter", "QSGNode already has a parent");
Q_ASSERT_X(after && after->m_parent == this, "QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter", "The parent of \'after\' is wrong");
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (node->type() == QSGNode::GeometryNodeType) {
QSGGeometryNode *g = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(node);
Q_ASSERT_X(g->material(), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter", "QSGGeometryNode is missing material");
Q_ASSERT_X(g->geometry(), "QSGNode::insertChildNodeAfter", "QSGGeometryNode is missing geometry");
QSGNode *next = after->m_nextSibling;
if (next)
next->m_previousSibling = node;
m_lastChild = node;
node->m_nextSibling = next;
node->m_previousSibling = after;
after->m_nextSibling = node;
node->m_parent = this;
Removes \a node from this node's list of children.
void QSGNode::removeChildNode(QSGNode *node)
Q_ASSERT(node->parent() == this);
QSGNode *previous = node->m_previousSibling;
QSGNode *next = node->m_nextSibling;
if (previous)
previous->m_nextSibling = next;
m_firstChild = next;
if (next)
next->m_previousSibling = previous;
m_lastChild = previous;
node->m_previousSibling = nullptr;
node->m_nextSibling = nullptr;
node->m_parent = nullptr;
Removes all child nodes from this node's list of children.
void QSGNode::removeAllChildNodes()
while (m_firstChild) {
QSGNode *node = m_firstChild;
m_firstChild = node->m_nextSibling;
node->m_nextSibling = nullptr;
if (m_firstChild)
m_firstChild->m_previousSibling = nullptr;
m_lastChild = nullptr;
node->m_parent = nullptr;
* \internal
* Reparents all nodes of this node to \a newParent.
void QSGNode::reparentChildNodesTo(QSGNode *newParent)
for (QSGNode *c = firstChild(); c; c = firstChild()) {
int QSGNode::childCount() const
int count = 0;
QSGNode *n = m_firstChild;
while (n) {
n = n->m_nextSibling;
return count;
QSGNode *QSGNode::childAtIndex(int i) const
QSGNode *n = m_firstChild;
while (i && n) {
n = n->m_nextSibling;
return n;
Sets the flag \a f on this node if \a enabled is true;
otherwise clears the flag.
\sa flags()
void QSGNode::setFlag(Flag f, bool enabled)
if (bool(m_nodeFlags & f) == enabled)
m_nodeFlags ^= f;
Q_ASSERT(int(UsePreprocess) == int(DirtyUsePreprocess));
int changedFlag = f & UsePreprocess;
if (changedFlag)
Sets the flags \a f on this node if \a enabled is true;
otherwise clears the flags.
\sa flags()
void QSGNode::setFlags(Flags f, bool enabled)
Flags oldFlags = m_nodeFlags;
if (enabled)
m_nodeFlags |= f;
m_nodeFlags &= ~f;
Q_ASSERT(int(UsePreprocess) == int(DirtyUsePreprocess));
int changedFlags = (oldFlags ^ m_nodeFlags) & UsePreprocess;
if (changedFlags)
Notifies all connected renderers that the node has dirty \a bits.
void QSGNode::markDirty(DirtyState bits)
int renderableCountDiff = 0;
if (bits & DirtyNodeAdded)
renderableCountDiff += m_subtreeRenderableCount;
if (bits & DirtyNodeRemoved)
renderableCountDiff -= m_subtreeRenderableCount;
QSGNode *p = m_parent;
while (p) {
p->m_subtreeRenderableCount += renderableCountDiff;
if (p->type() == RootNodeType)
static_cast<QSGRootNode *>(p)->notifyNodeChange(this, bits);
p = p->m_parent;
void qsgnode_set_description(QSGNode *node, const QString &description)
QSGNodePrivate::setDescription(node, description);
\class QSGBasicGeometryNode
\brief The QSGBasicGeometryNode class serves as a baseclass for geometry based nodes.
