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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qdeclarativegeomapitemgroup_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativegeomapitembase_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
\qmltype MapItemGroup
\instantiates QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup
\inqmlmodule QtLocation
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
\since QtLocation 5.9
\brief The MapItemGroup type is a container for map items.
Its purpose is to enable code modularization by allowing the usage
of qml files containing map elements related to each other, and
the associated bindings.
\note The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.
\section2 Example Usage
The following snippet shows how to use a MapItemGroup to create a MapCircle, centered at
the coordinate (63, -18) with a radius of 100km, filled in red, surrounded by an ondulated green border,
both contained in a semitransparent blue circle with a MouseArea that moves the whole group.
This group is defined in a separate file named PolygonGroup.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtPositioning 5.6
import QtLocation 5.9
MapItemGroup {
id: itemGroup
property alias position:
property var radius: 100 * 1000
property var borderHeightPct : 0.3
MapCircle {
id: mainCircle
center : QtPositioning.coordinate(40, 0)
radius: itemGroup.radius * (1.0 + borderHeightPct)
opacity: 0.05
visible: true
color: 'blue'
anchors.fill: parent parent
id: maItemGroup
MapCircle {
id: groupCircle
center: itemGroup.position
radius: itemGroup.radius
color: 'crimson'
onCenterChanged: {
MapPolyline {
id: groupPolyline
line.color: 'green'
line.width: 3
function populateBorder() {
groupPolyline.path = [] // clearing the path
var waveLength = 8.0;
var waveAmplitude = groupCircle.radius * borderHeightPct;
for (var i=0; i <= 360; i++) {
var wavePhase = (i/360.0 * 2.0 * Math.PI )* waveLength
var waveHeight = (Math.cos(wavePhase) + 1.0) / 2.0
groupPolyline.addCoordinate( + waveAmplitude * waveHeight , i))
Component.onCompleted: {
PolygonGroup.qml is now a reusable component that can then be used in a Map as:
Map {
id: map
PolygonGroup {
id: polygonGroup
position: QtPositioning.coordinate(63,-18)
\image api-mapitemgroup.png
QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickItem(parent), m_quickMap(nullptr)
connect(this, &QQuickItem::opacityChanged,
this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged);
void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::setParentGroup(QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup &parentGroup)
m_parentGroup = &parentGroup;
connect(m_parentGroup, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged,
this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacityChanged);
void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::setQuickMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *quickMap)
if (!quickMap && m_quickMap)
m_quickMap = quickMap;
if (m_quickMap) {
connect(m_quickMap, &QQuickItem::widthChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged);
connect(m_quickMap, &QQuickItem::heightChanged, this, &QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged);
QDeclarativeGeoMap *QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::quickMap() const
return m_quickMap;
qreal QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::mapItemOpacity() const
return ((m_parentGroup) ? m_parentGroup->mapItemOpacity() : 1.0) * opacity();
void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::classBegin()
void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::componentComplete()
// In certain cases the parent won't be set via the constructor, but rather later on
// during the instantiation/incubation process.
// Therefore calling setParentGroup here, when the parent is known.
// The childrenChanged use case to handle dynamically-added items is currently unsupported.
const QList<QQuickItem *> &quickKids = childItems();
for (QQuickItem *k : quickKids) {
QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *childGroup
= qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup *>(k);
if (childGroup) {
QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *childItem
= qobject_cast<QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase *>(k);
if (childItem) {
void QDeclarativeGeoMapItemGroup::onMapSizeChanged()