blob: 5ff72de0a03ecc0fbc653e6dac05b355b50dc5d0 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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#include <qtest.h>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <qqmlinfo.h>
#include "../../shared/util.h"
class tst_qqmlinfo : public QQmlDataTest
tst_qqmlinfo() {}
private slots:
void qmlObject();
void nestedQmlObject();
void nestedComponent();
void nonQmlObject();
void nullObject();
void nonQmlContextedObject();
void types();
void chaining();
void messageTypes();
void component();
QQmlEngine engine;
void tst_qqmlinfo::qmlObject()
QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFileUrl("qmlObject.qml"));
QObject *object = component.create();
QVERIFY(object != nullptr);
QString message = component.url().toString() + ":3:1: QML QtObject: Test Message";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(object) << "Test Message";
QObject *nested = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(object->property("nested"));
QVERIFY(nested != nullptr);
message = component.url().toString() + ":6:13: QML QtObject: Second Test Message";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(nested) << "Second Test Message";
void tst_qqmlinfo::nestedQmlObject()
QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFileUrl("nestedQmlObject.qml"));
QObject *object = component.create();
QVERIFY(object != nullptr);
QObject *nested = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(object->property("nested"));
QVERIFY(nested != nullptr);
QObject *nested2 = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(object->property("nested2"));
QVERIFY(nested2 != nullptr);
QString message = component.url().toString() + ":5:13: QML NestedObject: Outer Object";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(nested) << "Outer Object";
message = testFileUrl("NestedObject.qml").toString() + ":6:14: QML QtObject: Inner Object";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(nested2) << "Inner Object";
void tst_qqmlinfo::nestedComponent()
QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFileUrl("NestedComponent.qml"));
QObject *object = component.create();
QVERIFY(object != nullptr);
QObject *nested = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(object->property("nested"));
QVERIFY(nested != nullptr);
QObject *nested2 = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(object->property("nested2"));
QVERIFY(nested2 != nullptr);
QString message = component.url().toString() + ":10:9: QML NestedObject: Complex Object";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(nested) << "Complex Object";
message = component.url().toString() + ":16:9: QML Image: Simple Object";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(nested2) << "Simple Object";
void tst_qqmlinfo::nonQmlObject()
QObject object;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML QtObject: Test Message");
qmlInfo(&object) << "Test Message";
QTimer nonQmlObject;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML QTimer: Test Message");
qmlInfo(&nonQmlObject) << "Test Message";
void tst_qqmlinfo::nullObject()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: Null Object Test Message");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << "Null Object Test Message";
void tst_qqmlinfo::nonQmlContextedObject()
QObject object;
QQmlContext context(&engine);
QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(&object, &context);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: QML QtObject: Test Message");
qmlInfo(&object) << "Test Message";
void tst_qqmlinfo::types()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: false");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << false;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: 1.1");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << 1.1;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: 1.2");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << 1.2f;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: 15");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << 15;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: 'b'");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QChar('b');
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: \"Qt\"");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QByteArray("Qt");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: true");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << bool(true);
//### do we actually want QUrl to show up in the output?
//### why the extra space at the end?
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: QUrl(\"\") ");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QUrl("");
//### should this be quoted?
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: hello");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QLatin1String("hello");
//### should this be quoted?
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: World");
QString str("Hello World");
QStringRef ref(&str, 6, 5);
qmlInfo(nullptr) << ref;
//### should this be quoted?
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: Quick");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QString ("Quick");
void tst_qqmlinfo::chaining()
QString str("Hello World");
QStringRef ref(&str, 6, 5);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: false 1.1 1.2 15 hello 'b' World \"Qt\" true Quick QUrl(\"\") ");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << false << ' '
<< 1.1 << ' '
<< 1.2f << ' '
<< 15 << ' '
<< QLatin1String("hello") << ' '
<< QChar('b') << ' '
<< ref << ' '
<< QByteArray("Qt") << ' '
<< bool(true) << ' '
<< QString ("Quick") << ' '
<< QUrl("");
// Ensure that messages of different types are sent with the correct QtMsgType.
void tst_qqmlinfo::messageTypes()
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtDebugMsg, "<Unknown File>: debug");
qmlDebug(nullptr) << QLatin1String("debug");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, "<Unknown File>: info");
qmlInfo(nullptr) << QLatin1String("info");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "<Unknown File>: warning");
qmlWarning(nullptr) << QLatin1String("warning");
void tst_qqmlinfo::component()
QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFileUrl("Component.qml"));
QScopedPointer<QObject> object(component.create());
QVERIFY(object != nullptr);
QQmlComponent *delegate = qobject_cast<QQmlComponent*>(object->property("delegate").value<QObject*>());
QString message = component.url().toString() + ":4:34: QML Component: Delegate error";
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtInfoMsg, qPrintable(message));
qmlInfo(delegate) << "Delegate error";
#include "tst_qqmlinfo.moc"