\inmodule QtQuick
The QSGBasicGeometryNode class should not be used by itself. It is only encapsulates
shared functionality between the QSGGeometryNode and QSGClipNode classes.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
Creates a new basic geometry node of type \a type
QSGBasicGeometryNode::QSGBasicGeometryNode(NodeType type)
: QSGNode(type)
, m_geometry(nullptr)
, m_matrix(nullptr)
, m_clip_list(nullptr)
QSGBasicGeometryNode::QSGBasicGeometryNode(QSGBasicGeometryNodePrivate &dd, NodeType type)
: QSGNode(dd, type)
, m_geometry(nullptr)
, m_matrix(nullptr)
, m_clip_list(nullptr)
Deletes this QSGBasicGeometryNode.
If the node has the flag QSGNode::OwnsGeometry set, it will also delete the
geometry object it is pointing to. This flag is not set by default.
if (flags() & OwnsGeometry)
delete m_geometry;
\fn QSGGeometry *QSGBasicGeometryNode::geometry()
Returns this node's geometry.
The geometry is null by default.
\fn const QSGGeometry *QSGBasicGeometryNode::geometry() const
Returns this node's geometry.
The geometry is null by default.
\fn QMatrix4x4 *QSGBasicGeometryNode::matrix() const
Will be set during rendering to contain transformation of the geometry
for that rendering pass.
\fn QSGClipNode *QSGBasicGeometryNode::clipList() const
Will be set during rendering to contain the clip of the geometry
for that rendering pass.
\fn void QSGBasicGeometryNode::setRendererMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 *m)
\fn void QSGBasicGeometryNode::setRendererClipList(const QSGClipNode *c)
Sets the geometry of this node to \a geometry.
If the node has the flag QSGNode::OwnsGeometry set, it will also delete the
geometry object it is pointing to. This flag is not set by default.
If the geometry is changed without calling setGeometry() again, the user
must also mark the geometry as dirty using QSGNode::markDirty().
\sa markDirty()
void QSGBasicGeometryNode::setGeometry(QSGGeometry *geometry)
if ((flags() & OwnsGeometry) != 0 && m_geometry != geometry)
delete m_geometry;
m_geometry = geometry;
\class QSGGeometryNode
\brief The QSGGeometryNode class is used for all rendered content in the scene graph.
\inmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
The QSGGeometryNode consists of geometry and material. The geometry defines the mesh,
the vertices and their structure, to be drawn. The Material defines how the shape is
The following is a code snippet illustrating how to create a red
line using a QSGGeometryNode:
QSGGeometry *geometry = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 2);
geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D()[0].set(0, 0);
geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D()[1].set(width(), height());
QSGFlatColorMaterial *material = new QSGFlatColorMaterial;
material->setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0));
QSGGeometryNode *node = new QSGGeometryNode;
A geometry node must have both geometry and a normal material before it is added to
the scene graph. When the geometry and materials are changed after the node has
been added to the scene graph, the user should also mark them as dirty using
The geometry node supports two types of materials, the opaqueMaterial and the normal
material. The opaqueMaterial is used when the accumulated scene graph opacity at the
time of rendering is 1. The primary use case is to special case opaque rendering
to avoid an extra operation in the fragment shader can have significant performance
impact on embedded graphics chips. The opaque material is optional.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
\sa QSGGeometry, QSGMaterial, QSGSimpleMaterial
Creates a new geometry node without geometry and material.
: QSGBasicGeometryNode(GeometryNodeType)
QSGGeometryNode::QSGGeometryNode(QSGGeometryNodePrivate &dd)
: QSGBasicGeometryNode(dd, GeometryNodeType)
, m_render_order(0)
, m_material(nullptr)
, m_opaque_material(nullptr)
, m_opacity(1)
Deletes this geometry node.
The flags QSGNode::OwnsMaterial, QSGNode::OwnsOpaqueMaterial and
QSGNode::OwnsGeometry decides whether the geometry node should also
delete the materials and geometry. By default, these flags are disabled.
if (flags() & OwnsMaterial)
delete m_material;
if (flags() & OwnsOpaqueMaterial)
delete m_opaque_material;
\fn int QSGGeometryNode::renderOrder() const
Returns the render order of this geometry node.
\fn QSGMaterial *QSGGeometryNode::material() const
Returns the material of the QSGGeometryNode.
\sa setMaterial()
\fn QSGMaterial *QSGGeometryNode::opaqueMaterial() const
Returns the opaque material of the QSGGeometryNode.
\sa setOpaqueMaterial()
\fn qreal QSGGeometryNode::inheritedOpacity() const
Set during rendering to specify the inherited opacity for that
rendering pass.
Sets the render order of this node to be \a order.
Geometry nodes are rendered in an order that visually looks like
low order nodes are rendered prior to high order nodes. For opaque
geometry there is little difference as z-testing will handle
the discard, but for translucent objects, the rendering should
normally be specified in the order of back-to-front.
The default render order is \c 0.
void QSGGeometryNode::setRenderOrder(int order)
m_render_order = order;
Sets the material of this geometry node to \a material.
Geometry nodes must have a material before they can be added to the
scene graph.
If the material is changed without calling setMaterial() again, the user
must also mark the material as dirty using QSGNode::markDirty().
void QSGGeometryNode::setMaterial(QSGMaterial *material)
if ((flags() & OwnsMaterial) != 0 && m_material != material)
delete m_material;
m_material = material;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (m_material != nullptr && m_opaque_material == m_material)
qWarning("QSGGeometryNode: using same material for both opaque and translucent");
Sets the opaque material of this geometry to \a material.
The opaque material will be preferred by the renderer over the
default material, as returned by the material() function, if
it is not null and the geometry item has an inherited opacity of
The opaqueness refers to scene graph opacity, the material is still
allowed to set QSGMaterial::Blending to true and draw transparent
If the material is changed without calling setOpaqueMaterial()
again, the user must also mark the opaque material as dirty using
void QSGGeometryNode::setOpaqueMaterial(QSGMaterial *material)
if ((flags() & OwnsOpaqueMaterial) != 0 && m_opaque_material != m_material)
delete m_opaque_material;
m_opaque_material = material;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
if (m_opaque_material != nullptr && m_opaque_material == m_material)
qWarning("QSGGeometryNode: using same material for both opaque and translucent");
Returns the material which should currently be used for geometry node.
If the inherited opacity of the node is 1 and there is an opaque material
set on this node, it will be returned; otherwise, the default material
will be returned.
\warning This function requires the scene graph above this item to be
completely free of dirty states, so it can only be called during rendering
\sa setMaterial, setOpaqueMaterial
QSGMaterial *QSGGeometryNode::activeMaterial() const
if (m_opaque_material && m_opacity > 0.999)
return m_opaque_material;
return m_material;
Sets the inherited opacity of this geometry to \a opacity.
This function is meant to be called by the node preprocessing
prior to rendering the tree, so it will not mark the tree as
void QSGGeometryNode::setInheritedOpacity(qreal opacity)
Q_ASSERT(opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1);
m_opacity = opacity;
\class QSGClipNode
\brief The QSGClipNode class implements the clipping functionality in the scene graph.
\inmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
Clipping applies to the node's subtree and can be nested. Multiple clip nodes will be
accumulated by intersecting all their geometries. The accumulation happens
as part of the rendering.
Clip nodes must have a geometry before they can be added to the scene graph.
Clipping is usually implemented by using the stencil buffer.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
Creates a new QSGClipNode without a geometry.
The clip node must have a geometry before it can be added to the
scene graph.
: QSGBasicGeometryNode(ClipNodeType)
, m_is_rectangular(false)
Deletes this QSGClipNode.
If the flag QSGNode::OwnsGeometry is set, the geometry will also be
\fn bool QSGClipNode::isRectangular() const
Returns if this clip node has a rectangular clip.
Sets whether this clip node has a rectangular clip to \a rectHint.
This is an optimization hint which means that the renderer can
use scissoring instead of stencil, which is significantly faster.
When this hint is set and it is applicable, the clip region will be
generated from clipRect() rather than geometry().
By default this property is \c false.
void QSGClipNode::setIsRectangular(bool rectHint)
m_is_rectangular = rectHint;
\fn QRectF QSGClipNode::clipRect() const
Returns the clip rect of this node.
Sets the clip rect of this clip node to \a rect.
When a rectangular clip is set in combination with setIsRectangular
the renderer may in some cases use a more optimal clip method.
void QSGClipNode::setClipRect(const QRectF &rect)
m_clip_rect = rect;
\class QSGTransformNode
\brief The QSGTransformNode class implements transformations in the scene graph.
\inmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
Transformations apply the node's subtree and can be nested. Multiple transform nodes
will be accumulated by intersecting all their matrices. The accumulation happens
as part of the rendering.
The transform nodes implement a 4x4 matrix which in theory supports full 3D
transformations. However, because the renderer optimizes for 2D use-cases rather
than 3D use-cases, rendering a scene with full 3D transformations needs to
be done with some care.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
Create a new QSGTransformNode with its matrix set to the identity matrix.
: QSGNode(TransformNodeType)
Deletes this transform node.
\fn QMatrix4x4 QSGTransformNode::matrix() const
Returns this transform node's matrix.
Sets this transform node's matrix to \a matrix.
void QSGTransformNode::setMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &matrix)
m_matrix = matrix;
\fn const QMatrix4x4 &QSGTransformNode::combinedMatrix() const
Set during rendering to the combination of all parent matrices for
that rendering pass.
Sets the combined matrix of this matrix to \a transform.
This function is meant to be called by the node preprocessing
prior to rendering the tree, so it will not mark the tree as
void QSGTransformNode::setCombinedMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &matrix)
m_combined_matrix = matrix;
\class QSGRootNode
\brief The QSGRootNode is the toplevel root of any scene graph.
The root node is used to attach a scene graph to a renderer.
\fn QSGRootNode::QSGRootNode()
Creates a new root node.
: QSGNode(RootNodeType)
Deletes the root node.
When a root node is deleted it removes itself from all of renderers
that are referencing it.
while (!m_renderers.isEmpty())
destroy(); // Must call destroy() here because markDirty() casts this to QSGRootNode.
Called to notify all renderers that \a node has been marked as dirty
with \a flags.
void QSGRootNode::notifyNodeChange(QSGNode *node, DirtyState state)
for (int i=0; i<m_renderers.size(); ++i) {>nodeChanged(node, state);
\class QSGOpacityNode
\brief The QSGOpacityNode class is used to change opacity of nodes.
\inmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-scenegraph-nodes
Opacity applies to its subtree and can be nested. Multiple opacity nodes
will be accumulated by multiplying their opacity. The accumulation happens
as part of the rendering.
When nested opacity gets below a certain threshold, the subtree might
be marked as blocked, causing isSubtreeBlocked() to return true. This
is done for performance reasons.
\note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
Constructs an opacity node with a default opacity of 1.
Opacity accumulates downwards in the scene graph so a node with two
QSGOpacityNode instances above it, both with opacity of 0.5, will have
effective opacity of 0.25.
The default opacity of nodes is 1.
: QSGNode(OpacityNodeType)
Deletes the opacity node.
\fn qreal QSGOpacityNode::opacity() const
Returns this opacity node's opacity.
const qreal OPACITY_THRESHOLD = 0.001;
Sets the opacity of this node to \a opacity.
Before rendering the graph, the renderer will do an update pass
over the subtree to propagate the opacity to its children.
The value will be bounded to the range 0 to 1.
void QSGOpacityNode::setOpacity(qreal opacity)
opacity = qBound<qreal>(0, opacity, 1);
if (m_opacity == opacity)
DirtyState dirtyState = DirtyOpacity;
if ((m_opacity < OPACITY_THRESHOLD && opacity >= OPACITY_THRESHOLD) // blocked to unblocked
|| (m_opacity >= OPACITY_THRESHOLD && opacity < OPACITY_THRESHOLD)) // unblocked to blocked
dirtyState |= DirtySubtreeBlocked;
m_opacity = opacity;
\fn qreal QSGOpacityNode::combinedOpacity() const
Returns this node's accumulated opacity.
This value is calculated during rendering and only stored
in the opacity node temporarily.
Sets the combined opacity of this node to \a opacity.
This function is meant to be called by the node preprocessing
prior to rendering the tree, so it will not mark the tree as
void QSGOpacityNode::setCombinedOpacity(qreal opacity)
m_combined_opacity = opacity;
For performance reasons, we block the subtree when the opacity
is below a certain threshold.
bool QSGOpacityNode::isSubtreeBlocked() const
return m_opacity < OPACITY_THRESHOLD;
\class QSGNodeVisitor
\brief The QSGNodeVisitor class is a helper class for traversing the scene graph.
void QSGNodeVisitor::visitNode(QSGNode *n)
switch (n->type()) {
case QSGNode::TransformNodeType: {
QSGTransformNode *t = static_cast<QSGTransformNode *>(n);
break; }
case QSGNode::GeometryNodeType: {
QSGGeometryNode *g = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(n);
break; }
case QSGNode::ClipNodeType: {
QSGClipNode *c = static_cast<QSGClipNode *>(n);
break; }
case QSGNode::OpacityNodeType: {
QSGOpacityNode *o = static_cast<QSGOpacityNode *>(n);
break; }
void QSGNodeVisitor::visitChildren(QSGNode *n)
for (QSGNode *c = n->firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling())
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGGeometryNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "Geometry(null)";
return d;
d << "GeometryNode(" << hex << (const void *) n << dec;
const QSGGeometry *g = n->geometry();
if (!g) {
d << "no geometry";
} else {
switch (g->drawingMode()) {
case QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip: d << "strip"; break;
case QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleFan: d << "fan"; break;
case QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles: d << "triangles"; break;
default: break;
d << "#V:" << g->vertexCount() << "#I:" << g->indexCount();
if (g->attributeCount() > 0 && g->attributes()->type == QSGGeometry::FloatType) {
float x1 = 1e10, x2 = -1e10, y1=1e10, y2=-1e10;
int stride = g->sizeOfVertex();
for (int i = 0; i < g->vertexCount(); ++i) {
float x = ((float *)((char *)const_cast<QSGGeometry *>(g)->vertexData() + i * stride))[0];
float y = ((float *)((char *)const_cast<QSGGeometry *>(g)->vertexData() + i * stride))[1];
x1 = qMin(x1, x);
x2 = qMax(x2, x);
y1 = qMin(y1, y);
y2 = qMax(y2, y);
d << "x1=" << x1 << "y1=" << y1 << "x2=" << x2 << "y2=" << y2;
if (n->material())
d << "materialtype=" << n->material()->type();
d << ')';
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGClipNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "ClipNode(null)";
return d;
d << "ClipNode(" << hex << (const void *) n << dec;
if (n->childCount())
d << "children=" << n->childCount();
d << "is rect?" << (n->isRectangular() ? "yes" : "no");
d << ')';
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGTransformNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "TransformNode(null)";
return d;
const QMatrix4x4 m = n->matrix();
d << "TransformNode(";
d << hex << (const void *) n << dec;
if (m.isIdentity())
d << "identity";
else if (m.determinant() == 1 && m(0, 0) == 1 && m(1, 1) == 1 && m(2, 2) == 1)
d << "translate" << m(0, 3) << m(1, 3) << m(2, 3);
d << "det=" << n->matrix().determinant();
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
d << ')';
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGOpacityNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "OpacityNode(null)";
return d;
d << "OpacityNode(";
d << hex << (const void *) n << dec;
d << "opacity=" << n->opacity()
<< "combined=" << n->combinedOpacity()
<< (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << ')';
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGRootNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "RootNode(null)";
return d;
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << "RootNode" << hex << (const void *) n << (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << ')';
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QSGNode *n)
if (!n) {
d << "Node(null)";
return d;
switch (n->type()) {
case QSGNode::GeometryNodeType:
d << static_cast<const QSGGeometryNode *>(n);
case QSGNode::TransformNodeType:
d << static_cast<const QSGTransformNode *>(n);
case QSGNode::ClipNodeType:
d << static_cast<const QSGClipNode *>(n);
case QSGNode::RootNodeType:
d << static_cast<const QSGRootNode *>(n);
case QSGNode::OpacityNodeType:
d << static_cast<const QSGOpacityNode *>(n);
case QSGNode::RenderNodeType:
d << "RenderNode(" << hex << (const void *) n << dec
<< "flags=" << (int) n->flags() << dec
<< (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << ')';
d << "Node(" << hex << (const void *) n << dec
<< "flags=" << (int) n->flags() << dec
<< (n->isSubtreeBlocked() ? "*BLOCKED*" : "");
d << QSGNodePrivate::description(n);
d << ')';
return d;